Orientation and Training – Determined by Branch and Association

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Orientation and Training – Determined by Branch and Association ORIENTATION AND TRAINING – DETERMINED BY BRANCH AND ASSOCIATION It is recommended that Association’s provide orientation and training sessions relevant to the position. Coaches - Hockey Canada’s National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) is a competency- Team Safety People / Board of based program. The program Officials Officials Officials enables coaches to build their Managers Trainers Directors coaching tools and knowledge of the game, so they can work effectively with their players. LEVEL I Purpose to LEVEL IV Purpose Hockey Canada Safety Managers Manual - See Association prepare a young or new to prepare hockey Program/HockeyTrainers LEVEL VI Purpose Appendix official to officiate minor officials capable of Certification Program Orientation To prepare hockey refereeing Senior, competent officials Coach Stream Junior A, B, C, D, capable of minor hockey refereeing at regional and LEVEL 2 Purpose to national further enhance the national championships and Association Meetings Association Meetings training and skills of championships, designated IIHF minor hockey officials. female hockey competition (i.e. Developmental Stream national Memorial Cup, RBC championships and Cup, Allan Cup, LEVEL III Purpose to designated minor Hardy Cup, prepare officials hockey IIHF University Cup, capable of refereeing competition, or CCAA finals, world minor hockey being a linesman in championships, playoffs, minor Major Junior, High Performance hockey regional Olympics, FISU Stream Junior A, Senior, playoffs and female Games). national CIS, CCAA, inter- championships, or branch and IIHF being linesmen in competition Junior B, C, D, Senior Association Meetings and Bantam or Association Midget regional LEVEL V Purpose to championships prepare meetings competent officials to referee Major Junior, Junior A, Senior, CIS, and inter-branch playoffs ORIENTATION AND TRAINING – DETERMINED BY BRANCH AND ASSOCIATION It is recommended that Association’s provide orientation and training sessions relevant to the position. COACH MENTORSHIP HOCKEY CANADA SAFETY PROGRAM SPEAK OUT .
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