The Birds of the West Indies, Including the Bahama
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108 Cor•¾on lhe tlirds of the WeslIndies. [April 2. From the low intervale landsnearly to the secondmile of the carriage road T. a. jballasii outnmnbers T. u. szvalnsonii. 3- Frmn the last point to 30oofeet altitude T. u. swalnsoniiwasthe only one seen in any numbers. 4. From 35oofeet to the limit oœ.•tunted firs and spruces,T. a. bicknelli is the most abundant. 46. Turdus aonalaschkeepallasii. ttEr• T}tmysH.--Sawnothing oœ the bird excepton the way up the mountainby the carriageroad. It was commonas far as the secondmile post, but none were seen beyond with the exceptionof a singlespecimen seen at an elevationof 33oofeet. 47- Merula migratoria. AMEt•CAN RomN.--On July •2, •886, a pair were seenat an altitude of 5080feet on the Crawford Bridle Path. They may have beenstragglers frmn the valleybelow, but as it was not during the migration, and there had been no storm for several weeks, it seems more likely that they had nested in somestunted firs and spruceson a southernslope near by. No others were seen. THE BIRDS OF THE WEST INDIES, INCLUDING THE BAIIAMA ISLANDS, THE GREATER AND THE LESSER ANTILLES, EXCEPTING THE ISLANDS OF TOBAGO AND TRINIDAD. BY CIIARLES B. CORY. [ Continuedfrom fl. 5x.] FAMILY COLUMBIDAE. GENUS Columba L•NN. ColumSaL•NN•US, Syst. Nat. W35, and Syst. Nat. ed. •o, p. •62 0758). Columba leucocephala L•NN. Columba lencoce]ShalaL•. Syst. Nat. I, p. •64 0758).--Nu•. Man. Orn. I, p. 625 (t832).--Goss•, Bds. Jam. p. 299 (•847).--S^Lc• , P. Z. S. •857, p. 235.--M^gcI•, Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. •863, p. 3o•.--BI•¾^Nw, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. }list. XI, p. 96 0866).--Su•nF•v. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. F6r. •869, pp. 585, 6oo.--Sc•. 8z S^•v. Nmn. Avlum Neotr. p. •32 (t873).--Bn. Bw•. 8z R•)•w. Hist. N. Am. Bds. III, p. 363 (•874).--L^wI•. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. I, p. 487 0878). •8S7.1 CORYon the Birds of the PVeslIn(lies. lO 9 --CORY, Bds. Bahama I. p. •37 (•88o).--A. & E. NEWTO:N,Handb. Jamaica, p. ii 4 (•S8•).--CoRY, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, p. •54 (•85I); lb. Bds. Haiti & San Domingo, p. t34 (•$85); t'b. List Bds. \V. I. p. 23 (x$85).--CouEs, Key N. Am. Bds. p. 565 0884). Palttgz'o•taslettcocejbhaltts REICH. Syst. Av. (t85t).--BP. Consp. II, p. 54 (t854).--A. & E. NEWXO•, Ibis, •859, p. 253. Pttlttff[oenasleucoce•hala REiCtt. Syst. Nat. p. 25 (I85X).--Bv. Consp. II, P' 54 (I854).--C^B. J- f. O. I856, p. io7.--BrCF•Wm•, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 (i86o).--ScL P. Z. S. •86•, p. 8o.--An,REC•x, J. f. O. I562, p. 2o4.--[b. GUNDE,.I874 , p. 288; ib. Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. VII, p. 345 (I878). SP. CH•XR.Male:--Above grayishblue, showingslight reflections;crown pure white, bordered at the nape by a band of dark purple, and be- low it a cape extending upon each side of the neck of metallic green, sbowlng blue in some lights, the feathers bordered with black; quills dark brown, becoming lighter upon the secondaries; under- parts grayish blue; crissum plumbeous; tail very dark brown. The female resemblesthe male, but is somewhat paler. Length, i2.5o; wing, 7.25; tail, 2.25; tarsus, .80. H^mT^T. Baha•nas and Antilles. Columba corensis GMEL. Colatubacorensz's GMEL. Syst. Nat. I, p. 783 (I788)---SALL•, P. Z. S. •857, p. 235.--A. & E. NF.WTO•, Ibis, I859, p. 252---CAssIN, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. I86O, p. 377.--B•Y^•T, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. }list. XI, p. 96 (t866).--Su>mv•v. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. F6r. I869, p. 6oL--ScL. & S^LV. Nom. Avimn Neotr. p. i32 (X873).--BD. BWR. & Rm6w. Hist. N. Am. Bds. III, p. 360 (•874).--L^wr½. Pt. U.S. Nat. Mus. I, p. 487 (x878).--L•STg•, Ibis, •88o, p. 42.--Ai. LEN, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V, p. i69 (i88o).--CoRy, Bds. tIaiti & San Do- mingo, p. I36 (I885); lb. List Bds. W. I. p. 23 (I885).--WELLS, List Bds. Grenada, p. 6 (I886). Columba J3orloricensis TEMM. Hist. Gen. Pigeons, .I, pl. x5 (ISt3).-- D'O•u. in La Sagra's Hist. Nat. Cuba, Ois. p. i72 0840). Columbamontœcolor V•EXLL. Nouv. Dict. XXVI, p. 355 (I818). Columbaimbricata WAGL.Syst. Nat. No. 48 (I827). Palaffia•nas corens•5BP. Consp.II• p. 54 (t854).--C^B. J. f. O. x$56,p. IoS.--BREWER, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 0860).-- GUSDn. Repert Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. 299 (I866); lb. J. f. O. t874, p. 289; ib. Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. VII, p. 344 (•878) ß C•^}(. Male:--General plumage slaty; top of head, throat and breast pale porple; a broad cape extending from the sides of the neck, over the upper back, of beautifully rounded feathers, showing bright, metallicpurple when held in the light, eachfeather narrowly edged with dark brown at the base of the skull. I IO CORY on the ]31rds o/the I•ex! grid[es. [April The sexesare similar, the female being slightly paler. Length. 13.5o; •ving, 7.5o; tail, 5.5o; tarsus, 1. H^•ZT^T. Antilles. Columba caribaea LINN. Columbacar[bcea L•NN. Syst. Nat. I (Z766).--GMEL. Syst. Nat. I, p. 773 (•788).--LATH. Ind. Orn. p. 603 (1790).--TEMM. Hist. Gen. Pig- eons, 450 (I813-15).--SHAw, Gert. 'Zool. XI, p. 37 (I819)'--SUNDEV. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. FOr. 1869, p. 6oL--ScL. & SALV. Nom. Avium Neotr. p. 132 (1873).--BD. BWR. & Rmow. }list. N. Am. Bds. III, p. 359 (I874).--A. & E. NEWTON, Handb. Jamaica, p. zz4 (•88z).-- CORY, List Bds. W. I. p. 2.3 (1555). Columba carlbbceaDENt•Y, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 39' Columba carœbbeaGossE, Bds. Jam. p. 291 0847). ]•alaffœaenascar•'bcea Be. Consp. II, p. 54 (1854)'--SCL' P' Z. S. I861, p. 8o. --ALgRECHT, J. f. O. 1862, p. 204.--RE•CH. Handb. p. 65, tab. 23o.