Planning Committee 10am Thursday 8 August 2013 Pilrig Conservation Area Item number Report number Wards Leith Walk Links Coalition pledges P40 Council outcomes CO19 Single Outcome Agreement SO4 Mark Turley Director of Services for Communities Contact: Jack Gillon, Principal Practitioner E-mail:
[email protected] | Tel: 0131 469 3634 Executive summary Executive summary Pilrig Conservation Area Summary The purpose of this report is to advise Committee of the outcome of the consultation exercise on the potential designation of the Pilrig Conservation Area. This report provides details of the consultation responses and recommends the designation of the Pilrig Conservation Area. Recommendations It is recommended that the Council approves the designation of the Pilrig Conservation Area with an extended boundary to Leith Walk. Measures of success The designation of the Pilrig Conservation Area and the future protection of its character and appearance. Financial impact Additional staff and resources could be required to process additional applications. Equalities impact The aim of conservation area status is to enhance the quality of the area. This has the potential to improve the quality of life and supports sustainable communities. There are no predicted negative impacts on equalities. Sustainability impact Conservation of the built environment minimises the use of natural resources and helps to reduce carbon emissions. The proposals in this report will help achieve a sustainable Edinburgh because the conservation and management of the historic environment contributes directly to sustainability in a number of ways. These include the energy and materials invested in a building, the scope for adaptation and reuse, and the unique quality of historic environments which provide a sense of identity and continuity.