U.S. President » U.S. Senator » Railroad Commissioner » Supreme Court » Texas Court of Criminal Appeals » State Board of Education » Court of Appeals

EARLY VOTING: Oct. 13–30, 2020 » ELECTION DAY: Nov. 3, 2020. Polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

» ABOUT THIS VOTERS GUIDE » EMPOWERING VOTERS. is Voters Guide is funded and published by the League of Women e League never supports or opposes political can- DEFENDING DEMOCRACY. didates or political parties. » VOTING IN TEXAS

» ONLINE VOTERS GUIDE First General Election without straight-party voting! e Voters Guide is available online at VOTE .org. By entering your address Beginning with the Novemb General Election, voters may no longer check and zip code, you can view races and candidates that appear on your ballot, com- one box to vote for one party’s candidates in every partisan race. Instead, vot- pare candidates’ responses to questions posed by the League, and create a print- ed

Libertarian, or “G” for Green. Candidates in many local elections are non partisan and do not represent a party. How do I fi nd my polling place? Go to VOTE .org or your county election website. What is on my ballot? • Find a sample ballot on your county election website! • Compare candidates with the League’s nonpartisan Voters Guide at VOTE .org. • Take your list of candidates to the polls when you go vote! » SIGN UP FOR • You may bring the League’s Voters Guide to the polls. VOTING REMINDERS! • You cannot use your phone in the voting booth. Text LWVT receive voting reminders er the Voters Guide is pub- on your phone or sign up at lished. Go to VOTE .org for the most up-to-date election information.

» VOTERS GUIDE CONTENTS » SUPPORT THE VOTERS GUIDE U.S. President 2 Representative 13 Help us fund the cost of this valuable resource for Texas voters by donating to U.S. Senator 3 14 make a secure donation online at Railroad Commissioner 5 On Your Local Ballot 15 Texas Supreme Court 6 City Propositions 17 DONATE Texas Court of Criminal Appeals 9 Polling Places and Times 18 State Board of Education 11 Local Sponsors 20

© 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | 1 VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION The President is: the head of state of the United States of America; the Chief Executive Offi cer; and, the Commander in Chief of all military forces. The powers of the President are prescribed in the Constitution and federal law. The President appoints the members of the Cabinet, ambassadors to other nations and the United Nations, Supreme Court U.S. PRESIDENT Justices, and federal judges, subject to Senate approval. The President, along with the Cabinet and its agencies, is responsible for carrying out and enforcing the laws of the United States. The President may also recommend legislation to the United States Congress. Current Annual Salary: $400,000 per year

Note: All candidates who will appear on your ballot are listed below but only 3. Th e candidate must qualify for the ballot in enough states to win a majority of those that meet the following criteria were invited to respond to the League’s electoral votes. questions in this guide. All qualifi ed presidential candidates were invited to provide biographical in- 1. Th e candidate must have made a public announcement of her/his intention to formation and responses to specifi c questions. Responses were limited to a spe- run for President. cifi c number of characters and were truncated thereaft er. If a candidate did not 2. Th e candidate must meet the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act’s min- respond by the date of publication, “Candidate has not yet responded.” is printed. imum contribution threshold requirements for qualifying for matching funds, based on the most recent data publicly available on the Federal Elections Com- Copyright ©  by the League of Women Voters Education Fund mission website.

» Donald J. Trump (R) Candidate has not yet responded. Campaign Website: Facebook: Twitter: @realDonaldTrump

» Joseph R. Biden (D) A: America is at an inflection point. It’s past time to end our inequities and deal with the denial of our nation’s promise to too many for too long. I’ll fi ght to end the Campaign Website: health inequities that COVID- amplifi es; and give every child the same strong Facebook: start in life by off ering universal Pre-K, tripling funding for Title I schools, and Twitter: making public college debt-free for most families. I’ll make racial equity central Q: What actions would you take to balance public health and to our recovery, closing the racial wealth and income gaps, boosting home owner- economic recovery in the US, both in light of COVID- and ship, and investing in communities and entrepreneurs of color—building a stron- for the long term? ger, more inclusive middle class for the future. And, I’ll work for real police reform A: It’s a false choice to think we have to choose between our public health and and invest in shift ing our criminal justice focus from incarceration to prevention. economy; they’re linked. On Day One, I’ll implement the COVID strategy I’ve Q: What aspects of our current immigration policy will your administration ad- laid out since March—surging testing and protective gear; distributing vaccines dress fi rst? safely and free of politics; helping schools and small businesses cover costs; and A: My immigration policy is built around keeping families together. It’s past time getting state and local governments resources to keep educators, cops, and fi re- to reform our broken system, restoring family unifi cation and diversity as its core fi ghters on the job. I’ll respect science and tell the truth, period. And I’ll build pillars. As President, I’ll reverse Trump’s assault on our values on Day One, end- our economy back better, creating millions of good-paying jobs. I’ll revitalize ing his cruel border policies that rip children from their mothers’ arms. I’ll act manufacturing, build a clean energy economy, and boost caregiving—easing the immediately to protect Dreamers and their families, and invest real political cap- squeeze on working families, providing paid leave, and getting caregivers the re- ital in fi nally delivering legislative immigration reform, with a roadmap to citi- spect and pay they deserve. zenship for the nearly  million undocumented people who already do so much Q: What is the most important issue facing our country and how do you plan to to make our communities strong. We have to enforce our laws, but in a way that’s address it during your fi rst  days in offi ce? humane, respects due process, honors our values, and sees the big picture. A: Pandemic. Recession. Racial injustice. Climate change. We’re facing historic Q: What will you do over the long term to ensure access to quality healthcare crises; we have to tackle them all at once. Character and experience count. I’ll lis- for all? ten to scientists, tell the truth, and make sure we’re never so unprepared for a pan- A: Th is pandemic makes clear: All Americans need access to quality, aff ordable demic again. I’ll expand the Aff ordable Care Act, lowering costs and making health insurance. Th at’s why I’ll protect and build on the Aff ordable Care Act. I health care a right for all. I’ll build our economy back better, and make racial eq- helped to secure the fi nal key votes to pass that landmark law, protecting  mil- uity central to recovery. In these crises, we have an enormous opportunity, if we lion Americans who can no longer be turned away or denied coverage for pre- come together. As President, I’ll draw on the best of us, not the worst. I’ll work as existing conditions, and bringing coverage to  million more. As President, I’ll hard for those who don’t support me as for those who do. Th at’s a president’s job: to build on that progress with a public option and lower health care and prescrip- represent us all. To take responsibility. To protect the nation. To unite and to heal. tion drug costs. I’ll make all COVID- testing, treatment, and vaccines free; Q: How will you address racial injustice in our country on day one of your double funding for community health centers that are so oft en on the frontlines administration? of care; and much more.

Th e following candidates have qualifi ed for the Texas state ballot according to the » Jo Jorgensen (L) Secretary of State of Texas but did not meet the LWVEF criteria. » Howie Hawkins (G)

© 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | 2 VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION Six-year term. One of two members of the U.S. Senate from Texas. The Senate has the exclusive power to advise and consent on presidential nominations to executive and judicial offi ces, to ratify U.S. treaties, and to try impeachments. With the U.S. House, the Senate U.S. SENATOR adopts budgets, levies taxes, borrows money, regulates interstate commerce, provides services, adopts regulations, and declares war. Current annual salary: $174,000 » What does a senator do?

» QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES Qualifi cations: What training, experience, and background qualify you for this Voting Rights: What actions, if any, would you take to ensure that all eligible position? voters have equal access to safe and fair elections? Immigration: What are your priorities regarding the immigration system? Vouchers: What is your position on using public funds for private school Healthcare: How would you address access to and the cost of healthcare? vouchers and why? Gun Violence: What are your recommendations to protect students from gun Two Minute Video Option: Comment on the recent civil rights violence? demonstrations. COVID-19: What actions, if any, do you believe are needed to address the health and economic impact caused by COVID-?

» (R) censed fi rearm dealers, which will mean more people get background checks be- cause all Federal Firearms Licenses are required to complete those. Qualifi cations: John Cornyn was elected to the Texas Su- COVID-19: Sen. Cornyn voted for the CARES Act, which sent stimulus checks preme Court in . In , he was elected Attorney Gen- to individuals who—through no fault of their own—were unable to work and eral of Texas. In , he was elected to the U.S. Senate. Senator earn a paycheck, and established the Paycheck Protection Program—a criti- Cornyn serves on the Senate’s Judiciary, Finance, and Intelli- cal lifeline that helped ensure businesses could bridge the gap without laying off gence Committees. employees. Immigration: Recognizing we are a nation of immigrants, Senator Cornyn has Voting Rights: Sen. Cornyn believes that any Texan who wants to vote safely voted in support of a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers who call Texas can do so under existing law. If you’re over  or you’re disabled, you can vote by their home. Th e Senator cosponsored the Secured and Succeed Act in , which mail. Or if you are not going to be present in your county on Election Day, Gov. proposed a solution for DACA recipients that provides a pathway to citizenship Abbott has extended the early voting period. for . million young adults. Vouchers: School choice empowers parents to choose the setting that best fi ts Healthcare: Senator Cornyn supports a system that: protects those with pre- their child’s unique interests, learning style and educational needs. While educa- existing conditions; lowers the cost of prescription drugs by increasing gener- tion is rightfully managed at the local and state level, our entire country has a stake ics; increases competition by allowing cross-state health insurance; lowers out of in ensuring we are raising highly educated, analytical, well-rounded citizens. pocket costs for seniors on Medicare; reestablishes the privacy of the doctor pa- Two Minute Video Option:afTU tient relationship Gun Violence: Sen. Cornyn believes the right to keep and bear arms is a sa- Campaign Website: cred Constitutional right for Texans. But we must ensure guns are kept out of the Facebook: hands of criminals and domestic abusers. He believes we need to eliminate unli- Twitter:

» Mary ‘MJ’ Hegar (D) COVID-19: We need to listen to experts, not politicians, when it comes to solv- ing the public health and economic crisis. We must provide adequate testing that Qualifi cations: I have served our country, am a working is fully covered, protect our frontline workers, and improve contact tracing ca- mom, and live the challenges of regular Texans. I served  tours pacity. Th e economic recovery must center around supporting small businesses in Afghanistan as a medevac pilot, earning a Purple Heart & and workers, while enforcing transparency and accountability measures. DFC w/ Valor and took on DC to make our military stronger. Voting Rights: Having served  years in the military I’m committed to de- I’m the fi ghter we need. fending our constitutional rights. I’ll work to expand access to registration and Immigration: We need comprehensive immigration reform that refl ects our voting, fi ght against voter suppression tactics, and support the John Lewis Vot- core American values—the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We ing Rights Act, restoring protections which have been weakened by the Supreme must streamline the process for applying for and receiving citizenship, create a Court. pathway to citizenship for those here, protect DREAMers, permanently end child Vouchers: I’m a proud product of public school and a mama bear for my two separation and secure the border with eff ective procedures & technology. young boys, and I will always fi ght for public schools and ALL of our kids. I op- Healthcare: During my  years working in health care, it was clear that our sky- pose any policy that cuts or siphons funding from public schools. rocketing costs and high uninsured rate were unsustainable. As we face a pan- Two Minute Video Option: My entire career I’ve fought to protect people’s demic and beyond, I’ll fi ght for access to quality aff ordable health care for every right to protest, and I stand with those peacefully demonstrating for change now. Texan, and for their right to determine whether that is a public option or their It’s time for systemic reforms to fi x how we train and equip law enforcement and current plan. improve their relationship with the public, and action to address the racial dis- Gun Violence: As a mother of two young boys, gun violence survivor and a re- parities that go far beyond our criminal justice system. sponsible gun owner, I say enough is enough. We must pass common-sense gun safety legislation to require background checks on every single gun sale, includ- Campaign Website: ing closing the gun show loophole. We must also stop selling weapons of war to Facebook: the public. Twitter:

VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION 3 © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | U.S. SENATOR (continued)

» Kerry Douglas McKennon (L) COVID-19: I think politicians are damned if they do and damned if they don’t in a pandemic situation. What we can do is get the government out of the way of Qualifi cations: I have served on the executive committee for treatment and care. It is diffi cult to say who is and who is not essential. For the the Libertarian Party of Texas. I have over  years of manage- individual working that is now not essential by the government for them that ment in the retail and food industry. paycheck is essential to feed their family, to have shelter, etc. Immigration: Our fi rst priority is that no child is left in a cage Voting Rights: Th e Voters Rights Act has been a huge success. So much so that or separated from their family, reforming immigration pol- preclearance at the federal level is rarely needed to ensure the right to vote. One icy means making it as simple as have the same policy for all immigrants from all way to ensure eligible voters can access equal, safe, and fair elections is to stop the countries. More judges and caseworkers are needed to determine if those seeking gerrymandering that currently occurs from both old parties. asylum can be allowed in, because an individual in a detention facility for three Vouchers: I oppose using public funds for private school vouchers. Th e main year is unacceptable reason is that those fund have been set aside for the use of public education. If a Healthcare: Health insurance allowed to be purchased across state lines. Th e parent or guardian chooses to send their child to a private school, the taxpayers cost of healthcare is due primarily to the amount of money being spent in ad- should not be paying for that choice. ministration. We see within the VA and Medicare system; where actual treat- Two Minute Video Option: Protest are always warranted. Violence as with ments are being delayed or not approved due to lack of doctors, but there is never the Boston Tea Party is sometimes necessary when in defense of Liberty. I would a shortage of admins boosting drug costs. stand with Justin Amash in ending Qualifi ed Immunity and gladly sponsor that Gun Violence: Mental health and hate lie at the core of gun violence and those bill. who act in it’s wake. Hate is learned and can be unlearned, but is a very tough row to hoe. Mental health is an issue that we can diagnosis and treat. Th ose are Campaign Website: http://www.mckennon.com not the answers that some individuals want to hear, but they are closer to protect- Facebook:/ ing our students than any gun ban. Twitter:

» David B. Collins (G) COVID-19: Our % of the world’s population has about quarter of its COVID- deaths. If we had shut down public spaces, suspended rent and mortgage collec- Qualifi cations: I am a US citizen,  years of age or more. In tions, and given US residents a livable income for a few months, like New Zea- college I studied political science, originally as my major fi eld land and other countries, we would have saved thousands of lives and billions of but eventually as a second fi eld toward a Texas teacher certifi ca- dollars. We could easily pay for this by redirecting defense funding. tion. Since then, as an activist, I have followed global politics. Voting Rights: . Propose a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing voting Immigration: Make immigration policy humane, at last. Th e rights for all US citizens  and up, including convicted felons, and prohibiting US has helped make much of Central and South America unsafe for poor and states and counties from purging voter rolls. . Enact automatic voter registra- indigenous families for decades; this must stop. Let our neighbors in and give tion and a federal database (which I know scares some people). . Approval voting them a path toward citizenship. If the fl ow of capital is globalized, with national makes elections much fairer by avoiding the third-party “spoiler” problem. boundaries practically irrelevant, the movement of workers should be just as Vouchers: Vouchers are a lazy solution to an avoidable problem. We can have unrestricted. excellent public schools for everyone, and much more, if we cut our national “de- Healthcare: Th is nation should do what other wealthy nations have done suc- fense” budget by half. Side note: Texas school districts should prioritize the mis- cessfully: guarantee universal, single-payer health care. COVID- has made this sion of actually educating children rather than building palatial football stadia. more urgent than ever. Improved Medicare for All will cover all ages, with den- Two Minute Video Option:BLOvwdys``I tal, mental, and optical coverage and no premiums. Once fully operational, it will wholeheartedly support the Movement for Black Lives, as do the Green Parties of save the nation as a whole % on health care costs. Texas and the US. Our platform calls for reparations and strong measures to end Gun Violence: When young people have hope for the future and access to the racially motivated police violence. mental health care they need, they will be far less likely to look to fi rearms to “solve” their problems. Schools need to be places of nurturing and care for the Campaign Website: whole student, especially when their homes oft en are not. Our government can Facebook:senator set a better example by not bombing people to boost corporate profi ts. Twitter:

© 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | 4 VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION Six-year term. The railroad commissioner is one of the three-member Texas Railroad Commission. The commission has no regulatory authority concerning railroads. RAILROAD Instead, it regulates the oil and gas industry, gas utilities, pipeline safety, safety in the liquefi ed petroleum gas industry, and surface coal and uranium mining. Current salary: COMMISSIONER $137,500 » What does the railroad commissioner do?

» QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES Qualifi cations: What training, experience and background qualify you for this Natural Resources: What can the Texas Railroad Commission do to promote position? the reclamation and reuse of water resources used in fracking operations? Pipelines: What can the Texas Railroad Commission do to further ensure com- Flaring: What, if any, further regulations or limits are needed to address the im- pliance with pipeline regulations to avoid environmental harm? pact of fl aring on the environment?

» James “Jim” Wright (R)

Candidate has not yet responded.

» Chrysta Castañeda (D) lines, informed by experts, could provide best practices for operators. Updated permitting and reporting requirements would ensure operator compliance. Qualifi cations: I have over  years of experience in the oil To work, oversight must be provided by adequately trained and compensated and gas industry, as an engineer and attorney. I know the com- professionals. plex technical and legal issues that face the industry. I will pro- Flaring: If the Railroad Commission would simply enforce the laws on the tect our natural resources and environment and keep industry books, we would dramatically impact greenhouse gasses and pollution. Flar- functioning. ing and venting of natural gas are illegal activities and the Railroad Commission Pipelines: Th e Commission should increase safety and emissions monitoring should enforce those laws, which Texans enacted long ago to protect our natural to end catastrophic failures and eliminate methane leaks. It should implement a resources and our environment. more robust information system to know where all smaller intrastate and gather- ing lines are located and permitted. Th e legislature must assign oversight author- Campaign Website: ity for pipeline permitting, right-of-way acquisition and condemnation. Facebook: Natural Resources: A reclamation and reuse program would ensure less fresh Twitter: water is used and would reduce the need for disposal wells. Program guide-

» Matt Sterett (L) Natural Resources: As a Libertarian, I believe in strong private property rights. I also don’t believe in expanding regulators activities. If / when environ- Qualifi cations: I run a small Oil & Gas Soft ware company. mental harm is done, I’d rather is be settled in a court than a government agency. Clients use the soft ware to forecast well data. Sometimes, that Flaring: I’m against Flaring on the grounds that it’s *wasteful*. We have a lim- data is from the RRC. I’ve been in the building & met w/ a few ited amount of natural resources. In the past, when we’ve had to import, it has RRC team members—I’m familiar with the organization’s digi- meant foreign policy that led to wars. Title , Sub-chapter B Sec. . of the TX tal operations. Natural Resources Code (.htm) Pipelines: Punt the responsibility to the courts. Texas is a litigious state. I think calls to “prevent waste of oil, gas”. Th e RRC has not upheld this. the Texas courts have broadly supported property rights. As a Libertarian, I be- lieve in strong private property rights. I also don’t believe in expanding regulators Campaign Website: activities. If / when environmental harm is done, I’d rather is be settled in a court Facebook: than a government agency. Twitter:

» Katija “Kat” Gruene (G) wasteful, unsafe, and unsustainable practice. All water used in these operations is no longer potable and because it is chemically altered, scientists believe it may Qualifi cations:  decades of project & bus.mgmt. along w/ never be returned to the state of water—ho. Th e emerging tech of onsite carrier consensus-based facilitation;  decades of experience doing leg- gas desalination plants could become a valid option if successful. islative work, coalition building, campaigning, and leading an Flaring: Th ere are solutions, we just need to require them: power oxidation pro- environmental & social justice movement in a litigious & hos- cess, fl are gas power generation, fl are gas reinjection in secondary oil recovery, tile environment. feedstock for petrochemical plants, LNG, CNG, & a small reactor that inexpen- Pipelines: First, no new pipelines. Second, properly inspect and review existing sively breaks water and methane into carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the fi eld permits for compliance and safety. Th ird, hold corporations accountable for vi- (syngas), which can then be used for energy and industrial products olations including restoration of & restitution in areas already harmed. Fourth, stop taking political contributions from those they are regulating. Fift h, enforce Facebook: new  regulations, including updating existing pipelines. Twitter: Natural Resources: Ban Fracking Period. Th ere is no need for such a highly

VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION 5 © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | Six-year term. A member of the court that hears only civil cases. The Supreme Court , issues fi nal decisions on civil and juvenile appeals, issues writs of mandamus/ habeas corpus, and has jurisdiction over orders or judgments of trial courts if TEXAS SUPREME the Supreme Court determines them important to the jurisprudence of the state. COURT » What does the Texas Supreme Court do?

» QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES Qualifi cations: What training, experience and background qualify you for this Biases: What training and practices do you recommend for trial judges to guard position? against implicit biases? Judicial Selection: Texas is one of the few states that elects judges in parti- Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be the most pressing for san elections. What changes, if any, in the judicial selection process would you the Texas Supreme Court? recommend? Standards: What changes, if any, do you think are necessary to improve public co dence in the legal profession?

» Nathan Hecht (R) stronger and more creative. A great example is the South Texas program for stu- erent roles. Qualifi cations: Yale BA ; SMU JD w/ honors ; Biases: Training Texas judges on issues of race and fairness has been required U rm as- for many years. Implicit bias training is conducted annually for new judges and soc., ptr; - th Dist. Ct., ; - th Ct. of e App., Dallas; - , Tex. Supreme Ct Justice; Chief Justice e -present Judicial Council that I chair is preparing other training. Judicial Selection: Voters should decide who their judges are, but in par- Other Issues: e Court’s work is completely current and has been since I’ve tisan elections, they don’t get to, because there are too may judges on the bal- been Chief Justice. Its challenges are to continue to guide Texas courts through cations. It’s not voters’ fault. Party politics and cam- the pandemic and equip them with all they need to function. In these tight eco- paign fundraising are poisonous. Judges must follow the law. Appoint on nomic times, the Court must help ensure adequate funding for courts, and also for legal aid for the poor, to ensure equal access to justice for all. accountable. Standards: Judges and lawyers should engage with community leaders to en- Campaign Website: sure the justice system is seen as fair to all, as the Supreme Court and I did in Facebook: a “Beyond the Bench Summit” in Dallas. Civics education in schools should be Twitter:

» Amy Clark Meachum (D) § . , jus o bers are public members. Also, members of the public

Qualifi cations: As a district court judge for a decade, I have Biases: We need to require every judge and lawyer in the state to take implicit presided over all types of cases heard by the Supreme Court: b is is simple and achievable. When I am elected Chief Justice this civil, family and administrative appeals. I am a guest lecturer fall, we will make this part of the Texas justice system’s mission on Day . We for ethics, a member of the Public Law Council and an advocate need to add a pledge of “Equal Justice under the Law” to the lawyer’s and judge’s for legal aid. oaths. It is past time to create a more fair system. Judicial Selection: e State should help voters by sending an information Other Issues: All Texans should have access to essential legal services. Access e to justice is a top priority of mine, and one of the cornerstones of a fair and just cations, and a statement at information would assist voters to s and domestic violence cases are creat- make an informed selection and would reduce campaign costs for candidates. ing a more urgent need for legal services—not less. Standards: Texas should increase public membership and participation on the Committee on Disciplinary Rules and Referenda, which recommends pro- Campaign Website: posed changes in legal ethics rules in Texas. Currently, under Texas Gov’t Code Facebook:

» Mark Ash (L) lawyer may have in criminal court and a criminal lawyer may have in civil court. Qualifi cations: I have mostly practiced criminal defense law Also, malpractice insurance information needs to be disclosed. for the las years. Also, I have represented individuals in Biases: Judges should be required to attend a minimum number of hours of continuing legal education. Information about the courses/classes that the judges injury. attended need to be available online for the public to view. Also, user friendly Judicial Selection: Elections for judges should not be based access to campaign contributor information needs to be made available to the o liation. At a minimum, judges should be in good standing public. with the state bar and have actively practiced law in Texas for a minimum time Other Issues: e Texas Supreme court should continue to make more and period o or years. Also, term limits for judges should be seriously considered more user friendly legal forms available online for simpler legal matters such as limiting judges to no more tha o rms per court. for family, probate and real estate. Links should be provided to trusted websites Standards: e pub- that give up-to-date information for pro se litigants. lic needs to know how many clients the lawyer has represented in the criminal or civil courts. Many times, clients are not aware of the limited experience a civil Facebook: © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | 6 VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION Six-year term. A member of the court that hears only civil cases. The Supreme Court issues fi nal decisions on civil and juvenile appeals, issues writs of manda- JUSTICE, TEXAS mus/habeas corpus, and has jurisdiction over orders or judgments of trial courts if SUPREME COURT the Supreme Court determines them important to the jurisprudence of the state. » What does the Texas Supreme Court do? » QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES Qualifi cations: What training, experience and background qualify you for this Biases: What training and practices do you recommend for trial judges to guard position? against implicit biases? Judicial Selection: Texas is one of the few states that elects judges in parti- Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be the most pressing for san elections. What changes, if any, in the judicial selection process would you the Texas Supreme Court? recommend? Standards: What changes, if any, do you think are necessary to improve public con dence in the legal profession?


» (R) ord a lawyer. I have done that work through leader- ship positions in the bar and as a community volunteer. Qualifi cations: I have served more than years at three lev- Biases: I recommend that trial judges cultivate standards of excellence by incor- els of the state judiciary: as a trial judge, as a justice on the porating the best practices of others from all walks of life and foster understand- court of appeals, and now on the . I am e Texas ed in civil trial law and civil appellate law. ers excellent courses for judges on understanding im- Judicial Selection: No change in judicial selection can hap- plicit bias and improving decision-making. pen without the support of the voters and their elected representatives. Governor Other Issues: e Court will continue to work toward advancing justice and Abbott and the Texas Legislature have formed a bi-partisan commission charged the rule of law during the pandemic. with making recommendations about judicial selection. I look forward to these recommendations, and I support this process. Campaign Website: Standards: dence by respecting and valuing all Facebook: people who encounter our courts, reducing the cost of resolving disputes through Twitter: innovation and technology, educating lawyers about best practices, and serving

» Kathy Cheng (D) by digital means of the rules and standards governing said profession so that the general population are better informed as to their rights. Qualifi cations: I have almost twenty years of legal experience Biases: Raising awareness of the existence of implicit bias through regular in areas including complex commercial issues, divorce and pro- meeting discussion can debias the years of exposure to cultural stereotypes, nar- bate, tax and real estate cases. I have also served as adjudication ratives and/or systemic policies. In addition, implement a mandatory annual im- cer for the City of Houston for about six years. members. Judicial Selection: Other Issues: With the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to refrain from c hearing challenges of partisan gerrymandering, partisan gerrymandering cases Texas includes the election of judges. If that choice turns out to be a bad choice, will now go before the Texas Supreme Court, which is an example of how this - Court impacts its citizens even though the citizens themselves may never go be- cials accountable. As such, I see no need for change at the present time. fore this Court. Standards: As time evolves, the means of disseminating the rules and stan- Campaign Website: dards for the legal profession shall also evolve. With the ease of digital accessibil- Facebook: ity, there should be more educational information available to the general public Twitter: » JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, PLACE 7

» Jeff Boyd (R) t. And we must continue to promote transparency into the operations and activities of our courts and judges. Qualifi cations: My extensive and varied legal career—in- Biases: Programs like the “Beyond the Bench” conference the Court sponsored cluding  years in private practice,  years as the deputy attor- i ney general in charge of civil litigation involving the state, and well-designed, high-quality programs as part of their annual continuing-educa- tion requirements would be a meaningful step in the right direction. ce Other Issues: ( ) Ongoing implementation of evolving technology to increase Judicial Selection: Electing judges creates issues that undermine the public’s ciency within the judicial system. () Maintaining timely decision- making co dence in the system, but it also requires judges and judicial candidates to in- processes through changes in the Court’s make-up over time. () Ensuring is gives the public the opportunity learn who will best continued operations throughout the judicial system in times of natural serve to counteract those problems. If we were building the process from scratch, disasters. leave it to the public to decide to alter the system. Standards: We must continue to make the system more accessible by reducing Campaign Website: the costs and delays required to resolve common civil disputes. We must do more Facebook: to promote the legal profession as a means for public service instead of private Twitter:

VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION 7 © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | JUSTICE, TEXAS SUPREME COURT (continued)

» Staci Williams (D) types of cases heard in the civil courts and what happens to a case from the time

Qualifi cations: I am in my second term as Judge of the st Biases: I believe they should attend training sessions and evaluate on a monthly D e st District Court handles primarily com- ba ed to reduce implicit bias. Every mercial, personal injury, medical malpractice, oil and gas, and er- consumer issues. I have ov years of legal experience. ently if he had been a member of my own race?” Judicial Selection: Texans have elected judges in partisan Other Issues: e Texas Supreme Court will be faced with what to do about elections for more than years. While I believe that this Texas tradition should the bar examination. Many states have an apprentice licensing program. We not be disturbed, a Commission has been established to study options to select- must consider how the Court will ensure safe testing locations and procedures ing judges in urban areas by methods other than partisan elections. Recommen- dations will be made at the end of the year. I look forward to reviewing these examination. alternatives. Standards: e legal profession needs to get more involved in the commu- Campaign Website: nity. My judicial outreach program, the Citizens’ Civil Academy (“CCA”), was Facebook: e CCA explores the Twitter:

» William Bryan Strange, III (L) Candidate has not yet responded.


