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18 AA 20 Ab Ba 22 Ye 23 Aya 29 Aba 31 Aye BAB 32 Ah X Day 36 Baby 18 AA 20 Ab Ba 22 Ye 23 Aya 29 Aba 31 Aye BAB 32 Ah X Day 36 Baby G D 37 O 38 Ka 39 Add Dad Ebb Eye 40 AL He Id LA Ox 41 Aha Way 43 Hex Nyx 44 Oz We 45 Aib Bee 46 BN Gi 47 Age Amy Had 48 Ob 49 Ida Nay 51 Ama Bal Key Pax 52 Od Ra 53 Abbey HGA 54 Ki Laya 55 Why 56 Laza Li Maya R C Yama 57 Die Yod 58 Face Go 59 And Bob Decay Dew DNA Egg Jah Zen 60 AChD Fade Ho In Oh 61 Chi Kah Kha 62 Back Baie Io 63 Ben Heh 64 Deed Gaia Head Te 65 Ape Mah Sex Yin 66 Adam AHBH Idea Jizz 67 Aim I Am Kaaba Law 68 Abel Anda Bael Body FU Lo Nada Zraa 69 Ain Aub Joy Nia 70 AGLA Bhaj OM Yang 71 All Dzyan IAO OAI Sea Zazel 72 Abra Adhi Bija Kaia Lead ON Yoga 73 Aud Dog Eat God Lam Lie Obi Och Six 74 Ayin Lynx Made Maha Naga Yekh 75 AVD Din Ego Hod Myo NOX Red 76 Aima Crab Hyle Zain 77 Abide Air Aiwaz Ari Ash Cow Eva Fog Man 78 Bend Gaap Galaxy Gedi Heka 79 AOM Asi Ath Cycle Gog Isa Sky War 80 ADIL Ajna AL LA Bare Bear Hide Kama Shax 81 DMM HUA Kebad Zagan Zayin 82 Axis Cabala Cain Exceed Hand Many MU 83 Lux Pan PKD Seg 84 Ablaze ADNI Anal Balm Dare Eden Eyes Hara Japa Nu 85 Eve Ire Leo LVX Mecca Ram Yajna 86 Bime Calm Khai Lice Wand 87 Lil Teh Wicca Zebra 88 ABMN Anan Deli Fear Hail Hawk Magi Raja Syzygy Yogi Yoke 89 ETI Kin One 90 Agni Aken Army Bell Cube Debt Gain Kara ODAK Odic Slay 91 Aum Awake LSD Nil Orb Pen VAL Vox 92 Aral Cock Deva Fate Ghob Kwaw Life Rhea Sage Veda 93 Ajiha Anu Babes Balam Began Black Bum Cabbala Chela Chiah Diana Elayl Exile Faery Hawky Ohm Oil Rem Tao 94 Alas Amen Cybele Gate Kali Kata Madhya Mara Name Rama SU Us 95 Agape Belly Bible DMT Eagle Owl Peace Rod 96 Dhyana Hapi Holy Hymn Kami Lila Lyre Pray Vach 97 Chief Diary Ion Kamea Kri Marax Mezla Obeah 98 Aeon Atma Beth Bond Flap Keen Maat Peck 99 Art Ass Bhang Daisy Fenix Jihad NWO 100 Come FIAT Halo Hari Kaph Maim Nail 101 Akasa Akrab Anael Aryan Aur Cup ESP Fence Khu Magic Sat Wanga 102 Apas Djin Edom Fold Hell Khem NHGH Seal Sela Wind YHVH Yoni 103 Agate Agiel Allah Binah Camel Daath Dagim Grace Iddhi Seiza 104 Anicca Apep DMMH Fire Gold Hati Nigh Wine Yahweh Zero Zion 105 Atala Atu China Grade Hum Image Lamed Lance Mahdi NLP Padma Sin Tau UFO 106 Abased Aion Alko Asar Hold Ibis Loka Orgy QBLH Vice Zodiac 107 Asana Axiom Child KAANI LBA LI Nyima Tav Tin 108 Blue Chit Devi Envy Khat Laylah Line Mako Mind Myth Nile Robe Ruby Womb 109 Fiery Flame Hades Haman Set Teach Vau 110 Aaru Aditya Aura King Koan 111 Acharya Alpha Anima Bodhi Briah Bride Death EXARP Fiend GVP Hated Hatha Kriya Mania Mercy Ocean Pit Rajah Tet 112 Ananda Budo Coph Faun Fish Jiva Lamp Math Odin Palm Self Warm 113 Ahita Angel Cakes Clear Graal Sol 114 Amon Ares Book Cast Climax Ears Goat Guna Harp Joys Legs Mark Vayu Will Wise Wolf 115 Abyss David