
630 US ISSN 0271-9916 December 1982 RESEARCH EXTENSION SERrES 024

Soil by Water in the

S. A. EI-Swaify, E. W. Dangler, and C. L. Armstrong



S. A. EI-Swaify, E. W. Dangler, and C. L. Armstrong Department ofAgronomy and Soil Science College ofTropical Agriculture and Human Resources University ofHawaii Honolulu, Hawaii


Illustrations vii Tables ix Acknowledgments xi Abbreviations xiii Synopsis and Recommendations xv 1. Introduction 1 Forms ofwater erosion 1 Tolerance limits 3 Special considerations for the tropics 6 2. Extent ofWater Erosion in the Tropics 9 Approaches, methods, and scales ofassessment 9 Rainfall erosion in the tropics-general trends 12 Inventory ofrainfall erosion in the tropics 13 Tropical 14 Tropical 31 Tropical , Papua New Guinea, and Pacific 44 Tropical America 45 53 Islands 55 Changes in the extent oferosion 58 3. Impact of Rainfall Erosion in the Tropics 60 Impact on soil productivity 60 Flood hazards 69 Sedimentation and usefulness ofreservoirs and waterways 72 Other environmental impacts .: 74 4. Predictability Parameters for Rainfall Erosion in the Tropics 75 Conditions favoring high rates ofsoil loss 75 Quantitative parameters for prediction 76 Prevailing land-use patterns and farming systems 108 5. Erosion Control Measures 119 Traditional systems 121 Developed systems 121 Vegetative control methods 124 Mechanical control methods 134 6. Priority Needs for Problem Solving 146 Information dissemination 146 Research needs ...... 146 Extension, advisory, and information delivery services 149 Training needs 149 Literature Cited 150 Index 169 About the Authors 173


MAPS 1. Tropical ofthe 2 2. World soil classification 7 3. Fournier's map oferosion risk in Africa south ofthe 16 4. hazards in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) 19 5. Relationship between erosion and stock routes in the Kisongo catchment, central Tanzania 26 6. Erosion studies in Ethiopia 28 7. Geology and structure ofeastern Nigeria 30 8. Soil erosion in the Navrongo-Bawku area, northern Ghana 31 9. Agroclimatic zones and major soil in Sri Lanka 33 10. The Mahaweli Ganga basin, Sri Lanka 34 11. Extent and types oferosion in India 36 12. Rainfall patterns ofthe 42 13. Estimated erosion status ofKauai, Hawaii 46 14. Estimated erosion status ofOahu, Hawaii 46 15. Estimated erosion status ofMolokai, Hawaii 47 16. Estimated erosion status ofLanai, Hawaii 47 17. Estimated erosion status ofMaui, Hawaii 48 18. Estimated erosion status ofthe ofHawaii 48 19. Mean annual rainfall variability for the world 80 20. Mean monthly rainfall in Asia/Australia 81 21 . Mean monthly rainfall in the 81 22. Mean monthly rainfall in the Pacific 82 23. Mean monthly rainfall in Africa· 82 24. Estimated average annual values ofthe rainfall erosion index in the major islands ofHawaii 84 25. Isoerodent map ofJava and Madura 86 26. Isoerodent map ofIndia 88 27. Isoerodent map ofwest central Africa ~ 89 28. Mean annual erosivity over Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) 90 29. Relative erodibility ofTaiwan slopeland 100

Vll FIGURES 1. Schematic illustrations ofmajor forms oferosion by water 4 2. Measurement oferosion around 9 3. Relation between sediment delivery ratio and catchment size 11 4. Relation ofmean annual sediment yield to drainage area in Tanzania compared to eastern Wyoming. 11 5. Changes in soil erosion trends with rainfall 13 6. Frequency ofgullies on three types ofland tenure in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) 18 7. Sediment yields observed under various land-use patterns in the semiarid rangelands ofKenya 22 8. Extent ofland that will have soil cover removed completely over various periods in three study areas in Kenya 22 9. Annual rainfall pattern for 's northern highlands, 1975-1977 39 10. Changes in soil productivity as influenced by the degradation-aggradation processes 61 11. Potential soil and loss from an unprotected tropical Oxisol in relation to steepness ofslope 64 12. Effects ofslope and rotation on total nutrient loss in eroded sediments during 1973 64 13. Effects ofdifferent rates and slopes on total nutrient losses in runoffwater 64 14. Total loss oforganic carbon in eroded sediments, 1973 65 15. Yields ofmaize in relation to depth, United States 65 16. Effects of simulated erosion on yields ofmaize on a cobbly soil, 67 17. Effects of simulated erosion on yields ofmaize on a deep soil, Malaysia ., 67 18. Effect ofsurface soil removal on grain yield on Alfisols 67 19. Relationship ofthree levels ofproduction ofmaize to soil loss and slope 68 20. Examples ofcropland burial by erosional sediments 69 21. Wischmeier's nomograph for soil erodibility estimation 95 22. Roth, Nelson, and Romkens' nomograph for soil erodibility estimation 96 23. Relationships between K, E, and soil erodibility F 102 24. Relationship between gradient and soil loss under simulated rainfall for residual soils on Oahu, Hawaii 103 25. Relationship between gradient and soil loss under simulated rainfall for volcanic ash soils on the island ofHawaii 103 26. Comparative soil erosion from cropped and fallow Vertisols 106 27. Relationship between catchment vegetation and soil erosion in selected rivers ofAfrica and Asia 106 28. Combined mulch and canopy effects at different fall distances 113 29. Effect ofplant residue mulch on soil loss 115 30. Flow chart of selected soil erosion practices for water-induced soil erosion 122 31. The brush matting technique 129 32. The wattling and staking technique 129 33. Generalized diagram ofstrip cropping 131 34. Major types ofterraces 136 35. Horizontal and vertical interval measurement for spacing terraces 137 36. Major kinds ofwaterways 138 37. Various kinds of spillways 140 38. Guide to structure selection 142 39. A rock-fill check dam 142 40. Temporary dam structures 143 41. Use ofworn tires for stabilizing slopes 145


1. Classes oferosion ...... ' ...... 10 2. Rates oferosion ofthe 13 3. Estimated annual soil erosion within drainage basins ofselected rivers ofthe tropics 15 4. Percentage ofland area ofvarious agricultural settlements affected by various degrees oferosion 17 5. Explanation ofmajor categories ofhazard shown in Map 4 20 6. Estimates ofaverage Cenozoic erosion rates in Kenya 23 7. Soil denudation rates in seven catchment basins in Tanzania compared with data from one set of soil erosion plots 24 8. Areal inventory oflandforms, land use, and soil erosion in the catchments ofMatumbulu, Msalatu, and Imagi reservoirs, Tanzania 25 9. Estimated extent ofsevere sheet erosion and gully volumes, Kisongo catchment, central Tanzania 25 10. Altitudinal zones ofrainfall, land use, and soil erosion in the Morogoro River catchment, Tanzania .. 27 11. Estimated extent and types oferosion in India ...... 35 12. Suspended sediment loads ofsome Southeast Asian rivers 38 13. Erosion extent in the Philippines 41 14. Degree and extent ofsoil erosion in areas licensed to timber companies within the Agno River basin, Philippines 43 15. Actively eroding areas and erosion rates for the Hawaiian Islands 49 16. Relationship between , vegetation, and soil erosion in 50 17. Estimate ofpotential erosion in the Andean ofPeru 51 18. Some quantitative effects ofhuman activities on surface erosion 59 19. Analytical data from some eroded and noneroded Ferralsols (Oxisols) in Tanzania 62 20. in runofffrom selected plots in conventionally tilled on three soils in , 1967 63 21. Effect ofdepth oftopsoil on yields ofcorn and oats on Tama silt loam, Iowa, United States 65 22. Effect ofdepth oftopsoil on yields ofcorn, cotton, and oats on Cecil soil, Georgia, United States 65 23. Effect ofdepth oftopsoil on yield ofcorn 66 24. Relation ofcrop yields to depths oftopsoil 66 25. Effect ofdepth ofsoil removed on development. 68 26. Data on siltation in selected reservoirs in India 73 27. Rainfall in selected tropical and subtropical locations 78 28. Interrelationships between raindrop size, kinetic energy, and intensity, as established by various workers ...... 83 29. Summary ofalternative estimates for the rainfall erosion index and its components 89 30. Selected data for high rainfall intensity rates in the tropics 91 31. Selected data for rainfall erosivity according to the EI30 index 91 32. Erodibility ofAlfisols or Aridisols 92 33. Erodibility ofOxisols 92 34. Erodibility ofInceptisols 93 35. Erodibility ofMollisols or Vertisols 93

IX 36. Erodibility ofUltisols 93 37. Erodibility ofsoils with miscellaneous classifications 94 38. Nomograph-predicted erodibility values for some soils 97 39. Nomograph-predicted erodibility values for some Sri Lanka soils 97 40. Comparison ofrange ofproperties used t~ develop existing nomographs with those encountered in selected Hawaii soils 98 41. Comparison ofnomograph-predicted and experimental erodibility values for Hawaii soils 98 42. Regression equations for soil properties and erodibility ofHawaii soils 99 43. Soil erodibility values used in the SLEMSA Model 101 44. Table for calculation ofLS values 104 45. Runoffand soil erosion from various , Mpwapwa, Tanzania 10-7 46. Runoff, soil erosion, and sediment concentration relationships at the Mpwapwa erosion plots, Tanzania 107 47. Sample data for estimated cropping-management factors in and fields on Maui, Hawaii 108 48. Cropstage periods, durations, and estimated soil-loss ratios for selected tropical crops 109 49. Soil-loss coefficients for and under different treatments on Alfisols 110 50. The vegetal cover factor for the C factor in West Africa 111 51. Classification ofcrops based on similarities in soil protective characteristics 112 52. Soil loss ratios (percent) for final cropstage when stalks are chopped and distributed without soil tillage...... 114 53. P factor for conservation practices in West Africa 114 54. P values and slope-length limits for contouring 115 55. P values, maximum strip widths, and slope-length limits for contour strip-cropping 116 56. P values for contour-farmed terraced fields 116 57. Sheng's scheme ofland capability classification forJamaica 120 58. Selected vegetation useful for erosion control. 125 59. Comparison ofeffect ofvegetative covers for reducing erosion in Malaysia 130 60. Seasonal soil loss from Cecil clay loam (Alabama) planted to cotton and to cotton strip-cropped with soybeans...... 131 61. The effect ofcrop management on soil and water losses from maize in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) 132 62. Effect ofmulching on earthworm casts in maize in Nigeria 133 63. Effect ofmulching in Nigeria on sediment density in runoffwater under maize 133


Preparation of this book was initiated under 211(d) grant AID/csd-2833 funded by the U.S. Agency for In­ ternational Development. Completion would not have been possible without the cooperation of colleagues throughout many countries who generously provided published literature, unpublished data, briefings on on­ going studies, or constructive critiques ofearly drafts. Many have provided their valuable time and effort dur­ ing the planning and carrying out of site visits that were necessary for documenting many sections of the report. Much of the presented analysis was inspired by contributions from and discussions with colleagues participating at two recent conferences, namely the Symposium on Soil Erosion and Conservation in the Tropics (American Society ofAgronomy, Fort Collins, Colorado, August 1979) and the International Confer­ ence on Soil Conservation (Conservation 80, Silsoe, U.K.,July 1980). Our sincere appreciation goes to:

N. Ahmad (Trinidad) M. Manan (Malaysia) C. Anecksamphont (Thailand) J. V. Mannering (U.S.A.) H. Arnoldus (F.A.O.) G. G. Marten(Mexico-U.S.A.) S. Sinanuwong Arunin (Thailand) S. M. Miranda (Philippines) B. (U.S.A.) K. Mitchell (U.S.A.) P. BoIs () W. C. Moldenhauer (U.S.A.) R. P. Bosshart (U.S.A.) R. Na-Thalang (Thailand) A. A. Briones (Philippines) C. Panabokke (Sri Lanka) P. Charman (Australia) E. Pawlowski (West Germany) T. Dunne (Kenya-U.S.A.) F. S. Pollisco (Philippines) H. Elwell (Zimbabwe) H. Popenoe (U.S.A.) R. Ernst (U.S.A.) Ausafur Rahman (Singapore) G. R. Foster (U.S.A.) G. Ranzani (Brazil) B. Gopinathan (Malaysia) S. Rimwanich (Thailand) A. C. Hartley (New Guinea) E. Roose (Ivory Coast) Ghulam Hashim (Malaysia) M. B. Russell (India-U.S.A.) S. C. Hu (Singapore) P. C. Sajise (Philippines) N. W. Hudson (U.K.) J. Schiller (Thailand) W. Joshua (Sri Lanka) T. F. Shaxson (U.K.) M. L. Khybri (India) T. C. Sheng (Thailand-Jamaica-F.A.O.) B. Krantz (India-U.S.A.) O. T. Siong (Malaysia) P. Krishnarajah (Sri Lanka) L., D. Swindale (India) R. Lal (Nigeria) Abdullah Tengah (Malaysia) Sheng Liang (Taiwan) Goro Uehara (U.S.A.) Mien-Chung Liao (Taiwan) C. G. Wenner (Kenya) L. M. Maene (Malaysia) D. M. D. Yauieb (Papua New Guinea)


AID Agency for International Development (United States) ARS Agricultural Research Service (USDA) ASA American Society ofAgronomy ASAE American Society ofAgricultural Engineers CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia) CSWCRTI Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute (Dehra Dun, India) CTAHR College ofTropical Agriculture and Human Resources (UH) EEC European Economic Community FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (UN) HESL Hawaiian Environmental Simulation Laboratory (UH) IAHS-AISH International Association of Hydrologic Science-Association International de Science H ydrologique ICAR Indian Council ofAgricultural Research (Dehra Dun) ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semiarid Tropics (Dehra Dun) ICSC International Conference on Soil Conservation (Silsoe, U.K.) IITA International Institute ofTropical Agriculture (Nigeria) IRRI International Research Institute JCRR-MARDB J oint Commission on Rural Reconstruction and Mountain Agricultural Resources Development Bureau (Taiwan) LDC Less developed country NAS National Academy ofSciences NIFTAL Fixation by Tropical Agricultural project (UH) OAS Organization ofAmerican States ORSTOM Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer PCARR Philippines Council for Agricultural and Rural Research RRIM Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia SCS Soil Conservation Service (USDA) SCSA Soil Conservation Society ofAmerica TCNSPC Technical Committee on Nonpoint Source Control UH University ofHawaii UK United Kingdom UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme USDA United States Department ofAgriculture USGS United States Geological Survey WMO WorId Meteorological Organization


Existing knowledge allows erosion and conserva­ the development of conservation practices applica­ tion workers in the tropics to make some qualitative ble in the tropics. This lack ofdata also prevents ­ assessments of the extent and forms of rainfall eroo: jective evaluation of the applicability of conserva­ sion, approximate estimates of various causative tion experiences (and models) developed outside the parameters, crude evaluations ofthe various effects, tropics. It is of serious concern that certain of these and selected prescriptions of appropriate control models are used indiscriminately without the scien­ measures. However, quantitative data on all these tific evidence required to test their applicability. factors are spotty at best. The same data restrictions are responsible for the Determinations of the magnitude of existing and lack of an adequate basis on which to modify these potential erosion have been conducted by widely dif­ models and make them applicable. ferent methods. Nevertheless, in several countries Conversely, the availability of vital data, and a available evidence of the seriousness of the problem system ofdissemination, can increase the awareness is convincing. Fortunately, evidence also indicates ofleaders and policymakers ofthe importance ofthe that degradation by erosion has yet to reach a criti­ problem and the scarcity of trained specialists and cal stage in many countries. practitioners in research and advisory services. Quantitative documentation of the impact of ero­ These assertions are supported by detailed ac­ sion, particularly its effect on soil productivity, has counts within this report and form the bases for the also been sketchy. Judgment of the severity of ero­ following recommendations: sion has remained subjective and mostly dependent 1. A mechanism should be established whereby on how visible the problem is. Nevertheless, it is evi­ the concerted and coordinated efforts needed to dent that erosion by water detrimentally affects the meet identified priority needs may be exerted. productivity of soils, both at the source and at the We propose the organization of a collaborative destination of sediments. Where it is most severe, network whose members would include con­ erosion may result in the total loss of soil as a cerned institutions in developing tropical coun­ resource as as ofvaluable associated vegetation. tries together with selected international and Other detrimental effects include deterioration of U.S. institutions. The suggested name for the the quality and fish-producing capacity of desti­ network is the Collaborative Network for Soil nation water bodies, shortened life expectancy of Erosion and Conservation in the Tropics reservoirs and water storage structures, and loss of (CONSECT). valuable water through destructive floods from 2. While priority needs are not uniform for all uncontrolled runoff. developing tropical countries, major gaps There exists a general qualitative understanding emerge in several categories offrequent impor­ ofthe roles ofindividual causative parameters in the tance. It is proposed that CONSECT be uti­ tropical environment. However, the quantitative lized as the clearing house for information and data necessary for predicting potential erosion and for assisting member countries with coopera­ detecting critical management alternatives are rare. tive program planning and implementation. While the state of current knowledge allows approx­ Important program elements are to: imate estimation of required improvements in land a. provide information to leaders and policy­ use for the elimination or reduction of loss of valu­ makers concerning accelerated erosion and able soil, absence ofnecessary base-line data curtails its serious impact. This service would be xv PREVIOUS PAGE BLANK provided to countries in which erosion has certain aspects of available technology for not yet reached severe proportions as well as erosion prediction and control in the devel­ those that already suffer severe problems. oping tropics. b. Identify major research needs for the quan­ c. Enhance the development ofeffective exten­ titative assessment of erosion sources, the sion and advisory services and information extent of erosion, soil loss tolerances, and delivery systems in the areas of erosion and causative parameters. Joint evaluations conservation. need to be made of alternative research d. provide appropriate means for meeting the methodologies and of the transferability of training needs ofmember countries.


Civilizations have flourished or declined with abun­ published literature, correspondence, and site visits dance or shortage of their natural resources. Low­ to selected countries. Although erosion by is dermilk (1953) and Carter and Dale (1974) provided recognized as a major hazard in the arid and semi­ clear historical documentations in support of this arid tropics, the scope ofthis report is limited to ero­ observation. Soil and water, aside from people sion by water. We shall treat the tropical zone with themselves, are the most important of these re­ the climatic subzones shown in Map 1; however, we sources. The degradation of agricultural lands is a shall make numerous references to concepts or data consequence of many and extremely diverse forces developed in the temperate regions because most of (FAG 1971, 1977c). A world with a human popula­ the available data on erosion research have been col­ tion of nearly 4 billion (United Nations 1977), in­ lected there. creasing 2 percent per , can hardly afford the harmful impacts of land degradation in any form. Beginning with the classic work ofJacks and Whyte FORMS OF WATER EROSION (1939), such concerns have been expressed repeat­ edly, often with ample analytical documentation The expression "erosion by water" has been used to (FAG 1971, 1977c; Constantinesco 1976; Pimentel describe many widely different phenomena, includ­ et al. 1976) and just as often with mind-boggling ing the depletion of soil constituents by dissolution syntheses of previously reported observations (Eck­ and . However, in this book erosion will be holm 1976; Brown 1978). Even in the United States, defined as the''wearing away of the land surface by where persistent and often successful soil conserva­ running water, wind, ice, or other geological agents, tion efforts have been made since the mid-1930s, including such processes as gravitational creep" there is still serious concern that much more needs (SCSA 1976). For our purposes, it is particularly to be done (Carter 1977). useful to distinguish two classes of erosion­ Although soil erosion is often associated with de­ geological and accelerated-although other classifi­ terioration or loss of water resources and may well cations have been proposed and may be useful in be the most serious and least reversible form of land particular situations (Arnoldus 1974). degradation in tropical environments, there is little Geological (sometimes called natural or normal) or no documentation ofthe extent, impact, or causes erosion is the inexorable and continuous process of of erosion in these regions. Yet the need for such evolution of the Earth's surface by such geological documentation is acute because it is precisely in agents as rainfall, overland flow, melt, these regions that most of the human population of streams, and so on. As its name indicates, accelerat­ the world resides, faces constant critical shortages of ed erosion is usually a more rapid process that is food and energy, and has the fastest rate of expan­ largely induced by such human practices as sion. Consequently, in tropical countries, there is clearing, raising crops and domesticated animals, ever-increasing to cultivate forest. lands mining, and construction. It is this form of erosion that currently serve as vital watersheds and provide by water, which is more detrimental but also amen­ an important measure ofenvironmental stability. able to limitation and control, that is the focus of this In this report, we attempt to provide a synthe­ report. sized documentation of erosion problems in the Early in the study oferosion, the mode ofrunning tropics, based on available published literature, un- water on the land ·surface was considered to take es-

1 TROPICAL CLIMATIC ZONE Rainy Humid and Wet and dry

------'. $ ------

0° t------+------. FE;r--I~;__------___1 0°

/ ,' / I .:t> ::::" I ------...... ------./ I "'------,---I

Dry with humid winters Semi - and desert

Map 1. Tropical climates of the earth. (Modified from Troll 1966) sentially three forms: sheet, rill, and gully erosion shape of unique columns or walls, while the sur­ (Bennett 1939). Sheet erosion, now frequently called rounding soil is eroded away. Pinnacle erosion is a interrill erosion, involves the more-or-less even similar form that results in the formation of towers removal of layers of soil from an entire segment of or pinnacles of resistant soil. Hudson (1971) also sloping land, and is by far the least conspicuous. Rill recognized puddle erosion-the loss of soil structure erosion results from the concentration in surface de­ by action; and vertical erosion-the transloca­ pressions of water that subsequently flows down tion of fine particles from the surface to the subsur­ slope along paths of least resistance thus forming face soil. Figure 1 illustrates several forms of water microchannels or rills. Gully erosion is also channel erOSIOn. erosion that has progressed so deeply and extensive­ As will be noted and documented in this report, ly that the land cannot be used for normal cultiva­ all the forms of erosion described above have been tion. While this view of erosion emphasized the role observed in the tropics. Although policymakers are of overland flow, it was also realized that the energy generally more impressed by the spectacular forms associated with raindrop impact is an important fac­ and stark realities of gully and tunnel erosion, it is tor (Cook 1936). Classic studies of raindrop splash the less visible forms such as sheet, rill, and interrill indicated that the raindrop was the initiator of the erosion that cause the greatest cumulative damage erosion process (Ellison 1947aJ b). Ellison provided -particularly to the agricultural potential of the a sequential separation of the erosion process into land. The latter are widespread in area and occur two parts-detachment and transportation of soil continuously. Fortunately they are also the most materials. He indicated that detachment of soil par­ predictable (quantitatively) and the most amenable ticles may be caused by either raindrop splash or to preventive and control measures (see chap. 5). surface (overland, sheet) flow (Ellison and Ellison 1947; Horton 1945). Transportation of soil particles generally occurs with overland flow but may also be TOLERANCE LIMITS OR PERMISSIBLE accomplished by raindrop splash (Ellison 1944). De­ SOIL LOSS spite disagreement among erosion workers on the terminology associated with water erosion (Hudson As a matter of principle, it would be desirable to 1971), all the foregoing terms are still in general use. avoid "permitting" soil to be eroded away under A recent refinement in terminology has been the use any circumstances. In reality, however, a certain of the term "interrill (prerill) erosion" to describe degree of soil loss must be accepted as normal, for erosion caused by the overland flow of runoff as it example, by the natural forces of geological erosion moves at shallow depth for short distances until it in undisturbed lands (Smith and Stamey 1965). In concentrates in tillage marks, depressions, or previ­ setting tolerable limits for soil loss, several factors ously eroded grooves (Meyer et al. 1975). have traditionally been considered. These include Aside from the general terms defined above, oth­ the anticipated rate at which soil renewal may oc­ ers have been used to describe a number of special­ cur, by in situ formation or imported deposits as a ized types of erosion. These include piping, pedestal result of prevailing processes; the effect erosion, vertical erosion, and others. Piping (tun­ of soil removal on soil productivity; and the impact nelling, subsurface gullying, or percoline drainage) of delivered sediments on the environmental quality refers to a subsurface form of gully erosion encoun­ of waterways or other destination points (Manner­ tered in soil profiles characterized by certain proper­ ing 1981). As might be expected, tolerance limits for ties (Baillie 1975; Stocking 1976). These properties these three criteria do not necessarily have the same include a permeable upper horizon and an imper­ values. meable layer lower in the profile, a disturbed or There is no agreement in the literatu~e on the cracked, sparsely vegetated surface, and a hydraulic length of time necessary to form a unit depth (1 cm) gradient which favors soil removal from weak (dis­ of soil. Boul et al. (1973) cited several authors in giv­ persible, sodic) soil planes that are surrounded by ing estimates ranging from 1.3 to 750 yr/cm. This stable soil (Crouch 1976, 1978). Unless modified by wide variation is attributed to the different condi­ man, such a tunnel will ultimately form a gully. tions (such as climatic regimes and parent materials Pedestal erosion occurs when impermeable objects or rocks) and criteria (such as total soil depth or soil such as rocks, stones, or provide cover for a profile development through horizon differentia­ small part of the soil, leaving it protected in the tion) employed by different authors to measure the

3 A

.':: .;: ... '.' : ":,',: ...:...... ',:',.:.. ' ...... : .....


Figure 1. Schematic illustrations of major forms oferosion by water. A. Gully erosion (Scale: 1 em = 10 or more meters); B. Rill and interrill erosion (Scale: 1 em = 1 m); C. Tunnel erosion (Scale: 1 em = 1 m); D. Pedestal erosion (Scale: 1 em = 10 em).

4 D

5 products of soil formation. Bennett (1939) indicated source (e.g. 2-11 Tm/ha/yr stated above); the rela­ that tillage operations probably increase the rate of tionship between the two is a function of the "sedi­ topsoil renewal to about 30 yr/cm. This rate is near­ ment delivery ratio." This ratio generally decreases ly equivalent to 11 Tm/ha/yr (5 tons/acre/yr). This with increased area and steepness of land source, value, therefore, has often been stated as an upper thus reflecting the expected redeposition of eroded limit ofpermissible soil loss from agricultural lands. sediments within large and relatively flat water­ In considering the impact of erosion on produc­ sheds. Unfortunately, soil loss and delivered sedi­ tivity (see chap. 3), target figures for erosion control ment have often been used synonymously by erosion in the United States are frequently stated as 2-11 workers for estimating soil erosion (see chap. 2). Tm/ha/yr (Wischmeier and Smith 1965). Recent Detailed discussions ofall the impacts that need to trends allow for differentiation of affordable soil be considered in evaluating the tolerance limits losses among different soils (Young 1980). Such dif­ associated with soil erosion in the tropics are provid­ ferentiation is based on soil depth explorable by crop ed in chapter 3. roots, fertility and tilth status of the subsoil, and water drainage characteristics of deeper soil layers. Conservative targets (e.g. 2 Tm/ha/yr) should be set SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS for soils with shallow root zones and those where FOR THE TROPICS correction of productivity losses cannot be sustained economically. The tropical (or intertropical) zone lies between the While soil loss tolerances based on reduced pro­ tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and includes re­ ductivity are affected only by soil removal, tolerance gions that have wide differences in climatic, biologi­ limits may also be set with a view of the environ­ cal, geological (structure and age), and geomorpho­ mental impact of sediments during their transport logical properties. All of these have combined to or delivery to specific destination points. Historical­ produce a wide variety ofsoils, so diverse that all ten ly, improvements in soil productivity, often reflect­ orders of the U.S. Soil Taxonomy are represented ed in flourishing civilizations, have been attributed in the tropics (SCS 1975b; Map 2). Despite this di­ to with sediment-laden flood waters (e. g. versity, the term "tropical soils" is frequently used basin irrigation with Nile water during the flood by both lay and scientific personnel. Despite its lack in Egypt). Recently, however, the detrimen­ of precision, the term is generally associated with tal aspects of sediments have been emphasized and highly weathered, red, acid, and infertile soils incorporated into water quality criteria by various (Uehara 1977). This is partly justified by the oc­ countries or states (ARS 1975aJ 1975b). For this currence of the'taxonomic order Oxisols only in or purpose, soil losses from the field and changes in near tropical regions (Map 2). Inherently, Oxisols sediment load of runoff water, during transport and are highly weathered, strongly structured, and well­ upon delivery to destination points, must both drained soils with low susceptibility to water erosion be evaluated (ARS 1975b; Wischmeier 1976a). (EI-Swaify and Dangler 1977). However, erosion Although it may be argued from an esthetic view­ hazards on Oxisols and other soils of the tropics are point that environmental quality is low on the prior­ high, by virtue of aggressive climates with highly ity scale for developing tropical countries, there is erosive rainfall. evidence that serious economic detriments may also Although all the forms of rainfall erosion defined be associated with sediment delivery phenomena. above occur in the tropics, the relative distribution These include uncontrolled losses of valuable water of different forms has not been documented; nor supplies, degradation of watersheds, siltation of have the relationships between abundant forms and water storage structures, burial and/or flooding of prevailing climatic, soil, land use, and topographic low-lying communities and productive agricultural conditions been determined. Information is equally lands, reduced effectiveness of rivers, , and lacking on tolerance limits for allowable soil losses in estuaries for sustained transportation or fishing use, the tropics. Smith and Stamey (1965) reported that as well as other problems. General use of delivered "normal" soil losses from well-vegetated locations sediment as a criterion for erosion tolerance has not on two soils in Puerto Rico ranged from 0.45 to 3.0 been fully formulated. However, the expected mag­ Tm/ha/yr. The higher value exceeded those report­ nitudes (per hectare of source) are generally much ed for several locations in the mainland United smaller than the corresponding soil losses from the States except for one value (7.7 Tm/ha/yr) recorded 6 Associatedorders,suborders,andgreatgroupsare shownon the map by a lowercaseletter /n the mapunit symbol,e.g. M2!!,;for identifi· calion seeaccompanYingdescriptive legend. .. MOLLISOLS a VERTISOLS Ml - ALBOLLS VI - UDERTS M2 - BOROLL$ \12 - USTERTS M3 - RENOOLLS - XERALFS M4 - UDOLLS ~ M5 - USTOLLS ~ SOILS IN AREAS WITH MOUNTAINS 8 ARIDISOLS M6 - XERDLLS ~ Xl - CRYle (Incl. SpodosOIS) 01 - UNDIFFER- OXISOLS ~ X2 - CRYle (Incl. AlfIsols) ENTlATEO X3 - UDIC 01 - ARGIDS 01 - ORTHOX X4 - USTIC 02 - USTOX XS - XERIC ENTISOLS X6 - ARIOIC G X7 - USTlC AND CRYIC El _ AQUENTS g S@ SPODOSOLS X8 - ARIDIC AND CRYIC E2 - ORTHENTS 51 - UNDlfFER- £3 - P'SA*ENTS ENTIATEO MISCELLANEOUS S2 - AQUDDS 53 - HUMODS ~ Zl - ICE FIELDS E=~H}.:3HISTOSOLS 54 - ORTHOOS HI - UNDIFFER- ENTIATED 0 UL TISOLS [utj Z2 - :~~~~INS •• •• SOUTHERN LIMIT OF INCEPTISOLS ~;~3~~~i~ W = CONTINUOUS I J_ ANDEPTS u3 - UDULTS PERMAFROST 12 _ AQUEPTS U4 - USTULTS 13 - OCHREPTS -- SOUTHERN LIMIT OF 14 - TROPEPTS DISCONTINUOUS IS - UMBREPTS PERMAFROST

For definitions of ordersandsuborders,seeSOIlSurveyStaff, Soli Taxonomy A BaSIC Systemof Soli Classification for Makmg andInterpreltngSOilSurveys Soli ConseJvatlonService,U. S. Departmentof Agriculture(in press).

