
A -vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot

Rebecca Hardenbrook

Department of University of Utah

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling 1 / 26 What is Not a Knot?

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 2 / 26 What is a Knot?

2 A knot is an of the in the Euclidean plane (R ). 3 Also defined as a closed, non-self-intersecting in R . 2 Represented by knot projections in R .

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 3 / 26 Why ?

Late nineteenth century chemists and physicists believed that a substance known as aether existed throughout all of space. Could knots represent the elements?

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 4 / 26 Why Knots?

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 5 / 26 Why Knots?

Unfortunately, no.

Nevertheless, mathematicians continued to study knots!

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Natural knotting in DNA molecules (1980s).

Credit: K. Kimura et al. (1999)

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Chemical synthesis of knotted molecules – Dietrich-Buchecker and Sauvage (1988).

Credit: J. Guo et al. (2010)

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Use of lattice models, e.g. the Ising model (1925), and planar projection of knots to find a via statistical mechanics.

Credit: D. Chicherin, V.P. Spiridonov (2015)

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 9 / 26 The

2 The unknot is the standard circle in R ; has no crossings. Could every knot secretly be the unknot?

The Thistlethwaite Unknot

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 10 / 26 Reidemeister Moves

Kurt Reidemeister (1927) and James Alexander & G.B. Briggs (1926) independently showed that if two knot diagrams are the same, they can be related by three moves:

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A knot is tricolorable if each strand can be colored one of three colors At least two colors are used. At each crossing, all three strands are either the same color or are three different colors.

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Reidemeister moves preserve the tricolorability of a knot. Either every projection of a knot is tricolorable or no projection of that knot is tricolorable. The unknot is not the only knot!

Tricolorability is known as a knot invariant: a certain trait obtained by knots that is the same for equivalent knots.

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A knot K is assigned the unknotting number n if there exists some projection of K such that exactly n crossings can be changed to give the unknot.

The has unknotting number n = 1:

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An overpass is a subarc of a knot that goes over one or more crossings but does not go under a crossing.

A maximal overpass is an overpass that cannot be extended any further.

The bridge number of a given knot K, denoted b(K), is the least number of maximal overpasses over all projections of K.

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 15 / 26 Lucky Knot

The Lucky Knot Bridge in Changsha, China

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 16 / 26 Other Knot Invariants

Knot .

Knot .

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 17 / 26 An Unsolved Problem!

Create a computer program that will tell you whether a given knot is actually the unknot. Wolfgang Haken (1961) came up with an that could do this.

However, it is so complicated that no program has been written to efficiently apply it!

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 18 / 26 Knot Composition

The composition of two knots J and K is the knot resulting from cutting one strand of each knot and combining the loose ends, denoted J#K. J and K are called factor knots of J#K.

The crossing number of a knot K, c(K), is the least number of crossings in any projection of K.

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 19 / 26 Keeping Track of Knots

If a knot can only be factored into itself and the unknot, then it is called a .

There was a need to find a way to list all possible knots, particularly prime knots, of varying crossing numbers; called tabulation.

John Conway (1969) invented a new notation, which he used to find all prime knots K where c(K) ≤ 11 by hand. Corrected by Alain Caudron (1978).

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Hugh Dowker (1978) created another notation based on Tait’s ideas.

Morwen Thistlethwaite used Dowker’s notation to create a computer program that generated all prime knots K such that c(K) ≤ 13 (1981-82).

Jim Hoste, Thistlethwaite, and Jeff Weekes were able to then generate all prime knots K where c(K) ≤ 16 (1998). The First 1,701,936 Knots, The Mathematical Intelligencer.

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The below knot has the Dowker notation: 8 10 2 12 4 6.

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 22 / 26 Unsolved Problems

Is it true that c(K1#K2) = c(K1) + c(K2) for all knots K1,K2?

Determine the following sequence of :

1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 21, 49, 165, 552, 2176, 9988, ···

Can this sequence be represented by a function?

+ Show that, for all n ∈ Z , the number of unique prime (n + 1)-crossing knots is greater than the number of unique prime n-crossing knots.

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 23 / 26 Sources

J. C. Cha and C. Livingston, KnotInfo: Table of Knot Invariants, http://www.indiana.edu/ knotinfo, February 10, 2018. C.C. Adams, The Knot Book, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1994. Adams’ cousin-in-law, Sir Randolph Bacon III, gives a great lecture: Math Encounters - Blown Away: What Knot to Do When Sailing.

Rebecca Hardenbrook A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory 24 / 26 Learn More About Knots

Take an introductory course! (Math 5510/20)

Take a reading course on knot theory!

Do a knot theory REU project!

Read a ton of books: The Knot Book by Colin Adams Why Knot? by Colin Adams Knots and Links by Dale Rolfsen On Knots by ...and more!

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