Field Checklist of the Birds of Venezuela

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Field Checklist of the Birds of Venezuela FIELD CHECKLIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTERN VENEZUELA Taxonomy follows Birds of Venezuela (Hilty 2003). Prepared by David Ascanio Last update: October 2009 Magpie Tanager (Cissopis leveriana) D.Ascanio Detailed information Name: Special remarks about the trip (weather, breeding species, extensions of distribution and others): Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Column H Column I Column J Column K Column L Column M Please, submitt your birdlist and tour report to [email protected] Thank you! Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page 2 FIELD CHECKLIST OF THE BIRDS OF EASTERN VENEZUELA A B C D E F G H I J K L M 1 Great Tinamou 1 Tinamus major 2 Grey Tinamou 2 Tinamus tao 3 Little Tinamou 3 Crypturellus soui 4 Tepui Tinamou 4 Crypturellus ptaritepui 5 Variegated Tinamou 5 Crypturellus variegatus 6 Red-legged Tinamou 6 Crypturellus erythropus 7 Least Grebe 7 Tachybaptus dominicus 8 Pied-billed Grebe 8 Podilymbus podiceps 9 Neotropic Cormorant 9 Phalacrocorax brasilianus 10 Anhinga 10 Anhinga anhinga 11 Magnificent Frigatebird 11 Fregata magnificens 12 Brown Pelican 12 Pelecanus occidentalis 13 Horned Screamer 13 Anhima cornuta 14 Fulvous Whistling-Duck 14 Dendrocygna bicolor 15 White-faced Whistling-Duck 15 Dendrocygna viduata 16 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 16 Dendrocygna autumnalis 17 Orinoco Goose 17 Neochen jubata 18 Muscovy Duck 18 Cairina moschata 19 White-cheeked Pintail 19 Anas bahamensis 20 Blue-winged Teal 20 Anas discors 21 Masked Duck 21 Nomonyx dominica 22 Pinnated Bittern 22 Botaurus pinnatus 23 Least Bittern 23 Ixobrychus exilis 24 Zigzag Heron 24 Zebrilus undulatus 25 Rufescent Tiger-Heron 25 Tigrisoma lineatum 26 Fasciated Tiger-Heron 26 Tigrisoma fasciatum Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page 3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 27 Cocoi Heron 27 Ardea cocoi 28 Great Blue Heron 28 Ardea herodias 29 Great Egret 29 Ardea alba 30 Snowy Egret 30 Egretta thula 31 Little Blue Heron 31 Egretta caerulea 32 Tricoloured Heron 32 Egretta tricolor 33 Reddish Egret 33 Egretta rufescens 34 Cattle Egret 34 Bubulcus ibis 35 Striated Heron 35 Butorides striatus 36 Green Heron 36 Butoroides virescens 37 Agami Heron 37 Agamia agami 38 Whistling Heron 38 Syrigma sibilatrix 39 Capped Heron 39 Pilherodius pileatus 40 Black-crowned Night-Heron 40 Nycticorax nycticorax 41 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 41 Nycticorax violaceus 42 Boat-billed Heron 42 Cochlearius cochlearius 43 Scarlet Ibis 43 Eudocimus ruber 44 Buff-necked Ibis 44 Theristicus caudatus 45 Green Ibis 45 Mesembrinibis cayennensis 46 White Ibis 46 Eudocimus albus 47 Roseate Spoonbill 47 Platalea ajaja 48 Wood-Stork 48 Mycteria americana 49 Maguari Stork 49 Euxenura maguari 50 Jabiru 50 Jabiru mycteria 51 King Vulture 51 Sarcoramphus papa 52 Black Vulture 52 Coragyps atratus 53 Turkey Vulture 53 Cathartes aura Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page 4 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 54 Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture 54 