108 Cor•¾on lhe tlirds of the WeslIndies. [April

2. From the low intervale landsnearly to the secondmile of the carriage road T. a. jballasii outnmnbers T. u. szvalnsonii. 3- Frmn the last point to 30oofeet altitude T. u. swalnsoniiwasthe only one seen in any numbers. 4. From 35oofeet to the limit oœ.•tunted firs and spruces,T. a. bicknelli is the most abundant. 46. Turdus aonalaschkeepallasii. ttEr• T}tmysH.--Sawnothing oœ the bird excepton the way up the mountainby the carriageroad. It was commonas far as the secondmile post, but none were seen beyond with the exceptionof a singlespecimen seen at an elevationof 33oofeet. 47- Merula migratoria. AMEt•CAN RomN.--On July •2, •886, a pair were seenat an altitude of 5080feet on the Crawford Bridle Path. They may have beenstragglers frmn the valleybelow, but as it was not during the migration, and there had been no storm for several weeks, it seems more likely that they had nested in somestunted firs and spruceson a southernslope near by. No others were seen.



[ Continuedfrom fl. 5x.]


GENUS Columba L•NN.

ColumSaL•NN•US, Syst. Nat. W35, and Syst. Nat. ed. •o, p. •62 0758).

Columba leucocephala L•NN.

Columba lencoce]ShalaL•. Syst. Nat. I, p. •64 0758).--Nu•. Man. Orn. I, p. 625 (t832).--Goss•, Bds. Jam. p. 299 (•847).--S^Lc• , P. Z. S. •857, p. 235.--M^gcI•, Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. •863, p. 3o•.--BI•¾^Nw, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. }list. XI, p. 96 0866).--Su•nF•v. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. F6r. •869, pp. 585, 6oo.--Sc•. 8z S^•v. Nmn. Avlum Neotr. p. •32 (t873).--Bn. Bw•. 8z R•)•w. Hist. N. Am. Bds. III, p. 363 (•874).--L^wI•. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. I, p. 487 0878). •8S7.1 CORYon the Birds of the PVeslIn(lies. lO 9

--CORY, Bds. Bahama I. p. •37 (•88o).--A. & E. NEWTO:N,Handb. Jamaica, p. ii 4 (•S8•).--CoRY, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, p. •54 (•85I); lb. Bds. Haiti & San Domingo, p. t34 (•$85); t'b. List Bds. \V. I. p. 23 (x$85).--CouEs, Key N. Am. Bds. p. 565 0884). Palttgz'o•taslettcocejbhaltts REICH. Syst. Av. (t85t).--BP. Consp. II, p. 54 (t854).--A. & E. NEWXO•, Ibis, •859, p. 253. Pttlttff[oenasleucoce•hala REiCtt. Syst. Nat. p. 25 (I85X).--Bv. Consp. II, P' 54 (I854).--C^B. J- f. O. I856, p. io7.--BrCF•Wm•, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 (i86o).--ScL P. Z. S. •86•, p. 8o.--An,REC•x, J. f. O. I562, p. 2o4.--[b. GUNDE,.I874 , p. 288; ib. Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. VII, p. 345 (I878).

SP. CH•XR.Male:--Above grayishblue, showingslight reflections;crown pure white, bordered at the nape by a band of dark purple, and be- low it a cape extending upon each side of the neck of metallic , sbowlng in some lights, the feathers bordered with black; quills dark , becoming lighter upon the secondaries; under- parts grayish blue; crissum plumbeous; tail very dark brown. The female resemblesthe male, but is somewhat paler. Length, i2.5o; wing, 7.25; tail, 2.25; tarsus, .80. H^mT^T. Baha•nas and Antilles.

Columba corensis GMEL.

Colatubacorensz's GMEL. Syst. Nat. I, p. 783 (I788)---SALL•, P. Z. S. •857, p. 235.--A. & E. NF.WTO•, Ibis, I859, p. 252---CAssIN, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. I86O, p. 377.--B•Y^•T, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. }list. XI, p. 96 (t866).--Su>mv•v. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. F6r. I869, p. 6oL--ScL. & S^LV. Nom. Avimn Neotr. p. i32 (X873).--BD. BWR. & Rm6w. Hist. N. Am. Bds. III, p. 360 (•874).--L^wr½. Pt. U.S. Nat. Mus. I, p. 487 (x878).--L•STg•, Ibis, •88o, p. 42.--Ai. LEN, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V, p. i69 (i88o).--CoRy, Bds. tIaiti & San Do- mingo, p. I36 (I885); lb. List Bds. W. I. p. 23 (I885).--WELLS, List Bds. Grenada, p. 6 (I886). Columba J3orloricensis TEMM. Hist. Gen. Pigeons, .I, pl. x5 (ISt3).-- D'O•u. in La Sagra's Hist. Nat. Cuba, Ois. p. i72 0840). Columbamontœcolor V•EXLL. Nouv. Dict. XXVI, p. 355 (I818). Columbaimbricata WAGL.Syst. Nat. No. 48 (I827). Palaffia•nas corens•5BP. Consp.II• p. 54 (t854).--C^B. J. f. O. x$56,p. IoS.--BREWER, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 0860).-- GUSDn. Repert Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. 299 (I866); lb. J. f. O. t874, p. 289; ib. Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. VII, p. 344 (•878) ß

