State Emergency Management Committee Annual Report fforor tthehe rreportingeporting pperioderiod eendingnding 3300 JJuneune 22012012 All correspondence regarding this report is to be directed to: Secretary SEMC SEMC Secretariat 20 Southport Street West Leederville WA 6007 Telephone: (08) 6552 5145 Email:
[email protected] State Emergency Management Committee Annual Report Foreword The 2011/12 year was an extraordinarily busy and challenging one for all involved in emergency management in Western Australia. The Ellensbrook (Margaret River), Bindoon and Milyeannup (Nannup) bushfi res, South West land division storm and Tropical Cyclone Lua were just a few of the emergencies that required access to the emergency powers of the Emergency Management Act 2005. The year also saw a great deal of learning for Western Australian emergency management practitioners. Two Reports; Appreciating the Risk: Report of the Special Inquiry into the November 2011 Margaret River Bushfi re and the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee’s Report on Western Australia’s Readiness for the 2011/12 Bushfi re Season, were released during the year and made a number of key recommendations that directly impacted the way emergency management is practiced in the State. The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) carried out its functions under the Emergency Management Act 2005 in a dynamic environment. Change was being implemented at both a State and national level and SEMC, through the SEMC sub- committees and District and Local Emergency Management Committees, needed to respond by developing and implementing new policies, plans and procedures, which comprise the State’s emergency management arrangements. SEMC itself was also directly impacted by change and was re-constituted at the end of July 2012 to include an independent Chair and two other independent members.