About Jamie Radtke

 Jamie is part of a new generation of courageous, conservative leadership.  She will fight to maintain the Founders‟ vision of individual rights, constitutional adherence, , fiscal restraint, free markets, and virtue and accountability.  Jamie has the courage and integrity to stand firm on her principles and will not compromise our future with the Washington Establishment—Democrat or Republican.  As a DC outsider and a leader of the „Tea Party‟ insurgency (she was credited by with helping the Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation become one of the most advanced in the nation), Jamie is helping drive the debate on spending in DC.  She has experience in private business, non-profits, government and civic organizations. She is a wife and mother of three children.

JAMIE RADTKE WILL:  Oppose raising the federal debt ceiling.  End unsustainable federal deficits by cutting trillions and capping spending as a percentage of GDP.  Work for meaningful, courageous reform of entitlement programs.  Support the intrinsic right to life.  Protect and uphold the traditional family.  Defend the 2nd Amendment.  Fight to eliminate government subsidies.  Advocate for energy independent policies that bring down the price of gas.  Oppose illegal immigration.  Propose a fairer, flatter tax to grow jobs.

EXPERIENCE: EDUCATION:  Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation –  Bachelor of Science in Government – Co-Founder and Chairwoman Liberty University  Richmond Tea Party – President  Master of Public Policy –The College of  Sovereign Consulting – Founder & William & Mary Consultant  Virginia Conservative Action PAC – HONORS & LEADERSHIP: Political & Grassroots Director  National Sam Adams Alliance Award  American Management Systems – 2010 – for Tea Party citizen leadership Business Analyst  Featured in Fire from the Heartland  Virginia Dep. of Planning and Budget – documentary on emerging conservative James B. Cook Scholar women leaders  Office of the Governor – Special  Named one of Richmond, Virginia’s Assistant “Top 40 Under 40”  U.S. Senate Foreign Relations  Featured in the Committee – Staff Assistant documentary, “The Undefeated”



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com


Issue Jamie Radtke George Allen

Tea Party Co-Founder of the Virginia Tea Career Politician. Movement Party Patriots Federation.

Raise Debt Ceiling Opposes – we must cut spending. Voted to raise the Debt Ceiling four times while in the Senate.

House Republican Cutting $100 billion is “not nearly Praised the House Leadership Plan. $100 Billion enough.” Spending Cut

Republican Speaking to Congresswoman Supported the April budget deal. Congressional Michelle Bachman’s House Tea- Leadership’s $61B Party Caucus, criticized the House in cuts Republican Leadership’s failure to keep its pledge to cut even $100 billion.

National Debt Cap spending as a percentage of As a Senator, voted to add $3.1 trillion GDP. in new debt – more than $16,000 for every second he was in office.

Earmarks Opposes. Voted FOR 40,000 earmarks. Running for re-election in 2006 said, “Every single earmark I’ve gotten, I’m proud of.” (Richmond Times Dispatch, March 21, 2006)

More Earmarks Opposes “Bridge to Nowhere” Voted for the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ earmark. earmark.

No Child Left Opposes. Voted for it. Behind

Medicare Part D Opposes. Voted for it.

Corporate Opposes. Supported ethanol, sugar, and farm Subsidies subsidies.



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R. Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Issue Jamie Radtke George Allen

The Right to Life Believes life begins at the moment Supports legal abortion prior to fetal of conception and opposes viability. The Republican National abortion. Coalition for Life said Allen’s view, “...can only be described as pro-choice, not pro-life.” Source: Republican National Coalition for Life

Morning After Pill Opposes. The Family Foundation criticized Allen for his investment in Barr Laboratories Inc., maker of the Morning After abortion pill.

Embryonic Stem Opposes research on human When asked if he supported using Cell Research embryos. embryos left over from fertility treatments for research, Allen responded, “Yes.” Source: Republican National Coalition for Life

U.N. Agenda 21 Staunchly opposes. Sponsored “national heritage area” legislation which tramples on individuals’ property rights. The Virginia Land Rights Coalition called Allen’s bill a “property rights betrayal.”

