Latvian Ergonomic Society Ergonomics Research Centre in the Faculty of Chemistry University of Latvia Th e 1st International Scientifi c-Practical Conference of the Latvian Ergonomics Society Contemporary Ergonomics and Business 2011 October 7th, 2011, Riga, Latvia PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS Riga 2011 LLEB-tezes.inddEB-tezes.indd 1 22011. 114:23:424:23:42 Responsible about this issue: Zenija Roja Editors: Zenija Roja, Henrijs Kalkis, Valdis Kalkis Note: Th e contents of the abstracts were made on the responsibility of each author © University of Latvia, 2011 Ergonomics Research Centre in the Faculty of Chemistry Latvian Ergonomic Society Printed by UL Press (LU Akadēmiskais apgāds) Baznicas 5, LV-1010 Tel/Fax: +371 67034672 E-mail:
[email protected] ISBN 978-9984-45-407-8 LLEB-tezes.inddEB-tezes.indd 2 22011. 114:23:474:23:47 PREFACE Th e ergonomics of the 21st Century is actuality in nowadays working environment, process management and relations. Ergonomics tightly associate success in business and employers wellbeing at organizations. Th is year Latvian Ergonomics Society (LES) celebrates 5th anniversary. During past fi ve years LES has unifi ed more than 50 members of various professions, published many books, booklets and guidelines in ergonomics fi eld that has stimulated ergonomics scientifi c and practical development in Latvia as well as understanding in society about ergonomics signifi cance in human quality of life. LES collaborates with Ergonomics Research Centre (ERC) in the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia, providing consultations and participation in various projects in the fi eld of ergonomics.