Neurology International 2018; volume 10:7625 A giant cholesteatoma of the mastoid extending into Introduction Correspondence: Yuekang Zhang, Department of Neurosurgery, Post Graduate Training the foramen magnum: Cholesteatomas are benign, slowly pro- Centre, West China Hospital, Sichuan gressive lesions that are usually found in the University; 37 Guo Xue Xiang Road, A case report and review 1-5 temporal bone. They are epidermoid Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, P.R. China. of literature cysts of embryologic origin that result in Tel.: +86.18980601975 - Fax: +86.02885422490. progressive desquamation and trapping of E-mail:
[email protected] Seidu A. Richard,1-3 Li Qiang,1 squamous epithelium behind an intact tym- panic membrane.6 They can be congenital Key words: Cholesteatoma, Case report, Zhi Gang Lan,1 Yuekang Zhang,1 or acquired.1,4,5 They can be classified into Dizziness, Epidermoid Cyst, Hearing loss, Chao You1 supralabyrinthine, infralabyrinthine, mas- Tinnitus. 1Department of Neurosurgery, West sive labyrinthine, infralabyrinthine-apical, Contributions: SAR conceived the project and and apical.1,4 They have the penchant for China Hospital, Sichuan University, designed the study; SAR, LQ and ZQL col- 2 China; Department of Immunology, the petrous apex, skull base, and internal lected patient’s data; YZ and CY provided Jiangsu University, China; 3Department auditory canal. Also, these lesions may technical assistance in the study; SAR pre- of Surgery, Volta Regional Hospital, Ho, infiltrate other vital soft tissue structures pared the illustration, analyzed data and wrote such as the sigmoid sinus, jugular vein and Ghana the paper. artery, and the cerebellopontine angle.1,4,5 Symptoms associated with cholesteatomas Conflict of interest: the authors declare no includes vertigo, tinnitus, otorrhea, and potential conflict of interest.