Adding “Sexual Opposes. Voted to add “Sexual Orientation” to Orientation” to Federal Hate Crimes Legislation. Federal Hate Crimes Legislation



Endorsements from Republican, Community & Opinion Leaders (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

Jamie's pro-growth and fiscally responsible principals are what Virginians need in their next Senator. Today's daunting problems require someone with convictions and insights to tackle the problems while they are still fixable. Jamie brings these qualities as a Senatorial candidate. Thom Albrecht, Henrico County

Jamie is a pro-life, small government, constitutional conservative with a God-given sense of moral imperative. By choosing Jamie, Virginia will send a 100% pro-life Senator to Washington for the first time in decades. Ronald R. Berman, Legislative Chairman, 23rd Senate District, Republican Party of Virginia Steering Committee, Lynchburg Tea Party

I enthusiastically support Jamie for the U.S. Senate. She is the only extraordinary candidate running. We need new Republican representation in Congress that is willing to stand up to both Democrats and Republicans who do not recognize the fiscal dangers threatening our Republic. Jamie is that candidate. Joe Blackburn – Former Chairman and State Senate Candidate, Henrico County Republican Committee

Virginia Republicans have an exciting opportunity in 2012! As we seek to do our part to take back our country from the tone deaf career politicians who no longer represent or identify with us we have the opportunity to send Jamie Radtke to the U.S. Senate. Jamie is a fresh principled voice for constitutional government, free markets and individual liberty! She stands unapologetically for the right to life, for traditional , and for the right of free people to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Jamie understands that our rights are given by God and that government must respect them. We must elect a Senator who will fight to roll back the crushing tide of government debt, interference in the private sector, and assaults on God ordained family values. Jamie Radtke is such a person. Please join me in supporting her as she seeks to return our country to its founding principles. Nate Boyer, Chair, Republican Party of Bedford County

Our beloved America is in crisis. That's why I'm supporting Jamie Radtke, a constitutionalist, family- values conservative who understands that our Republican Party must stand foursquare for liberty, not mere political power. Jamie's clear conservative record proves her understanding that our leaders must be judged by principled deeds, not poll-tested slogans. Jamie is the true 'Jeffersonian conservative' in this race. Rick Boyer, Chairman, 22nd House District committee, former chairman, Campbell County GOP, former GOP Campbell County supervisor



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Republican, Community & Opinion Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

I have known Jamie since I attended VCAP training in Richmond almost ten years ago. She has been a consistent, effective, principled advocate for conservative, pro-life, pro-family causes. What a relief to find a candidate in whom I have full confidence! Marnie Deaton, Former Director of Central Virginia Family Forum

We support Jamie Radtke because we believe that God has a better plan for this country than the one that is being pursued today. We will not close our eyes and sit in ignorance. We have known Jamie for many years and trust in her abilities, integrity, and her passion for the well-being of this country. Lori and Jason Dell

Jamie Radtke is fearless about confronting the enormous problems that face America and our economy, and she is serious about making government follow the law that was written to govern it, our Constitution. She is a force for the people, and is exactly the right person Virginia needs in the U.S. Senate. Mark Fitzgibbons, constitutional lawyer and businessman

The reason I have been involved as a citizen for over two years is that I was tired of the direction our country was going, Jamie Radtke represents the real changes I want to see in Washington, DC. Common sense leadership with a backbone to make tough choices. Not good ol' boy politics. This is not about personalities, this is about leadership. Daren Gardner, Constitution Ride Across America

I am done with career politicians. They have gotten us in this financial mess by spending trillions of dollars, voting for earmarks, and increasing the debt ceiling and then they want us to keep reelecting them, just like George Allen. Jamie understands that the time is short to save us from fiscal calamity and she is willing to make the hard choices to make this country solvent once again. The best solution for Virginia is Jamie Radtke and that is why I am supporting her wholeheartedly. Jim McKelvey, Fmr. Republican 5th Congressional District Candidate



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Republican, Community & Opinion Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

Virginians need to elect a Senator in 2012 who is fully committed to reining in the federal government. It must be someone who will resist the culture of Washington. A principled conservative who will stand by pledges made during the campaign. Someone who understands the aspirations and concerns of average Virginians and who will represent their interests competently, consistently and aggressively. I have concluded that Jamie Radtke is that person. She has demonstrated maturity beyond her years, an exceptional organizational ability, a willingness to work hard, a commitment to traditional conservative values and a keen appreciation of her fellow citizens and their interests.