Dogma HCOMA HRU Jnana Kokab Madim Marga ShT Vow Zepar 116 Dojo Duty Gems Hope IMHN Niyama Oath Opal Swan Tabu 117 Alien Camio Crane Dagon Dream Eloah Galahad Honey Jahim Khabs Omega Oriax Shu Son 118 Change East Gods Jackal Ojas Palace Path Ptah Tzaddi Zeus 119 Aleph Cloak Hadit Libra Not Nun Oso Rebel Sebek Yesod Zohar 120 Albedo Belief Beyond Buer Crow Dove Duat Dung Engage Frog Hero Link Shar Them 121 Aditi Adore Charm ChIVA Enjoy Hansa Hawiyah Linga Lodge Magog Mahat OTO Panic Regal 122 Beggar Buddha Bull Dhamma Eheieh Family IHVH Jinn Lift Loki Nemo Ox Goad Skry Time Word 123 Alameda Aretz Asava Aum Ha Azoth Cheth Eiwas Faith Folly Isana Kalki Karma Space Yogin 124 Akasha Amos Belial Beware Defile Evil Fool Luna None Ring Soma Tree Veil 125 Ariel Balance Enoch Ixion Lamen Nogah Royal 126 Agamas Arcane Atom Chakra Charge Dagger Deus Hagiel Hecate Larynx Lord Luke New Age Sahu Sign That Wizard 127 Adept Aurae Aurea Cairo Chant Chaos Elias Gimel Guide Indra Khemi Liber Logic Money oh Yes Slack 128 Bhakta Brahma Delicacy Drug Ever INRI Kiblah Know Lion OIDV Oval Resh Shin The Way Tomb Vine Void 129 Abrasax Abraxas Alone Anubi Beast Egypt Force Grail Monad Sun Tum 130 Adonai Arms Cancer Chesed Eris go on Hidden Lizard Magick Mars Rome Scarab Siva Task Wilt Yechidah 131 Abaddon Alchemy Arhat Blood Chalice Craft Greys Labor Manas Noema 132 Aeneas Anpu Bridge Denial Dharma Door Elijah Guph Heru Hips Leader Mass Nova Ordo Pope Rite Salt Seth 133 Atman Cause Hiram Qabalah Rajas Sanna 134 Ananke Ascend Behold Maiden Ogdoad Phenex Raum Seti Soar Teth To Me! 135 Bindu Ceres Dynamic Fight Flesh Fohat Gateway Learn NANTA Nibbana Nymph Orgia Prana Sakar Salem Snake Teleh Witch 136 Ahephi Ator Beliar Crafty Girt Love Pion Rota Taro Vedana West Work 137 Abraham Anarchy Cower Demon Durga Elite Fates Feast Flies Forge Glory Godhead Guard Iblis Ruach 138 Anus Aour Beauty Buddhi Burn Energy Maut Song Sufi 139 Abhijna Altar Aries Arise Devil Earth Heart KILIK Legis Lofty Pearl Pride Raise Renew Seere Staff Topaz Triad Vajra White 140 Aikido Athena Baboon Baryon Beetle Cult Enigma Garden Hoor Iron Isis Lips Phaleg Poet Qoph Rupa Toil Yi King 141 Anahata Cupid Grave Kerux Magical Mandala Rebis Reign Shaddai Swear Taboo Volac Woman 142 Aeacus Animal Chiefs Circle Daleth Eros Hemera I Ching Meru Moon Phul Psyche Redeem Rose Sacred Sangha Tai Chi To Go Yehuel 143 Aeons Aryaman Babalon Dharana Embrace Gnome Islam Knock Navel Niksa Samyama Scire Tamas Voice Water 144 Aethyr Agares Aureae Bhakti Elixir Falcon Himalaya Kiss Libido Magpie Patala Samael Star Ta-Nech Tzedeq Varaha 145 Io Pan Satan TATMA Tejas Wu Wei 146 Beleth Create Daemon Diksha Ipos Tacere Vamana Wander 147 Abuldiz Ammit Ardor AUMGN Bound Chandra Ether Eye of Ra Fever Ghagiel Light Myrrh Paper Pylon Semen Sigil Thido Velle Whore 148 Banish