Turner: Imagination and Reality [By] Lawrence Gowing
Turner: imagination and reality [by] Lawrence Gowing Author Gowing, Lawrence Date 1966 Publisher Distributed by Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y. Exhibition URL www.moma.org/calendar/exhibitions/2572 The Museum of Modern Art's exhibition history— from our founding in 1929 to the present—is available online. It includes exhibition catalogues, primary documents, installation views, and an index of participating artists. MoMA © 2017 The Museum of Modern Art The Museum of Modern Art, New York Turner: Imagination and Reality Th-: i. U3EUM OF Mf :*RX ART T?-=»iel'-'J w TURNER : IMAGINATION AND REALITY The Burning of the Houses of Parliament. 1835. Oil 011canvas, 36 1 x 48 The Cleveland Museum of Art (John L. Severance Collection) Turner: Imagination and Reality Lawrence Go wing i | THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK Distributed by Doubleday & Company, Inc, Garden City, New York 'jirir At c(a iK- Mm 7?? TRUSTEES OF THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board; Henry Allen Moe, William S. Paley, Vice-Chairmen; Mrs Bliss Parkin son, President; James Thrall Soby, Ralph F. Colin, Gardner Cowles, Vice-Presidents; Willard C. Butcher, Treasurer; Walter Barciss, Alfred H. Barr, Jr, *Mrs Robert Woods Bliss, William A. M. Burden, Ivan Chermayeff, *Mrs W. Murray Crane, John de Menil, Rene d'Harnoncourt, Mrs C. Douglas Dillon, Mrs Edsel B. Ford, *Mrs Simon Guggenheim, Wallace K. Harrison, Mrs Walter Hochs- child, "James W. Husted, Philip Johnson, Mrs Albert D. Lasker, John L. Loeb, *Ranald H. Macdonald, Porter A. McCray, *Mrs G. Macculloch Miller, Mrs Charles S. Payson, *Duncan Phillips, Mrs John D.
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