C•^}(. Male:--General plumage slaty; top of head, throat and breast pale porple; a broad cape extending from the sides of the neck, over the upper back, of beautifully rounded feathers, showing bright, metallicpurple when held in the light, eachfeather narrowly edged with dark brown at the base of the skull. I IO CORY on the ]31rds o/the I•ex! grid[es. [April

The sexesare similar, the female being slightly paler. Length. 13.5o; •ving, 7.5o; tail, 5.5o; tarsus, 1. H^•ZT^T. Antilles.

Columba caribaea LINN.

Columbacar[bcea L•NN. Syst. Nat. I (Z766).--GMEL. Syst. Nat. I, p. 773 (•788).--LATH. Ind. Orn. p. 603 (1790).--TEMM. Hist. Gen. Pig- eons, 450 (I813-15).--SHAw, Gert. 'Zool. XI, p. 37 (I819)'--SUNDEV. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. FOr. 1869, p. 6oL--ScL. & SALV. Nom. Avium Neotr. p. 132 (1873).--BD. BWR. & Rmow. }list. N. Am. Bds. III, p. 359 (I874).--A. & E. NEWTON, Handb. Jamaica, p. zz4 (•88z).-- CORY, List Bds. W. I. p. 2.3 (1555). Columba carlbbceaDENt•Y, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 39' Columba carœbbeaGossE, Bds. Jam. p. 291 0847). ]•alaffœaenascar•'bcea Be. Consp. II, p. 54 (1854)'--SCL' P' Z. S. I861, p. 8o. --ALgRECHT, J. f. O. 1862, p. 204.--RE•CH. Handb. p. 65, tab. 23o.-- GRAY, Handl. Bds. II, p. 234 (I87O). Columba carr[bea MARCH, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1863, p. 3oz.

CIIAR. Male:--Porehead and cheeks showing a faint olive, the rest of the head a dull purplish tinge; chin dull white; feathers of the nape and npper back showing golden green reflectionswhen held in the light; rest of upper parts dull olive; breastshowing a dull purplish tinge; rest of underpartspale reddishbrown; upper surfaceof tail dark slaty brown, almostblack, to within two inches of the tip, •vhich is very pale bro•vn; upper tail-coverts nearly covering the dark brown of the basal portion; under stirface of tail dull white; primaries dark brown, narrowly edged with white on the outer webs, showing brightest on the second,third, and fourth feathers. The sexes are similar. Length (skin), i4; wing, 8.5o; tail, 6; tarsus,.9 ¸ . HA•ZT^T. Jamaica and Porto Rico.

Columba inornata ViG,

Columba œnornalaVzc•. Zool. Journ. •827, p. 446.--D'ORB. in La Sagra's Hist. Nat. Cuba, Ois. p. 173 (t84O).--DEl•NY, P. Z. S. 1847,p. 39.-- Sc•.. P, Z. S. x86•, p. 8o.--MaRc•, Pt. Acad. Nat. $ci. Phila. •863, p. 3oi.--$cL. & SALV. Nom. Avium Neotr. p. 132 (1873).--B•. BWR. & RiDGw. Hist. N. Am. Bds. IIIo p. 360 (•874).--A. & E. NEwwox, Handb.Jamaica, p. 114(i$$I).--CoRY, Bds.Haiti & San Domingo, p. 136 (I885); ;b. List Bds. W. I. p. 23 (•885). Columba rufina Gosse, Bds. Jam. p. 296 (I847). Chloroenasinornata BP. Consp. II, p. 53 (IS$4)'--CAB' J' œ'O. I856, p. XO6.--BREWER,Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 086o).-- SCLATER,P. Z. S. 1561,p. SO.----ALBRECHT,J, f. O. I862, p. 2o4.-- •$87.1 CORY on the Birds of the West Indies. I [ I

Gv•)t.. Repert. Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. 298 (•866); z'b.J. f. O. I$74, pp. 286, 312: lb, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. VII, p. 343 (I878).

8P. CHAR. Male :--Head, neck, underparts. and some of the wing-coverts dull purple; rest of plumage slaty; edges of outer webs of some ot the wing-coverts white, distinctly marking the wings; chin dull •vhite. The sexes are similar. Length, i4.5o; wing, 8.50; tail. 5.5o: tarsus, I.xo. HAmT^T. Greater Antilles.


Engyptila SUN•)•VALL, Stockholm Acad. Itandl. •835.

Engyptila jamaicensis (L•NN.).

