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[57] Westei [Registered at the General Post Office, Perth, for Transmission by Post as a Newspaper] Single Copy 25 c., Annual Subscription $6 WEDNESDAY, 22nd MARCH, 1967 Jo. 47—Part 1 13. Piecework. 14. Open Kiln Burners (when on Hand Firing). BRICKYARD EMPLOYEES. 15. Continuous Kiln Burners. 16. General. (Housebrieks.) 17. Payment of Wages. BEFORE THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN 18. Under-rate Workers. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION. 19. Absence Through Sickness. 20. Holidays and Annual Leave. No. 15 of 1966. 21. Time and Wages Record. Between the Federated Brick, Tile and Pottery 22. Posting of Award. Industrial Union of Australia (Union of 23. Board of Reference. Workers) Western Australian Branch, Appli- 24. Long Service Leave. cant and Metropolitan Brick Co. Pty Ltd, Mid- 25. Representative Interviewing Workers. land Brick Co. Pty Ltd, and Hawker Siddeley *26. Preference to Unionists. Building Supplies Pty Ltd, Respondents. * Denotes disputed clause. CHIEF INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER S. F. SCHNAARS, in pursuance of the powers and juris- 3.—Scope. diction conferred upon him by section 50 of the This award shall apply to all workers employed Industrial Arbitration Act, 1912-1966, doth hereby by the respondents in the classifications described make the following award in connection with the in clause 11 hereof engaged in the manufacture of industrial dispute between the abovenamed housebrieks (except firebricks and tapestry bricks). parties. Award. 4.—Area. 1.—Title. This award shall apply within the South-West This award shall be known as the Brickyard Land Division in the State of Western Australia. (Housebrick) Award 1967 and replaces Award No. 20 of 1958, as amended. 5.—Term. The term of this award shall be for a period of 2.—^Arrangement. three years as from the beginning of the first pay Title. period commencing on or after the date hereof. Arrangement. Scope. 6.—Contract of Service. Area. One day's notice shall, with the exception of Term. waste, sand and bag boys, in whose case one week's Contract of Service. notice shall be required be necessary to terminate Breakdowns. the engagement of all workers. In the event of Hours. an employer or a worker failing to give the required Overtime. notice, one day's wages shall be paid or forfeited Shift Work. (with the exception of waste, sand and bag boys, Wages. in whose case one week's wages shall be paid or Mixed Functions. forfeited). 58 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. [22 March, 1967. Provided that an employer may at any time (8) Notwithstanding anything contained here- dismiss a worker for refusal or neglect to obey in— orders, for misconduct, or if after receiving the (a) an employer may require any worker to prescribed notice he does not carry out his duties work reasonable overtime at overtime in the same manner as he did prior to such notice. rates and such worker shall work overtime in accordance with such requirement. 7.—^Breakdowns. (b) the union or any worker or workers cov- The employer shall be entitled to deduct payment ered by this award, shall not in any way, for any day or portion of a day upon which the whether directly or indirectly be a party worker cannot be usefully employed because of any to or concerned in any ban, limitation or strike by the union or unions affiliated with it or restriction upon the working of overtime by any other association or union or through the in accordance with the requirements of breakdown of the employer's machinery or any this subclause. stoppage of work by any cause which the employer cannot reasonably prevent. 10.—Shift Work. 8.—Hours. (1) Where two or more shifts in any one day are Except as otherwise provided in this award, the worked, the hours of shift workers shall be such following shall apply:— as are mutually agreed upon between the employer and the union. Failing agreement, the hours of (1) Forty hours shall constitute the ordinary shift workers shall be fixed by the Board of Refer- week's work. ence. (2) The hours of work except in the case of open kiln burners and shift workers shall (2) The penalty rates for shift work shall be not exceed eight hours per day Monday to 5 per cent, for afternoon shift and 10 per cent, Friday inclusive to be performed between for night shift. 7 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. (3) (a) Where any particular process, if carried (3) The starting and finishing time having out on shifts other than day shift, and less than been established in any yard or works, five consecutive afternoon or five consecutive night shall not be varied until the union has shifts are worked on that process, then workers been notified. employed on such afternoon or night shifts shall be paid at overtime rates. 