The new science of personalized

The new science of personalized medicine: Translating the promise into practice

Table of contents

The heart of the matter 2

Personalized medicine is presenting new challenges and opportunities for players within and beyond the health industry. Collaboration will be a key to success.

An in-depth discussion 6

Personalized medicine is redefining the health industry and disrupting existing business models.

Personalized medicine: the new science 7 Reinventing the Traditional “Big Pharma” Model 14 : an early winner 17 Technology-based opportunities 22 Healthcare providers in flux 24 Payers’ actions will drive the business models of other participants 26 Government must be an enabler, not an obstacle 28 Much progress has been made but many challenges remain 33

What this means for your business 34

Sustainability will require a long-term strategy, cross-industry collaboration, and technical expertise.

Organizations will profit together, not alone 35 Successful organizations will keep their eyes on the prize: consumers 40 Expertise matters 42 Personalized medicine is a marathon, not a sprint 43 Conclusion 45

October 2009 The heart of the matter Personalized medicine is presenting new challenges and opportunities for players within and beyond the health industry. Collaboration will be a key to success.

2 The new science of personalized medicine Advances in genomic and proteomic science over the past decade have led to the development of “targeted” diagnostics and therapeutics that leverage knowledge of an individual’s genetic makeup to create a more personalized approach to healthcare. Genomic testing enables us to identify an individual’s susceptibility to disease, predict how a given patient will respond to a particular drug, and match patients with the right therapeutics. This new science of personalized medicine has the potential to eliminate unnecessary treatments, reduce the incidence of adverse reactions to drugs, increase the efficacy of treatments and ultimately, improve health outcomes.

Personalized medicine is often defined as “the right treatment for the right person at the right time.” The new science is embodied in an approach dubbed P4TM medicine by The Institute for Systems and its co-founder, Dr. , because of its four attributes: it is personalized, taking into account an individual’s genetic profile; predictive, anticipating health problems and drug reactions; preventive, focusing on wellness, not disease; and participatory, empowering patients to take more responsibility for healthcare decisions. Patient empowerment is part of a broader trend toward consumer-focused healthcare, enabled by easy access to health information that was once available only to medical professionals.

There are many other definitions of personalized medicine; the boundaries of this emerging market are fluid. PricewaterhouseCoopers defines personalized medicine broadly, as products and services that leverage the science of and (directly or indirectly) and capitalize on the trends toward wellness and consumerism to enable tailored approaches to prevention and care. This definition encompasses everything from high-tech diagnostics to low-tech foods to technologies that enable storage, analysis and linking of patient and scientific data.

While the market for diagnostic tests and that leverage this new science is growing, the biggest opportunities exist outside of the traditional healthcare sector. The U.S. personalized medicine market is estimated at about $232 billion and is projected to grow 11% annually, nearly doubling in size by 2015 to over $450 billion. The core diagnostic and therapeutic segment of the market—comprised primarily of pharmaceutical, medical device and diagnostics companies—is estimated at $24 billion, and is expected to grow by 10% annually, reaching $42 billion by 2015. The personalized medical care portion of the market—including telemedicine, health information technology, and disease management services offered by traditional health and technology companies—is estimated at $4-12 billion and could grow tenfold to over $100 billion by 2015. And the related nutrition and wellness market—including retail, complementary and offered by consumer products, food and beverage, leisure and retail companies—is estimated at $196 billion and projected to grow by 7% annually to over $290 billion by 2015.

The heart of the matter PricewaterhouseCoopers 3 Personalized medicine is a disruptive In addition to collaboration, sustainable innovation that will require the development success will depend on technical expertise, of new business models, particularly for a focus on the consumer, and a long-term health industry players. As the boundaries vision and plan. Personalized medicine is between traditional healthcare offerings a marathon, not a sprint. and wellness products and services blur, and as the trend toward consumer- focused healthcare accelerates, companies Major Trends in outside the health industry are finding new Personalized Medicine opportunities. We believe that companies outside the traditional healthcare arena, • Growing number of companies from PepsiCo to Procter & Gamble, entering the space, but not could be formidable competitors, due to without difficulty their skills and experience in targeting consumers, who are contributing to the • Entry of companies from outside rapid growth of the wellness market. To the health industry compete in this market, organizations will need new approaches, new • Collaboration required in order relationships, and new ways of thinking. to succeed

The move toward personalized medicine is inevitable, but the transition will not be Where to begin? easy. As companies search for sustainable models, one theme has emerged clearly: Following are key recommendations the need for collaboration. Personalized for health industry players as they medicine is a complex undertaking. No consider how to respond to the emerging player or sector with its current portfolio personalized medicine market and explore of capabilities can succeed in isolation. sustainable business models.

Providers/ Pharma, Provider Biotech & Systems/ Recommended Collaborative Efforts Dx Cos. AMCs Payers Government

• Identify new pathways for approval of targeted diagnostics, X X X therapeutics and theranostics

• Design regulatory, privacy and IP framework to support new X X X product development

• Develop reimbursement strategies that encourage innovation and X X X X spread risk

• Jointly pursue tests and treatments for widespread (and costly) X X X X chronic conditions

• Accelerate translation of discoveries from “bench to bedside” X X X X

4 The new science of personalized medicine Additional Recommendations for Individual Players

Pharmaceutical, and Diagnostics Companies • Articulate the benefits of products in the pipeline to payers and regulators as early as possible, to win their support and increase the odds of successful commercialization. • Engage with academic medical centers and other research organizations with access to patient populations, to accelerate recruitment for clinical trials. • Educate consumers about the need for, and benefits of, personalized medicine solutions. • Explore new development models that use patient sub-groupings in order to enrich clinical trials, expedite conditional/ interim approvals, and reduce post-market label warnings or recalls.

Providers/Provider Systems/Academic Medical Centers • Look to other industries, such as consumer products companies, to learn how to market directly to patients and deliver excellent customer service. • Partner with experts in personalized medicine, and recruit and administrators with expertise in the field. • Adopt electronic health records and support industry efforts to create a system of interoperable EHRs to reduce costs and medical errors and support further advancements in personalized medicine.

Payers • Become educated about the science and benefits of personalized medicine. Consult with experts and institutions at the forefront of advancing the new science. • Set clear reimbursement criteria upfront, to help reduce R&D expenses for pharma and diagnostic companies, which ultimately will lower your costs as well as theirs. • Redesign reimbursement models to focus on pay for performance. • Work with pharma and diagnostics companies to maintain current, accurate information on the clinical efficacy of personalized medicine tests and treatments and use the information to inform benefits policies and coverage decisions. • Analyze claims data to identify unmet needs that personalized medicine could address.

Government • Provide funding, tax subsidies and other protections to diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies to develop new targeted tests and therapies. • Create public-private partnerships and fund collaborative private research efforts to accelerate personalized medicine solutions. • Invest in the interconnected IT infrastructure and create supporting legislation (privacy, etc.) to enable pooling and analysis of health data.

The heart of the matter PricewaterhouseCoopers 5 An in-depth discussion Personalized medicine is redefining the health industry and disrupting existing business models.

6 The new science of personalized medicine Personalized medicine: the new science

In 1898, William Stewart Halsted, considered the father of American , developed an innovative approach to the treatment of breast cancer: the radical mastectomy.1 A century later, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an even more radical innovation: a biological compound called , which binds to the cells of some cancerous tumors, triggers the body’s defense system to attack them, and may prevent the cells from replicating.2

Trastuzumab, better known by its brand name, Herceptin, was one of the first drugs to leverage the power of to treat disease. It is prescribed only for patients whose genetic tests reveal an over-expression of the HER2 due to a gene —an indicator of an aggressive form of cancer that is responsive to treatment by the drug. Unlike chemotherapy drugs, which attack any cell that is replicating rapidly, including healthy cells, Herceptin is customized to target only those cells associated with disease. As a result, the drug has none of the associated with chemotherapy, such as hair loss and digestive problems.

Welcome to the new science of personalized medicine.

Over the past decade, advanced research into genomics (the study of an organism’s genes) and proteomics (the study of the that genes create or “express”) has accelerated our understanding of individual differences in genetic makeup, opening the door to a more personalized approach to healthcare. “If you want to understand a disease, genetics gives you the opportunity to shine a bright light into the darkness of our ignorance so we can provide better ways to prevent and treat,” says Dr. , the former Director of the National Center for Human Research within the National Institutes of Health who is now Director of the NIH.3

Since Genentech’s Herceptin and companion HER2 test were approved in 1998, they have been joined by a growing roster of “targeted” diagnostics and therapeutics that are tailored to the genetic makeup of the individual.

The science of genomics and proteomics has the potential to personalize healthcare, enabling providers to match drugs to patients based on their genetic profiles, identify who is susceptible to which health conditions, and determine how a given patient will respond to a particular (a field known as ). That could eliminate unnecessary treatments, minimize the potential for adverse events, and ultimately, improve patient outcomes.

Recent scientific discoveries have enabled a new view of disease that focuses on interactions at the molecular level, which differ from one person to the next. “Take into account that your genome and mine differ by 6 million (which is the basic unit of organic acids found in all living cells). Then, therefore, we’re susceptible to all sorts of combinations of diseases,” says Dr. Leroy Hood, co-founder of the Institute for (ISB) and pioneer in personalized medicine. “We have to treat you differently than we treat me and everybody else. How we create an era of highly personalized

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 7 medicine will depend entirely on new • It is preventive; it facilitates a proactive diagnostic, therapeutic and ultimately… approach to health and medicine, which preventive techniques.” 4 shifts the focus from illness to wellness.

Personalized medicine often is defined as • It is participatory; it empowers patients “the right treatment for the right person to make informed choices and take at the right time.” Some interpret this to responsibility for their own health. mean that every person will receive a one-of-a-kind form of care. Others point This last attribute of P4 medicine—patient out that we will never be able to predict empowerment—is part of a broader trend perfectly the many types of medical toward consumer-focused healthcare, responses possible among individuals, and enabled by easy access to health that personalized medicine will need to information that was once available only to emphasize the use of diagnostic skills and medical professionals. According to search tests to guide selection of the treatment engine, 70% of adults use the that is most likely to be optimal for each Internet as a primary resource for medical patient. The latter group includes Dr. and health information—only slightly less Raymond Woosley, president and CEO than the 72% who turn to their primary of the Critical Path Institute (C-Path), a physicians for advice.5 This information collaboration of government, industry and access is creating educated healthcare academia whose goal is to accelerate the consumers and shifting the traditional development and commercialization of balance of power between patients and targeted diagnostics and therapeutics. providers. “Access to information, and “I don’t think personalized medicine the growing education of the patient, are means that we’ll have a different specific diluting the decision-making power, which treatment for every individual,” says used to be totally centered on health Woosley, ”but that there are characteristics professionals,” says Dr. João Silveira, of each individual that can be better vice president of Portugal’s National defined and incorporated into disease Association of . management once a diagnosis is made.” There are many definitions of personalized The new science of personalized medicine medicine; the boundaries of this is embodied in an approach dubbed P4TM emerging market are fluid. While the P4 medicine by ISB and Dr. Hood, because of approach focuses mainly on genomics its four attributes: and proteomics, for purposes of this paper PricewaterhouseCoopers defines personalized medicine more broadly, as • It is personalized; it is based on an products and services that leverage the understanding of how science of genomics and proteomics drives individual treatment. (directly or indirectly) and capitalize on the trends toward wellness and • It is predictive; it is able to identify what consumerism to enable tailored conditions a person might contract in the approaches to prevention and care. This future and how the person will respond definition encompasses everything from to a given treatment, enabling the high-tech diagnostics to low-tech foods to development of a tailored health strategy. technologies that enable storage, analysis and linking of patient and scientific data.

