SAINT JOSEPH PARISH 150th Jubilee Celebration DEDICATION of SAINT JOSEPH JUBILEE PARK SATURDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 2020 Following 5:00 p.m. Mass JUBILEE PARK PAVILION OPEN HOUSE Following Dedication Ceremony Refreshments will be provided as allowed by COVID precautions at the time. REPLY BY EMAIL TO
[email protected] OR CALL THE RECTORY AT 859.441.1604 BY JULY 28, 2020 TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATONS COVID precautions at that time will be followed. Updated information regarding the Dedication Ceremony can be found in our bulletin, at and our parish Facebook page. Thank you for your understanding. July 26, 2020 St. Joseph Church Cold Spring, KY A Word from Father Gerry Dear Brothers and Sisters, JUBILEE YEAR “Grateful for the past – Faithful in the present – Hopeful for the future” Though our plans for observing our parish’s 150th Jubilee Year have been scaled back, we want to commem- orate the year as much as we can. Here’s what the Jubilee Committee has planned: Dedication of Jubilee Park Saturday, August 15 following 5 pm Mass Including a picnic dinner if COVID precautions relax enough to allow it – please make reservations for the dinner – just in case. Jubilee Edition of Parish Directory will be distributed sometime in August Jubilee Mass Sunday, September 27 at 11:3o am. Our parish picnic will follow the Mass, if COVID precautions relax enough to permit it. Evening of Reflection– Power of Forgiveness Wednesday, September 30 I hope you’ll mark the celebration dates on your calendar and plan participate as much as you are able.