SPICe ELECTION 2007 briefing STEPHEN HERBERT, ROSS BURNSIDE, MURRAY EARLE, TOM EDWARDS, TOM FOLEY, IAIN MCIVER 8 May 2007 The paper provides an analysis of the 2007 Scottish Parliament election. 07/21 In particular it covers the Scottish Parliament electoral system, the election campaign, electoral behaviour and the polls, turnout, spoilt ballots, the impact of the result upon the political parties, the regional vote and the new composition of the Parliament. The briefing also contains perspectives on the election from a range of external commentators. The views expressed by these authors are their own and do not represent the views of SPICe or of the Scottish Parliament. The external commentators are: James Mitchell, Professor of Politics at the University of Strathclyde. Charlie Jeffrey, Professor of Politics at the University of Edinburgh and Co-Director of the Institute of Governance at the University of Edinburgh. Douglas Fraser, Scottish Political Editor of the Herald newspaper. John Curtice, Professor of Politics at the University of Strathclyde. Nicola McEwen, Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Edinburgh. Peter Lynch, Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Stirling. Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) Briefings are compiled for the benefit of the Members of the Parliament and their personal staff. Authors are available to discuss the contents of these papers with MSPs and their staff who should contact Stephen Herbert on extension 85373 or email
[email protected]. Members of the public or external organisations may comment on this briefing by emailing us at
[email protected]. However, researchers are unable to enter into personal discussion in relation to SPICe Briefing Papers.