8 The new science of personalized medicine Companies outside the health industry through its Branded Active Benefits—food could be formidable competitors components that are incorporated into existing products and provide consumers Think of personalized medicine as a set with a complementary health benefit, in of concentric rings, with the innermost addition to the good taste and normal rings representing medical applications of nutrient content of the product itself. genomic and proteomic research, such as Other top food and beverage companies targeted diagnostics and pharmaceuticals, have signaled similar intentions, including and the outermost rings representing Danone, Unilever, General Mills, Kellogg, health and wellness products and services PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and Yakult. far removed from the traditional healthcare arena, such as sports drinks and As individuals gain greater appreciation genomics-based cosmetics. for their unique disease risk profiles, they are demanding foods that address their As the lines among these rings blur, so specific health concerns, and the food do the boundaries of the “healthcare” industry is responding with more targeted industry. Already, a number of non- products. In addition to chocolate bars, traditional healthcare companies are Nestlé offers nutrition products targeted marketing personalized medicine to and diabetes patients.7 As services to consumers—and posing new the burden of healthcare costs shifts to competition for traditional players in the consumers, they may try to limit their healthcare space. We believe that many exposure to co-pays and other costs. of the successes in the marketplace are Consumption of functional foods may likely to come from companies such come to be seen as an alternative form as Google and Wal-mart, PepsiCo and of medicine. Procter & Gamble as well as healthcare start-ups better able to operate under Indeed, there is a growing grey area between the new consumer-oriented paradigm. As nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. Less the wellness market continues to expand regulation of functional foods means more and encroach upon traditional healthcare competition for regulated just territory, such companies could be beyond the grey area. formidable competitors. Consumer products companies, too, are The food industry is poised to capitalize leveraging genomics and proteomics to on consumer-focused healthcare. The target new products directly to consumers. industry is creating a variety of “functional For instance, Procter & Gamble’s genomics foods” (often called “nutraceuticals”)— research identified differences in the nutrient-rich products aimed at proactive reaction of older and younger skin at the consumers who understand the role of molecular level. The results led to the diet in health and wellness, and who launch of its Olay Pro-X line of skin creams, want to combat chronic disease through designed to make older skin “act” younger prevention. In 2003, Nestlé, a global leader via active ingredients that stimulate in food products, declared that it was molecular responses.8 The company also “moving from an agrifood business to an collaborated in a study to explore the R&D-driven nutrition, health and human genome’s response to a common wellness company.”6 Nestlé’s strategy cold virus, in the hopes of developing new is to add functionality to foods, such as cold treatments.9

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 9 Technology companies also are capitalizing on the relate to consumers if they are to compete in an era of move toward personalized medicine. Some are personalized medicine. Retailers, consumer product providing the computational power to accelerate companies and other players accustomed to marketing the process of genome sequencing, while others directly to consumers may have an advantage in are exploring other business opportunities, from this regard over organizations that traditionally have providing data storage, mining and analysis to targeted physicians or businesses. The biggest developing the IT infrastructure and connectivity opportunity in personalized medicine may lie in solutions to support research. identifying new products, services and information targeted directly to consumers. Success in this All players in the health industry, from pharmaceutical space will require new approaches, new relationships, and diagnostics companies to hospitals and primary and new ways of thinking. care providers, will have to change the way they

The Personalized Medicine Landscape

Industry/sector Key Challenges Key Opportunities Key Barriers

Pharmaceutical, • Moving from • Reducing time, cost, • Changing research funding models and biotech and medical general to specific size and failure rate of drug approval regulations device companies treatments, and from clinical trials • Addressing pricing and reimbursement disease treatment • Capitalizing on to prevention • Identifying appropriate incentives for preferential use of innovation and premium pricing for drugs of proven • Addressing changing revenue streams effectiveness (i.e., shift from blockbuster model to smaller, targeted markets) • Reducing the number of drugs recalled due • Navigating the cultural shift required to safety concerns to work with diagnostics companies to match drugs with companion diagnostics • Developing the ability to share R&D information internally and with external collaborators • Recognizing the need to share “precompetitive data” to avoid redundant research

Diagnostic companies • Developing and • Capitalizing on a • Addressing joint Dx/Rx approval validating new growing market processes / regulations, including the diagnostics to driven partly by daunting cost of traditional randomized enable personalized new, value-based controlled trials medicine reimbursement • Addressing pricing and reimbursement policies practices • Creating new • Determining if, when, and how to partner partnerships with with drug companies pharmaceutical companies • Identifying and mobilizing resources needed to educate physicians about • Capitalizing on new diagnostic tests distribution models to create new • Developing improved decision support businesses tools to assist physicians in taking actions based on test results

10 The new science of personalized medicine The Personalized Medicine Landscape

Industry/sector Key Challenges Key Opportunities Key Barriers

Technology • Developing new • Facilitating new, • Developing common data standards business models data-driven health companies • Accelerating medicine / IT convergence (including to capitalize on the care models value of data • Understanding and influencing emerging medical device • Facilitating new data regulatory standards manufacturers) • Developing/ mining models to embracing new make sense of vast • Protecting privacy and preventing genetic technologies for quantities of data discrimination measurement and • Developing new visualization • Securing regulatory approval of product offerings combination devices • Creating new • Overcoming a lack of domain knowledge partnerships of the space

Other non-healthcare • Adapting to a new • Developing new • Educating the public about the multitude companies (e.g., focus on wellness products of wellness options available and the rise of consumer products, • Tapping new markets • Influencing and understanding emerging consumerism food, beauty/ regulations • Engaging in more cosmetics) • Developing effective precise customer • Developing better consumer metrics strategies to broaden segmentation the definition of • Overcoming a lack of domain knowledge what is considered of the health care space “health” • Addressing consumer demands for higher quality foods and products that contribute to healthfulness

Health systems, • Providing cutting- • Developing new • Adapting to the “unbundling” of AMCs and other edge care while models of care the hospital and to non-traditional controlling health competitors providers • Increasing revenues care delivery costs • Making operational changes • Improving quality / • Getting reimbursed outcomes • Correcting misalignment of incentives for providing wellness and • Managing consumer/patient expectations prevention services for costly and potentially unnecessary diagnostic tests • Operationalizing a consumer-oriented business model

Government and • Embracing innovation • Influencing new • Realigning provider incentives private payers reimbursement • Controlling health • Collecting and disseminating models care reimbursement outcomes data costs while improving • Identifying risk more health care outcomes precisely while to increase value per delivering improved dollar spent quality

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 11 Personalized Medicine Market Size, 2009 and 2015

CAGR ’09-’15 Total 11%1 Nutrition & Wellness 7% 2015 2009 Nutrition/Organic Care 7% Total Market: $344-452bn Total Market: $225-232bn Complementary & 2% Alternative Medicine Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition & Wellness Medical Retail 22% Total: $292bn Total: $196bn Health Clubs & Spa 10% Complementary Health Clubs & Spa: Complementary Health Clubs & Spa: & Alternative $37bn Personalized 44% & Alternative $61bn Medicine: $36bn Medical Care Medicine: $41bn Nutrition/ Medical Retail: Remote Patient 23%- Nutrition/ Organic Medical Retail: Organic Personalized $3bn / 92% care: $181bn $10bn care: $120bn Medical Care Total: Telemedicine Personalized Medical Care $5-12bn Total: $9-118bn RPM/ EMR: Electronic Medical 15% Records RPM/ EMR: Telemedicine: $2bn Telemedicine: $6bn $0-7bn CORE P4 DM: Disease Management 6% $0-109bn Total: $24bn $2bn CORE P4 DM: CORE P4 10% Total: $42bn $3bn Esoteric Lab Esoteric Esoteric Lab Services 10% Services: Test Sales: Esoteric Lab Esoteric $6bn $5bn Services: Test Sales: Esoteric Test Sales 13% $11bn $10bn Targeted (incl Molecular Therapeutics: Diagnostics) $13bn Targeted Targeted Therapeutics 9% Therapeutics: $21bn Molecular Diagnostics: $3bn A broader definition of the market could include: Molecular • Stem cell products growing from $2bn in 2009 Diagnostics: $7bn Note: Totals may differ due to rounding to $3-21bn in 2015 1 Reflects upper range of RPM/Telemedicine • Genetically Modified products growing from $5bn in 2009 to $20bn in 2015 Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis.

12 The new science of personalized medicine Personalized medicine market is billion by 2015.11 The personalized medical growing rapidly care portion of the market—including telemedicine, electronic medical records, While still in the early stages, personalized and disease management services—is medicine is steadily emerging as the new estimated at $4 billion to $12 billion and healthcare paradigm. In the U.S., the total could grow tenfold to over $100 billion by market for personalized medicine currently 2015.12 This segment is largely comprised is estimated at $232 billion and is projected of a range of healthcare players, as well as to grow 11% annually, nearly doubling information technology companies that are in size by 2015, to a total of $452 billion, starting to enter the space. according to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ estimates. The core segment of the Such robust market size and growth market—comprised primarily of diagnostic potential will continue to attract many tests and targeted therapies—is estimated new players and require the development at $24 billion, and is expected to grow by of new business models. A wide variety 10% annually to $42 billion by 2015.10 of organizations are entering this space, including consumer products, food and While the market for personalized beverage, leisure and retail companies, as medicine diagnostics and therapeutics well as more traditional health companies shows great potential, the biggest that are successful in marketing directly opportunities exist beyond these core to consumers. products and services— particularly in less traditional, more consumer-oriented There are other products and services areas. The nutrition and wellness market— related to the field of personalized including retail health, complementary medicine, such as genetically modified and alternative medicine, nutraceuticals food and stem cell products. The growth and organic care, and health clubs and of these newly emerging submarkets is spas—is estimated at $196 billion and difficult to predict. projected to grow by 7% annually to $292

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 13 Reinventing the Traditional “Big Pharma” Model

Rather than placing bets on blockbuster depend on it.”13 Lechleiter cites many drugs that target broad populations, in an benefits of pursuing what he calls “tailored era of personalized medicine Big Pharma therapeutics,” among them the ability must discover and develop tailored to understand risks and benefits at the therapies for smaller markets. The concept level of the individual. He also cites the of tailoring is not new to the industry; for expanded use of to identify years, pharma companies have segmented unpromising drugs early in the R&D customers by type of disease and used process and to run smaller, accelerated biomarkers such as cholesterol levels to clinical trials that can be modified in guide treatment decisions. However, the mid-stream as evidence emerges. development of new therapeutics based on genomics and proteomics will require Lechleiter acknowledges his peers’ an entirely new level of tailoring. concern over replacing the revenues lost from blockbuster drugs, but he sees Many in the a viable new revenue model emerging: view the prospect of smaller markets “Instead of getting a relatively small and shrinking revenues as the greatest share of a really large pie—the traditional challenge they will face over the next blockbuster model—a tailored therapy decade, as blockbuster drug patents could expect to claim a relatively large continue to expire. Others are more share of a more segmented pie,” he sanguine, including John Lechleiter, says. “Repeat prescribing and patient chairman and chief executive officer of compliance almost certainly would occur Eli Lilly and Company, who says “our at a higher rate—further supporting the business model will accommodate economic case. The net results, in terms personalized medicine—in fact, it may of sales, actually look quite favorable.”14

Value of patent expiries 2001-2015 (constant USD billion)



Average annual loss 15 US$16.4 bn




2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

$157 billion sales exposed to generic competition by 2011 Source: IMS Health Midas

