Legal Services Corporation America’s Partner for Equal Justice

ANNUAL 2015 REPORT • LSC Board &Officers • LSC Board LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT (3) (3) (2) (1) that— declares and nds Congress “ e pay for assistance. legal mestic abuse, tenants facing evictions, unlawful and others who cannot afford to by funding assistance high-quality civil legal to veterans, the elderly, victims of do- of low-income Americans in theing adifference lives ago, LSC mak has been America’s of pledge equal justice for all. Since its founding more than four decades the country and plays a vital role in a public-private partnership focused on fulfilling Corporation is in the Legal single Services The largest of funder services civil legal Board of Directors Directors of Board &Officers ofLSC Board Directors Gloria Valencia-Weber Reiskin A. Julie O.P. Rev. Pietrzyk, The Pius Mikva Laurie Victor B. Maddox J.F.Harry III Korrell N.W.Charles Keckler J. Jr. Grey Robert Minow,Martha Vice Chair G. Levi, Chairman John individuals who seek redress of whoseek redress grievances; individuals access provide equal to of system the aneed is to justice there in Nation our for low-income persons consistentlow-income with purposes the of this Act.” ofcounsel best justice will ends the serve assist and in improving opportunities for providing legal assistance those to whoface legal an economic adequate to barrier vital legal program; services legal counsel continue to adequate and present the unable aord otherwise to provide high to legal assistance aneed is quality be there those to whowould - Inspector General Officers Inspector General Inspector E. Schanz, Jeffrey Teasurer Comptroller and L. Richardson, David Lynn Jennings, A. Vice President for Grants Ronald Flagg, Counsel, General Corporate President J. Sandman, James Management Affairs of Legal President Vice and Secretary — Legal Legal Excerpt from the Legal Services Corporation Act the Legal Services from Excerpt S ervices C Public Law 93-355, Law 25, 1974 July Public o rporati on n

1 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 3 4 5 6 8 2 41 14 18 26 32 22 39 40 36 Contents • Contents 29 ...... 14 ...... 13 ......


...... 8 Independent Auditors’ Report Auditors’ Independent Management and Oversight and Management General Inspector the from Message Pro Bono Technology Constituent ServicesConstituent Campaign for Justice / 40th Anniversary Closing Event ...... Regional JudicialRegional Forums Congressional Outreach LSC GranteesLSC White House Forum & Supreme Court Reception Board of Directors and Committees 2015–By Numbers the Message from the Chairman Message President’s LSC Table of Contents Contents of Table 2 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Message from the Chairman from • Message FY 2015FY budget. its in million to $4 allocation that 2014 increased FY and budget its in it for $2.5 million allocated Congress clients. low-income for services legal bono pro in innovations to support country the across organizations to 15 aid grants Fund legal Innovation ry-wide legal aid websites. territo and of statewide usability and accessibility the evaluate and librarians, public for curriculum aid alegal develop Report, Gap Justice acomprehensive to provide projects grant other on worked and data resource client better to obtain grantees our enable will that guide online and atoolkit developed LSC tions, aid. legal civil of field the in skills ership lead in training support to initiative LSC’sgrant first Foundation, Development Program, funded by the Arnold & Porter LLP Leadership Vieth Duane G. new its from grants receive will tions summers. five least at for continue will program this that ensure to firms law leading many from funds sufficient raised summer. We already have each providers aid legal rural at fellows as to serve students law capable recruits that program afellowship establish a2016 for Works will LSC Justice launch, Equal with ship partner In Corps. Legal Summer Rural initiative—the er region. the in preparedness organizations and legal providers service disaster between plans coordinated develop that ects Disaster Coordination project, to an proj effort support Legal Midwest the for Philanthropies Cargill A. Margaret July. in Omaha in Aid Legal Iowa and of Nebraska Aid Legal of leaders with Ivisited when to grantees LSC mean can grants it. to narrow grantees its and of LSC efforts the and gap justice of the consequences and magnitude of the learned they once to were help many so interested how to see happy Iwas tions, - founda and corporations, firms, of law leaders with meeting civil legal aid providers nationwide. of work the to extend initiatives new fund to help order in tion to raise private funds to complement our Congressional alloca effort targeted its continued Anniversary, 40th of its memoration audience. to abroader aid legal of civil importance the about message our ways to carry new and mission to our vital projects waysto support new sued LSC continued its leadership in legal technology through its of Bono Pro round 2015,In second its awarded also LSC - founda national several from to support thanks addition, In - organiza aid legal seven that announced LSC December, In anoth to announce proud very Iwas Omaha, in While by the funded grants generous received had They Justice for Campaign these much how first-hand saw I also initiative, of this support in country the around Itraveled As of LSC’s out grew com which Justice, for Campaign The in 2015, pur decade Board LSC the fifth its entered LSC As Promote our Equal Justice Mission Equal our Justice Promote Seeking New Ways to Support and ------JOHN G. LEVI - access to justice for all Americans. Americans. all for to justice access to ensuring commitment national this to honor efforts our ble part.” to their do tools national commitment entrusted to to individual every use their to a be has It obligation. amoral is it responsibility, professional a than more is to justice access meaningful of ensuring work “The office: leaving before speeches last of his one in Forum American value. low-income Americans’ legal needs go unmet. of resources. of alack because assistance areMassachusetts unable to help two-thirds of those seeking in 2015—in dollars adjusted inflation in low all-time anear at eral guideline—nearly poverty 30% of our population. 125% below or at more or fed of the months two for lived they because qualified more year, million 30 entire and the during aid to it. solutions possible and crisis the to discuss since and have returned annually to the White House four times country the around meeting Board LSC every community—at legal greater the as well as philanthropy and government, ness, of 2012. April in House White the at aforum co-hosted it when began Board LSC the which aid legal civil in crisis the about grants. TIG received 25 in states grantees LSC Thirty lion. mil to $4 by $550,000 program TIG the for funding increased 2015, In (TIG). program Congress Grants Initiative Technology As we continue our important work in 2016, in work redou we must important our we continue As LSC’s at House stated White Holder Eric General Attorney As core this with faith of keeping job abetter do We must 50% to of 80% from anywhere that indicate studies Other But, unfortunately, LSC funding from our Congress continued legal civil for qualified 2015,In Americans 61 million than more We have held similar forums—featuring from leaders busi awareness public to raise efforts our continued We also in 2015 showed that civil legal aid providers in in providers aid legal 2015in civil that showed Americans seeking civil legal assistance. of low-income away scores to turn forced being are and demand this with up keep cannot viders assistance. LSC-funded for qualified population 1970s, the 12% in LSC’s only founding when of our after years two just appropriated million $880 the be would today’s in of what dollars half than less and 90’s, mid the in appropriated actually million $400 actual $375 dollars million, which is still below the A Boston Bar Association task force report Not surprisingly, our grantees and other pro July 17,July 2016 ofDirectors LSC Board Chairman, Levi G. John - -

- - - n


- - - - James Sandman J. President LSC 2016 July 17, LSC President’s Message • President’s LSC Several weeks before he appeared at the Boston leaders from five Massachusetts legal aid techand TIG a announce to Boston in organizations nology theto Volunteer Lawyers Project the of Boston Bar discus roundtable a convene (VLP) to and Association aid. legal on sion VLP event, Rep.Kennedy, along with his colleague Rep. Susan Brooks , of took part in an excit the of launching event—the unprecedented and ing Access Civil to Legal Services Caucus in the House of Representatives. This bipartisan group will advocate for In October, IllinoisIn October, and LSC Chairman Rep. Mike Quigley (IL-5) John Levi joined leaders LAF of (formerly Legal Assistance Pro our announce to Chicago) Metropolitan of Foundation Bono Innovation Fund grant LAF to help to low-income seniors, as well as a TIG expand to text message access services. legal to In Kansas City on Oct. Rep. 30, Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5) and I joined leaders Legal of Aid Western of Missouri announce to that the organization was receiving a Pro Bono Innovation Fund law large bringing by conditions neighborhood improve to grant firm pro bono resources to the city’s urban core. Rep. In Adam November, Smith LSC Board(WA-9), Member Harry Korrell, and leaders the of Northwest Justice Project announced a TIG develop to standards and best practices for will videos legal that education web-based mobile-compatible, be available otherto legal aid programs replicate. to Kennedy In December, Rep. III Joseph (MA-4) and I joined P. • • • • “Our legal system is where our nation makes good on the sacred This new caucus, combined with the exemplary efforts LSC’s of civil legal aid programs and promote equal access promise equal of justice said under Kennedy. “But too the law,” often that promise is far from guaranteed for low-income families, veterans, victims domestic of violence, and thousands other of Americans…. Through this caucus, can we build a strong coalition in Congress advocate to for civil legal aid programs and ensure ac cess representation to is never limited income.” by grantees, gives usmuch build to on this will We next continue year. do allto that can we support to the vital work the of talented and hard-working staff at LSC-funded organizations, who make our promisenation’s justice of for allreal for thousands Americans of every day. - JAMES J. SANDMAN J. JAMES - -

dress student debt issues for low-income individuals. low-income issues for debt student dress A week later (NY- I joined in Albany, Rep. Paul Tonko New York and20) leaders the of Legal Aid Society Northeastern of New the to grant Fund Innovation Bono Pro our announce to York Society expand to services low-income to people in rural areas.

New York Rep. Jerry Nadler (NY-10) joined Rep. Jerry leaders New York Nadler Legal of (NY-10) Services and NYC on me announce Sept. in to 22 New York Legal Services Pro Bono Innovation NYC’s Fund grant ad to and the Importance of Civil Legal Aid Legal Civil of the Importance and •

Everyorganization funded Congress by needs demonstrate to task goesLSC’s beyond because this, however, the nature and During the course meet we the with of year, members Congress of Continuing our recent practice, LSC also co-sponsored briefings ChiefIn April, Justice Nathan Hecht, Florida Chief LSC hostedA month a House later, briefing veteron Both briefings attracted staffers from dozensof Congressional In addition, members Congress of joined LSC and its grantees at When members Congress of visit our grantees, meet face-to- These events took place across the country: • Keeping Congress InformedKeeping LSC about that it is a prudent and trustworthy steward taxpayers’ of money. importance what of do we is often not well understood. The key for us is good communication—making sure that members of Congress know that LSC-funded legal aid organizations provide critical constituent services in every district in every and state, that funds appropriated LSC are to a wise and sound investment in a justice. to American value—access core about the need for civil legal aid, and about work. submit We LSC’s a comprehensive budget request detailing the services LSC-funded necessary support them. funding the to and provide organizations in both the Senate on and important House in 2015 legal aid issues. Justice Jorge Labarga, Tennessee Sharon Lee, and Kentucky Chief Justice took John part Minton Jr. in a Senate briefing on the challenges posedby the millions proof se litigants flooding America’s state courts. ans’ issues, with a panel that included Will Gunn, former General Counsel Department the of U.S. Veterans of Affairs; former Pennsylvania Congressman and Iraq war veteran Patrick Murphy; J. Nan Heald, the Executive Director Legal Pine of Assistance, Tree which maintains Stateside Legal, the firstwebsite in the nationfocusto exclusively on federal legal rights and resources import Bryan and families; their and military veterans to ant Noyes, a veteran who was a client Pine of Tree. offices from both parties. LSC videotaped and live-tweeted the events give to them reach beyond the meeting rooms. grants Fund Innovation Bono Pro announce to events dozen half a or Technology Initiative Grants (TIG). face with staff, and see firsthand the commitment and enthusiasm they bring their to jobs, they come with away a deep understanding andof appreciation for the value civil of legal aid. These visits yield lasting benefits, and many attract local press coverage. 4 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Board of Directors • Board Board ofDirectors Board LSC is headed by headed is LSC and confirmed by confirmed and an 11-member the President the appointed by the Senate. O.P.; Robert E. Henley Jr.*;O.P.; Tanenbaum* E. Henley Allan Robert Pietrzyk, Pius Father Minow; Martha Mikva; Laurie J. F. III; J. Grey, Jr., Harry Korrell Robert Chair; FINANCE Reiskin A. Julie Valencia-Weber, Co-Chair; Victor B. Maddox; O.P., Gloria Pietrzyk, Pius Co-Chair; Father SERVICES LEGAL OF DELIVERY Snyder* Gloria Valencia-Weber; David Hoffman*; Paul J.F. III; Harry Korrell Chair; B.Maddox, Victor AUDIT Committees Seattle, Washington. Tremaine LLP, Wright Davis Partner, J.F. III Korrell Harry International Affairs. and of Policy, Government, School University Presidential Scholar, George Mason N.W. Keckler Charles Virginia. LLP, &Williams Hunton Richmond, Partner, J. Grey, Jr. Robert School. Law Harvard the at Professor and Dean Chu Helen and Morgan Minow, Vice Chair Martha Partner, Sidley Austin LLP, Chicago, Illinois. Chairman Levi, G. John School of Law. School Mexico of New University the at Professor Gloria Valencia-Weber Coalition. Disability Cross- Colorado of the Director Executive Reiskin A. Julie of St. Joseph. Province (Dominicans), of Preachers Order of the Priest O.P. Rev.The Pietrzyk, Pius of Claims. Court Clinic, on the and Commissioner Illinois Legal Bluhm School Law Northwestern at Professor Clinical Assistant Mikva Laurie Kentucky. Louisville, PLC, Dickens Maddox Fultz Partner, Maddox B. Victor ( Mikva J.F. Laurie III; Harry Korrell J. Grey, Jr.; Robert N.W. Chair; Keckler, Charles OPERATIONS AND REGULATIONS Thomas Smegal*; Frank B. Strickland* Garten*; S. O.P.; Herbert Reiskin; A. Pietrzyk, Julie Pius Father Grey, N.W. Jr.; Keckler; Charles J. Robert Minow; Martha Chair; Levi, G. John INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Reiskin A. Minow,Martha Chair; N.W. Charles Keckler; Julie GOVERNANCE AND PERFORMANCE REVIEW * Non-director member) Non-director Sample2015—By Text thefor FLAGNumbers TK •• 5

LSC’s 134 grantees employed 62.5 Million The number of Americans eligible for LSC-funded legal assistance remains high. MF¶ Cases closed: 11,25 4 75 5,774 full-time staff at including 903 offices throughout the and 91,618 its territories. with the involvement of pro bono attorneys. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL 128,839 5,004 clients were at least 60 years old. were attorneys, 5 27, 4 8 2 1,932 were women. were paralegals.


