Volume 22 No 3 | TRINITY 2010 Oxford Today The Universi T y M a g a z i n e Helping politics go with a swing David Butler on television elections Food for thought Rick and John Stein on boosting brains The men who shaped science Melvyn Bragg on Oxford and the Royal Society 01111 297x210 Oxford Today CAP3_Layout 1 22/04/2010 09:57 Page 1 TURN AMBITION INTO ACHIEVEMENT ENTREPRENEUR? FINANCE MANAGER? BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER? THE OXFORD CAREER ACCELERATION PROGRAMME This innovative general management programme will unlock your leadership potential and position you for the next level of your career. Three short modules allow you to combine study with a demanding career. Apply now for September 2010 www.sbs.oxford.edu/ca CAROLINE WILLIAMS T +44 (0)1865 422583
[email protected] WWW.SBS.OXFORD.EDU THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD: EDUCATING LEADERS FOR 800 YEARS Editor: Greg Neale Designer: Richard Boxall Head of Publications and Web Office: Anne Brunner-Ellis Editorial Assistants: Janet Avison, Martin Harrington, Anthea Oxford Today Milnes, Elizabeth Tatham The Universi T y M a g a z i n e Picture Editor: Joanna Kay Editorial Advisory Board: Trinity highlights Alan Bell i Anne Brunner-Ellis D David Clary, 7 16 45 48 President, Magdalen College Paddy Coulter Sue Cunningham, christian sinibal Director of Development jens ressing/Dpa/corbus pt of engineering science Mary Dejevsky, The Independent e D Zoe Flood Katie Gray, Member, e D ita ita greer/ Oxford University Society r Jeremy Harris, presi nt & fellows of st john’s college Director