I have been involved in politics in Virginia since the 1950s. I was responsible for congressional relations at the U.S. Justice Department in the 1970s. I served as State Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia in the 1990s. I have watched a lot of campaigns and worked with many U.S. Senators. I believe that Jamie has the toughness, perseverance and intelligence to win the Republican nomination, prevail in the general election and serve with distinction as a U.S. Senator. Patrick McSweeney, Former Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia

Jamie Radtke possesses an exceptionalism in every category necessary to make us proud to call her our Senator. From my experience in the legislature, I found that women generally did not leave their home responsibilities or their careers to become career politicians, but because they burned passionately for the things they believed in and for which they fought tenaciously -- never turning loose until it was corrected or improved. Jamie Radtke is the kind of proven courageously conservative principled patriot who is needed like never before in the Senate in Washington. She will walk the talk. This is the reason I am supporting Jamie -- not because she is a woman.

More and more of what was done in the last years causing the economic ruin for us and our children is now being revealed. It is the easing of regulatory burdens, need for limited government, lower cumulative taxes, moral values and protective national defense that she will dedicatedly speak for and insist on. Our country is in a crisis -- it can no longer be politics as usual. Just as I did in Richmond as Virginia's first female State Senator, Jamie Radtke will fight in Congress as our first female United States Senator. Eva Scott, Former Virginia State Senator



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Republican, Community & Opinion Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

For over 20 years, I have sought to find, nominate, and elect solid, conservative political candidates that believe as I believe in an America as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Having known and worked with Jamie Radtke as a political volunteer for a dozen years, I am confident that she has the conviction and skills to fight for a smaller, less intrusive and sustainable government! Please join Jamie in the fight to preserve the American Dream for the next generation! Todd VanderPol, Hanover County

In order to save this country from the impending debt crisis, we must find new leaders who will take the issue seriously and be willing to take on the special interests both inside and outside of the party establishment. Jamie has demonstrated this type of leadership. Ken Vaughn, Candidate for US House

…Jamie Radtke, the Virginia Tea Party leader, pro-life, constitutional, small-government conservative running for the Virginia Republican nomination for U.S. Senate…. someone who is a major grassroots leader now and will be a national leader in our movement for many years to come. You'll be impressed, I guarantee it. , Chairman of Conservative HQ



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Republican and Community Leader Endorsements Include: (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

 Thom Albrecht -- Henrico County  Bob Arment – Chairman, Louisa County Republican Party  Steve Arrington -- Bedford County Supervisor  Bob Bailie – Hanover County  Ronald R. Berman -- Legislative Chairman, 23rd Senate District, Republican Party of Virginia and Steering Committee, Lynchburg Tea Party  Joe Blackburn – Former Chairman Henrico County Republican Committee  Joan Blackstone – Chair, Lancaster County Republican Party  Tom & Ellen Blackstone – Montpelier, Virginia  Jim Bowden – 1st C.D. Representative, Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee  Nate Boyer -- Chair, Republican Party of Bedford County  Rick Boyer, Chairman, 22nd House District committee, former chairman, Campbell County GOP, former GOP Campbell County supervisor  Tim Boyer -- Vice Chairman, 5th C.D. Republican Committee  Frank Bradley – Hanover County  John Breedon – Secretary, King William County Republican Party  Pat Brown – Powhatan County Republican Committee  George Caylor - Lynchburg City  Jim Crosby -- Former Chair, Botetourt Republican Committee & Former Member, Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee  Lori and Jason Dell  Marnie Deaton -- Former Director of Central Virginia Family Forum  Belinda Dexter, VFRW 2nd C.D. Representative  James Fereira – Former 9th C.D. Rep., Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee  James Fisher – Chairman, Fauquier Co. GOP & Fauquier Commonwealth’s Atty.  Mark Fitzgibbons -- Constitutional Lawyer & Businessman  Daren Gardner -- Constitution Ride Across America  Michael Giere – 8th C.D. Representative, Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee  Doug Gimbert-Former Chairman Botetourt County Republican Committee and former State Central Committee Member  Jerry Gore – Vice Chair, Greene County Republican Committee  Joe Glover – Family Policy Network  Dr. Sam Graham – Goochland County



 9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Republican and Community Leader Endorsements (con’t): (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