2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL 116,074 1,861,333 of the cases involved domestic violence. Total number of people in all households served. 6 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • LSC Across the Country LSC Legal Aid of Arkansas Aid Legal Services Legal Arkansas for Center ARKANSAS Southern Arizona Legal Aid DNA-Peoples Legal Services Community Legal Services ARIZONA Alaska Corporation Legal Services ALASKA Alabama Legal Services ALABAMA the District of Columbia and the territories of the United States of America. low-income from located more Americans offices than state,in 900 every independent, nonprofit organizations that provide to free services legal civil In 2015, Corporation the provided Legal Services grants to 134 GRANTEES Statewide of Legal Services CONNECTICUT Colorado Legal Services COLORADO ofNeighborhood Legal Services ofLegal California Services Northern Diego of San Society Aid Legal County of Orange Society Aid Legal Angeles of Los Foundation Aid Legal Inland Counties Legal Services Assistance Legal Bakersfield Greater Central California Legal Services California Rural Legal Assistance California Indian Legal Services Aid Legal Area Bay CALIFORNIA Los Angeles County Angeles Los

Georgia Legal Services Program Services Legal Georgia Society Aid Legal Atlanta GEORGIA Services Legal Rivers Three ofLegal Florida North Services Miami of Greater Services Legal Florida Rural Legal Services ofCommunity Legal Mid-Florida Services Florida of South Aid Legal to Coast Coast Services Legal Area Bay FLORIDA ProgramNeighborhood Legal Services DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CorporationLegal Services of Delaware DELAWARE SampleLSC Across Text for the FLAG Country TK • •??7

HAWAII MISSOURI RHODE ISLAND Legal Aid Society of Hawaii Legal Aid of Western Missouri Rhode Island Legal Services Legal Services of Eastern Missouri IDAHO SOUTH CAROLINA Legal Services of Southern Missouri Idaho Legal Aid Services South Carolina Legal Services Mid-Missouri Legal Services Corporation ILLINOIS SOUTH DAKOTA MONTANA Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation Dakota Plains Legal Services Montana Legal Services Association LSC GRANTEES Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan East River Legal Services Chicago NEBRASKA TENNESSEE Prairie State Legal Services Legal Aid of Nebraska Legal Aid of East Tennessee INDIANA NEVADA Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee Indiana Legal Services Nevada Legal Services and the Cumberlands Memphis Area Legal Services IOWA NEW HAMPSHIRE West Tennessee Legal Services Iowa Legal Aid Legal Advice & Referral Center TEXAS KANSAS NEW JERSEY Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Kansas Legal Services Central Jersey Legal Services Lone Star Legal Aid Essex-Newark Legal Services Project KENTUCKY Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Legal Services of Northwest Jersey Appalachian Research and Defense Fund Northeast New Jersey Legal Services UTAH of Kentucky Corporation Utah Legal Services Kentucky Legal Aid Ocean-Monmouth Legal Services Legal Aid of the Blue Grass VERMONT South Jersey Legal Services Legal Aid Society Legal Services Law Line of Vermont NEW MEXICO LOUISIANA VIRGINIA New Mexico Legal Aid Acadiana Legal Service Corporation Blue Ridge Legal Services Legal Services of North Louisiana NEW YORK Central Virginia Legal Aid Society Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York Legal Aid Society of Eastern Virginia Corporation Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York Legal Services of Northern Virginia Legal Assistance of Western New York Southwest Virginia Legal Aid Society MAINE Legal Services NYC Virginia Legal Aid Society Pine Tree Legal Assistance Legal Services of the Hudson Valley WASHINGTON CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL MARYLAND Nassau/Suffolk Law Services Committee Northwest Justice Project Legal Aid Bureau Neighborhood Legal Services WEST VIRGINIA MASSACHUSETTS NORTH CAROLINA Legal Aid of West Virginia Community Legal Aid Legal Aid of North Carolina Merrimack Valley Legal Services WISCONSIN NORTH DAKOTA South Coastal Counties Legal Services Legal Action of Wisconsin Legal Services of North Dakota Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Wisconsin Judicare Bar Association OHIO WYOMING Community Legal Aid Services MICHIGAN Legal Aid of Wyoming Legal Aid of Western Ohio Legal Aid and Defender Association Legal Aid Society of Cleveland Legal Aid of Western Michigan Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati Legal Services of Eastern Michigan Ohio State Legal Services Legal Services of Northern Michigan U.S. Territories Legal Services of South Central Michigan OKLAHOMA AMERICAN SAMOA Michigan Indian Legal Services Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma

American Samoa Legal Aid

Oklahoma Indian Legal Services n MINNESOTA GUAM REPORT 2015 ANNUAL Anishinabe Legal Services OREGON Guam Legal Services Corporation Central Minnesota Legal Services Legal Aid Services of Oregon Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota MICRONESIA PENNSYLVANIA Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota Micronesian Legal Services Laurel Legal Services Corporation Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania PUERTO RICO Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services MidPenn Legal Services Community Law Office MISSISSIPPI Neighborhood Legal Services Association Puerto Rico Legal Services Mississippi Center for Legal Services Northwestern Legal Services VIRGIN ISLANDS North Mississippi Rural Legal Services North Penn Legal Services Legal Services of the Virgin Islands Philadelphia Legal Assistance Center Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Services 8 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • White House Forum & Supreme Court Reception • White House Forum Court &Supreme White House Forum, Supreme Promoting Equal Justice at Equalat Promoting Justice Court Reception Reception Court I of the federal and state judiciaries, and bar leaders. bar and state judiciaries, and of federal the members representatives, agency federal officials, tion 14, April on to Justice Access 2015. Increasing on The access to justice for low-income Americans. Americans. low-income for to justice access onalogue strengthening aid legal and improving n 2015, di to promote anational LSC continued LSC co-hosted the White fourth House Forum prominent business leaders, senior administraprominent leaders, senior business included attendees event. at the spoke Other B. Wilkins David Professor School Law Harvard and Hubbard, William President Association Bar House Counsel W. Neil Eggleston, American spring meeting. of Directors’ Board its with conjunction in forum obtain the legal help they need. LSC held the to able are Americans all that ensure help and opportunities, spread technological innovations, ways bono pro on to expand focused forum U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., H. Holder Eric U.S. General White Attorney - - ( ( Kentucky of Court Jr., Supreme D. Minton, John Justice Chief Court; Supreme Tennessee Lee, G. Sharon Justice Chief Court; Supreme Florida Labarga, Jorge Justice Chief Circuit; Seventh the for Appeals of Court U.S. P. Diane Wood, Judge Sandman; J. James President LSC Appeals; of York Court New Lippman, Jonathan Judge Chief Court; Supreme California Cantil-Sakauye, Tani G. Justice Chief Texas; of Court Supreme Hecht, L. Nathan Justice Chief Michigan; of District Eastern Court, District L-R: Judiciary.” the to Justice to Access Levi LEFT ABOVE Judge Denise Page Hood, U.S. U.S. Hood, Page Denise Judge ) LSC Board Chairman John G. G. John Chairman Board LSC ) Panel: of “The Importance

White House Forum & Supreme Court Reception • 9 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL (TOP ROW) L-R: Judge Denise Page Hood, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan; Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht, ; Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil- Sakauye, California Supreme Court; In his opening remarks, LSC Board Chairman John Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, New G. Levi called for greater support for LSC in its mission York Court of Appeals; Chief Justice Sharon G. Lee, Tennessee Supreme to help ensure a core American value—equal access Court; Chief Justice John D. Minton, to justice: “It was not that long ago that our ancestors Jr., Supreme Court of Kentucky (BOTTOM ROW) L-R: Judge Diane P. fought … to give us a nation founded on principles of Wood, U.S. Court of Appeals for the fairness that define us as Americans. Let Seventh Circuit; Chief Justice Jorge us play our own part in making sure that Labarga, Florida Supreme Court; Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, the generations that succeed us share in California Supreme Court; Chief Judge the very blessings that we have inherited.” Jonathan Lippman, New York Court of

Appeals n Holder discussed the impressive (LEFT) L-R: , Locke Lord REPORT 2015 ANNUAL strides that have been made to sup- LLP Partner and former White House port legal aid and ensure equal jus- Counsel; LSC Board Member Father Pius Pietrzyk, O.P. tice under law. He cited the recent efforts of the Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable (LAIR) to provide new training opportunities and research initiatives. Holder also provided an update on LAIR’s Access to Justice Toolkit, an online resource provid- ing information about civil legal aid. 10 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • White House Forum & Supreme Court Reception • White House Forum Court &Supreme Chief Judge Diane P. Diane of Judge Chief Court Wood, States United D. John and Minton, Jr., Court; Supreme Kentucky Justice Chief of York Appeals; New Lippman, Court Jonathan Judge Chief Court; Tennessee Supreme G. Lee, Sharon Justice Chief Court; Supreme Florida Labarga, Jorge Justice Chief of Michigan; District Eastern Court, District States United Hood, Page of Texas; Court Denise Supreme L. Hecht, Judge California Supreme Court; Chief Justice Nathan Tani Justice Chief were G. Cantil-Sakauye, elists pan The judges. federal two and justices chief court stateto supreme six Judiciary,” the featuring to Justice of Access Importance “The on discussion services.” legal include and allow to clarified been have grants federal dozen two than more work, nized recog internationally to LAIR’s extraordinary, “Thanks abuse,” said. to elder and prevent Holder nations, tribal to bolster working, to Americans keep efforts our port sup can aid legal to Toolkit the howcivil illuminate that LSC President Jim Sandman moderated a panel apanel moderated Sandman Jim LSC President studies “Just case new three we added morning, this -

- - ( Justice to Access Increasing on Forum House ( ( Kentucky of Court Jr., Supreme D. Minton, John Justice Chief Reiskin; A. Julie Hubbard ( Holder, Jr. BELOW ABOVE LEFT ABOVE, TOP, LEFT TOP, ) ) U.S. Attorney General Eric H. H. Eric General Attorney U.S. ABA President William C. C. William President ABA ) Attendees at the White White the at Attendees )

L-R: LSC Board Member Member Board LSC White House Forum & Supreme Court Reception • 11 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL (TOP ROW) L-R: Glenn Rawdon, LSC Technology Program Counsel; Nan Heald, Executive Director, Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc. Appeals, Seventh Circuit. (ABOVE) L-R: Hanna Kaufman, law stu- Glenn Rawdon, a technology specialist at LSC, dent, Chicago-Kent Law School; Anna Hineline, Technology Coordinator, moderated five rapid-fire presentations on technol- Legal Assistance of Western New ogy innovations that improve the deliv- York, Inc.; Abhijeet Chavan, Chief ery of civil legal assistance. Presenters Technology Officer, Urban Insight; Angela Tripp, Project Manager, included Abhijeet Chavan, Chief Michigan Legal Help Program Technology Officer, Urban Insight; Nan (RIGHT) W. Neil Eggleston, Heald, Executive Director, Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc.; Anna Hineline, Technology Coordinator, Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc.; Hanna

Kaufman, a law student at Chicago-Kent n Law School; and Angela Tripp, Project REPORT 2015 ANNUAL Manager, Michigan Legal Help Program. For the final panel, LSC Board Vice Chair and Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow moderated a discussion on “Perspectives on Access to Justice from the Business Community.” This panel focused on how civil legal aid benefits the economy and investment in American business. Panelists included Christian L. Campbell, 12 • White House Forum & Supreme Court Reception

(TOP) Panel: “Perspectives on Access to Justice from the Business Community.” L-R: Brackett Denniston, General Counsel, General Electric Company; Max W. Laun, Senior Vice President, Secretary, General Counsel, Vice President & General Counsel, & Chief Franchise Policy Officer, Yum! Brands, Inc.; Alcoa; Theresa Wynn Roseborough, Executive Vice President, General Brackett B. Denniston III, Senior Vice President, Counsel & Corporate Secretary, Home Secretary & General Counsel, General Electric Depot; Ivan Fong, General Counsel,

2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT 3M; Martha Minow, Harvard Law

n Company; Ivan Fong, Senior Vice President, Legal

School Dean and LSC Board Vice Affairs & General Counsel, 3M; Max W. Laun, Chair; Chris Campbell, Senior Vice Vice President & General Counsel, Alcoa; Shari President & General Counsel, Yum! Brands; Shari Redstone, Vice Chair of Redstone, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, the Board, Director, CBS Corporation; CBS Corporation; Teresa Wynn Roseborough, John Schultz, General Counsel, Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Hewlett-Packard Company (ABOVE) L-R: Denniston; Laun; Fong; Corporate Secretary, The Home Depot; and Minow; Fong; Denniston; Laun; Wynn John Schultz, Executive Vice President & General Roseborough; Campbell; Redstone (LEFT) Professor David Wilkins, Counsel, Hewlett-Packard Company. The panel- Harvard Law School ists spoke about the importance of legal aid and why business and civic leaders should support access to justice. The previous evening, LSC held a reception at the Supreme Court for supporters of legal aid, including LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION White House Forum & Supreme Court Reception • 13 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL (LEFT) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RIGHT) Chief Judge Merrick Garland, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (BOTTOM LEFT) L-R: Judge David S. Tatel, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; Edith Tatel; Justice Ginsburg (BOTTOM RIGHT) L-R: Shari Redstone, Vice Chair of the Board, CBS Corporation; Jim Harbaugh, University of Michigan head football coach justices, policymakers, and executive directors of several LSC grantees. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hosted the event and provided opening remarks. She highlighted the important work undertaken by the more than 900 LSC-funded law of- n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL fices across the country. “Sympathetic lawyers in those offices repair tears in the lives of the least advantaged,” she said. “They provide quality legal services that can turn despair into hope for the future.” Chief Judge Merrick Garland, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, also addressed attendees, explaining why legal aid is central to a just society. n 14 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Regional Judicial• Regional Forums Regional Forums Judicial tice and showcased LSC’s Technology to jus access expand can technology School, moderated the discussion. Law of Harvard Dean and LSC Board of the Minow, Chair Vice Martha ciary. judi the for issues to justice access of importance the to discuss Labarga Jr. Justice Chief joined Van Nortwick A. William Judge of Appeal Court Matta; and retired First District Florida Fiol Liana Justice Chief Rico Puerto de Dupre in Louisiana; Tribunal Supremo & Sullivan of Leefe, Gibbs, Partner of Florida; Richard K. Leefe, founding District Southern the for Court District remarks. Valencia-Weber provided introductory Gloria Member LSC Board and G. Levi John Chair LSC Board aid. legal civil on panels 23 Jan. two on for Miami in gathered experts technology neys, and attor- judges, leading Labarga, Jorge Miami the in conjunction country with its meetings. quarterly LSCThe Board also convened judicial forums across A second panel focused on how how on focused panel A second of U.S. the G. Cooke Marcia Judge Justice Chief Court Supreme Florida - - School of Law delivered remarks before before remarks delivered of Law School of St. Thomas of University the Vischer Robert Dean Levi, and Lori Swanson, LSC Board Chair 17. July on of Law School of St. Thomas University at the in Minneapolis for two panels gathered Midwest the from lawyers and rists andGildea leading ju Justice Lorie Skjerven Minneapolis Rights Clinic. Health of Law School of Miami University the for interns legal D.and William Mueller, Bethany Bandstra A. program analyst; and LSC Ribadeneyra, Jane counsel for technology; Rawdon,included Glenn LSC program Initiative program. Grants Panelists Minnesota Attorney General Minnesota Chief - ( Supreme Court) Louisiana Johnson, J. Bernette Justice Chief Louisiana of behalf (on LLC &Dupré, Sullivan Gibbs, Leefe, Leefe, K. Richard Florida; of District Southern the for Court District U.S. Cooke, G. Marcia Judge Court; Supreme Florida Labarga, Jorge Justice Chief Chair; Vice Board LSC and Dean School Law Harvard Minow, Martha Rico; Puerto de Supremo Tribunal Matta, Fiol Liana Justice Chief (ret.); Appeal of Court District First Florida Nortwick, Van A. the Judiciary.” to Justice to Access of Importance MIAMI—( Laurie Mikva Laurie BELOW ) LSC Board Member Member Board LSC ABOVE L-R: ) Panel: “The Judge William William Judge


