
DRAFTVERSION MAY 30, 2018 Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 11/10/09


PEETER JOOT 1 Draft version May 30, 2018

ABSTRACT While an explicit basis is common in the study of Euclidean spaces, it is usually implied in the study of inertial relativistic systems. There are some conceptual advantages to including the basis in the study of special relativistic systems. A Minkowski metric implies a non-orthonormal basis, and to deal with this complexity the concepts of reciprocal basis and the vector dual are introduced. It is shown how the reciprocal basis is related to upper and lower index coordinate extraction, the metric , , projections in non-orthonormal bases, and finally the Gram-Schmidt proce- dure. It will be shown that Lorentz transformations can be viewed as change of basis operations. The Lorentz boost in one spatial will be derived using the Gram-Schmidt orthonormal- ization algorithm, and it will be shown how other Lorentz transformations can be derived using the Gram-Schmidt procedure. Subject headings: Lorentz boost, change of basis, special relativity, inertial , reciprocal basis, dual vector, Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization.

1. ABSTRACT 0 0 2. PRELIMINARIES, NOTATION, AND DEFINITIONS x · y = ±(x y − x · y). (3) 2.1. Four vectors, and the Here y = (y0, y). This is the Minkowski inner prod- Four vectors will be written as a tuples of time and uct, and is non-positive definite. Opposite signs re- space coordinates. These will be represented herein as quired for the spatial and temporal portions of the prod- non-bold letters of the form uct, but the overall sign is arbitrary and conventions vary by author. A positive sign will be used herein. No x = (ct, x) = (ct, x, y, z) = (x0, x1, x2, x3), (1) attempt to motivate why a mixed sign for the time and space coordinates will be made here. That more difficult where bold letters will be reserved for Euclidean vec- job is deferred to any number of books covering special tors. As usual, the factor of c in the time coordinate is relativity (e.g. (Landau and Lifshitz 1980).) included so that the units of any of the coordinates in The use of a non-orthonormal basis, even in Euclidean the tuple have of distance. With spaces, makes life a bit more difficult. There is, however, no choice in the matter for special relativity, since the e0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) standard basis is pseudo-orthonormal with elements (2) e1 = (0, 1, 0, 0) unity only up to a sign. For example, with the overall (2) sign of the inner product (3) chosen to be positive e2 = (0, 0, 1, 0) e3 = (0, 0, 0, 1) e1 · e1 = e2 · e2 = e3 · e3 = −(e0 · e0) = −1. (4) the ordered set {e0, e1, e2, e3} will be referred to as the A relativistic basis cannot be constructed for which all standard basis. Upper indexes will be used for the co- 2 the basis vectors have strictly unit . ordinates of the four vector in the standard basis (so x will be used here loosely to refer to any vector u such is the 2-indexed coordinate of the four vector and not that u · u = ±1. the square of x). Lower indexed four vector coordinates will be introduced later once the reciprocal basis is in- 2.3. Reciprocal basis, , and coordinate representation troduced. with a non-orthonormal basis Repeated mixed upper and lower indexes will imply It is convenient to introduce the concept of a recip- arXiv:1104.4829v1 [physics.class-ph] 26 Apr 2011 summation, with Greek indexes used for temporal and rocal basis when dealing with non-orthonormal spaces. spatial indexes {0, 1, 2, 3}, and Latin indexes used in a { ··· } The utility of a reciprocal basis is not limited to the non- Euclidean context 1, 2, N . Euclidean of special relativity. The recipro- 2.2. Relativistic inner product cal basis elements are defined implicitly such that At the heart of special relativity is the definition of e · eβ = δ β. (5) the invariant length or interval, which defines a dis- α α α tance like measure between a pair of vectors, relating The vector e is referred to as the dual of eα, and the both time and space coordinates. This invariance may ordered set of vectors {eα} is called the reciprocal basis be codified by defining an inner product for the space- {eα}. time vector space of the form Given a coordinate representation