Columbajamaicensis LINN. Syst. Nat. I, p. 283 (•766).--G.m•z. Syst. Nat. I, p. 782 (I788).--T•. Hist. Gen. Pigeons, p. 495 (I8•3'-I5) ß Columbafrontalls TF.:•m. Hist. Gen. Pigeons (i$i3-i5). Goura./'ama[censœsSHAW, Gem Zool. XI, p. •26 (i819). Pertgterajt*maicensœsGosse, Bds.Jam. p. 313 (I847).--A•.nRF-CH'r,J. f. O. I862, p. 204. Le•totStiltl./amaicensi.•SLOANE. Jam. pl. 262.--BP. Icon. Pig. t. I•9; Consp. II, p. 73 (I864).--M•x}•ca, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. i863, p. 302.--GRAv, Handl. Bds. II. p. 242 (I$70).--SCL. & SALV. Nom. Avium Neotr. p. i33 (•873). Engy•tila./amaicensœsA. &; E. Nrw•'o•', Handb. Jamaica,p. •I 4 (i88•).-- CORY, List Bds. W. I. p. 23 (

SP. CHAR. Male :--Forehead dull white. shading into slaty gray on the top of the head; a cape of metallic purple, blue and gray, when held in the light; rest of upper surface olive; throat dull white, becoming slaty on the underparts; flanks and belly dull white; under surt:aceof •vings bright rufous; tail tEathers slaty, tipped with white, except the two central ones, which are pale brown; primaries pale brown. Length (skin), IO; wing, 6; tail. 4.25; tarsus, •; bill .75. H^m'r^'r. Jalnaica.

Engyptila wellsi Laxwt. En•yptila wellsi LAWR.Auk. I. No 2, p. •$o (I884).--COR¾,List Bds. W. I. p. 23 (I885); lb. Revised List (I$86).--WELLS, List Bds. Grenada, p, 7 (I886). SP.CHAR. Female :--" The'fi'ont is whitish.with a slighttinge of thwn on the anterior portion, and is of a bluish cast on the posterior CoRY on the 13D'dsof lhe West [n(h'es. [April

the crown and occiput are dark brown ; the hind neck is of arather lighter brown; the back, wings, and upper tail-coverts are of a drill olivaceous green; the first outer tail-tkather is brownish-black, nar- rowly tipped with white; the secondis dark brown for two-thirds its length, terminating in blackish; all the other tail-feathers are dark umber brown above, and black underneath; the chin is white; the neck in front and the upper part of the breast are of a reddish t;awn color; the middle and lower parts of the breast and the abdmnen are creamy white; the sides are of alight fulvouscolor; the under tail-coverts are white, tinged with fulvous; the quills have their outer webs of a clear warm brown; the inner webs and under wing- coverts are of a rather light cinnamon color; the bill is black; the tarsi and toes are bright carlnine . "Mr. Wells says the sexesare alike. "Length, 12.25 inches; wing, 6.00; tail, 4.o0; bill, .63; tarsus, 1.25." (L^WR., 1. c., orig. discr.) H.•mr.•r. Grenada.

Engyptila collaris CORY. •E't•ffy•tila collaris CORY,Auk, III, pp. 498, 502 (1886). SP. Ct•^R.---Foreheaddrill white; top of the head dark gray, shoxvinga metallic tinge of purple on the nape; a cape of metallic purple showing greenish red reflections where it joins the back; back dark brownish olive; throat dull white; breast dull vinaceons, shading into dull white on the belly; sides dull red broxvn; under •ving- coverts and nnder surface of •ving rufous bro•vn; primaries brown, having the inner webs heavily marked with rufous brown; tail slaty brown, two or three outer feathers tipped with white; feet red; bill black; iris dull white. Length, 9-50; wing, 5'75; tail, 3.5o; tarsus, 1.25; bill, -75' HABITAT. Grand Cayman.

G•us Zenaidura BONAP.

Zenaidura "BONAPARTE,Consp. II, •854, P. 84."

Zenaidura macroura (L•NN.).

Columba macroura LI>*N. S. N. ed. to. p. 164 (1758), part. Columba carolœnensisLl•-S. Syst. Nat. I, p. 286 (1766).--D'ORu. in La Sagra's Hist. Nat. Cuba, Ois. p. 176 (x84o).--Su•v. Oetk. K. Vet. Akad. F6r. 1869, p. 6Ol (Porto Rico).. genaidura carolœnensœsS.•t.t.•, P. Z. S. 1857,p. 235 (San Domingo).-- CORY, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, p. 154 (1881) (Haiti); ib. Bds. Haiti & San Domingo, p. 129 (1885); ib. List Bds. W. I. p. 23 (1885). Perissura carolinensisBReWeR, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 (t86o) •887.] CoRY on lhe Bœrdsof lhe Vdesl[ud[es. I 1 3

(Cuba).--GuN•)L.Repert: Fisico-Nat. Cuba. I, p. 3or (t865); lb. J. f. O. t874, p. 298 (Cuba). Columba(Zenadura) carolinensis BRYANT, Pt. Bost.Soc. Nat. Hist.XI, p. 96 (t867) (San Domingo). Recordedfrom Haiti, San Domingo, Cuba, and Porto Rico.