) Chief Justice Liana ) L-R: TOP ROW LSC Board Member Gloria ) ABOVE ROW LEFT Valencia-Weber MIAMI—( Jorge Labarga, Florida Supreme Court; Judge Marcia G. Cooke, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Richard K. Leefe, Leefe, Gibbs,Sullivan & Dupré, LLC ( Fiol Matta, Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico; Judge William A. Van Nortwick, Florida First District Court of Appeal (ret.) ( Regional Judicial Forums Regional Judicial Representative a Emmer, Tom Anishinabe Legal Services; Rosalie Santa Ana Manager, Chavez, office and the Native American Program, Legal Mexico New Richard Professor Aid; University Collins, of School; Law Colorado Echohawk, John Director, Executive American Rights Native and JudgeFund; Ron Tribal Tulalip Whitener, Board Court. LSC Valencia- Member a professor at Weber, the University New Mexico of Law served moderator. as School, Minnesota’s represents Republican who and District, Congressional 6th The second panel panel second The Judge Michael Davis Davis Michael Judge District the U.S. of Court for the District of Justice and Minnesota, Thomas the Kilbride of Court. Supreme Illinois moderated Dean Minow discussion. the examined the role of aid legal LSC-funded The first panel, whichfocused on the discussions. the the importance access of justice to to Justice included Chief judiciary, the Abrahamson Shirley Gildea, Justice the Wisconsinof Supreme Court, programs in the development Indian of included Christopher Panelists Law. Director, Co-Executive Allery, 16 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Regional Judicial• Regional Forums Court, and Judge William Orrick of the of the Orrick William Judge and Court, Supreme of Hawaii the Recktenwald Mark Justice Chief Court, Supreme of Arizona the Supreme Chief Court, Justice Scott Bales Justice Thomas Balmer of the Oregon of the California Supreme Court, Chief Tani Justice Cantil-Sakauye Chief featured and to judiciary to the justice of access discussions. the before remarks delivered School Law of Stanford the Magill Elizabeth M. Dean of and Law; School Davis, of California, of University the Johnson Kevin of Dean Law; Berkeley, School of of the California, University Choudhry meeting. board quarterly sions on civil legal aid in conjunction with its San Francisco a luncheon following the panel discussions. at remarks delivered School, Law Minnesota of of University the Wippman David Dean The first panel focused on the importance importance on the focused panel first The Sujit Levi; Dean Chair LSC Board discus panel two Oct. 5,On LSC held - ( Abrahamson, S. Shirley Justice Minnesota; of District Court, District U.S. Davis, J. Michael Judge Court; Supreme Minnesota Gildea, Skjerven Lorie Justice Chief Chair; Vice Board LSC and Dean School Law Harvard Minow, Martha Court; Supreme Dakota North W. VandeWalle, Gerald Justice Chief Court; Supreme Illinois Kilbride, ( Abrahamson ( (MN-6) Tom Emmer Congressman Republican ( Justice VandeWalle the Judiciary.” to Justice to Access of Importance CLOCKWISE, TOP CLOCKWISE, BELOW LEFT ABOVE )

L-R: ) )

Luncheon speaker speaker Luncheon L-R: Judge Davis; Justice Justice Davis; Judge Justice Kilbride; Chief Chief Kilbride; Justice L-R: ) Panel: “The Justice Thomas L. L. Thomas Justice Regional Judicial Forums • 17

SAN FRANCISCO—(TOP ROW) L-R: Judge William Orrick, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California; Chief Justice Tani G. United States District Court for the Northern Cantil-Sakauye, California Supreme Court; Chief Justice Mark E. District of California. Dean Minow moderat- Recktenwald, Hawaii Supreme Court; ed the panel. Chief Justice Thomas A. Balmer, LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL The second discussion focused on how (MIDDLE ROW) L-R: Chief Justice business and technology can help expand Cantil-Sakauye; Chief Justice access to justice. Dean John Trasviña of Recktenwald; Martha Minow, Harvard Law School Dean and LSC Board the University of San Francisco School of Vice Chair; Chief Justice Scott Bales, Law delivered remarks before this panel, which featured Jeff Hyman, General (BOTTOM LEFT) LSC Board Chairman John G. Levi Counsel, Corporate Secretary and (BOTTOM RIGHT) LSC Board Member Head of Human Resources, Pebble; Charles N.W. Keckler Charles Rampenthal, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary,; and Alon Rotem, General Counsel, Rocket Lawyer. LSC President Sandman moderat-

ed the panel. n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL At a luncheon following the pan- el discussions, Bonnie Hough, Managing Attorney of the California Administrative Office of the Courts, and John Simpson, Manager of Community and Publishing Services, Legal Services Society (Legal Aid British Columbia), discussed the collaboration between California and British Columbia to expand access to justice. n 18 • Congressional Outreach

Briefing Congress about Civil Legal Aid

Briefing members of Congress about the crisis in civil legal aid and LSC’s efforts to address it is a crucial component of our work. In ad- dition to regular outreach to federal lawmakers and their staff, in 2015 LSC co-sponsored briefings in both the Senate and House and invited Members of Congress to a half-dozen events across the country. 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT n

LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 19 - - - - - Congressional Outreach • The project will enlist volunteers who are transactional transactional are who volunteers enlist will The project “For more than 40 years, Legal Services Corporation lawyers large at firms and corporations, wellas as law students and help others, to secure appropriate debt dis relief. income-related and consolidation, charges, has fought against poverty and sought justice for low-in come residents providing by them with high quality free le housing, from legal civil cases ranging various on help gal domestic violence public to benefits said issues,” Nadler. Patrick Murphy, member House Patrick of the Murphy, U.S. of for the 8th Representatives 2011 to from 2007 Congressional District Pennsylvania of and Iraq war veteran; Will Gunn, former General Counsel Department the U.S. of Affairs Veterans of and retired Air Force colonel; Nan Heald, Executive Legal Director Pine of Tree and Assistance; Bryan Iraq Noyes, war veteran and former client Pine of Tree Assistance. Legal LSC PresidentLSC Jim Sandman moderated the panel, and LSC Panelists which the at event, was co-sponsored David Rep. by • • • • Jolly (R-FL) and Derek Rep. were: Kilmer (D-WA),


“Litigants Without Lawyers: Equal Justice Under Threat in Courts” State was

n April 15, four state supreme four state courtn April 15, chief justices gathered the at Dirksen Senate Office Buildingto discuss the problems posedtheby millionsof pro se litigants courts. state America’s crowding New York Congressman Jerry Nadler (NY-10), President Sandman, Congressman and leadersNew York Legal Jerry of Nadler (NY-10), Forty-five congressional staffers from partiesboth 15 different and were states among alsoLSC held press conferences across the country with Members Congress of dis to LSC Board LSC Chairman John Levi G. delivered the opening remarks for the Senate briefing, Staff from 30 congressional officesrepresenting partiesboth attended. hosted LSC a panel experts of A month later, issues on veterans’ congressional a at brief ) CONGRESSIONAL) BRIEFING, cuss specific grants and projects. Services grant address to announce to on 22 Sept. gathered LSNYC’s NYC in New York individuals. low-income for issues debt student Board Member Victor Maddox provided opening remarks for the briefing, whichfocused on how civil legal aid can help veterans and their families. attendance. in those

sponsored Sen. Chief Lamar by Justice and Nathan Alexander featured L. Texas (R-TN) Hecht, Florida Chief Justice Jorge Labarga, Chief Tennessee JusticeSharon and Lee, G. Kentucky Chief Justice Jr. Minton, John D. and President LSC Jim Sandman moderated the discussion. the at Rayburn Houseing on Office 12 May Building. O ) SENATE BRIEFING, APRIL— BRIEFING, SENATE ) “Serving Those Who Have Served Our Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Supreme Court of OPPOSITE, BOTTOM OPPOSITE, TOP Importance of Access to Justice to the Judiciary.” L-R: ChiefTexas; Justice Jorge Labarga, Florida Supreme Court; LSC President James J. Sandman; Chief Justice Sharon Lee, ; Chief Justice John Minton Supreme Jr., Court of Kentucky ( Patrick Murphy, former Congressman (D-PA) and Iraq war veteran ( APRIL— Country – How Legal Aid Helps Veterans.” L-R: Bryan Noyes, Iraq War Veteran and former client of Pine Tree Legal Services; Nan Heald, Executive Director, Pine Tree Legal Services; Will A. Gunn, former General Counsel, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and retired Air Force Colonel; The Hon. Patrick J. Murphy, former U.S. Representative for the 8th District of Pennsylvania and Iraq War Veteran; LSC President James J. Sandman; Victor B. Maddox, LSC Board of Directors 20 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT James J. Sandman J. James President LSC and Tom O’Connor, Treasurer LASNNY Moy, Lillian Director York Executive New Northeastern (L-R) • Congressional Outreach • Congressional Rep. Paul Tonko (NY-20), Legal Aid Society of of Society Aid Tonko Legal Paul (NY-20), Rep. the city’s urban core. city’sthe urban 24-month $257,441 to resources bono pro firm law to large grant Fund Innovation Pro Bono a receive will provider aid legal the that announced of Missouri Western Aid of Legal ers my role on the House Appropriations Committee.” through these as such to grants for advocate continue Iwill and assistance, gal to le- access without one empty an is all for of justice promise The messaging. of text use the through information to legal access expand will and of need, time their in services legal obtain seniors help will receiving is LAF that grants Quigley. “The said services,” legal professional free with poverty in living ple of messaging. text use the through information to legal access expand will project website. The services legal wide instruments. transfer-on-death and wills, living property, and care health for of attorney powers including services, important access seniors low-income to help shop services. to legal access message text to expand (TIG) Grant aTechnology Initiative as well as seniors, low-income to help grant innovation LAF’s bono pro to announce Chicago) of Metropolitan Foundation Assistance Legal (formerly of LAF leaders sent their clients.” repre to them effectively for support enough is there ensuring and volunteers new enlisting by services these way expanding in along go will This represent. they clients rural the with New York and the Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe of Monroe Project YorkNew Services Volunteer Legal the and low-income in people rural areas. to service to expand grant its York New announced of Northeastern Society Aid of Legal (NY-20), the leaders and Sandman, President crisis level in today.” our country reached has which issues, debt student NYC address will Services $346,738 the as such Fund. Grants Innovation toPro Bono Legal the from grants “Today these I’m announce LSC and to proud join In Kansas City on Oct. 30, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5), President Sandman, and lead and Sandman, (MO-5), President Cleaver Oct. 30, on Rep. Emanuel City Kansas In peo helping work, amazing does Chicago in Foundation Assistance “Legal into to state- the texting integrate SMS aproject to TIG its fund use will LAF work bono pro to their Law adapt Elder and Disability for Center the with partner will LAF (IL-5) Mike joined Quigley Levi John October, Congressman in Chairman Later and Illinois The organization with will partner Legal Assistance of Western Albany, in Tonko Paul week York New next The Congressman law matters. law for self-represented litigants in housing and consumer pleadings prepare and review help can they so ments docu share and interviews online to conduct lawyers attorneys. will allow This volunteer to urban clients platform that connects rural to create avirtual County essential infrastructure to connect urban volunteers communities throughout the Capital Region, creating assist will Tonko. to LASNNY allocated funds “The provide most and our neighbors friends in need,” said “I thank LSC for the important legal support they they support legal important the LSC for thank “I Rasmussen Raun Director NYC Executive Services Legal (NY-10); Nadler Jerry Rep. Sandman; J. James President LSC NYC; Services Legal Services, (L-R) Adam Heintz, Director of Pro Bono Bono Pro of Director Heintz, Adam - Rep. Mike Quigley (IL-5) Quigley Mike Rep. - - - - LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 21 - - - - César E. Torres, Northwest (L-R) Justice Project Executive Director; Representative Adam Smith (WA-9); LSC Board Member Harry KorrellJ.F. III - - Congressional Outreach • “I am thrilled that the Legal Services Corporation has chosen In November, Rep. Adam Smith (WA-9), LSC Board LSC Adam Rep. mem Smith (WA-9), In November, pro bono volunteers. bono pro Legal Aid Western Missouri of Pro as a recipient a FY of 2015 “This said money Cleaver. Bono will be Grant,” vital in ensuring com legal and assistance including neededmuch resources, ber Harry Korrell, and leaders the of munity development, are available those in to the urban core. incredible doing is project Adopt-A-Neighborhood Aid’s Legal work already in revitalizing the community, butthis grant isof numerous to assistance their importanceprincipal continuing in individuals.” VLP’s $137,200 Technology Initiative Technology Grant will be used enhance to $137,200 VLP’s “Lack access of legal to representation leaves many low-income too Kennedy, who severalKennedy, weeks before co-founded the bipartisan Access to Civil Legal Services Caucus in the House Representatives of in conjunc tion with Susan Rep. “When Brooks (IN-5). so many those of families have nowhere else turn, the Lawyers Volunteer to Project offers a guiding hand mobile access to information and guidance for volunteer lawyers handling volunteer for guidance and information access to mobile pro bono cases. The roundtable discussion focused on the need for legal challeng funding and met, being need is that how Massachusetts, in aid es on and the both state national levels. said system,” justice our in unequal footing individuals on and families “Legal aid programs provide critical support low-income to individ Massachusetts Kennedy Congressman and President (MA-4) III Sandman Joseph joined P. The Adopt-a-Neighborhood project will work with community partners to conduct need conduct community partnerswith to work will project Adopt-a-Neighborhood The gram guidance on a variety legal of technologies. uals offering by civil legal assistance in cases involving basic human needs. In our community, Northwest Justice Project operates (NJP) Education Legal CLEAR (Coordinated as known hotline help legal a as well as locations, 17 Advice said Congressman and Referral),” Smith. “I was pleased see to that this year they received two grants from the Legal Services Corporation Initiative for a Technology Grant. I beenhave a strong supporter the throughout LSC of time my in Congress and I look forward seeingto these vital funds expand access justice to for those who need it the most.” leaders from five Massachusetts legal aid technologyand 14 organizationsin Boston on Dec. announceto an technology LSC grant the Lawyers Volunteer to Project the Boston of Bar aid. legal on discussion roundtable a convene to (VLP) and Association and ensures our Commonwealth and country make good on the promise equal of protection Thisunder grant the will law. help even more people across Massachusetts benefit fromthe tireless work their of pro bono lawyers, and I look forward working to with them in the future to expand access n legal to aid even further.” and asset assessments in five core neighborhoodsto determine the bestrole for law firm and Northwest Justice Project announced a $500,000 develop TIG to legal web-based mobile-compatible, for practices best and standards education videos that will be available other legal to aid programs to replicate. Funds will also be used make improvements the to Legal to core supporting a by Project Assistance Services Technology National servicescollection of pro individualized providing and resources and Gregg Lombardi, Executive Director, Legal Aid Rep. Kennedy Joseph P. III (MA-4) with leaders from Massachusetts legal aid organizations technology and of Western Missouri; Brenda Thomas, President, Marlborough Community Coalition; Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5);LSC President James J. Sandman (L-R) 22 • Constituent Services Providing Critical Constituent Services in Every Congressional District

