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DISTRICT SURVEY REPORT Tj for L- MINORMINERAI F (GENERAL STONE & EARTH MATERIAL) L- DISTRICT - LOIIARDAGA L-tr- L- L. L, ffi F DISTRICT SURVEY REPORT tj FOR L- MINORMINERAI F (GENERAL STONE & EARTH MATERIAL) L- DISTRICT - LOIIARDAGA. JHARICIANI) L- L' L-L L. L. L' tj I'j L- L- L' L. L: L. L' t:L- GOYERNMENT OF JHARKHAND t_ r_ F PREF'ACE In ConQli..ce lo the Nolificatio! ts ol bytlE Mi,ris1ry of EDvircment, For6l and Clirole chrnge Dated 15.01,2016, the pEparatioo oa Disrict sNey ropon for sand ninine in dccord@e with appendix l0 oflhe mdfic.tio.. rt is atso mentio.ed herc ttDl lhe pruoedue oa prepealion ot Disricr Swey Repon is as ptr rhe sudai@ble saod mini.g guideline. Efroft has been nade lo cokr ody un*lited sa.d nining Iocarions & eas in rhe districr wnh all its ielelaltl fearuB pcnaining ro E@toEJ & mjndal $elllh in .epte.ishable snd mr rplenishable oie6 of rive6, srsm ond other md $!nes. This Epon deats lhd enviromenral sosEphical. ed ecoloaiMl se! up oflhe Djskicl i.d is based on dara of variou depannoq publi$ed Epons, and vebsn6. fie dat. my vary due lo ltoodj heaw d orher nitu naruat colaniries Ths.foE, il is recomended that Sub Divisioml Lever Comitree my rlke iio @nsidcarjon aI its relev.nr asrds / d.la while scrolinizins and @omeriing the appticsrion td grmtins ninjng Ierse & !C to the co.oemed aurhoriiv MEMBERS IN DISTR]CT SURVEY REPORT COMMITTEE Srare Pol]liion Co tul B.ail PREAMBLE In Conpliarco ro the Notifcalion hsued by the Ministry ot Envircmqt, Foresl and Clieale chanse s.o, 361 I (E) D0ted 25.07 2Ol g, WIe@ Tne , Miniltry of Envimnnenl , roEst dd Cb,rt€ Choge hs dend.d rhe soid Nolificadon vide s.o. l4t (E) doted r 5,h Janutrv 201 6 rhe prccedE lor prpararon o I Disrio s ey Fpon ot mim, ninsr t h6 bH prsribrd, And wheEas , the l{on,bte Hjgh Coud otjha.khand al Ranchi in its order dated I tri April 2018aDd19'iJu.e,20rsw.p("tl)No,9()ot2oll,nsimoahadnectedtheprepdslio.oI Dntricr Sufl.y R(!or of Mimr Mh6l olnd lhM Sond md Bojri ro lne Siolc cow]moror Djsricl Envnomem lrlel A*snenl Adnority and Disfuict lxpd Alppisl Comiltee is in dmrdoce appedn lO ofthe nolilicaiior It n aho naliored nqe thal rhe pncedue ofp.eprarion ofDisriicl Swey R{port js s pd nolificdio! Evay sridelind. effon harc been mde lo @rer sroDe nining to@dom. eas & ovwle* ofMining mrjvjry in the di$:id wnh at ih rctevant GatuB penaining lo ctulogy & rinqal veatn in slone deposns, This &pon will h€ a mder and euidins doNftnt wnich i5 a coDpe.dium of avail*le mintul EsM, gngEphlcat set up, envi@medat ed mlo8ic.l s€l up of 6e js Dislrict ad bas.d on data or voriou depdDenh, published rcpons. abd webn€s Tn 6loE, n is monmnded $at sub Divisional Level cohDnr* may lake inlo comidadion all its reteht .speds / dara whilc scrorinizjns ad lMmending rhe dppL - :on tortrhrhc.orcmed Aurhon.). IE Ma; objeriE otrbe prcp@lion ofDisricr srey R+on is to e6ue t[e &Uo,ing:, l. Iddmdion otMine6t Rew6 in rbe disncr 2. Idnriietjor ofa@ orEimr nirmts h,ving rne polaii,r whft nini.e can 3. Iddidcaiob or,@ and pmxiEiry ro innarr.Ehre ed lElonadons wnft minirs snouu b€ p@hititen CONTENT sl. No. p.rricuta.s t2 2 OveNiew ofMining Aclivity in the District 23 3 conenl profite ofthe district 37 4 Geoloey of tho disbict 88 5 Oraimge of irriSation paltem 9-9 tnnd 6 utilization paftem in the districi forest l0- 12 agricultural, hodicultlrlal, mining erc. 7 Surface water ground & water scemrio ofttre district 13 t7 8 Rainfall ofthe disticl and climatic condilion l8-r9 9 Details ofthe ninins leases in th€ districl 20 45 Deraih of Rorrly or Revenue received rh€ last lhEe lO 46-46 Details ofp.oduction ofminor mineral in last rlree I I 47 47 l2 MineElmap oftbe distdcl 48- 48 .: t3 List otlelier ofrnrenr (LOr) HoldeE in rhe disricr alons trirh ils \alidit! 