So., Gl!ogroph y Undo 5C5. US Ol!po,'ml!n' rA Ao,.cvl'v1e

Map 2. World soil classification in terms of the U.S. Soil Taxonomy. (SCS 1975b)

BESTAI/,41LABLE COpy for forest vegetation disturbed by semiannual burn­ file (chap. 3). Because of limited resources, the ing. Using soil depth and physical properties as typical small farmer in the tropics is unable to invest criteria, Lombardi Neto and Bertoni (1975) calcu­ in rectifying erosional damage to soil productivity. lated tolerable soil loss limits ranging from 4.2 to Clearly, therefore, erosion tolerance rates for tropi­ 15.0 Tm/ha/yr for soils apparently representing cal soils should not depend on soil characteristics Ultisols (with argillic B horizon),Oxisols (latosolic alone. Historically, that small farmer has deserted B horizon), Lithosols, and Regosols. These appear lands with sufficiently deep soils but depleted pro­ to be within the range generally recommended in ductivity, to farm freshly cleared forest lands ofhigh temperate regions (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). productivity. Sooner or later, as long as more land Because of the large variability in the properties was available, the cycle would be repeated (see ra­ of tropical soils, a large number of tolerance limits tionale for , chap. 4). All the may be calculated, each for a specific soil and while, the farmer's selections of cultivable crops criterion (such as soil regeneration rates or erosion were necessarily restricted to those that survived impact on productivity). The high rates of ­ best in soils of widely varying states of nutritional ing associated with tropical climates may lead to stress (Wright 1976), but were not necessarily nutri­ high soil regeneration rates, thus appearing to favor tionally balanced or conservation effective. flexibility in tolerance limits. However, these very Environmentally, sediments from oxidic (tropi­ conditions promote high erosion hazards and deple­ cal) soils have been shown to cause more turbidity tion of crop nutrients. Furthermore, highly weath­ (and thus lowering of optical quality) in destination ered oxidic soils are very fragile systems in which water bodies than temperate soils (Ekern 1977; El­ productivity may be more detrimentally and dispro­ Swaify and Cooley 1980). Therefore, if water quali­ portionately affected by small soil losses than in ty at the sediment destination is to be considered, their temperate counterparts. This is because the soil loss tolerances for tropical soils should be re­ favorable nutrient and physical conditions necessary duced accordingly. Indeed, the collective contribu­ for supporting growth on highly weathered tions of the criteria discussed above suggest that soil soils are far from uniform with depth. Rather, they loss tolerances for highly weathered tropical soils are restricted to the topmost segment of the soil pro- should be less than for their temperate counterparts.


APPROACHES, METHODS, AND SCALES which are defined by specific boundaries (Hudson OF SOIL EROSION ASSESSMENT 1971). Trapping and measuring the quantity of re­ moved soil or estimating the quantity from measur­ Soil erosion may be assessed by applying different able changes in soil level throughout the field are methods on various scales. For the purpose of con­ two common procedures for direct determination. servation-effective land-use planning, there is strong The first technique has been used by most workers merit in assessing the extent of both existing and to determine soil losses or sediment yields in runoff potential erosion. As will be discussed below, some water (EI-Swaify and Cooley 1980, 1981). Dunne experience in the first is required for the second. (1977a) applied the second technique to estimate The extent ofexisting erosion may be determined erosion for semiarid rangelands in Kenya, using directly by measuring soil losses from fields (catch­ remnant vegetation and tree root exposure as indi­ ments) or parts thereof (subcatchments) both of cators of surface lowering (Fig. 2). Qualitative sur-




Figure 2. Measurement of erosion around vegetation. (A) Measurement of recent sheetwash erosion between vegetated remnants of the former soil surface; (B) Measurement of erosion around tree roots. (After Dunne 1977a)

9 Table 1. Classes of erosion

Class Description 1 No apparent, or slight, erosion 2 Moderate erosion: moderate loss of topsoil generally and/or some dissection by runoff channels or gullies 3 Severe erosion, severe loss of topsoil generally and/or marked dissection by runoff channels or gullies 4 Very severe erosion: complete truncation of the soil profile and exposure of the subsoil (B horizon) and/or deep and intricate dissection by runoff channels or gullies Source: USDA Soil Survey Staff 1951. face reconnaissance surveys by trained personnel (Fig. 3). However, Rapp (1977a) indicated, as ex­ can also yield much information, which, although pected, that such a relationship is not universal. His usually subjective, is valuable for differentiating the data sho,:"ed that the decrease in sediment delivery several forms oferosion-rill, interrill, and gully. In ratio with increasing drainage area was less marked the United States and many other countries, obser­ for Tanzanian watersheds than those in eastern vations of erosion trends are often made as part of Wyoming (Fig. 4). Dunne (1977a) pointed out the standard soil surveys. The descriptive classes shown added importance ofcatchment relief characteristics in Table 1 are commonly assigned. Rapid but quali­ in determining sediment delivery ratios. This factor tative observations of erosion sources, relative mag­ combines with differences in prevailing soil types nitudes, and sediment destination can also be made and vegetation to yield site-specific trends for with considerable detail by use of aerial photogra­ catchment-area effect on sediment delivery ratio. Of phy (Arnoldus 1974) or, more recently, satellite im­ particular importance is the occasional observed re­ agery (Baumgardner et al. 1978). Both can reveal versal ofthese trends, when disproportionately high­ erosion rates when several sets of photographs are er sediment yields were obtained from large catch­ obtained at defined time intervals. Because of their ments than from small plots, where gully formations limitations on detectability, gully erosion is the prevail as the major form of erosion (Heusch 1981). primary erosion type readily identifiable by these An additional complication of converting sediment methods. Indirect estimates of soil loss may also be data to field soil loss (Tm/ha) is encountered when made from the sediment loads of rivers, surface sediment yields are measured as the volume of 3 waterways, or reservoirs receiving runoff from de­ dredged deposits (m ) in waterways or reservoirs. fined drainage basins (Rapp 1977a). However, these Such conversion requires the use of sediment bulk sediment delivery data cannot be equated with soil density values that are often assumed to have a loss data, as much of the soil eroded from the land is single universal value (1.5 Tm/m3)-an assumption redeposited at the bottom of field slopes, in depres­ that is far from justified. Geiger (1965, cited by sions and other land features capable of trapping the Dunne 1977a) showed that the bulk density ofreser­ sediment as it moves with runoff, ultimately to a voir sediments varies from 0.64 to 2.08 Tm/m3 de­ stream (Roehl 1962; Wischmeier 1976b). The prob­ pending on composition and drying status (aera­ lem is complicated because the sediment does not re­ tion). main fully suspended once in the stream. Rather, it Evaluation of erosion potential (risk, hazard) re­ separates into a suspended load and a bed-load; quires an understanding of the contribution of each often the first is sampled and the second ignored of the parameters controlling the erosion process. (Dunne 1977a). The ratio of "actually delivered" Quantitative values for these parameters can be sediment to gross soil loss is defined as the sediment derived only from site studies designed to monitor delivery ratio. Roehl (1962), working with data for the dependence of soil loss on each parameter (chap. the central and southeastern United States, found 4). Once known, these values can be incorporated that the ratio varies inversely with the fifth root (0.2 into predictive formulae (Hayes 1977; chap. 4) and power) of the total area that drains into the stream used to estimate the magnitude of potential erosion

10 (km2 ) 0.026 0.26 2.6 26 260 2600 Z 1000 0 V) 0 a::: w u.. 0 ~ 100 0 .- - a::: w > 10 --I W £:) 0 .- 0 Z 0 w ~ 0 w 1 V) 0.01 0.1 10 10.0 100.0 1000.0 DRAINAGE AREA (SQUARE MILES)

Figure 3. Relation between sediment delivery ratio and catchment size. (Roehl 1962)


'""-. • • I ...... " ~~ • .. . . 950 ,. • 1'.1' 1m Mt . 4) .. . ~ • <> ~ .. Ki 0 ---... 0 475 ...... Ma- 380 '" "', r-- 1- -- 285 - --~ ~o . " 190 . "...... ~ -- Ik i' • . i'~ 9S .~ . . " o.1 0.05 0.26 2.6 26 260 520 780 DRAINAGE AREA IN km 2

Figure 4. Relation of mean annual sediment yield to drainage area for the five catchment basins in Tanzania (open circles) compared to seventy-three semiarid basins (dots) in eastern Wyoming, U.S.A. Ik = Ikowa watershed; 1m = Imagi watershed; Ki = Kisongo watershed; Ms = Msalatu watershed; Mt = Matumbulu watershed. (Rapp 1977a)

11 under specified conditions. As with actual erosion universal, but quantitative values for each must be assessment, evaluations of potential erosion may be derived for each region (mapping unit) at which made quantitatively for specific sites, or qualitative­ they will be used (chap. 4; Wischmeier 1976b). On­ ly by assigning classes or codes of erosion hazard to site studies are therefore required to insure the different land units on a variety of scales (Arnoldus adaptation of foreign technology to the tropics. 1974). Although quantitative and specific assess­ Clearly these studies should allow for assessment of ments are preferable, they require long-term studies both erosion extent and causative factors. However under natural rainfall conditions (Wischmeier and such studies are costly, time consuming, and de­ Smith 1978); values for certain parameters (e.g. soil mand substantial requirements of trained personnel erodibility and topography) may be obtained more -factors that explain the limited quantitative data rapidly with simulated rainfall (Dangler and EI­ originating from tropical countries. In the few cases Swaify 1976). where studies have been conducted, results have not The scales at which erosion assessments are made always been available for inclusion in this report due range from very small (i.e. global or continental to nonpublication or nonaccessibility of documents. [FAO 1977c]) to large (i.e. concentrated on small Information available at the time of writing is pre­ field sub-plots [Olson and Wischmeier 1963]), with sented in the following section. intermediate scales covering defined catchments or watersheds (EI-Swaify and Cooley 1981). Small­ scale assessments frequently involve whole river RAINFALL EROSION IN THE TROPICS­ basins and are generally qualitative, thus tending to GENERAL TRENDS mask important contributions of small but seriously degraded areas. Maps based on these assessments It has often been stated that on a global scale the (FAO's scale is 1:5,000,000) are ofvalue to land-use hazards of soil erosion by water are mostly restricted planners and decision makers, particularly for iden­ to the regions between 40° Nand 40° S tifying overall erosion hazards at the regiohal or na­ (Hudson 1971). The humid tropics are wholly with­ tional level (Riquier 1981). However, they are not in these limits and their potentially high erosion directly useful for the formulation of plans to detect hazard largely results from the characteristic pre­ specific erosion sources, or to formulate measures to vailing climates (Fig. 1). In addition to possible combat them, because of the site-spedfic and ex­ enhancement of weathering by wind and tempera­ tremely variable nature of erosional processes with ture factors, the humid tropics are characterized by space and time. Only inventories based on long­ large quantities of annual rainfall and frequent, in­ term, large-scale studies involving quantitative tensive rainstorms. At the other end of the scale are determinations in small plots are within the detec­ the arid tropics, where rainfall is rarely capable of tability limits necessary to reveal variations in meeting vegetative requirements, saturating the climatic, topographic, soil, and management causes soil, and inducing runoff. There the hazard of rain­ of soil erosion at specific problem areas. Depending fall erosion is nearly absent, whereas wind erosion on the objectives of the assessment program, a com­ may be severe. Areas of intermediate rainfall, such bination of studies at different scales is ideal for as the semiarid tropics, may present a dangerously deriving needed information. This involves an in­ high erosion hazard during the rainy season. itial reconnaissance by aerial photography or satel­ Although they may serve as general indicators, lite imagery, reconnaissance surveys ofthe land sur­ climatic (specifically rainfall) characteristics alone face, monitoring of sediment losses from large are not sufficient for assessing total erosion hazard, catchments, and ultimately, measurement of soil which clearly depends on other factors, including losses from field plots or small subplots. the nature of the soil, topographic setting, vegeta­ The numerous methods used to assess actual and tive cover, and management factors. These consid­ potential erosion at various scales have been devel­ erations collectively explain, for example, why the oped and refined in temperate regions. Subsequent­ potential erosion hazard in the semiarid tropics may ly, many have been applied to parts of the tropics, exceed that in the humid tropics even in the absence either directly or with some modification (Hudson of human interference. At least two factors are 1971; La11976d; Dangler and EI-Swaify 1976; FAO responsible. First, the semiarid tropics lack the 1977c). For the purpose of erosion assessment and water supply needed to sustain the permanent vege­ prediction, one may treat erosion-causing factors as tative cover, which is necessary for soil protection 12 (Riquier 1980). The damage is most noteworthy in ~ --- ~ .... --::.----Erosion when natural developing countries which are located mostly in the .~ vegetation is removed \:) ..... tropics. For instance, it is estimated that 27 tons/ha of cropped soils are lost annually in the United States; in developing countries that rate is estimated to be twice as severe at 54 Tm/ha (Ingraham 1975

.~ cited by Pimentel et al. 1976). IIIt) I:) ..... The serious lack of reliable data on soil degrada­ III ~ tion, by erosion and other forces, has prompted the I:) 0) United Nations Conference on Human Environ­ 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 ment (held at Stockholm in 1972), to recommend Mean annual rainfall-millimeters that "the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Figure 5. Changes in soil erosion trends with rainfall. (Hudson United Nations (FAO) in cooperation with other in­ 1971) ternational agencies concerned, strengthen the necessary machinery for international acquisition of against erosion and which characterizes the natural knowledge and transfer of experience of soil capabil­ forestlands of the humid tropics. The sparse and ities, degradation, and conservation" (Riquier fragile vegetation remaining at the end of the dry 1980). FAO and the United Nations Environmental season provides little protection against erosion dur­ Program (UNEP) have begun two assessments of ing the rainy (and windy) periods that follow (Rapp the global distribution of erosion-the presently ex­ 1975). Secondly, the less intensively weathered soils isting risk and the potential maximum risk (in the common to the semiarid tropics (e.g. Vertisols) are absence of such protective measures as vegetative inherently more susceptible to water erosion than cover and land shaping). Both are to be presented as those that prevail in the humid tropics (e.g. Oxisols) maps at a scale of 1:5,000,000 (FAO 1977c), thus (EI-Swaify 1977; chap. 4). Additional factors in­ assuming land homogeneity within large mapping clude the possibility that the erosivity of rainstorms units, due to the lack of direct detailed field observa­ prevalent in the semiarid tropics may (despite the tions in most countries. The constraints of such short ) exceed that of those in the humid small-scale maps were discussed above and are fur­ tropics. It is important to emphasize that the lower ther elaborated upon by Riquier (1980). erosion hazard in the humid tropics (compared to As a beginning point of discussion, it is revealing that in regions of intermediate rainfall) exists only in to examine the overall rates of continental erosion. the absence of human disturbance (e.g. by defores­ Ifthe mechanical denudation rates given in Table 2 tation). When characteristically rich natural vegeta­ are used as a basis for computing erosion rates, the tion is removed, erosion caused by the large quanti­ ties of rainfall in the humid tropics will exceed that in other climatic regions (Hudson 1971; Fig. 5). Table 2. Rates of erosion of the continents* The simple presence or absence of protective vegeta­ Denudation Rates tive cover may therefore be more important than the Area (Tm/km2/yr) climatic regime. (km2 x 106) Mechanical Chemical A quantitative treatment of all parameters that determine potential erosion hazards on a global Africa 29.81 47.0 25.2 scale will be developed in chapter 4. Asia 44.89 166.0 42.0 Australia 7.96 32.1 11.0 RAINFALL EROSION IN THE TROPICS­ 9.67 43.0 32.0 SPECIFIC INVENTORY North and Central America 20.44 73.0 40.0 Worldwide, quantitative data on the extent of ongo­ ing soil erosion are isolated and fragmentary. How­ 17.98 93.0 55.0 ever, it is known that each suffers acceler­ Source: Modified from Starkhov 1967, in Chorley ated forms of soil erosion and that, on a global scale, * 1969. more soil is degraded by this means than any other From suspended sediment data from rivers.

13 overall sediment losses from the continents range (Hill 1965). Currently increasing population pres­ from a low of 0.32 Tm/ha (for Australia) to 1.66 sures further aggravate these problems. Greenland Tm/ha (for Asia). However, because these sediment (1977), referring to the humid tropics of Africa, losses are derived from only a small fraction of each stated that the "soils of these areas are generally continental area (note the vast desert areas in Africa much less productive than they might be, and if and Australia), and are based only on suspended more intensive use leads to further loss of fertility sediment loads in major rivers, the actual erosion and further erosion, the present potential to feed the rates from the source soils in the tropics may be burgeoning population of these regions will be estimated to approach or even exceed the average lost. " value of 54 Tm/ha stated above. Although the rates The small-scale (1:5,000,000) mapping ofpresent listed in Table 2 are, per unit area, highest for Asia and potential degradation, including erosion, in and South America, it would be incorrect to rank Africa and the is now nearly completed actual erosion rates similarly, since the exact areas by FAO-UNEP as the first step in their global as­ of lands providing erosional sediments are not sessment of soil degradation. This mapping is based known. By confining the scope to defined river on submaps for estimated individual factors that basins in the tropics and using a conservative sedi­ control soil loss by water-rainfall erosivity, soil ment delivery ratio of 0.05, we have estimated erodibility, topography, vegetative cover, and land values of0.8 to 555 Tm/ha (Table 3; Fig. 3). For the management (Arnoldus 1980; Riquier 1980). Earli­ same reasons discussed above, these values are like­ er, Fournier (1962) obtained good correlations be­ ly to be underestimates of actual soil losses from tween suspended sediment loads in rivers and lands that are the specific sources of erosional streams, and combined indices of rainfall erosion sediments. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to note the hazard and topography for defined large catchments 2 very probable danger signals revealed by the ex­ (> 2,000 km ) on several continents (chap. 4). He tremely high values for the basins of the Kosi, used these correlations to construct a risk map of Damodar, Ganges, and Mahanadi rivers in India, "normal" erosion for Africa south of the Sahara the Red River in and China, the Irrawad­ (Map 3). The map includes six hazard classes com­ dy in Burma, the Caroni in Venezuela, and the bined with a generalized soil classification, but soil Mekong in . Although values shown susceptibility to erosion was not incorporated as a for the basins of the Chao Phraya in Thailand, the parameter of erosion hazard. Neither were domi­ Orinoco in Venezuela and Colombia, and the Ama­ nant vegetation nor prevailing land use used as zon in South America, are relatively low, they ex­ modifying parameters (Balek 1977). The vast ma­ ceed or border on what may be considered tolerable jority oftropical Africa lies within the high-risk class normal erosion (chap. 1). Depending on the extent having sediment removal rates exceeding 1,000 of land actually eroding, these and the lower values Tm/km2/yr (10 Tm/ha/yr). As stated earlier, sedi­ shown for the basins of the Nile, the Congo, and the ment load figures generally· urlderestimate actual Niger are no cause for relief as they likely underesti­ soil erosion by a factor that depends on both catch­ mate the real extent of soil erosion at the source. ment size and relief, as well as possible deviations The following sections will elaborate on those tropi­ from normal conditions, such as disturbance of cal areas of the continents for which substantive in­ forest vegetation. Boundaries for hazards of various formation was available. classes, when assigned to different regions, may therefore have higher numerical values for actual Rainfall Erosion in soil loss than are shown in Map 3. Actual or poten­ Despite large voids in available quantitative data, tial erosion from specific field sites would be of even lack of standardization in assessment techniques, higher magnitude. Nevertheless' the map is useful and the discontinuous nature of completed surveys, for indicating the relative magnitude of erosion by tropical Africa has been the subject of more studies, water in the absence of human interference, as well resulting in more information on soil erosion and as changes in erosion that may occur following such sedimentation, than other tropical regions. Credit is interference. due to colonial settlers who generally exploited the Fournier (1967), and more recently Armstrong et land by first introducing nontraditional, conserva­ al. (1981), provided historical reviews of soil erosion tion-ineffective methods, thus generating a need for and conservation research in Africa. A current bibli­ assessment of and solutions to erosion problems ography on soil erosion by water in this continent is

14 Table 3. Estimated annual soil erosion within drainage basins of selected rivers of the tropics

Est imated annual soil Countries within Drainage basin Average annual suspended load erosion from field* River drainage basin (103 km2) (Tm x 106) (Tm/km2) (Tm/km2) (Tm/ha) Rank Congo Ango1at Congot 4t014 65 16 320 3 13 Zairet Cameroont Niger Cameroont Guinea t 1t114 5 4 80 0.8 14 DahomeYtChadt Ivory Coast t Nigeriat Niger t Mali Nile Ugandat Kenyat Zaire t 2t978 111 37 740 8 12 Ethiopiat Tanzania t Sudant Egyptt Rwandat Burundi ...... Chao Thail and 106 11 107 2t140 21 9 U1 Phraya Ganges Indiat t 1t076 1t455 1t352 27t040 270 3 Nepalt Damodar Ind ia 20 28 1t420 28t400 284 2 Irrawaddy Burma 430 299 695 13t900 139 5 Kosi Ind i a 62 172 2t 774 55t480 555 1 Mahanadi Ind i a 132 62 466 9t320 93 7 Mekong China t Thailand t Laost 795 170 214 4t280 43 8 Tibet t Kampucheat Vietnamt Burma Red China t Vietnam 120 130 1t083 21t660 217 4 Caroni Venezuela 91 48 523 10t460 105 6 Amazon Bo1iviat Braz il t 5t 776 363 63 1t260 13 11 Ecuador t Colombiat Peru t Venezuela Orinoco Venezuela t Columbia 950 87 91 1t820 18 10

Source: Modified from Holeman 1968. The indicated sediment losses per unit land area were calculated independently from data given in the first two data columns. *Adjusted according to a sediment delivery ratio of 0.05 from Figure 5. Estimated Specific Degradation Hazard Metric Tons/ Km 2/ Yr I[] <200 • 200 - 1000 • 1000 -2000 • >2000 L=:======::::::::i===±:==::t===t==±==±===C=.-:::::::±==-::::i=.====:::::JS30° Map 3. Fournier's map of normal erosion risk in Africa south ofthe Sahara. (After Fournier 1962, modified) now under preparation (Armstrong, Dangler, and uplands and arid savannah of southern Africa. El-Swaify). Following is a documentation of avail­ According to FAG (1965): "Damage from erosion able information from various regions of Africa. By is most severe in the territories of Swaziland, Basu­ necessity, much of the treatment is qualitative due toland [Lesotho], and Bechuanaland [Botswa­ to serious lack of quantitative data on existing and na]. .. ." Later, Hance (1975, cited by Eckholm potential rainfall erosion at specific locations. 1976) confirmed that "The number one problem facing Lesotho is soil erosion which, despite (con­ Southern Africa and servation) efforts extending over many , con­ Accelerated erosion by water is recognized and tinues to destroy increasing acreages." In neither considered a serious and urgent problem in the steep report was the exact acreage affected or the quanti-

16 tative degree of destruction documented. Concern Areas (ICA) were "favorable" while those in the for soil erosion in Swaziland is illustrated by the Tribal Trust Lands (TTL), occupying about watchwords "Soil is our most important resource­ 162,000 km2 or 41 percent of Zimbabwe's total help conserve it" that are printed on all official gov­ area, varied greatly. In the report, a length of ernment stationery. Here again, little information 10,999 yards (10,056 m) of gullies per 1600 acres describing the extent and severity of the problem is (648 ha) is considered to be the lower limit for severe available. Similarly, current information is not erosion. Stocking (1971, 1972) believed that high available concerning the extent of erosion in population density and intensive grazing, rather Mozambique or . than cropping, enhanced the frequency of gully for­ Soil erosion and conservation in Zimbabwe (Rho­ mation. However, his data (Fig. 6) show that the desia) have been the subject of extensive studies for relief characteristics of his study areas were dif­ many years. In reporting a technique of gully survey ferent. His conclusions confirmed other observa­ from aerial photographs, Keech (1968) indicated the tions that erosion from localized areas is greatly existence of an erosion survey of the whole country enhanced in arid and semiarid rangelands that have at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 (as yet unavailable in pub­ been denuded by excessive trampling by cattle lished form). Table 4 shows the estimated extent of gathered for dipping, watering, and so on. Hudson gully erosion, as presented by him, for several set­ (1964a) presented a model calculation which showed tlements within the country. Sheet and rill erosion that denuded areas may contribute one half of the were not documented separately as they were associ­ total soil loss from rangelands. Damage caused by ated so closely with gullying. Keech concluded that constant trampling is generally attributed to ac­ the erosion conditions ofthe Intensive Conservation celerated breakdown of soil aggregates. The migra-

Table 4. Percentage of land area of various agricultural settlements affected by various degrees of erosion

Erosion class (Yd/1,600 acres*) 3,000­ 7,000­ 11,000­ 19,000­ 26,000­ Settlement o 1-2,999 6,999 10,999t 18,999 25,999 32,999 >33,000

Chibi TTL* 23 41 29 2 5

Chilimanzi TTL 8 29 41 19 3 Chinyika catchment 56 40 4 Gutu TTL 19 78 2 1 Mashaba TTL o 38 45 15 2 Mtoko TTL o 1 10 16 34 20 13 6 Sabi North TTL 7 41 33 11 8

Selukwe TTL 0 25 49 25 1 Tokwe lCA§ 74 25 1 Turgwe catchment 45 41 13 1

Victoria TTL 9 55 19 11 6 Source: After Keech 1968. * Expressed as yards (0.91 m) of gully incidence for square land units each with an area of 1,600 acres (~670 ha). t This figure represents the level at which erosion is classified as severe. * TTL = tribal trust land. § lCA = intensive conservation area.

