Jan-Feb 1949
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EW ZEALAI{D II] B .m. ... , s.2' Vol.2-No. 5 January-February \ c.) 1949 N E 30-360 .D NEW ZEATAND r CHAMPI(}NSH[P HASTINCS AND BEVERWIJK r Cluh WADE II.I EUR(IPE TOETOE I p.m. llhone 246s A E, NIELD Champion of New Zealand CLUB .BERT BDS. PM. TWO SH ILLINGS I i'olhes St. NEWS IN PRINT AND PICTURE READERS'VIEWS EQUAL RIGHTS FOR EQUAL SUBSCRIFTIONS him a previous issue of THE NEW ZEAL'{I- CHESSPLAYER, so he is becoming another s-:- scriber to ouR magazine' . M. wALKER (Mrs. MORE PROBLEMS WANTEI) Sir,-Enclosed is a Meredith two-mover u'-h::: may b'e of r.rse to you in your setion of-THP.NET' ZEALAND CHESSPLAYER. I would lrxe -"' endorse the tributes alreadY Pa magazine, but with a Problemist your section is very cramPed. iew inches is all one can exPect in a che should be a Page -': nothing. s for Yourself and Tl-I NEW ZE AYER. (Margate, England t. telegraPhic GAME NO. 1?6 is not verY e engaging the honour essentials. As a New Zealander, Mr. Johnstone is fully entitled to criticise New Zealand che'ss administra- becoming a little stale. " ALWYN JONES (Ngaruawahia) TIIE RIGHT SFIRIT Sir,-Congrdtulations on the last issue of THE NEXT PUBI,ICATION DATE NEW ZEALAND CIIESSPLAYER. Game-s,-prorq- The next issue of Iemsi and "Anribunce the Mate" are splendid. We on April 15, and coPY found working out t than-March 15. We really good pragtice. of anything received getting another Playe some club news? WELLII\GTOI\ CEIESS CL.I]B WELLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE WAKEFIELI} STREET R. A. Godtschalk, 62 Calabar Rd., Rongotai' TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY - 7'30 to 11 p'm' Phone 16-552 N,Z. CHESSPLAYE,R, JAN,.FEB., 1941 be noted that White's ingenious manoeuvre WHAT " M.C.O." LEFT OUT P-KB4, R-83-R3 had been made possible as a By E. J. MARCHISOTTI result of vacating the square KB3. In undertaking this brief critique of the seventh eclition of "Modern Chess Openings," my aim has \EW ZEALAND not been to discredit the substantial and arduous ling another sub- task of revision, which in this instance was the --{LKER rvork of the Czech master Walter Korn. I am (Mrs.). simply going to point out a few omissions that out badly on account of I N-Q5! (Balogh-van i.{NTEI) should be borne in mind for future editions of this Kol, correspondence, 1933). Better is 8 .... e-84!; famous u,ork. And now to our mutton. :-,r-o-mover which ;ron of THE NEW I rvou]d ]ike to .d to your yoLlng s prejudice I feel r a newspaper a CI{AMPIONSHIP OF U.S.S.R. for problems, but lct be a page or .. ourself and TI{E 'sate, England). both cases. After 4 B-N5, P-QRS; 5 B x N, rn renewing my QPxB; 6 NxP, NxP; "M.C.O." (page 62, cot. arother excellent i1) gil,es the continuation 7 N x N, and does not : of my games in nt the better pro Game No. 179-KING'S INDIAN DEFENCE .c point out two .... P-KN3; B G. NI. Levenfi.sh A. Lilienthal a question mark ; I R-84, B-It2; I P-Q 4, N-I( B 3; 2 P-Q B 4, p-K N B; r:cie this move I upper hand (an 3 N-QB3, P-Q[;4 PxP, NxP; 5 p-K4, ,',,,- this, too, and N_N 3; r-e continued 31 French A novelty. Usual is p- the we:kness of P-Q4, P- _ 5 .... NxN; 6 PxN, :at the score QBa; 7 B - QB4, B-N2; B B-K3, N-B3; 9 N-K2, was ; P-K5, Castles; 10 P-B3. ard 31st n-roves '' N[.C.O." ;.... o- 6 N-B 3, B-N 2;7 P-K E 3, Castles; 8 B-I( B, 3. I would refer N-B 3; I B-I{ 2, P-K 4; 10 P-Q 5, N-N 1; ll Cress Questions --a-]d. \-EW ZEALAND out every two i the news from \garuawahia). ,1a1'ab1e, but B- or the authcriti, .ri, good book, too. .a) "ryrg% 2. page 99) does -l L:inuation 8 %h%t.Nt \-K4, N-Q4!;"... ;dney, in " Chess t'#-, E%t% e matter out of "ru_ "m es for supplying % :ris issue.-Ed.l + %"%.,,,,ru D.{TE %fr"% : ,r'ill be on sale \M/ t r hands not later a //// % "/&-n :-:ee publication H,, :e What about 11 ////// ^- ?8 P-QN4!!, QxNP; 29 N-86, e-N6;: 30 NxR!!, QxQ; 31 NxN, R-I(t; ?? N F P,. followed by advancing the pawn. could not" be ignored. arl': 32 B-N 5 !, R-R 1; ;cha1k, 62 The threat was N-B6. Rongotai. 33 Rxp;85-R-e NxR. 6-5 52 P-R B? 8 ch, K-K resigned. because. of 39 in i mating net. .1]i.-FEB., 1949 \.2. oHESSPLAYEB, JAN.