ter the trio from prevented becoming JOE WOOD MAKES A RECORD VARIETIES OF HUSBANDS Immortal. ! THREE GREAT PLAYERS RECOMMENDED TO YOU. No two men, not If they were both Clever Pitcher for Boston Red Sox —— Cobbs, can overcome the weakness Had Most Strikeouts In 1913 Sea- BALTIMORE TRIO PICKED AS of a mediocre player, because the Ideal son—Johnson Is Second. In the April American .Magazine outfield must be a smooth BEST BY ONE CRITIC. working James (Montgomery Flagg contributes with man of machine, every capable Joe Wood of the Red Sox did not a piece in words and pictures entitled — what the othere are doing capable of, have as good a season last year as he “The Care and Feeding of Husbands.” to maintain the balance. had in but 1912, nevertheless Smoky Below are some of his rec- The Great of BUIST’S SEEDS is the result of Keeler, Kelley and Brodie Were Hard reproduced Reputation superior merit; Clarke, Beaumont and Sebring of Joe ended the campaign with more in- 86 YEARS of continued success them Hitters and Clever ommendations as to husbands. proves Fielders—Davy Pittsburgh, were a wonderful outfield, dividual strikeout feats to his credit Jones of Of the hus&and Spoiled Chances De- hard hitting, fast fielding, although Se- than any other hurler in the traveling-salesman younger he “The Best by Every Test” troit for Greatness. tting's Inconsistency caused him to organization, Walter Johnson not ex- says: “(Here is of Always true to name and sure crop producer. fall below the other two. cepted. the ideal pet! That is, There have been so out- On 54 occasions last season Ameri- course, if you can put with a loud Buist’s Garden Guide for 1914 is Now for many good up Ready Mailing fields in the history of the diamond can league pitchers fanned nine or bark and rather bizarre coloring. They more men in Wood eix -Tells you WHAT to plant.-WHEN to plant.- that to pick out one and name it as games, having should rank high as popular pets for the best would be sure such performances to his credit John- -HOW to plant.- to start an the main reason that they are no care son five, Plank argument It may be difficult for pres- four, Palkenberg four. at all. The book you can depend on. Write for a Copy To-day—it is FREE. They attend to feeding them- ent fans to trio day acknowledge a selves and never Buist’s Seeds are sold by the leading merchants of all Suburban Towns. are at home. And better than Speaker, Hooper and Lew- yet they belong to you! They are ex- is, the Red Sox wonders of 1912; or ceedingly and will answer to Robert Buist Oldring, Walsh and Murphy. But fans, friendly Company, a of recalling stars of other days, will voice variety names, such as Bo, Kiddo, the opinion that there were Old Man, 'Cul, Brother, Old 'Pal, and £& 8£y^8888O8:^gO8O888mO88m0£>ggS^»3»3»»»»»»»»»»»»3C In the past able to throw dust in the Pard. They are not water-loving ani- eyes of the greatest of today, says a mals. We have no hesitation in rec- I WISH TO NOTIFY THE PUBLIC THAT IN THE FUTURE I 8 writer. | HUNDRED WOMEN PRIS- ommending them.” WILL HANDLE THE PRODUCTS OF 8 In 1879 or 1880 Providence boasted Of the husband ONERS ARE MORE TROU- English he says: an outfield of Jim composed O'Rourke, ONE “The march of the centuries has Paul Hines and . They BLE THAN SIX HUNDRED made no change in this sturdy animal. ABBOTT’S 1 collectively about .340, but were not MALE OFFENDERS. Their love of and is high class fielders. Recently five out- bunting killing | Before Mayor Mitchel appointed their most fields have been named as the best in perhaps endearing quality. me as commissioner of correction the game. These, according to rank, They will never distress you by com- Dairies I was for thirteen I Alderney 1 were the trios of Baltimore in 1894, of years practically ing home bleeding or mangled as they Brooklyn in 1900, of Boston in 1897, of an inmate of a penal institution, do not attack animals of their own 8 in conjunction with my regular Milk Business. I am their sole rep- g the Red Sox in 1912, and Detroit in and 1 know from personal experi- size. They will eat anything except 8 resentative in Pleasantville and vicinity, and will give prompt at- 8 1909. j ences just what vou men have to real food properly cooked. This is g tention to all orders. 