ISSN (Online) 2393-8021 IARJSET ISSN (Print) 2394-1588 International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2018 The Links of Chain of Development of Physics from Past to the Present in a Chronological Order Starting from Thales of Miletus Dr.(Prof.) V.C.A NAIR* Educational Physicist, Research Guide for Physics at Shri J.J.T. University, Rajasthan-333001, India. *
[email protected] Abstract: The Research Paper consists mainly of the birth dates of scientists and philosophers Before Christ (BC) and After Death (AD) starting from Thales of Miletus with a brief description of their work and contribution to the development of Physics. The author has taken up some 400 odd scientists and put them in a chronological order. Nobel laureates are considered separately in the same paper. Along with the names of researchers are included few of the scientific events of importance. The entire chain forms a cascade and a ready reference for the reader. The graph at the end shows the recession in the earlier centuries and its transition to renaissance after the 12th century to the present. Keywords: As the contents of the paper mainly consists of names of scientists, the key words are many and hence the same is not given I. INTRODUCTION As the material for the topic is not readily available, it is taken from various sources and the collection and compiling is a Herculean task running into some 20 pages. It is given in 3 parts, Part I, Part II and Part III. In Part I the years are given in Chronological order as per the year of birth of the scientist and accordingly the serial number.