-FEB., 1949 THE ilEW ZEA[Aillt :256 Dominion Road, Auckland S.2, N.Z. Official Organ of the N.Z. Correspondence Chess Association. PUBLISHED EVERY TWO MONTHS ,Single Copies 2/-. Subscription 11l- per year. Editor: F. G. McSherry. Associate Editors: R. G. Wade, former Champion of New ZeaTand 'C. B. Newick, H. D. Addis, A. L. Fletcher, J. A. Moir. Address all correspondence to the N.Z. Chessplayer, 256 Dominion Road, Auckland S.2. Vol. Z-No. 6 JAN.-FEB., 1949 1948 I N RETROSPECT ,t11HE year 1948 was a most important one for New ENGLAND I Zealand chess. An important milestone, we r believe, was the introduction and immediate At a recent meeting of the British Chess Feder- tion it was decided to hold the next cha:r- 'Wesuccess of THE NEW ZEALAND CHESSPLAYER. Btitish think the magazine has done much to foster the pionship on a modifled Swiss system, but la:.g game here during the twelve months of its existence, information indicates that the full Su,iss svsteri and for that we have to thank all those willing will be employed. helpers who came An -this to our aid and helped to make extract from a letter from a U.S C.F. offici' . publication what it is. Particular thanks are "]{ V.F.A.'r prestige abroad has declinei .due to R. G. Wade, whose untiring eftorts on behalf considerable good has been attained in this counT ,of New Zealand chess are all too liable to be over- by shifting the emphasis from tournaments :-,{ looked; to B. H. Wood, editor of " Chess," and C. -J. S. Purdy, editor of " Chess World." Thanks, too, to our many readers whose toleration and apprecia- over the rough spots. with our views, most lies the desire to help participation as well.', The biggest event of the year was, of course, the 56th New Zealand Congress, recently concluded. 'That the standard of play was lower than usual Answers to Correspondents can be attributed to the fact that many good players We wish to thank all those readers r,vho sent w'ere unavoidably absent. This state of affairs can .-.g be rectifled by making the competition attractir,,e N3[! .and obtaining more publicity, particularly in the O's daily Press. Our views on this matter are well pcs known, so there is no need to labour the point. That cetr the championship should be taken back to Auckland after a lapse of 22 years will be very satisfying to enthusiasts of that district, where great progress has been shown in the last two years. NEW YORK 1949 An outstanding event, and one that affects all The Nerv York i t, pla:-ed club players, was the decision to revise the rules of in January, was a 'Reutm, the New Zealand Chess Association in order to Fine. Three years place play, + the association on a flrmer basis and allow was very shaky in 6ut r,.-mi for the affiIiation of leagues and sub-associations. the last six iike the master he is. Follorving a: The reorganisation of the Auckland Chess League the olacings: Fine B, Najdorf 6], Eurve 5, pilnik : and the formation of the South Auckland Chess Horowitz ilr,, Kramer 4!, Bisgirier 4, Kashdan , I-eague were moves in the right direction. Sub- Denker 2, Steiner 1]. imWUil (lilL i .: associations have done much for chess and will Some of the games will appear in our next iss ll4milflitllff!?-4 1 4 N.Z. CHESSPLAYER, JAN.-FEB., 1 r future if good s are appointed. , ordinary club lttitude and not ts'o individuals. 'r,r-iss system was r had long been the less experi- AUCKLAND This appears to be the favourite and there have more attention gambit present been some quite exciting encounters. The matches against The only tournament running at is the decided upon in the flrst game must also be played h Auckland, and Summer Cup, with 19 competitors. Leading scores in the second game with colours reversed, and all rmpionships and so far are: A. W. H. Breakey B-0, K. R. Gillmore gambits must be accepted. As several of the . run under this 6-0, R. W. Park B-1, G. SaIe 7-2, F. Haight 7-2. players in the other tournaments had flnished their tf which more As the flrst Swiss sJ/stem tournament proved games, this proved. a 'ffelcome diversion. J. F. ate during the very popular, a second one was held and 12 entries Lang is certain of top place, as the nearest com- rvere received.