GENUSEctopistes S;v^•NS. Eclo•bislesSWAINSON, Zool. Jour. III, p. 362,•827.

Ectopistes migratorius (L•NN.). ColEtubamig•rctloria LINN. Syst.Nat. I, p. 285(•766). Ectol)•lesmi•raloria SWAXNS. Zool. Journ. III, p. 362(t827).--Gux•L. J. f. O. •856,p. •2 (Cuba); lb. Repert.Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. 302 (•865); ib. J. f. O. x874,p. 30o(Cuba).--CoRY, List Bds.W. I. p. 24 (t885). Accidental in Cuba.

G•NUS Zenaida BONAP.

Zenaida BONAPARTE,Geog. and Comp. List. p. 4•, t838'

Zenaida zenaida (BoNAP.). Columbazenaida BP. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. V, p. 3ø (•825).-- WA(•L Isis, t829,p. 744.--D'OEmin La Sagra'sHist. Nat. Cnba. Ois.p. •77 (•84ø)'--AumBds. Am. V, p. t (•$42).--BEY^NT-PT. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. X, p. 257 (•866). Zenalda amabilisBP. List, I838; œb.Consp. II, p. 82 (t854).--GossE, Bds.Jam. p. 307(•847)----BRYANT, PT.Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII. p. •2o(•859).--A. & E. NEWXON,Ibis, •859,p. 253.--BREweR,Pr. Bost.Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. x2o(•859).--A. & E. N•WTON,Ibis, •859,p. 253'--BRewER,Pr.Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p.307 (I86O).-- C^ss•N,Pr. Acad.Nat. Sci. Phila. t86o,'p. 378.--Scn.P. Z. S. t86•, p. 8o.--Az•m•CHX,J. f. O. •862,p. 2o4.--M^RcI•,Pr. Acad. Nat.Sci. Phila. •863, p. 3o2.--GuN•n. Repert. Fisico-Nat. cuba, I. p.3o• (•865);lb. J. f. O. •874,pp- 298, 3 •2; lb.Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist, Nat. VII, p. 346(•878).--Scn. œ'• SAzv. Nom. A¾iuni Neotr. p. •32 (•873).--A.œ'• E. NEWXON,Itandb. Jamaica, p. •4 (•88t).-- CORY,Bds. Bahama I. p. •3$ (•$So);œb. Bds. Haiti & SanDomingo. p. •:•8(•885); ib. List Bds. W. I. p.24 (•885)---Cou•s, Key N. Am. Bds. p. 569 (•884). SP. CI•^R. Male :--Above olive brown; top of the head and underparts palepurplish brown; sides of thebody and under wing-coverts bluish;tail-feathers, with the exception of thecentral ones, bluish, I 14 Co}•¾on the Birds qf the 14•estIndies. [April

with a black band about an inch•from the tip; a slight streak of metallic blue below the ear; quills dark brown; secondariestipped with white; feet red. Th• sexes are similar. •Length, •o; wing, 6; tail, 4.30; tarsus, 80; bill, .55. HABrrAX. Antilles.

Zenaida spadicea Co}•¾.

Zenaicta s•adicea CORY, Auk, III, pp. 498, 502 (I886).

SP. CH^R.--General upper plumage dark olive bro•vn, rufous brown on the forehead and showing a tinge of very dull purple on the crown, apparently wanting in some specimens; a sub-auricular spot of dark metallic blue; sides of the neck and nape rich metallic purple; chin pale buff, shading into rich rufous chestnut on the throat and breast; belly brown, showing a slight vinaceous tinge; upper sur- face of tail brown, the feathers shoxving a sub-terminal band of black, and all the feathers except the central ones tipped with gray; primaries dark brown, almost black, faintly tipped with dull white; the secondariesbroadly tipped with white; tinder wing-coverts gray; bill black; feet red. Length, 9.60; wing, 6; tail, 3.75; tarsus, '75; bill, -50. HABITAT. Grand Caylnan.

A specimenof Zenaœdataken in Little Cayman differs some- what fi'om Z. s;baclicea•being lighter colored and having the metallic feathersof the neck somewhatdifferently colored--paler and lessin extent. I have separatedthe Little Caymanbird pro- visionally and with much hesitation,and have proposedthe name Zenaida richardsoni tbr it (see Auk, IV, p. 7, 2887), should furtherinvestigation prove thein specifically separable.

Zenaida martinicana BONAP.

