Science Fiction/San Francisco Issue 25 Date: July 5, 2006 Editors: Jean Martin, Chris Garcia Email: [email protected] Copy Editor: David Moyce Layout: Eva Kent

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Science Fiction/San Francisco Issue 25 Date: July 5, 2006 Editors: Jean Martin, Chris Garcia Email: Sfinsf@Gmail.Com Copy Editor: David Moyce Layout: Eva Kent Science Fiction/San Francisco Issue 25 Date: July 5, 2006 Editors: Jean Martin, Chris Garcia email: [email protected] Copy Editor: David Moyce Layout: Eva Kent TOC News and Notes ...........................................Christopher J. Garcia ....................................................................................................3 Letters of Comment .....................................Jean Martin and Chris Garcia ....................................................................................4-6 Editorial .......................................................Jean Martin ................................................................................................................... 7 Ghosts and Surreal Art in Portland ...............Jean Marin ................................Photos Jean Martin ................................................8-11 Nemo Gould Sculptures ...............................Espana Sheriff ...........................Photos from ......................12-13 Reading at Intersection for the Arts ..............Christopher J. Garcia ............................................................................................14-15 Klingon Celebration .....................................Jean Marin ................................Photos by Jean Martin .........................................16-21 BASFA Minutes ..........................................................................................................................................................................22-24 Bay Area Fannish Calendar ...........................David Moyce .........................................................................................................25-41 Science Fiction San Francisco is released on the fi rst and third Wednesdays of each month. All issues can be found at All articles and photos are copyright 2006 by the original creators. Used with permission. News and Notes BByy CChrisopherhrisopher JJ.. GGarciaarcia ppubbingubbing iissuesssues hhaveave yyetet ttoo bbee cconfionfi ppreparationsreparations fforor tthehe WWorldConorldCon ppartyarty hhaveave EEditorditor IInn ootherther nnews,ews, iiff yyouou hhaven’taven’t bbeeneen aalsolso bbegun.egun. Th e aamountmount ooff ffundsunds rraisedaised hhasas rreadingeading KKevinevin RRoche’soche’s LLiveJournal,iveJournal, yyouou aallowedllowed fforor tthehe ppurchaseurchase ooff sseveraleveral aadsds iinn IIt’st’s ooffiffi ccial,ial, II’m’m sstandingtanding fforor TTAFF!AFF! mmightight wwantant ttoo ttuneune iinn aandnd llookook bbackack ttoo vvariousarious bbidid ppublications.ublications. CChristopherhristopher JJ.. GGarcia,arcia, thatthat sseeee tthehe cconstructiononstruction ooff hhisis LLoungeounge LLizardizard hhyperactiveyperactive ttypist,ypist, hhasas ggatheredathered upup ppeopleeople ccostumeostume fforor WWesterCon.esterCon. HHe’se’s LLJJ uuserser ttoo sserveerve aass hishis nnominatorsominators aandnd wwillill bbee kkproche.proche. ccampaigningampaigning ttoo bbee tthehe TTAFFAFF ddelegateelegate ttoo tthehe UUKK dduringuring EEasterConasterCon 22007007 iinn LLiverpool.iverpool. DDetailsetails aarere sstilltill ccomingoming iin,n, bbutut CChris’hris’ nnominatorsominators iincludenclude HHugougo WinningWinning HHollisterollister iinn 22008008 RReporteport FFanan AArtistrtist aandnd BBAreaArea llegendegend FrankFrank WWu!u! It’sIt’s aann iinterestingnteresting bbunchunch aandnd ttherehere areare aalreadylready BByy CChrisopherhrisopher JJ.. GGarciaarcia ssomeome ffunun ((andand llikelyikely eexhausting)xhausting) pplanslans fforor EEditorditor ccampaigningampaigning oonn bbothoth ssidesides ooff tthehe AAtlantic.tlantic. CCheckheck fforor rregularegular uupdates.pdates. Th e ((hoax)hoax) bbidid ttoo bbringring WWorldConorldCon Th e llastast ccoupleouple ooff wweekseeks hhaveave bbeeneen ttoo CCasaasa ddee FFrutaruta iiss sstilltill rroaringoaring aahead,head, vveryery bbusyusy oonn IInn aadditionddition sseeminglyeemingly uunstoppable!nstoppable! MMoreore tthanhan tthirtyhirty ttoo tthehe ttwowo wweeklieseeklies ((ThTh e DDrinkrink TTankank aandnd ppeopleeople hhaveave ssignedigned uupp aatt tthehe vvariousarious llevels,evels, VVegasegas FFandomandom WWeekly),eekly), JJohnohn PPurcell’surcell’s pputut iincludingncluding mmembersembers iinn NNebraska,ebraska, WWisconsin,isconsin, ooutut aanothernother iissuessue ooff IInn A PPriorrior LLifetime,ifetime, OOregonregon aandnd KKentucky.entucky. JJimim CCaughranaughran ggaveave uuss tthehe 2275th75th iissuessue ooff AAlonglong wwithith pputtingutting ooutut ffourour ((soonsoon