 Sidney Gunst – Innsbrook developer, Henrico County  Lee Hauser – Hampton City  Jeff Helgeson -- Lynchburg City Council  Barry Hodge -- Chairman, Powhatan Republican Committee  Woody & Pamela Hogg -- Hanover County  Hammond Hunt – Abingdon  Andy Jones -- Chairman, Bath County Republican Committee  Paul Keddell – Chairman, Poquoson County Republican Committee  Ray Kramer -- Former Chair, Powhatan Republican Committee  Fred & Peggy Larmore – City of Richmond  Pepper Laughon – City of Richmond  Dennis Lister – Chairman, Fredericksburg City Republican Committee  Bob Marcellus - Goochland, Virginia  Jim McKelvey, Fmr. Republican 5th Congressional District Candidate  Patrick McSweeney -- Former Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia  Larry Miller -- Former Chair, Chesterfield Republican Committee  Feda Morton - Former 5th District Republican Congressional Candidate  Russell Nash - Mechanicsville, Virginia  David Phillips -- 3rd Vice Chairman, York County Republican Committee. Brig. General, VA Air National Guard (Ret).  The Honorable Jack Reid – Former Virginia Delegate  Howe Rice – Glen Allen, Virginia  Sonja Rife – City of Richmond  Eva Scott -- Former Virginia State Senator  John Sharp -- Bedford County Supervisor  Chris Shores -- 5th C.D. Representative, Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee  Ben Slone – Chairman, Goochland County Republican Committee  Todd Vander Pol -- Hanover County  Lee Vail, Chesapeake  Ken Vaughn -- Candidate for US House  Richard Viguerie -- Chairman of Conservative HQ  Emory Williams – Henrico County  Missi Zook - Chairman, Cumberland Republican Committee



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

I have had the opportunity to serve with Jamie over the last couple of years. I will tell you that she is a steadfast, unmovable individual who is not afraid to hold the federal government accountable. She is a woman of principle and integrity who honors her word without backing down, even in the face of opposition. Jamie loves her family and country; she is dedicated to uphold the constitution of the United States of America. Dorothy Bayford, Chairman of Peninsula Patriots

As a concerned citizen, I am greatly appalled at the over reach of our Federal Government. Both political parties continue time after time to drag us further in debt, continue to promote and fund programs that are proven failures and spend our money recklessly. It's time we had a true voice in Washington that speaks for the people instead of lobbyist and special interest groups. It's time we had true representation from the grassroots level that knows what it‟s like to live within your means. It's time we had a citizen representative and not a career politician who answers to you and me and not a political machine. It's time we had Jamie Radtke for U.S. Senator. Ralph Carter, Chester Patriots

I have had the privilege of working with Jamie for over a year now as a member of the Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation. Her leadership style brings people together--she puts folks at ease and empowers them to lead where they are in the liberty movement. Jamie's message since the founding of the Federation has never wavered. She has, is, and will not compromise as a servant leader championing limited government and individual liberty. I wholeheartedly believe that Virginians would be best served with Jamie Radtke as our next senator. Kristen Cooper, 912 Va Beach First Landing

I am proud to know and to have worked with Jamie in our grassroots effort to get our state and country back on the right track. At first, I was sad when Jamie told me she was going to announce her candidacy for the United States Senate. She led the Virginia‟s Tea Party Federation with great success and her leadership will be missed. She was able to pull resources from Tea Party groups all across this great state to get things accomplished and I can only image what she will be able to do as a Senator of Virginia. I am glad to support Jamie Radtke for the United States Senate. Wayne Cunningham, Chester Tea Party Patriots



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

I have known Jamie personally for about a year. Before that, I knew her as the head of a great grassroots movement in Virginia, something that was a wave of fresh air after a century of decline in the liberties of Virginians. Now, more than ever, I am convinced that our nation needs a senator such as Jamie Radtke, whose belief in the sanctity of liberty is one that will help free the citizens of our damaged republic from the chains of taxation and regulatory oppression that the federal government (with the help of one of her opponents)has come to impose. No other candidate has the integrity, the honesty or the work ethic to accomplish what is demanded of our next senator. As a mother, patriot, leader and mentor, Mrs. Radtke has shown her strength and it is with great excitement that I personally encourage her to fight this fight, to win the nomination for GOP senate candidate and get to work in Washington on the long fight to save this republic. I personally endorse Jamie Radtke for U.S. Senate. David Donis, Chairman Hampton Roads Tea Party