LSC grantees help individuals who live in households with annual in- comes at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines—$14,713 for an individual, $30,313 for a family of four in 2015. Clients span ev- ery demographic and live in rural, suburban, and urban areas. They include veterans and military families, homeowners and renters, fam- ilies with children, farmers, the disabled, and the elderly.

illions of Americans cannot access the FAMILY KEEPS THEIR HOME civil justice system be- fter 32 years of marriage, Jacqueline’s husband abruptly left her cause they cannot af- and their two children. Over the next two years, she struggled to pay her mortgage and provide for her family while working as a Mford a lawyer. Some low-income A certied nursing assistant. Because her estranged husband paid no child Americans seek protection from support and made no other nancial contributions, Jacqueline had to an abusive spouse, or are fighting work two or three jobs just to for custody of an abused or or- stay aoat. In March 2014, phaned child. Others face home- she lost her primary job and lessness because of a wrongful could not make her mortgage eviction or foreclosure. They may payments. Her home fell into 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT be Iraq or Afghanistan war vet- foreclosure. With the assistance n erans who have returned home of an attorney at Legal Aid of North Carolina, the foreclosure to economic strain and now sale was deferred and Jacque- confront legal issues. Or they line received nancial assis- may be elderly citizens who have tance from a federal program fallen victim to fraud and lost their to keep her home. Legal aid life savings. Women—many of was able to negotiate a settle- whom are struggling to keep their ment that included 15 months children safe and their families to- of additional help with her gether—comprise 70% of clients mortgage while she got back on her feet. Jacqueline now has the at LSC-funded programs. safety and security she needs to LSC grantees provide quality raise her children and restart legal counsel at no cost to low-in- her career. come constituents who could LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 23 - Housing 28.3%

Constituent ServicesConstituent • Income Income 10.6% Maintenance 17% Family LawFamily 31.9% Child Custody & Visitation Issues SUB-CATEGORY: Domestic Violence, Violence, Domestic SUB-CATEGORY: Consumer 10.3% etigist, a mother a one-and-a-half-year-old of son, was her for fear in husband Her startedlife. to abuse her after pregnant. she got would He punch her, drag her, hit her by and the threaten hair, to kill her with der and sole legal custody her of son. She said she was hopeless, but after legal aid, her back. she got hope Betigist is now enrolled and school wants in to be life.” a doctor one day. aid saved “Legal me and my son’s a pair of scissors. of a pair She left her husband and went into a shelter program. She went the to assistance legal aid from to With get help. an attorney at Legal Aid Foundation Los Angeles, of she was able to get a ve-year restraining or MOTHER ESCAPES ABUSIVE ABUSIVE ESCAPES MOTHER SPOUSE B ------The second largest largest second The Health Juvenile 3.1% 1.9% 6.4% 2.5% 0.8% 4.2% Education Employment Miscellaneous Individual Rights LSC grantees Family grantees Law: LSC help parents obtain and keep custody their of children, fam ily members secure guard orphanedianship and of victims and abused children, domesticof violence get pro Approximately orders. tective cases all closed of one-third grantees LSC by are family law cases. Foreclosure and Housing Cases: category cases of closed in volves efforts resolve to land avoid disputes, lord-tenant rene or foreclosures wrongful assist and mortgages, gotiate • • 2015 Cases2015 Closed by Case Type lenges. not otherwise afford an attorney. attorney. an afford otherwise not legal experienced employ They professionals who are experts in civil help legal and many matters Americans low-income these of chal legal of variety wide a with 24 • Constituent Services

renters whose landlords are being foreclosed upon. MOTHER AVOIDS • Consumer Issues: Many FORECLOSURE OF HER cases involve protecting the elderly and other vulnerable in- FLOODED HOME dividuals from being victimized he oods of 2008 devastated Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and one of its by unscrupulous lenders or victims was Ethel. She is a single mother and owner of a catering merchants and providing legal business. e oods severely damaged Ethel’s home and her business advice about debt manage- T suered cancellations. She fell behind on her payments, and Ethel’s home ment and consumer rights. went into foreclosure. An attorney at Iowa Legal Aid helped Ethel get a • Income Maintenance: LSC loan modication and stay in her home with an aordable monthly pay- grantees also help clients ob- ment. She now has a safe and secure place to raise her young daughter. She tain veterans’, unemployment, is grateful to legal aid for saving her home, and giving her condence and hope for a better future. disability, and healthcare ben- efits for which they are eligible and provide representation when benefits are wrongly denied.

VETERAN RECEIVES THE SERVICES HE NEEDS .S. Army Veteran Ronald Amador served as a combat medic in Iraq and UAfghanistan. He suered from severe PTSD from his years in service, resulting in suicide attempts, involuntary hospitaliza- tions, and substance abuse. With the help of 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida’s n (CLSMF) Veterans Advocacy Unit, he was able to get his life back. His attorney man- aged to secure a 100% disability rating from the VA, a settlement for retroactive benets, and an increase in his monthly compensa- tion. With stability and a renewed hope for his future, Ronald was empowered to help others. He donated $1,000 to Community Legal Services and appeared on a TV news interview to give a human face to the prob- lems veterans face when seeking help after their military service. In a letter to his attorney, Ronald who will stay with you ‘til the end,” he wrote. “You got me expressed his gratitude and explained the dierence legal believing a little more in life and make me very proud and assistance made in his life. “[You] made me have a little honored to have defended and help enjoy the freedom you hope even when I didn’t. It is real special to have someone have today. You have made an everlasting mark in my life.” LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Constituent Services • 25 LSC STORIES ACROSS THE COUNTRY

In 2015, LSC launched a social media initiative to raise awareness of civil legal aid’s importance to low-income Americans. LSC worked to spread the word on the impact legal aid has on the lives of low-income Americans by collecting real stories of clients who had been helped by LSC grantees. For several weeks in spring, LSC posted a compelling client story daily from grantees on the LSC40 website, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. These stories were then brought together in a user-friendly interactive map on LSC’s website that highlights a compelling story from all fifty states, Micronesia, and the Virgin Islands. Stories range from a domestic violence survivor who was able to save her home to a cancer patient who managed to ac- PROTECTING CONSUMERS cess critical healthcare coverage with the help of a AGAINST FINANCIAL PREDATORS legal aid attorney. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas David*, a retired Vietnam War veteran on a fixed in- come, purchased a car on a 72-month lease. HELPING RURAL CLIENTS KEEP As the note neared maturity, David received a notice THEIR HOMES that the loan had been extended for nearly a year. Georgia Legal Services Program David tried to resolve the issue himself, contacting the When Linda’s* elderly mother grew ill with a terminal Better Business Bureau and attempting to negotiate

sickness, Linda moved into the old family home in a with the car company. CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL rural area of Georgia to take care of her. She learned The car company alleged that David that no one had been paying the property taxes on the had requested five deferrals and made home and was shocked to discover the property had eighteen late payments. David denied been sold at a tax sale. all of this and contacted Legal Aid of Linda tried to get the tax sale purchaser to allow her NorthWest Texas (LANWT) for help. to redeem the property, but he refused. Overwhelmed LANWT provided David with a pro bono attorney with the possibility of losing the family home, she who was able to prove that the veteran owed only turned to the legal aid attorneys at $750 on the car. David was eventually able to set- Georgia Legal Services Program tle the claim for that amount to be paid over three (GLSP) for help. months. The case was dismissed with prejudice, and The tax sale purchaser also refused David retained his vehicle. GLSP’s efforts to negotiate a re-

demption before the statutory period n

passed. GLSP promptly filed a lawsuit. Real stories of low-income families in REPORT 2015 ANNUAL After GLSP’s opening statement at the temporary need of legal aid and how their lives hearing, the tax sale purchaser decided to accept Linda’s offer to redeem the home by paying the prop- have been helped by the work of LSC erty taxes and the statutory penalty. and LSC Grantees. Had it not been for Linda’s representation by GLSP legal aid attorneys, Linda’s mother would have lost the #LSCstories family home during a critical period.

*Names have been changed 26 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT LSC’S Campaign Justice for Enhances Work of Grantees • Campaign for Justice / 40th Anniversary Closing Event for• Campaign Anniversary Justice /40th and individuals surpassed $5million. undertake.could work of LSC’s 134 grantees by funding projects no single grantee to raise private funds to complement its congressional allocation. the Campaign for Justice continued LSC’s carefully targeted effort ONGOING INITIATIVES By year’s end, contributions from foundations, national law firms, projectsThese will expand to access justice and enhance the Growing out of LSC’s commemoration, 40th Anniversary in 2015

Project: Midwest Legal Disaster Coordination Project Funder: Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

Aid and Legal Aid of Nebraska to support projects that develop co- ordinated plans between disaster preparedness organizations and legal services providers in the region. They will also work closely with local pro bono attorneys to provide free onsite legal aid services to disaster victims in affected areas and create a multi-component toolkit for use by other legal aid organizations across the country.

LSC awarded grants to Iowa Legal

(L-R): Executive Director, Legal Aid of Nebraska; Judge David Piester, Board President, Legal Aid of Nebraska; Dennis Groenenboom, Executive Director, Iowa Legal Aid

LSC Board Chair John Levi; Annette Farnan, Interim


Richard Alexander, Arnold & Porter LLP Managing Partner;

(L-R) LSC President James J. Sandman, former managing Partner at Arnold & Porter; Thomas Milch, Chairman of Arnold & Porter Campaign for Justice / 40th Justice Anniversary • Campaign for Event Closing Data Collection Toolkit and Data-Driven Management Data Toolkit Collection Legal Civil for Aid Providers

Thanks to a generous five- Using funding from the Public Welfare Foundation, has LSC created an online toolkit A second Public Welfare Foundation grant funds research on effective outcomes data The Ford Foundation’s two-year grantThe will Foundation’s Ford assess allow to LSC the accessibility and us

Project: G. DuaneProject: Vieth Leadership Development Program Funder: Arnold & Porter Foundation

year pledge from the Arnold and training program for legal aid providers on measuring outcomes. A self-guided, inter self-guided, A measuring outcomes. on providers legal aid for program training and active e-learning course guides research on effective outcomes data collection practices and on how outcomes measurement can be used legal aid providers collect, on how to analyze, and use outcomes improve client data to services andprogram effectiveness. collection practices and on how outcomes measurement can be used drive to strategic decisions. resource-allocation and Project: Foundation Welfare Public Funder: & Porter Foundation, LSC is Project: Statewide Legal Aid Website Evaluation Legal Aid Statewide Website Project: Foundation Ford Funder: funding its first national grant ability the statewide of legal aid websites in every and state will LSC territory. identify best practices for statewide legal aid websites and offer recommendations for replicating the content and features the websites of deemed most effective. initiative to support leadership training and development for civil legal aid providers. LSC awarded grants to seven legal aid organizations: Appalachian Research and Defense Fund of Kentucky, California Rural Legal Assistance, Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida, Indiana Legal Services, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County, New Mexico Legal Aid, and Legal Aid of Wyoming. 28 • Campaign for Justice / 40th Anniversary Closing Event

Project: Planning Grant to Partner with Public Libraries to Improve Access to Justice Funder: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation This planning project will establish the essential components of a curriculum to train public librarians to assist people with civil legal needs. The project will lay the groundwork to transform public libraries into hubs for accessible and useful information about civil le- gal matters for people who cannot afford a lawyer.

Project: Rural Summer Legal Corps Funder: Private Funds In partnership with Equal Justice Works, LSC established a new fellowship program to improve access to legal assistance in rural areas by recruiting law students to serve as fellows at rural legal aid pro- viders each summer. The pro- gram will increase the availabil- ity of legal services to low-in- come people in rural areas, develop law students’ skills in serving low-income and rural clients, and increase rural legal aid programs’ ability to recruit highly qualified new attorneys. There are sufficient funds to continue the program for at least five summers. 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT n

Project: 2016 Justice Gap Report Funder: William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and Kresge Foundation With support from these two funders, LSC will produce an updated national report documenting the “justice gap”—the difference between the need for civil legal services and LSC grantee resources available to meet that need. LSC will update its 2009 Justice Gap Report and use new data to compare states, urban versus rural needs, and areas of the law that are most underserved to inform resource-investment and advocacy priorities for access to justice stakeholders. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Campaign for Justice / 40th Anniversary Closing Event • 29 LSC Concludes 40th Anniversary Commemoration in San Francisco

(TOP ROW) L-R: Helaine M. Barnett, Chair, New York State Permanent Commission on Access to Justice and former LSC President; Mickey Kantor, Partner, Mayer Brown LLP; Thomas Ehrlich, first president of LSC and Visiting Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Education; Justice Earl Johnson, Jr., Visiting Scholar, Western Center on Law & Poverty New York Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, ABA President Paulette Brown, and legal, business, and government leaders convened on Oct. 6 in San Francisco for LSC’s 40th Anniversary closing event. The program featured panels and presentations on a number of topics, including “The Creation and Early Years of the Legal Services Corporation,” “Quick Tips: Technology Innovations to Increase Access to Justice,” LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL “The Role of Corporate Counsel in Expanding Access

n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL (ABOVE) L-R: LSC Board Member Robert J. Grey, Jr.; Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht, Supreme Court of Texas; Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, New York Court of Appeals; Martha Minow, Harvard Law School Dean and LSC Board Vice Chair; Chief Justice Hecht; Chief Judge Lippman 30 • Campaign for Justice / 40th Anniversary Closing Event

to Justice,” and “The Impact of Pro Bono Lawyers on Narrowing the Justice Gap.” Two former clients of LSC grantees also spoke. In a highlight of the occasion, Lippman and Hecht discussed access to justice issues in a conversation (THIRD ROW) L-R: LSC Board Chairman John moderated by Harvard Law School Dean and LSC Vice G. Levi; ABA President Paulette Brown; Chair Martha Minow. Dan Clivner, Co-managing Partner of Sidley Austin’s Los Angeles office; Arlene Hipp, Bay ABA President Paulette Brown, Sidley Austin Partner Area Legal Aid client Dan Clivner, California Insurance Commissioner Dave (BOTTOM ROW) L-R: Snorri Ogata, Los Angeles County Superior Court Chief Jones, LSC Board Chair John Levi, and LSC President Information Officer; Margaret Hagan, Jim Sandman delivered remarks. n Stanford Law’s Center on the Legal Profession Fellow