1 [email protected] α x = x eα, (6) 2

the coordinates may be extracted by taking dot prod- As a concrete example consider ucts with the reciprocal basis elements   4 α β α β α α x = x · e = (x eβ) · e = x δβ = x . (7) 2       Similarly, for the same vector x represented in the re- 4 4 = · e1 e + · e2 e (15) ciprocal basis 2 1 2 2     x = x eα, (8) = 1 + − 1 α 6 1 2 2 . the coordinates may be extracted by taking dot prod- e Coordinates may also be computed with respect to the ucts with α 1 2 reciprocal basis. With x = ce + de , dotting with e1 and x · e = (x eβ) · e = x δβ = x . (9) e2 respectively provides these α β α β α α ¨ · = 1 · + 2 ¨· = In this context there is nothing special about either up- x e1 ce e1 d¨e e1 c 1 ¨¨ 2 (16) per or lower indexes. They are just coordinates with x · e2 = c¨e · e2 + de · e2 = d. respect to a basis and its reciprocal basis, respectively. Again considering the concrete example above When the original basis happens to be orthonormal,   there is equality between the basis vectors and their re- 4 = α x = ciprocal duals eα e , as well as between the coordi- 2 nates calculated from those bases respectively x = xα. α       In tensor algebra, upper indexes are “special” since the 4 4 = · e e1 + · e e2 invariant transformations are defined in terms of those 2 1 2 2 (17) coordinates, but that is really just a choice of basis. It     2 −1 is in fact possible (Doran and Lasenby 2003) to express = 6 + 8 . Lorentz transformations in a completely coordinate free −1 1 fashion, where there is freedom to employ upper or This pair of coordinate calculations is depicted in fig- lower index representation of the coordinates, or coor- ure ((1)). dinates with respect to any basis, even one that is not normal.

2.3.1. Reciprocal basis example in 2D The calculation of the reciprocal basis elements may be dependent on the complete set of elements in the non-dual basis. This can be illustrated nicely by con- sidering an example of an oblique basis in a Euclidean space. For a 2 dimensional Euclidean space, a non- orthonormal basis A = {e1, e2} such as     1 1 e = e = 1 1 , 2 2 , (10) may be chosen. In this column vector representation the duality relation (5) takes the form  T e1  1 2 T e e = I. (11) e2 Inversion provides the dual vectors Figure 1. Vector projections in oblique and reciprocal frames.  T−1  −1    1 2 e1 1 1 2 −1 e e = T = = , (12) e2 1 2 −1 1 or The projections onto the elements of a general non-     orthonormal basis are 2 −1 e1 = e2 = −1 , 1 . (13) Proj (x) = (x · ei)e (18a) ei i The problem of solving for the coordinates a, b of a i Proj i (x) = (x · e )e , (18b) vector x = ae1 + be2 in this oblique basis now reduces e i to taking dot products (no sum) and not

x · ei Proj (x) = Proj i (x) = ei. (19) 1 1 ¨¨1 ei e e · e x · e = ae1 · e + b¨e2 · e = a (14a) i i 2 ¨¨2 2 The (18) for projecting onto elements of non- x · e = a¨e1 · e + be2 · e = b. (14b) orthonormal bases does imply (19) for the special cases 3 of orthonormal and pseudo-orthonormal bases, since 2.3.5. Metric ei = e /(e · e ). i i i Upper and lower index coordinates with respect to any basis and its reciprocal, orthonormal or not, are re- 2.3.2. Projections lated by dot products of the basis elements, and are not Examples of projections onto the Euclidean non- independent. Given a vector with both upper and lower orthonormal basis above have been seen. In general the index representation relations (7), and (9) allow for such Fourier decomposi- tion of a vector into components in each of the respec- α β x = x eα = x e , (24) tive basis directions β α α utilizing the coordinate representation in the chosen x = x eα = (x · e )eα α α (20) basis, and in the reciprocal basis, the in = xαe = (x · eα)e . terms of coordinates is found to take the standard tensor With (20) containing x on both the LHS and in the form α RHS as (x · e )eα, this relation has an appearance of be- ing somewhat recursive. This is however, an important x · x = (xαe ) · (x eβ) = xαx δα = xαx . (25) property, since each of the RHS terms represents a pro- α β β β α jection. The projection of a vector onto the basis element The upper and lower coordinates may be related by µ eα is taking dot products with eµ, and e as follows

Proj (x) = (x · eα)e , (21) eα α α (no sum implied.) This will be important since the xµ = x · eµ = (eµ · eα)x (26a) µ µ µ β Gram-Schmidt procedure is essentially just the repeated x = x · e = (e · e )xβ. (26b) subtraction of projections, and knowledge of how to express projections for a non-orthonormal basis is re- These pairs of dot products define the metric tensors quired. for the pair of bases

