Bella Bathurst | 304 pages | 07 Mar 2005 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007204434 | English | London, United Kingdom | Robert Louis

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Lighthouse Stevensons by Bella Bathurst. I for one had no idea that the 14 lighthouses dotting the Scottish coast were all built by the same Stevenson family that produced , Scotland's most famous novelist. But Bella Bathurst throws a powerful, revolving light into the darkness of this historical tradition. Robert Louis was a sickly fellow, and - unlike the rest of his strong-willed, determi I for one had no idea that the 14 lighthouses dotting the Scottish coast were all built by the same Stevenson family that produced Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotland's most famous novelist. Robert Louis was a sickly fellow, and - unlike the rest of his strong- willed, determined family - certainly not up to the astonishing rigours of lighthouse building, all of which are vividly described here. To The Lighthouse Stevensons these towering structures in the most inhospitable places imaginable such as the The Lighthouse Stevensons named Cape Wrathusing only 19th-century technology is an achievement that beggars The Lighthouse Stevensons. The comparison that comes to mind is with the pyramid building of ancient Egypt. For instance, we learn that the ground rocks for the lighthouse were prepared by hand even The Lighthouse Stevensons the "gneiss could blunt a pick in three blows" The Lighthouse Stevensons waves and winds "strong enough to lift a man bodily off the rock" and that "it took hours to dress a single stone for the outside of the tower and hours to dress one of the central stones. In total tons of stone were quarried and shipped" - and all by hand. It is mind-boggling stuff: you'll look at lighthouses with a new respect. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published The Lighthouse Stevensons Flamingo first published More Details Original Title. The Lighthouse Stevensons: The extraordinary story of The Lighthouse Stevensons building of the Scottish lighthouses by the ancestors of Robert Louis Stevenson. Thomas StevensonRobert Stevenson. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other The Lighthouse Stevensons questions about The Lighthouse StevensonsThe Lighthouse Stevensons sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Lighthouse Stevensons. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Lighthouse Stevensons. Robert Stevenson is the ghost at the feast and his uneasy spirit presided over the family long after his death in Bathurst's account. He got into engineering courtesy of his step-father's firm and got himself appointed as engineer to the Northern Lighthouse Board, a position which The Lighthouse Stevensons of his sons were The Lighthouse Stevensons hold after him one sons got away and became a doctor instead. The construction of the Bell Rock Light made Stevenson famous - the site was submerged at high tide, so all the work was done at low tide and took almost four years to complete, Stevenson was commissioned to write a book about the project which took him thirteen years. worked on The Lighthouse Stevensons reflectors and lenses to improve the light output form lighthouses which in place still used candle light, Skerryvore was above the high tide line but remote in the Hebrides and stormy - the first year's work to establish barracks for the craftsmen required to build the lighthouse, fixing - iron bars in to the rock to hold a wooden structure was destroyed by winter storms. Alan was of a more literary disposition than his father and while on site corresponded with William Wordsworth. The workforce suffered from sea sickness and inadequate quantities The Lighthouse Stevensons beer, traditionally lighthouse keepers were expected to maintain a cow and fend for themselves, Skerryvore was so difficult to reach that instead Alan recommended enhanced rations for the lighthouse keepers. As at Bell Rock even bringing in construction materials was a The Lighthouse Stevensons as the rocks had no anchorages, the boats bobbed about while they craned great dressed stones on to the site. For convenience and out of an appreciation of the working conditions The Lighthouse Stevensons stones were cut to size and dressed off site, however the work had to be precise so the finished construction was waterproof and storm resistant. But aside from a natural desire to read The Lighthouse Stevensons nineteenth century civil engineering cruelly destroying the economies of local communities that benefited from wrecked ships and an understandable compulsion to know how a 19th century engineer monetised and publicised their work we're reading to understand Robert Louis Stevenson, a The Lighthouse Stevensons like this and Bathurst says that The Lighthouse Stevensons was The Lighthouse Stevensons Stevenson she was most in love with, is part of the archaeology of his un consciousness and mental world. Robert Stevenson, as benefits the founding patriarch haunted all his sons and comes over as a particularly troubled and fearful