14 The new science of personalized medicine The jury is out on the impact of and 245 deals were closed. Those personalized medicine on adherence to numbers represent a decline over 2007, medication regimens, but it’s clear there thanks to a deep recession, but overall, is the potential for the emergence of VC investments have been trending “niche busters”—drugs targeted to small upward since 2004. populations but carrying a high price tag—to replace some of the income lost Many recent deals have targeted oncology as blockbusters go off patent. Educational drugs, which have been at the forefront efforts targeted to consumers could help of advancing personalized medicine, for to raise awareness of and demand for new several reasons. The diagnosis of cancer personalized therapeutics. is almost always based on a biopsy; subsequent examination of cells or tumor tissue is also common. The different Biotech is filling the pipeline15 slide-based technologies used in the , such as , Rather than develop targeted therapeutics fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), in their labs, most of the major and chromogenic in situ hybridization pharmaceutical companies are turning to (CISH) have paved the way for small biotech firms to fill the pipeline with pharmacodiagnostic testing.16 new personalized medicines that could replace lost revenues. The venture capital The bulk of venture capital investments (VC) community is looking to capitalize on since 2004 have been allocated to Big Pharma’s interest in biotech. Overall, expansion and later stage companies, venture capital investment in human as VCs continue to hold firm—and biotech (excluding medical devices) expensive—positions in biotech companies companies totaled $2.7 billion in 2008, with the brightest exit prospects. Smaller

Biotech Investment Trends

6 5.2 5 4.6 4.5 4.3 3.9 4

) Other biotech s

on 3 Human biotech illi B

$ ( 2 3.1 2.7 2.1 2.3 2.1 1

0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers/National Venture Capital Association MoneyTreeTM Report (data: Thomson Reuters)

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 15 biotech firms that find it difficult to secure directly to where they are needed. Philips venture capital might turn to alternative has developed a technology to encapsulate sources of funding and support, including drugs in biodegradable bubbles that are non-profit foundations. Some foundations delivered via ultrasound to tumors. Selecta are acting as investors, providing early BioSciences is working on biodegradable stage funding for proof of concept nanoparticles targeting lymph nodes. And a and target validation as well as project company called MicroCHIPS is developing management support and access to their implantable silicon chips that store drugs in network of scientific experts and research the body and release them on demand.18 clinics needed to translate discoveries into the clinic.17 The convergence of medical devices, information technology and telecommunications is producing products Nanotechnology devices will target that monitor patients and transmit data medication delivery directly to clinicians. For instance, Corventis offers a wireless technology The development of targeted therapeutics platform that gathers cardiovascular will bring new opportunities for medical data, automatically detects clinical events device companies whose products can and transmits the data to clinicians, and deliver personalized medications to tracks long-term physiological trends— specific parts of the body. For instance, information that can be used to develop a Medtronic is investing in implanted pumps more personalized treatment approach.19 and other devices to target medications

Human biotech investments by stage of development Amount invested 154.7 , $ 1 ,083.3 ,068.4 ,059.5 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $957.6 $868.3 $836.4 $820.7 $792.6 $735.1 $685.1 $670.5 $409.8 $328.5 $310.6 $187.2 $161.1 $133.4 $67.8 $51.0

Number of deals 18 34 40 35 38 58 50 63 80 72 71 64 79 79 73 45 58 47 66 62

MoneyTree stage Start-up/SeedSeed/Start-Up Stage EarlyEarly Stage ExpansionExpansion Stage LaterLater Stage

The initial stage. The company has a Product or service is in Product or service is The company has a product or service production and com- widely available. Company concept or product in testing or pilot mercially available. The is generating on-going under development but production. In some company demonstrates revenue; probable positive is probably not fully cases, the product significant revenue growth cash flow. More likely to operational. Usually in may be commercially but may or may not be be, but not necessarily existence less than available. May or may not showing a profit. Usually profitable. May include 18 months. be generating revenues. in business more than spin-offs of operating Usually in business less three years. divisions of existing than three years. private companies and established private companies.

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers/National Venture Capital Association MoneyTree™ Report (data: Thomson Reuters)

16 The new science of personalized medicine Molecular diagnostics: an early winner

One area of personalized medicine Molecular diagnostics market is that shows early promise is molecular poised for rapid growth diagnostics—tests used to identify proteins and other biomarkers of disease, Molecular diagnostics represents one of or disease susceptibility. “One of the the fastest growing segments of the $37 innovation areas with the highest impact billion market for in vitro diagnostics, which will be the whole field of early and correct includes test tube diagnostics such as diagnoses,” says Mars di Bartolomeo, glucose monitoring for diabetes care but Luxembourg Minister of Health. “More excludes diagnostics for research use.21 than anything else, we need objectivity This market segment is expected to grow and medical efficiency within therapy. 14% annually between 2007 and 2012, By nature, this need will lead us to the from $2.6 billion to $5.0 billion.22 approach of personalized medicine.” The diagnostics sector is more Molecular diagnostics, which include concentrated than the pharmaceutical imaging and lab tests, are used to guide sector. The 10 largest IVD players treatment decisions and create prevention accounted for approximately 75% of the strategies. They can predict which patients market in 2007, compared with 45% for the are likely to have an adverse reaction top 10 pharmaceutical companies. Some to a drug and help a decide companies develop diagnostics products, whether to use a particular drug, patient while others are mainly service providers by patient. That can lead to better health that perform diagnostic testing. Roche has outcomes and could prevent black box the largest IVD market share, at 20%. warnings or recalls for drugs that may be highly effective for a large population but As the molecular diagnostics segment can have severe—even fatal—adverse grows, Big Pharma is entering the space. reactions for a small subset of patients. is one example of a major pharma company that has launched a molecular Molecular diagnostics come with a high diagnostics division. price tag—typically thousands of dollars per test—but many payers will reimburse accounted for $580 million for them if they can help to avoid even of the molecular diagnostics market in higher treatment costs by identifying 2007, or roughly 21%.23 The genetic patients who likely will or will not respond testing segment is highly fragmented; to a given drug. For instance, the majority nearly 40% of the segment is made up of of private payers provide coverage for the niche players.24 As the technology evolves, Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Test developed we expect to see more competition from by Genomic Health because the test diagnostics that test for multiple conditions (roughly $4,000—many times the average and produce speedier results. For instance, cost of a lab test) can help to avoid even a Colorado-based company, Beacon higher chemotherapy costs, if test results Biotechnology, is testing a device in the indicate treatment isn’t warranted. Genomic form of a disposable computer chip that Health estimates that by identifying those can detect as many as 112 diseases or who would not benefit from treatment, genetic conditions using just one drop of the test can reduce chemotherapy use body fluid, and in some cases can generate by 20% to 35% and yield a savings of results in just 15 minutes.25 approximately $1900 per patient tested.20 Aside from the cost savings, the test prevents needless pain and suffering.

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 17 The sector faces regulatory and to tighten regulations over diagnostics other challenges manufacturers, which could lead to the elimination of CLIA waivers for molecular While growth prospects for molecular diagnostics.26 Such a move would diagnostics are bright, there is concern increase the cost, time and complexity in some quarters that rapid growth is of developing new diagnostics and outpacing clinicians’ ability to interpret could stall growth in the sector. test results. “There’s a need to develop reasonable guidelines for the use of genetic In addition to regulatory hurdles, test results, which requires understanding diagnostics companies face questions a staggering amount of information,” about the evidence required for says Dr. Troy Brennan, executive vice reimbursement of diagnostics tests. president and chief medical officer of CVS A recent high-profile example of the Caremark, a major integrated industry’s reimbursement challenges services provider. “In addition, counseling relates to , a widely used blood for genetic issues is critical, but there thinner. Determining the proper dosage are too few genetic counselors to handle of warfarin is tricky, and incorrect dosing the need. The biggest concern is that can cause serious problems; too small diagnostic tests will ‘bleed’ into the system a dose and blood clots could form, without clear guidelines, without enough too high a dose and the patient may counselors to help patients understand experience excessive bleeding. For the results, and without payers willing to many years, Medicare reimbursed the reimburse for them.” cost of genetic testing to determine the appropriate dosage of warfarin, but The sector also faces challenges related in 2009, the Centers for Medicare and to a potential change in the regulatory Medicaid Services (CMS) said it would process for validating new tests. Before discontinue paying for the test because IVDs can be sold in the marketplace, they new research had revealed that it was not must either win approval from the FDA or cost-effective. However, Medicare has be certified as compliant with the Clinical agreed to cover the cost of tests (typically Laboratory Improvement Amendments $50-$500) for participants in upcoming (CLIA), a federal program designed to clinical trials designed to further evaluate ensure the quality of laboratory tests. the efficacy of testing.27 The warfarin case Under CLIA, if a test is deemed as a raises questions about the government’s minimal risk to , FDA requirements for demonstrating the testing requirements can be waived. effectiveness of diagnostics, and whether reimbursement, once established, might So-called CLIA waivers are a popular be denied at some future point. pathway for genetic tests, but in 2006 the FDA announced its intention to increase the regulation of lab developed tests, The forecast for theranostics 28 and the subject has been debated ever is mixed since. In July 2009, Alberto Gutierrez, the FDA’s new director of the Office of In Vitro One factor that could spur growth in the Diagnostic Device Evaluation and Safety, diagnostics sector is the trend toward signaled that the agency is prepared “theranostics”—combinations of targeted

18 The new science of personalized medicine therapeutics and companion diagnostics. better manage their health status. Market Genentech’s Herceptin and companion research analysts estimate the size of HER2 diagnostic is a prominent example the global market for genetic testing at of a theranostics solution. $730 million, with a 20% annual growth rate.29 Though a relatively small portion The push to develop theranostics is of this market, direct-to-consumer (DTC) being driven in part by payers, who is expected to grow rapidly in response are increasingly demanding evidence to consumer demands and declining of efficacy to support reimbursement prices. From companies such as DNA decisions. Regulatory bodies also Direct, , Inverness Medical could accelerate the development of Innovations, and Navigenics, products theranostics. The FDA, which has identified start at a few hundred dollars. However, 28 valid biomarkers, has designated four prices and services vary widely and may that require a diagnostics test prior to include supplements, access to telephone prescribing the companion drug (tests counseling, and other services, such for the other 24 biomarkers on the list are as the development of personalized only “recommended” or “for information”). treatment programs. The European counterpart of the FDA, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA, Some industry watchdogs question the (an organization for the European Union usefulness and security of DTC test with responsibilities similar to the FDA’s), results and are concerned that some of requires companion diagnostics for 11 these companies may be side-stepping targeted therapies. regulatory and third-party reimbursement issues. Companies that develop DTC Thus far, there is little evidence that tests may focus on testing hundreds or diagnostics companies are embracing thousands of positions in the genome, partnerships with pharma companies to but scientists do not yet understand the develop theranostics. The development relationship between the vast majority risk and time to market associated with of these sites and disease. In addition, drug candidates make the development most DTC testing is not diagnostic but of a companion diagnostic significantly prognostic—focused on determining less attractive to major diagnostics genetic susceptibility, on probabilities manufacturers than the revenues they rather than the presence of disease— generate from their traditional target which adds to the complexity. In effect, market of clinical laboratories. That said, if consumers may be paying for information government agencies increase the use of that no one yet knows how to use. In biomarkers and diagnostics in prescribing addition, companies marketing DTC decisions, it’s likely that pharma and tests claim to protect privacy, but there diagnostics companies will increase their is no guarantee that information won’t collaboration in this area. be shared, as there is little oversight.

