Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter
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Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter Spring 1993 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 16, Number 1 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn Part of the Genealogy Commons, Public History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 16, Number 1" (1993). Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter. Paper 120. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn/120 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , t 6olJlh~rn l{t ntuck~ \5~n~alo 9tCo.l GOCi~19 + VOLUME XV I, NUMBER I SO UTH ERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 1782 Bowling Green, KY 42102- 1782 1993 OFFICERS AND CHAIRPERSONS ***************************************************************************** President: Me lvin Adamson, 1340 US 31 W-BY Pass, Bowling Green, KY 42101, Ph. 502 843 9291 Vice Preside nt: Jame s David Evans, 1544 Che stnut, Bowling Gree n, KY, 42101, Ph. 502 842 2313 Recording Secr e tary: Mrs. Alexandria W. Ebling, 1149 State St., Bowling Green, KY, Ph 502 781 6568 Corresponding Secr etary Mrs. Be tty B. Lyne, 613 E 11TH Ave.,Bowling Green, KY 42101, Ph.502 843 9452 Treasul'er Mrs. Betty B. Lyne , 613 E 11th Ave.,Bowling Green, KY 42101, Ph 502 843 9452 Sargent at Arms/Parliam. Le roy Collier, 1644 Smallhouse Rd., Bowling Green, KY, 42104, Ph. 502 843 4753 Chaplain Willia n J. Martin, 604 De nnis Way, Bowling Green, KY, 42101 Ph, 842 2245 Program Chairpersons Chester Bays, P. O. Box 945, Bowling Green, KY, 42102, Ph. 502 843 1141 Mrs . Sue Spurlock, 537 L. C. Carr Rd., Bowling Green, II.Y 42101 , ph. 02 81 4 7 ~u Publication Chairperson s Longhunte r Co-Editor Mrs . Pat Re id, 640 E. Main, Bowling Green, KY, 42101, Ph. 502 843 1303 Longhunter Co-Editor Mrs. Barbara Ford, 545 Cherok ee Dr., Bowling Green, KY 42103, Ph. 502 782 0889 Me mbe rship Chairperson Rivers Ford, 545 Cherokee Dr., Bowling Green, KY, 42103, Ph 502 782 0889 {\ Scr apbook Chairperson Mrs . Ire n e Constant, 364 Old Love r s Ln, Bowling Green, KY 42103 P h. 502 842 8400 Tele phone Chairperson Mrs. Druc illa Jones, 1332 Chestnut, Bowling Green, KY 42101, Ph. 502 843 4210 Has p/Social Chairpe rson Mrs. Bettie Conner, 627 Loving Way, Bowling Green, KY 42104 Ph. 502 843-8480 Pu blic / Pu b. Re!. Chairperson Mrs . Mildre d E. CoWer, 1644 SmaUhouse Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42104, Ph. 502 843 4753 S unshine Chairperson Mrs. Ruby Breedlove, 1716 Me dia Dr.,Bowling Green, KY 42101, Ph. 502 842 3067 Lib r / Liaison Chairperson Leroy Collier, 1644 Smallhouse Rd, Bowling Green, KY, 42104, Ph 502 843 4753 I mme diate Past Preside nt Mrs . Betty B. Lyne , 613 E 11th St., Bowling Green, KY, 42101, Ph 502 843 94 52 ***************************************************************************** Me mbership in the Southern Kentuc ky Genealogical Society is open to all persons, especially to those who are inte r e ste d in research in Alle n, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Logan, S im pson, and Warren Counties in Kentuc ky. Me mbe r s hip is by the year, 1 Janua ry through 31 Decembe r. DUES to r individual or fa mily me mbe r s hip a r e $15 pe r year a nd include a SUbscription to the LONG HUNTER which is published quarterly. Curre nt a nd bac k issues of the LONGH UNTER, are available back to 1978 and are $4.00 each postpaid. THE LONG HUNTER • Volume XVI, No. 1 Spring Issue - 1993 CONTENTS 1992 President's Final Message •• 2 Correction of Scrapbook Gleanings 2 Biographical Sketches. 2 New 9-Digit Zip Code • 2 Napoleon Exhibit in Memphis, TN. 2 Extinct Town Sites . .. .. .. 2 Donoho Lineage Now in Warren County, Kentucky submitted by Ramona Bobbitt ••••••• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Warren County, Kentucky Deed Books, compiled by Leroy Collier. 5 Wade Family of Warren and Allen Counties submitted by Ruth H. Dickerson .14 Handfasting ••• .16 Diary of Andrew Jackson Campbell submitted by Mildred Collier ••••••••••••••• •••• 17 Ancestor Chart - Robert D. Von Tress • ••••• ••• • •••••• • 22 Kentucky Records from Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives. .23 In Memorium. • • • • • • .28 Prominent Familes Buried in Pioneer and Fairview Cemeteries. .29 Rodes Family, from papers of Judge John B. Rodes . 35 Book Review •••• .. .. .. .. .39 • Queries from our Members • • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . • . .40 • Books and Publications Available from Longhunter Members .