17 Bikita Land 20 15 LJ~j~illj~j~~~~~ill~~~~~~~II:!I§I~ill'IIIill1~1 illil!I&:lil[J!I!illl~j~j~j@~j~j~j~jQ~j~j~ ~~ S:::::::E::::::::E::::::m::~:~:~E:~:::::rm:::::::: i&!lil"m:1rl': :E:::::::§::::::::q::::: ...... 1: u d.... o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Nyahunda Area 30 MAS=4.8° 25 20 0 Q) ~ 15 0 ~ 10 0 Q) 5 0) 0 0 c -Q) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 u ~ Q) a.. Sabi Valley Area 40 MAS=3.2° 35 30 Arable 25 20


10 5

O-f"'=9"""=.:.:.:.ro:.:.:.:.:.~o:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.t==t------+---"----r--~---, a 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Gully lengths, m/km-2

Figure 6. Comparison of the frequency of gullies from three types of land tenure in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). MAS represents the mean average slope within each area. (After Stocking 1972)

18 tion of particles (Walters 1955) causes subsequent 5). Map 4 resulted from the assignment of compos­ sealing of the soil surface and, ultimately, greater ite-score distributions to individual causative fac­ runoff and higher soil loss. Furthermore, reduced tors. Although it shows relative hazards for various infiltration, together with disturbed and diminished regions, it does not provide quantitative estimates of topsoil, reduces the available soil water supply, soil loss, nor does it identify the likely form of ero­ causing a drastic reduction in protective vegetal sion. The map does show that significant erosion cover. By combining the potential contributions of hazards prevail over a sizeable area of Zimbabwe, a rainfall erosivity, vegetal cover, slope, soil erodibili­ conclusion that is likely also valid for surrounding ty, and human occupation, Stocking and Elwell countries in the region, namely Botswana, Mozam­ (1973b) compiled an overall map of soil erosion bique, and Zambia (for which no such data are hazard in Zimbabwe (Map 4). Parameters for some available). The Zimbabwean works cited above are of these factors were evaluated quantitatively, but among the very few in which population density and others were qualitative due to limited data (Table activity are considered in assessing erosion hazard.

80 100Kms


8 Very low 9-10

[':':2:0:/ Low 11-12

[IJ BeICM' average 13-14


•Map 4. A map of soil erosion hazards in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). Factor scores used to divide major groups were obtained by adding all the scores for individual categories as shown in Table 5. (After Stocking and Elwell 1973b)

19 Table 5. Explanation of major categories of potential hazard shown in Map 4

Erosivity Cover(mm of (jo~les-mm rainfall) and Slope Human Category Score m /hr) (%) (degrees) Erodibil ity occupat ion Low < 5,000 > 1,000 0-2 Ortho- Extens ive 7-10 ferralitic European ranch- regosols ing, National Parks, or unreserved Below average II 5,000-7,000 800-1,000 2-4 parafer- Most European 5-8 ralitic farms Average III 7,000-9,000 600-800 4-6 feras i al- Low density 3-6 litic TTLst « 5 per- sons/km2) and APAs* Above average IV 9,000-11,000 400-600 6-8 siallitic Moderately 1-4 vertisols settled TTLs 1ithoso 1s (5-30 persons/ km 2) High V > 11,000 < 400 > 8 noncalcic Densely settled 0-2 hydromor- TTLs (> 30 phic persons/km2) sodic Source: After Stocking Elwell 1973b. * Cover, Erodibility, and Human occupation are tentative and cannot as yet be expressed on a firm quantitative basis. t TTL = tribal trust lands. * APA = African purchase areas.

The island of Madagascar has been described as formations in the are termed "lavaka" "one of the regions of the world most prone to con­ and prevail in the thick strata of the products of tinuing soil erosion" (Rougerie 1965 cited by Le severe weathering (such as lateritic clays) on those Bourdiec 1972). This is well confirmed by Map 3, in highland slopes that are devoid of vegetative cover which most ofthe island is placed in the top two ero­ but are not hardened due to exposure. Both ravines sion hazard classes proposed by Fournier (1962). Le and "lavaka" cause rapid and widespread cata­ Bourdiec (1972) also stated that' 'the island has been strophic disturbances of the natural environment termed the 'Red Island' "by those impressed by the (Le Bourdiec 1972). reddening ofthe surrounding with erosional sed­ iments resulting from frequent and large ravines Eastern Africa (gullies) cutting into the lateritic slopes. Serious ero­ Despite the scarcity of published information sion is known to cover nearly three quarters of the dealing directly with soil loss, sediment load, or land island's surface, largely because the morphoclimatic condition, the extent of soil erosion problems in East balance has been upset by and the Africa can be judged from other available evidence. burning of grazing land. Accelerated erosion takes In an overview of erosion hazards in this region, place either in superficial or cirque (cavity) forms. Ahn (1977) indicated that erosion hazard assess­ The first prevails on the surface of the crystalline ment is particularly complex due to great variations highlands, in volcanic areas, and in the sedimentary in altitude, climate, soils, and farming systems. Of basins. It may be laminar (sheet erosion), linear (rill these factors, he considered the farming system to be and gully or ravine erosion), or may occur as mass the most important as it determines the extent of movements similar to landslides. Cirque or cavity vegetative cover that protects the soil against erosion

20 at critical times of the year. While shifting cultiva­ arid climate. Dunne (1977b) described techniques tion is generally presumed to reduce erosion by vir­ for estimating soil loss from semiarid rangelands of tue of mixed cropping, discontinuous farm patches Kenya from surveys of both suspended sediment within well-protected forest lands, extended ­ contents of rivers and land-surface lowering. Figure ing periods, and abundance of , the authors 7 shows the relative magnitudes of sediment yields detected conflicting data concerning the relative resulting from four different land uses. Grazing led merits of perennial tree crops over annuals. (See to the greatest sediment yield for a given quantity of chap. 4). runoff. Later, Dunne et al. (1978b) estimated that In Kenya, where nearly 70 percent of the country soil erosion rates under cover in the wet highlands consists of arid lowlands utilized as rangelands, ero­ vary between 0.18 and 0.30 Tm/ha/yr, approxi­ sion problems prevail in the highlands where lands mately the same as the equilibrium rate of soil for­ are cultivated intensively, the rainfall is sufficiently mation under these conditions. In contrast, they heavy, and topography is steep (Ahn 1977). Were it estimated sediment yields from catchments in the not for the low susceptibility of soils (such as the semiarid southern zone, where the soil formation Kikuyu series-an Oxisol) erosion would be consid­ rate is less, at 0.5 to 1.4 Tm/ha/yr even under very erably more severe. The National Environment light grazing pressure. Recent acceleration of ero­ Secretariat (NESK 1976) stated that "erosion is an sion rates to 1.08 to 200 Tm/ha/yr has been noted as obvious problem and lack of a substantial remedy a result of increased grazing, and probably of a re­ taken in the future can be preceded [sic] by nothing cent weather pattern consisting of several years of but a catastrophe." The same report carried a followed by several years of heavy rainfall. warning by the executive director of the United Na­ Figure 8 shows the predicted rate of spreading of tions Environmental Program that Kenya is headed stripped land, which currently comprises less than 1 for catastrophe unless immediate action is instituted percent of the landscape, both at present observed to safeguard the environment. The report indicated erosion rates and at long-term average rates that all highland districts of Kenya are experiencing (Dunne, Dietrich and Brunengo 1978). In a sepa­ intolerable erosion and that conservation activities rate study, Dunne, Brunengo, and Dietrich (1978) are urgently needed. One reason for the problem estimated geologic erosion rates in Kenya for de­ was stated as the "maximum utilization of land fined times within the Cenozoic period (Table 6) [which] has left most surfaces completely un­ and detected a likely increase in rate to 0.0029 protected by [vegetative] regeneration apart from cm/yr (0.79 Tm/ha/yr) during the late Tertiary and the coverage provided by the crops in season. " Cur­ late Quaternary times. This rate contrasts remark­ rently, cultivated areas that were once forested are ably with the current high rates indicated above, contributing 12 million tons of sediment per year to particularly under heavy grazing. the Tana River in central Kenya. Rainfall erosion Rapp, Murray-Rust, et al. (1972) described the from heavily grazed rangelands in eastern Kenya situation in Tanzania in sin1ilar terms. Based on contributes a further 12 million tons to the eastern their field studies and compilation of evidence col­ Tana River. Thomas (1974, cited by Ahn 1977) lected in the recent decades by other workers, they concluded from air-photo analysis that between gave clear examples of very high erosion rates and 1948 and 1972, in the Machakos district (with bi­ rapid loss of water storage capacity in reservoirs. modal annual rainfall totalling 820 mm) the worst The need for soil and water conservation measures erosion occurred not on cultivated cropland, but on in semiarid Tanzania is therefore as vast and urgent the steeper areas denuded by overgrazing and as in Kenya. Temple (1972b), based on field-plqt trampling. In a follow-up study, a team from the studies at Mpwapwa, gave indications of the seri­ University of Nairobi (1977) noted that lands under ousness of erosion in central Tanzania but gave no both cultivation and grazing were subject to serious measure of the areal extent of the problem. Under erosion problems; cultivation prevailed in the lower average of 620 mm, his results showed zones while grazing prevailed on the higher, steeper high runoff rates and associated soil losses of nearly zones ofthe district. The lack ofadequate crop cover 137 Tm/ha/yr (98 m 3/ha, assuming a bulk density of 3 at the beginning of both rainy (beginning in 1.4 Tm/m ) in bare uncultivated plots, and 119 February and October) is mostly responsible for Tm/ha/yr for bare, flat, but cultivated plots. Crop water erosion in the Machakos and regions of semi- cover and protective land shaping reduced these.

21 10,000

'- >. • N...... E • ~ 1,000 • ...... E ? I-- • • • 0 --I • W ••eo • >= 100 • 0 I-- • Z DOMINANT LAND USE W • forest ~ 0 o forest >Agriculture w • Agriculture> forest (/) 10 o Grazing t::. Scrub forest


Figure 7. Sediment yields observed under various land use patterns in the semiarid rangelands of Kenya. (After Dunne 1977b) losses, but they remained as high as 73 Tm/ha "0 under bulrush, or . Temple consid­ Q) a. Q. ered these results applicable not only to Mpwapwa Q. I- but also to a probable total of 3 million hectares of .4-J Vl similar semiarid, low fertility lands in this region, Q) called "cultivation ." These lands are domi­ .0 nated by derived vegetation, where the natural veg­ etation has been destroyed and replaced with cul­ ~ .4-J 200 400 tivated crops or bush and grass fallow. Temple ro .c: Time, years concluded that these data' 'demonstrated extremely .4-J 100 severe losses of soil and water associated with ro Q) b. natural vegetation clearance, cultivation, and over­ I- ro grazing. " 4- Concern over watershed and reservoir perfor­ 0 mance has been the major focus of studies reported .4-J C by Rapp, Murray-Rust, et al. (1972) and subse­ Q) U I- quently by Rapp (1975, 1977a, 1977b). Sediment Q) a.. deposition in reservoirs and reconnaissance soil ero­ 200 400 sion surveys were monitored for seven watersheds, Time, years four at Dodoma in central Tanzania (considered typical of large semiarid areas of interior Tanzania Figure 8. Extent ofland that will have its soil cover removed com­ pletely within various periods oftime in three study areas in Kenya: in terms of physical environment); one near Arusha (a) assumes the "worst case" conditions of erosion rates from the in northern Tanzania (also semiarid); and two par­ past 15 years continuing into the future; (b) assumes the continua­ tially deforested watersheds within the Uluguru tion of the average erosion rate from the past 50 years. AKV = the area of volcanic rocks on the Athi-Kapiti Plains; AB = basement Mountains in the east (with high precipitation). schists and gneisses around Amboseli; KL = hillslopes on the Kili­ Table 7 shows the results oftheir study. manjaro lavas. (After Dunne et al. 1978b) 22 Table 6. Estimates of average Cenozoic erosion rates in Kenya

Age Durat ion Average Rate of (million (million difference in erosion years) years) elevation (m) (cm/yr) End-Cretaceous and sub- Miocene surfaces S. Kenya 64-24 40 284 0.0007 W. Kenya 64-24 40 360-460 0.0009- 0.0011 N.E. Kenya 64-24 40 335 0.0008 Sub-Miocene and late- Tertiary surfaces S. Kenya 24-4 20 141 0.0007 S.E. Kenya 24-4 20 152 0.0008 N. Central Kenya 24-4 20 244 0.0012 E. Kenya 24-4 20 152 0.0008 Late-Tertiary and late- Quaternary surfaces S. Kenya 4-Recent 4 116 0.0029 Source: After Dunne, Brunengo, and Dietrich 1978.

The estimated soil loss rates for these catchments vegetation in some parts. Sheet and gully erosion were not corrected for intermediate deposition. were extensive, with resultant heavy accumulation Table 7 also shows results of soil loss studies on of sediment in waterways and lakes. Another ero­ small, 50 m 2 , field plots (Temple 1972). As ex­ sion and sedimentation study of the Kisongo catch­ pected, the rate of erosion from these plots far ex­ ment, near Arusha, was reported by Murray-Rust ceeded that from catchments. Rapp, Murray-Rust (1972). This author estimated that 14.6 percent of a et al. (1972) noted that soil losses in the semiarid catchment area of 9.3 km2 was suffering from severe areas generally occurred as sheet wash and to a less­ sheet erosion, which was estimated to supply 85 per­ er extent as gullies. They provided detailed descrip­ cent of the sediment delivered to the catchment's tions of erosion features, 'relief, soils, vegetation, reservoir (Table 9). and land use for each ofthe study catchments. Table Table 9 also indicates the extent of gullying, and 8 is a summary of their areal inventory for the Ma­ Map 5 shows strong evidence that the serious linear tumbulu, Msalatu, and Imagi catchments. Based on form was associated with the movement patterns of another field-plot study located in the high rainfall excessively stocked cattle. In contrast to the above area (1969 mm/yr) of the Uluguru Mountains, semiarid areas, catchments in the partially deforest­ Temple and Murray-Rust (1972) confirmed that ed Uluguru Mountains covering 1500 km2 were current agricultural practices (of cultivation of steep found to be subject to three main forms oferosion­ slopes with inadequate conservation measures) are sheet and rill erosion, small but numerous debris "destructive ofthe soil. ', slides and mud flows, and (rarely) a large single Confirming the above observations Christiansson landslide (Rapp 1975). On 23 February 1970, the (1972) described the physical characteristics, land Mgeta catchment, which has an area of 20 km2 , ex­ use, and erosion evidence in the Kondoa, in the perienced a rainstorm that yielded 100 mm of rain same semiarid area of central Tanzania. He ob­ in two hours and triggered more than a thousand served the region as intensively cultivated in places, small landslides and mudflows (Temple and Rapp generally overgrazed, and completely denuded of 1972); the estimated recurrence interval for such

23 Table 7. Soil denudation rates in seven catchment basins in Tanzania (1-7), compared with data from one set of soil erosion plots (8)

Catchment Soi 1 Expected Sediment denudat ion 1ife of Area Relief Period/ yield ratet reservoir=*' Location (km2) Rat io* date (Tm/ha/yr) (mm/yr) (yr) 1. Ikowa 640 0.015 1957-69 2.92 0.20 30 1957-60 5.43 0.36 , 1960-63 2.90 0.19 1963-69 1.67 0.11 2. Matulllbulu 18.1 0.058 1962-71 10.90 0.73 30 3. Msal atu 8.7 0.045 1944-71 6.09 0.41 110 4. Imagi 1.5 0.076 1930-71 9.02 0.60 190 5. Kisongo 9.3 0.040 1960-71 7.22 0.48 25 1960-69 6.69 0.45 1969-71 9.60 0.64 6. Morogoro 19 0.235 1966-70 3.90 0.26 n.a. 7. Mgeta-Mzinga 20§ 0.214§ 23/2/70 202 14 n.a. 8. Mpwapwa 1933-35 n.a. Bare plot 50 m2 0.066 147 9.8 Cult ivated plot 50 m2 0.066 78 5.2 Grass- covered 2 plot 50 m 0.066 0 0 Source: Modified from Rapp, Murray-Rust, et al. 1972; and Temple 1972 b. * Relief ratio is maximum relief of catchment divided by length. t Denudation rates are based on reservoir sedimentation: For catchments with reservoirs (1-5), on suspended sediment sampling; for catchment 6, from streams; for catchment 7, on volume of erosion features. Average dry bulk density of sediments and soils is estimated at 1.5. =*' Expected life of reservoir until 100% filled by sediments; economic life is shorter. § Approximate only. is 2-10 years. In the Morogoro catchment loams covering large areas of central and northern (19 km2), soil erosion estimates were made from Uganda are "liable to rain-splash erosion"; gully­ suspended sediment load in the river, small plot sur­ ing often follows. Southern Uganda is believed to face lowering surveys, and field reconnaissance suffer more from sheet erosion, with gullies less (Rapp, Axelsson, et al. 1972). Data showed only common on its clayey soils. The East Karamoja dis­ light erosion from areas, increasing losses trict has been subjected to much soil compaction from grass to bush fallow, and severe soil loss from and overgrazing, which have led to severe erosion. croplands, on both steep mountain and moderately The district is now marked by widespread sheet ero­ sloping foothill areas (Table 10). sion and spectacular gullies; according to Ahn, there The extent of soil erosion in Uganda has not been has been a change to a drier type of steppe vegeta­ assessed quantitatively. Some general observations tion within living memory. were given by Ahn (1977), who noted that protec­ Readily available information on the extent ofsoil tion of arable lands is generally adequate, but erosion in Ethiopia and Somalia is similarly scarce. serious erosion is common on the steep cultivated However, it is clear from Map 3 that most regions of slopes of the Ruwenzori Mountains and in the West Ethiopia and the northern part of Somalia fall with­ Nile district. Ahn indicated that the coarse sandy in the highest erosion hazard class in Africa, reflect-

24 Table 8. Areal inventory of landforms, land use, and son erosion in the catchments of Matumbulu, Msalatu, and Imagi reservoirs (Tanzania). The analysis is based on interpretation of aerial photographs of 1960

Matumbulu Msalatu Imagi Total area (km2) 18.12 8.67 1.49 Number of homesteads 87 4 0 Areal percentage Inselberg 27.2 19.4 51.0 Cultivations 22.3 5.9 1.3 Gully erosion 16.8 22.3 4.6 Sheet erosion 8.4 12.8 14.6 Sheet erosion plus marked gull ies 1.5 5.9 4.6 Sandy rivers 0.5 0.2 0 fans 1.0 Reservoir 0.5 1.4 3.3 Pediment slopes with slight erosion 21.8 32.1 20.6 Total percentage 100.0 100.0 100.0 Gullying on inselberg area (percent) 5.4 2.9 2.4 Source: After Rapp, Murray-Rust, et a1• , 1972.

Table 9. Estimated extent of severe sheet erosion and gully volumes, Kisongo catchment, Central Tanzania, April 1970

Gully volumes Gullyerosion* Sheet Sheet (m3) rate per year Area erosion erosion Section (km 2) (km 2) (%) Linear Dendr itic Total (m 3/km2) (Tm/ha) Northern 5.76 0.60 10.4 1185 665 1850 32 0.48 Centra1 1.91 0.36 18.8 1460 1395 2855 149 2.24 Southern 1.63 0.40 24.4 1525 930 2455 151 2.67 Total 9.30 1.36 14.6 4170 2990 7160 77 1.16

~ource: After Murray-Rust 1972. Average rate for 1960-1970. ing the contributions ofrugged terrain and high pre­ argues that when Herodotus called Egypt a "gift of cipitation to the problem. Eckholm (1976) indicated the Nile," he might just as well have called it the gift that the Amhara -the part of the East Afri­ of Ethiopia. However, as will be discussed in Chap­ can highlands that constitutes most of Ethiopia­ ter 3, the traditional outlook on the "benefits" from may be mistakenly called a plateau. Although it these erosional sediments has been drastically al­ rises abruptly to nearly 2000 m above the surround­ tered following the construction of Egypt's High ing arid plains, included within this plateau are Dam. It is enlightening to note that erosion has mountains that rise above 4500 m, as well as steep always provided massive quantities of sediment, gorges and valleys that constitute one of the''most even under ancient (undisturbed) conditions when erosion-prone areas on earth." From here, the leg­ the vast majority of the plateau was in forest. Al­ endary, reliable removal of silt by the Blue Nile and though a quantitative assessment of recent changes other major tributaries occurs annually, for ultimate in the magnitude of erosion is not possible, suffice it deposition on the flood plain of the Nile. Eckholm to say that significant stands of timber now cover

25 N

Area dominated by linear gullies

Area dominated by sheet erosion and dendritic gullies

Stock routes formed before 1960

Stock routes formed 1960 -1971

• Cattle troughs

o lkm ...-e---

Map 5", Distribution of erosion and relationship to stock routes in the Kisongo catchment, central Tanza­ nia. The areas of dendritic gullies bear little relation to stock routes, while linear gullies are generally close to the north-south stock routes, (After Murray-Rust 1972)

26 Table 10. Altitudinal zones of rainfall t land use t and so i1 erosion in the Morogoro River catchment t Tanzania

Altitude Annual Slope Farming Intensity Land use range rainfall gradients of eros ion Types of zone (m) (mm) (estimated) eros ion Montane 2100 >2400 60° None Slight Few land- forest slides; reserve 1500 30° some splash and sheet erosion Mountain 1500 2400 42° Maize crop Severe Episodic f armi ng 900 1500 20° in January 1and s1ides; Goat sheet ero- grazing sion; no gullying Foothill 900 1500 35° Mai ze crop Severe Episodic farming 550 900 5° in April/May landsl ides; Goat sheet ero- grazing sion; no gullying Source: After RapPt Axelsson t et al. 1972.

less than 4 percent of the country. The tempo of detected removal rates of 16.8 and 33.0 Tm/ha/yr. forest destruction has quickened since mid-century, Recognizing the potential errors of using data and by the early sixties natural were records for only one year, they used the respective disappearing at a rate of 1000 km2 (100,000 ha) per areas of the catchments (150 km2 and 14 km2) in year (Eckholm 1976). Quoting an unpublished pa­ combination with Figure 5, to suggest that the above per by Ware-Austin (1970), Eckholm indicated that rates may reflect actual soil losses of 152.7 and 165 the extent of soil erosion in many parts ofEthiopia is Tm/ha/yr. These compare favorably with losses of so vivid that it will leave a lasting impression of several hundred tonnes/ha/yr predicted for the three desolation and impending disaster on even the prevailing landform units in the plateau by the casual visitor. He cited Brown (1971) in describing universal soil loss equation (Wischmeier and Smith forest destruction and serious erosion, first in the 1978). Sample observations within these units re­ North and then in the Central Highlands where the vealed that nearly halfthe area is severely or very se­ most obvious result was silt-choked rivers. A case verely affected by erosion. Virgo and Munro (1978) study ofthe Gamu Highlands in southern Ethiopia also cited McDougall et al. (1975), who estimated led Jackson et al. (1968) as cited by Eckholm (1976) overall current sediment loss rates of 2-4 Tm/ha/yr. to conclude that the traditionally conservation-wise This reflected a significant acceleration (due to Chento people, who formerly kept their steep, seventy years of deforestation) beyond the Quater­ erosion-susceptible land for grazing and protected nary geological rate of 0.25 Tm/ha/yr over the up­ their other cropland through management per catchments of the Blue Nile and Atbara (Tecez­ and terracing, are now yielding to population ze) river systems. Comparison ofaerial photographs . They are plowing up grazing land, thus from 1965 and 1974 indicated that gully erosion, a "violating their own land management rules" and form which was scarcely noted as late as 1943, (predictably) experiencing cyclic degeneration of prevails in the Vertisol-dominated Makalle region. their arable lands. In a recent paper, Virgo and Such gully formations, enhanced by tunnelling, are Munro (1978) made an assessment of current ero­ encroaching at the rate of 5-10 m/yr and may be sional features and soil loss rates for the 6000 km2 linked to the progressive destruction of car­ Central Plateau region in the North (Map 6). Using bonate barriers (tufas) that had formed at stream measurements of suspended sediment load for two outlets under original, stable equilibrium condi­ catchments during the 1975 rainy season, they tions. In contrast, stream outlets in the Enticho

27 Map 6. Location map for erosion studies in Ethiopia by Virgo and Munro (1978).

28 Plateau are controlled by acid metavolcanic and ig­ In Nigeria, Okigbo (1977) referred to the vast and neous rocks that are resistant to down-cutting and spectacular gullies that now characterize the Nanka, subsequent gullying. Agulu, Oko, and Enugu areas of Anambra State, Large parts of Tanzania and Nigeria are infested the Shendam and western Pankshin areas of Plateau with tsetse fly (Glossina spp.). According to State, and parts of the East Central State. Erosion R. Fiennes (cited by Maher 1972) in 1964 60 per­ damage to the latter was estimated at 13 million cent of Tanganyika-as it was then known-was Tm/yr; the gullies extend to over 120 m deep and up controlled by the fly. Although it has been said fre­ to 2 km wide. Onyeagocha (1975) indicated that quently that the tsetse fly has protected large areas over 25,000 ha of land are badly eroded and gullied from erosion, by preventing the ingress of cultiva­ in many parts of the former Eastern Nigeria. They tors and their domestic animals and so preserving cannot be farmed, nor can they maintain any form the natural cover, H. E. Hornby (also cited by of vegetation. Many areas bordering these badly Maher 1972) disagreed. He suggested that such pro­ eroded lands are fast losing their existing cover and tection of the land by unmolested bush cover had becoming equally bare, with threatened gully for­ been at the expense of overcrowding people and cat­ mations. Floyd (1965) in an older appraisal of the tle on the outskirts ofthe tsetse belt; that the absence same area (Map 7) wrote: of surface water has been a more important factor in safeguarding the vegetative cover; and that if the The eastern region of Nigeria has one unfortu­ flies had contributed to the conservation of the bush nate claim to fame which'might better be left un­ over large areas, so preventing erosion, it had been publicized, except that it relates to a problem of at the expense of death to people and animals monumental proportions and one of great interest (through sleeping sickness and trypanosomiasis of and concern to geographers, pedologists, agricul­ cattle, respectively-the diseases carried by the fly). turists, conservationists, as well as other scientists the world over. Dramatic gully erosion is most Western Africa evident in the plateau and escarpment zone par­ A recent account of soil erosion and farming sys­ ticularly along the scarp of the Awka-Orlu up­ tems in West Africa was given by Okigbo (1977). lands and the Nsukka-Okigwi escarpment in the Lal (1976d) and Roose (1977b) have given detailed East. Less pronounced, though equally insidious, presentations of the results of many years of erosion sheet and gully erosion is widespread across the studies in the Alfisols (Ferrallitique) and Oxisols region however, extending from the in (Ferruginous) soils of the region. These and other the Northwest as far south as the coastal plains, studies, as well as Fournier's map of erosion hazard the Ikot Ekpene-Itu-Uyo triangle and eastward to (Map 3), show that most of this tropical region is the Cross River basin. Soil deterioration and very susceptible to rainfall erosion. However, such degradation in terms of the progressive loss of statements have not been supported by detailed site nutrients and breakdown ofstructure, is well-nigh surveys of the extent of erosion. Roose (1977c) cited universal, due largely to overfarming and primi­ other workers in reporting that erosion rates for tive, destructive methods ofcultivation. small plots on research stations in Senegal, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, and (Dahomey) ranged Floyd showed several plates displaying the awesome (depending on steepness of slope and soil type) from nature ofthe gullying problem in the area. 0.01 to 0.07, 0.1 to 90, and 3 to 570 Tm/ha/yr In the Navrongo-Bawku area of northeastern under natural, cropped, and bare conditions, re­ Ghana, which covers over 9000 km2 (Map 8) and spectively. Sheet and rill erosion are considered the has a population of about 500,000, soil erosion has dominant forms of erosion and are responsible for been described in a survey by Adu (1972). He esti­ most soil losses, particularly in unprotected soils. mated that approximately 40 percent of the area has Obeng (1973) indicated that widespread accelerated been eroded to a depth of 0.9 m resulting in the loss soil erosion under crop cultivation in Ghana of practically all plant nutrients. A further 8 percent was enhanced by vegetation clearing, burning, and of the area has been so severely eroded that a com­ indiscriminate use of unsuitable mechanical imple­ plete loss of both the A and B soil horizons has oc­ ments prior to planting. In addition, many cases of curred. disastrous gully erosion have been documented in In Senegal, Charreau (1968) indicated that the western Africa. failure of land developers to establish conservation

29 rftt~J Sandstone formations •••• Esca rpment - Gullying o 10 20 , , I



Map 7. Geology and structure ofthe Udi Plateau and the Awka-Orlu Upland ofeastern Nigeria. (After Floyd 1965)

30 wmmm Normal erosion 1: 750,000 f',~~q Moderate sheet erosion 10 15m ~ I I Severe sheet & gully erosion i I 15 30 km ~ Very severe erosion