(LEFT) Panel: “The Impact of Pro Bono Lawyers in Expanding Access to Justice.” L-R: Stephen Neal, Chairman, Cooley LLP; Jeffrey Bleich, Partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP; LSC President James 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT

n J. Sandman; Kathryn Fritz, Managing Partner, Fenwick & West LLP; Neema Jalali, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP; Niaal Lynch, Partner, Latham & Watkins; (BELOW) L-R: Neal; Yost; Fritz; Lynch; Jalali; Bleich LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Campaign for Justice / 40th Anniversary Closing Event • 31

(CLOCKWISE, TOP) Panel: “The Role of Corporate Counsel in Expanding Access to Justice.” L-R: Alex Miller, Senior Vice President and Chief Counsel, Visa, Inc.; Laura Stein, Executive Vice President - General Counsel, The Clorox Company; Ron Flagg, Vice President for Legal Affairs, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, LSC; Seth Jaffe, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Levi Strauss & Co. (ABOVE) CLOCKWISE FROM CENTER: Miller; Stein; Jaffe

LSC is grateful for all of our private funders who support new initiatives that extend and amplify the work of civil legal aid providers around the country, helping them keep America’s promise of “Justice for All.” LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL

Mayealie Adams Faegre Baker Daniels LLP Legal Files Software, Inc. Allan Reiskin Anonymous (2) Flextronics International Ltd., Inc. Julie Reiskin Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Ford Foundation John Levi Reynolds Family Foundation Carol Bergman Hebert Garten David Levi Felicia Samponaro

Ben Bishop Thomas Hair Victor Maddox Andrew Schriver n

Andrea Boulanger Paige Harrington Harper Makowsky Stacy Sciarra REPORT 2015 ANNUAL Anais Chakerian Leonard Hobbs Christopher Mayer-Bacon Sidley Austin Foundation Daniel Clivner Michael Hughes Laurie Mikva Thomas Smegal David Cohen Dennis Hughes Martha Minow Souleles Family Charitable Fund Charles Crispen Ariel Jacobson Jodin Morey Chris Swanson Crown Goodman Family Abraham Joyal Molly Morman Allan Tanenbaum Karen Damianick Melinda Kennedy Sylvia Moyes Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dechert LLP Harry Korrell Vitas Povilaitis Van Ness Feldman LLP Christopher Devlin The Kresge Foundation Rachel Presser Robert Webber DirectLaw, Inc. Devendra Latchman Public Welfare Foundation Preston Whisenant DLA Piper LLP (US) Laurence H. Tribe Charitable Stephanie Quinn William and Flora Hewlett Leilani Dornfeld Foundation, Inc. Matthew Raebel Foundation Faegre Baker Daniels Foundation Candice Lee Erin Reed Anne Worth 32 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Pro Bono P bono delivery system. They included: system. They delivery bono challenges for organizations legal services and the pro states. 40 from LSC grantees 55 of from intent 59 letters LSC received competitive; are grants Pro Bono clients. low-income for services legal bono pro in 13 innovations in zations to states support bycome Americans engaging private attorneys. low-in for aid legal civil free to increase dollars federal leverages Fund programs). aid The by legal other ed implement be could successful, if innovation, the that of existing best practices) (likelihood and replicability require both innovation (new ideas or new applications criteria grant country. The the throughout lawyers teer LSC’s Pro Bono Innovation Fund enhances LSC’s eorts to promote Innovation ProBono to pro bono LSC’s eorts Fund enhances LSC’s than projects million $6 in in 19 26dierent states supported and pro bono • • and trends 2015important The reflected proposals 2015,In to grants 15 organi LSC awarded aid legal service the private by invested has bar. LSC the more years, past two Over using technology. or heighten awareness of volunteer opportunities streamline volunteerpand services, management, Technology. other hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations. limited clients,Americans, English-speaking and veterans, older clients, rural for assistance to legal to improveaccess sought of applications the cent per Thirty-six access. remote and delivery Rural to expand and promote initiatives using volun LSC grantees enable that efforts bono pro tive innova develop, test, replicate and Fund (PBIF) by LSC’s funded Innovation rojects Pro Bono Bolsters LSC’s Support for collaborations with more than 30 partners and other organizations. other and partners 30 than more with collaborations Pro Bono Innovation Fund Innovation Fund Bono Pro Thirty-seven percent sought to ex sought percent Thirty-seven Private Bar Efforts Private Bar ------Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans will: of Orleans New Services of Charity Daughters the and Orleans, New in based Project Prothe Bono between Southeast (SLLS), Louisiana Legal Services city’s populations. most vulnerable partnership This community health clinics has emerged to the serve of system, model anew delivery healthcare Orleans’ Project Partnership Justice Healthy Corporation, Services Legal Louisiana Southeast COLLABORATIONSONGOING • • • • New decimated Katrina Ten Hurricane after years care providers. providers, service community and major health sociations, state access to justice commissions, as bar state courts, schools, law departments, legal corporate firms, law large with partnerships included These service. to bono pro volunteers clients, target special populations, and recruit new more to reach partners with to collaborate posed Leveraging partnerships. through the project. proved health and legal outcomes of clients served and housing and to seek issues measure im Provide on critical disability, services Medicaid, students. law and paralegals, lawyers, by volunteer delivered services bono pro expanded and new through clients low-income for barriers access Remove health clinics. legal aid with healthcare in eight community-based Launch a medical-legal to partnership integrate All applications pro

- - - -

Pro Bono • 33 Recognizing Pro Bono Service e LSC Board of Directors continued its tradition of recognizing exemplary pro bono work done for clients of LSC-funded legal aid programs at three quarterly board meetings held outside of Washington, D.C. In 2015, lawyers and law rms in California, Florida, and Minnesota received LSC Pro Bono Service Awards for their service.

MIAMI—(L-R): LSC Chairman John G. Levi; Chief Justice Jorge Labarga, Florida Supreme Court; Judge Ashley B. Moody, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court; Frank E. Maloney, Jr., Frank E. Maloney, Jr. PA; Timothy A. Moran, the Law Office of Timothy A. Moran, LLC; Robin S. Roselle, Jacobson, Sobo & Moselle PA (on behalf of Russell E. Carlisle); Allison Kernisky, Holland & Knight LLP; David E. Steckler, Florida Gulf Coast University; Wendy S. Loquasto, Fox & Loquasto PA; LSC President James J. Sandman

Former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL SAN FRANCISCO—Back Row (L-R): LSC Board Chairman John G. Levi; Jeffry L. Johnson, Norman A. Traub Associates; Michael A. Scafiddi, Michael A. Scafiddi Law Offices; Paul Alexander, Arnold & Porter LLP; Associate Justice Goodwin H. Liu, Supreme Court of California; Karen C. Carrera, Villegas Carrera LLP; LSC President James J. Sandman; Victoria Fuller, Chair of San Diego Bar Association Appellate Practice Section; Jesse Lloyd, Bean+Lloyd LLP; Don Daybell, Orrick, Herrington MINNEAPOLIS—(L-R): John E. EchoHawk, Executive Director, & Sutcliffe LLP; Emily Johnson Henn, Covington & Burling LLP Native American Rights Fund; Former Vice President Mondale; Front Row (L-R): Tzung-lin Fu, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, and her LSC Chairman John G. Levi; Frank Bibeau, constitutional and daughter; Krystyna Jamieson, Klein, DeNatale, Goldner LLP; Anna tribal attorney; Steven J. Kirsch, Briggs and Morgan PA; Larry Davis, University of California, Irvine School of Law; Kathryn Cahoy, McDowell, Wurst & McDowell LTD; Tom Kramer, Kramer Law Office; Covington & Burling LLP Nora Sandstad, Assistant County Attorney, St. Louis County; LSC President James J. Sandman

Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, Lawyers legal needs of a larger number of disadvantaged for Entrepreneurs entrepreneurs, and produce online pro bono train-

Lawyers for Entrepreneurs will leverage the re- ing materials. n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL sources and skills of volunteer business attorneys to • Fund a national survey of existing transactional pro provide free business legal assistance and education bono projects for micro-entrepreneurs and devel- to low-income entrepreneurs starting or expanding op a manual of best practices that can be shared community businesses, with an emphasis on minority with other legal aid programs interested in launch- and women entrepreneurs who have limited access to ing similar efforts. capital to afford legal resources. The project will: Legal Services NYC, Student Debt Initiative • Increase pro bono opportunities for transactional Low-income people are especially targeted by pred- attorneys and recruit new volunteers, meet the continued on page 35 34 • Pro Bono

2015 PBIF Grants State Grant Amount Grant Description Alaska Legal Services Corporation will create a Pro Bono Training Academy for private attorneys to assist low- income Alaskans, particularly Alaska Natives, who live in extremely remote locations throughout the state. With AK $187,56 6 no law school in Alaska, the organization will partner with the University of Washington School of Law, which recently opened an extension office in Anchorage. The project will also create additional online resources for volunteers, including forms, manuals, pleadings, and brief banks.

Bay Area Legal Aid will develop specialized pro bono opportunities for law firm partners that involve complex litigation and will benefit a larger number of low-income people. This will build broader and deeper CA $280,111 relationships with law firm partners and meet their expressed desire to work on more complex and far- reaching issues for low-income communities.

Georgia Legal Services Program will create a “pro bono learning lab” within a nonprofit legal incubator. “Lawyers for Equal Justice” is a new, freestanding incubator program established by the State Bar of Georgia, the Georgia Access to Justice Commission, and the five Georgia law schools. The incubator GA $197,813 is designed to support recent law graduates in establishing practices that use technology, alternative fee arrangements, new models of practice, and enhanced pro bono to serve the large population of underserved low-income clients.

Idaho Legal Aid Services, in partnership with the Idaho Volunteers Lawyers Program, will create a pro bono website to assist private attorneys find statewide volunteer opportunities. The project will make pro bono ID $276,000 services a more robust part of Idaho’s low-income legal service delivery system by increasing the number of low-income Idahoans who receive legal representation, expanding the cases and services for which attorneys can volunteer.

LAF, formerly Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, will partner with the Center for Disability and Elder Law to adapt a successful pro bono workshop model into LAF’s intake and scheduling system to enable trained volunteer lawyers to provide assistance to low-income seniors. Documents will IL $239,207 be automated and integrated into LAF’s case management system to simplify and streamline the work of the volunteer attorneys. In collaboration with Illinois Legal Aid Online, the project will also create eLearning curriculum that will be available to any volunteer attorney statewide.

Legal Aid Society (Louisville), in partnership with the three other LSC-funded programs in Kentucky, will create a statewide pro bono program for eligible military veterans to receive legal assistance. The project will coordinate recruitment and training of volunteer lawyers between the four legal aid organizations and create KY $333,982 uniform and streamlined intake protocols and case acceptance policies. It will also create a statewide hotline to connect any veteran to trained legal aid staff who will triage their legal issue to volunteers, and enhance the KY Justice Online system to create more content for veterans and to allow volunteer lawyers to provide assistance to clients on their legal questions through a pro bono portal on the website.

Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Corporation, in partnership with the New Orleans Pro Bono Project and the Daughters of Charity Services, will launch a medical-legal partnership to integrate legal aid as part LA $290,520 of healthcare in eight community-based health clinics. The project will provide services on critical disability, Medicaid, and housing issues and seek to measure improved health and legal outcomes of clients served through the project.

Community Legal Aid (Worcester) will develop a Medical-Legal Partnership to provide legal help to patients participating in a new primary care model at the UMass Memorial Medical Center (UMMMC), the fourth 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT largest safety net health provider in the state. In partnership with the UMMMC General Counsel’s Office n

MA $209,524 and Office of Community Benefits, this project will recruit private attorneys in Central Massachusetts to conduct full assessments of patients’ legal needs and partner with a CLA attorney to integrate legal services into the new primary care model. The project will include a rigorous evaluation to measure the impact of the medical-legal partnership intervention on the new primary care model.

Legal Services of Eastern Missouri will leverage the resources and skills of volunteer business attorneys to provide free business legal assistance and education to low-income entrepreneurs starting or expanding community businesses with an emphasis on minority and women entrepreneurs. The project will also MO $160,000 conduct a national survey of existing transactional pro bono projects for micro-entrepreneurs and will develop a manual of best practices that can be shared with other legal aid programs interested in launching similar efforts.

The Adopt-a-Neighborhood project seeks to expand Legal Aid of Western Missouri’s efforts to bring large law firm resources to the urban core of Kansas City to improve neighborhood conditions. Based on a successful six-year partnership between a major law firm and the Marlborough neighborhood in Kansas MO $257,441 City, the project will expand opportunities for large- and mid-sized firms to form long-term pro bono partnerships and will conduct need and asset assessments in five urban core neighborhoods to determine the best role for law firm and pro bono volunteers. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Pro Bono • 35

2015 PBIF Grants (continued) State Grant Amount Grant Description New Mexico Legal Aid (NMLA) will create a web-linked statewide coalition of pro bono attorneys, law students, and paralegals to assist low-income families in communities with some of the highest poverty rates in the state. The project will connect pro bono lawyers in urban areas to rural clients via videoconferencing and train NM $272,718 law students and paralegals to use the DirectLaw system to provide remote research and other support for pro bono attorneys. In partnership with the Southwest Women’s Law Center and the New Mexico Women’s Bar Association, NMLA will create a statewide “One Woman, One Case” campaign to expand the number of attorneys who can handle family law matters and other legal issues that address persistent poverty.

Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, in partnership with Legal Assistance of Western New York and the Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County, will create a virtual platform to connect rural clients to urban volunteer lawyers on housing and consumer law matters. The project includes an active NY $362,559 campaign to recruit, support, and sustain volunteers and clients in using the new system. The project will create a scalable technology infrastructure that creates efficiencies, expands services, and lowers the cost of serving rural areas.

Legal Services NYC will engage pro bono attorneys to assist low-income people who are targeted by predatory, for-profit trade schools that make misleading promises about the training offered and job prospects post-graduation. The project will enlist volunteers who are transactional lawyers at large firms NY $346,738 and corporations, as well as law students and others. Volunteers will secure debt discharges, consolidation, and income-related relief for low-income people. The project will also create a national database of FOIA materials on predatory for-profit schools in partnership with, and create training manuals and videos for volunteers that will be available on for other legal aid programs.

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland will create a program to engage late-career and retired attorneys to serve more low-income clients. The project will provide space, administrative, paralegal, and other support for the OH $214,566 volunteers. It will also match senior lawyers with law students and new lawyers so these early-career lawyers can be mentored and introduced to pro bono by their more experienced colleagues.