Jamie Radtke is a principled conservative who understands both policy and how to work with people to achieve a shared goal. That‟s not easy in the highly independent grassroots ! Jamie has always stood firm on principle, no matter how much pressure was on her to do something else. We need her kind of leadership and fresh ideas in Washington DC. Karen Miner Hurd, Founder Hampton Roads Tea Party

At times in our lives we are privileged to witness persons of the highest moral character and intellect who have an unwavering allegiance to God, country and family. Jamie Radtke is one such person: a strong, wise leader who speaks and lives the truth. Jamie is the only candidate I would consider for the United States Senate in Virginia. She has strong leadership qualities, and will stand tall for fiscal responsibility. She brings no baggage to the table, only a meticulous record of high character and unwavering service. Jamie recognizes that liberty, truth and justice are not mere words spoken from a teleprompter, but are the life force and heart of our Republic. After working with Jamie for several years, I consider her a just and viable candidate for our Virginia Senate. People like Jamie represent our hope to reverse the recent era of fiscal irresponsibility and government mismanagement by Progressives. Our time has come, Jamie's time is now! Let us follow where she leads.... Evelyn Kerr, Rappahannock Tea Party



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

There are some people you meet in life who stand out and Jamie Radtke is one of them. Her principles are strongly conservative and she has the ability to articulate them clearly. I can‟t wait for the senatorial debates! Susan Lascolette, Richmond Tea Party

What we need in Washington is a true fiscal conservative who believes that the best government is a limited government that leaves We the People free to make our own decisions. We need people like Jamie Radtke in the U.S. Senate to ensure that the government works for the people. Jamie has demonstrated her adherence to these principles time and again, whether in leading and organizing a statewide coalition of citizens who share her view of limited, fiscally responsible government or her excellent financial stewardship of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention. What we don't need are career politicians who already proven themselves to be counter to these values. Michael Laws, 912 Richmond

I am supporting Jamie Radtke because I believe she is a grass roots activist, a principled leader with a strong belief in the Constitution, who will work for the people of this state and this country, she will change the way politics are done, and she will revitalize Washington, DC Mary Leedom, Peninsula Tea Party

I enthusiastically endorse Jamie Radtke's candidacy for the United States Senate in Virginia. Jamie embodies the grassroots leadership that started the Tea Party movement, and she is committed to the three core values--Constitutionally Limited Government, Free Markets, and Fiscal Responsibilities. She has the clarity of purpose and dedication to principle that worn out establishment Republicans like George Allen never had when they were in power, and will never demonstrate if they are returned to power. Michael Patrick Leahy, Co-Founder of #TCOT and the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition

Jamie Radtke is my friend. I trust her. I know her voice will be my voice in the United States Senate. Mark Lloyd -- Chairman, Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

As a small business owner who struggles daily under the burdens of unreasonable regulations and taxes, not only from the perspective of our business, but from the impact regulation, taxes and irresponsible government have on our clientele, you‟re decision to run for a seat in the United States Senate is a breath of fresh air.

I personally know, having served beside you as a volunteer with the Richmond Tea Party, when it comes to rolling up your sleeves and going to work, you are tireless, when it comes to principles, you are unwavering, when it comes to tough decisions, you have the fortitude (and knowledge) to make them.

We…pray for the success of your campaign for Senator. I know you will stand up for the American people, our Constitution, Liberties and the . I also know you will do this with proven integrity.

Personally, and on behalf of our company, I am happy to offer our support and endorsement. May God bless you, your family and your campaign. Conklin “Corky” Mann, Richmond Tea Party

Jamie Radtke has the knowledge and the heart to preserve America the way our founding fathers deemed it necessary for the survival of a Blessed country. By her not being a career politician, I can trust she will NOT follow suit with those who are. Debbie Mason, Lynchburg Tea Party

Thinking that we should expect better results by re-electing establishment politicians is not a strategy for success. To bring actual positive change in Washington, we need new ideas and fresh faces. Jamie Radtke‟s vision of common-sense governance based on conservative principles is desperately needed in a government that continues to fail its people. Eric McGrane, Richmond Tea Party



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

Jamie not only acknowledges the hurdles our country has to clear, she has a plan. She will tackle these head on with common sense and an eye to the freedoms that made this country great. Jamie will make the tough calls to take the hard right over the easy wrong and will bring honor and prosperity to our country and our state. Rob McIntire King William Tea Party

Two years of painful failed leadership in Washington and the recent failure of establishment Virginia Republicans (Cantor) to support aggressive spending cuts reaffirms that Jamie Radtke is what we need in Washington. Senator Allen's years in the Virginia Senate clearly reflected his "establishment" tendency and spending mentality. Jamie represents those tax payers who feel the spending has to stop and that elected officials respect and support governing as set forth by the Constitution.