Zenalda martlnicana, BP. Consp. II, p. 82 (I854).--TAYLOR , Ibis, z864, p. X7z.--GRA•Y,Handl. Bds. II, p. 241 (187o).--8cL. & SALV.Nom. Avimn Neotr. p. I32 (X873).--LAWR. Pt. U.S. Nat. Mus. I, p. 487 (Z878).--ALLEN, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V, p. •69 (X88O).--L•sxER, Ibis, •88o, p. 43.--GmsI)^L•, Ibis, •882, p. 492.--CORY, List Bds. W. I. p. 24 (Z885).--WELLS, List Bds. Grenada, p. 7 (z886). Columba(Jenalda) marlinœcanaSuNr)Ev. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. F6r. •869, p. 585ß

SP. CI-IAR.--Top of head, cheeks, and upper throat pale rufous brown; narrow line of dark blue on the cheek; chin dull white; feathers of CORYon the Eœrdsof the Wes!Indies. I ! 5

the sides of the neck tipped with metallic purple; throat tinged with pale lavender; underparts dull bluish white; back olive bro•vn, shading into chestnut brown on the rump; central tail-feathers brown; rest of tail-feathers slate color at the base, succeededby a band of black, and tipped with white; quills dark brown, showing an indistinct white edging on the outer primaries, tipped with white; bill black. Length. IO; wing, 6; tail• 4; tarsus, .75; bill, .50. HABITAT. Lesser Antilles.

Zenaida rubripes LAwR. Zenaœda rubrt•es LxwR. Auk, II, p. 357 (•885).--CoRY, Revised List Bds. W. I. p. 24 (x886).--W•t.s, List Bds. Grenada, p. 7 (x886).

SP. C,^R. Female ;--"The fi'ont is of a light brown tinged •vith viaace~ ous; the upper plumage is olivaceous-brown,with a dull reddishtin ge. which is most observable on the back; the hind part and sides of the neck are grayish, the latter glossedwith golden changing to light violet; the two central tail-feathers are olive brown: the onter web of the first lateral feather is pale rufous; the bases of the four outer ones are bro•vnish-cinereous,with their ends largely pale rufous, the t•vo separatedby a black bar; the other tail-feathers are dark cinereous with a subterminal black bar, on the under zide the color of the basal portion of the tail-feathers is blackish cinereous; the primaries are dark umber-brown, the secondaries brownish- black, both narrowly edged with white; the tertlals are the color of the back, and are marked with four conspicuous oval spots of black; the under wing-coverts are light bluish-ash. the flanks dark ashy- blue; behind the eye is a small spot of black, and another below the ears; sidesof the head and the chin pale vinaceous,the latter lighter in color; the under plumage is of a reddish cinnamon color, rather dull on the throat and breast, but somewhat brighter on the abdo- men and under tail-coverts; bill black; tarsi and toes carmine red. "The color of the feet in the dried specimen is quite bright; in the living bird it is doubtlessmuch more so. The tail has fourteen rectrices. "Length, fresh, 9.50 inches; wing, 5.25; tail, 3.38; bill, .62; tar- sus,ß ?5." (L•wm, 1.•c., orig. descr.) HABITAT. Grenada.

G•us Melopelia BoNAv.

Melo•elia BO•^P*RT•, Consp. II, p. 8x, •854.

Melopelia leucoptera (Lxm•'.). Columbaleuco•tera LI•N. Syst. Nat. I, p. x64 (x758). Turtur leuco•tera Gossg, Bds. Jam. p. 304 (,1847). i 16 coRY on the ]3t'rdso.f t•}e I4•est]nrl/es. [April

Zena[da leucopteraSCL. P. Z. S. 186I p. 8o, (Jamaica).--ALBREC}tT, J. f. O. 1862,p. 204 (Jamaica). MelolSellah, ucofilera M•XRCH, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1863,p. 302 (Jamalca).--Gc,x-oL. Repert. Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. 3ot 0866); œb. J. f. O. 1874,p. 297 (Cuba).--A. & E. NEWTON,Handb. Jamaica, p. lX4 (xSSt).--CoRY,Bds. Haiti & SanDomingo, p. 131(1885); œb. List Bds. W. I. p. 24 This specieshas beenrecorded fi'om Cuba• Jamaica, m•d San Domingo. G•aus ColumbigallinaBoth. 'Columbœ•allinaBORE, Isis, 1826,p. 977'