Because of such concerns, several states The direct-to-consumer (DTC) and some countries are regulating or diagnostic market is growing— prohibiting DTC genetic testing. Some DTC and controversial testing companies are using scientific expert advisors to help address these issues. Genetic testing products for in-home use are empowering consumers with real-time information, enabling them to predict their medical risks, detect disease earlier, and

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 19 remarkable discoveries made in academic No Child Left Behind: laboratories and the further development How molecular and commercialization required, simply because the market for children with diagnostics could cancer is small. improve the treatment In 2006, Dr. Baber helped to launch of childhood cancer The Nicholas Conor Institute (TNCI) ( to Beth Baber is a woman on a mission. In address the challenge of developing more Beth Baber is a woman on a mission. personalized treatment for childhood In 2005, Dr. Baber, a cancer researcher cancer. The Institute is working toward and mother of three, learned that her the development of treatment-specific, 15-month-old son, Nicholas Conor Boddy, predictive molecular diagnostics to enable had high-risk neuroblastoma—a malignant the customization of cancer therapies tumor that originates from the spine. After for each child. This strategy will reduce seven rounds of intensive chemotherapy, unnecessary exposure to highly toxic surgery and retinoic acid therapy, drugs, lead to better responses and Nicholas remains in remission, but during longer survival, and minimize long-term the course of his treatment, Dr. Baber (and costly) side effects. learned that children with rare cancers such as neuroblastoma are all given the The initial goal is to develop molecular same chemotherapy drugs; there is no diagnostics that will provide better personalization of treatment approaches. guidance for the use of existing chemotherapy drugs rather than requiring Furthermore, because relatively few children the costly development of new treatments. get cancer, there’s a dearth of therapies “We hope to develop companion tailored for them. Instead, children often diagnostics that will determine in advance are treated with smaller doses of drugs if a child is going to respond to a specific originally designed for adults and which chemotherapy drug,” says Baber. “A lot are harsh on young bodies. As a result, of drugs have been shelved because the majority of children that survive after they were thought to be ineffective, but chemo- and/or develop they may be effective if given to the right a plethora of long-term side effects, such person. Companion diagnostics could help as infertility, hearing loss, abnormal bone us to identify the ‘right person,’ so that growth, secondary cancers, and a marked drugs could be pulled off the shelf and decrease in the functioning of the heart, commercialized for children.” lungs, and kidneys. To achieve that goal, TNCI is focusing Renowned institutions such as St. Jude on promising academic research that is Children’s Research Hospital, Memorial not being translated into clinical practice Sloan-Kettering and The Children’s Hospital because of the high cost of the R&D of Philadelphia have made great strides required. The Institute is collaborating in developing new therapies for children. with small biotech firms, filing joint grant However, there is a gap between the

20 The new science of personalized medicine applications, and seeking supplemental AltheaDx hopes that its new test will funding from philanthropic organizations one day replace the current standard for to move discoveries from the bench to the diagnosing childhood cancer—or rather, bedside. “Pediatric cancer is an orphan the lack of a standard. “Today there is no disease, and there are many rare diseases, defined protocol for diagnosing childhood not only in children but in adults,” says cancer,” says Dr. Monforte. “Some Baber. “If we can implement a lower-cost pathologists are more thorough than others R&D model, it could serve as a model for in their testing. And in cases where they are other orphan diseases.” less aggressive, there’s a greater likelihood of a misdiagnosis. We hope to provide a The Institute is also collaborating uniform approach to making the cancer directly with a diagnostics company, diagnosis, through a single, definitive test.” AltheaDx (, which is producing the first childhood cancer In the meantime, Dr. Baber continues diagnostic panel for small round blue cell to work toward a future when cancer tumors—a category of tumors that look treatments will be more personalized to much the same under a microscope but the individual child. “Every time I go to are produced by a variety of cancers, a doctor’s appointment with Conor I see each requiring a different treatment. The children suffering from cancer, and it’s diagnostic can differentiate the types of frustrating to me that they’re not getting small round blue base cell tumors with all the help they could, when I know that 99% accuracy so that the appropriate the technology is available to improve treatment can be given. their treatment,” she says. “Ten years from now, if we’re successful, we’ll be able to “The implication of giving a child the say that we can tailor existing therapeutics wrong treatment is that the child does to produce better outcomes for children. not respond,” says Dr. Joseph Monforte, And hopefully the industry will start to chief scientific officer of AltheaDx. “In the commercialize new cancer therapies for worst case scenario, that leads to tragedy, them, despite the small market size. I but more often it leads to unnecessary really want to make sure that no child pain and suffering because the treatment is left behind.” for each form of cancer is so different. A definitive diagnosis provides the optimal chance that the child will immediately get placed on the right treatment and have the best chance of being cured.”

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 21 Technology-based opportunities

Technology companies, including some Some companies are leveraging massive with no health expertise, are capitalizing computing power to identify new on emerging opportunities to manage vast personalized medicines. For instance, Gene quantities of genetic and other health data. Network Sciences, a private company At the same time, they are driving down based in Cambridge, Mass., is using related costs. As an example, it took more supercomputers to mine , than 13 years and $2.7 billion to complete gain insights into the causes of disease the in 2003—the and identify potential new diagnostics and first successful effort to sequence a treatments. 33 The company is collaborating human’s DNA. Only four years later, a with cancer researchers at the University similar project took two months and cost of Connecticut to model personalized less than $1 million.30 Currently, California- medicines for cancer.34 based Pacific Biosciences is working on a platform to sequence the human genome In 2009, Microsoft entered the space in less than 15 minutes at a cost of $100. as well, acquiring a piece of Rosetta Sensing the potential, in 2008 Intel Capital, Biosoftware, a genetic data management the venture arm of the technology giant, software that enables gene analysis to co-led a group of investors that injected identify compounds that have the most $100 million into the start-up.31 promising potential for developing into drugs.35 The company plans to integrate Expanding storage capabilities and the software into Microsoft Amalga Life processing power will create new business Sciences, which helps researchers to opportunities in personalized medicine. integrate data from multiple internal and “ will allow us to external systems. gather data on individual patients that was otherwise impossible even five years ago,” says ISB’s Hood. “In 10 years’ time, we Electronic health records (EHRs) will have billions of data points on every could accelerate research individual, and we will need a substantial investment in IT for healthcare to address Interoperable electronic health records this.” A new breed of programmers and (EHRs) could enable the sharing of analysts will be needed to make sense genomic, proteomic, and other health of the data; our ability to generate data data related to personalized medicine is rapidly outstripping our capability to data among research organizations, and understand and interpret it. pooling and analysis of data to identify trends and accelerate research efforts. When asked if being able to aggregate “In the disaggregated, paper files of and analyze electronic health tens of thousands of doctors’ offices, information is critical to the expansion we are squandering one of the greatest of personalized medicine, 86% of untapped resources in healthcare: pharmaceutical companies surveyed by namely, the knowledge of what works PricewaterhouseCoopers said that they and what does not work in the treatment “strongly” or “somewhat” agreed.32 Their of patients based on their particular responses highlight the importance of characteristics and medical histories,” analytical and technological capabilities says Sidney Taurel, former chairman of in an era of personalized medicine. A Lilly and an early advocate of personalized number of health analytics firms have been medicine. “Tapping this resource—in formed to capitalize on the opportunities conjunction with the rise of genetic testing presented by the glut of health data for individual patients—could yield a waiting to be mined. true wealth of insight on personalized

22 The new science of personalized medicine medicine, making treatments safer, more Twitter also could find opportunities in predictable, and more effective across personalized medicine, for services such the board.” Achieving this goal, he says, as home-based monitoring and patient- requires “an infrastructure for building and to-patient social networking. Some patient sharing health records electronically” and advocate sites enable social networking “a rigorous privacy code that prevents activities but there is the opportunity for disclosure and discrimination.”36 niche providers to build new and enhanced models. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provides $36 billion to create The potential of the web is illustrated a healthcare IT infrastructure that will by PatientsLikeMe, a social networking include a national, interoperable EHR site where patients can form online system. Building such an infrastructure communities and share resources and will be a major undertaking. With the treatment information. The site has exception of connectivity among cancer attracted communities of patients in a centers associated with the cancer range of disease areas, from more common Biomedical Informatics Grid® of the ailments such as Parkinson’s to rare National Cancer Institute (caBIG®) and a diseases such as primary lateral sclerosis.37 handful of other local efforts, medical and In April 2009, the company announced academic research organizations operate the launch of its specialized Genetics in informational silos. Many have difficulty Search Engine for patients with ALS. connecting information sources within Through the online platform, ALS patients their own walls, much less sharing it can share their genetic information with with other organizations. one another and search for others in the community who share the same gene, or However, connecting EHRs has many even the same gene mutation that caused challenges because of the differing data the disease. The site may also enable types and formats; there is a need for researchers to accelerate progress in agreement on common data standards to understanding the etiology of disease and reduce complexity. A lack of consistent the discovery of new treatments.38 terminology adds to the complexity. Social media sites also can connect healthcare professionals in diagnosis and New businesses that leverage the treatment. For instance, Serma enables web will emerge physicians to connect with their peers, corroborate or challenge the opinions of As healthcare decisions and treatments other physicians, identify trends and pool are pushed closer to the patient, moved to their knowledge to improve outcomes for the home and focused on the consumer, their patients.39 Networks such as this connectivity will be critical. Companies that could enable physicians to jointly address play a connectivity role, including internet the multidisciplinary challenges posed by service providers (ISPs), social networking personalized medicine. sites and emerging technologies such as

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 23 Healthcare providers in flux

Will the family doctor be might have to learn a dozen gene-based disintermediated? variations on the disease, each requiring a different treatment. They will need to For healthcare providers, personalized interpret the results of sophisticated medicine offers the potential to improve genetic tests and translate them into the quality of care, through more precise effective prevention and treatment diagnostics, better therapies, and access strategies. Decision support tools will be to more accurate and up-to-date patient essential to guide treatment decisions data and sophisticated decision support based on test results, but physicians tools. For example, advanced diagnostics will also require a solid background in potentially could be performed at home, genomics and proteomics to make the best with test data uploaded to the Internet for use of these sophisticated tools. Without remote analysis and referral to a specialist the right tools, and the training required if needed, bypassing the primary care to use them effectively, the personalized physician completely. But such disruptive medicine market will not advance in the innovations could bolster competition and provider space or elsewhere. threaten family practitioners.40 In addition to educating themselves in In this new environment, allied health genomics and proteomics, physicians will professionals such as nurse practitioners need to hone their communication skills to and physicians’ assistants may play a provide genetic counseling and address greater role. Physicians also could face the delicate issues surrounding targeted competition from pharmacists. With tests and treatments. The physician additional specialized training, pharmacists accustomed to offering solutions may may be well equipped to help patients have to explain to a cancer patient why the navigate the personalized medicine drug that saved her brother won’t work for landscape and understand the implications someone with her genetic makeup. The of potentially thousands of new targeted doctor who is reimbursed for outcomes, therapeutics. not procedures, might have to decline the request for a diagnostic test, knowing Primary care providers may have to build the results won’t change the patient’s new service lines around prevention and prognosis. (We’re seeing this happen wellness in order to replace revenues in the case of ovarian cancer. A test to lost from traditional medical procedures. detect a protein called CA125 is When they do, they can expect to face routinely used to identify whose cancer is low-cost competition from non-healthcare likely to recur, so that early treatment with companies skilled in consumer marketing, chemotherapy can begin. While patients and consumers armed with knowledge of may find the test reassuring, researchers in their options. the UK have concluded that early treatment makes no difference in survival rates.)41

Physicians will need training in To educate the next generation of genomics and proteomics physicians and nurses in the complex issues raised by genomic and proteomic For primary care practitioners to remain science, universities will have to update relevant in an era of personalized medicine, their programs. A handful of top medical they must become educated in the science schools, such as Baylor College of and clinical application of genomics Medicine, are leading the way in and proteomics. Doctors accustomed developing new curricula to address to one approach for all diabetic patients this gap in knowledge.