» Brett Busby (R) judges, and local leaders to use this kit in their communities. Biases: e Texas Center for the Judiciary provides all new Texas judges with Qualifi cations: ed training on recognizing and responding to implicit biases. As part of our ongoing appellate lawyer and my record as a fair court of appeals judge, commitment to assure that equal justice under law is a reality for all, the Center I earned the support of all Democrats and Republicans when ect decisions the voted unanimously to approve my appoint- and best practices for increasing sound decision-making. ment to the Supreme Court. Other Issues: As the Court’s liaison for access to justice, I champion reforms Judicial Selection: Our process should select experienced judges who will de- that help Texans of limited means—including veterans, domestic violence vic- liver justice: giving everyone the fair day in court they deserve and ruling impar- tims, families, and the elderly—get the basic civil legal services they need. Exam- tially based on the law, never imposing their personal or political views to reach a p cantly increase access and reduce cost, so we are desired result. I support the work of the Texas Commission on Judicial Selection, er the pandemic. which the Legislature created to report on selection options in . Standards: Important conversations are taking place across Texas about equal- Campaign Website: i e Supreme Court’s “Beyond the Bench: Law, Jus- Facebook: tice, and Communities Summit” developed a toolkit to foster dialogue on real so- Twitter: lutions that will enhance public trust in our justice system. I encourage lawyers,

» Gisela D. Triana (D) and some even explicit bias. We need to learn how to identify it and work dili- gently to overcome it. I try to do this on a daily basis. Qualifi cations: For over  yrs, I have served as a judge in Biases: ere are several continuing legal education courses that deal with the Texas: Municipal Ct, JP, County Ct, District Ct, Appellate Ct. psychology behind our unconscious bias, how to identify it, and how best to com- rst person on the TXSCT to have served on ev- bat it. Such courses should be compulsory for all Bar members. Project Implicit ery lower level court. Most of my  -yr legal career has been in has several online tests that can be startling, yet should also be required for all public service. judges. Judicial Selection: is is a legitimate discussion if there was a non- Other Issues: Restoring balance to the Court. Currently, all members are Re- e issue is the tim- publican.  of the  were originally political appointments by a Republican Gov- ted from partisan elec- ernor. Our founders were wise to create a jury system that brought people from tion of judges for decades begins to lose that power. It makes the concern seem erent experiences to judge a case. We need diver- self- interested. Texans have clearly shown a preference for electing judges, I sity of thought on the Court, as well. It makes for better jurisprudence.

Standards: I believe that in today’s racially and politically charged climate, law- Campaign Website: yers and judges should be at the forefront and lead by example by requiring man- Facebook: datory implicit bias training for all members of the Bar. We all have implicit bias Twitter:


»»StaciTom WilliamOxford s(L) (D) typeschances of cases depend heard more in theon whocivil theircourts lawyer and what is and happens what connections to a case from they the have time with the judge than on the actual facts of the dispute. An honest recognition of QualifiQualifi cations: cations: I Witham in almost my second four termdecades as Judge of legal of experiencethe st Biathatses: fact I bybelieve our profession they should would attend be traininga good start. sessions and evaluate on a monthly DI will bring a broad e rangest District of knowledge Court handles to the bench. primarily I have com- had baBiases: I am not sure how to answer this question. ed to You reduce can noimplicitt train bias. bias Everyout mercial,the pleasure personal of su injury,ccessfully medical representing malpractice, Texans oil beforeand gas, both and the of someone, it is part of human nature. We all favor our family over our neigh- er- consumerTexas Supreme issues. Court I have and ov the Unitesyears of States legal Courtexperience. of Appeals. entlybors, if our he hadneighbors been a overmember our communityof my own race?” and our community over the commu- JudicialJudicial Selecti Selectioon:n: Texanse problem have elected is not judgesthe partisan in partisan nature of Othernity down Issues: the road. e Texas We must Supreme recognize Court our will bias be andfaced co withnstantly what guard to do agaiaboutns t it. elections for moree thanproblem the Whilemassive I believeamount that of money this Texas given tradition to these should candi- the bar cultexamination. task indeed! Many states have an apprentice licensing program. We not be disturbed, a Commission has been established to study options rm wants to select- to give mustOther consider Issues: how Historically the Court willJudges ensure decided safe thetesting law andlocations juries and decided procedures the facts. ing judges in urban areas by methods other than partisan elections. rm ap pearsRecommen- before W en, dations will be made at the end of theict ofyear. issue I look standards forward should to reviewing be applied. these examination.when there are honest factual disputes, Judges will overrule the jury and substi- alternatives.Standards: An open system that treats all parties with an even hand, regard- is tension will continue to be a pressing Standards:l e legal profession needs to get more involved in the commu-en a litigant’s Campaiissue. gn Website: nity. My judicial outreach program, the Citizens’ Civil Academy (“CCA”), was Facebook: e CCA explores the Twitter: Six-year term. A member of the court with fi nal judgment in all crimi- nal cases. The court must review all cases in which the death penalty » WiJUDGE,lliam Bryan Stra nge,TEXAS III (L) COURT is assessed. It also exercises discretionary review in other criminal cases and issues writs of habeas corpus. Base salary: $168,000 CandidateOF has CRIMINAL not yet responded. APPEALS » What does the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals do? » JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, PLACE 8 » QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES » Brett Busby (R) judges, and local leaders to use this kit in their communities. Qualifi cations: What training, experience, and background qualify you for this Access to Justice: What opportunities are there, if any, to improve the state’s Biases: e Texas Center for the Judiciary provides all new Texas judges with position? indigent defense system in criminal cases? Qualifi cations: ed training on recognizing and responding to implicit biases. As part of our ongoing Mental Health: appellateHow should lawyer the andCourt my of record Criminal as a Appealsfair court address of appeals mental judge, Othercommitment Issues: to assureWhat other that equal issues justice do you under believe law will is a be reality most forpressing all, the for Center the health issues of thoseI earned who comethe support before ofthe all court? Democrats and Republicans when Court of Criminal Appeals? ect decisions the Texas Senate voted unanimously to approve my appoint- and best practices for increasing sound decision-making. ment to the Supreme Court. Other Issues: As the Court’s liaison for access to justice, I champion reforms Judicial Selection: Our process should select experienced judges who will de- that help Texans of limited means—including veterans, domestic violence vic- »liverJUDGE, justice: giving COURT everyone OF the fairCRIMINAL day in court theyAPPEALS, deserve and PLACE ruling impar- 3 tims, families, and the elderly—get the basic civil legal services they need. Exam- »tially based VO on theTIN law, never imposingG theirFOR personal or politicalJUDGES views to reach a p IN TEXAS cantly increase access and reduce cost, so we are desired result. I support the work of the Texas Commission on Judicial Selection, er the pandemic. » Bert Richardson (R) quires additional funding and that assistance has to come from the legislature which the Legislature created to report on selection options in . In some states, judges are chosen by the government. In Texas, judges are chosen • Judges should perform their duties in a manner that assures public ed lawyers faith and to Standards: Important conversations are taking place across Texas about equal- Campaign Website: by people like you.Qualifi cations: I am the incumbent in this race and have represent dence indigent in the defendants, court. the State will have to compensate those lawyers, or i e Supreme Court’s “Beyond the Bench: Law, Jus- Facebook: been a State judge ect foreveryone, over rangingyears. I fromam a someoneformer State going and to ces. tice, and Communities Summit” developed a toolkit to foster dialogue on real so- HowTwitter: is the Texas court systemBrettBusby organized? jail, issuing warrants, getting evicted, and owing someone ed money, in Criminal to performing Law. I Other Issues: In light of the current COVID crisis, one of the most pressing is- lutions that will enhance public trust in our justice system. I encourage lawyers, marriage ceremonies and deciding whether a couple can adopt a child. Because of sues e Texas will involve court system getting is the made courts up ofacross a statewide the State network back to of work. trial Icourts anticipate and ap-sev- the power they hold,ital all cases. persons elected as judges should know the law and treat pellateeral legal courts. challenges Most caseswill follow begin thein a “new trial normal”court. In includinga trial court, speedy judges trial listen claims, to peopleMental fairly. Health: witnesses, review evidence, hear arguments from lawyers, and give a decision on Mental» Gisela health D. issues Triana are litigated (D) at the trial level. As an ap- juryand selectionsome even issues, explicit witness bias. testimoniesWe need to learnand jury how deliberations to identify it thatand resultwork dili-in fair pellate judge, in cases with mental health issues, uence I write from legal politics opinions and that money. de- theverdicts. case, or a verdict. ey cannot make promises about their decision in a case before they hear and gently ere to are overcome many types it. I tryof trialto do courts. this on Some a daily only basis. handle criminal cases, rang- termine whether a Qualifitrial court cations: properly Fo admitted,r over  yrs, or excluded I have served mental as healtha judge ev- in Biases: ere are several continuing legal education courses that deal with the see the evidence. ingCampaign from parking Website: tickets to murder. Others only handle civil cases, ranging idence. If evidence Texaof mentals: Municipal health isCt, improperly JP, County excluded, Ct, District the Ct, Court Appellate has the Ct. psychology behind our bias, how to identify it, and how best to com- Because of this, the questions posed to judges in this guide are limited to how fromFacebook: disputes between neighbors to multi-million dollar lawsuits. And some authority to grant a new trial. rst person on the TXSCT to have served on ev- bat it. Such courses should be compulsory for all Bar members. Project Implicit theyAccess would to make Justice: the courts ere better,are opportunities the need for to impartiality improve the in system, their roles, but that and re- how they would makeery surelower the level system court. works Most for of myeveryone.  -yr legal career has been in hasIf severalone of theonline parties tests disagrees that can withbe startling, the trial yet court’s should decision, also be they required can appeal for all public service. thejudg decisiones. to an appellate court. Texas has fourteen Courtstml of Appeals distrib- WhatJudicial should Selectio votersn: look is is for a legitimate when electing discussion judges? if there was a non- Other Issues: Restoring balance to the Court. Currently, all members are Re- » Elizabeth Davis Frizell (D) utedAccess throug to hoJustice:ut the state. e issue is the tim- publican.  of the  were e originally State Bar shouldpolitical require appointments internships by a similar Republican to intern- Gov- According to the American Bar Association, principles to consider in choosing en, if a party still disagrees, the next appeal would be to: t or- judges include: ted from partisan elec- ernor. Our founders were wise to create a jury system that brought people from Qualifi cations: I hav years of trial experience and years e Court of Criminal Appeals (criminal rms casesdoing only) trial orwork and appellate work •tion Judges of judges should for uphold decades the be rulegins of to law. lose that power. It makes the concern seem erent experiences to judge a case. We need diver- self- interested. Texansas a private have clea practitioner.rly shown Ia have preference years for of electing experience judges, as a I Judge sity ofe Supremethought onCourt the Court,of Texas as (civil well. and It makes juvenile for cases).better jurisprudence. t and pro • Judges should bewhere independent I was elected and a Dallas County Criminal Court Judge bono agencies more attorneys to handle an increased caseload. Other Issues: ey review •St Judgesanda rdshoulds: I believe possessand Dallas that the in appropriateCriminal today’s racially District temperament and Court politically Judge. and character. charged climate, law- Campaign We Disparatebsite: http:// sentencing, wrongful convictions, and death penalty Mental Health: what the lower courts did and decide if the lower courts were correct. •yers Judges and judgesshould shouldpossess be the at appropriatethe forefront e Court capabilities and oflead Criminal by and example credentials. Appeals by requiring should ensure man- cases.Facebook: An excellent chart of the Texas Court Structure is available at: thatdatory trial implicit courts examinebias training mentally for all ill members defendants of thefor theirBar. Wecapacity all have to knowimplicit the bias Twitter: dence of the public. ected Website: http://www.Frizell/ .pdf their judgment and was properly asserted and applied ective forof the sentencing community purposes. it serves. Facebook:To learn more, visit


© 2020 LeagueVOT of» ERSWomenKe vinGUIDE Voters Patrick | of 2020 Texas Yeary GENER | (R) AL ELECTION EDITION 9 VOTAccess ERS to GUIDE Justice: © | 2020 League GENER of AL Women ELECTION Voters ofEDITION Texas | nan- cial and technical support to counties to develop and maintain quality, cost- Qualifi cations: *Law Clerk- Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ective indigent defense systems that meet the needs of local communities and yr ( - ) *Private Lawyer- Criminal/Civil Defense yrs the requirements of the Constitution and state law.” ( - ) *Appellate Prosecutor- Dallas, Houston, San Anto- Other Issues: e Court must follow the rule of law and ensure that the written nio yrs ( - ) *Judge- Texas Court of Criminal Appeals eld that all citizens should expect from our judi- +yrs ( -Present) cial system. Judges must not be policy makers, but should instead decide disputes Mental Health: e Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, along with the Texas between parties to litigation, guided by reference to the constitution and laws, Supreme Court, recently established the Texas Judicial Commission on Men- which are written by others. tal Health “to engage and empower court systems through collaboration, ed- ucation, and leadership, and to thereby improve the lives of individuals with Campaign Website: Facebook: Twitter:

© 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION Six-year term. A member of the court with fi nal judgment in all crimi- nal cases. The court must review all cases in which the death penalty JUDGE, TEXAS COURT is assessed. It also exercises discretionary review in other criminal cases and issues writs of habeas corpus. Base salary: $168,000 OF CRIMINAL APPEALS » What does the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals do?

» QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES Qualifi cations: What training, experience, and background qualify you for this Access to Justice: What opportunities are there, if any, to improve the state’s position? indigent defense system in criminal cases? Mental Health: How should the Court of Criminal Appeals address mental Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be most pressing for the health issues of those who come before the court? Court of Criminal Appeals?