9.—Overtime. (1) Except in the case of open kiln burners and (b) The sequence of work shall not be deemed shift workers, work performed beyond the number to be broken under the preceding paragraph by of ordinary working hours in any day, or beyond reason of the fact that work on the process is not forty hours in any one week, or before the pres- carried out on a Saturday or Sunday or on any cribed starting or after the prescribed finishing holiday. time, shall be deemed to be overtime. Liberty is Provided that this subclause shall not apply to reserved to apply to amend the provisions of this burners. subclause. (2) In the case of shift workers all work per- 11.—Wages. formed outside the rostered hours of duty shall be The minimum rates of wages payable to workers deemed to be overtime. covered by this award shall be as follows:— (3) Overtime shall be paid for at the rate of $ time and a half for the first four hours and (1) Basic Wage (per week) 33.50 double time thereafter. (2) Adult Males (margin over basic wage (4) Work performed on Sunday and on the per week): holidays prescribed by Clause 20 (1) hereof shall Front end loaders over 130 b.h.p 11.85 be paid for at the rate of double time. Bulldozer driver 8.45 Provided that this shall not apply to burners who Fork lift driver 8.45 shall only be paid at the rate of double time for Setter 8.40 work performed on the holidays prescribed by Drawer 8.40 clause 20 (1) hereof. Moulder, presser, fancy bricks .... 8.40 (5) Workers under the age of eighteen years Clayhole motor loco driver 8.40 shall not, as far as practicable, be called upon to Palette loader, off conveyor 8.00 work between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. Powder monkey 7.50 (6) As far as practicable when overtime is Off bearer 7.50 worked, any worker who is called upon to work Burners "continuous" 7.50 such overtime shall be selected from amongst those Burners "down draught" 7.50 workers performing the class of work that is re- Burners "zig zag" using pulverised quired to be done during the time that such over- coal 7.50 time is worked. Burners, in charge, open kiln .... 7.50 Brick lifter, lifting on to off bearers (7) (a) A worker required to work overtime for barrow 7.50 more than two hours without being notified on Hand presser 7.15 the previous day or earlier that he will be so Machine driver, rigging and plating 6.50 required to work, shall be supplied with any meal Loader out to trucks, truck loader 8.40 required by the employer or paid sixty cents for Damperman 6.35 a meal. Man winding 5.65 (b) No such payments need to be made to a Man in charge wirecut machines, worker living in the same locality as his place of 20,000 bricks and over per day .... 5.65 work who can reasonably return home for such Burner, ordinary kilns 6.45 meals. Burner's assistant, "zig zag" kiln 5.35 22 March, 1967.] WESTERN AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. 59 $ (2) All burners employed on full night shift Clayhole worker 5.35 shall be kept on until after the last complete feed Machine driver ordinary 5.35 on that night. Burners working on broken shifts Pan driver 5.35 shall be paid one hour in addition to the actual Taker-off, trucker, assistant setter 5.35 time worked at the conclusion of the last feed. Scintler .... 5.35 (3) Not less than two men shall be employed on Wheeler in 5.35 kilns containing up to fifty-five thousand bricks Mill feeder 5.35 when in full fire. Coal wheeler 5.35 Palette loader, dry bricks 5.35 (4) On kilns containing over fifty-five thousand Drillman, shalepit .... 6.25 bricks and up to seventy-five thousand bricks when Crusher driver, Armadale yard .... 6.35 in full fire, not less than three men shall be em- Crusher driver's assistant, Armadale ployed. yard 5.35 (5) On kilns containing over seventy-five thou- Machine driver, "zig zag" yard, sand bricks when in full fire, not less than four Armadale 8.40 men shall be employed. Sorter Packer 6.70 (6) An ordinary burner shall not be allowed to (3) Junior Workers (under 21 years of work on one kiln for more than two nights in one age) (per cent, of male basic wage week, such two nights not to be consecutive. per week): % (7) Work performed on a Saturday or Sunday Taker oif, single machine 88 shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half. Loft attendant 88 Such work shall be confined to work connected with Waste boy 54 burning only.