Jamie Radtke is a savvy political activist with extensive experience crafting legislation. A champion for family values and liberty, Jamie will bring experience and common sense to Washington. As a mother and grandmother I recognize my responsibility to help elect representatives who will fight for common sense governing, fiscal responsibility and the protection of family values. Jamie's experience makes her an excellent candidate to reflect the change in governing the voters in the 2010 election overwhelmingly support. Debbie Pavon, Hampton Roads Tea Party

As a contender for the Senate, Jamie Radtke is the best choice for Republicans who want limited government and fiscal responsibility. She will be a citizen legislator who will not be a “business as usual” career politician, indebted to special interests and lobbyists. Get to know this candidate who has an in-depth grasp of the issues and solid conservative values, as demonstrated by her leadership of the Richmond Tea Party and Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation. John and Sharon Phelps, New Kent Tea Party



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

I am thrilled to support my friend Jamie Radtke for the United States Senate. She is a true patriot. She was in the tea party movement since the beginning of this movement and is running for office for all of the right reasons. She is someone Virginia can be proud of and she will represent Virginia and Virginians well in the United States Senate. I have often said it is not enough to replace bad leaders. We must replace bad leaders with good leaders. Jamie is a good leader. Judson Phillips, Founder of

If you haven't already, I encourage all Virginians to make it point to get to know the only real viable candidate in the race for Virginia's US Senate seat! Having served with Jamie in various leadership positions within the Tea Party, I can attest to her endless energy, acute insights into all the issues plaguing our country and the courage to get into the weeds, make decisions and execute on those decisions collaboratively. Creativity and her positive approach to achieving results are her strong suit. She has the horsepower and the will to make things happen all while home schooling her three children! I have witnessed first-hand the earned respect from the many American patriots who are actively engaged in addressing the pressing issues of the day both in the local and national arenas. I am extremely happy with Jamie's decision to enter the Senate race - she has my personal endorsement - it‟s time we send a citizen to Washington and not a career politician! Phil Rapp, Richmond Tea Party

Far from the nuanced parsed words from most political candidates Jamie Radtke is a breath of fresh air. The candor and brevity in her responses to questions underlie an honesty. Her integrity is easily one of her most distinguishable traits , and one I might add that will be welcome in the U.S. Senate when she wins this seat next fall" Bob Shannon, Founder, King William & Mechanicsville TEA Parties



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

I‟ve given the choice of our next Senator a lot of thought. Picking the person who best represents my views and those of the many people that I interact with on a daily basis is not to be taking lightly. I am making this endorsement as a private citizen. Most of you know me through my work with the tea party movement locally and across the state.

I have no role in Jamie‟s campaign. I just have a strong desire to see our country continue to move in the right direction. I firmly believe with all my heart that Jamie is the person who can best make that happen. I endorse her candidacy without any reservations. I like many others have received E-mails from George Allen, Dick Morris and others. Although they may call themselves conservatives have for some reason decided to forsake their conservative values and back yet another establishment candidate. One thing I have learned over the years is that establishment candidates never stick to their values. They are among the first to sell us out in the name of compromise.

I was a George Allen supporter; when he got to Washington he seemed to have forgotten his conservative roots. His votes as a Senator speak volumes about the lack of conviction to conservative principles. He backed George Bush by voting for one of the biggest increases in Federal spending. He also supported No Child Left Behind, a costly program to create a national education report card; favored a federal program to subsidize the costs of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries; and voted to expand the Hate Crimes Prevention Act to include crimes based on sexual orientation. To me these look like votes for bigger government.

