Rates Retention Scheme: Pooling Proposal 1. Pool title or description Nottinghamshire County Pool – all local authorities in Nottinghamshire (excluding Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire Fire Authority and Nottinghamshire Police Authority) 2. Lead Contact for pool; Paul Simpson Director of Finance & Procurement Nottinghamshire County Council County Hall West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP 01159 773441 3. Local authorities included in pool: Nottinghamshire County Council, Ashfield District Council, Mansfield District Council, Gedling Borough Council, Bassetlaw District Council, Broxtowe Borough Council, Newark & Sherwood District Council and Rushcliffe Borough Council. 4. Counties and / or Local Enterprise Partnership(s) pool covers: The pooling area covers Nottinghamshire County, being the two-tier area comprising the County Council and the District Councils of Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Broxtowe, Gedling, Mansfield, Newark & Sherwood and Rushcliffe. At this time, the pool excludes Nottingham City Council and the Nottinghamshire Police and Fire authorities. The pooling area reflects longstanding relationships and service integration between the County and District levels and in part, relationships with the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). 5. What is the aim / rationale for the pool? Please briefly describe: As referenced above, the pool builds on the already strong and well-established service relationships, with the overall aim of growing the local economy. Specifically, opportunities will be exploited to enhance the pool through links to wider funding sources such as the D2N2 LEP’s Growing Places Funding and potentially, European Funding where that exists. This will allow the partners to prioritise activity that increases the competitiveness of the area and stimulates private sector economic growth. It will also allow for the planning of economic growth across the functional economic area covered by the pool rather than being constricted by local authority administrative boundaries.
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