Map 8. Location, extent, and severity ofsoil erosion in the Navrongo-Bawku area, northern Ghana. (After Adu 1972)

requirements for newly cleared lands resulted in the Ader Dutchi Massif region of Niger, an arid massive erosion problems and subsequent losses of area subject to a Sahelian climate. Erosion from one investment. He added: watershed, 117 km2 in area, was estimated by reser­ voir sediment deposit surveys to average 40 The phenomena of erosion by water are some­ Tm/ha/yr during a period that saw below average times spectacular, especially in the southern re­ rainfall. Heusch estimated this rate to be about gion, where rainfall is highest. One recalls in par­ twenty-five times greater than normal geological ticular the unfortunate experience ofthe members erosion. Small plot studies near the watershed aver­ of the former CGOT (La Compagnie Generale aged only 8 Tm/ha annual soil loss, indicating that des Oleagineux Tropicaux) in the fifties and their gully and stream bank erosion contributed the ma­ amazement when they discovered year after year jor share of material eroded from the watershed. the implacable progress of erosion on newly Soil mapping in the surrounding 1000 km2 area cleared land, even though the slopes were very showed that twenty-five percent was clearly subject slight, with a maximum of 3%. Towards 1952, to sheet erosion and that rates of gully erosion can the effects were so vast that radical measures had exceed 500 m/km2 • to be taken. In particular, it was necessary to give up any hope of cultivating several hundred hec­ tares, thus losing the vast sums devoted to clear­ Rainfall Erosion in ing them-the brush had to be allowed to recon­ Asia has the greatest land area of all continents, but quer the land. many of its regions have a disproportionate popula­ tion density. For example the population density of 2 A recent study by Heusch (1981) showed that India is 182 persons/km ; the Philippines, 142 water, not wind, was the prime cause of erosion in (United Nations 1977);]ava and Madura, 576 (Soe-

31 marwoto 1974) and Java itself, 620 (Thijsse 1976). lands also contributes to soil erosion, but to a lesser Comparing these data with the density in the United extent than forest clearing. plantations, com­ States of 23 persons/km2 (United Nations 1977), mon up to altitudes of 2000 m and on slopes as steep and the ever-increasing magnitudes of population as 60 percent, represent a significant erosion haz­ densities elsewhere, the urgent and constantly ex­ ard. On a slope of 30 percent, Holland and Joachim panding need for food and fiber in Asia becomes (1933, cited by Lal 1977c) measured annual soil evident. Yet it may be recalled from Table 2 that losses of 39.9, 34.1, and 20.4 Tm/ha in tea alone, this continent has the dubious distinction of possess­ and in tea with two different cover crops. Similarly, ing the highest rate of river sediment loss (1.66 Hasselo and Sikurajapathy (1965, cited by Lal Tm/ha/yr) of all the continents. Still higher-indeed 1977c) measured soil losses from bare plots on tea excessive-are the estimated losses ranging from 21 plantations at 52.6 Tm/ha in a two-and-a-half­ to 555 Tm/ha/yr for the selected Asian river basins month rainy period. Mulched plots lost 20-22 shown in Table 3. Crude as this index of soil erosion Tm/ha during the same period. Fortunately, ero­ may be, Asia must be considered subject to wide­ sion hazards for many tea and rubber plantations on . spread soil losses. The associated decline in land the steep terrain are somewhat reduced by good productivity (chap. 3) enhances the need to bring management and the abundance of soils with low more and more forestlands under cultivation. The susceptibility to erosion, namely Ultisols. However, excessively high sediment losses are well explained serious erosion does occur·on these slopes in margi­ by such continued practices as widespread clearing nal tea and rubber stands that provide little protec­ (since World War II) of the Dipterocarp for tion to the soil. Erosion hazards on the island are lumber or cultivation in Indochina, Indonesia, Ma­ quite variable due to the large spatial variability in laysia, the Philippines, and Thailand (Meijer 1973). topography, vegetation, rainfall, and soil distribu­ It has been estimated that during the Vietnamese tion (Map 9). Erosion hazards are more severe on War nearly 2 million ha of forest was destroyed in Alfisols than on lJltisols but less severe on Oxisols Vietnam. In India, the Ganges, Kosi, and Damodar (Panabokke 1977). The severity of erosion on Alfi­ rivers carry perhaps the highest sediment load of sols is due to high soil erodibility, low infiltration any Asian rivers surveyed, indicating the seriously rates, uncontrolled population settlement patterns, high erosional losses from their drainage basins. and lack of adequate (protective) cropping se­ Estimates of soil losses carried as sediment in the quences. Lower erosion on Ultisols is due to limited Red, Irrawaddy, Mekong, and Chao Phraya rivers population density, high infiltration rates, and all exceed the "desirable" tolerance limit of 11 relatively flat terrain. Tm/ha/yr. Clearly, soil erosion in tropical (i.e., According to Hudson (1978), the recent evolve­ South and Southeast) Asia is of serious proportion. ment of "a crop diversification program, which rec­ The following is a breakdown of available informa­ ommends the cultivation of nontraditional planta­ tion from these two regions. tion crops on sloping lands, poses a new soil erosion hazard." He reported preliminary soil loss results of Extent ofRainfall Erosion in up to 250 Tm/ha during a tea replanting period of 4 Recent accounts of erosion problems in this re­ years in such regions. As a result of his recommen­ gion have been provided by Panabokke (1977) and dation, some of the parameters required for quanti­ Lal (1977c). However, neither these authors nor tative assessment and prediction of the extent and other available publications provide quantitative es­ causes of erosion are being studied at various loca­ timatesofexisting or potential erosion. tions on Sri Lanka. Erosion and watershed deterior­ In Sri Lanka, Burns (1947) indicated that nearly ation are of specific concern in the upper catchments 25 million tonnes of soil are lost annually as sheet ofthe Mahaweli Ganga basin (10,370 km2, Map 10) wash due to rainfall erosion, and that landslides con­ which is characterized in places by as much as 5000 tribute to the devastation caused by floods. Lal mm of rainfall per year (Chambers 1977). In 1968, (1977c) cited several early publications that docu­ the FAa (according to Chambers 1977) prepared a mented erosion problems on the island. Most im­ master plan for its development, calling for the irri­ pressive is the massive clearing of natural forests gation of 400,000 ha and the generation of hydro­ (nearly 200,000 ha) in the central highlands since electric power. Present land use in that steep and the introduction of tea and as agricultural mountainous region consists of only 30 percent nat­ crops early in the last century. Burning of grass- forest, , and forest plantations. The


~ Reddish-Brown Earth ReQion c:::LI Lotosol ReQion [TI Red- Yellow Podzolic Soil Region r:=D Reddish·Brown Latosolic Soil ReQion CD ReQosol ReQion (Sandy) LIJ Non Calcic Brown Soil ReQion [TI Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil ReQion (hard laterite)

G) Rainfall Station

Map 9. Agroclimatic zones and major soil regions in Sri Lanka. (AfterJoshua 1977)

33 N

miles 50 o, ,

Map 10, Sri Lanka, showing the Mahaweli Ganga basin. (After Chambers 1977)

34 remainder is under some form of agricultural use, holm (1976), a senior Indian agriculturist has stated mostly tea, homestead gardens, vegetable gardens that he believes the country is approaching the point and paddy, with seasonal cropping and shifting cul­ of no return with its resource base; if momentum is tivation becoming increasingly important. Some not soon generated in reforestation and soil conser­ lands that have been opened for seasonal cropping vation programs, India will find itself with a billion and shifting cultivation are of such erosion hazard people to support and a countryside that is little that they "cannot be stabilized under any agricul­ more than a moonscape. Approximately 47 percent tural system and should be allowed to revert back to of the land is used for agricultural production and natural vegetation or be used for plantation forestry much of it is subject to high erosional hazard. Ac­ where this can be shown to be economical" (Cham­ cording to a recent report (CSWCRTI 1977) the bers 1977). erosion problems in India began to accelerate after In India, awareness of soil erosion problems is the eleventh century, with forest exploitation and evident from the large volume of erosion literature. destruction by the Moghals, and the later develop­ Together with many general articles are a few quan­ ment of exploitive agriculture in the nineteenth cen­ titative studies. In 1961, the Planning Commission tury. At present there is very little land free from estimated that nearly one fourth (81 million ha) of erosion hazard. Accelerated erosion is evident from the land in India was suffering soil erosion (Ahmad ravines on the banks of the Chambal, Jamuna, and 1973). Das (1977) puts that figure at 150 million ha Mahi rivers and their tributaries causing annual by adding the area affected by wind erosion, a very losses of 2.3 million ha. The denudation of forests serious factor in the Rajasthan Desert and elsewhere and vegetation in the Siwaliks and the (Patnaik 1975; Table 11; Map 11). Tropical and has resulted in flash floods, destroyed agricultural subtropical areas subject to erosion, and thus in lands, silted up reservoirs, disrupted communica­ need of conservation measures, include the Central tions and produced losses oflife and property. In the Indian Plateau, the (excluding the same report, the institute stated that if erosion is forested belt), the Chota Nagpur Plateau, and the permitted to continue at the present rate, the task of areas of red soils in West . The combined the future will be soil reclamation rather than con­ area in these region,s is about 58 million ha, not in­ servation. The seriousness of the problem has in­ cluding the extensive and severe gully erosion found spired the establishment of a chain of soil conserva­ in the Chambal region, in Gujarat, and on the tion research, demonstration, and training centers Ganges Plains. It may be recalled that rivers in this during the first and second Five Year Plans of India subcontinent possess perhaps the highest erosional (1954-1962). Ofthese, the institute originally estab­ sediment loads of any in the world (Table 3). An lished to serve the northwestern Himalayas region is overall estimate of the amount of soil lost by water now the Central Soil and Water Conservation Re­ erosion in India is 250 Tm/ha/yr (ICAR 1969, cited search and Training Institute (at Dehra Dun). The by Lal and Banerji 1974). This is a staggering figure concern of the authorities for the serious erosion which exceeds twenty times the conventionally toler­ problems in the country is further illustrated by the able limit for soil loss (chap. 1). According to Eck- declared national goal of "revegetation of denuded

Table 11. Estimated extent and types of erosion in India

Area Category (Million ha)

Total geographical area 328 Total area subject to serious water and wind erosion 150 Area at critical stage of deterioration due to erosion 69 Area subject to wind erosion 32 Area affected by gullies and ravines (approximate) 4 Area affected by shifting cultivation (approximate) 3 Area under rainfed farming (non paddy) 70

Source: After Das 1977.

35 '-. I '-. \ -.?- . -.J'-'-' ;.,.'






COASTAL EROSION ~ S W, o 200 400 Km. I ! I ~- NE MONSOON

Map 11. Extent and types oferosion in India. (After Das 1977)

36 lands by expanding the current 23 percent of the land occupied by forest to 33 percent." The Interna­ Extent ofRainfall Erosion in Southeast Asia tional Crops Research Institute for the Semiarid It may be recalled from Table 3 that alarming Tropics (ICRISAT) devotes much of its Farming sediment removal rates were monitored for the larg­ Systems Program to developing effective soil and er basins of the Chao Phraya (Thailand) and Irra­ water conservation practices in central India. waddy (Burma) (21 and 139 Tm/ha/yr, respective­ Although not strictly within the tropical zone, ly). Table 12 provides a more detailed breakdown of Nepal ( 27-30° N) will be included briefly in sediment transport by rivers in that region. The this discussion as an illustration of extremely visible seriousness of the problem is illustrated by the fact degradation of a mountainous terrain within the that at least the first eleven river basins listed are Himalayan arc. Similar problems plague large areas subject to severe rainfall erosion. Using a sediment within India, in such states as Himachal Pradesh, delivery ratio of 0.05, soil losses in the field may be Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Jammu, and . The estimated to range from 20 to 750 Tm/ha/yr. This impact of extensive erosion has been documented whole region is seriously afflicted by the prolifera­ not only in Nepal and northern India but also on the tion of deleterious grasses that often succeed cleared lower portions of the . As Eck­ forests during shifting cultivation. Old cogon (Impe­ holm (1976) stated for Nepal, rata cylindrica) is the chief problem in this area. Ranchers in the Philippines burn vast areas of land at the peak of the in an attempt to elimi­ Population growth in the context of a tradi­ nate this unpalatable grass and to provide young tional agrarian technology is forcing farmers onto growth for forage. When the rainy season com­ ever steeper slopes, slopes unfit for sustained mences' surface cover is scanty, providing little pro­ farming even with the astonishingly elaborate ter­ tection against erosion. Furthermore, burning ac­ racing practiced there. Meanwhile, villagers must tually favors the establishment of Imperata cylindrica roam farther and farther from their homes to over other forage grasses. gather fodder and firewood, thus surrounding In Singapore (Keng and Koon 1972), the current most villages with a widening circle of denuded land-use pattern is characterized by only 6.4 percent hillsides. Ground-holding trees are disappearing of the area remaining in water catchment and forest fast among the geologically young, jagged foot­ reserves. Extreme changes have occurred in the hy­ hills ofthe Himalayas, which are characterized by drological regime, causing the island to be extreme­ soils among the most easily erodible anywhere. ly susceptible to flooding. Sien and Koon (1971) de­ Landslides that destroy lives, homes and crops oc­ scribed one major storm that produced nearly 330 cur more and more frequently throughout the mm of rainfall and caused widespread damage to the Nepalese hills. island. was considered by Morgan Eckholm also expressed the opinion that "Topsoil (1974) to have moderate erosion hazard as judged washing down into India and Bangladesh is now by the concept of drainage density (i.e. the length of Nepal's most precious export," and that as a result streams per unit area). This situation exists despite of declining soil productivity, "as much as 38 per­ the fact that 55 percent of the total area is still in cent of the total land area consists of abandoned forestland. Sabah and Sarawak still have 86 and 76 fields," which are naturally more prone to erosion percent respectively of their total areas in forest, during monsoonal downpours. To avoid impending precluding serious erosion problems except in exten­ disaster, the author further cautioned that settle­ sively logged areas. Substantial areas ofland are still ment of the now relatively unexploited plains of the "available" for agriculture, both in Peninsular Ma­ Terai must be controlled to eliminate illegal clearing laysia and Sabah and Sarawak (Gopinathan 1977). of forestlands by migrants from the hills-at a rate Studies of soil erosion which have hitherto been vir­ estimated to have exceeded 230,000 ha during the tually ignored (Chim 1974), must now be empha­ decade from 1964 to 1974. Although quantitative sized to avoid uncontrolled replacement of forest by data on the exact extent and dominant types of cultivated crops. The seriousness of this hazard in erosion-affected areas are not available, this infor­ Malaysia is further illustrated by the fact that steep mation illustrates the general gravity ofthe situation slopes (> 20 %) comprise nearly 40 percent of the in Nepal. land. Malaysia suffered serious sedimentation prob-

37 Table 12. Suspended sediment loads of some Southeast Asian rivers, listed in decreasing order

Drai nage area Suspended load River Locat ion (km2) (Tm/ha/yr) Tj atjaban Java 79 37.5 Tjiloetoeng Java 620 20.3 Dry-zone rivers Burma 92,500 7.60 Chindwin Burma 114,500 5.21 Irrawaddy Prome, Burma 367,000 4.64 Rambut Java 45 3.00 Mekong Vientiane, Laos 299,000 2.46 Mekong Stung Treng, Kampuchea 534,000 1.95 Bertam Cameron Highlands, Malaysia 73 1.55 Irrawaddy Mandalay, Burma 160,000 1.33 Gombak Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 140 1.01 Selanbor Battambang, Kampuchea 3,230 0.350 Telom Cameron Highlands, Malaysia 77 0.317 Kornpong Lar Thnot Chum, Kampuchea 420 0.297 Sen Kompong Thorn, Kampuchea 13,670 0.248 Pursat Pursat, Kampuchea 4,480 0.222 Babaur Babaur, Kampuchea 870 0.170 Staung Kompong Chen, Kampuchea 1,895 0.164 Krakor Krakor, Kampuchea 138 0.12 Source: After Douglas 1968, cited by Lal 1977£, modified. lems early in this century from indiscriminate log­ given to the hilly regions within the Cameron ging, tin mining, and bad cultural practices. Sedi­ Highlands (where erosion is enhanced by construc­ ment buried the township of Kuala Kubu under tion activities to serve the fast expanding tourist in­ several feet of silt (Daniel and Kulasingam 1974). dustry), Bukitinggi, Kulai, and lands between These authors documented that, as a result of large Kuala Kangsar and Grik. It was the impression of amounts of topsoil having been lost because of EI-Swaify, following a recent site visit, that the large undesirable agricultural practices (with rubber, estates of rubber, oil palm, and are gener­ gambier, pepper, and pineapple cultivation), the ally well managed for erosion control, using a com­ banks of the Kelantan, Perak, and Pahang rivers bination of terracing and early plantings of protec­ have been raised up to 20 feet (6m) above the sur­ tive ground covers on steep slopes. Erosion hazards rounding land by sediment deposition during are generally high iftree and ground cover plantings floods. In one early appraisal of soil and water con­ are not completed before the monsoon season, or on servation in Malaysia, Speer (1963) noted that "nu­ small plantations where soil protection either is not merous areas from which forest and have prescribed or is ignored. Serious erosion on denud­ been cleared were not capable of producing any ed steep lands is illustrated by estimated soil losses of other crop safely or economically. They may be 392 and 598 Tm/ha from bare forest plots on 32° stoney, too steep, of low fertility, or highly erodible and 35° slopes (Chim 1974; with the assumption soils, or a combination of these characteristics." He that bulk density of soil removed from rills = recommended that such areas be returned to forest. 19/cc). In the Cameron Highlands, Shallow (1956, Speer also noted that plantings of pepper, tea, vege­ cited by Daniel and Kulasingam 1974) measured tables, tobacco, , , , rub­ much higher rates of soil loss (4.9 and 7.3 Tm/ha/yr ber, and oil palm were all associated with serious under vegetables and tea), than the 0.24 Tm/ha/yr erosion problems. He recommended that within measured under natural jungle vegetation. For­ these areas, lands unsuitable for cultivation should tunately the 1960 Land Conservation Act designates be reforested, and that crop production on the suit­ lands with slopes not exceeding 18.5 percent as the able lands be stabilized by contouring and bench (or legal limit for cultivation development. To insure broadbase) terraces to reduce both soil and water the benefits of the Act, Speer (1963) recommended losses. He indicated that special emphasis should be that a strong program be developed to stop illegal

38 occupation of land and to correct misuses on cur­ 400 r- rently illegally occupied land. It is important at this point to note the almost complete lack of informa­ t- tion on the extent of soil erosion in nonpeninsular ,....-- Malaysia. However, it is safe to assume that both parts of the country are currently in a strong posi­ 300 - tion to prevent serious deterioration of the land resource base, much ofwhich is still undeveloped. -

Thailand is in a very similar position. As recently r--- E as 1940, the country did not have many serious E - problems with erosion. Pendleton (1940) reported ~200 « - that most of the erosion noted in the central plain u.. was due to channel scouring in the main rivers. In z <{ Phuket Island, and elsewhere in southern Thailand, ~ serious but localized erosion existed. In one of the few recently reported quantitative studies, test plots reporting cleanly weeded coffee in Tarnto Settle­ 100 ment produced soil losses of25-30 Tm/ha/yr on 12° - slopes (Virgo and Holmes 1977). This area is repre­ .-- '--- sentative of a 220,000 hectare tract in southern Thailand, 40 percent of which is natural forest; it is estimated that 1500 hectares of that forest are de­ -r-- I OJ FMAMJJI AS 0 N D I stroyed annually. Many incidences oftunnel erosion MONTHS are seen in the northeast where saline and sodic con­ ditions lead to differential weaknesses in soil struc­ Figure 9. Annual rainfall pattern for Thailand's northern highlands during the period 1975-1977. (Sheng, T. C. 1978, informal com­ ture and cause localized soil dispersion and removal munication) by runoff. However, the most serious erosion, both existing and potential, occurs in the forest water­ sheds of the northern highlands which form the soils and slopes during the rainy reason. Uncon­ physiographic headwaters ofthe principal rivers and trolled fires often result from the burning of newly produce 70 percent ofthe country's timber. Rainfall cleared areas and contribute to the degradation of totals and patterns are relatively uniform through­ the forest watersheds. However, despite the wide­ out the central plateau and the northern highlands, spread use of shifting cultivation in northern Thai­ with most precipitation falling between May and land, overall damage caused by soil erosion is less October in monsoonal storms (Fig. 9). However, noticeable than in, for example, India. This is due the northern highlands are characterized by topo­ to less population pressure, deeper soils that are bet­ graphic conditions that are more conducive to ero­ ter able to provide vegetative regrowth, and a mildly sion when forest vegetation is cleared. Teak logging, aggressive climate. Serious research efforts to stabil­ shifting cultivation (swiddening) of essential crops ize agricultural development have begun in the as well as opium, and tin mining have all caused se­ north, both within the Ma Sae Integrated Water­ rious erosion in recent years. Inadequate conserva­ shed and Forest Land Use Project (FAO-UNDP­ tion practices are frequent in the steep lands of the Royal Forestry Department) and the Thai-Australia northern forest reserves (with slopes ranging up to Land Development Project (Land Development De­ 65 %) under shifting cultivation. A recent review of partment-Australian Assistance Program). While farming in this region was presented by Kunstadter both have the objective ofdeveloping and stabilizing et al. (1978). To date, cleared lands have amounted lands under rainfed agriculture that are now being to a total of 2.4 million ha out of a total of nearly 10 farmed on an intensive slash and burn (swidden) million ha, and clearing continues at the rate of systern of shifting cultivation, the first project deals more than 50,000 ha/yr. Crop selection and man­ with steep forestlands, and the second with lands agement practices often are not conservation ­ that are in secondary forest and generally have ed, as illustrated by harmful soil disturbances asso­ "gentle" slopes of less than 10 percent but are still ciated with the harvest of root crops on susceptible subject to high erosion hazards. The Soil and Water

39 Conservation and Management Division of the upland seasonal crops were subject to severe erosion Land Development Department maintains 22 land and the remaining 5 million ha to less severe forms. development centers throughout the country, for the The high erosion hazards in the country are illus­ primary purpose of developing appropriate methods trated by the generally wet climate and steep topog­ for sustained agricultural production. However, lit­ raphy. Most of the land receives more than 2,000 tle quantitative information is available, as much of mm of rainfall annually (Map 12). At least 31 per­ the data analysis and synthesis still remains to be cent of the total land area is described as hilly, done. mountainous, rough, or rugged (nearly one million For Indonesia, little quantitative information on ha of agricultural lands have slopes of 8-15%), and the extent of soil erosion has been documented. subject to severe erosion during the rainy season. However, rainfall and topographic patterns, com­ The rate of forest destruction for cultivation on hilly bine to give the islands perhaps the highest rainfall land has been estimated at 180,000 ha/yr, a figure erosion hazards in Southeast Asia. Most of the ero­ that continually increases the area susceptible to sion literature is from Java and is based on sediment erosion. At present the Philippines has 5.1 million loads in rivers. Selected data given in Table 12 show ha of land in need of reforestation. Of these, 1.4 three rivers whose sediment loads rank extremely million ha in forest reserves have been proclaimed high among the rivers of Southeast Asia. Additional critical watersheds due to their vital importance for alarming annual sediment loads include 3.1 million supplying irrigation and municipal water, generat­ tonnes for the Citarum River at Warungjeruk in ing hydroelectric power, producing fish, or combi­ west Java and 8.6 million tonnes during the 5­ nations thereof. Indiscriminate logging for lumber, month rainy season of 1971-72 for the Solo River in mining, and/or cultivation has also increased the ex­ central Java. Partosedono (1974) has described the tent of erosion in the major river basins. Miranda extent of erosion for the 3322 km2 catchment area of (1978) provided sediment yield figures of 44.60, the Cimanuk River. He estimated the depth of soil 11.42, and 0.68 Tm/ha/yr for the basins of the lost annually to erosion at 5.2 mm, compared to 0.7 Agno, Pampan, and Marbel rivers, respectively. He mm, which is the overall average for the land sur­ also gave an account of serious erosion problems in face of the globe; and the problem seems to be ac­ the basins of the Bicol, Agno, Magat, and the Pam­ celerating. The yearly erosion of the Citulung basin panga rivers. In the 574,000 ha Agno River basin, (west Java) was 0.9 mm during 1911-12; 1.9 mm 183,968 ha (32 %) are undergoing severe erosion, during 1934-35; and is currently estimated at 5 mm with landslides common along road cuts and very (Soemarwoto 1974). This author also estimated that steep slopes. Maps of lands licensed to timber com­ a staggering 17 cm of soil was lost from 10,500 ha of panies show between 37 and 85 percent of the area steep lands in the Upper Solo watershed during the as severely to very severely eroded (Table 14). With 5-month rainy season of 1971-72. Another study increased population pressure, vegetable gardening south of Bandoeng at Tjiwidei in Java, contrasted in the upper Agno basin has now expanded into the soil losses from terraced and unterraced plots. After critical watershed areas, with severe soil erosion clearing virgin forest, sediment loss was 5.27 consequences. Similarly, slopes with steepness ex­ Tm/ha/yr on the unterraced site and 1.35 Tm/ha/yr ceeding allowable limits for cultivation are being on the terraced site. Soil losses were greatly en­ cultivated or grazed within the Magat River basin. hanced during the second year after clearing; sedi­ Ofthe basin's total area of 414,300 ha, an estimated ment losses of 50.47 Tm/ha/yr and 24.68 Tm/ha/yr 216,000 ha are now subject to either severe or very were measured for the unterraced and terraced severe erosion. Serrano and Suan (1976) cited plots, respectively (Shallow 1956, cited by Leigh Meceda (1948-49) as noting that erosion problems and Low 1973). were accelerating even then. Data they provided for The Philippines, with a total land area of 30 the extent oferosion in different regions were consis­ million ha, has nearly 11 million ha of cultivable tent with those given in Table 13. In addition they land, three fourths of which are badly eroded (Mi­ observed that gullies are forming on the steep hill­ randa 1978; Bureau of Soils and PCARR 1977). sides of Mountain Province at the rate of 1 million Historically, it is acknowledged that by 1946 about 9 m 3 of bed-load per km2 of gully area per year million ha or three fourths of the cultivated and (Gulcur 1965, cited by Serrano and Suan 1976). open land had been subject to all forms of erosion These two authors (and Tautscher 1974, whom they (Table 13). Of these, the 4 million ha planted to cited) indicated they believe that roads may be the

40 Table 13. Erosion extent in the Philippines

Land subj ect to Land subject to erosion erosion Provinces* (ha) (%) Provinces (ha) (%) 1. Batangas 256,059 83.1 26. Catanduanes 57,229 39.9 2. Cebu 371,307 76.3 27. Negros Or. 188,723 35.5 3. Ilocos Sur 198,225 73.8 28. Camari nes Sur 182,587 34.3 4. La Union 96,565 70.3 29. Zambal es 122,899 33.7 5. Batanes 13,439 67.9 30·. Isabel a 347,596 32.9 6. Bohol 269,074 66.0 3l. Nueva Ecija 171,415 31.1 7. Msbate 269,516 66.1 32. Romblon 41,018 30.9 8. Abra 248,102 65.1 33. Bulacan 70,230 26.6 9. Iloilo 337,132 63.5 34. Sorsogon 50,718 24.7 10. Cavite 77,995 60.6 35. Mi samis Or. 96,295 24.6 11. Ri zal 121,790 58.4 36. Nueva Vi scaya 152,279 22.4 12. Capiz 243,079 55.2 37. Laguna 26,298 21.8 13. Marinduque 47,593 51. 7 38. Cagayan 191,849 21.4 14. Negros Occ. 385,203 49.7 39. Mi sami s Occ. 44,101 21.3 15. Tarlac 147,005 48.4 40. Quezon 236,526 19.8 16. Ilocos Norte 158,196 46.7 4l. Bataan 26,021 19.4 17. Pangasinan 241,667 46.2 42. Cotabato 358,277 15.6 18. Mindoro 460,951 45.7 43. Lanao 98,388 14.7 19. Antique 121,879 45.6 44. Camari nes 30,789 14.3 20. Bukidnon 334,610 42.7 45. Zamboanga 202,508 12.0 21. Pampanga 91,259 42.6 46. Davao 205,287 10.5 22. Mt. Prov. 600,731 42.5 47. Samar 145,595 10.5 23. Sulu 116,807 41.5 48. Palawan 114,810 7.8 24. Leyte 327,905 41.0 49. Sur igao 46,104 5.7 25. Albay 104,160 40.5 50. Agusan 48,147 4.5 Total Philippines . .. 8,895,948 29.9 Source: Mamisao, Jesus P. 1949. Soil Conservation Trends in the Philippines (provided by Miranda 1978). *In order of percentage of area subject to erosion. greatest single cause of accelerated erosion in the steep foothill country, which is very susceptible to Philippines. Many ofthese are forest roads. Serrano erosion. In response to the recognized urgency of se­ and Suan pointed out that 3.8 million hectares of vere soil erosion problems, a soil conservation pro­ forest and alienated land were released for urban use gram was started in the mid-1950s to formulate ef­ or cultivation during the five-year period from 1970 fective control measures for these areas. Among the to 1975. This represents great acceleration com­ few quantitative figures on the magnitudes of soil pared with a total of 4.4 million ha of forest cleared loss were those given by Hsu et al. (1977). These during the preceding thirty years. authors measured soil losses of tip to 186 Tm/ha Available literature suggests that Taiwan may be from plots established on 18 0 slope and planted to far ahead of most tropical countries in the formula­ various crops during the 1975 rainy season. How­ tion of conservation policies for agriculture. This is­ ever, a general assessment of the extent of soil ero­ land has an area of 35,759 km2 of which 70 percent sion in the different sections of the country is not is hilly (above 100 m in altitude) to mountainous, available. Dils (1977) discussed some aspects of ero­ with many peaks over 3000 m aCRR/MARDB sional problems in watersheds located in all three 1977). The high erosion hazard throughout the is­ major zones-the Plains, the Intermediate, and the land is illustrated by the annual average precipita­ Mountain Forest zones. He indicated the continued tion of 1000 to 4000 mm, with the heaviest falls in seriousness of erosion, sedimentation, and landslide the mountainous areas. With a current population problems in all three, citing as an example the re­ of over 16 million and a policy of self-sufficiency, cent release of 65,000 ha of forest for use in farming agriculture is being compelled to expand beyond the within the Intermediate zone. Of these, only 5000 present 917,000 ha of less rugged land into the ha are subject to conservation measures, but nearly