The stakes are higher now and I can‟t afford to sit on the sidelines, say nothing and do nothing. So I have a commitment to support Jamie Radtke as our next U.S. Senator. Yale Schiffman, Prince William Tea Party, Woodbridge, VA



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Endorsements from Tea Party / Patriot Leaders (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

A pox on the scurrilous men who have sold out our nation for political expediency. Their only loyalty is to their own pocketbooks and their crony pals who could give a rat‟s ass what happens to the nation as long as they can profit from it all and stay in power. This plague of locusts is stripping us bare. As the congress continues to deal with this ongoing debt crisis I am both disgusted and grieved at what those who were charged with preserving the integrity of our currency, not to mention our constitution, have done. Jamie Radtke sincerely believes in the founding principles which made this the greatest nation to have ever existed...... and I believe in Jamie. Carol Stopps- Treasurer, 9/12 Richmond

At this critical point in the Nation's history our leaders cannot be indecisive about cutting the Federal budget, reducing the size and scope of the Government and reducing the debt. The "retreads from the major parties" will not act in time, or act at all, to save the Country. I believe Jamie Radtke has the moral compass and fortitude to "just say no". I pray that the impending collapse is delayed long enough for her and other new leaders to take office. Jeremy Taylor, Alexandria Tea Party, Executive Board.

Since I met Jamie in 2009, I have worked closely with her and been deeply impressed by her passionate and effective leadership of multiple organizations advancing the cause of We the People in Virginia and America. I know she would serve honorably as a strong and needed advocate for our interests in Washington, pushing back against the career politicians who are advocates only for their own interests. Jon Wakefield, Richmond Tea Party

George Allen…voted step-in-step with George Bush and that's why he was not reelected…We need Jamie Radtke, a young conservative who can lead her generation back to the principles our Nation once stood for. No more political correctness when it covers up the Truth; no more policies that disable our economy; and no more mandates that make Americans weak, here and abroad! Sandy Westmoreland, Richmond Tea Party Patriot

Jamie is the personification of the non-government official running for political office. Her message is constitutional and consistent. She is one of the toughest political characters out there...A really good word to describe to Jamie Radtke as an opponent is 'formidable.' Ron Wilcox, Northern Virginia Tea Party organizer



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Tea Party and Patriot Leader Endorsements Include: (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

 Mark Skoda -- Co-Founder, National Tea Party Federation  Thom Ayres – Director, Hampton Roads Tea Party  Dorothy Bayford – Chairman, Peninsula Patriots  Ben Bierly – John Adams Patriots  Dorothy Bayford – Leader, Peninsula Patriots  Bonnie Betts – Secretary, Virginia Tea Party Patriots, & Member, John Adams Stafford Patriots  Daniel & Shelby Burnett – Danville Tea Party  Ralph Carter – Chairman, Chester Patriots  Kristen Cooper – Chairwoman, 912 Virginia Beach First Landing  Wayne Cunningham – Organizer, Chester Tea Party Patriots  Mark Daugherty – Treasurer, Shenandoah Valley Tea Party  Edgar Doleman – Chairman, 99th District Tea Party  David Donis – Chairman, Hampton Roads Tea Party  Jim & Dee Innis – Directors, Patrick Henry Patriots  Patricia Evans – Danville Tea Party  Kurt Feigel – President, Lynchburg Tea Party  Dennis Fleming – Page County Tea Party  Karen Miner Hurd – Founder. Hampton Roads Tea Party  A.J. Kearney – Organizer, Alexandria Tea Party  Evelyn Kerr – Organizer, Rappahannock Tea Party  Susan Lascolette -- Richmond Tea Party  Michael Laws – President, 912 Richmond  Michael Patrick Leahy – Co--Founder of Twitter #TCOT and the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition  Mary Leedom – Peninsula Patriots & York County Republican Party  Mark Lloyd -- Chairman, Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation  Eric McGrane -- President, Richmond Tea Party  Rob McIntire – King William Tea Party  Corky Mann – Director, Richmond Tea Party  Debbie Mason – Organizer, Lynchburg Tea Party  Mark & Billie Nix – Founders, Southside Tea Party  Debbie Pavon – Secretary, Hampton Roads Tea Party  John and Sharon Phelps -- New Kent Tea Party  Judson Phillips, Founder of Tea Party Nation 18


9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Tea Party and Patriot Leader Endorsements (con’t) (Individual Endorsements; Titles / Organizations for Descriptive Purposes Only)