48 -48 l4 Total minent.ese[e arailable in ihe disricr 48 48 l5 QLali,y Ctuoe oth neB'r\artaote m rhe disu.-cr 48 -48 l6 Useofmineml 49 -49 Demand dd Supptyoflhe minerats in the Ia llsee l7 49-49 I 8 Mining leases harked on fte map of the disrricr 49 49 Detaih oflhe area ofwhere there is a cluster or I 9 nining leases viz. numbq of mining leases location 50 50 .: (latitude, lonsitude) .: F 20 Details ofeco{ensitive ar€ if in rhe disbict 50 6l L- lnpact ofthe enviroDment (Air, Warer. Noise, Soil, 21 FloE and Faum, knd Ne, agrjcultue, Forest etc.) 62-6) due lo mini.g activity E Remedial measures to mitigate the impact ofnining 22 ti 62 62 Reclamaiio. ofmined oul area (best pnctice already l-l impleme&ed jn rhe disficl, requnemnt as per rules 63-63 F ad regrlation, proposed.elmation ptan) 24 Risk asse$ment ed disaster L' nanagemeDt ptan 64 -75 25 Delailofthe occL?ation heatft L' issues in llle dislrict 76- 76 PlaDtatioD L' t6 and cre€D b€lt devetopneDr in respecr of 76- 76 LLj L' L' LJ t_: L: L. L" tr LJ L: lJ L: L- L: I I p"aod Din, n sbtucv al t o\adoeo D^t , t to, Mhot Minenl l,Introduction As per G@ette nolificaiion of 25s Juty 2018 of MiDisfty of ENtrooDent, Forst ind Climate ChrDg€, a field inspecrjon/Suwey has been cmi€d our by the Distict Enviromenr Impact Aseshent Au$ority (DETAA) with assistance of Irisaiion depanrent, Minol irisaiion deparmeD! Forcsl Depa(Dent, Mining depanment and Revenue depanmonl for pr€pamtion of Dhrrict Survey Relort. !geREa..olalalcLs].i.tr,dxD Lohardaga ir a idbal dontn e,j Jrsrin ot lhar$ald located in rhe u.e{- cental pan ofih..lharLhand sBre The diii.r is bound.d by Larehardistrict in lne nonh, Ranchi in ean and Cur a in 5ourh and R,en. Lohanlaga disbict is spread over l4l9 Sq. Km., l),ing ber$een nonh latitude 23030. to 23045. ,.d Easl iongirude 64015, lo 8,1(i0 . Ir falk in lhe Suryey oflndia toposheet no, _ Dne.tut oa otceoloe' L- L' pjsnkt L- suNer Reptu oI Lahntoso Disti.t far Minar Minetot ADMTNISTRATIVE t-L- DIVISION & POPULATION LolaJdaga district t. came into exisrence afler Ranchi was split inlo ihree dilhicrs namely Ranchi, lrhardaga t_i and cMIa way back in 1983, wilh the aea ofthe disticl is l49t sq. km Lj and five administrative bock, mmely (i) Lohtudaga, Senha, (iii) Kisko, (iv) BhandE Lt and (v) K@. At plesent u ras Seven blocks: Lohdda8a, Kuru Bhandra, peshtu t_i Kano. Kisko, and Senha which conrains 354 vilbges spead over panchayats. tu 66 cram According to 20ll census. L the toral popularion of rhe disticl is 4,6i,?90 constitutins 1,40 % ofthe rot t f' lopulation of lharklhd. The lmt and urba. population of is 4,04,179 and L: 57,411 respectively. Tl'e rlmt population constiiurss 87.57 % of rhe iotal I Populaiion of the djstict t'. t.- 2.Overview of Mining Actirin itr the District t__ JbarlhaDd is a ninemt rich srare endowed wirh 38% mineral resources 6f the courry. t- It hotds an ioportaDt positiotr on tne miDe.dl map otthe country owing to irs geological t: and geo-morpbological configurarion. LohardaSa dislrict in Jha.kland is one ofthe bauxite rich districis ofrhe $aie. ! Thee is imence possibility of establisbme and devetopme of mircml based hdustries in the distict The richress of the district and rhe socio-eonomic developDent qrirc of the districi, largly depend on tne sci€ntific explodion judicious and urilization of ih minerdl rcsources Thercfore, the mining department al the the district lev.t was esrablished to explorc various minemh, rcsltare mhirg ad ro genemle income tiom minenl Jharkland in geDemi ed Lohdrtaga i, panicular hav€ a variety oI in€a1 resources, bon\ rBjor