24 The new science of personalized medicine Perhaps the physician of the future will makes them well positioned to identify be trained in engineering as well as unmet market needs and discover new medicine, to gain a greater understanding targeted therapies. of new nanoscale medical devices used for personalized medicine Academic medical centers also have and diagnostics. Some physicians might access to massive amounts of patient data, be trained as genomics and proteomics which accelerates the discovery process. specialists with holistic knowledge of many At the start of the millenium there were different diseases and an understanding of more than 300 million biospecimens in gene interactions, eliminating the need for storage at AMCs. This rich pool of samples patients to see a variety of specialists to could be mined for data to identify trends treat their ailments. and correlations between outcomes and genetic profiles across subpopulations, accelerating research progress.42 Some Hospitals must find new sources AMCs are moving in this direction. For of revenue instance, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, an AMC affiliated with Harvard Medical As the emphasis on wellness grows and School, is planning to link patients’ genetic payers and consumers seek alternative, data with the rich clinical information in less expensive forms of care, hospital its EHR system to enable analysis that admissions may shrink, and these could lead to new tailored treatments and providers will have to deliver new forms prevention strategies. The ultimate goal of care in order to maintain their revenue is to expand the project to members of flows. The hospital model already is the Partners Healthcare System, to which undergoing a major shift in parts of Asia, Brigham and Women’s belongs and which including Singapore, where some hospitals serves hundreds of thousands of patients.43 offer wellness, nutrition and even services While the potential for such initiatives is such as botox treatments. By contrast, enormous, so are the costs and challenges U.S. hospitals generally restrict the scope related to linking, mining and analyzing of their services to those covered by genetic data, as well as to protecting Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers. In patient confidentiality. the process, they risk defining themselves out of a viable role in the future, as more The NIH is creating an integrated network consumer-oriented service providers of leading AMCs through its Clinical and encroach on their business. Translational Science Awards (CTSA) program, which eventually will link Hospitals linked to universities may have roughly 60 of the top institutions across brighter prospects, as they are poised to the country to focus on clinical and take the lead in personalized medicine translational science.44 The CTSA program research. Academic medical centers encourages multidisciplinary research (AMCs) in the U.S. are the main recipients and a collaborative approach that could of federal research grants and hold accelerate advances in personalized many patents in molecular diagnostics. medicine. Recipients of CTSA grants Their unique combination of academic are well positioned to be winners in the research, state-of-the-art technology, academic research space. and clinical care

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 25 Payers’ actions will drive the business models of other participants

How payers approach personalized Payers also worry that the investments medicine is critical, as their reimbursement they make could benefit competitors. schemes will influence the business On average, 25% of individuals change models of pharma and diagnostics health plans each year, in part because companies as well as providers who most insurance is employment-based. depend on third-party payment. Payers As a result, one payer might invest in that want to embrace the new science will costly diagnostics and early intervention have to rethink how they define coverage. that might reduce or eliminate the need Insurance premiums today are based on for surgery in the future, but by then the actuarial statistics that apply to large, member may have changed plans, and predictable populations. By contrast, the new insurer will benefit from the earlier personalized medicine targets small investment.46 Some consumers might populations, which are far less stable and even opt to purchase a health plan that predictable from an actuarial standpoint. covers personalized medicine diagnostics, Payers will need to develop new actuarial then switch to a less costly plan for their assumptions on which to base their ongoing care.47 Despite the fact that all reimbursement models.45 insurers face the same problem and any given one potentially could be affected by members switching plans, such Payers worry that the cost of potential scenarios make some payers personalized medicine could be reluctant to cover targeted diagnostics unsustainable and therapeutics.

Personalized medicine has the potential to reduce payers’ costs in the long term by Major payers are leading the way providing the precise diagnostics required to avoid unnecessary or ineffective Despite such concerns, major payers treatments, prevent adverse events, are beginning to embrace personalized develop prevention strategies, and deliver medicine. For instance, many plans of more effective, targeted therapeutics. Aetna and Kaiser Permanente include coverage for genetic counseling. Aetna If personalized medicine succeeds covers certain genetic tests where the in preventing or successfully treating result of the test will directly impact widespread chronic conditions such the treatment of that individual. Kaiser as diabetes, the cost savings could be also has enrolled 400,000 northern enormous. But this potential has yet to California members in a long-term be realized, and many payers (and the research program to identify the role of employers who pay much of the health genes and the environment in health.48 insurance tab in the U.S.) are concerned Geisinger Health System has gone even that the high costs of new targeted further with its members, asking them diagnostics and therapeutics could be to provide DNA samples, and about unsustainable. They also worry that the 90% complied. Geisinger is linking this costs could be additive, given the history genomic information with its EHR system of healthcare innovations, which typically and , in order to gain insights into supplement rather than replace existing patients’ risks for various chronic health tests or treatments. conditions, with the ultimate goal of improving health outcomes.49

26 The new science of personalized medicine Such moves by major players likely will Pay for performance could spur efforts by other insurers to make accelerate adoption of forays into personalized medicine. An IDC personalized medicine survey of 61 healthcare payers in the U.S. found that many payers are beginning to As payers search for ways to reduce costs, move toward implementing personalized they are moving away from paying for medicine solutions, and are focusing in procedures—the traditional reimbursement particular on targeted diagnostics and paradigm—and toward outcomes-based therapeutics.50 When asked if they expect reimbursement or “pay for performance” their organizations to reimburse for (P4P). The number of P4P programs in the expensive therapies if they fill an unmet United States is increasing rapidly. The need, roughly 26% of survey respondents compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for said yes, and another 59% said they might such programs, from a variety of sponsors do so in the future. (mainly government, employers, and commercial health plans) between 2003- The pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) 2009 is estimated at 26.5%, from 39 in also are getting involved, adding genomics- 2003 to an estimated 160 in 2009.52 related products to their menus of benefits and collaborating on genomics research. In The trend toward P4P could accelerate 2008, Medco Health Solutions, one of the the adoption of personalized medicine, nation’s largest PBMs, announced a two- if clinical data shows that targeted year research partnership with the FDA to diagnostics and therapies reduce payers’ explore the link between genetics and the costs. Until there is evidence to show efficacy of prescription drugs.51 that a targeted diagnostic, therapeutic or theranostic solution will save money, payers are not likely to provide reimbursement. Genomic Health offers a good example. Initially, consumers had to pay out of pocket for the company’s Oncotype DX test. Only when sufficient clinical data was gathered to quantify potential cost savings did payers begin to reimburse for the test.

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 27 Government must be an enabler, not an obstacle

As major funders of healthcare, One goal of C-Path is to accelerate the governments worldwide play a key role development of approved biomarkers and in advancing (or impeding) the progress related diagnostics. As C-Path president, of personalized medicine. Government Dr. Woosley is motivated to achieve can be an enabler of the new science that goal by his own experience in the by funding research, implementing design of Roche Diagnostics’ AmpliChip appropriate reimbursement and regulatory CYP450 test, which analyzes two genes policies, and addressing key issues such that influence drug metabolism and is as data privacy and IP rights to genomic used to guide dosing decisions and discoveries. As many parts of the world prevent adverse events. “In 1995 I went look to U.S. policies and initiatives in on sabbatical and helped develop the the area of personalized medicine at this Amplichip, but it was ten years before it stage, we will focus largely on the role and went to the FDA,” he says. “It’s frustrating activities of U.S. government agencies in to see it not move more quickly, because the personalized medicine space. the science that was approved in 2008 had been available since 1996.” To accelerate Government actions in four areas will the approval process, C-Path collaborates be critical in driving the progress of with the FDA, EMEA, and multiple personalized medicine: reimbursement, pharmaceutical companies to jointly regulation, privacy and intellectual address translational challenges. property (IP). We noted earlier that current, volume-based reimbursement models By working with EMEA, C-Path could do not support personalized medicine, explore the development of global and there is no viable regulatory path for standards, so that a drug approved in targeted diagnostics, therapeutics, and Europe would be automatically approved in theranostics. If personalized medicine is the U.S., and vice versa. Global standards to move forward, these critical issues could reduce or eliminate duplication of must be addressed. effort and streamline the approval process, which will become even more critical as the number of new diagnostics and The FDA’s Critical Path Initiative is therapeutics continues to grow. tackling translational challenges through collaboration The FDA is engaged in other collaborations that could advance personalized medicine. In 2004, the FDA launched the Critical Among others, these include the two- Path Initiative to improve the process by year research partnership with Medco which new medical products are developed cited earlier, and a partnership with the and approved. In 2005, the FDA and the NIH and the Pharmaceutical Research University of Arizona formed the Critical and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Path Institute (C-Path), an independent, to test tools that can mine databases non-profit organization, to implement the of information about health outcomes, initiative. C-Path is forging collaborations with the goal of improving monitoring of among the FDA, academia and industry to pharmaceuticals for safety.53 For instance, shorten the path for bringing new drugs, the ability to mine and correlate patient diagnostics and medical devices to market. data could enable clinicians to identify adverse drug reactions more quickly.54

28 The new science of personalized medicine Government must balance privacy FasterCures survey noted, “We don’t want needs with research requirements the politics of fear of privacy breaches to get in the way of the needed advances.”57 To bolster privacy in response to the growth of genomics research, in 2008 Government must strike a balance, Congress passed the Genetic Information establishing policies and writing legislation Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which that provides financial incentives for the is designed to protect consumers private sector while protecting the public’s against discrimination by employers or interest in furthering genomics research. healthcare insurers based on genetic Federal legislators are debating the profiles that could indicate they are at appropriate length of patent protection risk of contracting a particular disease or for new biotechnology drugs. While some condition. GINA may ease concerns of lawmakers want to limit exclusive IP many consumers about participating in rights to five years, the biotech industry is clinical trials and maintaining EHRs. Some arguing for protection for 12 to 14 years advocates refer to GINA as a civil rights bill in order to break even and encourage the for an era of genomics.55 development of new therapeutics.58

Protecting consumers’ privacy is essential, The IP battle also is being fought in the but if privacy laws are too restrictive they courtroom. In May 2009 the American could impede research by prohibiting Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) partnered access to patient data and tissue with a group of leading researchers, health samples. Some state privacy laws are organizations and cancer patients to bring creating barriers to the adoption of EHRs. a lawsuit against the U.S. Patent and According to a study by researchers at MIT Trademark Office and Myriad Genetics, and the University of Virginia, in states that challenging the validity of two of the adopted stricter privacy laws, the adoption company’s patents for gene sequences of EHRs by hospitals was up to 30% lower associated with breast and ovarian cancer than in states without such restrictive risk.59 Myriad’s business model is built legislation.56 This argues in favor of around its IP for all testing related to the national legislation in order to accelerate BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene sequences—a research efforts. monopoly that enables the company to charge a premium price for BRCA tests. Some argue for an “opt out” approach Myriad’s patents have been ignored to privacy under which patients’ health by some health systems in Europe and records and biospecimens, with identifying Canada and the patents were invalidated information detached, would be used for in Europe in 2004, on the grounds that the research unless the patient declines. That company hadn’t invented anything new. would enable the research to progress The plaintiffs in the ACLU lawsuit may not even if some consumers opt not to prevail, but the case highlights the financial participate. As one respondent to the stakes involved and hints at the obstacles that lie ahead for personalized medicine.

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 29 The impact of comparative could remove access to viable drugs that effectiveness is unclear are effective for small populations but might not be chosen as “best in class.” The economic stimulus package passed That would shrink the market for those under the Obama administration includes drugs and could discourage research several provisions that could impact the and development of new, and potentially advancement of personalized medicine. costly, personalized medicines. Critics In addition to the $36 billion for creation in the U.S. point to the UK, where a of a healthcare IT infrastructure noted similar approach has resulted in claims of earlier, the package provides $10 billion “rationing of care.” A 2009 report on the in biomedical funding for the National National Institute for Health and Clinical Institutes of Health (NIH), and $1.1 billion Excellence (NICE), the gatekeeper for the for comparative effectiveness research UK’s efforts at cost-effective medicine, to identify which drugs perform best and recommended raising the price ceiling on ensure that government and patients get some innovative drugs for two or three the most for their money. years.60 This signals the willingness of the government to experiment more broadly in Funding of comparative effectiveness the personalized medicine space. Industry research is a controversial component of observers will be watching closely, as the stimulus package. Critics, including the U.S. government’s implementation of many in the pharmaceutical industry, comparative effectiveness will influence the view it as a cost-cutting initiative that reimbursement decisions of private payers.