Divide Hagith IHI AVD Inanna Isms Juno Khut Lao Tze Matsya Mescal Mirage OLVK Pure Yantra 149 Aught Birth Boils Cocaine fnord Human Kerub Lapis Mudra No Man Satyr Tapas Wrath 150 Aralim Audere Bathin Breath Budoka Combat Creeds Engine Marbas Oracle PNChAL Regina Sphynx Thor UFOs Vagina 151 Decarabia Evoke Ishim Khamael Michael Netzach Night Surya Vices 152 Adepti Girdle Heaven Kheibt Lurk Nigleh Object Ordeal Ruin Tuat 153 Asmoday Bions BITOM Brass Foras Koran Samkhya Sheol Shiva Spear Wage War World 154 Attack DUPLEX Golachab Karate Lingam Mighty OCELLI Reward Scribe Sexual Shaman Speech Wealth Who am I Zenith 155 Baptize Conceal Crown Deceive Inner Kings Ordeal x Order Paradox Paralda Pekht Raven Sabbath Wotan 156 Abjure Aether Anatta Andras Assiah Cherub Dust Gemini Goetia Laodicea Musk Nuit Prayer Push Refine Samekh Shadow Spit Test Thou True Unit 157 Bliss Deros Gabriel Magus Mariage Mitra Peacock Placebo Steel Stele SUHAL Svara 158 Angels Convey Father Hexagram Kubera Prop 159 Arrow BRTzBAL Crook Doubt Ganesha Mason Queen Rudra Samadhi Torah Vepar Write 160 Aiwass Archon Charon Cipher Dragon Hagios Island Keph Ra Matrix my word Sickle Stable Stir Thebes Upon 161 Enflame Focalar Lexicon Oasis Olive Penis Rishi Sight Spine Tears Unity VALIS 162 Ashram Battle Desire Dreams Guru Hadron Hesiod Mingle Peyote Prajna Soul 163 Amoun Artifex Bacchus Bewitch Bhavani Bosom Brahman Channel Demigod Divided Evil Eye Focus Kteis Kurma Orbit Paths Power Sachiel Spell Swift Titan Torch Vital 164 Aquila Banono Elaios Jewels TATARA The Man Trance Weapon 165 Advaita Big Mind Botis Emerald Gedulah Hoori Horse Merti Music Ousia Radiate Science Siren Solar State Token Uriel 166 Action Adonis Ahankara Amenti Amrita Ascent Berith Cosmic Elohim Extended Legion Mout Nous Plague Plasma Refuge Riches Window 167 Alkhemi Athanan Chokmah Crucify Curse Floor Liber AL Lunar Meson Smite Sodom Sword Usiel Warfare Words 168 Akamrach Aright Avatar Bowels Chomse Divine Eleven Factor Finite Gamori Hauhet Medusa Mystic Phanes Pour Reveal Saklas Saklas Sempai Taliahad 169 Akrasia Ambriel Diamond Fantasy Nakhiel Nebulae Odyssey Pelican Pingala Pyramid Saladin Teacher Truce Vesta 170 Bright Censer Chosen Cometh Depart Ethics Geomancy Israel Magician Magickal Mahatala Opus Ovum Qadosh Sphinx YHShVH 171 Ayahuasca Chakras Heathen House Logos Manus Mirth Qedemel Quark Raphael Synergy Tower Uvall 172 Arjuna Armies Attain Breast Caress Center Choose Imsety Ko Yuen Lovely Lust Mental Method Moirai Napula Ophiel Prince Rubedo Sodomy Vitala Zuriel 173 Drugs Geburah Khuit MUAUM Nechesh NOVEM Ompehda Serve Venom VIAOV 174 ALGMOR Anubis Auriel Barzedon Beasts Dying God Empire Esdras Moloch Orus Shezmu Single Wonder 175 Honor KUKRI Levanah Mermaid Minos Nommo Obscene Proof 176 Eligos Gamaliel Kether Mantra Moksha Seraph The One Yetzirah 