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Inside Back Cover 1992 PRESIDENT'S FINAL MESSAGE BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES • As 1992 drew to a close, SOUTHERN KENTUCKY To celebrate Kentucky's BICENTENNIAL, the GENEALOG ICAL SOCIETY observed its 15th 200th year since being admitted as the 15th anniversary and recognized that we had grown state into the union on 1 Jun 1792, the from a r elatively small handful of charter SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY chose members l ocated in the Bowling Green-Warren ~s one of our projects to collect biograph- County area of southern Kentucky to approxi 1cal sketches concerning some of Warren mately 200 members coast-to-coast. Each County's first settlers showing the direct quar t er 350 copies of THE LONGHUNTERS are lineage down to their descendants still pr i nted and placed in bulk mail to keep us in residing in Warren County and the southern touch wi t h our faithful out-of-town members. Kentucky area. A series of sixteen articles So me i mportant strides forward have been organized by SKGS President Betty Lyne were made this year and I want to express my printed in the Park City Daily News during genuine appreciation to all of our members the summer of 1992. for their help and support, but especially to Because this was so well received and t he standing committees and members of the created so much interest, other articles have Executive Board, who met every month just subsequently benn submitted and we now prior to the regular society meetings to plan propose to continue this project by printing and gUid e our progress toward reaching the these additional sketches such as "The Donoho goals set for 1992. Lineage Now in Warren County, Kentucky" on The nomi nating committee is to be commended page 3 of this issue. Should you have for their effort and time in presenting the biographical sketches which could be included new slate of officers who were elected at our in the series, please send them to Betty December meeting. Therefore, as this will be Lyne, 613 E. 11th Avenue, Bowling Green KY my last message to you as president of SKG~, 42101. I wan t you to know that 1992 was a most • r ewa r ding year t o me personally; and I sincerely appreciate having had the op WE NEED YOUR NEW 9-DIGIT POSTAL ZIP CODE. As portunity to serve you in this capacity. I you are probably aware, the postal service • r equest your continued support for our new has recently added an additional four numbers pres i dent as I pledge to you and him my to everyone's zip code. If these four commitment to the purposes and principles on numbers are mi ss i ng on your address l abel of which our society was found ed. this issue of THE LONGHUNT ER, please send them to us--a postcard will be SufLicient. If you do not know your new zip code, your postmaster will be able to supply it to you. NAPOLEON: The most incredible collection of CORRECTI ON OF SCRA PBOOK GLEANINGS: personal possessions and historic artifacts of Napoleon Bonaparte will be in Memphis TN Item #236 , p. 91 ov Vol XV. Victoria April 22 through September 22, 1993. This is Wi gg i ngton Jackson was b 3 Nov 1841, Warren presented by "Wonders, The Hemphis Co and d 20 M3Y 1904. Although the clipping International Cultural Serices." For more stated that her mother was a Miss Porter of information call 1-800-755-8777. • Allen Co, I believe her mother was Sarah JanE St ark, b 28 Ma r 1822, d 19 No v 1889, Warren Wish to locate a town site that no longer Co , bur. Fairview. JACK THACKER, 557 Dorado exists? Write to The U.S. Board of Dr i ve, Fairborn, OH 45324-5805 . Geographic Names, 523 National Center, • Reston, VA 22092. THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XVI, NO I 3 DONOHO LIN EAGE NOW IN WARREN COUNTY, KENTUCKY John Donoho was born i n the early 1700's and married Elizabeth To • this marriage there were born ei ght boys and one girl. John's will is recorded in Sumner County, TN . One of his sons was William D. Donoho. • Wi lliam D. Donoho was born about 1754 in North Carolina. He was an Indian fight, grea t bear hunter, and a bee keeper. He was a corporal in the War of 1812, serving from December 1812 to 9 February 1813 . The records show he served with Ca ptain Abraham Bledsoe's Company 1st (Hall's) Tennessee Volunteers . He died 18 December 1860 at the age of 106 years . He married Mary Jennie Jenkins, daughter of Roderick and Elizabeth (Pack) Jenkins . Jennie was thought to be half Cherokee and her mother a full- blooded Cherokee Indian. William and Jennie ' s children were four boys and four girls with two of t he girls being twins.