How government can help

Government can have a profound • Privacy: Implement policies that influence in shaping the future of enable sharing of patient data and personalized medicine by taking biospecimens needed for research actions in four key areas: while ensuring the privacy and security of patient data. • Regulatory: Create clear and reasonable pathways for approval of • Intellectual property (IP): Create IP personalized medicine diagnostics and policies and legislation that provide therapeutics, and for co-development financial incentives to develop new of drugs and diagnostics (i.e., drugs and diagnostics while balancing theranostics). the need for sharing of scientific information to advance research. • Reimbursement: Change reimbursement models from volume- to value-based, from rewarding for treatment/disease to paying for outcomes/wellness.

30 The new science of personalized medicine Government agencies shaping personalized medicine

Four organizations in the U.S. and Europe genomics and proteomics, and other aspects of will play a key role in shaping the future of personalized medicine. Bolstered by $10 billion in personalized medicine. funding from the economic stimulus, the NIH can enhance its research into biomarkers of disease Centers for Medicare & Medicaid and the development of targeted diagnostics Services (CMS) and therapeutics. The NIH also is creating an integrated network of leading AMCs through its As the largest healthcare payer in the U.S., CMS Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) could have a profound impact on the advancement program. These institutions will likely be at the of targeted diagnostics and therapeutics and the forefront of scientific research to advance the adoption of a proactive healthcare model that science of personalized medicine. emphasizes health, wellness and the prevention of disease. Reimbursement models developed European Medicines Agency (EMEA) by CMS tend to be adopted by most private insurers. CMS is expected to move forward in The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) is the the direction of adopting a more outcomes- governing body of the European Union that is based reimbursement model that could spur responsible for promoting public health and safety the development of targeted diagnostics and and has regulatory approval and oversight of therapeutics. new diagnostics and therapeutics. It is roughly equivalent to the FDA in the United States but is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decentralized organization. EMEA could accelerate the spread of personalized medicine through As the federal agency responsible for approval its approval process, under which only a single and regulation of drugs and diagnostics, the application is required to secure approval of a drug FDA faces a major challenge to develop a clear, or diagnostic in all EU countries. viable pathway for the approval of new targeted diagnostics, therapeutics, and theranostics. Efforts One major objective of the EMEA is to make safe such as the Critical Path Initiative are paving the and effective medicines available to patients. way for collaborations with industry to address the Better medicines need to reach the market in a challenge and accelerate progress in personalized timely manner and be evaluated using state-of- medicine. The FDA also could speed progress by the-art methods. A key goal of the EMEA Road supporting conditional approvals—allowing smaller Map 2010 is to foster research and innovation in and less expensive clinical trials for personalized the pharmaceutical industry across the European medicines, then utilizing personal mobile devices Union. To this end, an “EMEA/CHMP think-tank (smart phones) to monitor patient compliance group on innovative ” was and performance to determine if problems are created. The group comprises EMEA staff and emerging, thereby enabling quality and safety. several members of different scientific committees/ working parties of the Agency acting as an National Institutes of Health (NIH) internal focus group. These experts aim to identify scientific bottlenecks to the development of The NIH, which is responsible for U.S. medical innovative medicines, both in the industry’s R&D research in the public domain, is guided by its and in the academic environment.61 NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, which includes funding for research into systems biology,

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 31

Much progress has been made but many challenges remain

We have described the activities of Consumer behavior is another obstacle to various players who are moving into the personalized medicine, one that is often personalized medicine market—some overlooked or underestimated. Targeted aggressively, others cautiously. We diagnostics and therapeutics are not a also have highlighted the key scientific, panacea for medical conditions that drive business, and regulatory hurdles they face, healthcare costs. Lifestyle habits play a key and the progress that has been made. role in disease and disease management, Additional challenges in all three areas and they are notoriously difficult to change. must be overcome before personalized The late anthropologist Margaret Mead medicine can fulfill its promise. famously declared that it is easier for a man to change his religion than his diet. (More recently, Bill Gates has noted that Tremendous progress has been made bathroom scales have not curbed the rise in genomic and proteomic research, but in obesity.62) For providers and patients, scientists still have much to learn about shifting the healthcare paradigm from the precise biological mechanisms that treatment to prevention of disease, from predict or trigger disease in a given illness to wellness, will not be easy. individual, the interaction of multiple genes and proteins with the environment, and how to translate that knowledge into Other key challenges include needs prevention and treatment strategies. Some related to information gathering, sharing businesses have experienced success and interpretation: for universal standards in the personalized medicine market, but for managing genomic information in there are few viable business models for electronic medical records; improvement other organizations to follow. Indeed, in the collection and interpretation of one of the more uncertain aspects of clinical data; and development of new personalized medicine is whether the strategies to educate practitioners and anticipated benefits will be realized at patients/consumers. The reality is that an acceptable cost. Recently released personalized medicine is upon us; open analyses suggest that the returns on discourse and periodic reality checks will investment depend on the particular be necessary as we confront the issue of scenario and are different for different costs versus benefits.63 stakeholders. The federal government has taken steps to address the regulatory Beyond the challenges highlighted above, issues surrounding targeted tests and there is the inevitable resistance to change treatments, but pharmaceutical and that must be overcome before any major diagnostics companies still face uncertainty innovation can become widely accepted. over the evidentiary requirements for The implementation of personalized approval of new diagnostics, therapeutics, medicine on a large scale will require and theranostics. a major restructuring of the healthcare infrastructure to become more consumer- focused, and a radical shift in the thinking and culture of the medical establishment. Such a shift is bound to require years, if not decades, to occur.

An in-depth discussion PricewaterhouseCoopers 33 What this means for your business Sustainability will require a long-term strategy, cross-industry collaboration, and technical expertise.

34 The new science of personalized medicine Based on our observations of the emerging personalized medicine market and experience in helping clients to capitalize on the potential it presents, PricewaterhouseCoopers has identified four lessons that will be critical to the success of market participants.

Organizations will profit together, not alone

Personalized medicine is a highly complex field, and no one organization or industry has all the resources, knowledge and tools needed to implement solutions in this space. This is driving organizations towards “open innovation” networks that allow them to collaborate with others, within or outside their industries, to create the next generation of innovations.

Unless regulatory and reimbursement models are aligned with the requirements of personalized medicine, the new science is not likely to advance far. Pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies, payers and regulators can work together to create an economically viable, sustainable process for commercializing targeted diagnostics and therapeutics.

More broadly, we expect to see complex networks of collaboration emerge, within and across industries and between the public and private sectors, as individual players grapple with the complicated challenges of participating in a new market where the lines between health and wellness, and between industries, are blurring. For example, collaboration could be accomplished by leveraging social media technologies in innovative ways to bring diverse groups together, and bundling payments to such groups in order to provide an incentive to work together.

As personalized medicine advances and the boundaries between healthcare and wellness products and services blur, organizations are experimenting with a wide variety of collaborations within and across industries. Following are a few examples of the many flavors of collaboration emerging through open innovative approaches:

• Lilly began sharing the results of clinical trials online with its competitors and the public in 2004, and other pharma companies have followed suit, allowing them to learn from one another.64

• Procter & Gamble has established a $325 million joint venture with diagnostics company Inverness Medical Innovations to market DTC diagnostics.65

• The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research is partnering with DTC diagnostics firm 23andme to design web tools for gathering data for clinical trials.66

• Intel launched a joint venture with General Electric to market health devices that connect to the internet, enabling remote monitoring of patients in their homes.67

• Google is collaborating with the Cleveland Clinic, Quest Diagnostics, Walgreens Pharmacy, Longs Drug Stores and others to advance its PHR platform, Google Health.

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 35

• A unit of Abbott Laboratories that develops genetic tests will partner with Pfizer to develop a new diagnostic for screening of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumors, to identify patients who are likely to respond to a new cancer therapy Pfizer is developing.68

• Merck and AstraZeneca have forged an unusual agreement to combine two experimental cancer drugs, one from each company, to create a cocktail that could be far more effective than each treatment administered separately.69

• Swiss biopharma development specialist Debiopharm in-licenses promising new drug candidates from academic institutes and biotech companies, develops them and then out-licenses them to Big Pharma.70

• Lilly is teaming up with other organizations to create virtual R&D programs to gain better access to innovation, reduce its costs, manage risks more effectively and enhance its productivity.

• Diagnostics firm LabCorp formed a research collaboration with Medco, the PBM giant, to evaluate genetic variations in how people metabolize the cancer drug .

A core skill for the future will be managing these complex alliances to ensure that all parties benefit from the innovations that emerge. For instance, Lilly has developed a collaborative network approach to R&D designed to share risks and rewards with research partners. In one such arrangement, Lilly contracted with a partner to develop molecules from its discovery pipeline, retaining the option to bring them back into its portfolio. The partner would receive milestone payments at key development transition points, and a royalty if the product made it to the market. In the future we can expect to see more such creative arrangements.

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 37 Profiting Together in an Era of Personalized Medicine

Collaborative pharmaceutical of the intellectual assets and/or the capital business models growth they generate. At the end of the investment period, the pharma company To succeed in an era of personalized claims its share of the IP generated or medicine, pharmaceutical companies will out-licenses it to a third party. have to transition from profiting alone to profiting together through open innovation. Under the fully diversified model, a To this end, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and pharmaceutical company expands from Elli Lilly announced their commitment to an its core business into related products open innovation business model in 2009. and services, such as diagnostics and devices, generics, nutraceuticals and PricewaterhouseCoopers has identified health management. Johnson & Johnson is two principal collaborative business the leading exponent of this model, which models that could help pharma companies enables companies to: to achieve sustainable success through greater innovation: federated and fully • reduce their reliance on blockbuster diversified.71 drugs

Under the federated model, a • spread their risk by moving into other pharmaceutical company creates a network market segments with the potential to act of separate entities—universities, hospitals, as a bulwark against generic competition clinics, technology suppliers, data analysis firms and lifestyle service providers—with a • move into outcomes management by common supporting infrastructure (funding, offering combined product-service data, and access to patients and back- packages and playing to the growing office services). Network participants share emphasis on prevention the goal of managing outcomes in a given patient population, and each player is • develop more powerful brands and rewarded in proportion to its contributions. acquire a better corporate image This model provides a framework for creating integrated packages of products • supplement products with wellness and services, and thus diversifying beyond services. a company’s core offering. The two models are not mutually exclusive. Under the virtual version of the federated A fully diversified company might choose model, the pharma company outsources to use a federated model for certain most or all of its activities and acts as a aspects of its business, and vice versa. management hub, enabling the company PricewaterhouseCoopers believes that the to reduce its initial capital outlay, convert federated model will dominate because it fixed costs into variable costs, utilize can be implemented easily, rapidly and at a resources more efficiently, become more lower cost than the fully diversified model. flexible, and expand more easily into new Furthermore, the latter model requires the product and service areas or geographic ability to manage complex networks of markets. Under the venture version of the partners in order to succeed—a model, the pharma company invests in a difficult challenge. portfolio of companies in return for a share

38 The new science of personalized medicine Profiting Together in an Era of Personalized Medicine

Public-private collaboration drives Disease franchise model economic development To replace revenues generated by Collaboration between public and blockbuster drugs, some pharmaceutical private sectors can generate advances companies might focus on providing a in personalized medicine that go beyond comprehensive suite of products for a what industry alone could achieve. One particular disease area—for instance, prominent example is the application of developing a franchise in diabetes, open innovation to the creation of the whose treatment involves diagnostics Arizona-based Translational Genomics and drug delivery devices as well as Research Institute (TGen). pharmaceuticals and diet and exercise resources. Disease franchises could TGen was established in 2002 as a public- be accomplished via collaborations or private partnership that included the state licensing rather than via acquisitions of of Arizona, the city of Phoenix, three companies that produce “best in class” Arizona universities, and local hospitals. complementary products, or developing It was driven by government leaders the full set of products and services in- in Phoenix, who visualized their city as house. It remains to be seen what impact, the next locus for biomedical research if any, lawsuits such as the one against and related economic development. Myriad will have, or if access to IP in the PricewaterhouseCoopers helped to area of genomics will become so restricted launch TGen, tapping into resources of that it will prevent access to targeted the institute’s advocates and working with diagnostics and therapeutics needed to Arizona’s public universities, philanthropic implement a disease franchise model. organizations, and local and national research and clinical organizations that wanted to explore professional relationships with the institute. Within five months, financial backers committed over $100 million in seed funding and other support.