a PProposropos ddee RRien,ien, aandnd DDaveave BBurtonurton alsoalso ttoo bbee fi vve)e) iissuesssues ooff PPachecoacheco PProgress,rogress, thethe rreleasedeleased aanothernother iissuessue ooff PPixelixel fforor aallll toto ccommitteeommittee aalsolso hhostedosted a ppartyarty aatt CConzilla,onzilla, eenjoy.njoy. tthehe 22006006 WWesterConesterCon iinn SSanan DDiego.iego. AlongAlong Th e CChicagohicago iinn 22008008 WWorldConorldCon wwithith ssponsoringponsoring tthehe MMatchatch GGameame aatt BBayConayCon bbidid pputut ooutut a vveryery ggoodood ttwenty-eightwenty-eight ppageage tthishis yyear,ear, tthehe WWesterConesterCon MMatchatch GGameame aalsolso zzine.ine. RRumorsumors tthathat ttheyhey ddidid ssoo bbecauseecause tthehe hhadad ssponsorshipponsorship ffromrom tthehe ccommittee.ommittee. Th e HHollisterollister iinn 22008008 ccommitteeommittee hhasas bbeeneen Letters Of Comment MMaurineaurine StarkeyStarkey wwritesrites: hhaveave aann aappreciativeppreciative aaudienceudience ooutut tthere!here! 222…Hi,2…Hi, JJean!ean! YYouou aarere lluckyucky iinn HHelloello JJean.ean. WWe’vee’ve metmet bbrieflriefl y aaboutbout I hhaven’taven’t hheardeard ffromrom CChrishris KKnight.night. tthathat yyouou havehave anan aappreciativeppreciative audienceaudience a yyearear bback.ack. II’m’m DDannann LLopez’sopez’s partnerpartner withwith BButut iitt wwouldould bbee ggoodood iiff wwee couldcould ttalkalk aboutabout fforor tthishis iinfozine.nfozine. BButut tthen,hen, BBAreaArea ffandomandom SSiliCon.iliCon. I wwasas wwonderingondering iiff yyourour mmagazineagazine SSiliConiliCon aandnd sseeee hhowow SSF/SFF/SF ccanan ccontributeontribute ttoo iiss llargearge eenoughnough ttoo nneedeed SSF/SF.F/SF. CCanadiananadian hhadad pplanslans fforor SiliConSiliCon 20062006 tthishis yyear.ear. HasHas tthehe cconon aandnd vviceice vversa.ersa. ffandom…andom… wwell,ell, wwe’ree’re ffairlyairly sspreadpread oout,ut, aandnd oourur cchairman,hairman, CChrishris KKnightnight bbeeneen iinn ttouchouch Th aanksnks fforor tthehe ooffff eerr ttoo mmeeteet uupp fforor oourur nnumberumber iinn eeachach iindividualndividual ccityity iiss ssmall;mall; wwithith yyou?ou? llunch.unch. UUnfortunately,nfortunately, I wwon’ton’t bbee ggoingoing toto eevenven TToronto’soronto’s llargerarger nnumbersumbers ddon’ton’t rreallyeally MMyy jjobob kkeepseeps mmee iinn LLosos AAngeles,ngeles, WWorldConorldCon iinn LL.A..A. iinn AAugust.ugust. WWithith aallll tthehe kknownow oonene aanothernother aanyny mmore.ore. bbutut II’m’m uupp iinn tthehe BBayay AArearea aaboutbout eeveryvery ttravelravel aandnd cconventionsonventions I’veI’ve ddoneone iinn tthehe pastpast WWe’ree’re aann aarearea tthat’shat’s ggettingetting ttoo tthehe ppointoint ootherther mmonth.onth. SSoo II’m’m hhavingaving ttoo kkeepeep yyear,ear, I needneed ttoo rretrenchetrench a llittleittle bbitit andand savesave wwherehere ffolksolks nnotot oonlynly don’tdon’t knowknow eacheach other,other, aabreastbreast throughthrough e-mail.e-mail. I wwillill bebe attendingattending mmoneyoney aandnd vvacationacation ttime.ime. II’m’m aalsolso ggoingoing ttoo bbee bbutut ttheyhey ddon’ton’t kknownow tthehe ggroupsroups tthey’rehey’re wwith.ith. WWorldConorldCon aandnd a ffewew ooff tthehe eeventsvents iinn tthishis iinn tthehe thickthick ooff preparationspreparations forfor BurningBurning ManMan SSF/SFF/SF hhasn’tasn’t qquiteuite uunitednited tthemhem aallll yyet,et, bbutut rregion.egion. LLetet mmee kknownow wwhenhen yyouou aarere iinn tthehe llessess tthanhan a wweekeek llater.ater. BButut mmyy co-editor,co-editor, CChrishris wwe’ree’re ttryingrying ((andand iit’st’s ccomingoming upup oonn ourour oonene LLAA aarearea aandnd wwee ccouldould ggetet ttogetherogether fforor llunch.unch. GGarcia,arcia, wwillill bbee ttherehere ttoo rrepresentepresent SF/SFSF/SF aandnd yyearear aanniversary,nniversary, iiff I rrememberemember ccorrectly).orrectly). I rreallyeally aadmiredmire youryour mmagazineagazine aandnd I kknownow ttoo ccoverover WWorldCon.orldCon. GGreatreat pphotoshotos ooff tthehe PPEERSEERS event.event. ItIt iit’st’s ggotot ttoo bbee tthehe bbestest tthinghing tthat’shat’s hhappenedappened Th aanksnks aagaingain fforor yyourour gglowinglowing llooksooks llikeike tthehe rreborneborn renfairerenfaire inin thesethese partsparts fforor tthehe ffanan ccommunityommunity iinn a llongong ttime.ime. ccompliment!ompliment! PerhapsPerhaps II’ll’ll wwindind uupp iinn tthehe LL.A..A. ffromrom llastast yyear,ear, tthehe RRoyaloyal AAbingdonbingdon FFaire,aire, aarearea oonene ooff tthesehese ddays.ays. II’ll’ll defidefi nnitelyitely ggetet iinn iiss nnowow sstillborn.tillborn. I hhaveave bbeeneen llookingooking fforor JJeanean MMartinartin rrespondsesponds: ttouchouch wwithith yyou.ou. iinformationnformation aaboutbout iitt fforor tthehe 20062006 sseason,eason, HHii MMaurine.aurine. YYes,es, I rrememberemember yyou!ou! aandnd I hhaveave
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