» Bert Richardson (R) quires additional funding and that assistance has to come from the legislature ed lawyers to Qualifi cations: I am the incumbent in this race and have represent indigent defendants, the State will have to compensate those lawyers, or been a State judge for over years. I am a former State and ces. ed in Criminal Law. I Other Issues: In light of the current COVID crisis, one of the most pressing is- sues will involve getting the courts across the State back to work. I anticipate sev- ital cases. eral legal challenges will follow the “new normal” including speedy trial claims, Mental Health: Mental health issues are litigated at the trial level. As an ap- jury selection issues, witness testimonies and jury deliberations that result in fair pellate judge, in cases with mental health issues, I write legal opinions that de- verdicts. termine whether a trial court properly admitted, or excluded mental health ev- idence. If evidence of mental health is improperly excluded, the Court has the Campaign Website: authority to grant a new trial. Facebook: Access to Justice: ere are opportunities to improve the system, but that re-

» Elizabeth Davis Frizell (D) Access to Justice: e State Bar should require internships similar to intern- t or- Qualifi cations: I hav years of trial experience and years rms doing trial work and appellate work as a private practitioner. I have years of experience as a Judge t and pro where I was elected as a Dallas County Criminal Court Judge bono agencies more attorneys to handle an increased caseload. and Dallas Criminal District Court Judge. Other Issues: Disparate sentencing, wrongful convictions, and death penalty Mental Health: e Court of Criminal Appeals should ensure cases. that trial courts examine mentally ill defendants for their capacity to know the JUDGE, TEXAS COURT ected OF CCampaignRIM Website:INAL http://www.Frizell ( (cont.) theirJUSTI judgment and wasCE properly, assertedTEXAS and applied for sentencingSUPREME purposes. Facebook: COURT txjudge

» JUDGE, COU»»TinaStaciRT Clinton OFWilliam CRIM (D)s INAL(D) APPEALS, PLACE 4 types of cases heard in theective civil no courtst merely and by what not doing happens something to a case they from should the time have done but also for the lack of time they have based on carrying too heavy of Qualifi»QualifiKevin cations:cations: Patrick I I am am Yeary the in mypresiding second(R) district term as court Judge judge of the of thest aAccessBia caseses: load, toI believe baJustice:sed onthey ABA should standards. attend Second,training indigentsessions defenseand evaluate attorn oney as mustmonthly nan- be oldestD Criminal District e st Court District in Texas.Court handlesI have  primarily years expe- com- givencialba and adequate technical resources support for to investigators,counties to deve expertslop anded and to maintain reduceother tools. implicit quality, bias. cost- Every rienceQualifimercial, as cations: apersonal trial court *Lawinjury, judge Clerk- medical over Texas a malpractice,felony Court district, of Criminal oil county and gas, Appeals crim- and Other ective Issues: indigent ( ) defense To help systems answer that and meducateeet the members needs of localof the communities legislature on ander- inal yrconsumer ( - ) and municipal issues. *Private I courts.have Lawyer- ov I have yearsCriminal/Civil tried of over legal  experience. trialsDefense in myyrs wtheently requirements if he had been of thea member Constitution of my andown staterace?” law.” ng needs for additional career.( - )Judicial Selecti *Appellateon: ProTexanssecutor- have Dallas, elected Houston, judges in San partisan Anto- OtherOther Issues:Issues: e e CourtTexas mustSupreme follow Court the rulewill beof lawfaced and with ensure what that eringto do the plat-about written Mentalelections H forea morelth: nio than e yrs CCA ( - )isyears. an appellate While *Judge- I courtbelieve Texas so that issues Court this of Texas ofmental Criminal tradition health Appeals raishouldsed formsthe bar to examination. increase transparency Many states toeld the havethat public. allan citizensapprentice () Diversify should licensing expectinternships program. from to our give We judi- ac- not be disturbed, +yrsa Commission ( -Pres hasent) been established e CCA to studyalso funds options education to select- cesscialmust systo consider lawtem. students Judges how must thatthe Court havenot be no will policyt traditionally ensure ma kers,safe testingbeenbut should given locations ainsccteadess. and decide procedures disputes programsMentaling judges H and eain lth: urbangrants areas efor Texas judges, by Courtmethods lawyers of Criminal other and thanpro Appeals,se partisancutors. along Expanding elections. with theRecommen- the Texas funding between parties to litigation, guided by reference to the constitution and laws, forSuprdations additionaleme will Court, be education made recent atly theon established mentalend of thehealth the year. Texas in I criminallook Judicial forward ca Commissionses to would reviewing make on Men-these a vast Campaigwhichexamination. are writtenn Websi byte: others. talalternatives. Healtherence in“to the engage entire and criminal empower justice court system. systems through collaboration, ed- Facebook: Accessucation,Standards: andto Justice: leadership, e legal profession and to thereby needs improve to get moreective the lives involved assistance of individuals in theof counsel commu- with Twitter:CampaigCampai gn WeWebsibsite:te: http:// (cont.) nity.JUDG My judicial outreachE, program,TEXAS the Citizens’ CivilCO AcademyURT (“CCA”), wasOF CFacebook:Facebook:RIM https:// e CCA explores the Twitter:Twitter: » JUDGE, COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS, PLACE 9 » Tina Clinton (D) ective not merely by not doing something they should » (R) Access to Justice: ces could » William Bryan Strange, III (L) have done but also for the lack of time they have based on carrying too heavy of help ensure a standard level of competent representation. Additionally, the Court Qualifi cations: I am the presiding district court judge of the a case load, based on ABA standards. Second, indigent defense attorneys must be Candidate has notQualifi yet responded. cations: I serve you as a Judge on the Court of Crim- of Criminal Appeals could pro-actively set out minimum standards for represen- oldest Criminal District Court in Texas. I have  years expe- given adequate resources for investigators, experts and other tools. inal Appeals. I have over two decades of experience han- tation of indigent defendants in serious cases rience as a trial court judge over a felony district, county crim- Other Issues: ( ) To help answer and educate members of the legislature on © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | VOTOther ERS Issues: GUIDE Mental | 2020 health GENER issues, AL mentioned ELECTION above, EDITION are obviously pressing. » JUSTICE,inal SUPREME and municipal COURT, courts. I have PLACE tried over 8  trials in my w ng needs for additional ed in both criminal and criminal ap- Wrongful convictions based upon junk science or police misconduct are also very career. ering plat- pellate law. serious. Additionally, reforming bail practices so that the indigent are not incar- Mental Health: » eBrett CCA is Busby an appellate (R) court so issues of mental health raised forms to increase transparency to the public. () Diversify internships to give ac- Mental Health: It can adopt dynamic standards to allow non-dangerous citi- judges, and local leaders to use this kit in their communities. ight or e CCA also funds education cessBia toses: law students that have not traditionally been given access. ze ering from mental illness who commit a crime to easily transfer out of e Texas Center cantfor the to Judiciaryaddress. provides all new Texas judges with programs and grantsQualifi for judges, cations: lawyers and prosecutors. Expanding the funding the criminal justice system from a jail bed to a hospital bed so they can get the ed training on recognizing and responding to implicit biases. As part of our ongoing for additional education on mental health in criminal cases would make a vast Campaign Website: appellate lawyer enders and should my recordalso be as treated a fair forcourt their of appealsillnesses, judge, but Campaigcommitmentn We to bsiassurete: http://keepjudgenewell.comthat equal justice under law is a reality for all, the Center erence in the entire criminal justice system. Facebook: in a secure facility Ifor earned the safety the support of the community. of all Democrats and Republicans when Facebook: ect decisions Access to Justice:the Texas Senate voted unanimously ective assistance to approve of mycounsel appoint- Twitter:and best for increasing sound decision-making. ment to the Supreme Court. Other Issues: As the Court’s liaison for access to justice, I champion reforms Judicial Selection: Our process should select experienced judges who will de- that help Texans of limited means—including veterans, domestic violence vic- » JUDGE, COU» BrandonRT OF CBirminghamRIMINAL AP (D)PEALS, PLACE 9 increase funding through the legislature to help counties pay for reasonable liver justice: giving everyone the fair day in court they deserve and ruling impar- andtims, necessary families, costs and ofthe providing elderly—get indigent the basic defen civilse. legalSecond, services we have they to need. establish Exam- tially based on theQualifi law, never cations: imposing Two-term their personal Felony Trial or political Court Judge, views formerto reach a p necantly and increasemanage theacc esscase and loads reduce of indigent cost, so defense we are desired result. I support» David the Newell work of the (R Texas) Commission on Judicial Selection, Access to Justice: ces could Presiding Judge-all Felony District Courts, Dallas. Lead coun- counsel. er the pandemic. which the Legislature created to report on selection options in . help ensure a standard level of competent representation. Additionally, the Court sel on over  jury trials from DWI to Capital Murder.  spe- Other Issues: From allowing a verdict to stand while a lawyer slept in court, to Standards: ImportantQualifi cations:conversations I serve are you taking as a placeJudge across on the Texas Court about of Crim- equal- ofCampaig Criminal nAppeals Websi couldte: pro-actively set out minimum standards for represen- cialty court dockets, visiting professor at SMU Law School. letting politics impact decisions, http://ww orw. by the United States Supreme Court i inal Appeals. I have e Supreme over two Court’s decades “Beyond of experience the Bench: han- Law, Jus- tationFacebook: of indigent defendants in serious cases Mental Health: My experience has taught me how important in death penalty https:// cases,ww from the CCA have contributed to the public’s tice, and Communities Summit” developed a toolkit to foster dialogue on real so- OtherTwitter: Issues: Mental health issues, mentioned above, are obviously pressing. p e CCA skepticism our criminal courBrtsettBusby, and illustrate very clearly the need for change. lutions that will enhance public trust in oured in justice both system.criminal I andencourage criminal lawyers, ap- Wrongful convictions based upon junk science or police misconduct are also very should help increase training for lawyers on these issues, and where appropriate, If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. pellate law. serious. Additionally, reforming bail practices so that the indigent are not incar- work to increase funding for courts across Texas for worthwhile mental health Mental Health: It can adopt dynamic standards to allow non-dangerous citi- ight or programs. Campaign Website: ze ering from »mentalGisela illness D. whoTriana commit (D) a crime to easily transfer out of and some even explicit bias. cant We to need address. to learn how to identify it and work dili- Access to Justice: Justice shouldn’t depend upon a person’s access to Facebook: the criminal justice system from a jail bed to a hospital bed so they can get the gently to overcome it. I try to do this on a daily basis. resources- lessons we’ve learned from the Dallas County exonerations. We must Twitter: Qualifi cations: enders should For over also  be yrs, treated I have for served their asillnesses, a judge but in CampaigBiases: n We ere bsiare te:several continuing legal education courses that deal with the in a secure facility forTexa thes: safetyMunicipal of the Ct, community. JP, County Ct, District Ct, Appellate Ct. Facebook:psychology https:// our unconscious bias, how to identify it, and how best to com- rst person on the TXSCT to have served on ev- bat it. Such courses should be compulsory for all Bar members. Project Implicit ery lower level court. Most of my  -yr legal career has been in has several online tests that can be startling, yet should also be required for all » publicBrandon service. Birmingham (D) increasejudges .funding through the legislature to help counties paytml for reasonable Judicial Selection: is is a legitimate discussion if there was a non- andOther necessary Issues: costs Restoring of providing balance indigent to the defen Currently,Second, we all have members to establish are Re- Qualifi cations: Two-term Felony Trial e Court issue isJudge, the tim- former publican.  of the  were originally ne and political manage appointments the case loads by of aindigent Republican defense Gov- Presiding Judge-all Felony District Cour ted tsfrom, Dallas. partisan Lead elec- coun- counernor.sel. Our founders were wise to create a jury system that brought people from tion of judges forsel decades on over be gins jury to losetrials that from power. DWI It to makes Capital the Murder. concern  seemspe- Other Issues: From allowing a erentverdict experiences to stand while to judge a lawyer a case slept. We in need court, diver- to self- interested. Texanscialty court have cleadockerlyts shown, visiting a preference professor atfor SMU electing Law judges, School. I lettingsity of politics thought impact on the decisions, Court, as or well. reversals It makes by thefor betterUnited jurisprudence. States Supreme Court Mental Health: My experience has taught me how important in death penalty cases, rulings from the CCA have contributed to the public’s p Standards: I believe that in today’s racially and politically charged climate, e CCA law- skepticismCampaig ofn our We criminalbsite: http:// courtsww, illustrate very clearly the need for change. shouldyers and help judges increase should training be at for the lawyers forefront on and these lead issues, by example and where by requiring appropriate, man- If Facebook:we don’t learn https:// from wwhistory,w.face webo doomed to repeat it. wodatoryrk to increase implicit fundingbias training for courts for all across members Texas of for the wo Bar.rthwhile We all mentalhave implicit health bias Twitter: programs. Campaign Website: Access to Justice: Justice shouldn’t depend upon a person’s access to Facebook: resources- lessons we’ve learned from the Dallas County exonerations. We must Twitter:

© 2020 LeagueVOT of ERS Women GUIDE Voters | of 2020 Texas GENER | AL ELECTION EDITION 10 VOT ERS GUIDE © | 2020 2020 Lea GENERgue of ALWomen ELECTION Voters ofEDITION Texas |

VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | JUDGE, TEXAS COURT (continued) OF CRIMINAL APPEALS