Launching a major biomedical research institute is a huge undertaking, and doing so in a location not known for biomedical research adds to the complexity. Without close collaboration between the public and private sectors in Arizona, TGen’s success would not have been possible.

After the launch, TGen quickly forged collaborations with other key leaders in personalized medicine, and rapidly achieved worldwide renown. The organization has spawned a number of successful for-profit ventures that have helped to boost the Phoenix area economy.

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 39 Successful organizations will keep their eyes on the prize: consumers

Focusing on consumers will be critical Central Lab Model for traditional health industry players, Lab centric who face competition from consumer products and other industries with skill Hospital and experience in targeting consumers and delivering high-quality customer service. For providers and other healthcare Physician´s Mobile office testing players, learning to view patients as consumers with many alternatives will

be a key to success. Central lab

Inverness Medical Innovations provides

a good example of how a consumer Mobile Hospice focus can lead to success. Inverness is a testing leading global developer, manufacturer and distributor of rapid diagnostics, including Health molecular tests. The company also offers centre consumer-focused health management services, such as home monitoring, patient education and nurse relationships (call Point of Care Model center services) for patients who have Patient centric chronic illnesses, who are acutely ill and/or have clinically complex conditions, or who Physician´s office are pregnant. Inverness is in the process of Hospital developing a communication infrastructure Hospice Mobile that will link patients, caregivers, providers testing and payers to instantaneous results and a Health longitudinal clinical record, thus empowering centre Patient Central lab consumers to improve their health.

Self test Disease Inverness acquires companies and management products moving towards consumer-centric Super market healthcare. It emphasizes near patient Pharmacy point of care (POC) products—tests that are performed at or near the site of patient Sample care, including at home. Inverness markets Results its diagnostics products to physician office New market labs and directly to consumers. Products Old market

are designed for physicians and patients Inverness´emerging point of care (POC) model illustrates and don’t require sophisticated technical a potential shift in the diagnostics market away from training to use. centralized labs and toward the patient/consumer.

40 The new science of personalized medicine Inverness’ emerging Point of Care made in laboratories and—as quickly as model illustrates a potential shift in the possible—translate them into more effective diagnostics market away from centralized treatments for patients, while striving for the labs and towards patients/consumers. most cost-effective patient benefit. After several years of acquisitions, the company has a 30% POC market share To accelerate the process of translating in the U.S. and a leading position in many discoveries into practical applications for of the global markets; the rest of the patients, TGen sought out clinical partners, market is relatively fragmented. Inverness’ including several hospitals in Phoenix and consumer-focused strategy is supported a branch of the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, by industry growth projections: The global Arizona. In addition, three of TGen’s POC market is expected to grow at 5% spinoffs are focused on applying research CAGR through 2012, when it is projected findings to patients quickly. One spin-off, to reach nearly $20 billion.72 Molecular Profiling Institute (subsequently acquired by Caris Diagnostics) analyzes TGen is another example of a health tumors. Another, TGen Drug Development organization succeeding in part by focusing Services (TD2), conducts clinical trials of on patients. Dr. Jeffrey Trent, President new drugs. A third organization, MedTrust and Research Director of TGen, said his Online, enables oncologists to obtain organization’s goals for personalized information about the best available medicine are to take scientific discoveries treatment for their patients.

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 41 Expertise matters

Many of the organizations and The expertise of these three men was initiatives that have succeeded thus essential to the government of Luxembourg far have leveraged the expertise of when it established a bold initiative leading scientists in personalized to diversify its economy by building a medicine. For instance, Dr. Trent, TGen’s health sciences and technology sector. president and research director, is the PricewaterhouseCoopers brought TGen founding scientific director of the National and ISB into the collaboration with Human Genome Research Institute and Luxembourg along with another world- recognized nationally and internationally class biomedical research organization as an industry leader. Dr. Leland Hartwell, led by Dr. Hartwell: the Partnership for President of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Personalized Medicine (PPM), which Research Center, won a Nobel Prize in focuses on the development, validation 2001 for identifying genes that control cell and clinical application of new molecular division. And before he became the leader diagnostics. of ISB, Dr. Leroy Hood created the DNA sequencer, which enabled rapid automated sequencing and the success of efforts to decode the human genome.

42 The new science of personalized medicine Personalized medicine is a marathon, not a sprint

Business models will require a long- turn, will generate high-skill, high-paying term strategy and great flexibility to jobs that will attract talent and research succeed in a fast-moving market that funding from foreign investors. could evolve in unpredictable ways. For example, in Luxembourg, the government If such a vision seems implausible, was open to a broad range of potential consider that Luxembourg has succeeded strategic partners but required that in the past, implementing another bold partners be willing to develop a lasting strategy that transformed the country into relationship. PricewaterhouseCoopers a world-class financial center and a nation worked with the government to flesh with the highest per capita income in the out an economic development plan world. Its vision of reinventing the country that focuses on sustainable, long-term as a global bioscience center could help economic growth rather than transitory, to ensure that it maintains that status. short-term gains. The strategy called for Other nations and multinational Luxembourg to implement an integrated corporations have expressed interest in model of economic development that will the Luxembourg initiative, and private link biomedical research with education, investors are sensing its potential to healthcare and the national economy. offer investment opportunities. Each of these four elements will mutually reinforce one another and create broader While few forays into personalized economic diversification. For instance, medicine will be as complex as the cutting-edge biomedical research will Luxembourg initiative, its lessons could improve healthcare by attracting world- apply to any organization that wants to class physicians, and clinical activities achieve sustainable success: Keep the will support new research discoveries. long-term vision in mind. Personalized Investments in training and education will medicine is a marathon, not a sprint. also support the research effort, which, in

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 43


We have described the many challenges While the scientific potential of involved in translating the promise of personalized medicine is enormous, personalized medicine into practice, and delivering a high quality of care also will the importance of taking a long-term be a key to the success of this emerging view. A future that seems distant and field. “Personalized medicine should unattainable may seem inevitable result in better patient outcomes, not in hindsight. only in how disease is treated, but in how patients are treated as individuals,’’ says The 20th century was marked by TGen’s Dr. Trent. extraordinary advances in technology that would have seemed beyond the Dr. Trent is optimistic about the prospects imagination at the start of the century. for personalized medicine. “As we look When the Wright Brothers took flight off ahead to the next few years and move from the sands of Kitty Hawk in 1903, few could ‘one size fits all’ medicine toward precision imagine that in the space of less than 70 medicine, there will be a remarkably more years a man would set foot on the moon. personal nature to clinical care,” he says. Similarly, we believe the 21st century will “Using each individual’s own genetic give rise to advances in genomic and fingerprint to define both the disease proteomic science that cannot yet be and treatment will transform the medical envisioned, and will yield results on a profession. All of what we know about similarly grand scale. medicine will indeed be defined by what we know of the human genome. There are great surprises ahead, and I believe the overwhelming balance will be positive.”

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 45 Where to begin: recommendations for the health industry and consumers

Following are recommendations for health of the organization and be aligned industry players as they consider how to towards developing and commercializing respond to the emerging personalized innovation. medicine market and explore sustainable business models. • Educate consumers about the need for, and benefits of, personalized medicine Pharmaceutical and diagnostics solutions. The success of blockbuster companies drugs and diagnostics such as Oncotype DX test was driven in part by consumer • Articulate the benefits of products in awareness. the pipeline to payers and regulators as early as possible in the R&D process, Providers / Provider Systems to win their support and avoid the time and expense of developing a drug or • Become educated in genomics and diagnostic that cannot be commercialized. proteomics to educate patients, respond to their concerns, and develop effective • To help make the business case for prevention and treatment plans. reimbursement, develop health economic models that project the potential cost • Identify health and wellness products and savings of products in development. services to potentially offer to patients.

• Work proactively with regulators to • Look to other industries, such as consumer educate them about the need for a products companies, to understand how reasonable period of IP exclusivity to market directly to patients and deliver as well as new pathways for approval excellent customer service. of targeted diagnostics, therapeutics and theranostics. Assist in offering • Collaborate in research efforts, including novel solutions. initiatives and pilot projects to accelerate translation of discoveries from the bench • Collaborate with payers in developing to the bedside. novel reimbursement strategies that minimize your risks and costs, such as an • Encourage patients to become educated accelerating schedule of reimbursements in personalized medicine and take as products progress through their steps to advance it—for instance, lifecycle and demonstrate their efficacy. by contributing genetic information for research, participating in clinical • Discuss with payers the potential to trials and/or social networking sites secure funding for R&D efforts in areas such as PatientsLikeMe, and donating of interest to them, and address their biospecimens for . concerns in your R&D efforts. • Partner with experts in personalized • Collaborate with academic medical medicine, and recruit physicians and centers and other organizations with administrators with expertise in the field. access to patient populations, to accelerate recruitment for clinical trials. • Adopt electronic health records, capture genomic data to populate them, and • Create an open innovation business support industry efforts to create a model to support all these collaborative system of interoperable EHRs across the relationships that will create networks of industry, to reduce costs and medical talent within and outside the boundaries errors and support further advancements in personalized medicine.

46 The new science of personalized medicine Payers could address. Consider funding R&D for development of identified target • Become educated about the science diagnostics and therapeutics. and benefits of personalized medicine. Consult with experts and institutions • Collaborate with peers and with that are at the forefront of advancing other industry players (pharma and the new science. diagnostics companies, non-profit disease foundations, etc.) to understand • Invest in personalized medicine early, to and apply best practices in personalized win initial market share and strengthen medicine. your image as an innovative market leader. Government

• Set clear reimbursement criteria upfront, • Collaborate with pharma and to help reduce R&D expenses for pharma diagnostics companies to ensure that and diagnostic companies, which will the appropriate regulatory, privacy and ultimately will lower your costs as well intellectual property (IP) framework is in as theirs. place to support the development and commercialization of new products. • Explore R&D collaborations with pharma and diagnostics companies that • Provide funding, tax subsidies and could benefit all parties, such as the other protections to diagnostic and development of new tests and treatments pharmaceutical companies to develop for widespread chronic conditions new targeted tests and therapies. such as diabetes and obesity, which could improve health outcomes, boost • Create public-private partnerships and workforce productivity and reduce fund collaborative private research efforts claims costs. to accelerate personalized medicine solutions, particularly in important areas • Work with pharma and diagnostics of public health that have limited profit companies to maintain current, potential for commercial companies. accurate information on the clinical efficacy of personalized medicine • Identify and support potentially tests and treatments and use this “disruptive innovations” (via tax subsidies information to inform benefits and/or other incentives) that could policies and coverage decisions advance the science and practice of personalized medicine while reducing • Design novel reimbursement models that healthcare costs. encourage innovation and spread risk, such as accelerating reimbursement as • Invest in the interconnected information products progress through their lifecycle technology infrastructure and create and demonstrate their efficacy. supporting legislation (including privacy legislation), to enable pooling and • Redesign reimbursement models to analysis of data. focus on pay for performance rather than rewarding for the number and type of • Provide and/or fund development procedures performed. of educational materials about personalized medicine for the general • Analyze claims data to identify unmet public, to cultivate well informed needs that personalized medicine healthcare consumers.

