Rhinebeck, New York, and ) North Canaan and Sharon, Connecticut) )
OOCKET FILE COpy ORIGINAl Before the ORIGINAL FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Amendment ofSection 73.202(b) ) Table ofAllotments ) FM Broadcast Stations ) (West Hurley, Rosendale, and ) Rhinebeck, New York, and ) North Canaan and Sharon, Connecticut) ) To: Chief, Allocations Branch Policy and Rules Division Mass Media Bureau PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION Sacred Heart University, Inc. ("SHU"), by its counsel, hereby submits a Petition for Reconsideration pursuant to Section 1.429 of the Commission's Rules, of the Report and Order ("RO&O"), DA 01-1735 released July 20, 2001 in the above captioned proceeding. l The RO&O adopted the Counterproposal of State University of New York ("SUNY") and allotted Channel *273A to Rhinebeck, New Yark and substituted Channel 255A for Channel 273A at Rosendale, New Yark. The RO&O denied the Petition ofSHU to allot Channel *277A at North Canaan, Connecticut which included the substitution ofChannel 255A for Channel 273A at Rosendale, New York. As will be explained herein, the SUNY proposal is defective and should not have been adopted. In addition, North Canaan should be preferred for a first local service. In support hereof, SHU states as follows: 1. The Petition for Reconsideration is timely filed within 30 days ofthepublication oftheR&O in the Federal Register. See 66 FR 39454 (July 31, 2001)and 1.429(d) ofthe Commission's Rules. 66567.1 ~ :" _ t ,"" , '.. ~." ' I. DEFECTIVE COUNTERPROPOSAL 1. On December 1, 1995, SHU filed a Petition for Rule Making to allot Channel *277A to North Canaan as its first local service and, inter alia, substitute Channel 255A for 273A at Rosendale.
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