» Tina Clinton (D) (continued) Other Issues: One of the tasks of the Court is to help provide () grants for technical assistance projects to judges and court personnel, and () grants for in- more funding from the legislature so we can robustly tackle education through- nocence training programs. I believe these areas needs to be aggressively admin- out the system would improve the state’s criminal justice system on indigent istered and expanded to help access to justice throughout the State. Many areas defense. do not have funds for technical assistance or education otherwise. Responsibility: () Speak to the Legislature about their attempts at bail reform laws.JUDGE, () I believe the Court receivesTEXAS  habeas writs COURT plus per year. Th is work is Education: Juris Doctorate from SMU School of Law; Bachelors of Art in Phi- tasked to staff attorneys. Th ese cases raise issues of actual innocence, ineff ective (continuedlosophy )from University of Texas at Austin assistance, and other reviews. We should review the need to increase staff so each Facebook: caseOF may be givenCRIMINAL full consideration. APPEALS Twitter: Four-year term. The fifteen-member board decides curriculum, standards, student testing, (continued) JUSTI» StevenCE ,Miears TEXAS (D) specialSUPREME education programs,ment COURTand of competent textbooks criminal for Texas defense public lawyers. schools. A plan’s It use also of fl overseesat fees paid the to ap- » TinaSTATE Clinton (D) (continued BOARD) Permanent School Fund. OtherpointedMembers Issues: attorneys of the One and board of investigators the tasksdo not of theencouragesreceive Court pay,is andto helpbut rewards provideare eligibleine ff() ective grants for assistance for Background: I am Board Certifi ed inreimbursement Criminal Law and for expensestechnicalof counsel incurred assistance. Th e developmentin the projects course toeverywhere judges of official and of court online business. personnel, portals for and appointed () grants lawyers for in- more funding from the legislature so we can robustly tackle» What education does through- the State Boardnocence of trainingEducation programs. do? I believe these areas needs to be aggressively admin- OF EDUCATIONCriminal» Staci Appellate William Law.s (D) For  years I have been named a “Su- totypes access of thecases court’s heard fi inle andthe civilDA discoverycourts and is what needed. happens And abilityto a case to fromtalk to the in- time out the system wouldper Lawyer”improve inthe criminal state’s criminal law by Texas justice Monthly. system on I have indigent handled isteredmates on and webcams expanded would to help assist access communication. to justice throughout the State. Many areas defense. doResponsibility: not have funds for technical assistance or education otherwise. overQualifi  casescations: as lead I am counsel in my on second appeal. term I have as Judge represented of the per-st Biases: I believe Ththey e highest should priority attend training of a CCA sessions judge is and to reviewevaluate cases on awhere monthly Responsibility: () Speak to the Legislature about their attempts at bail reform sonsD at trial and on eappeal st District in many Court death handles penalty primarily cases. My com- theba death penalty has been given. Th is occurs on directed to reduceappeal implicitfrom the bias. trial Every and laws. () I believe the Court receives  habeas writs plus per year. Th is work is Education: Juris Doctorate from SMU School of Law; Bachelors of Art in Phi- »websiteQUESTIONS has a link tomercial, watch TO anpersonalCANDIDATES oral argument injury, medical I did, and malpractice, opinions of oil my and cases gas, onand on writs of habeas corpus. I will not leave this duty to clerks. I will personally er- tasked to staff attorneys. Th ese cases raise issues of actual innocence, ineff ective losophy from University of Texas at Austin Qualifications:appeal. Whatconsumer training, issues. experience I have ov and backgroundyears of legal qualify experience. you for this Charterreadently every if he Schools: record. had been I will Whata member not is “go your ofalong myposition ownto get race?”on along” charter with schools other in judges the public on the educa- CCA assistance,Mental Health: and other reviews. We should review the need to increase staff so each Facebook: position? ThJudicial e Court Selectimust addresson: Texans how to have defi neelected intellectual judges indisability partisan for tionwhoOther system?refuse Issues: to examine e Texas the death Supreme penalty Court under will currentbe faced laws. with what to do about casepurposes may beof thegiven death full penalty.consideration. It has failed to do this even though directed to by Twitter:Other Issues: Th e most pressing issue for the CCA will be processing writs of Curriculum:elections for moreWhat than is your philosophyyears. While for I settingbelieve curriculumthat this Texas standards? tradition should Otherthe bar Issues: examination. What Manyother issuesstates dohave you an believe apprentice will belicensing the most program. pressing We for thenot Supreme be disturbed, Court. a ThCommission e Court fails has to been make established sure that indigent to study inmates options withto select- men- habeasmust consider corpus fi howled by the inmates. Court will Last ensure year the safe CCA testing handled locations over and, procedures writs. Each Civic Education: What changes, if any, do you recommend to prepare students the State Board of Education? taling illness judges are in appointed urban» Steven areas lawyers by methods Miears at every other stage(D) than of the partisan writ of elections. habeas corpus Recommen- pro- mentof these of competentwrits deserves criminal personal defense attention lawyers. from A theplan’s Judge use itof is fl assignedat fees paid to. toTh ap- ese for their civic responsibilities? cess.dations Many will of be these made inmates at the haveend of no the access year. to I lookattorneys. forward to reviewing these pointedwritsexamination. continue attorneys to bring and investigators to the attention encourages of the CCA and pervasiverewards ine incompetenceff ective assistance by Access to Justice: alternatives. Background: Th e Texas Indigent I am Board Defense Certi Commissionfi ed in Criminal has Lawno authority and ofappointed counsel .lawyers, Th e development prosecutorial everywhere misconduct, of online and badportals forensic for appointed experts lawyers toStandards: sanction counties eCriminal legal which profession haveAppellate failed needs Law. to implementto For get more years or involved I followhave been ain proper the named commu- indigent a “Su- toCampai access thegn court’s Webs fiite: le and http://judgest DA is needed. And ability to talk to in- » STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, DISTRICT 15 Education: defensenity. My plan. judicial While peroutreach each Lawyer” county program, in mustcriminal the have Citizens’ law a plan, by Texas Civil there Monthly.Academy is no enforcement I(“CCA”), have handled au-was matesFacebook: on webcams I graduated would Madison assist communication. High School in Houston, Texas. I received a thority to police theseover plans. cases Th eas good lead ol’ counsel boy system on appeal. still encourages I have represented trial judges per- Responsibility:B.A.Twitter: with honors from Th e highestAustin College.priority ofI have a CCA a doctorate judge is to of review jurisprudence cases where from » Jay Johnson (R) e CCA explores the Other Issues: to not follow a wheelsons system at trial for and appointments on appeal in of many competent death penaltylawyers, cases. especially My theTexas death Tech penalty University Local has been districtsSchool given. of should Law. Th is haveoccurs more on direct control appeal on decisions from the impacting trial and inwebsite death has penalty a link cases. to watch Th e ancreation oral argument of state-wide I did, standards and opinions for the of appointmentmy cases on theironCampaign writs students of habeas Website: corpus. I will not leave this duty to clerks. I will personally Qualifications: ofappeal. attorneys in felony cases would assure 16 years competent as trustee representation Pampa ISD and develop- readFacebook: every record. https://SteveMiearsForJudge I will not “go along to get along” with other judges on the CCA » William BryanCharter St raSchools:nge, III (L) Mental Health: Th e Court must address Charter how schools to defi ne are intellectual currently the disability only pub for- who refuse to examine the death penalty under current laws. Candidate has notlic yet option responded. in Texas for students in districts that continue to per- »purposes JUDGE, of the COURTdeath penalty. OF It hasCRIMINAL failed to do this APPEALS, even though directedPLACE to by9 Other Issues: Th e most pressing issue for the CCA will be processing writs of the Supreme Court.form Th epoorly. Court fails to make sure that indigent inmates with men- habeas corpus fi led by inmates. Last year the CCA handled over , writs. Each »tal» David illnessJUSTICE, are Newell appointed SUPREME (R) lawyers Unopposed at every COURT, stage of PLACEthe writ of 8habeas corpus pro-» Brandonof these writsBirmingham deserves personal (D) Unopposedattention from the Judge it is assigned to. Th ese »cess.John Many Betancourt of these inmates (D) have no access to attorneys. erywrits High continue School to in bring Texas to provides the attention civic learningof the CCA to students. pervasive In incompetence addition to provid by - Access to Justice: Th e Texas Indigent Defense Commission has no authority ingappointed a pathway lawyers, to register prosecutorial to vote for misconduct, students who and are bad 18 orforensic close toexperts 18 years of age. » Brett Busby (R) judges, and local leaders to use this kit in their communities. Qualifications:to sanction counties Former which Trustee, have failed At-Large, to implement Amarillo or ISD follow Board a proper of Trustees indigent Charter Schools: I believe that we should spend more public dollars on Texas The State Board of EducationBia ses:oversees e Texas curriculum Center for standards, the Judiciary instructional provides all new materials, Texas judges with President,defense plan. Panhandle While each Area county Association must have of School a plan, Board there for is no Region enforcement 16 Region au- PublicEducation: Schools. I graduated I am not against Madison charter High schoolsSchool inbut Houston, do believe Texas. that publicI received educa a - STATEQualifi cations:BOARD graduation requirements, ed newtraining charter on recognizing school applications, and responding and to implicitthe Texas biases. Permanent As part of our ongoing 5Athority State to Director, police these Mexican plans. American Th e good School ol’ boy Board system Association still encourages Region trial 16 judgesRep., tionB.A. andwith charter honors schools from Austin should College. be held Ito have the asame doctorate standards of jurisprudence and accountability from appellate lawyer and my record as a fairSchool court Fund.of appeals It appoints judge, boardcommitment members to assure to military that equal reservati justice underon/special law is a school reality for districts. all, the Center TASBto not Legislativefollow a wheel Advisory system Committee for appointments of competent lawyers, especially measures.Texas Tech University School of Law. I earned the support of all Democrats and Republicans when ect decisions Curriculum:in OFdeath penalty EDUCATION Setting cases. curriculum Th e creation standards of state-wide is a very standards vital and for importantthe appointment role OtherCampaign Issues: Website: Implementation of African-american, Mexican-american, Asian- the Texas Senate voted unanimously to approve my appoint- and best practices for increasing sound decision-making. thatof attorneys the SBOE in isfelony responsible cases would for. I believeassure competentwe should makerepresentation certain that and every develop- american,Facebook: Indigenous-american, https://SteveMiearsForJudge sex-education, and science base curriculum for ment to the Supreme Court. Other Issues: As the Court’s liaison for access to justice, I champion reforms Texas Student receives a quality educational experience while ensuring that we all public schools. Judicial Selection: Our process should select experienced judges who will de- that help Texans of limited means—including veterans, domestic violence vic- go» aboveSTATE and beyond BOARD in implementing OF EDUCATION, those standards DISTRICT in the TEKS and 15 adopting »liver JUDGE, justice: giving COURT everyone OF the CRIMINAL fair day in court APPEALS,they deserve and PLACE ruling impar- 9 tims, families, and the elderly—get the basic civil legal services they need. Exam- textbooks/instructional materials that will assist. Facebook: tially based on the law, never imposing their personal or political views to reach a p cantly increase access and reduce cost, so we are Civic» Jay Education: Johnson We (R) should Unopposed looks at areas of improvement and ensure that ev - » JohnTwitter: Betancourt (D) Unopposed » desiredDavid result. Newell I support (R) the Unopposed work of the Texas Commission on Judicial Selection,» Brandon Birmingham (D) Unopposed er the pandemic. which the Legislature created to report on selection options in . Standards: Important conversations are taking place across Texas about equal- A CampaigState Representativen Website: http:// and votes on bills that i e Supreme Court’s “BeyondThe Statethe Bench: Board Law, of Jus- EducationrepresentFacebook: oversees the https:// interestscurriculumwww standards,people who instructional live in the voting materials, distri ct. tice, andSTATE Communities Summit” BOARD developed a toolkit tograduation foster dialogue requirements, on real so- Representatives newTwitter: charter school create applications, newBr laws,ettBusby andmodify the orTexas update Permanent old laws and lutionsSTATE that will enhance REPRESENTATIVE public trust in our justice system.School I encourage Fund. Itlawyers, appoints serveboard on members research to committees military reservati withinon/special the legislative school branch districts. of OF EDUCATION State government. » Gisela D. Triana (D) » STATE REPRESENTATIVE, DISTRICT 86 » STATEand some REPRESENTATIVE even explicit bias. We need, DISTRICT to learn how to 87 identify it and work dili- » STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, DISTRICT 15 gently to overcome it. I try to do this on a daily basis. Qualifi cations: For over  yrs, I have served as a judge in Biases: ere are several continuing legal education courses that deal with the » John Smithee (R) Unopposed » Four Price (R) Unopposed » Jay JohnsonTexa (R)s: Municipal Ct, JP, County Ct, District Ct, Appellate Ct.» Johnpsychology Betancourt behind ( Dour) unconscious bias, how to identify it, and how best to com- Unopposed rst person on the TXSCT to have served on ev- bat it. Such courses shouldUnopposed be compulsory for all Bar members. Project Implicit © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | VOTERS GUIDE | 2020 PRIMARY ELECTION EDITION ery lower level court. Most of my  -yr legal career has been in has several online tests that can be startling, yet should also be required for all public service. A judgStatees. Representative introduces and votes on billstml that JudicialJUDGE, Selection: isCOURT is a legitimate discussion if Six-yearthere was aterm. non- Hears appealsrepresentOther on civilIssues: the and interests Restoring criminal of balance peoplecases tofrom who the Court. lower live in Currently, courts the voting in all its members distri district.ct. are Re- Base e issue salary is the fortim- Chief Judge:Representativespublican. $156,500.  of theBase create  were salary originallynew for laws, Judge: political modify $154,000. appointments or update byold a Republicanlaws and Gov- STATEOF APPEALS REPRESENTATIVE ted from partisan elec- serveernor. on Our research founders committees were wise to createwithin a jurythe systemlegislative that brought branch people of from tion of judges for decades begins to lose that power. It makes the concern seem State government. erent experiences to judge a case. We need diver- self- interested. Texans have clearly shown a preference for electing judges, I sity of thought on the Court, as well. It makes for better jurisprudence. CHIEF JUSTICE, 7TH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT JUSTICE, 7TH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT, PLACE 4, »St STATEandards: REPRESENTATIVEI believe that in today’s racially, DISTRICT and politically 86 charged climate, law-» STATECampaig REPRESENTATIVEn Website:, DISTRICT 87

DALLAM SHERMAN OCHILTREE LIPSCOMB HANSFORD UNEXPIRED TERM – yers and judges should be at the forefront and lead by example by requiring man- Facebook:

HARTLEY HEMPHILL » JohnBrian SmitheeQuinn (R) (R) MOORE HUTCHINSON ROBERTS datory implicit bias trainingUnopposedUnopposed for all members of the Bar. We all have implicit bias» FourLarryTwitter: Price Doss https://twit(R) (R) Unopposed OLDHAM POTTER CARSON GR AY Courts of Appeals Districts WHEELER Effective September 1, 2005 ARMSTRONG RANDALL COLLINGS- DEAF SMITH DONLEY © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas | 7 WORTH VOTERS GUIDE | 2020 PRIMARY ELECTION EDITION










KLEBERG Overlap of Districts 5 and 6

JIM HOGG BROOKS ZAPATA KENEDY Overlap of Districts 6 and 12 12R114 02/02/2012



Texas Legislative Council Source: Section 22.201, Government Code, as amended by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ch. 542


The 1st Court of Appeals: Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Moore, Motley, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Sherman, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington Swisher, Terry, Wheeler, Wilbarger, and Yoakum The 2nd Court of Appeals: Archer, Clay, Cooke, Denton, Hood, Jack, The 8th Court of Appeals: Andrews, Brewster, Crane, Crockett, Culberson, Montague, Parker, Tarrant, Wichita, Wise, and Young El Paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Loving, Pecos, Presidio, Reagan, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, and Winkler The 3rd Court of Appeals: Bastrop, Bell, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Coke, Comal, Concho, Fayette, Hays, Irion, Lampasas, Lee, Llano, McCulloch, The 9th Court of Appeals: Hardin, Jasper, Jeff erson, Liberty, Montgomery, Milam, Mills, Runnels, San Saba, Schleicher, Sterling, Tom Green, Travis, and Newton, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, and Tyler Williamson The 10th Court of Appeals: Bosque, Brazos, Burleson, Coryell, Ellis, Falls, The 4th Court of Appeals: Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Brooks, Dimmit, Freestone, Hamilton, Hill, Johnson, Leon, Limestone, Madison, McLennan, Duval, Edwards, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Navarro, Robertson, Somervell, and Walker Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, La Salle, Mason, Maverick, McMullen, Medina, The 11th Court of Appeals: Baylor, Borden, Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Menard, Real, Starr, Sutton, Uvalde, Val Verde, Webb, Wilson, Zapata, and Comanche, Dawson, Eastland, Ector, Erath, Fisher, Gaines, Glasscock, Haskell, Zavala Howard, Jones, Knox, Martin, Midland, Mitchell, Nolan, Palo Pinto, Scurry, The 5th Court of Appeals: Collin, Dallas, Grayson, Hunt, Kaufman, and Shackelford, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor, and Th rockmorton Rockwall The 12th Court of Appeals: Anderson, Angelina, Cherokee, Gregg, The 6th Court of Appeals: Bowie, Camp, Cass, Delta, Fannin, Franklin, Henderson, Houston, Nacogdoches, Rains, Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, Gregg, Harrison, Hopkins, Hunt, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Panola, Red River, Smith, Trinity, Upshur, Van Zandt, and Wood Rusk, Titus, Upshur, and Wood The 13th Court of Appeals: Aransas, Bee, Calhoun, Cameron, De Witt, Goliad, Gonzales, Hidalgo, Jackson, Kenedy, Kleberg, Lavaca, Live Oak, The 7th Court of Appeals: Armstrong, Bailey, Briscoe, Carson, Castro, Matagorda, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, Victoria, Wharton, and Willacy Childress, Cochran, Collingsworth, Cottle, Crosby, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Dickens, Donley, Floyd, Foard, Garza, Gray, Hale, Hall, Hansford, Hardeman, Hartley, The 14th Court of Appeals: Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Hemphill, Hockley, Hutchinson, Kent, King, Lamb, Lipscomb, Lubbock, Lynn, Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington

See to compare Court of Appeal candidates in your district.