Columbigallina passerina (LINN.). Columbapasser';ha LxNN. Syst. Nat. I, p. 285 (t766).--GMEL. Syst. Nat. I, p. 787(i788).--D'ORB. in La Sagra'sHist. Nat. Cuba, Ois. p. 179 (•84o).--Su•r•Ev. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. FOr. 1869,pp. 586,6Ol. Columbigrallinapastier[ha ZELEDON, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII, p. 112 (1885).--CoR¾,Ibis, 1886,pp. 472,474; ib. Auk, III, p. 502 (1886). "Columba (Govka)]SasserinaBe. Ohs. Wils. •825, No. 18t.--Nv'r'r. Man. I, p. 635 (1832)." "Chceme•elia•ass•rina Sw^INS.Zool. Journ.III, p. 358 (18•7)." C•amce•)elia•asserœna Be. List, 1838,p. 41.--Goss<, Bds.Jam. p. 311 (x847).--S^LLV•,P. Z. S. 1857,p- •36.--B•¾^•, Pt. Bost.Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 1•o (.t859); lb. XI, p. 96 (1866).--WELLS,List Bds.Gre- nada,p. 7 (t886).--B•Ew•, lb. VII, p. 307 (t86o).--SCL. P. Z. S. t861, p. 80; œb.t874, p. t75.--AL•RECHT, J. f. 0. 186•, p. 2o4.-- M^•cH, Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1863, p. 3o2.--ScL. & S^LV. Nora. Avium Neotr. p. 133 (1873).--BD. BWR. & RZDGW.Hist. N. Am. Bds. III, p. 389 (X874).--GuNDL.Anal. Soc. Esp. HistJNat. VII, p. 349 (1878).--L^wR. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. I, p. 487 (1878).--L1s:rE•, Ibis, t88o, p. 43---ALLEN, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V, p. 169 (t88o). --A. 8,:E. NEWTON, Handb. Jaimaca, p. xt 4 (1881).--CoR¾, Bds. Bahama I. p. t39 (188o); œb.Butt. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, p. 154 (t881); ib. Bds. Haiti & SanDomingo, p. x27 (1885); ib. List Bds. %V. I. p. 24 (1885).--Cot•Es, Key N. Am. Bds. p. 569 (1884).-- RIDGW. 1%. U.S. Nat. Mus. VII• p. 172 (1884). Chamrepelia'lrochila A. & E. NEWTON,Ibis, 1859,p. 253.--C^sslN,Pt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 186o, p. 378.--S0n. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 653. Columba (Chamcepelia)passerœna B•¾^•"r, Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. X, p. 257 0866)- ChamoejSeliaba•amensis M^¾•^ao, Am. Exch. & Mart, Jan. 15, 1887.

Sv. CH^R. Male:--Above grayish olive, showing a bluish tinge upon the nape and crown; underpartsreddish purple, becomingashy on the •S87.] CORyon l}e Birdsof lhe lKesl[,dies. I 17

sides; under wing-coverts and quills showing reddish brown, the latter margined and tipped with (lark brown; middle tail-feathers like the back. the others dark brown, two onter feathers tipped with white; upper surfaceofwiug showing large spots of bluish purple; bill and feet yellowish, the former becomingdark at tile tip. The sexes are similar. Length, 6.30; wing, 3.30; tail, 2.60; tarsus, .50: bill, .50. HAh [TAT. Bahamas and Antilles.

GENUS Geotrygon GossE.

Geolo%o'onGosse, Bds. Jam. p. 316, 1847.

Geotrygon cristata (TE•m.).

Columba tristar^ Tv.xa•. Hist. Gen. Pigeons, p. 449 ('8'3'15).--S't^w, Gen. Zool. XI. p. 4 ø (,8,9). GeoD•g'onsylval/ca Gosse, Bds.Jam. p. 3,6 (,847).--AL•R•OllT , j. f. O. 1862, p. 204. (;eoD•y.4ro,crt'•la/•t BP. Consp. II, p. 7ø (,854).--M^•cm Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. ,863, p. 3oo.--G•^¾, Ilandl. Bds. II, p. 243 (,870).-- Set. & S^•v. Nora. Avium Neotr. p. '34 ('873).--A. & E. N•,:w- WON,Itandb. Jamaica, p. "4 (188,).--Co•Y, List Bds. W. I. p. 24 (,885).

S•'. CH^R. Male:--Forehead black, shading into grayish olive on the top of tile head; a malar stripe of pale rufons; breast, sides of the neck, and upper back formiug a broad collar of beautiful metallic purple; held in tile light it shmvs bright golden green; back and wing-coverts dark pnrple, tinged with blue, silowing chestnutin some lights; rump dark green; under surface of •vings rt•fous brown; belly slate color; sides and flanks rufous brown; the first six primaries bright rufous, shading into green on the tips and inner webs; secondariesgreen; upper surface of tail green. Length (skin), ,,; wing, 6.75; tail, 4; tarsns, 1.o5; bill, .9ø . ttAnlT^T. Jamaica.

Geotrygon mystacea (TE•.).