2.3.3. Gram-Schmidt procedure generalized to non-orthonormal bases gµν = eµ · eν (27a) Aside for some additional care required to express gµν = eµ · eν, (27b) projections, the Gram-Schmidt procedure is the same as in Euclidean space. Given a set of mutually normal unit which provide the raising and lowering operations in their tensor form vectors { f0, ··· , fα}, the set may be extended by an ad- ditional normal vector. Provided a vector a lying out- side of the span of this set can be found, subtraction of ν the projections of a from the all the elements of this set xµ = gµνx (28a) leaves only the component of a normal to all vectors in µ µν x = g xν. (28b) this set. That is From (28) observe that the dot product (25) can be b = a − Proj (a) ∑ fσ written in terms of the σ≤α σ (22) µ ν = a − ∑ (a · fσ) f . x · x = gµνx x . (29) σ≤α Like any other vector, a basis vector can be split into p Normalization fα+1 = b/ |b · b| allows the set to be its Fourier components extended by an additional unit vector. This process can be repeated until a complete basis is formed. α α β e = (e · e )eβ (30a) 2.3.4. Reciprocal basis for relativity β eα = (eα · eβ)e . (30b) Because it is not possible to have a strictly orthonor- α αβ β mal basis in a relativistic context, the reciprocal basis These are, respectively, e = g eβ and eα = gαβe , must have a place in the geometry of relativity. It is eas- demonstrating that the metric tensor can be used to ily verified that the vectors raise or lower the basis vectors just like coordinates. The metric tensors (27) are generally basis dependent e0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) and not diagonal or identical. For orthonormal and pseudo-orthonormal bases gµν = g and are also di- e1 = (0, −1, 0, 0) µν (23) agonal. The dot product itself is not basis dependent, e2 = (0, 0, −1, 0) and will produce the same result for any basis and its e3 = (0, 0, 0, −1) associated coordinates. The Lorentz separation, defined in terms of the fundamental mixed sign relationship (3), are dual to the standard basis elements (2) according will be identical for all bases, even ones where the basis to the definition (5). vectors are not normal. 4

2.3.6. Change of basis 3. RELATIVITY Consider a vector with coordinate representations in 3.1. Proper separation a pair of bases, not necessarily orthonormal Given a particle parametrization along a trajectory x(λ) in spacetime, the average spacetime length be- α β x = y fα = x eβ. (31) tween a pair of points on this path can be computed r Taking dot products with reciprocal frame elements Z b dx(λ) dx(λ) relates the coordinates sb − sa = · dλ. (39) λ=a dλ dλ A trajectory x(λ) may be reparametrized in terms of the instantaneous proper separation s. The first deriva- µ µ ν y = ( f · eν)x (32a) tive of x(s) with respect to s is a timelike unit vector 0 0 xµ = (eµ · f )yν. (32b) (x · x = e0 · e0 = 1) along any point of the curve. ν This is nicely demonstrated by example. Defining tensors for the various dot product combina- Consider an inertial system, with a particle moving tions along a constant velocity trajectory, parametrized by an external observers time t

µ µ x(t) = (ct, vt) (40) ∧ ν = f · eν (33a) ∧µν = f µ · eν (33b) The proper separation anywhere along this spacetime ν ν curve is ∧µ = fµ · e (33c) ∧ = f · e (33d) Z q µν µ ν s = (ct, vt) · (ct, vt)dt allows for the coordinate transformations of (32) to Z p take their more conventional tensor form = c2 − v2dt (41) p = c2 − v2t µ µ ν y = ∧ νx (34a) Proper length reparametrization of this path is thus µ µ ν x = ∧ν y . (34b) 1 x(s) = √ (c, v)s, (42) Observe that the invariant length as seen in standard c2 − v2 tensor form is necessarily preserved by a change of basis The derivative transformation dx 1 = √ (c, v), (43) ds c2 − v2 µ µ ν y yµ = (y fµ) · (yν f ) = x · x (35a) is now easily observed to be of unit length µ µ ν x xµ = (x eµ) · (xνe ) = x · x. (35b) dx dx 1 · = (c2 − v2) = 1. (44) It is thus natural to consider the coordinates yα after ds ds c2 − v2 transformation as the same vector that had the coordi- 2 2 α For an inertial system, where d x/ds = 0 there nates x . They are just representations under different is only a timelike component for the trajectory when bases. parametrized by proper length. That is dx 2.3.7. Determination of the transformed basis from the x(s) = s. (45) transformation matrix. ds In general a proper length differential of a trajectory is Forming projections with respect to the standard basis parametrized by the elapsed time in the frame for which provides the coordinates of the transformed frame the particle is instantaneously at rest. A student of spe- cial relativity is familiar with being able to switch to a µ µ ν µν f = ( f · e )eν = ∧ eν. (36) frame in which the particle is instantaneously at rest by performing a Lorentz boost. This gives a first indi- This can also be viewed as a contraction of the trans- rect hint that such a transformation can be interpreted formation matrix (33) with eβ as nothing more than a change of basis.

