Draft North Tipperary Biodiversity Action Plan Dr Amanda Browne 2007 Draft North Tipperary Local Biodiversity Action Plan North Tipperary County Council November 2007 1 Draft North Tipperary Biodiversity Action Plan Dr Amanda Browne 2007 Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the assistance of all consultees in the production of this Plan. I would like to give particular thanks to Fran Igoe, Stefan Jones, Bart Vennemen, David Nash and Michael Maunsell for their comments on the draft plan. Many thanks also to Siobhán Geraghty, Janice Fuller and Clíona O’Brien for their help and support. Thanks also to the other members of the Action Plan panel, Mieke Muyllaert, Lesley Lewis, Karina Dingerkus, Will Woodrow, Padraig Fogarty, John Wann and Brendan O’ Hanrahan, for their advice and support. This plan was funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Dr Amanda Browne Trellick Kinvara Co. Galway 091-638191/086-8547822
[email protected] 2 Draft North Tipperary Biodiversity Action Plan Dr Amanda Browne 2007 Table of Contents 1. Vision statement/ overall aims and objectives 1.1. Objectives 1.2. Loss of Biodiversity 2. Introduction 2.1. How this plan was produced? 2.2. Background to the biodiversity resource of North Tipperary 2.3. What is biodiversity? 2.4. Why is biodiversity important? 2.5. Why a biodiversity action plan? 3. Overview of Biodiversity of County North Tipperary 3.1. Special biodiversity features of the county 3.2. Key habitats in North Tipperary F Freshwater FL Lakes and ponds FL4 Mesotrophic lakes FL6 Turloughs FW Watercourses FW 2 Depositing/lowland rivers FP Springs FS Swamps G Grassland and Marsh GS Semi-natural grassland GM Freshwater marsh H Heath and dense bracken HH Heaths P Peatlands PB Bogs and PF Fens and flushes W Woodlands WN Semi-natural woodland WL Linear woodland/scrub WL 1 Hedgerows 3.3.