41 ~t6~F[jJALL ~~b~F[:;]ALL (mm) (mm) ~O'J~F.[AJALL(mm) 500 500 500 ~::~D ~::~r~ o o o J A J 0 D J A J 0 D J A J 0 D J AJOD JAJOD STA. MARIA, ILOCOS SUR BATAC, ILOCOS N. TAUG, PANGASINAN ECH15/MAl0[jCAN








Map 12. Rainfall patterns of the Philippines. (Bureau of Soils and PCARR 1977)

42 Table 14. Degree and extent of soil erosion in areas licensed to timber companies within the Agno River basin, Philippines

Erosion class*

None Slight Moderate Severe Extreme ° 1 2 3 4 Total Timber license holder Area(ha) % Area(ha) % Area(ha) % Area(ha) % Area(ha) % Area(ha) %

Heald Lumber Company 4,756.4 22 216.2 1 2,810.6 13 11,026.2 51 2,810.6 13 21,620.0 100 Benguet Consolidated Inc. 6,334.8 14 4,532.0 10 6,798.0 15 27,645.2 61 45,320.0 100 Itogon-Suyoc Mines, Inc. 1,418.4 24 413.7 7 827.4 14 3,250.5 55 5,910.0 100 Northeastern Timber Development Corporation 5,075.4 22 1,384.2 6 4,844.7 21 11,765.7 51 23,070.0 100 Pangasinan National Resources Development Corporation 8,516.4 47 2,899.2 16 1,630.8 9 5,073.6 28 18,120.0 100 Tarlac Timber Corporation 10,047.8 66 5,176.2 34 15,224.0 100 Santa Cruz Development Corporation 3,722.3 29 2,182.2 17 3,337.3 26 3,593.228 12,835.0 100 Zambales Timber Company, Inc. 1,448.7 61 95.0 4 831.3 35 2,375.0 100 Southern Zambales Lumber Company 178.5 15 1,011.5 85 1,190.J 100

Source: Evaluation report on logging operations and other land-use practices in the Agno and Pampanga river basins: Concomitant effects on Central floods. September 1972--BFD. After Miranda 1978. * None (0) -- no apparent erosion; Slight (l)--slightly eroded «25% of surface layer removed); Moderate (2)-­ moderately eroded (25% to 75%of surface layer removed); Severe (3)--severely eroded (>75%of surface layer to part of subsoil removed); Extreme (4)--very severely eroded (all of surface layer and 75%of subsoil removed). all require intensive measures for erosion and flood the Barkly Tableland. Degeneration of pastures control. Road construction is blamed for most ofthe through excessive grazing pressure has generally accelerated erosion and landslides in the Mountain been followed by accelerated erosion (Walter 1971). Forest zone, because of poor or nonexistent surface Recognizing the importance of soil erosion prob­ drainage and vegetative protection. lems, each of the states within Australia has estab­ lished government departments for soil conservation Rainfall Erosion in Tropical Australia, (variously named Soil Conservation Service, as in Papua New Guinea,-and Pacific Islands New South Wales, or Soil Conservation Authority, Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea as in Victoria). Papua New Guinea is subject to considerable In Australia, a continent in which 50 percent of rainfall erosion by virtue of rugged terrain and am­ the area receives less than 250 mm of rainfall per pIe precipitation. According to Bleeker (1975), year, wind erosion is a serious problem in some 14,130 km2 of the total land area of 470,000 km2 are areas. However, erosion by water is possibly more subject to strong erosion and 83,810 km2 to very serious because it affects the more agriculturally strong erosion. In high rainfall areas, where logging productive areas (Downes 1963). For example, a has been by selective cutting, soil erosion has been study of three catchments in northern Queensland limited. However, where large areas of clearfelling (Douglas 1967) gave the following suspended sedi­ occur, as in the Gogol Timber Project at Madang, ment loads in Tm/km2/yr: the erosion problem increases (Lamb and Beibi Upper Lower 1977). By sampling stream water, the rate of denu­ dation was found to be 137 Tm/km2/yr in central Barron River Papua (Turvey 1974). Catchment 8.5 20.4 Pacifi'c Islands Davies Catchment 3.03 5.63 Data from the Pacific Islands, other than Hawaii, are scant. Nevertheless, hazards ofwater erosion are Millstream severe on most of these islands by virtue of aggres­ Catchment 9.23 18.4 sive climates, rugged topography, and frequent ex­ ploitation of land on a massive scale, such as that In the Windera district of Australia most of the land associated with the establishment of sugarcane plan­ is sloping and, with the intense rainfalls, tations. Among accounts of Fiji (Cochrane 1967; sheet and rill erosion may occur. Even on slopes Ward 1965) it has been noted that the main island of greater than 2 percent and on alluvial flats with Viti Levu is undergoing widespread erosion. The slopes greater than 0.2 percent, protective measures foothills behind Nadi are covered with landslides must be employed to reduce erosion (Stone 1975). that give the region a scarred and barren look. Increased numbers of cattle, coupled with poor There is widespead sheet wash and slipping in the management, have resulted in serious overgrazing Yavuna area. Burning is a major problem and, cou­ and erosion in parts of Alice Springs, the Barkly pled with overgrazing, has caused pastures to de­ Tableland, and the Kimberley district (Sturtz et al. generate. Although burning is prohibited by legis­ 1975). Erosion is severe in parts of the east and west lation it is widely practiced. The severity of soil Kimberley region of northwestern Australia and re­ movement and siltation can be appreciated from sults primarily from overgrazing of cattle (Fitzger­ Cochrane's (1967) statement that fifteen years ago ald 1975). About 25 percent of the Northern Terri­ coastal vessels plied the Ba River; today trucks drive tory, which has an extent of 1,348,000 km2 , shows on what was then the river. In the kingdom of Ton­ accelerated soil erosion that is particularly serious in ga, composed of some 150 islands in , soil the upper valley watercourses in the wet monsoonal erosion problems are reported to be mild because of area ofthe Darwin and Gulfdistricts. Nearly 30 per­ porous soils, good internal drainage, and flat topog­ cent of the Ord-Victoria River and the Barkly dis­ raphy. However, soil degradation through fertility tricts, both primarily cattle-raising areas, were sub­ problems seems to be increasing, particularly in ject to active erosion during the 1960s. In addition, Ha'apai. This is attributed to both shortened fallow gully erosion was evident in 20 percent of the Ord­ periods associated with shifting cultivation practices Victoria River district and about 10 percent of and the increased planting ofcoconut palms (Maude

44 1970). According to Fox and Cumberland (1962) vey of nonpoint sources of pollution, including ero­ the steepland soils of Samoa have also been depleted sional sediments, was recently completed (TCNSPC ofnutrients and are badly eroded. 1978). Maps 13-18 show the estimated current ero­ In an analysis of the agricultural potential of sion status of various districts on the major islands. Guadalcanal, Hansell and Wall (1970) subdivided Land that is actively eroding represents approxi­ the island into seven regions. Both the Kaichui mately 2.6 percent of the overall land mass of the Land Region and the Itina Land Region are largely major islands. A breakdown of soil loss magnitudes mountainous and are subject to moderate to severe estimated within the above survey is given in Ta­ erosion. Although the Paru Land Region experi­ ble 15. ences landslides and undergoes gully erosion, the In Kauai, the oldest island in the chain, the W ai­ agricultural potential is good. The Tetere Land mea area includes the famed Waimea Canyon. A Region is mainly level so that drainage and flooding relatively small proportion of Oahu is judged to be problems are more evident than erosion. actively eroding. As the bulk of the population re­ In Hawaii, soil erosion has been a problem since sides on this island, much of the land is urbanized. the introduction ofdomesticated animals. Following The large Ewa area embraces Pearl Harbor and has the discovery of the islands by Europeans in 1778, considerable land under sugarcane and pineapple, goats left by Captain Cook multiplied rapidly. Cat­ as has the Waialua area. On Molokai, much of the tle and sheep were introduced shortly afterwards by damage experienced in the Hoolehua district has Vancouver. A thirty-year ban on the slaughter of been initiated by excessive grazing. On Maui, in the these animals caused an inordinate increase in their huge Makawao area, much of the erosion is in populations and the eventual destruction of the koa gulches and barren areas not covered in the survey. forest. Barren, eroded hillsides and soil slips, as well The same situation exists in the Nahiku district. as dusty alluvial plains, became evident (Christ Hawaii-the "Big Island" -is approximately twice 1960). Reforestation has restored much of the the size of all the other islands in the chain com­ watershed to forest, although introduced trees (such bined. The Hamakua district receives the highest as Eucalyptus) Acacia) and Casuarina spp.) now form rainfall on that island, whereas the Ka'u and partic­ approximately half of the forest cover on Oahu and ularly the Kona districts are characterized by less several other islands. With the advent of statehood rainfall. The latter has minimal erosion rates. Only in 1959, construction activities of all types in­ about 1 percent of the land of the Big Island is ac­ creased, and in turn accelerated soil erosion. Con­ tively eroding. However, thousands of acres are de­ cerned agencies clearly became alarmed when the void of soil and vegetation because of recent volca­ major bays on Oahu (such as Kaneohe and Pearl nic lava flows. Therefore, the reported percentage of Harbor) rapidly became receiving basins for soil lost land eroding from this island, and the state as a from adjacent slopes. An inventory of land use con­ whole, is misleading as it underestimates the extent ducted by the Hawaii Agricultural Extension Ser­ oferosion in usable lands. vice (1961) showed that over 55 percent of the land was in forest, with about 9 percent in cropland, 19 Rainfall Erosion in Tropical South America percent in pasture, and 17 percent in other uses. The buttress the western portion ofthe South The projection for 1975 was for slight rises in crop American continent like a great misplaced spine and pasture use and a corresponding drop in forest. (Eckholm 1976). Starting in Venezuela, these The opinion has been expressed that even the forests mountains comprise major portions of Colombia, are not without problems. Because Andropogon vir­ Ecuador, Peru, and , coming within 60 miles ginicus) an introduced grass on Oahu, does not uti­ of the Pacific in some places. To the west of lize water efficiently, it has been considered a cause the Andes, from Ecuador southward, lies an arid of slumps on steeper land. This contributes indi­ coastal desert; the jungle of the Upper Amazon rectly to the undesirable silting in Kaneohe Bay stretches to the east from the foothills and comprises (Mueller-Dombois 1973). EI-Swaify and Cooley large areas of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, (1980, 1981) reported the results of several years of and Brazil. Unlike the Rockies of monitoring soil losses from agricultural lands, and and the European Alps, the Andes are densely pop­ indicated that in most cases, the average annual soil ulated, which is a major cause of erosion problems. loss from these sources remains within the acknowl­ For example, the population of Peru has increased edged tolerable limit of 11 Tm/ha/yr. Another sur- from 4 million to 15 million people since the turn of

45 N f



Map 13. Estimated erosion status ofthe island ofKauai, Hawaii. (Technical Committee on Nonpoint Source Pollution Control 1978)


1 0 I 2 :5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12



Map 14. Estimated erosion status ofthe island ofOahu, Hawaii. (Technical Committee on Nonpoint Source Pollution Control 1978)

46 N ILia POINT f




Map 15. Estimated erosion status ofthe island of Molokai, Hawaii. (Technical Committee on Nonpoint Source Pollution Control 1978)





Map 16. Estimated erosion status ofthe island ofLanai, Hawaii. (Technical Committee on Nonpoint Source Pollution Control 1978)





Map 17. Estimated erosion status ofthe island ofMaui, Hawaii. (Technical Committee on Nonpoint Source Pollution Control 1978)

N 1


Map 18. Estimated erosion status ofthe island of Hawaii. (Technical Committee on Nonpoint Source Pollution Control 1978)

48 Table 15. Actively erod i ng areas and erosion rates for the Hawaiian Islands Area Actively eroding area Rate of erosion (ha) (ha) (Tm/ha/yr) Kauai 143,300 7,892 Hanalei 38,000 607 5.5-27 Lihue 33,500 971 5.5-82 Koloa 21,000 243 5.5-82 Waimea 31,040 3,238 5.5-136 Kekaha 19,870 2,833 5.5-136 Oahu 156,415 3,116 Kahuku 16,350 243 5.5-55 Kaneohe 21,056 364 5.5-55 Honolulu 25,739 405 5.5-27 Ewa 36,896 850 5.5-82 Wa ianae 19,709 445 5.5-54 Waialua 36,665 809 '5.5-136 Molokai 67,381 11,659 Wa il au 14,103 251 5.5-57 Kamalo 13,335 2,671 5.5-136 Hoolehua 24,261 3,221 5.5-136 Maunaloa 15,682 5,516 5.5-163 Lanai 36,463 10,361 Maunalei 19,429 5,673 5.5-136 Kaumalapau 17,034 4,688 5.5-136 Maui 188,548 Lahaina 24,808 545 0.27-79 Wail uku 21,085 498 0.27-57 Makawao 70,700 ---* 0.27-79 Nahiku 28,774 ---* 0.54-95 Kaupo 43,181 660 0.27-106 Hawa ii 1,045,852 Hamakua 103,731 3,642 0.27-218 Hilo 261,068 3,238 0-82 Ka'u 252,478 81 0-163 Kona 200,832 minimal 0.27-27 Kohala 227,743 1,214 0-136 Source: TCNSPC 1978 (modified). * Soil movement may be disproportionately large compared to the neg 1igib1e acreages of eroding areas accounted for in this inventory. the century. Deteriorating conditions in the moun­ rolling plains. Nearly thirty years ago soil erosion tains and lack of agricultural land reforms are caus­ throughout the country was estimated at 426 million ing great numbers of people to move to the disease Tm/yr (Suarez de Castro 1952). The accelerated infested humid lowlands where modern medicine is form of erosion was attributed to the clearing of rendering the habitable. Table 16 shows an forest. Prieto Bolivar (1951) equated river sediment assessment of the extent of erosion associated with loads with the awesome loss of 250-300 ha/day of various climatic and vegetative zones in the conti­ arable soil. Little measured erosion occurs on the nent' as made by FAO (1954c). A breakdown of ac­ alpine soils (over 2700 m elevation); however, ero­ tual and potential erosion in various countries is not sion occurring on subalpine soils at 2100-2700 m al­ available in the literature. However, the following is titude is severe. These areas are largely cultivated in a synthesis of available information from scattered pasture or corn (FAO 1954b). In central Colombia, sources. coffee plantations and pasture are the prevailing land uses. The pastures are burned regularly and Colombia are subject to sheet erosion. Landslides also are a Geologically, Colombia is characterized by a common feature ofthe area. On the plains ofeastern largely mountainous western half; the eastern half is Colombia, the grasses on predominantly lateritic 49 Table 16. Relationship between climate, vegetation, and soil erosion in Latin America

Cl imate Vegetat ion Soil erosion Super humid Rain forest Slight or moderate land slips and some deep gullies in unstable terrain Humid Forest Moderate and severe on sloping lands where cleared and cultivated to row crops Subhumid moist Tall grass Generally, none to moderate on smoother lands. Moderate to severe on sloping lands in warmer cl imates Semiarid Short grass None to moderate on smooth lands in cooler regions; moderate and severe over large areas, particularly in Mexico Arid (intermingled Desert Moderate and severe--rnuch with semiarid) (chiefly desert geological erosion shrubs and cactus) accelerated by overgrazing Source: FAD 1954c. soils are extensively grazed. Erosion is localized in dicated that the intense gully erosion in the drier the vicinity of water holes, but elsewhere in this re­ areas may be a result of thin A and B horizons in gion erosion was not considered a problem due to very sandy-textured and very clayey-textured soils, the sparseness of settlements (FAO 1954b). In con­ respectively, as well as clayey subsoil of low resis­ trast, erosion is severe in the mountain valleys and tance Oungerius 1975). basins, where the capacity of the land to carry cattle is often exceeded. Erosion is also significant in re­ Ecuador gions of specialized farming that grow cacao, tobac­ Despite its small area, Ecuador includes the three co, and coffee. Erosion problems associated with major regions that characterize all countries of coffee planting are generally attributed to this crop northwestern South America. These are a sloping being cleanly cultivated on steep slopes in Colom­ coastal belt from the , the steep high­ bia. Suarez de Castro (1951a) reported soil losses of lands of the Andes, and the . Foglino 500 Tm/ha/yr from a cleanly weeded coffee planta­ (1965) estimated that 1.77 million ha (or 54 %) of tion of 43 percent slope. An adjacent plot under the 3 million ha in the high sierra are eroded. He ,'good care" with a ~3 percent slope had negligible also estimated that 1 million ha or 40 percent of the soil loss. In another study it was found that soil low and flat lying to the west are undergoing losses from a bare plot harrowed monthly were 253 serious erosion. Severe soil erosion has been record­ Tm/ha/yr in 14 months; on a covered plot the loss ed in the northern sierras, where sheep pasturing is was 3.02 Tm/ha in the same period. The damage practiced. E~hancement of erosion occurs because from erosion was illustrated by the later finding that the soil in this region is underlain by an imperme­ corn planted on the heavily eroded soil required four able layer at 1 m depth. As a result, the soil tends to times as much land area to produce the same yield saturate and form a slurry that flows easily during as corn grown on the slightly eroded site (Suarez de heavy . North of Quito is an erosion-prone, Castro 1951b). The drier parts of the Colombian semi-arid area devoted to sheep grazing. The Con­ Andes are characterized by soils that are developed servation Foundation (FAO 1954b) stated that from volcanic ash and quite susceptible to erosion. moderate erosion rates follow overgrazing on the A comparative study of two profiles from the dry steep, brushy lands of the southern sierra. In con­ area and an Andosol profile from a humid area in- trast, no accelerated erosion was identified in the

50 Amazon basin due to protective forest cover. Lal Table 17. Estimate of potential erosion in the Andean region of Peru, using Fournier's (1977d) noted that unmaintained remnants of Inca climatic coefficient terraces, which originally served as conservation measures by channelling and releasing large vol­ Erosion range Area Percent of umes ofwater at certain locations, have led to recent (Tm/km2/yr) (km2) total area severe gully erosion in the highlands. 0-1,000 216,040 16.88 Peru 1,000-1,500 670,620 52.38 As with the other northwest South American 1,500-2,000 215,544 16.85 countries, Peru is divided into a coastal zone, the 2,000-3,000 95,400 7.45 Andean highlands, and the Amazon lowlands. The 3,000-4,000 34,580 2.70 coastal belt is arid, but snow-fed Andean streams 4,000-5,000 31,700 2.48 permit numerous oases on alluvial pans, where cot­ 5,000-7,000 16,120 1.26 ton, rice, and sugarcane are grown. Here, where Source: Low 1967. nearly a third of the population resides, accelerated erosion is minimal but geological erosion is spectac­ ular, resulting in well-established gullies and can­ to 0.5 cm/hr compared to 10 cm/hr on an area yons. The highland zone is unique in that there are cleared by burning alone. The study was made in longitudinal troughs between the individual ranges the area of Yurimaguas where the average annual of the Andes that isolate the population clusters. rainfall is nearly 3000 mm/yr. Moderate erosion is observed throughout the inhab­ ited parts of this zone where subsistence agriculture Bolivia as currently practiced is considered more primitive Although Bolivia is called an Andean republic, than the former Inca agriculture. In some areas bed­ half of its area lies within the Chaco Plain on the rock is exposed and agriculture is impossible; over­ lowlands. The southeastern part ofthe country is the grazing by sheep, llamas, and alpacas has resulted altiplano, a nearly barren, high plateau. Tropical in surface wash and gullies. By 1954 no conserva­ rainforest occupies the north, while savannah is tion measures had been introduced and yields of po­ present in the south. Most agriculture in the alti­ tatoes, grain, and corn were reported to be very low plano is at 3600 m elevation or higher, where qui­ (FAG 1954b). This report noted further that the noa, wheat, and potatoes as well as sheep are raised. eastern slopes and Amazon lowlands were settled Erosion is locally severe. Nomadic sheep pasturing sparsely, in isolated clusters. Shifting agriculture has caused serious erosion in the steep country east was practiced to some extent, and where sedentary of Gruro. Commercial agriculture is concentrated agriculture was found, sheet erosion had occurred. in a limited number of intermontane valleys where The only agriculture found in the Amazon basin irrigation is required, and erosion is not a problem was along river banks, where field peas and rice except where pasturing is practiced on the adjacent were grown on flood sediments with little accelerat­ mountains (FAG 1954b). More recently, Chase ed or geological erosion observable at the time. Us­ (1976) has labelled erosion a major problem in Bo­ ing Fournier's index, Low (1967) estimated that livia. He attributed the increased problem to the over half of the Andean areas of Peru have a poten­ lack of trees and the resulting lack of replenishment tial annual erosion rate of 1000-1500 Tm/km2 oforganic soil material. (Table 17). He indicated that the highest potential rate (5000-7000 Tm/km2/yr) is assigned to the Ceja Paraguay de Selva region of the Andes, whereas the lower This country, where 75 percent of the population jungle and Huallaga Valley have the lowest rates. lives within 100 miles ofAsuncion, is most fortunate The potential average for the country as a whole was to have large areas of undeveloped to estimated at 1501 Tm/km2/yr (15 Tm/ha/yr). Ac­ sustain immigration or relocation of farmers from tual erosion was observed by Seubert (1975, cited by other sections of the country. Soil erosion is notice­ Lal 1977d) to be a serious problem in the Amazon able mainly in the central part ofthe country and re­ region where shifting agriculture is gradually being sults chiefly from clean cultivation of sloping land replaced by continuous cultivation. Seubert found during the rainy season. The deeper soils developed that clearing by bulldozer reduced infiltration rates from basalt are quite resistant to erosion, whereas 51 soils formed from granite or limestone are more prone due to their characteristically rolling topogra­ prone to erosion and more difficult to restore to pro­ phy. Annual soil losses of up to 21.1, 9.5, and 21.5 ductivity when eroded. Western Paraguay, known Tm/ha/yr have been found for sandy Bauru, Terra as the Chaco, has a very low population density. Roxa, and sandy Botu Catu soils, respectively, Cattle raising and extraction of quebracho (a when used for cultivation of annual crops. Under tannin-rich extract) from the quebracho tree are the similar rainfall (::::: 1200 mm) the sandy Bauru soil main occupations. The area east of the Paraguay revealed higher soil losses (53 Tm/ha/yr) than the River is in virgin hardwood forest and not subject to Terra Roxa (21 Tm/ha/yr) in the absence of control erosion (FAO 1954b). No later accounts of the ex­ measures. tent oferosion in the country are available. Central Brazil. Mostly shifting agriculture and pas­ turage for beef and dairy cattle are practiced in this Brazil region. The soils are reddish lateritic clays or sandy With a larger area than the continental United clays and were presumed to withstand poor farming States, Brazil contains a wide variety ofclimates and practices for long periods (FAO 1954a, b). Soil fer­ landforms. Therefore, erosion problems will be dis­ tility was noted to be partially restored after fallow­ cussed separately for the various geographical re­ ing. As early as 1954, northwestern Sao Paulo, Rio gions. de Janeiro and southern Minas Gerais had complet­ Southern Brazil. The Conservation Foundation re­ ed the coffee cycle with the characteristic decline in ported serious erosion in the wheat-growing area of yields resulting from fertility losses. Poorly man­ this region (FAO 1954b). Some erosion was also re­ aged coffee plantations have suffered severe erosion, ported for the sloping lands planted in corn. Farm­ particularly on the steep slopes that dominate this ing systems using as practiced by Eu­ area, where soils are derived from granites, gneiss, ropean immigrants were less subject to erosion. and schists (LaI1977d). However, losses of due to prevailing in­ Northeastern Brazil. This area of the country has a tensive cultivation were documented. Rawitscher narrow coastal belt that is primarily in pasture, with (1948, cited byLal 1977d) noted no serious erosion serious localized gullying present. Adjacent to the problems on the deep acid red loams of this region, coast, a hilly zone with an annual rainfall below 500 except on overstocked ranges, under bare fallow and mm has shallower soils that do not respond well to clean-tilled coffee plantations, and where uncon­ fertilization and are unable to support adequate pro­ trolled burning has been practiced. More recently, tective vegetation. Where rainfall is greater than concern has been expressed over the nearly irrevers­ 1000 mm, and the highly leached soils respond well ible degradation of some areas in southeast Brazil as to , sugarcane is grown. A transition zone a result of serious erosion induced by combined receiving an annual rainfall of 500-1000 mm, sup­ deforestation and heavy rains (Oliveira 1970). In ports a dense human population that exerts heavy the coffee and cattle zone of Sao Paulo the soils were pressures on the land. The interior of northeastern reported to be chemically poor but physically ex­ Brazil is a drought area with less than 500 mm of cellent (FAO 1954b). It was observed that the soils rain annually, where accelerated erosion frequently have traditionally been "mined" by planting coffee, occurs as a result ofovergrazing by cattle and goats. sometimes interplanted with the subsistence crops of Western and Northwestern Brazil, including Amazonia. the field workers. Cotton was planted after the land This area is renowned for its vast savannah and rain became exhausted from coffee culture. When yields forest. Mid-century, the Conservation Foundation from this crop fell, the farmers moved on to more (FAO 1954b) reported only limited local erosion fertile land. However, even as early as 1954, virgin problems related to overgrazing. However, the land became scarce and the need arose to stabilize Amazon Basin is now experiencing one of the great farming operations by implementing good conser­ immigrations of people in this century (Eckholm vation practices. In addition to the cropping se­ 1976), and roads are being built to speed settlement quence noted, a forest-rice-cotton rotation has been of the region. Yet the opinion has been expressed practiced (FAO 1954b). No information was given that the soils generally are poor and better suited to on the relative merits ofthe two distinct cropping se­ forestry than agriculture. The 50,000 settlers who quences. Lal (1977d citing Marques et al. 1961 and by 1976 had moved in along the new Trans-Amazon Bertoni 1966) designated the areas ofthe central and Highway were reportedly encountering difficulty in western portions of the state of Sao Paulo as erosion sustaining more than a subsistence level of farming

52 (Eckholm 1976). Bosshart1 observed that erosion is in the south and southeastern portions of Venezue­ a serious problem in degrading pastures throughout la, were little cultivated and sparsely settled. No Amazonia. Panicum maximum, which is very produc­ serious erosion problems existed at the time (FAO tive in southern Brazil, has been seeded extensively 1954c). The most important agricultural areas are on pastures in the Amazon. Since it is a bunch grass found in the western plains of Venezuela. The pre­ and not adapted to infertile soils it does little to stop vailing soils, though they belong to different orders extensive erosion on farm pastures. The poor man­ (Entisols, Inceptisols, and Alfisols) all have been agement of lands under this grass-primarily the found to possess low aggregate stability against excessive stocking rate-has further aggravated the direct raindrop impact. This leads not only to high degradation and erosion problems. Although exces­ soil erodibility, but also to associated problems of sive soil erosion is easily observed throughout the compaction and crust formation (PIa 1977). Amazon region, it is only recognized as a problem if roadbeds are washed away. Bosshart also indicated that this is why the Brazilian government has ex­ Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana tended contracts to develop methods for revegetat­ Three quarters of the land area of the Guianas ing the rights-of-way ofhighways such as the BK319 were still covered with virgin forest and free of ero­ from Manaus to Porto Velho. sion as of 1954 (FAO 1954b). However in southwest Guyana (formerly British Guiana), the dominantly Venezuela poor sandy soil is intensively cultivated and was This is a country of great physiographic diversity. reported to be extremely erosion susceptible; for­ The Venezuelan Highlands form the northeastern tunately it represents only a minor area of the coun­ extension of the Andes. In the higher western and try (FAO 1954b). In the hinterland of Surinam, southern forks of the Andes there is little levelland, large areas are being cleared for agricultural use. so that approximately 75 percent of the cultivation Trees are uprooted, felled, or cut off and pushed in­ occurs on slopes exceeding 25 percent. Shifting cul­ to windrows. During this process topsoil may be re­ tivation is commonly practiced and erosion has been . moved and structural deterioration and compaction severe, causing much land to be abandoned. Lands are evident, with an increase in surface bulk density 3 ofgentler slope have moderate to severe soil erosion, (from 1.28 to 1.63 g/cm ), and an accompanying some of which results from overgrazing. Although decrease in soil porosity. Both the root elongation the northern and coastal highlands are less rugged, rate and the root density of plants are reduced be­ erosion occurs when the land is cleared. On the 10 cause of impedance resulting from soil compaction percent of the area that is relatively level, intensive (Van der Weert 1974). In addition, revegetation of agriculture is practiced. Shifting cultivation is said these areas is uneven and, although the extent of to have contributed seriously to erosion problems resulting erosion was not mentioned, it must be con­ because the main subsistence crop is corn, which is cluded that the erosion hazard is high when these row cropped up and down slope. This cropping sys­ factors are operative. tem leads to rapid depletion of nutrients and offers little protection against removal of soil. Pasturing of goats also has been damaging to the soil. The Mara­ Rainfall Erosion in Central America caibo Lowlands are wedged between the branches of The terrain of Central America (the area from Mex­ the Andes. According to the Conservation Founda­ ico to Colombia) is largely hilly or mountainous tion (FAO 1954c), only small areas where soil ero­ with abundant steep slopes. Erosion hazards are sion was a problem existed south and west of therefore high, reflecting topographic inducement of Maracaibo, but severe erosion existed north of the erosional processes. This is particularly true for the lake from overgrazing of sheep, goats, and cattle. southern part of the region, including southern The Orinoco Llanos is a vast, gently sloping plain Mexico, which is characterized by an annual rainfall stretching from the Andes to sea level. Although cat­ of more than 1250 mm. The Conservation Founda­ tle were abundant, there was little cultivation so that tion (FAO 1954a) presented maps of the extent of erosion was insignificant. The Guiana Highlands, existing erosion in this region, as well as in the rest of Latin America. However, because it is not likely

1. Robert P. Bosshart, Instituto de Pesquisas IRI, Matao, Brazil. that these maps reflect the present situation accu­ Personal communication, 1978. rately, they are not reproduced here.