µ ν µ ν µ 3.2. Lorentz boost as a change of basis ∧ νe = ( f · eν)e = f . (37) For the trajectory (40) it was found that the proper Written out in full, the transformed coordinates are length derivative was a timelike unit vector for the frame in which the particle was at rest. That unit vec- tor can be used as part of a basis for that rest frame. Once this basis is completed with its spatial unit vec- fµ = (∧µ0, ∧µ1, ∧µ2, ∧µ3) (38a) µ µ0 µ1 µ2 µ3 tors, it will be seen how the particle’s rest basis and an f = (∧ , ∧ , ∧ , ∧ ). (38b) observer basis are related by Lorentz transformation. 5

3.2.1. Illustration by example. One spatial dimension These coordinates still have the (ct0)2 − (x0)2 = ( )2 − 2 → For simplicity, consider a two dimensional spacetime ct x Lorentz invariance, but in the β 0 case pro- vector space, with a particle trajectory in an inertial duce a spatial reflection     frame parametrized by its proper length ct0 ct = . (52) x0 −x x(s) = γ(1, β)s. (46) The geometry of the reciprocal frame makes the calcu- Labeling this time like unit vector in the particle’s rest lation of Minkowski diagrams simple. Figure (2) illus- frame f0 provides the first element of a basis in the par- trates a plot with β = 1/3 of boosted basis vectors f0, f1 ticle’s rest frame 0 1 and the projections (x · f0) f , (x · f1) f of a vector onto dx the rest frame basis for the particle at rest. f = = γ(1, β) = f 0. (47) 0 ds The particle’s trajectory in the rest frame, in terms of the basis to be determined is thus

x(s) = s f0 + 0 f1. (48)

The task is to compute this basis { f0, f1} for the parti- cle’s rest frame. For this one dimensional spatial example, any vector lying outside of the span of { f0} can be picked to find an additional vector normal to that. One such vector, chosen arbitrarily, is e1 = (0, 1),

0 b = e1 − (e1 · f0) f = (0, 1) − (0, 1) · (1, β)γ2(1, β) = (0, 1) + βγ2(1, β) = (γ2β, 1 + β2γ2) = γ2(β, 1).

This can be normalized as either ±γ(β, 1). The pos- Figure 2. Minkowski diagram utilizing reciprocal frame projections. itive choice ensures that the of the coordi- nates matches that of the standard basis (i.e. unity).