Cathartes burrovianus 55 Greater Yellow-headed Vulture 55 Cathartes melambrotus 56 Osprey 56 Pandion haliaetus 57 Gray-headed Kite 57 Leptodon cayanensis 58 Hook-billed Kite 58 Chondrohierax uncinatus 59 Swallow-tailed Kite 59 Elanoides forficatus 60 Pearl Kite 60 Gampsonyx swainsonii 61 White-tailed Kite 61 Elanus leucurus 62 Snail Kite 62 Rostrhamus sociabilis 63 Slender-billed Kite 63 Rostrhamus hamatus 64 Double-toothed Kite 64 Harpagus bidentatus 65 Plumbeous Kite 65 Ictinia plumbea 66 Crane Hawk 66 Geranospiza caerulescens 67 Long-winged Harrier 67 Circus buffoni 68 Plain-breasted Hawk 68 Accipiter ventralis 69 Tiny Hawk 69 Accipiter superciliosus 70 Bicolored Hawk 70 Accipiter bicolor 71 Gray-bellied (Gos)Hawk 71 Accipiter poliogaster 72 White Hawk 72 Leucopternis albicollis 73 Black-faced Hawk 73 Leucopternis melanops 74 Savanna Hawk 74 Buteogallus meridionalis 75 Rufous Crab-Hawk 75 Buteogallus aequinoctalis 76 Common Black-Hawk 76 Buteogallus anthracinus 77 Great Black Hawk 77 Buteogallus urubitinga 78 Harris' (Bay-winged) Hawk 78 Parabuteo unicinctus 79 Black-collared Hawk 79 Busarellus nigricollis 80 Gray (lined) Hawk 80 Buteo nitidus nitidus Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 81 Roadside Hawk 81 Buteo magnirostris 82 Broad-winged Hawk 82 Buteo platypterus 83 Short-tailed Hawk 83 Buteo brachyurus 84 Zone-tailed Hawk 84 Buteo albonotatus 85 White-tailed Hawk 85 Buteo albicaudatus 86 Crested Eagle 86 Morphnus guianensis 87 Harpy Eagle 87 Harpia harpyja 88 Black-and-white Hawk Eagle 88 Spizastur melanoleucus 89 Black Hawk-Eagle 89 Spizaetus tyrannus 90 Ornate Hawk-Eagle 90 Spizaetus ornatus 91 Black Caracara 91 Daptrius ater 92 Red-throated Caracara 92 Ibycter americanus 93 Northern Crested Caracara 93 Caracara cheriway 94 Yellow-headed Caracara Milvago 94 chimachima 95 Barred Forest-Falcon 95 Micrastur ruficollis 96 Lined Forest-Falcon 96 Micrastur gilvicollis 97 Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon 97 Micrastur mirandollei 98 Collared Forest-Falcon 98 Micrastur semitorquatus 99 [Buckley´s Forest-Falcon] 99 Micrastur buckleyi 100 Laughing Falcon 100 Herpetotheres cachinnans 101 American Kestrel 101 Falco sparverius 102 Merlin 102 Falco columbarius 103 Aplomado Falcon 103 Falco femoralis 104 Bat Falcon 104 Falco rufigularis rufigularis 105 Orange-breasted Falcon 105 Falco deiroleucus 106 Peregrine Falcon 106 Falco peregrinus 107 Rufous-vented Chachalaca 107 Ortalis ruficauda Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page 6 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 108 Little Chachalaca 108 Ortalis motmot 109 Band-tailed Guan 109 Penelope argyrotis 110 Marail Guan 110 Penelope marail 111 Spix's Guan 111 Penelope jacquacu 112 Crested Guan 112 Penelope purpurascens 113 Common Piping Guan 113 Pipile pipile 114 Yellow-knobbed Curassow 114 Crax daubentoni 115 Black Curassow 115 Crax alector 116 Crested Bobwhite 116 Colinus cristatus 117 Marbled Wood-Quail 117 Odontophorus gujanensis 118 Russet-crowned Crake 118 Laterallus viridis 119 Ash-throated Crake 119 Porzana albicollis 120 Yellow-breasted Crake 120 Porzana flaviventer 121 Sora Porzana carolina 121 122 Paint-billed Crake 122 Neocrex erythrops 123 Ocellated Crake 123 Micropygia schomburgkii 124 Clapper