League of Women Voters of Texas » VOTERS GUIDE SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS Secretary of State LWV Texas Voters Guides are funded by the League of Women Voters of Texas, Texas Voter Protection a (c)() corporation that is supported by contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations. We gratefully acknowledge our generous Voters Guide sponsors and our major contributors during this important election year. Voter Hotlines! Special thanks to Margaret “Peg” Hill, PhD, for her generous support of the  Voters Guide • -OUR-VOTE (English) Primary Voters Guide Sponsors •-Ve-Y-Vota (Spanish) Anonymous Donor • -API-VOTE (English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Bengali, Urdu, Crossroads Cattle Co., Ltd./Deborah Treece and Leslie Callahan Hindi and Tagalog) Mary and Joel Stone, a project of the Association of Texas Professional Educators • --VOTE (Disability Rights TX) Texas Association of Counties/Texas Counties Deliver Republican Party Democratic Party Major Voters Guide Sponsors Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Libertarian Party Green Party Bev and Steve Vandegrift Elaine Wiant Major 2020 Contributors » LWV TEXAS VOTERS GUIDE POLICY Diana Bacon Dorothy Marchand Melanie Barnes New Braunfels Community cation. Amber Briggle Foundation c persons are not allowed. Grace Chimene John Nolan • In place of any inappropriate response, the Voters Guide will state “Candidate’s Joanne Crull Judy Parken response did not meet the criteria listed in this Voters Guide.” Mary Anne Dingus Janis Richardson Miriam Foshay Marguerite Scott-Johnson • Videos that do not comply are removed. Ruthann Geer Kitty Alice Snead • Candidates are listed by party. Rene Haas Texas Association of Social Workers is Voters Guide ce. Darlene Hicks Texas Classroom Teachers Association e names of unopposed candidates are also listed. Barbara Hotinski Deborah Treece Joyce LeBombard Yvonne Wade Sanchez • Candidates with no photo in this Voters Guide did not submit a photo by the Julie Lowenberg print deadline. • Candidates who do not respond to our questionnaire by the print deadline are eir information may be in VOTE .org. • Ballot order at the polls will vary from county to county.

©   League of Women Voters of Texas | e Voters Guide is protected by copyright. For permission to duplicate the Guide, ce at  - -. Any use of the League of Women Voters name in campaign advertising or literature has not been authorized by the League.

© 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas |

League of Women Voters of Texas Voter Education Chair: Dorothy Marchand Voters Guide Volunteers: Beatriz Castillo and Mariana Lozano Production Team: Inspirare Communications, Jaci Collins, Motto Publishing Services


QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES BACKGROUND: Describe the training and experience that qualify you for high-level radioactive waste from nuclear reactors in the eastern US through this office. the 13th District to private storage sites in New Mexico and Andrews County, VOTING RIGHTS: What actions, if any, would you take to ensure that all Texas? eligible voters have equal access to safe and fair elections? HEALTHCARE: How would you address access to and the cost of healthcare? COVID-19: What actions, if any, do you believe are needed to address the IMMIGRATION: What are your priorities regarding the immigration health and economic impact caused by COVID-19? system? HAZARDOUS WASTE: What is your position on the proposed transfer of


Candidate has not yet responded.

GUS TRUJILLO (D) BACKGROUND: I was born and raised in Amarillo, TX Transports would come from all directions via rail or other means further where I’ve lived my entire life. I went to local public schools exposing people to radiation. This responsibility to store high-level radioactive and then on to Amarillo College and West Texas A&M waste should be left to the federal government at a suitable site far beyond University. I have a Bachelor of Business Administration any civilization. Instead this radioactive storage has become privatized with a (B.B.A.) Degree in Management with a minor in Political company seeking profit in a populous area. We have already been paying into Science. In 2013 I was awarded the DC Internship the Nuclear Trust Fund in order to have our government safely store this high- Scholarship at WTAMU which allowed me to become a level radioactive waste away from citizens. Congressional Intern for Representative Mac Thornberry HEALTHCARE: I would support legislation that helps expand Medicaid (TX-13) at the Capitol in Washington, DC. As an intern I across the nation especially in Texas where more federal assistance would learned how a congressional office worked for our district. Some of the duties help our rural hospitals. Our district has experienced mass closures of rural I completed were researching policy and legislation, attending committee hospitals resulting in high costs and inconvenience to Texans seeking medical hearings and briefings, preparing reports and assisting the legislative staff. help. Many of these hospitals closed because they could not justify the high VOTING RIGHTS: States & jurisdictions were once required to comply with cost of remaining open. Healthcare is a right that everyone deserves to have no the “preclearance” directive under Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. matter where you choose to live. You should have high quality healthcare that However in the 2013 Supreme Court case Shelby Co. v. Holder, the court’s is both accessible and affordable. Texas continues to be the number one state decision eliminated the requirement to comply with this directive. Unfortunately in the nation with the highest number of uninsured citizens. This should not be now states/jurisdictions with a proven history of discrimination are able to the case and we must change it by lowering healthcare costs. make changes to their election laws & policies without proving in advance that IMMIGRATION: During this COVID-19 pandemic we have seen the the proposed changes will not disenfranchise any voters. Congress can fix this importance of migrant workers helping to supply our food chain while problem by passing a law to replace the criteria for which they must comply everyone quarantines at home. Our Dreamers continue to contribute to our with “preclearance.” I would proudly support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights society in their professions as teachers, first responders, police officers, and in Act of 2020 to restore, repair, & strengthen the 1965 Voting Rights Act. our military forces. Our immigration system must be clear and supportive of COVID-19: The COVID-19 pandemic was worsened by a lack of leadership these groups who help America prosper. Migrants should be able to help our from our government especially in the Executive Branch. The American people economy thrive with affordable food and Dreamers should be able to continue need guidance, trust, & assistance from their government during this difficult their lives in the only country they know and love. We are a stronger country time. Until we are completely recovered from this virus with an effective, safe with their help especially during this difficult time. and free vaccine, the federal government must provide assistance to everyone to save their lives & to help our economy. I would support legislation that Full Name: Gus continues to provide assistance to citizens & small businesses hurt by this Last Name: Trujillo pandemic. I would support efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This Address 1: P.O. Box 2964 includes supporting nationwide viral testing that is both accurate & readily City: Amarillo available, as well as establishing an effective contact tracing program. State: TX HAZARDOUS WASTE: I do not support the transfer of high-level radioactive Zip Code: 79105 waste across the 13th District to these storage sites. This transport is very high Campaign Email: [email protected] risk & the potential disaster if there were an accident, would be catastrophic.

UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE (Contimued on next page) 13 © Copyright, League of Women Voters of Amarillo UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE, DISTRICT 13, continued » VOTER ID: WHAT TO JACK WESTBROOK (L) TAKE TO THE POLLS BACKGROUND: I am a veteran of the United States Air HAZARDOUS WASTE: We have nuclear bombs at Pantex! How else shall Force. I have a degree in business, a master’s degree in we get the waste to uninhabited areas? cial list of registered voters. Check Bible and family ministry, I studied human development and HEALTHCARE:your registration status The Libertarianat votetexas. gosolutionv. to healthcare is free markets. The program evaluation in my post-doctoral studies. I have studied Christian solution is to help those in need under certain circumstances. We government at Harvard edX. I have been to Afghanistan and haveVoters placed may use healthcare one of seven in theforms hands of photo of insurance ID, listed below.companies via government Kuwait three times as the document control manager of a 4 support, and we have taken charity away from faith-based organizations. • Texas Driver License billion dollar contract to support the war fighter. I am a user IMMIGRATION: The immigration laws are unfair and biased towards the of the VA health care system. I have owned my own business poor. “Give me your poor...” might catebe our mantra, but it is not supported by and know the struggles that government imposes on the small business owner. our laws. I have been an cationadjudications Card issued immigration by DPS officer. We need to change As a former minister, I am all too aware of the degradation of our society. I have the• Texasrules forlicense immigration to carry a handgunand visas, issued and bywe DPS need the cost to be income-based. three married sons with nine grandchildren, and I have a vested interest in their cation card containing the person’s photograph future as United States citizens. Full Name: Jack cate containing the person’s photograph VOTING RIGHTS: This is very simple. Have a voter registration and be able Last Name: Westbrook to prove who you are. Address• U.S. passport 1: 3930 (bo Puckettok or card) Dr. COVID-19: The main thing that needs to happen with COVID-19 is some City:Note: AmarilloIDs may be expired up to four years. Persons  years or older may use an common sense. There really needs to be a Congressional investigation about all State:expired TX ID. ID address does not have to match the voter registration address. of the misinformation to determine who would benefit from such. Our country Zip Code: 79109 was devastated by this problem. Further, we need to have a contingency plan for Registered voters without a photo ID, who cannot reasonably obtain one, may like attacks in the future. sign a form (described below) and present the original or a copy of one of the fol- lowing documents with the voter’s name and address to vote a regular ballot: • Texas voter registration card cate • Current utility bill • Bank statement • Government check » VOTER ID: WHAT TO • Paycheck • Any other government document such as an out-of-state driver license or ex- TAKE TO THE POLLS pired Texas driver license e form lled out by registered voters without a photo ID is a “Voter’s cial list of registered voters. Check e voter must mark on your registration status at the form one of the following reasons for not providing a photo ID:

Voters may use one of seven forms of photo ID, listed below. • Lack of transportation • Disability or illness • Texas Driver License cate or other documents needed to obtain an acceptable cate form of photo ID cation Card issued by DPS • Work schedule • Texas license to carry a handgun issued by DPS • Family responsibilities cation card containing the person’s photograph cation cate containing the person’s photograph •Acceptable form of photo ID applied for but not received • U.S. passport (book or card) Note: IDs may be expired up to four years. Persons  years or older may use an “Substantially Similar Name” expired ID. ID address does not have to match the voter registration address. e name on the photo ID should match the voter registration card or be “sub- stantially similar.” If the names don’t match exactly but are substantially similar, Registered voters without a photo ID, who cannot reasonably obtain one, may the voter will initial a box for similar name when signing in to vote. sign a form (described below) and present the original or a copy of one of the fol- lowing documents with the voter’s name and address to vote a regular ballot: Voter Harassment cials cannot question a voter about the use of an ID type • Texas voter registration card • Poll watchers may never question a voter about Voter ID issues cate • If you are harassed, call the Voter Protection Hotline! (see P. 12) • Current utility bill • Bank statement • Government check • Paycheck VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION • Any other government document such as an out-of-state driver license or ex- pired Texas driver license e form lled out by registered voters without a photo ID is a “Voter’s 14 e voter must mark on the form one of the following reasons for not providing a photo ID: • Lack of transportation • Disability or illness cate or other documents needed to obtain an acceptable form of photo ID • Work schedule • Family responsibilities cation •Acceptable form of photo ID applied for but not received

“Substantially Similar Name” e name on the photo ID should match the voter registration card or be “sub- stantially similar.” If the names don’t match exactly but are substantially similar, the voter will initial a box for similar name when signing in to vote.

Voter Harassment cials cannot question a voter about the use of an ID type • Poll watchers may never question a voter about Voter ID issues • If you are harassed, call the Voter Protection Hotline!


POTTER COUNTY Four-year term. The County Attorney is responsible for representing the County in a variety of civil legal matters as well as prosecution of ATTORNEY misdemeanor offenses.

QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. What training, experience, and background qualify you for the postion 3. Describe the nature and scope of the County Attorney’s duties in civil of County Attorney? (approximately 50 words) matters, and explain how you would prioritize them. (approximately 2. What are the most pressing issues in misdemeanor prosecution, and 85 words) how would you address them? (approximately 85 words)

SCOTT BRUMLEY (R) 1. I’ve practiced law for nearly 28 years, including 15 in almost all civil matters. Providing top-quality, cost-effective defense years as County Attorney and 9 years as civil chief before against lawsuits seeking taxpayer money for private benefit will continue that. I’m licensed to practice in all Texas courts, the U.S. to be a central priority. Likewise, advising county officials, including the Supreme Court, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and commissioners court, on legal issues without intruding on the policy discretion the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. they are elected to exercise, will continue to be emphasized. CPS cases also 2. Balancing community needs for safety and holding will remain a key focus of our work. offenders accountable for their acts with fiscal and health concerns is job one. Facts and law will continue to guide Full Name: Campbell Scott Brumley our case decisions. We avoid needlessly jailing first offenders and those with Address: 500 South Fillmore Room 301 Amarillo, TX 79101 mental issues, while seeking substantial punishment for repeat offenders. But Campaign Phone: (806) 676-8743 surrendering to the mob mentality seen in other cities around the nation, with Email: [email protected] its hostility to law enforcement and promotion of social decay, is unacceptable Facebook: http://Scott Brumley here. Twitter: Current job: 3. The County Attorney’s Office represents Potter County and its personnel Potter County Attorney

RYAN BROWN (D) 1. I have been a practicing criminal defense lawyer for 10 also responsible for representing the county in civil actions and giving legal years. The focus throughout my career has been on criminal advice to county commissioners and other elected officials. I would focus the justice reform and improving the criminal justice system. efforts in the civil aspect of the office in representing the people of the county My career began with the Innocence Project of Texas before every day. To me this means fighting against the out of control spending in the moving to Amarillo to practice criminal defense. county, handling civil rights actions and other civil matters in a fair way with 2. Potter County is a county in crisis. You deserve better. a focus on the people. Our county deserves a county attorney who will will work to prosecute cases in a smart and forward-thinking way. Full Name: Ryan Patrick Brown Locking people up in jail for nonviolent offenses ruins lives and costs taxpayers Address: 718 S.W. 16th Ave. Amarillo, TX 79101 millions of dollars. I will work to fix the broken justice system in our county t Campaign Phone: (806) 371-8333 stop tricking indigent defendants out of representation and to stop leaving them Email: [email protected] in jail just because they can’t afford bail. I will fight for the people everyday. Current job: Criminal Defense Lawyer 3. In Texas, in addition to prosecuting misdemeanors, a County Attorney is © Copyright, League of Women Voters of Amarillo 15 statE board oF Education, continued

mary Lou Bruner (r) district 9 Background: I have 36 years experience as a teacher, special on the mid-February tests have to remediate so they can pass the test at the end No ed. counselor, and educational diagnostician in Texas Public of the year. Sometimes the students who did well on the tests in mid-February Photograph Schools. I taught kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grade classes in act like the year is over. Provided elementary school. In junior high school I taught English, oTher issues: The science curriculum teaches evolution as a fact and American literature, American history, and TX History. not a theory. The solution is to require students to discuss the strengths and UNOPPOSED CANDIDATEcurriculum: FORThe SHERIFFState Board – of BRIAN Ed. should THOMAS not only (R) hear weaknesses of the evolution theory. The health curriculum is designed to make testimony from experts in education, but from more parents and the homosexual lifestyle more acceptable or desirable and to make homosexual UNOPPOSEDlocal businessmen CANDIDATE who have an FOR interest COUNTY in the youth TAX of ASSESSOR-COLLECTORtheir communities. The marriage – SHERRI and adoption AYLOR more (R)acceptable. The schools should not teach political textbooks adopted in Texas should meet a minimum of 95% of the TEKs instead correctness. Sex education does not belong in the elementary schools. Health UNOPPOSEDof 60%. The curriculum CANDIDATELeague should FOR not of be COUNTY guided Women by COMMISSIONER politicial Voters correctness PRECINCTbut by classes NO. should 1 – teach H.R. hygiene SGT.Your KELLY and healthy Voting (R) habits. Rights UNOPPOSEDfactual information CANDIDATE and truth. The FOR curriculum COUNTY should COMMISSIONER tell the schools what PRECINCT should EDUCATIONAs NO. a registered: 3M.Ed. -- JOHNin special voter COFFEEeducation in Texas, from (R) East you TX have State Univ.the (TXright A&M) to: Commerce. BA in be taught at the different levels not how to teach the material. English and Ele. Ed. from TX Wesleyan Univ., Ft. Worth. 6 other TX teaching certificates: Ed. JOIN US AND SUPPORT US! Diagnostician,• A ballot Language-Learning with written instructions Diff., Early Childhood, on how Kindergarten,to cast a ballot.Sp. Ed. Counselor, All UNOPPOSEDTesTing: The CANDIDATEschools are doing FOR far POTTER too much COUNTYtesting. Twenty CONSTABLE to forty days PRECINCTLevel School Counselor.1 – DARRYL WERTZ (R) each year are spent taking practice tests and the actual tests. The children lose • Ask the polling place official for instructions on how to cast a It’s easy to join the League of Women Voters. All citizens 18 years of phONE: (903) 569-0478 | EmAIl: [email protected] UNOPPOSEDalmost two months CANDIDATE instruction time FOR each POTTER year practicing COUNTY for and CONSTABLE taking tests. The PRECINCTballot 2(but – GEORGIA not suggestions ESTRADA on how (D) to vote). childrenage could or be older spending are this time welcome learning. in The thestudents League. who do not For do well further information,call WEBSITE: UNOPPOSED CANDIDATE FOR(806) POTTER 372-­‐5438. COUNTY CONSTABLE PRECINCT• Cast your 3 – CHIP vote inPARKER secret and (R) free from intimidation. • Receive up to two more ballots if you make a mistake while keven m. eLLis (r) ¨ POTTERBackground:Sign COUNTY me up! In 2012 I’ve I was elected enclosed $65.00 membership to the Lufkin dues. ISD no moremarking than requiredthe ballot. by federal law. In 2015 the legislature passed HB 743 ¨BoardFamily of Trustees (2 persons and was elected at to serve same A County as address) President $97.50 Constable of the which performs• Bring limited an various theinterpreter length law of STAAR toenforcement assist tests you to as2 functions,hours you forqualify grade serves to3-5 vote and civil 3if hoursyou do for ¨BoardStudent in 2015. $40 Serving on the local schoolprocess board hassuch given as mesubpoenas,gradenot 6-8, understand currentlyand serves these the as tests English bailiff are 4 hours.for language. the We Justice need to make of the sure Peace this law is fully CONSTABLE,¨a Send keen perspective me more of the needs information and challenges on of the League. educating our implemented as soon as possible. court. • Help to cast your ballot if you cannot write, see the ballot, or ¨children.I’ve enclosed I bring a level a heading contribution. approach to problem solving. oTher issues: First would be the rewrite of “No Child Left Behind” into curriculum: PRECINCT NO.Texans know 4 best how to education Texas “Everyunderstand Student Succeeds the language Act”. The in keywhich components it is written. of this is that the Federal children so we need to continue to keep the development Government• Report apassed possible the "challenge" voting rights of increasing abuse to studentthe Secretary success down of State to the andMAIL approval TO: process League away from of Washington Women DC Voters, and in the P.O. hands Box of Texans. 19333, Amarillo, TX 79114 states and we must do this thoughtfully. Second would be narrowing our TEKS. ImprovingQUESTIONS the TO TEKS CANDIDATES standards is an ongoing process and we need to keep Our (1.800.252.8683)standards are a mile or wide to yourand anlocal inch election deep and official. students are not taught CommonName ______Core from working its way into our curriculum standards. As standards the depth of knowledge required. The challenge will be the narrow the TEKS 1. 3. • Cast a provisional ballot if your name does not appear on the are What reviewed training, we must experience, make sure thatand they background are concise qualify enough youto allow for ourthe great withoutHow would decreasing you theprioritize rigor that the is duties necessary of Constable, for success. including the position of Constable? (approximately 50 words) duties listto serve of registered warrants andvoters civil or papers, you do act not as have bailiff proper for the identificati Justice on. teachersAddress time ______to focus on what is most critical for our students. EDUCATION: 1992 Western Washington University – Pre-med undergraduate studies. 1995 – Texas 2.TesTing: As Constable,The 2013 how the will Legislature you ensure did faira great administration job in passing of Housejustice? Bill 5of Chiropracticthe• VotePeace once Collegecourt, at and – any Doctor perform early of Chiropractic votingtraditional location (Cum law Laude) enforcement during Omega the Psi earlyfunctions Honor Societyvoting Texas Chiropractic College Who’s Who among American College Students National Dean's list (approximatelywhich decreased 85 the words) number of end of course tests from 15 to 5. Now we mustsuch asperiod traffic within enforcement? the territory (approximately conducting 50 the words) election. focusPhone on decreasing ______the amount of tests for grade 3-8. The goal should be to test phONE: (800) 632-9406 | EmAIl: [email protected] KERRY HANEY (R) • File an administrativeWEBSITE complaint: with the Secretary of State con- THIS VOTERS 1. My GUIDE training WAS is for the MADE administration POSSIBLE, of law. IN I have PART, THROUGH FUNDS FROM on servicecerning of process violations and warrants, of federal then and the stateperformance voting ofprocedures. traditional law THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN no VOTERS rEsPonsE rEcEivEd OF TEXAS by PrintOTHER EDUCATION FUND AND dEadlinE. sEE votE411 For any latEr rEsPonsEs. experience and a background in handling situations thathank may herinGenforcement (r) functions. CONTRIBUTIONS get tense OF or CIVIC-­‐ volatileMINDED while INDIVIDUALS maintaining my AND composure. BUSINESSES. Unopposed Candidates2. The fair administration of justice is achieved by treating Full Name: Kerry Haney every person with respect and dignity, by treating every person Campaign Phone: (817) 992-6551i voterinFo Current job: solo practice attorney statE board oasF innocentEducation, until proven district guilty. 5: ken mercer (r) • reBecca BeLL-metereau (D) 3. The first duty of the constable is to serve as bailiff for statE board oF Education, district 6: michaeL JorDan (D) Helpful Websites the justice of the peace. After that I would place a priority statE board oF Education, district 8: BarBara carGiLL (r) sEcrEtary oF statE IDELLAstatE board THOMAS-JACKSON oF Education, district (D) 10: tom maynarD (r) • JuDy JenninGs (D) CANDIDATES FOR PARTY CHAIRMAN statE board o1.F • Education, Elected Constable district in 2012 14 to: sue present. meLton-maLo ne (r)3. My duties will be prioritized as it is currently, preforming primary duty statE board o• F26yrsEducation, experience district in Criminal 15 Justice/Law: marty roWLeEnforcement.y (r) requirements, such as ensuring all Civil ProcesslEaguE from oF WoMEn the JP Court votEr is sexecuted oF tEXas Potter County• Certified Democrat Peace OfficerParty: for the state Randallof Texas. County Democratin a timely Party: fashion and serve as the court’s bailiff . Additional Law Enforcement Steven Land• over 2500 hours of Continued EducationGlynn VonTraining/LE Pride functions such as warrants, traffic, etc., lEarea guEdone oFaccordingly. WoMEn votErs (u.s.) Gentry Powellrelated. Mariah Strong-Woods • Associate Degrees x2 in CJ/LE Full Name: Idella Thomas- Jackson rEPublican Party i• Texas Constable’s Leadership The College Interactive from SHSU 2014 VotersAddress: 500 S.Guide Fillmore St. Ste 326 Amarillo, Texas 79101 2. Campaign Phone: AnPotter interactive County versionAs RepublicanConstable, of this Voters to ensure GuideParty: thewith fair additional administrationRandall candidate County of informationJustice, Republican and races is Party: available (806)online 640-8594 at dEMocratic Party I will continue to practice the concept of being firm, fair, and consistent with all Email: [email protected] Enter your address and zip code and view the races and candidates that appear on your ballot. You who IJames come in (Jim)contact F.with. Lowder These principlesII ensure proceduresTerry Harman that generate Facebook: http://Re-Elect Constable Idella Thomas-Jackson, Potter Co. will be able to compare the candidates’ responses to the questions side-by-side and create a printout of a ballot libErtarian Party unbiased, and reliable decision making. I have practiced these methods throughout PCT. 4 my entirethat you 26-year can take career to the in polls.the field of Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement, with Current job: The Elected Constable grEEn Party proven success. I am Looking forward to continuing these practices once re- elected.

Voters Guide • 2016 Primary Election Edition © 2016 League of Women Voters of Texas Education Fund • The local sectionYou’re of this invited VOTERS toGUIDE attend was ourprepared LWV and published by the League of Women Voters of Amarillo, Texas. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS® 2016© PCopyrightELECTIONriM ary 2020 ElEction FORUM E dition OFo F AMARILLO t EXas 6:00 p.m. reception,non 6:30P p.m.artisan program Thursday, October 20, 2016 The local section of this VOTERS GUIDE was prepared Amarillo College Downtown Campus Auditorium and published by the League of Women Voters of 16 1314 S. Polk Street, Amarillo Amarillo, Texas. © Copyright 2016

16 March 1, 2016

oters uidea m p m VEarly voting • FEbruary 16 – 26 G ElEction day, March 1, 2016 • Polls oPEn 7 to 7 Cast an informed vote in the Primary Election • Candidates’ answers on issues that affect you: EnvironMEnt • Education • a ccE ss to JusticE About This Voters Guide What to Take to the Polls This printed Voters Guide lists candidates in contested races who are on the March 1, 2016, TEXAS REQUIRES VOTERS TO SHOW PHOTO ID Primary Election ballot and provides their answers to questions posed by the League of Women Texas now requires voters to show an acceptable photo ID Voters of Texas Education Fund. at the polls. The only acceptable photo IDs are: Additional information can be accessed online at, including an online Texas DeparTmenT of public safeTy (Dps) Voters Guide with candidate races not included in the printed Voters Guide. VOTE411 allows issueD phoTo iDs voters to enter an address and review races and ballot initiatives specific to that address. It also • Driver license includes the responses of candidates who miss the print deadline. • Personal identification card This Voters Guide is funded and published by the League of Women Voters of Texas Education • Concealed handgun license Fund. For more than 95 years, helping voters cast an informed vote when they go to the • Election Identification Certificate polls has been the primary goal of the League of Women Voters. As an organization that uniTeD sTaTes governmenT issueD phoTo iDs encourages informed and active participation in government, the League believes that all of • Passport us are stakeholders in Making Democracy Work®. Neither the League nor the Education Fund supports or opposes any political party or candidate. • Military identification card • Citizenship certificate or naturalization certificate with photograph Races & Candidates Only the above photo IDs can be accepted at the polls. Other This Voters Guide lists candidates for statewide and regional races in Texas, including Railroad photo IDs, including student IDs, employer IDs and out-of- Commissioner, Texas Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals, Courts of Appeals, and the state driver licenses, cannot be accepted. See PHOTO ID State Board of Education. DETAILS AND EXCEPTIONS on back page. Only candidates in political parties that select their candidates in the primary election are included, currently Democratic and Republican parties. Candidates in other parties are selected Table of Contents by convention. Questionnaires are sent to candidates in races that are contested within the same party. Candidate replies are printed without editing or verification. Due to space restrictions, candidates are given strict character limits. Replies exceeding the character limit are indicated by slashes (///). Candidates are asked to avoid references to their opponents; those who do not comply are listed with the notation, “Response does not meet criteria.” Candidates appearing with no photo failed to submit one. Those who do not respond to our questionnaire are listed with the notation, “No response received by print deadline.” This Voters Guide is organized by office, with candidates listed alphabetically by party. Ballot order may vary from county to county. The names of unopposed candidates are also listed.