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 47 About PricewaterhouseCoopers

PricewaterhouseCoopers ( Acknowledgements provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust Beth Anne Baber, Ph.D., Chief Executive and enhance value for our clients and their Officer, The Nicholas Conor Institute stakeholders. More than 163,000 people in 151 countries across our network share Mars di Bartolomeo, Luxembourg their thinking, experience and solutions Minister of Health to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. Troy Brennan, M.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Health Industries CVS Caremark

PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Industries David Galas, Ph.D., Senior Vice President serves as a catalyst for change and the for Strategic Partnerships, Institute for leading advisor to organizations across Systems Biology the health continuum, including payers, providers, health sciences, biotech/ Leroy Hood, M.D., President, Institute for medical devices, pharmaceutical Systems Biology and employer practices in the public, private and academic sectors. With a Diane Isonaka, M.S., Senior Director distinctive approach that is collaborative, of Strategic Partnerships, Institute for multidisciplinary and multi-industry, Systems Biology PricewaterhouseCoopers draws from its broad perspective and capabilities across Marcia Keen, Chief Executive Officer, and beyond the health industries to help Feinstein Kean Healthcare solve the array of emerging complex problems health organizations face, lead Cyrus Mirsaidi, Vice President, Business cultural and clinical transformation, and Development, Sales and Marketing, create a new, sustainable model for care AltheaDx delivery that is quality driven, patient centered and technology enabled. Joseph Monforte, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer, AltheaDx

PricewaterhouseCoopers João Silveira, M.D., Vice President, Contributors Portuguese National Association of David Allen Pharmacies Laura Alves Genevieve Caruncho Peter Traber, M.D., former president, Baylor David Chin College of Medicine Daniel Cohn Deepti Damle Jeffrey Trent, Ph.D., President and Director Bill Dracos of Research, The Translational Genomics Simon Friend Research Institute Julie Ha Andrea Kadar Raymond Woosley, M.D., President and Kim Krieghbaum CEO, Critical Path Institute Loic Kubitza Sandy Lutz Mike Mentesana Silvia Ondategui-Parra Matthew Rosamond Barbara Walsh

48 The new science of personalized medicine Endnotes

1 Library of the National Medical Society. Available at 2 “How Does Herceptin Work with Metastatic Breast Cancer?” Available at 3 Ronda Wendler, “Human Genome Project Director Warns Against Genetic Tampering, Discrimination,” Texas Medical Center News, Feb. 2008. Available at t+Genetic+Tampering+and+Discrimination.htm. 4 Brad Wong, “Visionary: We will live longer,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer Reporter, August 24, 2005. Available at 5 Heather Havenstein, “Americans increasingly turn to Web for health data,” Computer World, August 14, 2007. Available at 6 “Fancy that, healthy ketchup,” The Economist, December 11, 2003. Available at 7 “Nestlé launches new research programme on the specific nutritional needs of athletes,” news release, Bio-Medicine, November 27, 2008. Available at on-the-Specific-Nutritional-Needs-of-Athletes-31327-1/. 8 Ellen Byron, “P&G Looks for Beauty Tips in Genome Lab,” Wall Street Journal, February 17, 2009. Available at 9 “P&G announces encouraging results from genomic study of common cold,” Datamonitor Research, October 27, 2008. Available at 10 PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis. Based on information aggregated from: Kalorama Information, Datamonitor, Frost & Sullivan, Roche, Roth Capital Partners, Natural Marketing Institute, Nutrition Business Journal, Packaged Facts, National Health Statistics Report, Mintel, Feedback Research Services, International Spa Association, IDC, Deloitte, American Telemedicine Association, Visiongain, RNCOS. Ranges or mid-points were used for those markets where estimates have varied particularly widely. 11 Ibid. 12 Ibid. 13 John C. Lechleiter, Ph.D., “Markets of One: The Pharmaceutical Industry and The Pursuit of Personalized Medicine” (presentation at the Conference on Personalized Medicine: A Call to Action, Boston, Massachusetts, November 29, 2007). 14 Ibid. 15 Trend data discussed in this section is from “Biotech: Lifting Big Pharma’s prospects with biologics,” Findings from the MoneyTreeTM Report, a quarterly survey produced by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association based on data provided by Thomson Reuters, May 2009. Available at big_pharmas_prospects_with_biologics.pdf. 16 Jørgensen JT, Nielsen KV, Ejlertsen B: Pharmacodiagnostics and targeted therapies—a rational approach for individualizing medical anti-cancer therapy in breast cancer. Oncologist 12, 397-405 (2007). 17 Frank L. Douglas Ph.D., M.D. and Lesa Mitchell, “Assessing Risk and Return: Personalized Medicine Development & New Innovation Paradigm,” Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, October 2008. 18 “Fantastic Voyage,” A special report on healthcare and technology, The Economist, April 16, 2009. Available at 19 Per Corventis website, 20 Per Oncotype DX website, at 21 Reported by Roche and Boston Biomedical Consultants at the annual meeting of the American Association for (AACC), Washington, D.C., July 2008. 22 “Diagnostics 2009: Moving towards personalised medicine,” PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Available at 23 “Molecular Diagnostics: a primer on an emerging sector,” Datamonitor report, November 19, 2008. 24 Ibid. 25 “Aurora company says it can diagnose disease faster,” Associated Press, June 7, 2009. Available at 26 “Under New Leadership, FDA Diagnostics Office to Tighten its Control,” The Gray Sheet, Elsevier BusinessIntelligence, July 27, 2009.

What this means for your business PricewaterhouseCoopers 49 27 Andrew Pollack, “Gene Test for Dosage of Warfarin Is Rebuffed,” New York Times, May 4, 2009. Available at 28 “Diagnostics 2009: Moving towards personalised medicine,” PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Available at 29 Source: Piper Jaffray & Co., cited in Matthew Herper and Robert Langreth, “Will You Get Cancer?”, June 18, 2007. Available at Cited in “Direct-to-Consumer DNA Testing and the Myth of Personalized Medicine: Spit Kits, SNP Chips and Human Genomics,” ETC Group, Special Report on Human Genomics, Part I, March 2008. 30 Alan S. Louie, Ph.D., “Jumpstarting the Transformation to True Personalized Medicine: Potential Catalysts and Keystones,” Health Industry Insights #HI208059, August 2007. 31 Pacific Biosciences Raises $100 Million to Fund Commercial Product Development, FierceBiotech, posted July 14, 2008. Available at development-0. 32 PricewaterhouseCoopers national survey conducted May-June 2009; more than 700 business leaders from across the health industry participated, including over 110 pharmaceutical/life sciences executives. See PricewaterhouseCoopers’ report “Transforming Healthcare Through Secondary Use of Health Data” at for more information. 33 Per Gene Network Sciences website, 34 “Gene Network Sciences, UConn work on computer-modeled cancer treatments,” Mass High Tech, June 3, 2009. Available at cancer-treatments.html. 35 “Microsoft Buys Genetic Data Software from Merck,” Wall Street Journal Health Blog, June 2, 2009. Available at 36 “From the Broad Brush to the Fine Point: How to Enable Personalized Medicine,” Remarks by Sidney Taurel, Chairman, Eli Lilly and Company. Medical Progress Bulletin No. 2, December 12, 2008. 37 Per PatientsLikeMe website, 38 “PatientsLikeMe Launches Genetics Search Engine for ALS Patients,” press release, marketwire, April 22, 2009. Available at 39 Per Serma website, 40 In The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Boston: Harvard Business Press, 1997), management guru Clay Christensen convincingly demonstrated how disruptive innovations in various industries have dismantled the prevailing business model, by enabling new players to target the least profitable customer segments and gradually move upstream until they can satisfy the demands of every customer, at which point the old business model collapses. 41 Andrew Pollack, “Doubts on Ovarian Cancer Relapse Test,” New York Times, May 31, 2009. Available at 42 Judd Staples, MBA et al., Center for Genomic Medicine, Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, Duke University, “The Role of the Academic Medical Center in Advancing Personalized Health Care.” Available at 43 Emily Singer, “Hospital to Collect Patients’ Genomic Data,” Technology Review, June 12, 2009. Available at 44 Source: CTSA website, 45 Alan S. Louie, Ph.D. et al., “The Personalized Health Paradigm: Transforming the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industries for the 21st Century,” Health Industry Insights #HI203469, October 2006. 46 Ibid. 47 Judd Staples, MBA, et al., Director, Center for Genomic Medicine, Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, Duke University, “The Role of the Academic Medical Center in Advancing Personalized Health Care.” Available at 48 Per Web site for the Kaiser Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment, and Health (RPGEH), Research Program on Health and the Environment, Kaiser Permanente,

50 The new science of personalized medicine 49 “Geisinger’s MyCode project: the link to personalized medicine.” Available at 50 Alan S. Louie, Ph.D. and Janice W. Young, “Payers on the Future of Personalized Medicine, Part 1: Getting Ready for Change,” Health Industry Insights #HI211577, April 2008. 51 “Medco Announces Research Collaboration with FDA Focused on Personalized Medicine,” FierceBiotech, posted August 18, 2008. Available at personalized-medicine. 52 Source: Kaiser/Health Research & Educational Trust survey of employer-sponsored health benefits, 1999-2005. 53 Per Observational Medical Outcomes website, 54 “Flying Blind,” A special report on healthcare and technology,, April 16, 2009. Available at 55 Greg Simon et al., “Patients and Consumers Interests and Perspectives in Personalized HealthCare,” FasterCures: The Center for Accelerating Medical Solutions, September 24, 2008 56 Anne Zieger, “Study: Stronger privacy rules slow EMR adoption,” FierceHealthIT, April 20, 2009. Available at 57 Ibid. 58 “U.S. lawmakers tussle over generic biologic drugs,” Reuters, June 11, 2009. Available at 59 “Do DNA patents spur science or stifle it? Both,” Commentary by Arthur Caplan, Ph.D., contributor, May 13, 2009. Available at 60 Tracy Staton, “Report: NICE should up prices for innovative meds,” FiercePharma, July 23, 2009. Available at 61 “Innovative Drug Development Approaches: Final Report from the EMEA/CHMP-Think-Tank-Group on Innovative Drug Development,” March 2007. Available at 62 “Fantastic Voyage,” A special report on healthcare and technology, The Economist, April 16, 2009. Available at 63 Leeder JS, Spielberg SP. ,“ Personalized medicine: reality and reality checks.” Ann Pharmacother. 2009 May;43(5):958-62. John C. Lechleiter, Ph.D., “Markets of One: The Pharmaceutical Industry and The Pursuit of Personalized Medicine” (presentation at the Conference on Personalized Medicine: A Call to Action, Boston, Massachusetts, November 29, 2007). 64 John C. Lechleiter, Ph.D., “Markets of One: The Pharmaceutical Industry and The Pursuit of Personalized Medicine” (presentation at the Conference on Personalized Medicine: A Call to Action, Boston, Massachusetts, November 29, 2007). 65 “P&G partners with Inverness in diagnostics venture,” Mass High Tech, May 18, 2007. Available at 66 Andrea Anderson, “23andMe-Led Team Offers Program to Enroll Parkinson’s Patients,” GenomeWeb Daily News, March 13, 2009. Available at 67 Grant Gross, “Intel, GE partner on home health tech,” IT World, April 2, 2009. Available at 68 Debra Sherman, “Abbott, Pfizer in pact for lung cancer screening,” Reuters, August 27, 2009. Available at 69 Ron Winslow, “AstraZeneca, Merck to Test Cancer Drugs in ‘Cocktail’,” Wall Street Journal, June 2, 2009. Available at 70 “Pharma 2020: Challenging business models,” PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 2009. Available at 71 Ibid. 72 “Worldwide Market for IVD Tests”, Kalorama Information, 6th Edition, June 2008.

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