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BO T6NG THAM-MVU QLVNCH - • O III VltT- NAM CQN G HO A B9 QUOC-PHONG BO T6NG THAM-MVU QLVNCH - • o III . DANH DI/ TO Quae TRACHNHliN ... ? AN THUaNG TRONG QUAN-LlfC VleT-NAM CQNG-HOA LIBRARY USA £liSe FT !.fA [)fffiI, KArl OCT 29 2003 ACCE~IUN I~U~~~ POR£6ISTER 1 .69. T T A L A P . 0 . 4 32 E HUY CHUONG AN• THUaNG? TRONG QUAN-Ll/C VleT-NAM C¢NG-HOA , PREFACE This booklet presents and introduces all of the medals and decora­ tions of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces. Quy~n saeh nho nay trinh bay va giai thi~u tat eo cac 10Qi huy - chU'O'ng va cac h Inh therc an thU'ang khae hi~n hil'u trong Quan - Lve Vi~t - Nom C9n9 - Hoo. All of these medals and decorations are created and awarded by the Republic of Vietnam Chief of State ttl individuals for their achievements or service to the Country or the Armed Forces. T6t eo eac /oQi huy - chU'O'ng d~u do Quoe TrU'ang h09C Tl)ng Thong Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa tQo I~p ra va an thU'ang cho nhil'ng ngU'oi co cong vai Quoc-Gia h09c vai Quan-Llfe Vi~t-Nam C9n9 - Hoa. Article 61 Section I, of the Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, , . bI" f dated 1 April 1967, stipulates that: (( The President of the Repu lC 0 Vietnam presents all types or medals». Si~u 61, khoen 1 cua Hien phap Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa ngay 1 thong 4 nom 1967 da qui dinh:« T6ng-Thong ban cae 10Qi huy chU'O'ng» Since the Republic of Vietnam has received assistance from .Allied Kc\ hi khi Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa dU'gc slf trg glUp quy bau · the President of the Republic of Vietnam has concurred 10 the eua cac Quoe-gia va Quan-Llfc Song-Minh, 16ng-Thong Vi~t-Ndm N allons, . h' h award of Republic of Vietnam medals, including the NatIonal Order w lC C9r.g-Hoa da chap thu~n an thU'ang huy-chU'O'ng Vi~t-Nam k~ co is the highest medal of this country, to all foreign mililary pers~nnel and Bao-Quoc Huan-ChU'O'ng la huy-chU'O'ng cao quy nhat quoc-gia cho civilians for their exceptional contributions in the struggle agalnst Com­ nhil'ng quan nnon va thU'ong dan ngoQi quoc nao da trlfc ti~p munist ag~ression and in the building of a powerful Vietnam. dong gop cong lao va xU'ong mau eho Vi~t-Nam trong cong cu9c chien dau chong C~ng-San xam lang va xay dlfng Quoc-gia Vi~t Nom ngay cang fra nen hung mQnh. • The highest medals of the Republic of Vietnam and the Re~ublic of Vietnam Armed Forces, such as : the National Order, Military Medal. Cac 10Qi huy-ehU'O'ng cao quy nhat cua Quoc-gia va Quan­ Army Distinguished Service Order, Air Force Distinguished S.ervlce Order llfc Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa nhU' Bao-Quoc Huan-ChU'O'ng, Quan-Cong and Navy Distinguished Service Order are also intende.d for Ch1efs o~ State, B9i-Tinh, Lvc-Quan Huan-ChU'O'ng, Khong-LlfC Huan-ChU'O'ng, Hai­ important key personalities and General Officers of fnendly countnes, for Quan Huan-ChU'O'ng cung con dU'gc T6ng-Thong Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa diplomatic reasons. danh trao t9n9 cae vi Quoc-VU'O'ng, Quoc-TrU'ang, T6ng-Thong h09C cac nhan v~t cao cap, cac vi TU'ang lanh cua cae Quoc-gia than hil'u bang giao vai Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa • ............ ••• .,," !'."'••••••• II.,UI ••••• ............ .........e" •• :::::::::::: ............ 2 3 , PREFACE This booklet presents and introduces all of the medals and decora­ tions of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces. Quy~n sach nhe) nay trinh bay va gi6i thi~u tat co cac 10Qi huy - chu-ong va cac hinh therc an thu-ang khae hi~n hilu trong Quan - Lvc Vi~t - Nam C9n9 - Hoa. All of these medals and decorations are created and awarded by the Republic of Vietnam Chief of State t\> individuals for their achievements T6t co cac 10Qi huy - chu-ong deu do Quoc Twang ho{le or service to the Country or the Armed Forces. Tl>ng Thong Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa tQo l{lp ra va an thu-ang eho nhilng ngu-oi co cong voi Quoc-Gia ho{lc v6i Quan- Ll{c Vi~t-Nam C9n9 - Hoa. Article 61 Section I, of the Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, , br f dated I April 1967, stipulates that: (( The President of