53 che. In the very humid mountain lands, the domi­ Mexico nant forms oferosion are land slips and slides rather The land use situation in Mexico is not promis­ than sheet and gully erosion. Historically, although ing. Over half (52 %) of the country is arid and the Mayas must have practiced intensive agriculture about a third (31 %) is semiarid (Macias and Cer­ on the Yucatan , erosion was probably not vantes 1966). Interestingly, early explorers estimat­ critical. Soil removed from the slopes filled in the ed that 40 to 50 percent of the land was forested. By basins. Overall, soil erosion in the Yucatan Penin­ 1950 this figure had fallen to 10 percent and has con­ sula was classed as slight or nonexistent (FAa tinued to decrease since (Sears, cited by Eckholm 1954a). However, recent population pressures are 1976). Andrade and Payan (1973) maintained that giving rise to less shifting cultivation and more the country is in imminent danger of becoming a localized and continuous use ofland for cropping. barren plain. Half the terrain is over 1000 m in alti­ tude with much of it on steep slopes (Lal 1977d). Two main mountain ranges dominate the steep A large population of Indians constitutes nearly lands of Mexico, the , 70 percent of the total population of Guatemala. which extends southward from the U.S. border of They practice subsistence agriculture and raise Arizona and New Mexico to the lowland ofTehuan­ primarily corn, the staple of their ancestors, while tepec, and a shorter range, the Sierra Madre Orien­ commercial plantations of coffee are found in the tal, which essentially forms the eastern edge of the higher lands. Soil erosion is moderate from both high plateau and finally merges with the western forms of agriculture. plantations in the range in southern Mexico'. Many less extensive Atlantic lowlands have begun to shift to the sloping ranges and volcanic cones rise from the plateaus and piedmont and coastal plain between the highlands lowlands. However, the dominating feature of the and the Pacific Ocean. According to the Conserva­ uplands is the system of plateaus and large inter­ tion Foundation (FAa 1954a), soil erosion was montane basins. Arid northwestern Mexico and the slight both on the abandoned lands and on the bana­ semiarid north central region are both clad in na plantations. Erosion hazards under different xerophytic shrubs. The lands in the east and the management techniques have been reported by Car­ south, which receive enough rainfall to allow estab­ dona and Deger (cited by Lal1977d). lishment of cacti and short grass cover, are extreme­ ly susceptible to overgrazing. Thousands of square Belize miles in Mexico (and the southwestern United Formerly called British , Belize is a States) have been severely damaged by moderate to country of forests, and forest products such as severe soil erosion induced by overgrazing. It is esti­ , chicle, rosewood, and logwood are im­ mated that 12.5 billion m 3 of topsoil have been portant to the economy. There is little commercial washed into the sea during the past century. Only agriculture. Shifting cultivation (called milpa) is 17 percent (34 million ha) ofthe arable land in Mex­ practiced by the Maya Indians who constitute about ico is considered erosion free (Lopez Saucedo 1975). 25 percent of the population. Moderate to severe According to Macias and Cervantes (1966), an esti­ erosion was nearly always reported on the sloping mate based on the 1950 census indicated that 10 per­ cornfields before they were abandoned and allowed cent of the land was not eroded, 18 percent had to grow brushy cover (FAa 1954a). slight erosion, 21 percent was moderately eroded, 43 percent showed accelerated erosion, and 8 per­ ElSalvador cent was completely eroded. The most important In EI Salvador tropical deciduous forest originally cause of this dismal picture is overgrazing by too covered 90 percent of the land surface. Today the many domestic animals. Corn, a severe soil deplet­ forest is completely cleared for grazing, plantation ing crop, is grown on 50 to 60 percent of the arable agriculture, mining, charcoal manufacture, and land so there is an urgent need to develop adequate subsistence agriculture. Soil erosion is rampant, management techniques to control erosion (Lal especially on the extensive hillsides (Daugherty, 1977d). According to the Conservation Foundation cited by Eckholm 1976). Seventy-seven percent of (FAa 1954a), most permanently damaged soils are the land suffers accelerated erosion and EI Salvador the shallow, sloping soils underlain by infertile is considered by some to be one ofthe most environ­ parent rock or hard impervious layers such as cali- mentally devastated countries in the

54 (OAS 1974, cited by Eckholm 1976). Soon after for­ rialba plots, located in the Reventazon Valley est clearing, most of the soils, which are derived region (Ives 1951). It was noted that due to the well­ from volcanic ash, basic lava flows, or alluvium, aggregated, highly permeable clay loam (grayish had a high level of fertility. Centuries of cultivation brown) soil on these plots, virtually no soil loss oc­ in corn and beans have exhausted much of this fer­ curred under grass cover or on a contoured, inter­ tility and brought severe erosion to the steeper tilled crop. However, a 410-mm rainfall on 6 De­ slopes (FAO 1954a). It is expected that erosion cember 1949 (a once-in-twenty-five-years storm that problems are now more grave in view of the con­ exceeded the capacity of the recording rain gauge; tinuing population explosion, acknowledged as the nearby stations recorded 250 mm ofrain in less than most intensive on the mainland of the Americas 10 hours) caused soil losses of 125 Tm/ha from a (Daugherty, cited by Eckholm 1976). bare plot with 16 percent slope. Quite oddly, a bare slope of 45 percent yielded no soil loss whereas a Honduras similar grass-covered plot produced a soil loss of In contrast to its neighbor El Salvador, Honduras 84.6 Tm/ha! Recently cattle ranching has spread in has a relatively low population density. The people to supply the North American market. are clustered in the intermontane basins where they According to Spielmann (1973 cited by Eckholm carryon subsistence farming of corn, wheat, beans, 1976), this is forcing the small farmers onto poor and rice. Coffee is a major commercial crop. The quality, easily eroded lands while the per capita beef Conservation Foundation (FAO 1954a) reported consumption ofthe local population drops. moderate to severe soil erosion on the sloping land, whereas only small areas in the banana plantations Panama on the Caribbean Coast have soil erosion problems. This country has the smallest population of any in More recent accounts of the extent of erosion in this Central America and is about one-third urban. For­ country are not available. tunately, most of the country is forested and shifting cultivation is practiced. The Conservation Founda­ tion (FAO 1954a) reported that large estates were In Nicaragua the main population resides in the not numerous although there was some commercial Pacific lowlands and extends southeastward from agriculture in bananas, coconuts, and cacao. In Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua to the Carib­ general, soil erosion was not considered serious as bean Sea. Subsistence agriculture (based on corn) the dominant subsistence crop is rice rather than and coffee plantations are found on the hilly lands. corn and the heavy forest growth serves as excellent Northern Nicaragua is generally high-altitude land cover. and is sparsely settled by people engaged in stock raising or shifting cultivation. The Conservation Rainfall Erosion in the Caribbean Islands Foundation (FAO 1954a) reported that the broad "Every Commonwealth Caribbean island now rec­ lowland in the northern part of the country was also ognizes soil erosion as one of its most important thinly populated and used for scattered shifting cul­ agricultural problems" (Ahmad and Breckner tivation, and that attempts to introduce commercial 1974). agriculture into the region, such as banana cultiva­ In Haiti, which shares an island with the Domini­ tion, have failed. Their erosion survey indicated lit­ can Republic, soil erosion is now recognized as a tle, ifany, erosion in the country in general. major cause ofpoverty and is stated as the country's principal problem. Less than 9 percent of the coun­ Costa Rica tryside is now wooded and the previously forested This is another densely populated country with an mountains are desolate. The best lands are owned agricultural population concentrated in an inter­ by a few wealthy farmers and sugar corporations. montane basin. Farms are small and devoted to rais­ Consequently, the increasing population ofpeasants ing coffee, corn, potatoes, and other vegetables as is continually searching for new lands to cultivate well as dairy cattle. Although there has been inten­ and is forced up the mountain slopes onto the poorer sive land use, erosion was designated as slight or lands (Eckholm 1976). Rampant erosion has ex­ moderate by the Conservation Foundation (FAO posed much of the bedrock with outcrops forming 1954a). Experiments were conducted over a three­ more than 50 percent of the land surface. Ahmad year period on a set of plots, referred to as the Tur- (1977) observed that, despite the seriousness of the

55 problem, no conservation measures are being fol­ sugarcane or cacao as well as peasant rice. Sheet lowed. Haiti is therefore a classic example of contin­ erosion is prevalent except in such areas as forested uing severe land degradation, perhaps more so than portions of Las Lomas and the swamps and forests. any other country in the world. The Central Range, mostly in forest reserve and The adjacent Dominican Republic does not suffer cacao plantations, suffers some sheet erosion but as serious an erosion problem as Haiti because the more from landslips and land creep. Hardy (1942) natural vegetative cover has been maintained. How­ further noted increased evidence of soil erosion on ever, severe erosion is found in the Cordillera Cen­ the Madeleine Sugar Company land in the Southern tral, the Cordillera Occidental, the Cordillera Plain. Soils were described as a black Rendzina and Septentrional, and the Cibao Valley (Ahmad 1977). a pale red acidic soil, the latter particularly vulner­ In Puerto Rico soil erosion is a major problem able to landslides or soil creep. Loss of topsoil was because of hilly topography and dense population estimated at 17'4 inches (> 3 cm) in the cacao soils (347 persons/km2 according to the United Nations and 2 72 inches (> 6 cm) on the sugarcane soils. In 1977). Only about one fourth of the land has less the Southern Range, erosion was evident in the than 15 percent slope whereas one fifth has over 60 cacao plantations that replaced original forest. Har­ percent slope (Lal 1977d). About one quarter of the dy (1942) also noted at the time that the Cedros Pe­ land surface is in or brush and erosion in ninsula or toe of Trinidad was still heavily forested this portion is not a major hazard (Barnett et al. and not subject to erosion from rainfall. Bell (1973) 1972). A study of red clay Latosols (Oxisols) and suggested the existence of serious erosion problems shallow brown clays showed that natural, fallow on teak plantations in the Central Range of Trini­ plots with 40 and 45 percent slopes, give a six-year dad. Lack of cover in the understory from repeated soil loss average of 284 Tm/ha/yr (Smith and fires was considered the main cause of the problem. Abruna 1955). Similar but desurfaced plots pro­ Experimental plots from a representative 11-year­ duced average losses of 340 Tm/ha/yr during the old pure teak forest produced soil losses of 153 same period. Under various cultivated crops and Tm/ha/yr-nine times as great as found on a ma­ mulching treatments, these losses were significantly ture natural forest (16.90 Tm/ha/yr). The value of reduced. Barnett et al. (1971) reported that soil vegetative cover was demonstrated in a watershed losses under simulated rainfall (adjusted to 9 % study in the Northern Range in which soil losses slopes and extrapolated to an annual basis) were 31 from a pineapple plantation were 0.399 Tm/ha ver­ Tm/ha, 6.7 Tm/ha, 31 Tm/ha, and 247 Tm/ha for sus 0.046 Tm/ha with pangola grass (Alleyne and Catalina-Cialitos clay, Humatas clay, Juncos clay, Percy 1966). and Pandura loam, respectively. These data were For the small island of Tobago, soil erosion was consistent with an earlier study (Bonnet and Lugo important 35 years ago primarily in the Castera and Lopez 1950) which gave the relative "erosiveness" Mason Hall districts (Hardy 1942). The mountain­ (erodibility) ofPuerto Rico soils based on dispersion ous areas of Tobago are vulnerable to erosion, but and erosion ratios. These authors reported that the fortunately the northern and wettest end of the soils ranged from very resistant (such as the Cata­ island is under original forest or permanent tree lina clay of the uplands) to very susceptible (such as crops. Erosion is a more serious problem further Gray-Brown Podzolics). south. In the Castera-Parlatuvier area, where the The most complete study of soil erosion on the soil is very thin, much of the land has been aban­ island ofTrinidad, to our knowledge, was published doned. On the windward side of the island, where over 35 years ago (Hardy 1942). In this study the clearing by burning is still practiced for ground pro­ island was divided into six geographical regions. visions and such crops as tomatoes and corn, sheet The Northern Range is generally rugged mountain­ erosion, gullying, and soil slumping are evident. ous country. In 1942 the mountains were still under The Mason Hall-Les Coteaux district remains the virgin rain forest but since then the foothills have worst-eroded area of the island. Here, degradation been deforested and exploited agriculturally by of the soils began 100 years ago with the cultivation peasant farmers. Sheet and gully erosion were both of sugarcane, which was ultimately abandoned. To­ documented in this area; landslides occur during day, the soils undergo frequent intensive cultivation heavy rainstorms, and contributing to the problem by peasant farmers. Fires are not used judiciously, was the burning associated with shifting cultivation. with the result that erosion of unprotected soils fre­ The Northern Plain is devoted to plantations of quently occurs during the torrential downpours of

56 the rainy season. The drier parts of this area now 1977). As on other islands of the , the resemble a desert while the wetter areas are covered size of land holdings is decreasing because of in­ with scrub. Fortunately, the parent rock in this area heritances' making soil conservation measures more is quite friable and is easily worked to support one or difficult to apply. two crops every few years (Ahmad and Breckner Soil erosion is severe in the mountainous interior 1974). of St. Lucia. Avalanches occur on the steep terrain Jamaica, an island of 4000 square miles and banana plantations are responsible for much 2 (> 10,000 km ) and 2 million people, has long been soil erosion. The clays, including allophane, are exploited, as have other areas in the humid tropics. presumably very susceptible to erosion. Gully ero­ The level and gently sloping lands are maintained in sion is common, often starting on footpaths. How­ large holdings with monocrop agriculture. The ever, sheet erosion is even more damaging as it oc­ poorer lands,· which are mountainous with shallow curs on almost all sloping lands in St. Lucia. soils, are subject to accelerated erosion as a result of Because no erosion control measures are employed poor agricultural techniques practiced by peasants. by small farmers on the hillsides, the problem con­ In Westmoreland Parish (Stark 1964a) in the tinues unsolved (Stark et al. 1966). western part of the island, deforestation and small The economy of the island of Barbados is based farms with clean cultivation have caused severe ero­ on sugarcane agriculture. On the flatter coral soils sion of the shale hills. On the plain below, flash erosion is insignificant, but on the uplands of St. floods cause damage to the sugarcane. A similar sit­ John's Valley it is a serious problem (Vernon and uation exists in Hanover Parish (Price 1960). Denu­ Carroll 1965). Landslips are induced by the action dation of the slopes in St. Elizabeth Parish (Stark of water lubricating deep slip planes, and 1963) has exposed bare rock. Bauxite soils and erod­ result in destruction of trees, crops, houses, roads, ible soils on shale in Trelawney Parish are also sub­ and bridges (Cumberbatch 1969). It has been stated ject to erosion (Barker 1970). Here, and in the Par­ that 70 percent of the Scotland District is threatened ish of Manchester, clean weeding ofyam and ginger by erosion, while 11 percent is already severely plantings results in severe erosion, slumping, and eroded (Kon 1964, cited by Cumberbatch 1969). gullying. Badly eroded limestone rubble is in evi­ Reclamation of eroded soils has been undertaken dence in the Parish of Manchester (Stark 1964b). but many of the mechanical farming practices have Attempts are being made to replant with tree crops led to more landslides and sheet erosion, although and other crops not requiring clean cultivation. In sugarcane has been beneficial for soil protection. Clarendon Parish (Finch and Jones 1959), as in The widespread accelerated erosion found on the other locations on Jamaica, small land holdings on leeward coast ofDominica results from poor agricul­ the hilly slopes-already difficult to control due to tural practices. Landslides occur on soils containing land-tenure problems-are continually becoming smectites, but in general the high permeability ofthe smaller through inheritance, and are badly eroded. soils and the natural forest cover limit widespread The Parish of St. Ann (Barker 1968) has similar erosion (Lang 1967). problems due to removal of trees from the slopes for St. Kitts, about 65 square miles in area (168 making charcoal, clean weeding ofyams and ginger, km2), is virtually monocropped to sugarcane, and high erodibility of soils derived from shale. The whereas the smaller island of Nevis (36 square miles two eastern parishes, Portland (Finch 1961) and St. or 93 km2) is much poorer and mainly in cotton and Thomas (Morgan and Baker 1967), have similar coconuts. The worst erosion in St. Kitts is found on erosion problems. The mountain areas in Portland latosolic soils growing vegetables-due to the prac­ Parish are subject to sheet erosion which discolors tice of heaping the topsoil into mounds for planting. the streams. In the Rio Grande Valley, erosion has Erosion has been reduced in the mountainous areas completely washed away all soil originating on shale by conserving forestlands (Lang and Carroll 1966). deposits. Poor farming practices, coupled with soils derived St. Vincent is the world's principal supplier of ar­ from smectoids, have resulted in substantial topsoil rowroot starch (Watson and Spector 1958). Cotton loss (Ahmad 1977). Where cropping continues on and groundnuts are also commonly planted. How­ the infertile subsoils, degradation is occurring rapid­ ever, these three crops contribute to a severe soil ly. Furthermore, cotton is the principal crop and is erosion problem because they are cleanly cultivated clean cultivated, contributing to wind and sheet ero­ during a lengthy period of their growth (Ahmad sion (Lang and Carroll 1966).

57 Antigua is blessed with a more gentle topography forest exploitation, already a senous problem in and lower rainfall than many islands of the West In­ Peninsular Malaysia. dies, with the result that erosive forces are less The threat to remaining forestlands in the tropics severe. However, soil losses occur even on gentle is further accentuated by the growing need of subsis­ slopes in sugarcane and cotton. Severe gullying has tence farmers to expand the land area under crops. occurred in the Piccadilly area on what was previ­ In so doing the farmers are no longer solely motivat­ 0usly good cotton land, and some erosion is occur­ ed by the need to meet their increasing demand for ring on the whole island, except for the alluvial food. Recent socioeconomic trends show an increas­ plains (Hill 1966). Barbuda has less rainfall than ing desire on the part of small farmers to receive Antigua (Hill 1966) and agriculture has not been too cash from sales of their products. Where forestlands successful. are no longer usable or available, the cropping peri­ The economy of Grenada is based on two tree ods within shifting cultivation cycles are extended at crops, cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and nutmeg (Myristica the expense of beneficial fallow periods (chap. 4), fragrans) and, since these provide more cover than thus leading to depletion of soil nutrients, poor crop annuals, erosion is reportedly low (Vernon et al. stands, and serious erosion. Hauck (1974) estimated 1958, cited by Ahmad 1977). The deep soils are in­ that such a vicious shifting cultivation cycle is bound herently high in fertility. Conversely, Carriacou has to occur when population density exceeds 25 per­ been severely eroded over most of its area. Soil loss sons/km2. Eckholm (1976) estimated that in the down to bed rock is noted (Vernon et al. 1958, cited Bragantina region of the Amazon basin 8 per­ by Ahmad 1977). The causes were listed as land sons/km2 are "far more than is sustainable by shift­ clearing and poor husbandry with both crops and ing cultivation" due to low fertility and abundant livestock. pests. The tropical world is characterized by numer­ ous areas with population densities that far exceed both these figures. Young (1977) claimed that CHANGES IN THE EXTENT OF RAINFALL changes from traditional cultivation patterns are EROSION AS A RESULT OF CURRENT now so common that shifting cultivation as a farm­ POPULATION AND ECONOMIC ing system may have already become more the ex­ PRESSURES ception than the rule. Avoiding large population densities by means of As reviewed in several instances in the preceding schemes involving population shifts has recently section, increasing population pressures are respon­ been in vogue, particularly in Southeast Asia and sible for ever-increasing deforestation, as more (fre­ South America. Quite often, however, forests in ex­ quently marginal) land is sought for cultivation or pansion areas are not handled wisely and can be fuel wood. Such unmanaged expansion not only de­ completely destroyed, as appears to be the fate ofthe pletes the forests as valuable watersheds and fuel res­ lowland forest in Peninsular Malaysia (Chim and ervoirs, but also gradually eliminates the most effec­ Soon 1973). The land rush in Sabah is the subject of tive protection against water erosion on steep slopes. similar concern. The transmigration scheme in In­ Where slopes exceed 60 percent (as often happens), donesia, involving population shifts from Java to protection by natural vegetation is essential. As Kalimantan () and , is perhaps the shown in Table 18, forestlands can be as much as most widely publicized of all. The wisdom of these 2000 times more effective than alternative land uses schemes has been questioned for many reasons, a for stabilizing the soil against erosion. Accordingly, major one being that the soils ofKalimantan, for ex­ massive damage can be caused by large-scale timber ample, are reportedly2 extremely acidic and defi­ operations, such as those contemplated or underway cient in calcium and nitrogen. It remains to be seen in the Amazon Basin by K. K. Ludwig of New how this land, which is now essentially forestland, York (around the J ari River in northern Brazil) or will be able to support cultivated crops on a sus­ by Georgia-Pacific, the largest producer of wood tained basis without irreversible degradation. In products in the Amazon, from its 260,000-ha pur­ Java where only 11 percent of the land remains in chase (Eckholm 1976). The situation is especially forest, there is urgent need for the reforestation of serious in Southeast Asia where the Dipterocarp original forest areas that are now denuded (Thijsse forests continue to be rapidly cut. Often, construc­ tion of roads is the most damaging operation in hill- 2. Morgan, Dan. Washington Post, 26 November 1978.

58 Table 18. Some reported quantitative effects of human activities on surface erosion

Magnitude of impact by s~ecific Initial status Type of disturbance disturbance Forestland Planting row crops 100-1 tOOO Grassland Planting row crops 20-100 Forestland Building logging roads 220 Forestland Woodcutting and skidding 1.6t Forestland Fire 7-1 t500 Forestland Mining 1tOOO Row crops Construction 10 Pastureland Construction 200 Forestland Construction 2tOOO Source: McElroyet al. 1976. * Relative magnitude of surface erosion from disturbed surface assuming an initial status of 1. t This low figure may be characteristic of the practice in the United States. It is essential to note that skidding is likely to cause more severe damage

in tropical countries t particularly where no precautions against surface soil disturbance are required.

1976). Among the sensitive areas are 17,710 ha of and mere subsistence agriculture may not be equally stripped forest on the slopes above the Cimanuk suitable. River and the upland areas of central Java (Mc­ 3. Disregard for variations in socioeconomic con­ Comb and Zakaria 1971; Partosedono 1974). ditions in different regions (prevailing population Two essential features of twentieth-century agri­ density, cultural traditions, land-tenure systems, culture are mechanization and permanent land use. education levels, and family finances) that can limit Controversy rages among erosion workers and con­ or prevent successful cultivation. servationists over the merits of mechanized tillage 4. Inconsistent land-use goals and objectives in versus no tillage and of intensive localized land use different tropical countries (utilization of cleared versus shifting cultivation. Examples of successes forestlands for cultivation versus wise sustained use and failures of both traditional and modern systems of wood from forests, or their outright preservation are readily recognized and have been used by au­ as watersheds or for environmental stability). thors to support their respective points ofview. The 5. The failure to isolate the different management reasons for these discrepancies in opinion include: components that contribute to the success or failure 1. The lack of distinction between systems that of the system under investigation (methodology of may be adequate for different climates (e.g. humid land clearing and utilization, including length offal­ versus semiarid tropics), where prevailing soils low period, incentives to farmers for maintaining ef­ possess widely different fertility levels and produc­ fective conservation measures, and the extent ofany tive capacities. mechanization to be applied). 2. Failure to consider differences in prevailing These land use considerations will be further topography (steepness of relief and differences in elaborated in chapter 4. altitude), on which large scale plantation agriculture


Documentation of the impact of erosion is often in­ logical erosion"), indicated that soil productivity separable from documentation of its extent, which undergoes drastic changes only upon accelerated was discussed in chapter 2. The most direct impact degradation due to increased human activity (Fig. of erosional processes-the frequently irreversible 10). Erosion impact may therefore be quantified by loss of the soil resource-must be subsumed in any expressing the ratio between yields before and after assessment of existing or potential erosion. Four the start of accelerated erosion, or the magnitude of major consequences of rainfall erosion need to be yield decline per unit time in the area subject to emphasized: changes in farm productivity, damage degradation. Unfortunately, the data available to from uncontrolled runoff and flooding, siltation of substantiate such expressions are almost nonexis­ water channels and storage reservoirs, and environ­ tent. However, the responses ofmany crops to other mental alterations at sediment destinations such as forms of land degradation, such as soil salinization, , lakes, or estuaries. Although environmental have been quantitatively assessed, and theconcept is considerations are much emphasized in the Western equally applicable to soil erosion. It is important to World (ARS 1975a, 1975b), the first three conse­ note here that some soil erosion may be necessary to quences of erosion are presently more important to maintain favorable soil productivity; without any developing countries. Together with soil renewal erosion, prolonged weathering under tropical condi­ rates, the individual or collective contributions of tions might result in the formation of indurated these changes determine the magnitude of "toler­ horizons that render the soil profile unfavorable for able" soil losses (chap. 1 and Mannering, 1981). crop growth (Mannering 1981). As the limited data available indicate, crop yield reduction due to erosion depends on soil type and IMPACT OF RAINFALL EROSION ON depth, topographic setting, initial fertility status, SOIL PRODUCTIVITY and structural properties ofthe profile, as well as the type of crop and the rotation system. In extreme Two distinct facets must be considered when evalu­ cases, rainfall erosion may result in the total remov­ atipg the effects of erosion on soil productivity: ef­ al of shallow soil and complete elimination of pro­ fects on the (eroded) soil which is the source of sedi­ ductivity. Several cases have been documented ment, and effects on the soil that receives deposits of where erosion has proceeded to such an extreme. erosional sediment. In both cases, detrimental ef­ Dunne et al. (1978) estimated that the prevailing fects generally far exceed any observed benefits. thinning rates of soil profiles in the semiarid range­ land of Kenya, where soil formation rates are neg­ Productivity Changes in Eroded Soils ligible, will result in little or no soil on the Kiliman­ The continuing population explosion and accompa­ jaro lavas within 200 years; on the Basement schists nying "shrinkage" of land resources show clearly at Amboseli within 400 years; and that even on the that the impact of soil erosion on farm productivity more thickly vegetated Athi-Kapiti plains 50 per­ should be of foremost concern to developing tropical cent of the landscape will be bare within 500 years. countries. However, only limited data are available Haiti and Nepal have already experienced such ex­ on the effects of erosion on crop yield. Riquier treme rates oferosion. (1977), postulating that land degradation may be a Even when soil loss is incomplete, erosive rainfall continuous natural process (as in "normal or geo- and runoff act first and most effectively to detach 60 Geological degradation Accelerated degradation

>- Actual rate of degradation

>- Potential rate of degradation ,-_2bis I- ,. ".. > Yl ".. I- ".. u Y3 ./ :::> ".. 0 ,,-./ 0 a:: -,- Q.. Y2 ------tl ot1 -I I 0 I en I I I I ------lbis I I I • Y4 ------4-----~~- I •••• .