[ f ] γ γβ 0 = = γ2(1 − β2) = 1. (49) 3.2.2. On uniqueness [ f1] γβ γ A two dimensional boost of speed cβ along the spatial This unit determinant ensures that the particle’s rest direction (cos θ, sin θ) can be shown to have the transfor- frame basis has the same orientation as the standard ba- mation matrix sis, involving no reflections in space or time. Using (33), the change of basis matrix from the stan-   dard basis of a stationary observer, to the rest frame ba- γ −γβ cos θ −γβ sin θ sis for the particle, is −γβ cos θ 1 + (γ − 1) cosθ (γ − 1) cos θ sin θ . −γβ sin θ (γ − 1) sin θ cos θ 1 + (γ − 1) sin θ  0 · 0 ·  (53) k∧µ k = f e0 f e1 ν f 1 · e f 1 · e Utilizing (38) the particle’s rest frame basis is found to 0 1 be   (1, β) · (1, 0)γ (1, β) · (0, 1)γ = (50) (−β, −1) · (1, 0)γ (−β, −1) · (0, 1)γ   = ( ) 1 −β f0 γ 1, β cos θ, β sin θ (54a) = γ . θ −β 1 f1 = (γβ cos θ, 1 + (γ − 1) cos , (γ − 1) cos θ sin θ) (54b) The Lorentz boost matrix for a one dimensional mo- = ( ( − ) + ( − ) ) ( ) f2 γβ sin θ, γ 1 sin θ cos θ, 1 γ 1 sin θ . tion along the γct 1, β trajectory has been derived by (54c) considering only geometry. Considering the Lorentz boost matrix above provides This is the Lorentz transform matrix corresponding to a physical justification for the demand that the deter- a particle trajectory of minant of the transformed coordinates is unity. Had we chosen a basis { f0, − f1} with f0 and f1 as defined above, x(s) = γs(1, β cos θ, β sin θ), (55) our coordinates would transform as       f = ct0 1 β ct for which the timelike unit vector is 0 = γ . (51) (1, β cos θ, β sin θ). With more than one spatial direction, x0 −1 −β x 6 the boost matrix, or the corresponding basis in the par- 1. The concepts of reciprocal basis and vector dual ticle’s rest frame, cannot be uniquely determined using have been defined. the Gram-Schmidt procedure used above in one spa- tial dimension. For example, seeding the Gram-Schmidt 2. Upper and lower index coordinates are defined as procedure starting with this timelike unit vector and dot products with the chosen and reciprocal basis picking e0 = (1, 0, 0) as the first vector outside of the respectively. span of { f }, the following positively oriented unit nor- 0 3. The metric tensor has been defined in terms of dot malized basis can be calculated products of the basis vectors. 4. Projection and the Gram-Schmidt procedure for a f0 = γ(1, β cos θ, β sin θ) (56a) non-orthonormal basis has been detailed. f1 = γ(β, cos θ, sin θ) (56b) 5. A worked example illustrating reciprocal basis f2 = γ(0, − sin θ, cos θ). (56c) and projection for a non-orthonormal (Euclidean) basis has been provided. The matrix of this linear transformation is 6. It is shown how a Lorentz transformation can be described as a change of basis. " γ −γβ cos θ −γβ sin θ# µ k∧ νk = −γβ γ cos θ γ sin θ . (57) 7. How to calculate the basis and the reciprocal basis 0 − sin θ cos θ for an arbitrary Lorentz transformation has been detailed. While this has unit determinant, and necessarily pre- serves the invariant length of a vector, it does not have 8. A derivation of a one dimensional boost using the symmetric form of the boost associated with the spa- only the Gram-Schmidt procedure has been pro- tial velocity cβ(cos θ, sin θ). vided. It is, of course, possible to determine the basis as- Some of the concepts used herein, especially that of sociated with any Lorentz transformation matrix using the reciprocal basis, have been borrowed from the con- equations (38). For example, for the two spatial direc- text of Geometric Algebra, where coordinate free meth- tion boost matrix ods are developed in considerably more depth and gen- erality.  γ −γβ cos θ −γβ sin θ  Without the learning curve of attempting a study of −γβ cos θ 1 + (γ − 1) cos2 θ (γ − 1) sin θ cos θ . Geometric Algebra, an attempt has been made to illus- −γβ sin θ (γ − 1) sin θ cos θ 1 + (γ − 1) sin2 θ trate some of the conceptual advantages of including the basis in the study of special relativity, even for inertial (58) frames where the basis is usually omitted. The intent From these the basis vectors in the particle’s rest frame has been to detail the mathematical tools required in a follow structured and standalone fashion so that the student can then proceed to apply additional ideas and tools of Euclidean vector algebra to the study of special relativ- f0 = (γ, γβ cos θ, γβ sin θ) (59a) ity. 2 f1 = (γβ cos θ, 1 + (γ − 1) cos θ, (γ − 1) sin θ cos θ) (59b) REFERENCES 2 f2 = (γβ sin θ, (γ − 1) sin θ cos θ, 1 + (γ − 1) sin θ). L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz. The classical theory of fields. (59c) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1980. ISBN 0750627689. C. Doran and A.N. Lasenby. Geometric algebra for physicists. Cambridge University Press New York, Cambridge, UK, 1st 4. CONCLUSION edition, 2003. Results are summarized as follows