© 2016 LEaGuE oF WomEn VoTErs oF TExas EducaTion Fund • The Voters Guide is protected by copyright. For permission to duplicate the guide, please call the LWV-Texas office at 512-472-1100. You maY brinG This VoTErs GuidE inTo The VoTing booTh! in 1995, The Texas LaW prohibiTing use oF prinTed maTeriaLs, such as This VoTErs GuidE, in ThE PoLLinG PLacE Was ruLEd unconsTiTuTionaL. (TExas ELEcTion codE, sEcTion 61.011)


City of Amarillo – Proposition A: “The issuance of $275,000,000 General Obligation Bonds for Convention Center Facilities Expansion and Improvement and the Imposition of a Tax Sufficient to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the Bonds.” Pro: Con: • Proposition A will allow Amarillo to compete for larger concerts and • Proposition A raises taxes and increases the city’s debt, affecting not conventions, provide high school seniors a place to graduate with all their only homeowners but renters as well. family in attendance, and provide youth sports a place to play tournaments. • Even when adjusting for inflation, the proposed arena costs the city more • Proposition A will help the economy by generating an additional $28 per seat than arenas in nearby cities, and is smaller at 10,100 seats than the million in economic activity, an increase of 5.2% to 5.8% on overall one in Lubbock at 15,020 seats, limiting the city’s chances to attract big- property tax bills. It will not increase the property tax rate for those 65 and name acts. older. • Money in the bond issue is wasted on various other projects, including a • A failure to vote for Proposition A risks the loss of Working Ranch new city hall and outdoor venue, instead of focusing on providing the arena Cowboy Association events and the Farm and Ranch Show. needed to keep Amarillo competitive.

City of Amarillo – Proposition B: “To Amend Article V, Section 2 of the Amarillo City Charter to provide for a 4-year term of office for Mayor and each City Councilmember with those terms being staggered as provided by ordinance and conforming amendments as required by state law.” Pro: Con: • A two-year term of office when terms are not staggered has the potential • Two-year terms allow voters to more readily hold officials accountable for loss of all council knowledge of issues in a single election. for their performance in office. • A new councilmember spends the first year learning governmental • Offices such as US Representative and exasT State Representative have organization, programs, laws and procedures, leaving only a single year of two year terms of office, to allow for more rapid introduction of new ideas. knowledgeable service. • The proposition does not specify how the terms will be staggered, • Staggered terms will ensure a smooth and informed transition of moving that decision to a future city ordinance. government leadership.

City of Amarillo – Proposition C: “To Amend Article V, Section 12(a) of the Amarillo City Charter to provide for the Mayor and Councilmembers to meet to qualify for office on the day of the election canvass and thereafter meet not less than twenty-four times per calendar year.” Pro: Con: • The current city charter requires weekly City Council meetings, but • Reducing the number of required meetings per year will reduce in some weeks or months there is not enough public business to justify a opportunities for residents to bring issues to the council. weekly meeting or a quorum of members is unavailable. • The Proposition does not guarantee that meetings will be held every • Modern societal practices of taking holidays and personal time off can be other week, so residents will find it harder to plan to attend a meeting. incompatible with a weekly meeting obligation. • Reducing the number of meetings could slow the city’s ability to • This change to the charter assures regular meetings will occur while respond to emerging issues, putting the city at a disadvantage. promoting flexibility in the frequency of those meetings.

17 POTTER COUNTY POTTER COUNTY VOTE EARLY VOTING CENTERS If you have recently moved to Potter County and need to vote a Limited Ballot, plan to vote early at the Santa Fe Building. Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on

Main location: Election Day, November 3, 2020 Santa Fe Building, Registered voters in Potter County may vote at ANY of the locations below. 900 S. Polk St., First Floor Ticket Office, Amarillo, TX 79101 United Citizens Forum Discovery Center Oct. 13-16, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 901 N. Hayden 1200 Streit Dr. Oct. 17, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Main Entrance SW Entrance, Dry Lab Oct. 19-23, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Amarillo, TX 79107 Amarillo, TX 79106 Oct. 24, 2020 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Oct. 25, 2020 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Casey Carpet One The Church at Bushland 3500 I-40 West Frontage Road 1800 FM 2381 Oct. 26-30, 2020 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Main Entrance SE Entrance, Amarillo, TX 79102 Foyer to Worship Room Casey Carpet One, Bushland, TX 79012 Main entrance, 3500 I-40 West Frontage Road, Amarillo, TX 79102 Wesley Community Center Oct. 13-16, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 1615 S. Roberts Kids, Inc. Oct. 17, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. NW Entrance, Senior Living Room 2201 SE 27th Amarillo, TX 79102 Main Entrance, Oct. 19-23, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mary E. Bivins Room Oct. 24, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Zachry Amarillo, TX 79103 Oct. 26-30, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 5401 W I-40 (I-40 and Bell) Atrium Amarillo, TX 79106 Hillside Christian United Amigos, Church NW Valle de Oro Fire Station 600 Tascosa Road Main Entrance, West entrance, 3300 East I-40, Amarillo, TX 79103 23801 FM 1061 Foyer Oct. 13-16, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. New Station on the Right Amarillo, TX 79124 Oct. 17, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Valle de Oro, TX 79010 Oct. 19-23, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Highland Park ISD Oct. 24, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Second Baptist Church Admin. Bldg. Oct. 26-30, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 419 N. Buchanan 15300 E. Amarillo Blvd. Family Life Center Main Entrance, Amarillo, TX 79107 Board Room Hillside Christian Church NW, Amarillo, TX 79108 Main Entrance, 600 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, TX 79124 Amarillo Auto Supply & Off Road Oct. 13-16, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3601 Amarillo Blvd. East Lighthouse Baptist Church Oct. 17, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Main Entrance 5631 Pavillard Amarillo, TX 79107 Main Entrance Oct. 19-23, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Amarillo, TX 79108 Oct. 24, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Trinity Baptist Church Oct. 26-30, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 1601 I-40 West, East Entrance, Pride Home Center Rock Auditorium 3503 NE 24th Cornerstone Outreach, Amarillo, TX 79109 Main Entrance, 1111 N. Buchanan St., Fellowship Room, Amarillo, TX 79107 East entry by The Roc Center Back of Store Amarillo, TX 79108 Oct. 13-16, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Chaparral Hills Church Oct. 17, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 4000 W. Cherry Oct. 19-23, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. SW Entrance, Sanctuary Oct. 24, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Amarillo, TX 79108 Oct. 26-30, 2020 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

League of Women Voters JOIN US AND SUPPORT US! It’s easy to join the League of Women Voters. Anyone who subscribes to our purposes and nonpartisan policy is welcome in the League. For further information, call (806) 337-2148. ❏ Sign me up! I’ve enclosed $65.00 membership dues. ❏ Family (2 persons at same address) $97 ❏ Student $5 ❏ Send me more information on the League. ❏ I’ve enclosed a contribution. MAIL TO: League of Women Voters, P.O. Box 19333, Amarillo, TX 79114 THIS VOTERS GUIDE WAS MADE POSSIBLE, IN PART, THROUGH FUNDS FROM THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF TEXAS Name ______EDUCATION FUND AND OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS OF Address ______CIVIC-MINDED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES. Phone ______Email ______

18 RANDALL COUNTY RANDALL COUNTY VOTE EARLY VOTING CENTERS Main location: Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Randall County Election Administration Office** 1604 5th Ave Election Day, November 3, 2020 Canyon, TX 79015 Registered voters in Randall County may vote at ANY of the locations below. October 13-October 16, 2020 (Tuesday-Friday) 8 am- 5 pm The Cowboy Church Southwest Church of Christ October 17, 2020 (Saturday) 9 am – 3 pm 8827 S. Washington 4515 Cornell October 19-October 23, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 8 am - 5 pm Amarillo, TX 79118 Amarillo, TX 79109 October 24, 2020 (Saturday) 7 am – 7 pm October 25, 2020 (Sunday) 12 pm - 5 pm Arden Road Baptist Randall County Annex October 26-October 30, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 7 am - 7 pm 6701 Arden Road 4320 S. Western Randall County Annex Amarillo, TX 79109 Amarillo, TX 79110 4320 S. Western Amarillo, TX 79110 Comanche Trail Church Redeemer Christian Church October 13-October 16, 2020 (Tuesday-Friday) 8 am- 5 pm of Christ 3701 S. Soncy October 17, 2020 (Saturday) 9 am – 3 pm 2700 E. 34th Amarillo, TX 79121 Amarillo, TX 79103 October 19-October 23, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 8 am - 5 pm The Summit October 24, 2020 (Saturday) 7 am – 7 pm Central Baptist Church 2008 12th Avenue October 25, 2020 (Sunday) 12 pm - 5 pm 1601 SW 58th Canyon, TX 79015 October 26-October 30, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 7 am - 7 pm Amarillo, TX 79110 Randall County Justice Center Southwest Branch Library 2309 Russell Long Blvd Randall County 6801 W. 45th Ave. Canyon TX, 79015 Justice Center Amarillo, TX 79109 October 13-October 16, 2020 (Tuesday-Friday) 8 am- 5 pm 2309 Russell Long Blvd October 17, 2020 (Saturday) 9 am – 3 pm Canyon, TX 79015 Coulter Road Baptist Church October 19-October 23, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 8 am - 5 pm 4108 S. Coulter October 24, 2020 (Saturday) 7 am – 7 pm Oasis Southwest Baptist Amarillo, TX 79109 October 25, 2020 (Sunday) 12 pm - 5 pm Church October 26-October 29, 2020 (Monday-Thursday) 8 am - 5 pm 8201 Canyon Drive Journey Church October 30, 2020 (Friday) 7 am- 7 pm Amarillo, TX 79110 9711 FM 2186 Amarillo, TX 79119 Southwest Branch Library 6801 W 45th Ave Amarillo, TX 79109 October 13-October 16, 2020 (Tuesday-Friday) 8 am- 5 pm You’re invited to attend our October 17, 2020 (Saturday) 9 am – 3 pm Virtual Candidates Forum October 19-October 23, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 8 am - 5 pm October 24, 2020 (Saturday) 7 am – 7 pm Tuesday, October 6, at 6:30 pm via Zoom October 25, 2020 (Sunday) 12 pm - 5 pm October 26-October 30, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 7 am - 7 pm 23 Local, State and National Candidates have Comanche Trail Church of Christ confirmed they will appear 2700 E. 34th Amarillo, TX 79103 Please join us on Zoom October 13-October 16, 2020 (Tuesday-Friday) 8 am- 5 pm Webinar ID: 830 0223 8813 October 17, 2020 (Saturday) 9 am – 3 pm Passcode: 176218 October 19-October 23, 2020 (Monday-Friday) 8 am - 5 pm October 24, 2020 (Saturday) 7 am – 7 pm Look for the Webinar link on our websites: October 25, 2020 (Sunday) 12 pm - 5 pm Panhandle PBS at October 26-October 29, 2020 (Monday-Thursday) 8 am - 5 pm League of Women Voters of Amarillo at October 30, 2020 (Friday) 7 am- 7 pm

19 The Voters Guide is made possible by generous contributions from these sponsors:

Amarillo Branch NAACP

Bobbie Austin Robert and Leticia Goodrich Dee Miller Claudia Stravato Jeanie Bilodeau T. D. Hammons Oth Miller Amy Taylor Norma Brooks Shirley Harrold Holly and Jennifer Mitchell Belinda Gonzales Taylor Jean Buck Ann Hicks April Myers Joan and Steve Urban Susan Coleman Chris and Sherry Jensen Kevin and Ginger Nelson Kelly and Kay Utsinger Laksmiwati Cortes Dee Johnson Kay Pechin Jamie Vandivere Mellessa Denny Janette Kelley Judy and Phillip Periman Linda and Alphonso Vaughn Slater Elza Ponda LaRoche Sylvia and Jim Perkins Barbara and Jim Whitton Kathryn English Sonya Letson and Tad Fowler Kay Porter Cassie and Joe-Michael Wright Lou Ann Garrett Dale Meixner Jeanette Springer

Voters are encouraged to: » • wear a mask VOTE SAFE • practice social distancing by spacing themselves at least six feet apart e League of Women Voters of Texas encourages you to “Be a Safe Texas Voter!” • bring a pen and hand sanitizer ght for the right of ALL Texas voters to participate in • bring a list of candidates you are voting for. Use of mobile phones is prohibited our democracy while protecting their health. Your vote is more important than in the voting booth, so be sure to bring what you need on paper, not on your phone. » VOTE BY MAIL » VOTE EARLY • Voters may vote early at any voting location in their county. er the county • Find your polling site at or your county election website. ce receives an application. • A voter with a disability and their helper who are in line to vote in person may request to move ahead of other voters in line. • Mail in your ballot as soon as possible. ll out the ballot. » CURBSIDE VOTING • Sign the ballot and the envelope with the same signature you used on your • Available for voters who are physically unable to enter the polling place with- application. out personal assistance or likelihood of injuring their health, or voters who • Ballots may need two stamps. have signs or symptoms of COVID- . To hand deliver your vote by mail ballot cer to bring a bal- e voter may hand deliver their marked ballot in-person to the county elec- lot to their car. ce during early voting and on election day while polls are open. Check » VOTE DURING NON-PEAK HOURS! ce for times and locations. During early voting and especially on Election Day, vote during non-peak hours e voter must show an ID when delivering the ballot, and sign a signature roster. ernoon. Avoid the busiest periods of early morn- If you received a ballot to vote by mail, but decide to vote in person er work. • Take your unmarked ballot with you to the polling place and turn it in to the » SUSPENDED VOTER voting clerk. You will be allowed to vote a regular ballot. • If you lose or forget your ballot, you can still cast a ballot at the polling place. You can still vote if your voter registration is in suspense! “Suspense” means that In this case, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot. rm your voting address. » VOTE IN PERSON » HOW TO VOTE A LIMITED BALLOT ONLY! e Texas Secretary of State provides the following recommendations for voting During early voting, a registered voter who has moved from the county in which in person during COVID he or she is registered to a new county of residence in Texas, and who will not be •  -.shtml registered to vote in the new county before Election Day, may be eligible to vote a • “limited ballot.” A limited ballot allows you to vote on state and national races. 20

VOT ERS GUIDE | 2020 GENER AL ELECTION EDITION © 2020 League of Women Voters of Texas |