 Phil Rapp – Vice President, Richmond Tea Party  Yale Schiffman – Organizer, Prince William Tea Party  Kerry Scott – Organizer, Alexandria Tea Party  Bob Shannon -- Founder of King William & Mechanicsville Tea Party  Carol Stopps - Treasurer, 912 Richmond  Jeremy Taylor – Executive Board, Alexandria Tea Party  Jon Wakefield –Director, Richmond Tea Party  Parke West -- Chairman, Just Liberty  Sandy Westmoreland, Richmond Tea Party Patriot  Gilbert Wilkerson – Director, Richmond Tea Party  Ron Wilcox – Organizer, Northern Virginia Tea Party  Wayne Winslow – Chairman, Fredericksburg Patriots



9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Statements About Jamie Radtke From Political Leaders & The Media

Jamie Radtke‟s call to not raise the debt ceiling is spot on. We must have a reality-based debate on the budget, instead of remaining in denial about the peril we face. Rep. (R-Minnesota)

We know 2012 is going to be a continuation of the Tea Party Revolution we began with the 2010 midterms. One of the more important races will be for Virginia‟s US Senate seat, which will be open due to Sen. Jim Webb not running again. Running against big-spending GOP establishment dinosaur George Allen for the GOP nomination is Virginia Tea party founder Jaime Radtke. She‟s terrific and exactly the sort of Tea Party Patriot we need running against establishment hacks like Allen. Author & Conservative Commentator Tammy Bruce

Although not an office-holder, she is more impressive than [Michele] Bachmann - and, for that matter, others mentioned as possible GOP challengers in the [Senate] primary. Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial Page

Much of the credit for the otherwise positive image of the Tea Party's manifestation in Virginia goes to Jamie Radtke, who possesses not only political smarts but a sense of humor, which is not always easy to detect among those who prefer the chip on the shoulder. Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial Page

U.S. Senate candidate Jamie Radtke met Monday with members of the House regarding spending and debt issues facing the United States and the upcoming vote to raise the debt ceiling, and she urged the House Republican leadership to start leading the way in the effort to stabilize America‟s fiscal situation. Karyn McDermott, Examiner.com

Jamie Radtke, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia, addressed the first-ever Senate Tea Party Caucus meeting Thursday, calling for reduced government spending and lower taxes. Radtke, formerly the chairwoman of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation, joined the likes of Sens. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and , R-Ky., at the caucus meeting. David Sherfinski, 20


9840 Midlothian Turnpike Suite R, Richmond, VA 23235 804-451-5985 http://RadtkeforSenate.com

Statements About Jamie Radtke From Political Leaders & The Media (con’t)

The Federation of Virginia Tea Party Patriots helped push legislation through the Virginia Statehouse earlier this year to blunt the impact of the new federal health-care law. It is now allying with like-minded lawmakers to champion an ambitious roster of bills.

Virginia's statewide tea-party alliance is perhaps the most advanced of any in the country, both in organization and in its own interactions with the GOP. Neil King, Jr., The Wall Street Journal

As a Tea Party organizer, Radtke has few equals. With her leadership, the Richmond Tea Party was transformed from a small group with enthusiasm — and not much else — into a highly organized team that could turn out thousands of volunteers.

She organized the nation‟s largest Tea Party convention, which was held in Richmond in October. Her run embodies one of the key ideas at the heart of the Tea Party movement: the belief that Washington doesn‟t know best, and that the best way to clean up the mess in DC is to send in a new team with different ideas. Gary Aldrich, .com

Tea Party organizer Jamie Radtke is running for the United States Senate from Virginia. She has already attended her first Senate Tea Party Caucus meeting by request of the caucus. Sounds like they want her as a colleague.

Radtke's a constitutional conservative who isn't afraid to point out the mistakes of establishment big- government Republicans. As it became clear the Tea Party was the major force of last year's elections, she wrote the GOP is on probation, a phrase copied even by some Republicans in Congress who understand their party is in deep kimchi if they fail to rise to cause. Mark J. Fitzgibbons, American Thinker.com

It's about time we actually had some [leaders] that were not career politicians, who are more like yourself, a mom raising kids who sees a problem with our country and wants to do something about it. Scott Lee - The Score Radio Network