Past Present Future


Figure 10. Changes in soil productivity as influenced by the degradation - aggradation processes. Yl' Y2' and Y3 represent soil productivity initially, at present, and at the start of accelerated degradation, respec­ tively. Curve 1 represents the case where cultivation is practiced for several years without fertilization thus leading to an asymptotic low productivity level, Y4' Curve 2 represents accelerated degradation ending with complete elimination of soil productivity (e.g. complete loss of shallow soil). Curve 1-bis depicts im­ proved management over curve 1 whereby erosion is stabilized after an initial decrease in soil productivity. Curve 2-bis represents successful management resulting in rebuilding of soil productivity. (Riquier 1977) and move downslope that topmost part of the soil creased surface sealing due to the action of erosive profile which is most favorable to crop growth, both forces. Lal (1976d) documented severe reductions nutritionally and physically. The remaining soil (nearly 20-fold) in infiltration rates of Alfisols after mass is therefore deficient in fertility and deprived two years of erosion while fallow. He also measured ofa desirable soil tilth and structure. These two defi­ significant reductions in the water-holding capacity ciencies together reduce soil productivity. Contrary of eroded soils, a change that he attributed to selec­ to frequent references in the literature, crop yield tive losses offine soil particles and organic matter. declines as a result of erosion should not be inter­ The fertility of soil lost to erosion has been in­ preted as due to fertility losses alone. Aside from the vestigated by many authors, a few of whom have low proportion of essential ionic nutrients retained worked with tropical soils. Moberg (1972) analyzed in the lower horizons of profiles of highly weathered different profile depth segments of eroded and non­ soils, such horizons generally lack the organic mat­ eroded or virgin plots of Ferralsols (Oxisols) in Tan­ ter content and the loose, porous structure necessary zania for major nutritional characteristics (Table for uninhibited proliferation of roots, proper aera­ 19). Throughout the profiles, he measured signifi­ tion, and the ability to store and transmit water effi­ cant reductions in pH (to a range possibly allowing ciently. This explains why rainfall acceptance by for aluminum ), organic carbon (and prob­ eroded soils is considerably less than by the original ably associated nitrogen), , zinc, copper, soils; rainfall acceptance is further curtailed by in- calcium, and magnesium. Moberg concluded that

61 Table 19. Analytical data from some eroded and noneroded Ferralsols (Oxisols) in Tanzania

Exchangeable cations

Depth Clay Si lt Sand pH CP Ca Mg K Na H C.E.C. Bases Zn Cu (cm) (%) (%) (%) (%) (ppm) (meq./ 100 g) (%) (ppm) (ppm) Profile D 1 (eroded plot) 0-15 26.6 3.1 70.3 4.51 1.40 6 1.37 0.95 0.15 0.10 12.2 14.8 17.6 1.0 5.7 15-30 27.3 4.2 68.5 4.59 1.34 <2 2.08 1.16 0.11 0.06 11.3 14.7 23.1 0.9 4.1 30-60 34.2 3.0 62.8 4.50 <2 1.50 0.70 0.10 0.06 11.8 14.2 16.9 1.1 3.5 60-90 37.4 2.6 60.0 4.48 <2 1.21 0.48 0.09 0.05 11.9 13.5 11.9 1.0 3.3 90-150 38.6 2.3 59.1 4.46 <2 0.79 0.20 0.14 0.18 12.4 13.7 9.5 0.9 3.3 Profile D 2 (noneroded plot) 0-15 21.1 3.5 75.4 5.29 2.59 33 5.21 2.05 0.32 0.16 8.3 16.0 51.4 3.5 31.0 15-30 21.7 4.2 74.1 4.78 1.22 5 2.28 1. 79 0.18 0.18 8.4 12.8 34.6 0.9 4.4 ~O'l 30-60 21.4 3.5 75.1 4.49 0.98 3 1.76 1.32 0.19 0.22 8.1 11.5 30.2 1.9 4.2 60-90 24.9 4.1 71.0 4.29 0.53 3 1.20 0.58 0.14 0.12 6.6 8.6 23.6 5.5 8.2 90-150 30.6 2.3 67.1 4.51 0.49 <2 1.63 0.44 0.10 0.06 6.7 8.9 25.1 1.6 2.9 Profile D 5 (eroded plot) 0-15 49.5 25.8 24.7 4.07 1.90 5 2.32 1.36 0.19 0.04 21.7 25.6 15.3 0.7 3.3 15-30 55.5 25.6 18.9 3.88 1.31 <2 0.77 0.25 0.16 0.03 24.7 25.9 4.7 0.8 2.3 30-60 63.8 19.6 16.6 3.88 <2 0.69 0.07 0.16 0.03 26.6 27.6 3.4 0.6 2.2 60-90 63.2 18.8 18.0 3.82 <2 0.54 0.07 0.15 0.03 29.6 30.4 2.6 0.5 2.3 90-150 60.9 21. 5 17.6 3.81 <2 0.32 0.06 0.12 0.04 24.4 24.9 2.2 1.5 2.5

Profile Ka II, 1A (virgin land) 0-15 39.1 25.2 35.7 5.15 2.52 12 6.11 4.04 0.18 0.09 15.5 25.9 40.2 3.3 3.3 15-30 57.2 23.4 19.4 4.17 1.45 3 2.20 0.82 0.10 0.07 21.7 24.9 12.8 0.8 2.5 30-60 64.0 20.8 15.2 4.10 4 1.40 0.48 0.10 0.07 25.7 27.8 7.4 0.6 2.4 60-90 60.1 22.0 17.9 4.12 3 1.80 0.98 0.11 0.08 21.7 24.7 12.0 1.1 3.1 90-150 65.7 19.0 15.3 4.15 1.11 5 1.52 0.80 0.11 0.08 20.6 23.1 10.9 0.8 3.3 Source: Moberg 1972. Table 20. Nutrients in runoff from selected plots in conventionally tilled tobacco on three soils in Puerto Rico, 1967

Humatas clay* Juncos silty clay Pandura sandy loam (Tropohumu It) (Eutropept) (Dys trandept)

Check Fertil izedt Check Fertilizedt Check Fertilizedt Nutrients (kg/ha) Nitrogen (N) 0.32 0.41 3.84 9.96 0.02 0.35 (K) 1.70 1.43 6.01 11.27 0.03 0.39 Calcium (Ca) 17.06 6.13 31.62 78.59 0.08 0.30 IVlagnes i urn (Mg) 1.09 0.34 12.24 26.81 0.03 0.07 Sulfur (SOC) a 0.10 23.65 62.64 a 0.03 ) Chlorine ( 1) 0.44 0.34 46.84 107.32 1.61 1.16 ...__1' Rainfall (cm) 6.1 6.0 6.2 6.9 6.9 7.1 Runoff (cm) 2.0 0.8 3.5 3.6 0.1 0.4 Erosion (Tm/ha) 3.92 0.67 0.31 0.62 0.13 0.40 Source: Barnett et al. 1972. * Received 11.2 Trn/ha agricultural 1ime (calcium sil icate) several weeks prior to tests. t 1,120 kg/ha (2.27 kg/plot) of 12-6-16 fertilizer applied broadcast 1 hour before 6.4 cm of rain in 60 min.

such reductions cannot be due simply to direct losses 2.1 to 70.5 for available P Z0 5; 12.7 to 99 for associated with soil removal, but must also result available KzO; 57 to 533 for exchangeable Ca; and from the enhancement of nutrient leaching in the 25.6 to 103 for exchangeable Mg. Lal (1976d) absence of plant roots which normally keep the nu­ distinguished nutrient losses in runoff water from trients circulating in the profile (recycling). Barnett those in sediments from eroded Alfisols (Figs. 12, et al. (1972) reported nutrient losses from a Typic 13, 14). He found that the sediments carried the ma- Tropohumult, a Vertic Eutropept, and a Typic jor load of removed nutrients, particularly when soil Dystrandept from tobacco plots in Puerto Rico was left fallow without mulch for surface protection. under simulated rainfall (Table 20). They showed There are many other studies of nutrient depletion that losses of nutrients in runoff from check plots as a result of erosion (ARS 1975b) which confirm were generally lower than from fertilized plots, that serious consequences to crop production are although certain ions (such as potassium) were likely because the remaining eroded soils are inade­ equally mobile from both. Based on soil erodibility quate to sustain crop growth. data (EI-Swaify and Dangler 1977), and assuming Nutrient losses and the unfavorable physical soil uniform removal of nutrients with soil depth during properties that result from erosion are generally erosion, losses of "useful" nitrogen and phosphorus compensated in highly developed countries by re­ associated with soil organic matter from a tropical plenishing the soil with fertilizer and performing Oxisol on 16 percent slope may be estimated to corrective tillage in order to sustain high crop pro­ reach 40 kg/ha/yr and 12 kg/ha/yr, respectively duction levels. However, in developing tropical (Fig. 11). Experiments with fallow and different countries, this is seldom possible. Indeed, it may be crop combinations in the Dun Valley, India,l argued, that even highly developed countries cannot showed that the average annual organic matter and continue to afford the high cost of energy (Pimentel nutrient losses associated with runoff and erosion and Pimentel, 1979) required to restore optimal soil (31.7 to 291 Tm/ha/yr) ranged from 266 to 2168 productivity. Lack of adequate conservation mea­ kg/ha/yr for organic carbon; 40 to 226 for nitrogen; sures and resultant soil losses by erosion are directly translated into losses in crop yields that continue to 1. M. L. Kybri, Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Dehra Dun, India. Personal communication, worsen as long as the soil remains in use; the dam­ 1978. age to the soil is often irreversible (Moldenhauer,

63 KG/Ho METRIC 1980). Figure 15 shows the results of a study simu­ DEPTH N P TONS/Ho Cm 320 40 12 lating the effect of soil loss on corn yield. Although 3.0 the difference between the estimated yield for Africa 35 10.5 (:::: 1000 kg/ha) and that for the United States 2.5 30 9 ( :::: 5000 kg/ha) cannot be blamed fully on erosional V) 240 V) g losses, it can be assumed that such losses represent 25 7.5 --' 2.0 the major detriment to soil productivity. Huat 0 V) (1974) cited similar work, conducted by Murray et 0... 160 20 6 ;2 1.5 al. (1939) in Iowa, which showed that in 1936 corn -;;! 15 45 yield gradually decreased from 2963 kg/ha to 1733 z::J z 10 kg/ha, as 30 cm of topsoil was removed in incre­

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 reflected the drastic effects of erosion on yields of SLOPE GRADIENT, PERCENT maize, oats, alfalfa, asparagus, , potatoes, Figure 11. Potential soil and nutrient loss from an unprotected trop­ soybeans, and wheat (Tables 21,22,23, 24). In his ical Oxisol (clayey, kaolinitic, isohyperthermic Tropeptic Eutros­ own experiments in Malaysia (Fig. 16), Huat dem­ tox) in relation to steepness of slope. Calculations are based on ex­ onstrated serious yield declines in maize as a result perimentally measured soil erodibility, on a standard slope length of 23 m, and 1200 mm annual rainfall with a corresponding erosion in­ of simulated erosion on a colluvial soil. On a dif­ dex of350 (Wahiawa, Hawaii). (EI-Swaify and Dangler 1977) ferent soil in Malaysia, Siew and Fatt (1976) con-

1000 .. 1973 >...... 0 ~ ...... C> ~ .- 0 -.. Z ...... >. w 0 D D~D ~100 ~ 10 0 C) w ~ 4 cI) V") 0 w V") 0 0 0 -' ~ w t- Z Z W ~ cI) t- V) :=> 0 Z -' Bare fallow -' !J. Unmulched t- <{ Z Maize - maize (plowed) t- o 2 tons /ha w O a:: - maize (plowed) t- • 4 tons/ha t- ::> • 6 tons/ha Z No tillage -' .-« .-0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 42 6 8 10 12 14 SLOPE % SLOPE ~

Figure 12. Effect of slope and crop rotation on total nutrient loss in Figure 13. Effect of different mulch rates and slopes on total nutri­ eroded sediments during 1973. (LaI1976d) ent losses in runoff water. Zero, 2, 4, and 6 represent the mulch rates indicated in the legend. (LaI1976d)

64 10000 Table 21. Effect of depth of topsoil on yields of 1973 corn and oats on Tama silt loam, Iowa, Un ited States

Yield (kg/ha) Depth of surface Corn Oats soil (cm) 1936 1937 1937 z 1733 2627 ~1000 0-5 ~ 7.5-10 1565 3857 1661 « u 12.5-15 2180 4305 1949 u 17.5-20 2739 4584 2236 z « 23-25 2795 4919 2300 c:> ~ 28-30 2795 4584 2236 o >30 2963 4919 2044 u.. o Source: Huat 1974, adapted from Murray et al. (/) (/) 1939. o • Bare fdllow -' o Maize - maize A Cowpea - maize Table 22. Effect of depth of topsoil on yields of corn and oats on Cecil soil, Georgia, United States

Depth of topso il Yield (kg/ha) (cm) Corn Oats 5.0 601 1584 Figure 14. Total loss of organic carbon in eroded sediments, 1973. 12.5 795 1958 (LaI1976d) 20.0 1029 2227

8000 Source: Huat 1974, adapted from Stallings 1959.

7000 firmed his conclusion, but to a lesser degree (Fig. 17). They demonstrated by chemical analysis that 6000 reduced nutrient content with increasing soil depth

o U.S. Average was an important cause of the observed yield de­ ~ 5000 ~ clines. However, no analysis of physical soil proper­ 01 ~ ties was provided. Rimwanich and Na-Thalang2 re­ o ~ 4000 ported a reduction of corn yield from an average of >- 2717 kg/ha when cultivation was on contour (result­ ing in a soil loss of 0.128 Tm/ha) to 2481 kg/ha 3000 when cultivation was up and down the slope (result­ ing in a soil loss of 5.41 Tm/ha) during the period 2000 / 1963-1967 in northeast Thailand. Lal (1976d) I 'V / showed a gradual decline in the yield of maize on 1000 /...-- Africa Average plowed Alfisols with different slopes over four grow­ I ing seasons, but did not relate these directly to soil OI:...'_----I__....L..-_----I..__...l....-_---l..__.J.....-_--J losses from these fields. To simulate the effects of o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 TOP SOIL DEPTH,em erosional losses, he measured the response of maize and cowpeas to the removal of surface soil layers for Figure 15. Yields of maize (Zea mays L.) in relation to topsoil depth. Data from selected studies on the U.S. mainland. The symbols 4 , ., two consecutive seasons (Fig. 18). His data showed and V represent upper limits, average values, and lower limits of reported data, respectively. Dashed line represents extrapolation of 2. S. Rimwanich and R. Na-Thalang, Land Development Depart­ data. (Modified from Pimental et al. 1976) ment, , Thailand. Personal communication, 1978.

65 Table 23. Effect of depth of topsoil on yield of corn

Depth of Yield (kg/ha) topsoi 1 (cm) Indiana Iowa Missouri Ohio 0 1062 894 5 1789 3131 1398 10 2292 3857 2124 1884 15 2683 4640 2572 2594 20 3019 5422 3019 2857 23 3326 25 3242 5702 3354 30 3578 6988 3578 33 3745 Source: Huat 1974, adapted from USDA, SCS-TP-75 1949.

Table 24. Relation of crop yields to depths of Qualitative accounts of the incidence of erosion and topsoi 1 its impacts have been given for the Uluguru Moun­ tains of Tanzania (Savile 1947, cited by Temple Yields (kg/ha) 1972a). The loss in fertility of cultivated soils was Crop 0-15 cm depth 15-30 cm depth reflected in the statement that "A family has to cul­ Alfalfa 3,960 6,534 tivate four or five times as much land as was neces­ Asparagus 231 722 ary thirty years ago. " Large areas were abandoned Barley 1,245 2,633 and had failed to recover even after forty years of Corn 2,235 3,577 fallow. However, no quantitative fertility loss data Oats 671 1,073 are available from the Ulugurus. Anderson (1962), cited by Temple (1972a) stated that clean-weeded Potatoes 13,948 17,840 coffee brought about" a marked loss oforganic mat­ Rye 656 2,068 ter in a few years". Similarly, a third of the total Soybeans 240 1,078 phosphorus was lost in seven years. The organic Wheat 1,019 2,035 phosphorus content of the soil under bananas and Source: Huat 1974, adapted from SCS 1948. grass treatments was considered to be a rough ap­ proximation of its original status in the soil. By this standard, Anderson estimated that 50 percent of the that maize yields were more affected by the removal nutrient was lost under maize cropping and 75 per­ of the top 2.5 cm of soil than were cowpea yields. cent under coffee and elephant grass. A similar pic­ Lal attributed yield declines to the unfavorable ture has emerged in South America. In the southern nutritional and physical properties of the eroded Sierras ofPeru deterioration of the land has resulted soils and provided rare evidence of the performance in a major agricultural decline; in more densely set­ of roots in soils subjected to different degrees of ero­ tled areas ofPeru and Bolivia, such as the Lake Titi­ sion (Table 25). Singh et al. (1976) investigated the caca Basin, small farms of 2 72 ha are frequently effects of topsoil removal associated not with erosion found, which cannot support a family under the as such, but with land levelling required for farm primitive farming methods practiced. The soil is ex­ consolidation ofrice irrigation projects in the Philip­ ploited, erosion occurs, until finally the farm is pines. They found that scraped soils were nutrition­ abandoned and the family emigrates (Eckholm ally, physically, and biologically inferior to un­ 1976). scraped soils; all ofthese deficiencies were effectively In the drier climates ofthe tropics, control ofrun­ corrected by replacement oftopsoil or incorporation off and soil erosion adds a new dimension to soil of organic matter. In contrast, applications of inor­ productivity. Following several years of research, ganic fertilizer were of only limited effectiveness. Krantz et al. (1978), at the International Crops Re-

66 18.0 ~ Fresh eob search Institute for the Semiarid Tropics (ICRI­ SAT), showed that enhancing the water supply _ Whole plant _ (above ground parts) available for crop use is instrumental in permitting more frequent cropping particularly of Vertisols. For shallow Vertisols, characterized by little capaci­ 13.5 ty for water storage in the soil profile, the greater runoff in the early rainy (monsoon) season was col­ lected and stored for supplemental "life-saving" during breaks in the monsoon. Deep Vertisols, on the other hand, generate little runoff during the early monsoon, because they are charac­ terized by high capacity for water storage in their heavy-textured, deep profiles and by surface crack­ ing that enhances high water intakes. By timely tillage during the dry season, dry planting of cer­ 4.5 tain crops, and improved seedbed-preparation tech­ niques (and optional irrigation applications), these ~ soils successfully supported two crops in most years o o 7.5 15 30 12 Simulation,em

Figure 16. Effects of simulated erosion on yields of maize on a cob­ o 10 bly soil, Malaysia. (Huat 1974) ..s::...... I- o -' 8 w >­ z III Fresh eob Whole plant w ~ (above ground parts) N « 4 :E 2 0 9.0 1.0 tll ...><: 0- .L ..s::. .~ ...... - .6 4.5 II)« w a.. ~ .4 a u .2

00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 o 7.5 15 30 Simulation,em DEPTH OF SOIL REMOVED (em)

Figure 17. Effects of simulated erosion on yield of maize on a deep Figure 18. Effect of surface soil removal on grain yield of cowpeas soil, Malaysia. (Siew and Fatt 1976) and maize on Alfisols. (LaI1976d)

67 Table 25. Effect of depth of so; 1 removed on root development

Depth Maize Cowpeas of soi 1 average maximum 1ateral dry average maximum 1ateral dry removed root length depth spread weight root length depth spread we; ght (em) number (em) (em) (em) (g/plant) number (em) (em) (em) (g/pl ant)

0 5.1 21.4 25 55 5.07 15 10.7 27 29 0.26 2.5 24 19.8 18 40 1.24 10 7.4 17 10 0.11 5.0 24 15.3 13 50 1.03 10 9.1 25 12 0.11 7.5 20 18.1 14 40 0.71 9 8.2 30 11 0.11 10.0 22 13.2 14 35 0.42 8 8.1 24 12 0.06 12.5 21 15.0 11 35 0.67 9 6.7 12 7 0.05 Source: Lal 1976d.

-in contrast to the traditional single crop during 12 the postrainy season. Clearly, the double cropping resulted in better erosion control during the rainy 10 season, with 5 to 7 times less erosion than on tradi­ tional fallow. The ICRISAT Farming Systems Staff (1977) demonstrated impressive benefits to the yields of maize, , and pigeon peas as a result of improved soil and water conservation prac­ tices. Soil erosion-productivity interrelationships are cyclic in nature. While increased soil loss is cause for declining soil productivity, maintenance of soil pro­ 2 ductivity is, in turn, essential for supporting healthy stands of vegetation to reduce or eliminate soil loss OWlillI!!::::=--..L__...... L..__...l...-__.L...-_----l.__---I...__....L...- (Fig. 19). This delicate equilibrium necessitates o 2 345 6 7 careful selection of soil conservation practices on Slope - per cent farms with low capital and energy inputs (Shaxon Figure 19. Relationship of three levels of production of maize to soil 1981a). loss and slope. (Hudson 1971)

Productivity Changes Associated with A lesser known but seriously damaging impact of Sediment Deposition the deposition oferosional sediments is the burial by Throughout history, observations have recorded the them of productive soils and crops when runoff from benefits to soil productivity of irrigation or flooding poorly protected uplands floods low-lying lands. with silt-laden (presumably nutrient-rich) river Figure 20 shows an example of this problem, ob­ water. Ancient Egyptian agriculture, which sup­ served by El-Swaify in Thailand. While it may at ported a renowned civilization, is frequently cited as first impression be assumed that the loss in soil pro­ benefitting from basin irrigation with Nile waters ductivity is temporary, this frequently is not the that carry large sediment concentrations during the case. The buried crop may represent a serious eco­ flood months (see chap. 2). Indeed, there is conce~n nomic blow, and repeated occurrence a lifetime dis­ that the decline in sediment load as a result of depo­ aster, to the subsistence farmer. Furthermore, when sition behind the Aswan High Dam may, among erosion from uplands is so severe that subsoils com­ other effects, produce a decline in soil productivity prise the major source of sediment, the quality of and therefore necessitate increased use of fertilizers resulting deposits will be diminished. Regardless of in Egypt (Council of Soil and Water Resources Re­ nutrient status, the physical makeup of the deposits search 1977). In contrast, Uehara (1974) discounted is frequently not favorable for root proliferation the importance of the benefits from silt deposition without major improvements in "soil" structure. A when considering Mekong River sediments. documented example of detrimental burial of pro- 68 Figure 20. Examples ofcropland burial by erosional sediments (rice fields, Northeast Thailand, August 1978). Photos: S. A. El-Swaify. ductive soil was given by Christiansson (1972). He places, with water harnessing problems, are less for­ presented the results ofintense sheet and widespread tunate as they experience periodic disasters from gully erosion on a 34-km2 catchment near Singida, seasonal flooding. Some documented information Tanzania. When the steeper (6°-8°) upper slopes from different continents is presented below, al­ eroded, sometimes to bedrock, and the material was though it is stressed that the topic of floods and asso­ deposited on lower slopes, "this created a serious ciated hazards has been dealt with in much more de­ practical problem as the best cultivation and grazing tail in specialized references, to which the interested areas in the valley bottoms were gradually covered reader should refer (WMO 1970; IAHS 1974). by infertile sandy sediments. " Classic cases of flooding and associated soil ero­ sion, particularly in East Africa, were presented in chapter 2. In Tanzania, Temple (1972a) wrote that FLOOD HAZARDS OF RAINFALL EROSION ,'severe short duration flash floods of high sediment IN THE TROPICS content were causing considerable damage." This flooding and silting was estimated to have cost Most major human settlements are located adjacent Morogoro township £24,000 in damages over a ten­ to rivers, which offer obvious benefits such as easy year period. Rapp, Axelsson, et al. (1972) described water transportation, abundant rich alluvium for damage from a flash flood in 1961, in which 1100 farming, flat land for construction ofhomes and fac­ tons of sediment were removed from the township at tories, and immediately accessible water for irriga­ a cost of £1000. They noted that these deposits were tion, drinking, and industrial use. Egypt has been most probably those damaging streets and houses called "the gift of the Nile" because of its agricul­ directly and that the total quantity of sediment de­ ture on the flood plain (chap. 2). However, other posited was likely much higher. Related hydrologi-