Blue Ridge Legal Services seeks universal pro bono participation by attorneys in the 25th Judicial Circuit by working with the circuit’s 12 judges and bar association leaders to pilot a project of the Virginia Access to Justice Commission. This project will test the effectiveness of engaging the judiciary in encouraging VA $171,255 the private bar to undertake pro bono to meet the civil legal needs of the region’s low-income clients. It will create a pro bono planning committee to expand pro bono participation among the circuit’s rural bar

associations. The project will also seek to engage the only law school in the circuit, Washington & Lee Law CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL School, to identify the best ways to incorporate law students into the new pro bono efforts.

TOTAL $3,800,000

continued from page 33 Cleveland area are age 60 years or older, and that fig- atory, for-profit trade schools that make misleading ure is expected to grow in the next ten years. The ACT promises about the training offered and job prospects 2 Project will create well-structured and supported pro post-graduation. Legal Services NYC will engage pro bono opportunities to engage late-career and retired bono attorneys to obtain relief for these individuals. attorneys to serve more low-income clients. ACT 2 at- The project will enlist volunteers who are transactional torneys will serve in a variety of capacities, such as: lawyers at large firms and corporations, as well as law • Volunteers handling extended representation students and others. Volunteers will secure debt dis- cases as part of a practice group.

charges, consolidation, and income-related relief for • Volunteers responsible for a specific pro bono n

low-income people. The project will also create a na- project. REPORT 2015 ANNUAL tional database of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) • Traditional pro bono service through any of the materials on predatory for-profit schools in partnership organization’s existing efforts. with Pro Bono Net. Legal Services NYC will create comprehensive training manuals and videos for vol- The project will provide space and administrative and unteers that will be available on for other paralegal support in addition to the traditional support legal aid programs. for volunteers. It will also match senior lawyers with law students and new lawyers for mentoring. n Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, ACT 2 Project Twenty-nine percent of active attorneys in the greater 36 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Technology • Delivery of Civil Legal Services S LSC continuesLSC in promoting be to aleader the development of technology plaining and guiding them through their options. legal ex by clearly time save clients websites the addition, outside hours. business normal Inapply for services to clients allow tools Online efficiently. and easily more assistance legal for to and apply need they services tions to make it easier for clients to know which legal have developed websites with online legal aid applica Online Applications include: Features disasters. of to types related all services legal for org, awebsite Website Relief Disaster interviews remotefor client saging, and implementing videoconferencing systems mes text through advice law housing and family for ahotline creating victims, violence domestic and niors se for resources special with awebsite developing grants. technology 25 in received states grantees to improveto of through civil the delivery largely its Technology legal aid, Supporting Innovation in the the in Innovation Supporting LSC grantees in Pennsylvania, Idaho, and Illinois Illinois and Idaho, Pennsylvania, in LSC grantees Guide. Opportunities • APro Bono • • Lone Star Legal Aid maintains DisasterLegalAid. include: funded of projects Examples TIGs have a of supported variety initiatives, including of website page views doubled in one year. one in doubled views page of website number the period, grant the During issues. legal Hundreds of useful documents and resources on resources. access and navigate to easy it making users, mobile for Accessibility Initiative Grants (TIG) which amajor played has role in program, expanding accessexpanding justice to since it established was 15 years ago. program by $550,000 to $4 million. Thirty LSC LSC Thirty by to million. $550,000 $4 program 2015, Congress increased funding for the TIG projects totaling more than $53 million. In 647 than more funded has TIG 2000, ince - - - - state, a self-help assessment tool, and tools for legal legal for tools tool, and assessment state, aself-help state-by- organized is that information include es resourc- These right. legal important this enforce help people with disabilities, and legal aid attorneys who of friends and family self-advocates, for information and resources provides website the homes, own their in treatment to receive disabilities with of people right the affirmed that case U.S. the Court on Supreme Net. Based Pro Bono and Network Rights Disability in with partnership the National Special Needs with Populations for Access Expanded country. the across systems intake of online improvement and replication couraged en has program TIG The mistakes. reduces and time saves which of cases, track keep organizations aid Atlanta Legal Aid developed the website website the developed Aid Legal Atlanta applicationOnline systems how legal also simplify • • • and walks them through the application process. application the through them walks and area their in located services to legal clients direct to able is site website. This statewide create one to collaborated Illinois in LSC grantees three All zations using Drupal. organi aid by legal other replicated and shared be can that programs innovative system to develop frastructure on the Drupal content management in astatewide created Services Aid Legal Idaho of to 12 average an assistance minutes. for apply to takes it time the decreased also has website The not possible. is service in-person or telephone when most frequently outside regular hours, business accessed is It Spanish. and both English in use can clients that system intake an developed Pittsburgh Association in Neighborhood Legal Services continued on page 38

- - - LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 37 Technology • Technology Enhance the program’s intake system creating by user-friendly a online application in both English and Spanish that will beintegrated with the case management system. Enhance mobile access pro to bono resources in the state. The project will design, test and model new approaches delivering to substantive resources for volunteers, as well as develop new mobile technologies and content models that can be replicated nationally. Support expansion the of national legal veteran’s assistance website, Stateside Legal, and market its resources stakeholders to serving low-income veterans and military families. Create an automated script management tool enable to easier translation and modification HotDocsof document assembly interviews; develop a statewide online triage system that uses highly detailed expert logic trees guide to people the to most effective resource easily. Enhance the program’s statewide website supporting legal services and pro bono attorneys and navigation, and content updating devices, mobile with compatibility incorporating by enhanced site. the promoting Develop a system-wide mobile-friendly interface for clients adding by SMS texting capacity and process intake on-line mobile the enhancing system, management case the to functionality the of program website, and providing data clients to using mobile devices. Create a “pitch portal” website (JusticeHub) provide to virtual workspaces for stakeholders develop,to showcase, and crowdsource cross-platform technical solutions improve to the delivery legal of service; and improve the predictive power its of multi-agency New Mexico project. sharing data Make improvements the to newly created WriteClearly and ReadClearly systems that use plain language help to people navigate online resources; create a single online entry point for low-income western New with Yorkers consumer related matters. The system will prescreen clients, making direct referrals legal to services providers or other to service providers. Provide a comprehensive online search tool on program’s website, modify all current and new web content through the use evaluation of tools from,and develop a specifically designated websiteto engage private attorneys. Integrate SMS texting into the statewide legal services website. The project will expand access legal to information through the use text of messaging. Create a multi-program online triage center guide to unrepresented individuals the to proper service provider or web-based resource. Support and enhance LawHelp Interactive (LHI), the national online document assembly service, provide to support legal to services, court, pro bono, and law school programs in more than 40 states; and create mobile app for both Android and iOS devices provide to useful calculators assess to a person’s case, offline accessto court rules, access case management data, complete forms and send push notificationsto clients. Enhance the statewide legal aid website onthe Drupal platform facilitate to the creation of innovative and highly replicable programs that can be used all by legal aid organizations in the state. Implement an advanced digital call center system route to calls the to program’s centralized intake and advice hotline for family and housing law matters. The system will enable text messaging for callers connect to the to program’s website. Implement a new online intake system that includes an A2J interface and triage tool. Create a statewide centralized legal services portal for self-represented litigants from nine access justice to organizations in the partner state; with ProBono.Net expand to LawHelp Interactive interviewapplication for use on mobile and tablet devices. Grant Description Support a multi-state interactiveonline game developed the by Justice EducationSociety divorces. with cope families help to Changeville Guides Change and Families called the Implement a videoconferencing system connect to the program’s eight offices, and conduct remote client interviews. The system willwork on multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. The grantwill also support informational videos about Chapter 7 proceedings. bankruptcy Implement online learning tools, similar to the classroom module on, to to, on module classroom the to similar tools, learning online Implement provide users with information successfully to navigate their legal issue online through 8–10 learning classes aimed specifically at their client community. Support thedevelopment “SmartPanels,” of an automated content management system enableto the program’s website become to self-sustaining, with limited interaction from program staff. simplify to cases claims small portal for mediation and resolution dispute online an Develop access for self-represented litigants.

$ 97,720 $ 97,507 $ 47,6 4 0 $77,639 $70,750 $42,315 $ 67, 20 0 $55,700 $52,200 $84,306 $66,369 $187,4 0 0 $137, 20 0 $748,427 $124,000 $104,629 $152,200 $122,200 $140,669 $262,393 $250,680 Grant Amount

Pine Tree LegalPine Tree Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Project theof Boston Association Bar Community Legal Aid Michigan Advocacy Program Legal Services of MN Northeastern Montana ServicesLegal Association New Mexico Mexico New Legal Aid Community Legal Aid Services Legal Assistance Assistance Legal Western of New York Kansas Legal Aid Legal Assistance Assistance Legal Foundation Ohio State Legal Services Idaho Legal Aid Services Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida Rural Florida ServicesLegal Georgia Legal Legal Georgia Services Legal Aid Society Society Aid Legal Hawaiiof Alaska Legal Legal Alaska Services Center for Arkansas Legal Services Legal Statewide Services of Connecticut Legal Aid Society Society Aid Legal of Orange County IL ID HI MI FL FL CT KS AK AR NY CA GA MT ME OH OH MA MA MN NM State Grantee 2016 TIG Grants (Total Funding $4,203,977) 38 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Technology • 2015 TIG Grants (Total Funding $4,203,977) continued $4,203,977) Funding (Total Grants 2015 TIG tt Grantee State WV WA OH UT PA VA VA TX WI

softwaresoftware developers, developers, academics, lawyers, TIG Conference expands outreach. expands Aid to Legal Atlanta grow as visitors of site number the expects ganization 2015,March-November or- the and 21,000 than more had from visitors site The attorneys. bono pro and aid continued from page 36 $4,203,977 2015 T 2015 Nearly 300Nearly technology consultants, Justice Project Justice Northwest West Virginia of Aid Legal Judicare Wisconsin Northern Virginia Northern of Services Legal Aid Lone Star Legal Services Blue Ridge Legal Services Utah Legal Association Legal Services Neighborhood of Cleveland Legal Aid Society TOTAL echnology Initiative Grants 36 25

Grant Amount Grant CA $4,203,977 AK $505,660 $102,200 $130,438 $127,200 $90,600 $65,900 $53,435 $62,200 $77,200 WA ID UT

HI MT to access and navigate the court system anytime and anywhere. anywhere. and anytime system court the navigate and to access users allow will that app web-based amobile-friendly is navigator, which case alegal Create technologies. on a variety of legal technologies, and help other programs legal services replicate other TIG by a supporting core and collections resources, of services providing guidance one-on-one Project Assistance Technology National Services Legal the improve and to replicate; others for accessible be will that videos education legal web-based mobile-compatible, Create interview guides, and tip sheets. tip and guides, interview client forms, assembly document videos, include will project The clients. to help attorneys volunteer private to assist toolkits and classrooms training interactive online six Create and triage clients. triage and assistance, chat offer interviews, guided integrate would system new The system. phone new program’s to the it adapt and Process Intake Online Services Legal Utah the Replicate unmet civil legal needs in the state. state. the in needs legal civil unmet the analyze and courts state in litigants of self-represented impact the to measure a study conduct Commission, to Justice Access Virginia the and of Virginia, Court Supreme of the Secretary Executive the of Office Courts, State for Center National the with partnership In guided interviews to create electronic court forms and e-filing forms. e-filing and forms court electronic to create interviews guided step-by-step plain-language, include will that Project Forms Texas the Interactive Develop providers. service to appropriate referred or plan action an provided staff, intake to referred be will person that questions, to initial response aperson’s on Based assistance. and information to legal people direct to easily system triage and intake online an Create administrative functions such as timekeeping, reporting, and approvals. Enhance the case management system by creating modules to automate and streamline various Grant Description Grant service or attended a community legal education seminar. seminar. education legal acommunity attended or service limited received that to clients text send to automatically project texting outcomes an Create

NM KS TX MN AR Aw WI ard RecipientState IL MI OH GA s WV for all Americans. for all Americans. FL have brought together experts on the use of of use the on experts together have brought have brought together experts on the use of of use the on experts together have brought technology in civil legal aid to discuss new new to aid discuss legal civil in technology technology in civil legal aid to discuss new new to aid discuss legal civil in technology PA innovations and to network with a national innovations and to network with a national VA community of colleagues,” said LSC Board LSC Board said of colleagues,” community 15“For LSC’s years, conferences TIG Chair John Levi, who delivered the keynote the delivered Levi, who John Chair address. “These annual events have played events have played annual “These address. a vital role in improving the delivery of legal of legal delivery the improving in role a vital NY nology community.” n services and fostering growth in the tech the in growth fostering and services CT MA ME to promote access to justice to justice to promote access tive ways of using technology country, and explored innova the across from colleagues mation, exchanged ideas with of low-income Americans. needs legal civil the address to of technology use the in interested persons and perts ofnation’s ex meeting largest Conference. Grants Initiative LSC’s 15th Technology Annual 14-16 Jan. on Antonio San for in gathered staff aid legal and Participants shared infor the is Conference TIG The - - - - LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 39 S

& OCE RI rto Rico (U. MA NJ DE e CT MD OPP OCE OPP - Puerto Rico (U.S.) NY - PA VA NC FL SC GA OH KY MI AL WI LA MO IA MN SD Management and Oversight • CO WY

In 2015, OCE conducted onsite visits 25 in In 2015, corrective appropriate take to continues LSC regarding compliance with the Act LSC and other regulations; fiscal-related including guidance, LSC identifies proceedings; questioned-cost initiates necessary and fol actions corrective required and assistance technical provides and low-ups; grantees. to training Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, New Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina,York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. actions against grantees that do comply not with the Act LSC and other laws and regulations. completed Questioned-cost proceedings were and fundsagainst were three grantees in 2015, recouped and issues resolved via informal negoti ations with five grantees. n NV - -

AK CA - 2015 LSC2015 Visits Program - - - Improving Management, SC’s OfficeProgramof SC’s Performance and Office Compliance and of en to work Enforcement

LSC is committed to funding the most ecient to fundingLSC and eective most the is committed delivery of

legal services through rigorous management, oversight, and accountability. management, accountability. and rigorous through services oversight, legal LSC’s OfficeLSC’s of Compliance and Enforcement In 2015, OPP conducted OPP onsite as 28 In 2015,