-- GRAY, Handl. Bds. II, p. 234 (I87O). Columba carr[bea MARCH, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1863, p. 3oz. CIIAR. Male:--Porehead and cheeks showing a faint olive, the rest of the head a dull purplish tinge; chin dull white; feathers of the nape and npper back showing golden green reflectionswhen held in the light; rest of upper parts dull olive; breastshowing a dull purplish tinge; rest of underpartspale reddishbrown; upper surfaceof tail dark slaty brown, almostblack, to within two inches of the tip, •vhich is very pale bro•vn; upper tail-coverts nearly covering the dark brown of the basal portion; under stirface of tail dull white; primaries dark brown, narrowly edged with white on the outer webs, showing brightest on the second,third, and fourth feathers. The sexes are similar. Length (skin), i4; wing, 8.5o; tail, 6; tarsus,.9 ¸ . HA•ZT^T. Jamaica and Porto Rico. Columba inornata ViG, Columba œnornalaVzc•. Zool. Journ. •827, p. 446.--D'ORB. in La Sagra's Hist. Nat. Cuba, Ois. p. 173 (t84O).--DEl•NY, P. Z. S. 1847,p. 39.-- Sc•.. P, Z. S. x86•, p. 8o.--MaRc•, Pt. Acad. Nat. $ci. Phila. •863, p. 3oi.--$cL. & SALV. Nom. Avium Neotr. p. 132 (1873).--B•. BWR. & RiDGw. Hist. N. Am. Bds. IIIo p. 360 (•874).--A. & E. NEwwox, Handb.Jamaica, p. 114(i$$I).--CoRY, Bds.Haiti & San Domingo, p. 136 (I885); ;b. List Bds. W. I. p. 23 (•885). Columba rufina Gosse, Bds. Jam. p. 296 (I847). Chloroenasinornata BP. Consp. II, p. 53 (IS$4)'--CAB' J' œ'O. I856, p. XO6.--BREWER,Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 086o).-- SCLATER,P. Z. S. 1561,p. SO.----ALBRECHT,J, f. O. I862, p. 2o4.-- •$87.1 CORY on the Birds of the West Indies. I [ I Gv•)t.. Repert. Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. 298 (•866); z'b.J. f. O. I$74, pp. 286, 312: lb, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. VII, p. 343 (I878). 8P. CHAR. Male :--Head, neck, underparts. and some of the wing-coverts dull purple; rest of plumage slaty; edges of outer webs of some ot the wing-coverts white, distinctly marking the wings; chin dull •vhite. The sexes are similar. Length, i4.5o; wing, 8.50; tail. 5.5o: tarsus, I.xo. HAmT^T. Greater Antilles. GENUS Engyptila SUNDEV. Engyptila SUN•)•VALL, Stockholm Acad. Itandl. •835. Engyptila jamaicensis (L•NN.). Columbajamaicensis LINN. Syst. Nat. I, p. 283 (•766).--G.m•z. Syst. Nat. I, p. 782 (I788).--T•. Hist. Gen. Pigeons, p. 495 (I8•3'-I5) ß Columbafrontalls TF.:•m. Hist. Gen. Pigeons (i$i3-i5). Goura./'ama[censœsSHAW, Gem Zool. XI, p. •26 (i819). Pertgterajt*maicensœsGosse, Bds.Jam. p. 313 (I847).--A•.nRF-CH'r,J. f. O. I862, p. 204. Le•totStiltl./amaicensi.•SLOANE. Jam. pl. 262.--BP. Icon. Pig. t. I•9; Consp. II, p. 73 (I864).--M•x}•ca, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. i863, p. 302.--GRAv, Handl. Bds. II. p. 242 (I$70).--SCL. & SALV. Nom. Avium Neotr. p. i33 (•873). Engy•tila./amaicensœsA. &; E. Nrw•'o•', Handb. Jamaica,p. •I 4 (i88•).-- CORY, List Bds. W. I. p. 23 ( SP. CHAR. Male :--Forehead dull white. shading into slaty gray on the top of the head; a cape of metallic purple, blue and gray, when held in the light; rest of upper surface olive; throat dull white, becoming slaty on the underparts; flanks and belly dull white; under surt:aceof •vings bright rufous; tail tEathers slaty, tipped with white, except the two central ones, which are pale brown; primaries pale brown.