and minor mirerals available for various uses ad applicalion.For instance, rhere are Bauite, Chjm ctay, cetreml srone, Brick eanl dd rivs s&d otc wfiich requires imertiaie atienrion *: tur invesigation Dtetct swe! R"wr oJ L.hordq and exploration. The dkt icr mlst ulitia, consMe and conserve it! treasu.e for the well beirg of its citizem in the dishict. The rlain objective - of the Depa(me.t of Mines is revenue collectiorl rh6 scientific exploEtion. development aDd utitiTation of fte mineml resources for which the Departmenr is coDmi1led and pltting its comislent effon_ The Dislrict Mining Ofiice tocated ar Lotardaga is heading the Mining Deparfienl under lhe adminisL?tive control ofrhe Denury Connlssioner L- L' I Brlcks Earth 3.Geueral Profile ofthe District (,gozrce_ Census 2011) 2011 461790 364521 t 232629 184507 229161 180014 L.t 26.68% :618% 1502 1502 L- Den\iry/ K.M. .i07 144 L- Propotion ro lharkhand Porrulalm I .109'. r.35% Sex Rstio(Per 1000) 9E5 976 Child Sex (0 Ljt Ratio 6 ase) 970 945 53.58 67 2S- 57.69 39.64 Total Child Popularion (0-6 i ag€) 77649 72022 L-- !, -L- Dta-, t \uq" t pebat t ot Lana.taeo DLt 4d td Minor MnIot Male Popularion (0-6 a8e) 49412 3?018 Female Population (0,6 aee) 18237 Li 259707 156710 L. 9921I I l0l:19 57492 Child Population (0-5 age) 16.8r% t Boys Potulalior (0-b age) 20 01% Ciih Population (0-6 age) r6.6990 l9_43% L't L- 87.510/t | 2.41% a\ 4043790t)_00% 574110000% L* 20325100.00% 2937400 0001 L' 101r2400.0090 2801?00.00% l-j 99000.00% 95400.0000 Child L.
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    JHARKHAND - NOTIFIED PROTECTION OFFICERS (w.e.f. 11.06.2007) 1. Ms. Hema Choudhary, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Lapung, P.O. Lapung, Ranchi - 835244, Jharkhand. Ph. 9934172154 2. Smt. Abha Choudhary, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Ranchi Sadar, Kanke Road, Apar Shivpuri, Ranchi - 834008, Jhharkhand. Ph. 9431578415 3. Ms. Pushpa Tigga, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Angara, P.O. Angara, Ranchi – 835103, Jharkhand. Ph. 9431118906 4. Ms. Renu Ravi, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Chanho, P.O. Chanho, Ranchi - 835239, Jharkhand. Ph. 9431701597 5. Ms. Jyoti Kumari Prasad CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services Mandar, P.O. Mandar, Ranchi - 835214. Jharkhand Ph. 9130147188 6. Ms. Neeta Kumari Chouhan, ICDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Khijari, P.O. Namkum, Ranchi – 834010, Jharkhand. Ph. 9431465643 7. Ms. Sudha Sinha, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Bero, P.O. Berro, Ranchi – 835202, Jharkhand. Ph. 9431386449 8. Ms. Nirupama Shankar, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Ratu, P.O. Ratu, Ranchi - 835222, Jharkhand. 9. CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Bundu, P.O. Bundu, Ranchi - 835204, Jhharkhand. 10. Ms. Uma Sinha, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Tamar, P.O. Tamar, Ranchi – 835225, Jhharkhand. Ph. 9431312338 11. Ms. Surbhi Singh, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Ormanjhi, P.O. Ormanjhi, Ranchi - 835219, Jharkhand. Ph. 9431165293 12. CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Budmu, P.O. Budmu, Ranchi – 835214, Jharkhand. 13. Ms. Pooja Kumari, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Kanke, P.O. Kanke, Ranchi - 834006. Jharkhand Ph. 9431772461 14. Ms. Kanak Kumari Tirki, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Silli, P.O. Silli, Ranchi - 835103, Jharkhand. Ph. 9431325767 15. Ms. Lilavati Singh, CDPO, Integrated Child Development Services, Sonahatu, Post – Sonahatu, Ranchi - 835243, Jharkhand.
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