LSC’s OfficeProgramLSC’s of L sessment visits in California, Connecticut, Connecticut, California, in visits sessment Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Iowa, New Minnesota, Michigan, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Puerto York, Jersey, Rico, South Carolina, South Virginia, Dakota, 14 monitored OPP Wyoming. and Wisconsin, grantees that had special grant conditions im to performance.prove expects OPP complete to 35 2016. in visits assessment onsite primary the has (OCE) responsibility monitoring for grantee compliance with regulations, the Act, LSC and fundingrestrictions. OCE also enforces LSC’s reviews oversight conducts Guide; Accounting nology grantees. by

sure compliance with good fiscal with management and practices regulatory and statutory require ments, grantees’ improve and to clients. to service delivery Performance continues (OPP) to assessment program in invest and assistance, technical visits, other initiatives support to grant ees. The office hasthe primary the responsibility administering for competitive grants application and process,awards assessing the sharing services legal delivery, grantees’ of quality high-quality providing civil legal for practices best tech of uses innovative services, promoting and Oversight, and Accountability n 40

LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Helping and Protect Improve to • Message from the Inspector from General • Message T • • • • • • • • • recipients. Some highlights included: grant its of LSC and programs the improving and ing continued to make substantial contributions to protect LSC-funded programs. of clients the for important so consequences the and urgent so are needs resource the where arena, vices ser legal the in vital especially is that arole is this lieve Ibe LSC’s in operations. and programs effectiveness economy,and of promoting efficiency, and abuse and serve stakeholders. to website better OIG user-friendly anew Launching of $72,000. referrals cost questioned investigative new and of $54,000; restitution and recovery by LSC management; sustained referrals investigative $139,000 from costs questioned in costs through OIG investigations, including Obtaining recoveries questioned and identifying authorities. Producing referrals two criminal to prosecutorial LSC funds. of use improper the and abuse, attendance and time such as the unauthorized outside practice of law, matters regulatory and crimes, financial other and criminal investigations involving fraud Closing 35 investigations, including and respond to recurring problems. grantee managers better recognize to help overview a comprehensive providing period, over a two-year issued audits control internal our findingsand recommendationsfrom of asummary providing Report, Compendium Issuing a special years. four every once at least review to aspecial subject are audits grantee conducting firms all which under Conducting a comprehensive control quality program 134 grantees. LSC’s all for process audit annual the Overseeing tolegal services the client community. to provide used be can that funds added producing by LSC management, sustained by audits, OIG identified costs, over $288,000 questioned in Having program improvements. 115 provided and grantee for recommendations funds, LSC grant in over $44.9 million controls internal reviewed which 11 Issuing reports audit grantee OIG I am pleased to report that throughout FY 2015 FY throughout that we to report pleased I am dual mission of preventing and detecting fraud fraud detecting and of preventing mission dual LSC. the has within It office independent an as lished under the federal Inspector General Act estab (OIG) was General Inspector of Office he - - - - for low-income Americans. to justice access of equal commitment common our of support in LSC staff the and President, its Directors, LSC’s to with work to of continuing Board forward protect LSC’s improve and to Ilook help programs. we that can all to doing dedicated Iam members, to make. able Together OIG’s the all been with staff have we contributions continuing at the gratified I am • • • our stakeholders. with relationships working effective and strong reflect to continued efforts our that pleased especially I am • • programs from abuse. Since initiating this program, own to them protect their equip better and to fraud of vulnerabilities awareness to improvestaff grantees for briefings We conducted activities. education and prevention through a vigorous program of outreach fraud on emphasis special to place We continued management. records and breaches; data records; and contracting; grant assurances; to access to: respect LSC purchasing with recommendations many policy initiatives, providing comments and Additionally, we worked with LSC management on balances, and the application of federal law. including: subgrants, timekeeping, recipient fund matters regulatory on LSC management and Board the with coordination in working We continued multiple Congressional requests. periodic meetings and reports, and responded to through activities of our informed We kept Congress programs. at LSC grantee employees grantee educating and Guide, APrevention Fraud OIG’sthe producing Program, Prevention Fraud 2015 the for Receiving Award CIGIE Excellence for 2019. 2015– years the for Plan Strategic OIG an Producing

July 17,July 2016 General LSC Inspector Schanz,Jeffrey controls and operations in their weaknesses specific correct and identify programs help onsite vulnerability assessments to various to perform continue also other interested stakeholders. We for briefings as well as territories, five and U.S. of Columbia, District 50states, the all in grantees for 140 we have conducted briefings n Financials • 41


n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL 42• •Sample Financials Text for FLAG TK 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT n

LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sample Text forFinancials FLAG TK • •43

Statement of Financial Position September 30, 2015 and 2014

ASSETS 2015 2014 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 8 8,6 87,167 $ 79,156,042 Accounts receivable, net 39,970 53,377 Contributions, receivable 542,140 346,220 Grant receivable 500,000 800,000 Prepaid expenses and deposits 369,909 319,953 Total current assets 90,139,186 80,675,592 Property and equipment, net 194,423 376,465 Contributions receivable, net of current portion 1,180,320 1,374,640 Grant receivable, net of current portion - 400,000 $ 91,513,929 $ 82,826,697

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Grants and contracts payable $ 72,408,184 $ 67,3 67, 277 Accounts payable 1,536,774 823,307 Accrued vacation and other liabilities 2,581,700 1,200,355 Deferred revenue 2,759,649 2,115,637

Total current liabilities 79,286,307 71,506,576 CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL

Net Assets Unrestricted Undesignated 7,810,3 41 7,240,800 Board designated 945,395 517,3 8 3 Net investment in fixed assets 194,423 376,465 Total unrestricted 8,950,159 8,134,648

Temporarily restricted 3, 277,4 6 3 3,185,473 Total net assets 12,227,622 11,320,121 $ 91,513,929 $ 82,826,697


The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 44• •Sample Financials Text for FLAG TK

Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets Year Ended September 30, 2015 Temporarily SUPPORT and REVENUES Unrestricted Restricted Total Federal appropriations $ 375,000,000 $ - $ 375,000,000 Grant revenue 2,501,330 425,000 2,926,330 Contributions - 542,348 542,348 Other income 12,738 - 12,738 Change in deferred revenue (645,343) - (645,343) Net assets released from restriction 875,358 (875,358) - Total Revenue 377,744,083 91,990 377,8 3 6,073

EXPENSES Program services Grants and contracts 352,178,529 - 352,178,529 Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program 943,577 - 943,577

Supporting services Management and grants oversight 18,984,707 - 18,984,707 Office of Inspector General 4,496,907 - 4,496,907 Fundraising 324,852 - 324,852

Total Expenses 376,928,572 - 376,928,572

Change in net assets 815,511 91,990 9 07,5 01

Net assets, beginning of year 8,134,648 3,185,473 11,320,121

Net assets, end of year $ 8,950,159 $ 3,277,463 $ 12,227,622 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT n

The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sample Text forFinancials FLAG TK • •45

Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets Year Ended September 30, 2014 Temporarily SUPPORT and REVENUES Unrestricted Restricted Total Federal appropriations $ 365,000,000 $ - $ 365,000,000 Grant revenue 2 ,500,000 1,200,000 3,700,000 Contributions - 2,241,899 2,241,899 Special events - 89,815 89,815 Other income 100,402 - 100,402 Change in deferred revenue 3,389,126 - 3,389,126 Net assets released from restriction 622,313 (622,313) - Total Revenue 371,611,841 2,909,401 374,521,242

EXPENSES Program services Grants and contracts 3 47,120,9 8 0 - 3 47,120,9 8 0 Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program 1,030,774 - 1,030,774 Supporting services Management and grants oversight 16,928,933 - 16,928,933 Office of Inspector General 4,726,439 - 4,726,439 Fundraising 723,891 - 723,891

Total Expenses 370,531,017 - 370,531,017 CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL

Change in net assets 1,080,824 2,909,401 3,990,225

Net assets, beginning of year 7,0 5 3,824 276,072 7,329,896

Net assets, end of year $ 8,134,648 $ 3,185,473 $ 11,320,121


The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 46• •Sample Financials Text for FLAG TK

Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended September 30, 2015 and 2014

CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2015 2014 Change in net assets $ 9 07,5 01 $ 3,990,225 Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash and cash equivalents provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amoritzation 218,346 240,954 Loss on disposal of assets 8,739 - Changes in assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable 13,407 (36,442) Contributions receivable (1,600) (1,720,860) Prepaid expenses and deposits (49,956) (14,369) Grants receivable 700,000 (1,200,000) Grants and contracts payable 5,040,907 9,786,054 Accounts payable 713,467 518,046 Accrued vacation and other liabilities 1,381,345 55,048 Deferred revenue 644,012 (3,389,126) Net cash used by operations 9,576,168 8,229,530

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of property and equipment (45,043) (154,323) Net cash used by investing activities (45,043) (154,323) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents 9,531,125 8,075,207

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Beginning of year 79,156,042 71,080,835 End of year $ 88,687,167 $ 79,156,042

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Income taxes paid $ - $ - Interest paid $ - $ - 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT n

The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sample Text forFinancials FLAG TK • •47

NOTE 1 ORGANIZATION AND PURPOSE Legal Services Corporation (“LSC”) is a private non-membership District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, established by Congress in the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974, Public Law 93-355, and amended in 1977 by Public Law 95-222. The purpose of LSC is to provide financial support to independent organizations that directly provide legal assistance in non-criminal proceedings or matters to persons financially unable to afford such counsel.

NOTE 2 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Accounting LCS’s financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, revenue is recognized when earned, and expenses are recorded when incurred in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis of Presentation Financial reporting by not-for-profit organizations requires that resources be classified for accounting and re- porting purposes into net asset categories according to externally (donor) imposed restrictions. For the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014, LSC had accounting transactions in the unrestricted net asset category, which represents net assets that are not subject to donor imposed restriction. LSC classifies the unrestricted net assets into undesignated, board designated and net investment in fixed assets. Board designated net assets represent amounts that have been earmarked by the Board of Directors for continuing programs and administrative activities. Net assets invested in fixed assets represent investments in property, equipment and computer software, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization. LSC also has transactions in the tempo- rarily restricted net asset category, which represents net assets that are subject to donor imposed restrictions.

Cash and Cash Equivalents LSC’s cash and cash equivalents includes a fund balance with U.S. Treasury of $13,935,000 and $40,117,581 as of September 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively.

Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable are net of an allowance of $484,400 and $518,240 as of September 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, determined based on historical experience and an analysis of specific amounts. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL Contributions Receivable Contributions receivable, including unconditional promises to give (pledges), are recognized as revenue in the period received. In accordance with FASB “Fair Value Option” standards LSC has determined the discount rate under its investment protocol is immaterial therefore, no discount has been applied for the payment of future receivables. LSC deems all the contributions to be fully collectible, therefore no allowance has been established for doubtful accounts.

Property and Equipment Capital assets are stated at cost and depreciated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets of five to ten years. Depreciation is reported as an unallocated expense and is not directly identi- fied with individual functions.

Revenues and Support Recognition LSC receives federal appropriations for Management and Grants Oversight, and Office of Inspector General funding which are reported as support and revenue in the period the public law makes them available. Unexpended portions of these appropriations are reported as unrestricted net assets. In addition, LSC receives federal appropriations for Basic Field Programs, Technology Initiatives, LRAP pro-

gram, and the Pro Bono Innovation. Management considers these earned when LSC has fully executed the related award agreements to third parties. Amounts received for the unearned portions are therefore reported n as deferred revenue. REPORT 2015 ANNUAL LSC recognizes contributions as revenue when they are received or unconditionally pledged and records these revenues as unrestricted or restricted support according to donor stipulations that limit the use of these assets due to time or purpose restrictions. When a donor restriction expires, temporarily restricted net assets are re- classified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statements of activities and changes in net assets as net assets released from restrictions. 48• •Sample Financials Text for FLAG TK


LSC also has grant revenues which are treated as exchange transactions in the statements of activities and changes in net assets. Funds received in advance of their use are accounted for as deferred revenue in the statements of financial position.

Grant Recoveries Grantees who have not complied with the requirements of the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974 and implementing regulations may be subject to actions that result in a recovery of grant funds. Sources of grant refunds may include recoveries of disallowed costs, excess fund balances, unexpended funds on Private Attorney Involvement programs and sanctions imposed by LSC for failure to comply with other regulatory re- quirements, as well as other types of recoveries. Grant recoveries are reported as a reduction of grant and con- tract expenses on the accompanying statements of activities and changes in net assets.

Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results may differ from those estimates.

Income Taxes LSC is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and the applica- ble income tax regulations of the District of Columbia, except for unrelated business income. No provision for income taxes was required for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014, as LSC had no net unrelated business income. LSC has determined there were no uncertain tax positions as of September 30, 2015 and 2014. There was also no tax related to interest and penalties reported in the financial statements. LSC’s Forms 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, for the years ending September 30, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are subject to examination by the IRS, generally for 3 years after they were filed.

Concentration of Revenue LSC receives substantially all of its revenue from direct federal government appropriations. Should there be a significant reduction in this revenue, LSC’s programs and activities could be negatively affected.

NOTE 3 CONCENTRATION OF CREDIT RISK – DEPOSITS In January 2013, LSC started using sweep accounts when the unlimited Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) insurance coverage ended, and invested amounts over $250,000 in high-quality, short-term mutual funds that consist of U.S. Treasury obligations. At September 30, 2015 and 2014, LSC had $74,000,167 and $38,509,366, respectively, in excess of FDIC insured limits. LSC believes any risks it is exposed to are minimal. 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT n

LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sample Text forFinancials FLAG TK • •49

NOTE 4 EQUIPMENT Property and equipment consists of the following at September 30, 2015: Beginning Ending Balance Additions Disposals Balance Furniture and equipment $ 2,315,492 $ 40,900 $ (248,017) $ 2,108,375 Software 572,201 2,993 - 575,194 Leasehold improvements 5,545 1,150 - 6,695 Subtotal 2,893,238 45,043 (248,017) 2,690,264 Less: Accumulated depreciation & amortization (2,516,773) (218,346) 239,278 (2,495,841) Capital assets (net) $ 376,465 $ (173,303) $ (8,739) $ 194,423

Property and equipment consists of the following at September 30, 2014: Beginning Ending Balance Additions Disposals Balance Furniture and equipment $ 2,343,229 $ 154,323 $ (182,060) $ 2,315,492 Software 572,201 - - 572,201 Leasehold improvements 5,545 - - 5,545 Subtotal 2,920,975 154,323 (182,060) 2,893,238 Less: Accumulated depreciation & amortization (2,457,879) (240,954) 182,060 (2,516,773) Capital assets (net) $ 463,096 $ (86,631) $ - $ 376,465

Depreciation/amortization expense for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 was $218,346 and $240,954, respectively.


Certain financial instruments are required to be recorded at fair value. Changes in assumptions or estimation CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL methods could affect the fair value estimates; however, management does not believe any such changes would have a material impact on financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. Other financial instruments, including cash equivalents, other investments and short-term debt, are recorded at cost, which approximates fair value.