177 Ahriman Avatara GRAPIAL Iacchus Leaping Moses New Aeon Reality Sperm Thelema Thoth Vehicle Virgo Yophiel 178 Amun Ra Aspire Avesta Bethor Bob Dobbs Frater Furcas Gamigina Hamaliel Helios Hermes Kali Yuga Paimon Paimon Pillar Planet Poetic Priase Shakti Sophia Tammuz 179 Ailoein Android Chassan Delight Enchant Hackers Halphas Liberty Lover Moznaim Nuith Phoenix red wine Rejoice Sabnock Twins 180 Forehead Heroin Jasper Knight Lao-tzu Mammon Mithra Nemyss Orphic People Purify Tao Teh 181 Amaimon Blessed Blowjob Coph Nia Duality Ecstasy Freedom Lungs Mentu Old Aeon rich man Sabaoth Solve Stone Swoon Union Works 182 Age of War Cannabis Erebus Erotic Feasts IAO SABAO Isvara Latern Lilith Metals Orobas Sardis Secret Wisdom 183 Akishra Alloces Aurum Cross Error Fruit Hathayoga Hegemon Hismael Ishmael Jesus Kheph Ra Majesty Mukti Opium Point Proud Silence Sloth Solis Tarot the fine 184 Apollo Astral Bohandas Desert Dharmakaya Dikshaka Hypnos ISh HIR Merlin Metagalaxy Naught Pisces Purged red flame Secure Sensei Sphere Spices Spider Temple 185 ARARITA Bartzabel BIKELON Cassiel Chohans Crocell Furnace Genital Harmony Heretic Melekim North Prism Sitri 186 Alphabet Amulet Exciting Haagenti Haures Krisna Leraikha
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    ISBN 978-1-910952-04-7 British Library Cataloging in Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. © Copyright OneReason 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any language, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express permission of the copyright owner. Published & distributed by iERA Suite 321, Crown House, North Circular Road, London, NW10 7PN T: 03000 111 365 E: [email protected] W: onereason.org CONTENTS Introduction 1 Chapter 1: Genuine Prophets or Frauds? 3 Chapter 2: Muhammad 54 Chapter 3: Ancient Predictions About Muhammad 111 Chapter 4: Islam and the End of the World 144 Introduction From the Oracles of Delphi in ancient Greece to Doomsday 2012, hu- manity has always been fascinated by prophecies. End time prophecies in particular seem to strike a chord with us and are more popular than ever. Perhaps this is due to the last century having witnessed so much destruction and devastation. Talk of global warming saturates the news, the threat of a nuclear holocaust has persisted since the invention of the atomic bomb and storylines involving asteroids, aliens, and zombie apoca- lypses wiping out all planetary life dominate Hollywood blockbusters. These are uncertain times, and new world events bring fresh speculation and a renewed eagerness to make sense of what’s happening around us by looking to the predictions of prophets and oracles of history. Is it just the fear of the unknown that drives us? There seems to be more to it than that.
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