Columba n(yslaceaT•.•m. Hist. Gen. Pigeons, p. 473 (I814-IS)---SIIAW, Gert. Zool. XI, p. 56 (18,9).--"Rvncm Syst. Av. t. 257, h. f. 3382." Geo/ry,•,'o•t•t3,slace•! BP. Consp. II, p. 7' ('8.q4).--GR^Y, Handl. Bds. II, p. 243(,87o).--Scn. & S^I.V. Nora.Avium Neotr. p. •34 ('873).-- L^•v•. Pt. U.S. Nat. Mus. I, p. 487 ('878).--Scn. P. Z. S. •879, p. 765.--AL,.eN, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V, p. i69 (•88o).--C(m¾, List Bds. W. I. p. 24 (,885); œb.Ibis. ,886. p. 475. I I$ CoRYon the Birds oj'/he [Fest[nd/es. {_April

SP. CHAR.--Forebcad broxvnish, shading into green on the top of the head; sides of the neck and upper hack hrigbt metallic green, becoming bright purple with bluish reflections on reaching the back; stripe of white on the cheeks, passing fi-om tlle lower man- dible; rent of upper parts darkolixegreen: upper portion of throat dull xvhite; becoming brow n with greenish reflections on the breast; nnderpartsdottpurplish white, becoming dull white on the belt)-; under tail-coverts cllcstnut hrown, tipped with white; primaries deep rufous chestnut, olive at tips; tail-feathers, except tbc two central ones, chestnut, shading to dull olive at the tip. Length, i1; wing, 6.5o; tail, 5; tarsus, 1.25: bill, .7ø . HABITAT. Gttadeloupc,Santa Lucia, and Grand Terre.

Geotrygon caniceps Gu•)L.

Columba caniceipsGUN•)L. Journ. Bost. $oc. Nat. Hist. Vi, p. 315 0852). Geotryffon canice,•sGUNDr.. J. f. O. I856 , p. Ito.--BI',EWER. Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 307 (186o)..--GtyNI)L. Repert. Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. 300 (1866); œb.J. f. O. i874, p. 295.--ScL. & SAr,V. Nora. Avium Neotr. p. i34 (1873).--CORY , List Bds. W. I. p. 24 (188,5).

SP. CHAR. Male:--Forehead whitish, shading into slate color on the top of the head; the f•athers of the nape showing greenish and purple reflections when held in the light; back pm'ple; rump steel blue, showing greenish reflections in the light; throat pale, becoming slatyon the breast, with slight reflections in theligllt; underparts pale slate color, showing rufous on the abdomen, and deep rufoos brown on the crissmn; under surface of wing reddish brown; pri- maries olive brown, showing rufous brown on the inner webs. The sexes are similar. Length (skin), lO.5O; wing, 6; tail, 3.50; tarsus, 1.2o. HAbiTAT. Cuba.

Geotrygon montana (LiNN.). Columba mon/ana LINN. Syst. Nat. I, p. 281 (U66).--G•L. Syst. Nat. I, p. 77• (1788).--SUN•EV. Oefv. K. Vet. Akad. F6r. 1869. p. 6Ol. Perœsleramontana GRAY, Gen. Bds. 1I, p. 475 (I844-49)' Geolryg•onmonlana GossE, Bds. Jam. p. 32o (I847).--Bp. Consp. I1, p. 72 (I854).---CAB. J. f. O. I856, p. IO9.--SALL• , P. g. S. 1857, p. 235.-- BReweR, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 3o7 (•86o).--Scr,. P. Z. S. 186I, p. 80.--ALBRECHT, J. f. O. 1862. p. 204.--MARCH. Pt. Acad. •at. Sci.Phila. 1863, p. 3oo.--T^y1. o•, Ibis, 1864, p. 171.--GuNnr.. J. f. O. 1874, p. 294; ib. Anal. Soc. Esp. Hint. Nat. VII, p. 348 (i878). --L^wR. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. l, p. 487 (1878).--LinTyre, Ibis, iS8o,p. 43.--ALL•, Butl. Nutt. Orn. Club, V, p. r69 (I88O).--A. 8; E. N•wTo•, Handb. Jamaica, p. i14 (1881).--CoR¾, Bds. Ilaiti 8zSan CORY0n the llirds qf lhe Wes/[n•tie3. I 19

Domingo, p. T32 (I555); /b. List Bds. W. 1. p. 24 (1•S5); lb. Ibis. •886, p. 473.--WV:LLS, List Bds. Grenada. p. 7 (tSS6). Colttmb• (Geolrj,.•ro•t) •nonla•t•tBRYANT, Pt. Bo•t. $oc. Nat. Hist. XI. p. 96 (•866): lb. X, p. -'57 (t$66).

CH^•..4Iale:--Above purplish brown, becoming light bro•vn on the wings; throat dull white• becomingpale purple on the breast: belly pale broxv•, becomiug brownish xvhite on the nnder tail-coYerts. Fem(tle:--Upper parts greenish brown: fi)rehead light brown. the color extending upon the cheeksand sidesof the bead: breastchest- ntlt bl'owi1. Length, 9.25; wing, 6; tail, 3.25; tarsus, •. H.x•irv^'r. Antilles.