NOTE 6 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS The Financial Accounting Standards Board established a framework for measuring fair value. That framework provides a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below: Level 1 – Inputs to the valuation methodology are unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets that LSC has the ability to access. Level 2 - Observable inputs other than Level 1 prices, such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data for substantially the full

term of the assets or liabilities. n

Level 3 - Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are financial instruments REPORT 2015 ANNUAL whose values are determined using pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies, or similar techniques, as well as instruments for which the determination of fair value requires significant judgment or estimation. 50• •Sample Financials Text for FLAG TK

NOTE 6 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS (Continued) Fair values of assets measured on a recurring basis at September 30, 2015 are as follows: Significant Significant Fair Value Other Observable Unobservable Total Inputs (Level 2) Inputs (Level 3) Money Market Accounts in U.S. Treasury Notes $ 57,392,418 $ 57,392,418 $ - TD Investment 350,000 350,000 - Contribution Receivables 1,722,460 - 1,722,460 Loan Repayment Assistance Program Receivable 20,838 - 20,838

Total $ 59,485,716 $ 57,742,418 $ 1,743,298

Fair values of assets measured on a recurring basis at September 30, 2014 are as follows: Significant Significant Fair Value Other Observable Unobservable Total Inputs (Level 2) Inputs (Level 3) Money Market Accounts in U.S. Treasury Notes $ 22,029,807 $ 22,029,807 $ - Contribution Receivables 1,720,860 - 11,720,860 Loan Repayment Assistance Program Receivable 2,330 - 2,330

Total $ 23,752,997 $ 22,029,807 $ 1,723,190

Assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant observable inputs (Level 2 inputs): LSC maintains cash balances at two financial institutions with offices in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Each institution maintains target balances up to $248,000 with any excess funds swept to an account that pur- chases mutual funds investing in U.S. Treasury bills with an average dividend rate of 0.01% for 2015 and 2014, which is arrived at by the financial institution deducting a fee of up-to-0-basis points from the dividend rate provided by the institutions Treasury Reserves. Annual expense ratios are based on amounts incurred during the most recent fiscal year, as shown in the funds’ audited financial statements, and may have been restated to reflect current service provider fees, net of any waivers, reimbursements or caps that the fund’s manager may have committed to the fund and that are currently in effect. Monthly fees and expenses are approximate, assume that the investor held shares of the fund valued at the ending balance for the entire month, and do not include the effect of any transactions that may have been made during the month.

2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT Assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3 inputs): n

The LRAP accounts receivable is stated at the amount management expects to collect from refunded loans. Through an evaluation each year, management adjusts the LRAP allowance account based on its assessment of the current status of individual loans. The net of these two amounts is the receivable reported in the financial statements. Contributions receivable, arising from unconditional promise to give, is stated at the amount management expects to collect. In accordance with FASB “Fair Value Option” standards LSC has determined the discount rate under its investment protocol is immaterial therefore, no discount has been applied for the payment of future receivables. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sample Text forFinancials FLAG TK • •51

NOTE 6 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS (Continued) The table below presents information about the changes in the Loan Repayment Assistance Program and the Contribution Receivables: 2015 2014 Loan Repayment Assistance Program: Beginning Balance $ 2,330 $ 10,338 Net increase, (decrease) 18,508 (8,008) Ending Balance $ 20,838 $ 2,330 Contribution Receivables: Beginning Balance $ 1,720,860 $ - Net increase, (decrease) 1,600 1,720,860 Ending Balance $ 1,722,460 $ 1,720,860

NOTE 7 GRANT RECEIVABLE AND DEFERRED REVENUE LSC operates under various federal appropriations and grants from private sources. At September 30, 2015 and 2014, LSC was due certain amounts from private funding sources which resulted from execution of grant agreements. LSC also received appropriated funds in excess of amounts earned on providing related services, resulting in deferred revenue that continue into the subsequent year. The following details the grant receivables and deferred revenue at September 30: 2015 2014 Grants Receivable: The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation $ 400,000 $ 1,200,000 Kresge Foundation 100,000 - $ 500,000 $ 1,200,000 Deferred Revenue: Basic Field Programs $ 1,141,575 $ 508,647 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL US Court of Veterans Appeals 12,485 5,422 Technology Initiatives 140,746 193,149 Loan Repayment Assistance Program 1,464,843 1,408,419 Total $ 2,759,649 $ 2,115,637

NOTE 8 GRANTS AND CONTRACTS EXPENSE Grants and contracts expense for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 consists of the following: 2015 2014 Basic Field Programs $ 342,470,572 $ 335,824,344 US Court of Veterans Appeals 2,492,937 2,501,329 Hurricane Sandy Relief 21,401 - Grant From Other Funds 47, 28 0 63,266 Pro Bono Innovation 3,800,463 2,375,000 Technology Initiatives 4,052,402 6,682,679 Midwest Disaster Relief Fund 824,186 -

Vieth Leadership Fund 50,000 - n Grants Recoveries (1,580,712) (325,638) REPORT 2015 ANNUAL Total $ 352,178,529 $ 3 47,120,9 8 0 52• •Sample Financials Text for FLAG TK

NOTE 9 MANAGEMENT AND GRANTS OVERSIGHT Management and grants oversight expenses for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 consists of the following: 2015 2014 Compensation and benefits $ 14,032,355 $ 12,114,233 Temporary employee pay 522,584 580,203 Consulting 743,676 543,546 Travel and transportation 788,261 786,868 Communications 84,461 85,499 Occupancy cost 1,722,793 1,711,442 Printing and reproduction 53,467 57,456 Other operating expenses 810,025 808,732 Capital expenditures 42,124 144,351 Sub-Total $ 18,799,746 $ 16,832,330

Depreciation and amortization 218,346 240,954 Loss on disposal of assets 8,739 - Less: capitalized assets (42,124) (144,351) Total $ 18,984,707 $ 16,928,933

NOTE 10 OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL LSC’s Office of Inspector General expenses for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 were as follows: 2015 2014 Compensation and benefits $ 3,831,034 $ 4,018,029 Temporary employee pay 18,880 11,150 Consulting 329,959 332,890 Travel and transportation 226,571 236,310 Communications 19,271 29,482 Occupancy cost 12 4,075 Printing and reproduction 10,024 13,020 Other operating expenses 61,156 81,483 Capital expenditures 2,918 9,971 Total $ 4,499,825 $ 4,736,410

Less: capitalized assets (2,918) (9,971) Total $ 4,496,907 $ 4,726,439


LSC’s Fundraising expenses for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 were as follows: 2015 2014 Compensation and benefits $ 259,205 $ 218,516 Temporary employee pay 11,418 9,945 Consulting 21,408 74,329 Travel and transportation 18,555 299,471 Communications 731 816 Printing and reproduction 70 10,045 Other operating expenses 13,465 110,769 Total $ 324,852 $ 723,891 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sample Text forFinancials FLAG TK • •53

NOTE 12 RETIREMENT PLANS Pursuant to the Legal Services Corporation Act, all officers and employees hired before October 1, 1988, are participants in the Civil Service Retirement System (“CSRS”), although they are neither officers nor employees of the federal government. The CSRS plan is administered by the United States Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”). LSC makes CSRS contributions at rates applicable to agencies of the federal government. The contributions do not equal the full service cost of the pension expense, which is the actuarial present value of benefits attributed to services rendered by covered employees during the accounting period. The measurement of service cost requires the use of actuarial cost methods to determine the percentage of the employees’ basic compensation sufficient to fund their projected pension benefit. These percentages (cost factors) are provided by OPM and the excess of total pension expense over the amount contributed by LSC and by LSC employees represents the amount that must be financed directly by OPM. Post-retirement CSRS benefits are paid by OPM. No amounts have been recognized in the financial statements for these imputed costs. LSC does not report in its financial statements CSRS assets, accumulated plan bene- fits or unfunded liabilities, if any, applicable to its employees. All officers and employees hired after September 30, 1988, are ineligible for the CSRS plan, but they are eligible to participate in LSC’s pension and thrift plan, which is a tax deferred annuity plan subject to Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. LSC contributes 6 percent of each eligible employee’s salary regardless of their participa- tion. In addition, LSC matches the first 2.51 percent contributed by the employee. Individuals can make contribu- tions up to the maximum amount permitted under federal income tax rules. LSC’s contributions to these plans for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 were $1,192,416 and $1,063,938, respectively. The amounts are included in compensation and benefits for management and admin- istration expenses. LSC also offers tax deferred annuity savings plans. CSRS eligible employees may contribute pretax earnings to the federal Thrift Savings Plan, and 403(b) eligible employees may contribute additional pretax earnings to the Section 403(b) plan. These plans are subject to different maximum amounts as permitted by the prevailing laws. No contributions are made to these tax deferred savings plans by LSC. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL NOTE 13 OPERATING LEASE LSC renewed its lease agreement in September 2012, commencing in June 2013, for an additional 10 years. Under the new lease, LSC has an obligation to pay a portion of building operating expenses in excess of the base year. No additional building operating expenses were incurred for the years ended September 30, 2015 or 2014. LSC has the right to terminate the lease by giving no less than 120-day prior written notice in the event that LSC does not receive an appropriation from Congress for administrative costs sufficient to cover LSC and its rental obligations for any period during the term of the lease. Future minimum lease payments required under this lease as of September 30, 2015 are as follows: Fiscal Year Amount 2016 $ 1,710,000 2017 1,710,000 2018 1,710,000 2019 1,710,000 2020 1,710,000 Thereafter 4,560,000

$ 13,110,000 n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL Rental expense for the years ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 is $1,710,000 and $1,714,503, respectively. 54• •Sample Financials Text for FLAG TK

NOTE 14 CONTINGENCIES Grants and Contracts LSC received funding from appropriations by Congress and grants from the U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals, and several private grant foundations. Accordingly, LSC may be subject to federal audits, state charitable solic- itation reporting requirements, or private funder guidelines and oversight. In addition, LSC provides significant funding to numerous independent organizations, which are subject to their own audits and audits by LSC. LSC’s management does not expect any significant adjustments as a result of federal or state reporting require- ments, should they occur, or from the audits of the grantees’ independent auditors.

Claims Three employment-related claims were filed against LSC during FY2015. The first was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia shortly after the close of FY2014. LSC has filed an Answer to the Complaint as well as a Motion to Dismiss. Compensatory and punitive damages, as well as attorneys’ fees, were alleged. Management believes that any recoveries not covered by insurance would be immaterial to LSC’s financial statements and have not been recorded for this contingency. The second was filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in July 2015, seeking reinstatement; back pay and front pay, attorneys’ fees and costs, compensatory damages, and punitive damages. LSC filed an Answer to the Complaint and is in the discovery phase. Because a recovery is remote, no funds have been recorded in LSC’s financial statements.

The third was filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”), but was dismissed in September 2015. No funds for these charges were recorded.

Collection Matters Upon concluding that a grantee had misused LSC funds and committed other financial irregularities, LSC disal- lowed approximately $467,619 of the grantee’s costs. In 2011, LSC terminated the grantee, which then closed its business and filed for bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Louisiana. LSC and seven other creditors filed Proof of Claims in the bankruptcy proceedings. A hearing of the claims has not yet been scheduled. As this is a collections matter serving to benefit LSC, no funds have been recorded.

NOTE 15 LOAN REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Through the Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP), established in 2005 and funded by Congressional appropriations, LSC makes a limited number of forgivable loans to attorneys employed by its grantee programs to help repay law school debt. Each participant receives up to $5,600 per year for three years – for a maximum of $16,800 if they remain eligible and funding remains available. Participants must commit to remain with the LSC-funded legal services program for three years. As long as the participant remains in good standing, the loans are forgiven. Participants that do not successfully complete em- ployment within the loan terms must repay the loans. No provision has been made in the accompanying financial statements to reflect any interest on the loans as management has deemed these amounts to be immaterial. Accounts receivable are stated at the amount management expects to collect from refunded loans. Management provides for probable forgiven amounts through an adjustment to a valuation allowance based 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT on its assessment of the current status of individual accounts. Accounts receivable balances are written-off n

through a charge to the valuation allowance in the year the loans are forgiven. Deferred revenue is comprised of funding available for future loans and loan amounts outstanding. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sample Text forFinancials FLAG TK • •55

NOTE 15 LOAN REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (Continued) 2015 2014 LRAP balances at September 30 are as follows: Cash $ 1,457,877 $ 1,406,089 Accounts receivable, net 20,838 2,330 Deferred revenue 1,464,843 1,408,419 LRAP activity for the years ended September 30 are as follows: Loans made $ 965,885 $ 1,030,400 Loans forgiven 977,417 1,0 47, 20 0 Change in allowance for loan forgiveness (33,840) (16,426)

NOTE 16 TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Components of temporarily restricted net assets at September 30 were as follows: 2015 2014 Public Welfare Foundation $ 166,399 $ 66,622 Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief 54,558 75,959 40th Anniversary Campaign 2,380,692 1,842,892 The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation 375,814 1,200,000 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 100,000 - William & Flora Hewlett Foundation 100,000 - Kresge Foundation 100,000 - Total $ 3,277,463 $ 3,185,473

Temporarily restricted net assets released from restrictions for the years ending September 30 were as follows: 2015 2014 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SERVICES LEGAL Public Welfare Foundation $ 224 $ 133,491 Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief 21,401 - 40th Anniversary Campaign 29,547 488,822 The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation 824,186 - Total $ 875,358 $ 622,313

NOTE 17 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Legal Services Corporation has evaluated subsequent events occurring after the statement of financial position date through the date of January 12, 2016, the date the financial statement were available for release. Based on this evaluation, Legal Services Corporation has determined that the following subsequent events have occurred which require disclosure in the financial statements. Fiscal Year 2016 Funding After a series of continuing resolutions to partially fund the government for Fiscal Year 2016, the President signed legislation on December 18, 2015 which provides LSC funding of $385 million for fiscal year 2016.

n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL 56 • Financials 2015 ANNUAL 2015 REPORT n

LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION n 2015 ANNUAL REPORT • Contact LSC ; Brett Belleau; Ashley Ashley ; Marcos Belleau; A. Brett ; Navarro, Director Design and IMAGE WANA Matthews; Where possible it was provide credit photo to for images did used, Unfortunately, we so. space did allow not for acknowledgements.however, Here, in alphabetical are those order, credit wish to we for the use their of art in this Annual Report: Manager Manvi Content Drona, Web Follow LSCFollow on at Facebook at Twitter at LinkedIn Vimeo at Thank You Officeof Government Relations PublicandAffairs ServicesLegal Corporation NW 3333 K Street, DC 20007 Washington, / 202.295.1500 For further information For • Sample Text for FLAG TK

America’s Partner for Equal Justice

Legal Services Corporation ANNUAL 2015 REPORT

e Legal Services Corporation is the single largest funder of civil legal services in the country and plays a vital role in a public-private partnership focused on fullling America’s pledge of equal justice for all. Since its founding more than four decades ago, LSC has been making a dierence in the lives of low-income Americans by funding high-quality civil legal assistance to veterans, the elderly, victims of domestic abuse, tenants facing unlawful evictions, and others who cannot aord to pay for legal assistance.