From: "Johnston, Sadhu" <
[email protected]> To: "Direct to Mayor and Council - DL" CC: "City Manager's Correspondence Group - DL" "Pavone, Connie" <
[email protected]> "Pickard, Gail" <
[email protected]> "Protocol - DL" Date: 10/31 /2019 12:48:19 PM Subject: INVITATION to Mayor & Council -Remembrance Day at Victory Square - November 11 Attachments: RemembranceDay2019-invite.pdf RemembranceDay2019-parkingpass.pdf Dear Mayor and Council, Please find attached your official invit ation and parking pass to attend the City of Vancouver' s Remembrance Day Service at Victory Square on November 11 at 10:00 AM. As an elect ed official, you are invit ed t o stand in t he canopied area at t he t op of t he south st eps with ot her dignitaries in attendance. Please note that there is no seat ing under t he canopy. If you require seating, you may check in with a volunteer by 9:45 AM to request a seat in the guest seating area. I would also like to advise of other Remembrance Day ceremonies taking place across Vancouver on November 11. Members of Cou nci l have been assigned t o place a w reat h at each of these ceremonies according t o t he Deputy Mayor rost er. Wreaths have been ordered and delivery arrangements have been made for each ceremony. If you are not assigned to place a wreat h at one of t hese ceremonies, you are welcome to att end any of the ceremonies in Va ncouver as a guest. Furthermore, I have included information below about Nat ional Aboriginal Veterans Day on November 8 at Victory Square.