Rail 124 Rallus longirostris 125 Gray-necked Wood-Rail 125 Aramides cajanea 126 Rufous-necked Wood-Rail 126 Aramides axillaris 127 Purple Gallinule 127 Porphyrula martinica 128 Common Gallinule (Moorhen) 128 Gallinula chloropus 129 Sungrebe 129 Heliornis fulica 130 Sunbittern 130 Eurypyga helias 131 Limpkin 131 Aramus guarauna 132 Gray-winged Trumpeter 132 Psophia crepitans 133 Double-striped Thick-Knee 133 Burhinus bistriatus 134 Black-bellied Plover 134 Pluvalias squatarola 135 Southern Lapwing 135 Vanellus chilensis Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page 7 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 136 American Golden Plover 136 Pluvialis dominica 137 Pied Plover 137 Hoploxypterus cayanus 138 Semipalmated Plover 138 Charadrius semipalmatus 139 Wilson's Plover 139 Charadrius wilsonia 140 Collared Plover 140 Charadrius collaris 141 American Oystercatcher 141 Haematopus palliatus 142 Black-necked Stilt 142 Himantopus mexicanus 143 Wattled Jacana 143 Jacana jacana 144 Bar-tailed Godwit 144 Limosa lapponica 145 Marbled Godwit 145 Limosa fedoa 146 Greater Yellowlegs 146 Tringa melanoleuca 147 Lesser Yellowlegs 147 Tringa flavipes 148 Solitary Sandpiper 148 Tringa solitaria 149 Whimbrel 149 Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus 150 Long-billed Curlew 150 Numenius americanus 151 Spotted Sandpiper 151 Actitis macularia 152 Upland Sandpiper 152 Bartramia longicauda 153 Short-billed Dowitcher 153 Limnodromus griseus 154 Sanderling Calidris alba 154 155 Semipalmated Sandpiper 155 Calidris pusilla 156 Western Sandpiper 156 Calidris mauri 157 Least Sandpiper 157 Calidris minutilla 158 White-rumped Sandpiper 158 Calidris fuscicollis 159 Pectoral Sandpiper 159 Calidris melanotos 160 Stilt Sandpiper 160 Calidris himantopus 161 Ruddy Turnstone 161 Arenaria interpres 162 Red Knot 162 Calidris canutus 163 Willet 163 Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page 8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 164 Wilson's Snipe 164 Gallinago delicata 165 South American Snipe 165 Gallinago paraguaiae 166 Giant Snipe 166 Gallinago undulata 167 Yellow-billed Tern 167 Sterna superciliaris 168 Large-billed Tern 168 Phaetusa simplex 169 Black Skimmer 169 Rynchops niger 170 Rock Pigeon 170 Columbia livia 171 Band-tailed Pigeon 171 Columba fasciata 172 Scaled Pigeon 172 Columba speciosa 173 Pale-vented Pigeon 173 Columba cayennensis 174 Ruddy Pigeon 174 Columba subvinacea 175 Plumbeous Pigeon 175 Columba plumbea 176 Eared Dove 176 Zenaida auriculata 177 Scaled Dove 177 Scardafella squammata 178 Common Ground-Dove 178 Columbina passerina 179 Plain-breasted Ground-Dove 179 Columbina minuta 180 Ruddy Ground-Dove 180 Columbina talpacoti 181 Blue Ground-Dove 181 Claravis pretiosa 182 White-tipped Dove 182 Leptotila verrauxi 183 Gray-fronted Dove 183 Leptotila rufaxilla 184 Violaceous Quail-Dove 184 Geotrygon violacea 185 Ruddy Quail-Dove 185 Geotrygon montana 186 Lined Quail-Dove 186 Geotrygon linearis 187 Red-and-green Macaw 187 Ara chloroptera 188 Scarlet Macaw 188 Ara macao 189 Chestnut-fronted Macaw 189 Ara severa 190 Red-bellied Macaw 190 Orthopsittaca manilata Field checklist of the Birds of Eastern Venezuela • Page
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