Geotrygon martinica (GMEL.). Columbtt marliuica GMEL. Syst. Nat. 1, p. 7•l (I788). Columbamonlana Au•). Oru. Biog. II, p. 352 (X$34).--Nt;TT. Man. I, 2nd ed. p. 756 (t84o) (not of Lt•-•.). Zenat'cta nzoJtlttJtttB•,. Grog. & Comp. List. 1838. Oreo•eleia martin[cana RE1CII. Syst. Nat. Av. p. 25 (1S5•). (;eolr•v•,'onntarlœnica BI'. Consp. 1I. p. 74 (•854).--C^•- J- f' O. tS56, p. 1oS.--B•Ew•t(, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VII, p. 3o7 (•86o).--Scz. •'cSazv. Nora. Avium Neotr. p. •34 (t873).--Gt'•)L J. f. O. •874. p. 293; ib. Anal. Soc. Esp. 11ist. Nat. VII. p. 347 Bds. Bahama I. p. 14• (xSSo); lb. Bds. Haiti & Sa• l)omingo, p. •33 (1885); lb. List Bds. \¾. I. p. 24 (t885).--CouEs , Key N. Am. Bds. p. 57• (•884). Oreojbelehtmartin[ca B^•P,•, ]3ds.N. Am. p. 607 (ISSS).--GUNDL. Repert. Fisico-Nat. (.2ubtt,I, p. 299 (•866).--GI•^¾, Handi. Bd•. I1, p. 242 (tS7o).--Bm Bwa. &: Rmr3w. 1iist. N. Am. Bds. Ill, p. 393 (I874)- Colttmba (Geotryffon) •nartlnica B•YAX•t', Pt. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XI, p. 96 (t866).

Cmx•. Malv:--Above chestnut rutbus; crown and neck with metallic reflectionsof green a•d purple; back showing brilliant purple re- fleetions, becoming less distinct on the rump; a band ofxYbite from the base of the lower nmndible. under the eye, to the side of the neck, borderedbelow by a streakof dull purple; m•dcrpartsshowi•g the breast pale pm'ple, becomi•g d•fil white on the throat and abdo- men; primaries bright •'ufoua, becoming darker at the tips; tail rufons; legs light red; bill red. tip horn color; iris light brown. The sexes appear to be similar. Length. io. 75: xving, 6; tail 4.25; tarsus, nos; bill, .9o. HAIllTAT. Bahamas and Antilles.

GENUS Starncenas BONAI'.

$tarnoenasBO>;^V^I•TE, Grog. &: Comp. List, 4t, z838. 120 B•cir. nAM on Birrl• observed al Pueblo, Colorado. [April

Starncenas cyanocephala (LxNN.).

Columba cyanocesbhalaLI•N. Syst. Nat. I, p. 252 (•766).--D'O•m in La Sagra's Hist. Nat. Cuba, Ois. p. x74 (•$4o) - Slarmcnas cyanocej6halaGosse, lids. Jam. p. 324 0847).--C,x•. J. f. O. I$56, p. •o$ (Cuba).--B•zwv•. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vii. p. 307 (x86o) (Cuba).--Azu•ctiq', J. f. O. •86:, p. :o 4 (Jamaica).-- GvNm.. Repert. Fisico-Nat. Cuba, I, p. :99 (x865): lb. J. f. O. 1874, p. :9 • (Cuba).--Co•¾, List Bds. W. I. p. 24 (•855)-

SP. CHA•.--Top of the head bright blue; a •arroxv line of black extend- ingthrottgh the eye. meeting at the nape, immediately joininga hand of white which passestinder the eye from the 1oxvermandible and chin; throat glossy black, narrowly banded with white on the last black feathers of the lower throat, forming a white edging to the black throat; the leathers on the sides of the neck narrowly tipped with blue; upper.partspurplish brown on the back, shading into olive brown on the lower back and rump; wings and tail bro•vn; breast tinged with purple, shading into ruffms brown on the belly; undersurlhce of tail-feathers dark brown, almost black; basaI por- tion of bill and fhet deep red. Length, xx; wing, 6; tail, 4; tarsus, •.25; bill, .50.

Cuba, commonill parts of the interior. On several occasions I have seenthe living birds offered for sale in the markets oœ ttavana. Janmica (•41brecht). Turiur risorœa of authors is claimed to have been introduced into the West Indies many years ago; I have a specimenin my cabinet labelled "San Domh•go." It has also been recorded froln St. Bartholomew, Cuba, and Jamaica.*



DUmNGthe year i883 I spe•t severalmonths at Pueblo, Colo- rado, and devoted considerable time while there to the birds. The results of my obserw•tions,nearly all of xvhichwere made in

* 7*ur•ur risoria SUNDEV. Oefv. K. Vet. Acad. F6r. I869, p. 586 (St. Bartholomew). Turlur risorlus MARCH, Pr. Atari. Nat. Sci. Phila. x863, p. 302 (Jamaica). 2Curlurrisorus A. & E. NEWTON,Handb. Jamaica•p. xx7 (x88I).