Running Head: ASSESSING PERSONALITY STATES Assessing Personality States: What to Consider when Constructing Personality State Measures Kai T. Horstmann & Matthias Ziegler Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany) This is the accepted version of the article. This version has not been copy-edited. It was published in the special issue New approaches towards conceptualizing and assessing personality in the European Journal of Personality. Please cite as: Horstmann, K. T. & Ziegler, M. (2020). Assessing Personality States: What to Consider When Constructing Personality State Measures. European Journal of Personality. Author Notes Correspondence: Kai T. Horstmann, Department of Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
[email protected] We thank our three student assistants Lilly Buck, Maximilian Ernst and Aaron Peikert for their help with the literature revieW. We also thank Clemens Stachl for helpful suggestions. ASSESSING PERSONALITY STATES 2 Abstract Repeated assessments of personality states in daily diary or experience sampling studies have become a more and more common tool in the psychologist’s toolbox. However, and contrary to the widely available literature on personality traits, no best practices for the development of personality state measures exist, and personality state measures have been developed in many different ways. To address this, we first define what a personality state is and discuss important components. Based on this, we define what a personality state measure is and suggest a general guideline for the development of such measures. Following the ABC of test construction can then guide the strategy for obtaining validity and reliability evidence: (A) What is the construct being measured? (B) What is the intended purpose of the measure? And (C) What is the targeted population of persons and situations? We then conclude With an example by developing an initial item pool for the assessment of conscientiousness personality states.