the Repu Ie 0 Sieu 61, khoan I cua Hien phap Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa ngay I Vietnam presents all types of medals ». thong 4 nom 1967 do qui dinh: « T6ng-Thong ban cac 10Qi huy chu-ong )} K~ hi khi Vi~t-Nam C9ng- Hoa du-gc sl{ trg giup quy bau Since the Republic of Vietnam has received assistance from .Allied cua cac Quoc-gia va Quan-Ll{c Song-Minh, T6ng-Thong Vi~t-Ndm · th President of the Republic of Vietnam has concurred In the NatlOns, e . h' h C9ng-Hoa da chap thu{ln an thu-ang huy-chu-ong Vi~t-Nam k~ co award of Republic of Vietnam medals, including the Nat10nal Order W IC Bao-Quoc Huan-Chu-ong 10 huy-chu-ong cao quy nhot quoc-gia cho IS the highest medal of this country, to all foreign mililary pers~nnel and nhil'ng quan nhan va thu-ong dan ngoQi quoc nao do trl{c ti~p civilians for their exceptional contributions in the struggle against Com­ dong gop cong lao va xu-ong mau cho Vi~t-Nam trong cong CU9C munist ag~ression and in the building of a powerful Vietnam. chien dou chong C{lng-San xam lang va xay dl{ng Quoc-gia Vi~t Nom ngay cang fra nen hung mQnh. • The highest medals of the Republic of Vietnam and the Re~ublie of Cac 10Qi huy-chu-ong cao quy nhot cua Quoc-gia va Quan­ Vietnam Armed Forces, such as : the National Order, Mi~itary Mel'~t Medal, Ll{c Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa nhu- Bao-Quoc Huan-Chu-ong, Quan-Cong Army Distinguished Service Order, Air Force DistingUished S.ervlce Order B9i-Tinh, Ll}c-Quan Huan-Chu-ong, Khong-Ll{c Huan-Chu-ong, Hoi­ and Navy Distinguished Service Order are also intende.d for Chiefs o~ State, Quan Huan-Chu-ong cung con du-gc T6ng-Thong Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa important key personalities and General Officers of fnendly countnes, for danh trao t{lng cac vi Quoc-Vu-ong, Quoc-Tru-ang, T6ng-Thong ho{lc diplomatic reasons. cac nhan v{lt cao cap, cac vi Tu-ong lanh cua cac Quoe-gia than hilu bang giao v6i Vi~t-Nam C9ng-Hoa . ............ ............. ::::::::::::............ "' •• ".. "'~"'It,. ••••... "" " ••..... "' •• "•••... 2 3 , TAaLE OF CONTENTS PAGf ,., ,. so THU'TI/ TRANG 1.- · Preface 2 1.- LiYi gi6-i thitu 2~- National Order of the Republic of Viet Nam 16 3 2.- B~o Quac Huan ChU'O'ng 3:­ Military Merit Medal 22 17 3.- Quan-Cang B~i- Tinh 4. ~ Army Distinguished Service Order 28 23 4.- L\1c-Quan Huan-ChU'-G'.ng. 5.­ Air Force Distinguished Service Order 34 29 ,.­ KhOng-Lt}'-C Huan-ChU'O'ng 6.~ Navy Distinguished Service Order 40 35 ~- Hai-Quan Huan-ChU'O'ng 7.~ Army Meritorious Service Medal 46 41 7.- B.­ Air (torce Meritorious Service Medal 52 L\1c-Quan Vinh-Cong 8<}i-Tinh 47 8.- 9.­ Navy Meritorious Service Medal 58 KhOng-Quan Vinh-Cong B~i- Tinh 53 9.- 10:­ Special Service Medal 64 Hai-Quan Vinb-Cong B(H-Tinh 59 10 - Bi~t-Cong B~i-Tinb 11.­ Gallantry Cross 70 65 11 .- Anh-Dung B~i- Tin~ 12.­ Air Gallantry Cross 76 71 12.­ Pbi"Dung B~i- Tinb 13.­ Navy Gallantry Cross 82 77 14..­ Hazardous S~rvice Medal 88 ,1.- "ai-Dung ll+,i-Tin" 83 14.­ lTu-Diing B~i- Tlnh 15.­ life Saving Medal 94 89 IS.- NUn-Dung B(H-Tinh 16.,­ [oyalty Medal 101 95 16.- fT.­ Wound Medal 107 Trung-Cbanb BQi-Tinb 101 17.- Cbi~n-ThU'O'ng BQi-Tinb 18.­ Armed.Forces Honor Medaf 112 107 18.- Danb-Dt}' BQi-Tinh 19.­ leadership Medal 118 113 19.- Cbi-S~o B~i-Tinb 20.­Staff Service Medal 124 119 20.- 2t.­Technical Service Medal 130 Tham-Mtru BQi-Tinh 125 21.- Ky-Tbuq.t B~i- Tinh 22.­ Training Service Medal 136 131 22.- Huln-V1,1 B~i-Tinb 23.­ Civil Actions Medal 142 137 23.- I;>an-V1,1 B~i-Tinh 24.­ Good Conduct Medal 148 143 24.- Quan.Phong B9i-Tinb 25.­ Campaign Medal 154 149 25.- Cbi~n-Dich BY1-Tinh 26.­ Military Service Medal 160 155 26.- Quaa-V1,1 Byi-Tinb 27.­ Air Service Medal 166 161 27.- KhOng-V\1 Byi-Tinb 28.­ Navy Service Medal 172 167 28.- Hai·V\1 B91 Tinb 29.­ Unity M.edal 178 173 29.- Nhlt-Tri B~i- Tinb 30.­Medal of Sacrifice 184 179 30.- Vi-Quae BOi-Tinh 31.­ Fourragere 196 185 31.- Giay Bitu ChtrO'ng 32.­ Unit Citation Streamer 202 197 32.- Bing Tuyen COng Soon-Vi 33.­ Unit Citation Emblem 203 208 33.- 34.­ Procedure for wearing of Vift Nam medals as applied to Huy-Hi~u Tuyin.C6ng Soon-Vi 209 34.- eacb mang huy-cbtrO'ng trong QLVNCH RVNAF personnel.
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