1 would especially call your attention to the § Just as the Athletic infield has been contend with. ANGELS FROM technically known as patriotism. Fan- 8 following ABBOTT products— S praised, have Speaker, Lewis and HEAVEN WOULD BE DESIRA- ‘ciers in England claim preposterous Hooper been lauded to the skies, but BLE AS KEEPERS OF PRIS- human for them but this are they the equal of Keeler, Kelley qualities A Milk B Milk A Cream AA Cream ONS. To he the right kind of keep- be laid down to native enthusi- 1 | and Brodie, of the Orioles, or Keeler, may Fielder Jones and Sheckard of Brook- er every man should have the inter- asm. care of those B Cream Creamed Buttermilk lyn? est of a brother in the Jo4 Wood. “Applications of arnica- are excel- Keeler was the cleverest man in put in their charge. lent for bruises.” baseball. In 1894, with Baltimore, he I Plain Buttermilk Kefir and Butter MY EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT Gregg three, Scott three, Bedient batted .367, and In 1900 he batted .366 ME THAT OFTEN A WOMAN WHO three, Groom two, Beohling two. Ben- | for 8 IN THE CONSULT ME. Brooklyn. This brings the supe- IF IT’S MILK OR MILK LINE, der two, Hall of Detroit two, Mitchell riority of either of these outfields HAS COMMITTED MURDER IS NOT FRECKLES of Cleveland two, O’Brien two, and a dow'n to four men, Brodie and Keeler, AS DANGEROUS TO SOCIETY AS number of others too numerous to and March Out Un- Jones and Sheckard, for Keeler was February Bring ARE SOME WOMEN WHO ARE mention one. 1 HARRY A. WARREN 1 sightly Spots. How to Remove equally good w'ith both teams. SENT TO PRISON ON DISORDERLY Had.Walter Johnson not been such 8 Pleasantville Milk Dealer Bell Phone 18-X 23 E. Delilah Road Barring Keeler, Walter Brodie was Easily. 8 CHARGES. a wonderful relief artist he would the most uncanny judge of a fly ball CONDUCT have claimed just as many strikeout The woman tender that ever a base hit. He owned with skin dreads spoiled feats as Wood. On July 25, going to February and March because they are ” a fine arm and batted .369, compared STUBBORN. ANNOYING COUGHS Tom Hughes' relief, the Idaho phenom, likely to cover her face with ugly to Sheckard’s .305, but Sheck offset CURED. In eleven and one-third Innings fanned freckles. No matter how thick her the difference by for working pitchers 16 of the Browns. Before Johnson en- veil, the sun and winds have a strong GIVEThiluRGLARTHi'liA.HA! husband had a for fif- bases on balls “My cough frequently. tered the game, which lasted 15 in- tendency to make her freckle. BANK YOUR CASH WITH US Joe was a bat- teen years and my son for eight for her peace of mind Kelley terrific hitter, nings. Engel and Hughes had returned Fortunately close to and often for extra years. Dr. King’s New Discovery the recent discovery of a new pre- ting .490, four men on strikes, making a total scription, othine — bases. Opposed to him, Fielder Jones completely cured them, for which I for the combat of 20. strength, makes it for even those most was one of the craftiest men in the am most thankful,” writes Mrs. Dav- possible id of Ala. What Dr. susceptible to freckles to keep their game, and, while nowhere near Kel- Moor, Saginaw, King’s New did for these “MIZPAH” Mints aid digestion, kin clear and white. No matter how ley’s equal as a batter, he narrowed Discovery men, it will do for you. Dr. King’s should be taken after each meal; ■-tu'bborn a case of freckles you have, I the margin by his cunning. But first New Discovery should be in every cleanse the teeth, sweetens the breath, the double strength othine should re- ! place must go to move Kelley. home. Stops hacking coughs, re- brightens the eye, invigorates the sys- them. Get an ounce from Thos. Had Davy Jones been a .300 batter, lieves la grippe and all throat and tem and makes a happy disposition.* Crawford and banish the freckles. Detroit’s 1909 outfield would have lung ailments. Money back if it fails. 5c at any store. —adv. Money back if it fails. —adv. ranked with those of Baltimore and All druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. H. or Brooklyn, but despite the brilliancy of E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia Are you a member of The Press “MIZPAH” Chewing Gum. Abso- St. Louis. —adv. family ? If not, become one pure. The flavor lasts. Most Cobb and the slugging of Sam Craw- _ today. lutely One dollar entitles to a it the box as a reliable bat- you year’s cleanly. Buy by contain- ford, Davy’s failure for The Pleasantville Press Subscribe membership. g rwenty 6c packages for 75c.—adv.

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