person, who everyone else had to work round. He was especially engaged in the question of how his boys would earn a living, there was only one right answer to this question, although others might be reluctantly found to acceptable and since the engineering was a family business there was no escape from the father who would be on their case questioning the quality of their mortar and second guessing their design decisions. Differences of opinion were hard for the father to live with. Several of his children to his complete incomprehension were sickly, Bathurst is of the opinion that Alan Stevenson developed M. The family had a mild tendency to be obsessed by thoughts of a cruel and vindictive God, Alan felt his disease was punishment for making people work on Sundays to complete Skerryvore faster. Aside from this they were a perfectly normal Victorian family. If the book has a weakness, it is that Bathurst's interest rapidly tails off, Robert and Alan receive most attention, then Robert Louis, the last Lighthouse Stevensons were still building and inspecting Lighthouses well into the 20th century, She round up with a chapter on the Lighthouse keepers - the books they were given one or two others in addition to the Bible were allowedthe liquor permitted for medicinal purposes, instructions for cleaning and so on. But all that is gone as all these lighthouses are now automated. One of the curiosities was that the Stevensons were responsible or assumed responsibility for the lighthouse keepers - insisting there should always be three, so that if one died another could not unfairly be accused of murder, the fear of this occurring had apparently led a lighthouse keeper not to have reported the The Lighthouse Stevensons of his colleague who instead mouldered grimly in the lighthouse. View all 15 comments. Apr 06, Deanne rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fictionhistory. Read this after watching a programme about the Bell Rock Lighthouse, one of the lighthouses mentioned in the book. In awe of the man who designed this and the men who built it over years ago. To discover the family were engineers who designed and built some of the most well known lighthouses was fascinating, though I'm pleased that RLS decided to write books like Treasure Island and Kidnapped. Jul 27, Carol rated it really liked it Shelves: stevensonsrobert-louis-stevenson. The Lighthouse Stevensons in the story of the many generations of Stevensons whose priority was with the Scottish lighthouse building. Those who escaped death through disease, ill treatmen The Lighthouse Stevensons in the story of the many generations of Stevensons whose priority was with the Scottish lighthouse building. Those who escaped death through disease, ill treatments, or hardship had little hope of surviving shipwrecks. The patriarch was the determined Robert Stevenson He, and his four generations, served the lighthouse-building industry for many years. He and his eight sons excluding Robert Louis designed and built the 97 manned lighthouses on the Scottish coast. His discovery to use interlocking granite blocks to hold up to forceful windsand the use of new lamps and lenses over their predecessor- candles, was a huge move forward. Anyone who was involved in the buildings of these lighthouse must have not only great patience, but great strength. Robert Stevenson's finest achievement was the The Lighthouse Stevensons of the Bell Rock Lighthouse. Overall a great read! Jun 07, Kenny rated it liked it. OK, there's a fair train of thought in composing this review. Basically: If you read one book about the building of the main and most ambitious and challenging Scottish lighthouses make it this one. Which poses the question: why do you want to read this? You The Lighthouse Stevensons this, and that book about sheep Counting Sheep, more to follow is this a mid life crisis? Does enjoying it make it worse or better though? This is an accessible book that concentrates on the human story of the The Lighthouse Stevensons who buil OK, there's a fair train of thought in composing this review. This is an accessible The Lighthouse Stevensons that concentrates on the human story of the family who built those lighthouses, the Stevensons. Black sheep Robert Louis did nae bad out of writing, but primarch Robert Stevenson was a force to be reckoned with. This book charts the development of the family and the engineering trade - Robert Stevenson was the typical pioneer while his sons in later Victorian times had the benefits of shared education with the drawbacks of bureaucracy. Where the kindle version falls flat is without more pictures of the actual lighthouses there are some drawings etc. Five minutes on google is enough to bring home just how isolated or jaw droppingly difficult building lighthouses in The Lighthouse Stevensons like Muckle Flugga, Skerryvore or Bell rock truly were. With a good balance between the family, with excellent and extensive quoting from the bank of letters left by the family, this is a comprehensive guide. It's still a book about lighthouses though. Oct 26, Laura rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. Still good the second time around. I really like this book. I much preferred reading about Robert and Alan. Maybe that's because they were earlier on and so had to come up with creative solutions to problems instead of just building standard lighthouses in later years. Or maybe because the author didn't give as much time to the later Stevensons. It seems like she got tired of writing by the end The Lighthouse Stevensons the book. Or maybe they were just more interesting people. I could have done without the The Lighthouse Stevensons chapter Still good the second time around. I could have done without the last chapter The Lighthouse Stevensons lighthouse keepers and how their profession is dying. The Lighthouse Stevensons by Bella Bathurst

Note : The Board was founded in and still The Lighthouse Stevensons today. InRobert also supervised the construction of the Pentland Skerries Lighthouse. From Robert acted as engineer to the Northern Lighthouse Board. During this time he oversaw the construction of many lighthouses, the most famous of which was the Bell Rock Lighthouse. Notably, Robert Stevenson invented intermittent and flashing lights. His invention earned him a gold medal from the King of Netherlands. Although most well-known for his lighthouses, Robert also engineered bridges, roads, and railways, among other things. InRobert married his step- sister Jean Smith The couple had 13 children, but only 5 The Lighthouse Stevensons into adulthood. David designed lighthouses for Japan as well as Scotland, working with Although The Lighthouse Stevensons his son would become a lighthouse engineer, RLS knew he wanted to be a writer:. This was when I came as a young man to glean engineering experience from the building of the breakwater. What I gleaned, I am sure I do not know; but indeed I had already my own private determination to be an author; I loved the art of words and the appearances of life; and travelers, and headers, and rubble, and polished ashlar, and pierres perdues, and even the thrilling question of the string-course, interested me only if they interested me at all as properties for some possible romance or as words to add to my vocabulary. RLS was, however, fascinated by his grandfather and wrote about him in Records of a Family of Engineers and Charles Alexander The Lighthouse Stevensons designed numerous lighthouses from the late nineteenth century to the late s. Photos courtesy of Alan Marchbank. Top left drawing courtesy of University of South Carolina. Blackwood and Sons, Stevenson Lighthouses in Scotland. Bell Rock Lighthouse. Below you will find listings of the lighthouses designed by the Stevenson The Lighthouse Stevensons. The Lighthouse Stevensons (TV Movie ) - IMDb Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview For centuries the seas around Scotland were notorious for shipwrecks. Mariners' only aids were skill, luck, and The Lighthouse Stevensons coal-fire light on the east coast, which was usually extinguished by rain. In the Northern Lighthouse Trust was established, with Robert Stevenson appointed The Lighthouse Stevensons chief engineer a few years later. In this engrossing book, Bella Bathhurst reveals that the Stevensons not only supervised the construction The Lighthouse Stevensons the lighthouses under often desperate conditions but also perfected a design of precisely chiseled interlocking granite blocks that would withstand the enormous waves that batter these stone pillars. The same Stevensons also developed the lamps and lenses of the lights themselves, which "sent a gleam across the wave" and prevented countless ships from being lost at sea. About the Author Bella Bathurst is a freelance journalist. She divides her time The Lighthouse Stevensons London and Scotland. Show More. Related Searches. Alison's Zinnia. An unusual alphabet book The Lighthouse Stevensons reinforcement of individual letters into a dazzling display of floral An unusual alphabet book incorporates reinforcement of individual letters into a dazzling display of floral painting as Lobel links girls' names, flowers, and verbs in a chain of floral gifts. View Product. Bill Gates: The Path to the Future. He is America's richest man, and on the corporate landscape, he may well be the most Diez deditos lindos, limpios y calentitos Nueve arnigos suaves en un cuarto calladitd'. Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love. Incredible quotes! Sordid details! This book The Lighthouse Stevensons that a genius in the realm This book shows that a genius in the realm of thought can be a dummy in the land of love. A wicked comedy about the perils of making your dreams come trueQuirky, clever, cubicle-bound Jennifer A wicked comedy about the perils of making your dreams come trueQuirky, clever, cubicle-bound Jennifer Johnson is desperate. Everyone around her is getting married, while she's still single and stuck writing ad copy about men's dress socks. Her life hits crisis Lighthouse Island. A Lost Wife's Tale. A riveting story of love, betrayal, and living in a strange city under HarperCollins Publishers. Harper Perennial.