69 cal studies indicate that devegetation in the Uluguru Guillarmod 1969; Van Zinderen-Bakker and Wer­ Mountains has led to reduced water infiltration into ger 1974). Extensive bogs and marshy sponges play soils and consequently higher rates of runoff after a vital role in the ecology of these high altitude rainfall. The reduced infiltration was probably a di­ regions. J acot-Guillarmod indicated that these bogs rect result of soil structure degradation and surface are of the utmost importance to the water economy sealing by detached particles. Available information of southern Africa, as they are the sources of so and scarce quantitative data on flood hazards give many rivers (the , the Tugela, and the credence to the view that occasional catastrophic Wilge) and regulate the flow of the extremely high storms every few years cause the major share of ero­ rainfall [from 1250 to 2000 mm annually] in this siondamage. At Lyamungu in one year (1937) out mountain area. Livestock grazing, diamond min­ of four, runoff losses ranged as high as 26 percent of ing, and mining support activities have already annual precipitation. Individual storm losses were damaged some bogs and threaten all remaining ones sometimes excessive due to high antecedent soil with future destruction. The severe climate allows moisture and the unfavorable rain distribution pat­ onlyslow vegetative recovery, but forces soil erosion tern within the storm (Temple 1972a). at a rapid pace. Water erosion is most common, but The impact of erosion on hydrology is demon­ in some areas desiccation of the soil followed deveg­ strated within the Ulugurus and is clearly reflected etation and wind erosion resulted. From the eroded in one watershed outlet, the Ngerengere River. Ac­ bogs (in some places completely washed away, with cording to Little (1963), cited by Temple (1972a), only bare rock remaining) the regulated and filtered differences between wet season high flow rates and supply of water to streams has ceased. Higher sedi­ dry season low flow rates were widening. As a re­ ment content, with flood damage in the wet season sult, the frequency of complete drying up of the and more intense drought in the dry season, has oc­ river increased, with flow nearly ceasing in the years curred on a small scale, and threatens the whole 1930, 1934, 1943, 1949, 1953, 1955, 1958, and system. The economic impact on the lower regions 1960. Temple stated that as a result of this fluctua­ of southern Africa will undoubtedly be disastrous if tion, a sisal plantation along the river was forced to these unique bogs are extensively damaged. halt irrigation for a period of two months; first in In China, there are records of floods that have 1960 and again in 1966. The cost of an alternate· caused more than a million deaths at a time. In re­ water-supply system for that plantation alone was cent years, hundreds of thousands of people have put at £260,000. died or been left homeless following floods in India, As land use for cultivation and grazing intensified Bangladesh, Pakistan, , and China and their in the late 1960s and as conservation measures were sources of livelihood have been severely damaged most widely ignored, the Uluguru Mountains were (Chorley 1969). Bangladesh is an example of those for the first time afflicted with landslides. Large sec­ areas of the world that are particularly vulnerable to tions of the hillsides slipped downslope, even after flooding. The low topography, vast catchment areas rains of moderate intensity. Resultant damage in­ of rivers, and a monsoon climate combine to make cluded loss of cultivated land, both from topsoil this a flood-prone area (Ralph 1975). In Pakistan, stripping and from burial; property damage includ­ the hazardous flood season peaks during June to ing collapse of buildings and breaching or filling of September. For example, Moazzam (1971) docu­ engineering earthworks; covering or undermining mented a storm from 1 to 6 July 1959 that brought a of roads and culverts; crushing of timber; loss of flood that killed 30 persons and destroyed food and human life; and loss of cattle. A "catalogue" of cattle. In India, damage from floods is estimated to damages that resulted from the storm of 23 Febru­ produce material losses of U.S. $138 million an­ ary 1970 was given by Temple and Rapp (1972). nually. In addition, an average of 700 human lives Without considering the economic impact of ruined and 40,000 cattle are lost annually from flooding land and lost fertility, the damage from this storm (Kulandaiswamy et al. 1973). The principal rivers was estimated to be $90,000, affecting 1600 home­ of the -the Sutlej, the Beas, the Ravi, and steads or 14 percent ofthose in the area. the Yamuna-are particularly prone to flooding. A The region above 2300 meters (7500 feet) eleva­ record disastrous flood occurred in the Punjab in tion in the Drakensberg Mountains of southern October 1955, in which 4000-5000 people were lost Africa has been identified as susceptible to a from drowning, being washed away by floodwaters peculiarly dangerous form of erosion aacot- or bitten by aquatic poisonous snakes; loss of cattle 70 was in the thousands as well (Uppal and Sehgal flash floods in the Pakokku and Monywa districts of 1956). A short intense rainstorm in August 1960 central Burma, washing away thousands of homes, resulted in the loss of 103 persons as well as 600 cat­ with the loss of approximately 200 human lives. tle. In October 1968 landslides from prolonged Substantial crop failures resulted from inundation heavy rains made a debris barrier across the river and more than 100 cattle were lost (Htay 1971). Teesta, resulting in the formation of a temporary Severe flooding of the Mekong River basin in Au­ lake. When the barrier broke a torrent of water gust 1978 caused the loss of 30 lives in Laos with caused heavy losses of human life and property and widespread destruction of the rice crop. 3 In Thai­ left a heavy deposit of silt after the flood passed. land, vast land areas are subject to annual flooding Similarly, in July 1970, water backed up on the during the peak of the monsoon season, with many Anaknanda River and rose 15 m above the road, crop losses as well as isolation of small, seldom self­ leaving village residents engulfed in the flood (Singh sufficient, villages and towns. Flooding has also et al. 1974). The authors noted that the river was been a problem in Java for decades. The basin area completely choked with silt for its first 16 km. An ofthe Cimanuk River is especially prone to damage. impressive illustration of damaging siltation associ­ Even as early as 1947 the town of Indramayu was ated with flooding was reported by Lal and Banerji flooded for 2 months. In 1957, 15,000 ha of rice (1974). They noted that, because of excessive graz­ fields (sawahs) were damaged. After the invasion of ing and quarrying, the Kalagarh Bridge near Dehra westJava by the Japanese during World War II, the Dun, which originally was 36.6 m above the river local people stripped the forest and converted the bed, now has a clearance of only 0.6 m. Burns land into dry cultivated fields. Continual sedimenta­ (1947) noted that when a storm breaks in Sri Lanka, tion of the Cimanuk River resulted and irrigation as at the beginning of each monsoon, there are usu­ channels have silted up from lack of maintenance. ally several days of heavy rain before the deluge Stripping of only 5 percent of the forests on the comes. Upon arrival of the deluge, flooding be­ mountain slopes has resulted in a 30 to 70 percent comes a near certainty as the early rains are general­ increase in runoff (Partosedono 1974). Devastating ly sufficient to fill the rivers and adjacent areas. As floods are also common in the Philippines. In 1972, early as 1894 the Kelani Ganga River was silting up central Luzon and parts of southern Luzon were hit rapidly; although navigable at that time, the river by floods that destroyed bridges, public buildings, no longer is (de Rosayro 1947). roads and other infrastructures to a value of more In west Malaysia, flooding is a frequent, serious than 2 billion pesos; another 891.6 million pesos had problem. Roads and rail lines to the northeast are to be spent in rehabilitation and repair (Serrano and often cut; the East Coast trunk road from Kota Ba­ Suan 1976). Rivers producing the most severe haru to J ohor Baharu faces the prospect of floods for floods in this country are the Pasig, the Cagayan, years to come. Great losses of crops, timber, and and the Cotabato, which have damaged property property occurred during the January 1971 floods and agricultural land and even taken human lives (Leigh and Low 1973). In January 1967, devastat­ (Gulcur 1964). ing floods occurred in the states of Kelantan, Treng­ Even in Hawaii, floods occur somewhere in the ganu, and Perak in west Malaysia. Many lives were islands every year. Here it is the southwest or kana lost, livestock and agricultural crops destroyed, and storms of irregular occurrence that create flood considerable losses occurred to property, communi­ problems. The high volumes of rain that fall cause cation lines, and so on (Tan Hoe Tim 1971). The infiltration rates in the mountains to be exceeded, flood hazards in many locations have been caused resulting in disastrous floods on the populated coast­ directly by forest destruction or replacement with al plains. One such flood occurred on Oahu in N 0­ other land uses. For example, it has been found that vember 1954, and damaged over 31,000 acres of forest vegetation intercepted 36 percent of the total cropland; a loss of840,000 Tm of soil or 8000 ha-cm precipitation in the Sungai Lui catchment, Selangor resulted (Christ 1960). The floods of March-to-May (Low 1972) and also Sarawak where the forest is 1963 were unusually severe, resulting in four deaths mixed Dipterocarp (Brunig 1970). In contrast, an and heavy damage to homes, highways, and other experiment performed on a rubber plantation facilities. Fifteen cm fell in 3 hours in leeward Oahu showed that only 14.7 percent of the total rainfall was intercepted (Teoh 1971). 3. Sombath Somphone, Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, Heavy rains on 23-24 October 1967 produced University of Hawaii. Personal communication, September 1978.

71 and resulted in the drowning of a child (Vaudrey 1957. Less than two years later, sediment had 1963). Flash flooding is frequent. Such floods on reduced its capacity by nearly one quarter (Eckholm Kauai and Oahu on 19 April 1974 took 5 lives, and 1976). Even in the United States, the acknowledged resulted in $3.9 million worth of property damage leader in the fight against soil erosion, it is estimated (Schroeder 1976). that three quarters of a billion cubic yards of sedi­ In the Cauca region of Colombia landslides occur ment are dredged from our waterways annually. In so regularly that "socially important slides occur other words, the storage capacity of artificial reser­ every few months" (Eckholm 1976). A recent slide voirs in the United States is being reduced at the dammed the Yumbo River and caused death in the rate of 1 million acre-feet per year (Bagley 1973). town of Yumbo. Sediment deposits from recent de­ An older survey of 95 of the largest reservoirs in the forestation in watersheds regularly block the Cali United States indicated that 40 percent of them will and Canaveralejo rivers and cause major flooding in be filled with silt in fifty years and another 30 per­ the city of Cali (Eckholm 1976). Furthermore, the cent in sixty years (Bishan 1957). A recent study of deteriorating mountain environments are bringing northern Californian reservoirs indicated that roads destruction to towns throughout the Andes. For ex­ along streamsides contributed 6.9 times more sedi­ ample in Venezuela, fertile lands south of Lake mentation than roads located on slopes or ridges. Maracaibo are annually being flooded and badly af­ Current wildfires and old fires increased sediment fected by the thousands of tons of detritus deposited deposition in reservoirs by 100 percent and 55 per­ by the Catatumbo, Esculanti, Chama, Motatan, cent, respectively (Anderson 1975). and Carache rivers (Eckholm 1976). As long ago as The sediment carried by peak flood flows in the 1951, blocking of rivers with sediment caused floods Nile River formerly served to deposit an estimated 1 and formation of marshes (Prieto Bolivar 1951). mm of silt per year to its flood plains and the narrow Heavy rains during mid-March 1969, in the state of strip of land alongside the river. Today, this annual Alagoas, Brazil, led to disastrous floods; the people sediment load of 132 million tons is deposited along were taken unawares, as normally floods occur in the watercourse and in the reservoir behind the June; and 242 were killed. The Mundau River rose High Dam at Aswan, Egypt (Shalash 1977). For all 5 meters above its normal level inundating the cities practical purposes, river transport of this sediment of Uniao dos Palmares, Sao Jose da Laje, Bra­ has been eliminated below the High Dam. As indi­ quinha, Murici, Rocha Cavalcanti, and others. cated earlier in this chapter, lack of sediment in irri­ More than 8000 people were left homeless (Chose gation water may affect the productivity of soils in 1971). lower Egypt. However, sedimentation behind the These represent only some of the accounts of High Dam has two other major effects. First, the life flood damage that have been documented iOn pub­ expectancy of the dam is now estimated to be less lished form. It would be safe to assume that the than 200 years. The continual reduction in storage magnitude of the problem far exceeds the cases in­ capacity will be detrimental to irrigation schemes in dicated here. For more comprehensive documenta­ the country, a serious problem since Egyptian agri­ tion, see such specialized publications as WMO culture is nearly 100 percent dependent on irriga­ (1970), IAHS (1974), and reports of similar agen­ tion. Second, as reported by Soliman (1974), the CIes. scouring of river banks below the dam by silt­ deficient water poses stability problems for lands adjacent to the river. However, as a side benefit, SEDIMENTATION AND USEFULNESS OF Soliman indicated that certain islands south ofCairo RESERVOIRS AND WATERWAYS can now be settled, provided revetments are in­ stalled. Pollution was one of the buzzwords of the seventies. The problem of scouring is also illustrated by a However, it is not generally known that "excess study of the discharge sediment load characteristics sediment is the major form of human-caused water of the Rufiji river basin, adjacent to the Uluguru pollution in the world today and exacts a heavier Mountains of East Africa (Temple and Sundberg cost ... possibly more than all other pollutants 1972). The basin is approximately 40 percent wood­ combined" (Eckholm 1976). The Anchicaya Dam land; 32 percent woodland-bush, intermediate or in Colombia was predicted to have a long life upon wooded grassland with a little forest; and some set­ its design in 1947 and subsequent completio'n in tled cultivated area. The source of the sediments,

72 whether from geological erosion or from human­ In Pangasinan, the Philippines, sedimentation re­ induced accelerated erosion was not mentioned by sulting from a 1975 flood was so heavy in some agri­ the authors. They stated that inducing deposition of cultural areas that bulldozers had to scrape away a this sediment behind a river dam would cause bank one-meter-thick layer of sediment that came from erosion downstream. This in turn would damage the denuded mountains (Costes 1975, cited by Ser­ engineering structures, bridges, water intake, and rano and Suan 1976). Almost one fourth of the Ca­ so on. In addition, interruption of the natural cycle gayan River watershed and the Agno and Pampan­ of silt and water deposition on the flood plain oc­ ga river basins are badly eroded, giving rise to curs, thus reducing fertility of the soils. The authors serious siltation. The rate of siltation in the Am­ were also concerned about the erosion of valuable buklao Dam is 2.45 million m 3/yr, a quantity that sand deposits from the river delta. Although Temple would require continual use of 47 truckloads per and Sundberg provided no data on the effects on the hour at 6 cubic meters per truckload for removal. As basin's economy, they indicated that costs of road a result, the expected lifespan of this dam has been and bridge reconstruction, of irrigation and fertil­ reduced from 62 to 32 years (Weidelt 1975). Other ization of the flood-plain soils, and of exploiting al­ watersheds in the Philippines with critical problems ternate sand supplies would be necessary. In the are the Panay-Jalaud River basin, the Bicol water­ same region of Tanzania, the Matumbulu reservoir shed, the Allah River watershed in Zamboanga, and accumulated sediment during the period of 1960­ the Leyte and Buhisan watersheds in Cebu. Already 1971 at the rate of 13,200 m 3 per year for a total of these are ineffIcient as sources of irrigation, hydro­ 3 119,000 m • The expected life of the reservoir was electric power, and potable water (Gulcur 1971, therefore, only thirty years. Also in Tanzania, cited by Serrano and Suan 1976). The problem of sediments from nearby eroded areas were reported the Buhisan watershed in Cebu is particularly acute. as continually fIlling the Kisongo Reservoir, which The dam is almost fIlled with sediment and its use­ was built in 1960 to increase the cattle-carrying fulness is almost eliminated. Similarly, the Pan­ capacity of the range by supplying water for stock tagangan Dam which impounds one of the largest (Murray-Rust 1972). Sedimentation reduced the artifIcial lakes in Southeast Asia, is threatened with reservoir's capacity at a rate of 3.3 percent annually a shortened life from accelerating sedimentation from 1960 to 1969, and accelerated to 4.8 percent (PCARR 1977). per annum after 1970. A glance at diminishing In Pakistan, soil erosion and deposition have de­ storage capacity shows that reservoir capacity creased the life expectancy ofthe $600-million Man­ changed as follows: gla Reservoir, planned to last 100 years or more, to 57 years or less (Szechowycz and Qureshi 1973). Date Total capacity Surplus capacity The Gobindsager Reservoir in India, with a life ex­ 1960 121,000 m 3 66,000 m 3 pectancy originally estimated at 600 years, is likely to be completely silted up in 150 years. The artificial 1969 83,600 34,000 Sukhna Lake at Chandigarh has lost 50 percent of 1971 71,700 22,500 its storage capacity in 13 years (Murphy and Shan­ karanarayana 1977). Additional data on this prob- 1975 47,900 0

Table 26. Data on siltation in selected At present rates, the reservoir will be completely reservoirs in India silted by 1983, but its useful life of only 15 years Annual rate of ended in 1975. According to Temple and Murray­ siltation Rust (1972), the net result ofthis water development (106m3) failure is that "carrying capacity ofland will drop to Reservoir Assumed Observed a lower level than before the reservoir was complet­ Bhakra (Punj ab) 28.4 41.6 ed: due to the drop [through erosion] in available Panchet (DVC, Bihar) 2.5 11.8 grazing area." As indicated by Rapp, Murray­ Tungabhadra (Karnataka) 12.1 50.6 Rust, et al. (1972), this situation is common to Nizam Sugar (Andhra Pradesh) 0.66 10.8 many similar projects in East Africa. The reader is reminded of additional data on reservoir siltation Ukai (Gujarat) 9.2 26.8 presented in Table 6 (chap. 2). Source: Patnaik 1975.

73 lem are presented in Table 26. It is of interest to siderations that are considered far less important note that designers' estimates of siltation rates have than the impacts discussed earlier in this chapter, always underestimated observed rates. However, it they may be sufficient to affect the livelihood of cer­ is difficult to determine whether this is a result of tain populations in developing countries. Eckholm designer optimism or increases in sedimentation (1976), in discussing pollution of fisheries, cited the rates (resulting from more concentrated human ac­ concern of some ecologists (Lusigi 1974) that fish tivity in the watersheds) after the initial estimates production in the East African Great Rift Lakes is were made. threatened by agricultural and industrial pollution. A particularly trying situation is the rapid sedimen­ tation that is destroying fish production in Laguna OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF Lake in the Philippines; over 100,000 families de­ RAINFALL EROSION IN THE TROPICS pend on this lake for their livelihood and consumption (Gu1cur 1964). The environmental impacts associated with sedi­ These examples indicate that the environmental ment delivery and deposition in bays, estuaries, consequences of pollution by erosional sediments lakes, and so on are probably no different for the should not be overlooked, even in developing coun­ tropics than for other areas. Damage because ofsed­ tries. Quantitatively, it has been found that changes iments and soluble or associated chemical com­ in the optical properties of water are much more pounds (fertilizer nutrients and ) has been drastic when contaminated by sediment derived cited as the cause of the drastic changes in marine from oxidic soils than from other soils (Ekern 1977 life within Hawaii's Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe and EI-Swaify and Cooley 1980). It is therefore like­ Bay, on the island of Oahu (Bartram 1975). Al­ ly that equal amounts of sediment would be more though the environmental or pollution hazards of detrimental to the environment if derived from sediments are often associated with esthetic con- tropical than from temperate soils.


Conditions that give rise to soil erosion by water quirements are clearly modified by the absence, have been the subject of many qualitative studies presence, and nature of vegetal cover as well as (see chap. 2). However, quantitative predictions prevailing cultural practices such as land shaping or based on the roles of individual causative param­ tillage. eters have generally originated and been verified in The following is a list, developed from several temperate regions, particularly in the eastern sources (particularly ARS 1975), ofthe general con­ United States (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). While ditions that lead to high rates of soil loss by water such predictions are possible for certain forms of erOSIOn: erosion in locations where individual predictive 1. High intensity and long duration ofrainfall components have been established, they present def­ 2. High rates of overland flow from adjacent inite limitations when their use is extended beyond uplands the original locale (Wischmeier 1976b). It is there­ 3. Poorly structured soils with low infiltration fore instructive to provide both a qualitative account rates of conditions that generally enhance soil erosion and 4. Soils that lack coherence between top and sub­ an assessment of the success of quantitative predic­ surface layers (e.g. loose land fill or soils piled tions of rainfall erosion in the tropics. By necessity, during construction activity) much of the information included in both sections 5. Slopes with high or moderate steepness was not obtained in the tropics. Fortunately, the 6. Long slopes principles that underlie the roles of the different 7. Tillage and/or planting in rows directed with, causative factors are universally applicable. rather than across, prevailing slope 8. Absent or sparse vegetative cover, with insuffi- cient protective organic residue CONDITIONS FAVORING HIGH RATES OF SOIL LOSS IN THE TROPICS Historically, though perhaps not always intentional­ ly, humans have devised a variety of practices that It has long been realized that for water erosion to reduce erosional losses by exploiting those param­ take place, two distinct processes must be set in mo­ eters that lend themselves to management. Thus, tion. First is the action (kinetic energy) of water when there was a choice, steep slopes were terraced (rainfall and possibly runoff) to separate detachable to reduce the steepness and length of slope and to particles from the soil mass. Second is the transport curtail loss ofwater by runoff; simultaneous clearing (by runoff and possibly rainfall) of detached parti­ of massive areas of forest was avoided; and shifting cles from their point of origin to a new destination. cultivation was practiced whenever crops provided It is clear therefore, that the most important causes poor stands inadequate for soil protection. As em­ of water erosion are the characteristics of rainfall, phasized earlier, tropical populations have only re­ soil, and physical setting of the land. The rainfall cently begun to deviate from well-established, wise must be of sufficient intensity and duration to cause uses of land resources because of increased popula­ detachment and produce runoff (that is, exceed the tion densities and accompanying needs for food and soil's infiltration rate). The soil must be susceptible energy. These pressures exemplify socioeconomic to particle or aggregate detachment and topography factors that are themselves an "erosion determining must have sufficient slope steepness and length to parameter" which reaches beyond the physical fac­ allow particle migration with runoff. These basic re- tors responsible for the actual erosion process.

75 strip-cropped, or terraced land to that from land QUANTITATIVE PARAMETERS FOR under straight row cultivation up-and-down the PREDICTING RAINFALL EROSION IN slope. THE TROPICS The USLE is universal only insofar as it identifies all the parameters that determine the magnitude of Equations commonly used for predicting soil loss soil loss due to rill and interrill (sheet) erosion. It is and prescribing erosion control measures were de­ not useful, nor was it intended, for estimating losses veloped primarily in the Corn Belt (Midwest) of the caused by other forms, such as gully erosion (chap. United States. Historical review of steps leading to 1). The equation has been used successfully by soil their development were given by Wischmeier and conservation planners in many parts of the United Smith (1978), Mitchell and Bubenzer (1980), and States for nearly two decades. Unfortunately, per­ Moldenhauer and Foster (1981). First, a relation­ haps because of its name, it has also been misused ship between soil loss and slope length and steepness widely within and outside this country. The devel­ was developed by Zingg (1940). Crop cover and oper ofthe equation recently expressed concern over conservation practice parameters were added the this matter and reiterated the capabilities and limi­ following year by Smith (1941). In 1946 the Mus­ tations of the equation (Wischmeier 1976b). As dis­ grave equation emerged, with the addition of a rain­ cussed by other authors (Hudson 1971; El-Swaify fall parameter (Musgrave 1947). Based on data and Dangler 1977; Lal 1977a), he stated that apply­ from over twenty-five years' research, from which ing the equation in a new area (such as the tropics) the rainfall parameter was modified and the soil without changing its component values is a misuse. susceptibility to erosion (erodibility factor) quan­ So are applications for predicting soil losses from in­ tified' the universal soil loss equation (USLE) for dividual storm events or even specific years rather predicting sheet and rill erosion was proposed than from a long-term mean-annual basis, or for es­ (Wischmeier and Smith 1961, 1965). This equation timating sediment yields (e.g. from watershed deliv­ is now the most widely used model for predicting ery outlets) rather than erosion losses from original sheet (interrill) and rill erosion (Wischmeier and positions at specific field sites. Current research ef­ Smith 1978). It has the form forts aim to establish an equation that will be cap­ A = RKLSCP (1) able ofestimating soil losses from individual storms, which (as stated above) is a function not intended for

and identifies six parameters (factors) as most in­ the USLE (Foster et 0.1. 1977aJ b). It is instructive to fluential in rill and interrill soil erosion by water: note here other potential errors associated with the rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), cropping­ use of the USLE as recommended by Wischmeier management (C), erosion control practice (P), and and Smith (1965, 1978). The following list is direct­ two topographic factors-length of slope (L), and ly quoted from Wischmeier (1976b): steepness of slope (S). The authors quantified all parameters as "mean annual values" based on sta­ Evaluating the [equation's] factors on too broad a tistical analysis ofvoluminous soil loss data gathered base, such as a single C value for all cropland or from cropland erosion research stations east of the all corn land. Rocky Mountains (Wischmeier and Smith 1965). Applying C and P values from the handbook Thus the R (rainfall) factor was defined as the [USDA 282] indiscriminately without consider­ number oferosion-index units associated with a nor­ ing length limits beyond which the practices be­ mal year's rain; K as the soil's erosion rate per unit come ineffective. When a practice breaks down of rainfall erosion-index under unit values of the from too much accumulation of runoff, the effec­ four remaining factors; L as the ratio of soil loss tive C or P value increases rapidly. from the given slope length to that from a standard Extrapolating factor relationships far beyond the length of22.13 m (72.6 ft) on the same soiltype and range of the data from which they were derived. slope gradient; S as a ratio of soil loss from the This hazard, always speculative, applies primari­ prevailing field slope gradient to that from a stan­ lytoLandS. dard 9 percent slope; C as a ratio of soil loss from a Until research can expand the data, extrapola­ field with specified cropping management and cover tions of the formulas provide the best information history to that from a comparable field in fallow con­ available, but their limitations must be recog­ dition; and P as a ratio of soil loss from contoured, nized. 76 Defining slope length incorrectly. The effective term (preferably 20 years) data for component pa­ slope length is the distance from the point of rameters. Unfortunately, no alternative comprehen­ origin of overland flow to the point where either sive models are available for the tropics, or indeed the slope decreases enough that deposition begins elsewhere. Elwell (1977, 1981) proposed a Soil Loss or the runoff water enters a well-defined channel. Estimation Model for Southern Africa (SLEMSA) Thus, a slope length is measured to a well-defined which is a modification of the USLE for simplified channel and does not include the length of the application in developing countries. However, this channel. Neither is a slope length terminated by a model too requires some long-term data inputs and pronounced change in gradient or land use unless lacks the verification necessary for wider use. Below the runoffis diverted. we will present available information for quantify­ Evaluating irregular slopes. The slope-effect chart ing the individual causative factors for erosion in the [in the Handbook] reflects relationships for uni­ tropics, whether or not they were intended for use in form gradients. A convex slope loses more soil the USLE. By necessity, information from tropical than an equivalent uniform slope, and a concave regions will be contrasted with information from slope loses less. It is logical and correct to divide temperate areas, where most of the quantitative appreciably irregular slopes into relatively uni­ relationships originated. form segments for evaluation, but the segments cannot be treated as independent slopes ifone seg­ Rainfall and Runoff Erosivity ment receives runoff from another. A method of Rainfall initiates the process of erosion by water computing LS for irregular slopes was published whether it produces soil detachment and transport [Foster and Wischmeier 1974]. directly by raindrop splash or does so by overland In some earlier publications, factor R, unfortu­ flow. Therefore, it is of interest to examine some nately, was categorically equated with the local EI rainfall data from the tropics and (Table value. R should be defined as the rainfall and run­ 27). For example, areas in the vicinity of Cairo, off erosivity. EI generally reflects this combina­ Egypt and Lima, Peru obviously are not generally tion, but there are two exceptions. First, EI does subject to water erosion because of their negligible not reflect the erosive potential of runoff that is annual rainfalls (28 mmand 41 mm, respectively). not directly associated with rainfall. In the Pa­ Located as they are in the arid tropics or sub­ louse region of the Northwest, probably 90 per­ tropics, these areas are more subject to wind ero­ cent of the erosion is caused by runoff from thaw sion. However, many tropical areas receive more and snowmelt. The erosive potential ofthis runoff than 2500 mm (100 inches) rainfall per year, and must be added to the local EI value to evaluate R. many of them receive substantial rains every month Second, on the Southeast Coastal Plains, comput­ (e.g. Manado, Celebes; Padang, Sumatra; , ed annual EI values are very high because of the Queensland; Belem, Brazil). Others have dry peri­ hurricane-associated storms and the slope gradi­ ods of greater or lesser duration (e.g. Sittwe and ents are quite small. Field observers have sug­ Rangoon, Burma; Freetown, Sierra Leone; Cochin, gested that the normally computed EI values India). Consequently, in these latter areas, rainfall seem to overestimate soil loss for this condition. A is even more intense as it is concentrated within the logical assumption is that this is largely attribut­ more or less shorter wet season. able to shielding of the soil surface by excessive Perhaps nowhere are extremes in rainfall more ponding of rainfall during the prolonged periods evident than in Hawaii. In a 5-mile distance from of high intensities. But further study is needed to Waikiki Beach to the head of the Manoa Valley on determine the variables and interactions responsi­ Oahu, annual rainfall ranges from < 250 mm to ble for the apparent overestimation. > 4050 mm. Mt. Waialeale on Kauai is considered the "wettest place on earth" with approximately Because it has been applied successfully on the 12,000 mm rainfall annually. Yet the business· U.S. mainland, the USLE has also received some district of Honolulu receives about 650 mm yearly. use in other parts of the world, including tropical Over 3150 mm of rain fell during March 1942 at regions (Roose 1977c; Hurni 1981). However, the Laupahoehoe, Hawaii! and 1972 mm was recorded equation has yet to be fully tested for applicability in these regions. This is partly due to the rigorous 1. James Thropp, Laupahoehoe Sugar Company, Hawaii. Personal requirement of basing its use on site-specific, long- communication, 27 April 1978.

77 Table 27. Rainfall in selected tropical and subtropical locations

Numberof Mean annual Numberof Mean annual months with rainfall months with rainfall > 76 mm (mm) > 76 ITI11 (lTI11 Africa Atuona, Marquesas Islands 11 f215 ~is Ababa, Ethiopia 5 1260 Bora Bora, Society Islands 12 2031 Bathurst, Gambia 4 1295 Diloon1s Bay, Vanuatu 10 1779 Bolobo, Congo 9 1539 Enewetak, 7 1470 Cairo, Egypt 0 28 Guam,Mariana Islands 12 . 2181 Douala, Cameroon 10 4039 Hilo, Hawaii 12 3470 Freetown, Sierra Leone 8 4430 Honolulu, Hawaii 5 649 Mongalla, Sudan 7 998 Matuku, Fij i 12 1777 Pretoria, 5 658 Ponape, Caroline Islands 12 4875 Yaounde, Cameroon 8 1580 Swain's Island, Amer. Samoa 12 2870 Asia Caribbean and Central America ----Bombay, India 4 2017 Catcamus, Honduras 6 1255 Cochin, India 8 2913 Colon, Panama 10 3236 Colombo, Sri Lanka 11 2344 El Recreo, Nicaragua 11 3099 '-J co Hinatuan, Philippines 12 4305 Guadalajara, Mexico 4 894 HongKong 7 2162 Havana, Cuba 7 1224 Karachi, Pakistan 0 196 Merida, Mexico 6 925 Kupang, 5 1468 Port-of-Spain, Trinidad 8 1610 Madras, India 6 1270 San Jose, Costa Rica 7 1948 Manado, Celebes 12 2657 Vera Cruz, Mexico 6 1689 Mandalay, Burma 5 828 Natrang, South Vietnam 4 1382 South America Padang, Sumatra 12 4486 Asuncion, Paraguay 9 1316 Rangoon, Burma 5 2530 Belem, Brazil 12 2770 Saigon, South Vietnam 7 1984 Caracas, Venezuela 6 863 Sittwe, Burma 7 5179 Georgetown, Guyana 11 2253 Inquisitos, Peru 12 2736 Australia La Paz, Bolivia 0 555 Cairns, Queensland 12 4206 Lima, Peru 0 41 Darwin, Northern Territory 6 1570 Manaus, Brazil 9 2095 Quito, Ecuador 8 1115 Pacific Islands Quixeramobin, Brazil 4 752 Apia, Western Samoa 12 2870 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 8 1162 Aranoka, Kiribati 7 1043 Sources: Blair and Fite 1965; Lamb1972; Miller and Thompson1975; Taylor 1973. during 7 days in January 1979. Typhoon seasons in loss. Soil losses from erosion stations were linearly the western Pacific bring intense rains (Blair and correlated with EI30 as long as the other 5 factors of Fite 1965). Luzon, in the Philippines, has ex­ the USLE remained constant. To construct an ero­ perienced rainfalls of 1000-1250 mm within 24 sivity map based on this index, it is clear that not hours. In Colombo, Sri Lanka, 250 mm of rain fell only must long-term (20 yr) rainfall records be in 90 minutes (Burns 1947). However, the record available but also such records must be available on 24-hour rain occurred on the island of Reunion at a continuous-recording basis for individual storms. Cilaos in the with a deluge of 1870 Calculations of storm energy from intensity data mm (73.6 in). have been attempted by various authors (Table 28). Although very useful for estimating relative ero­ The different units for expressing energy and inten­ sion hazards, mean annual rainfall is not directly sity data are also shown in that table. Wischmeier correlated with soil loss in the tropics. This apparent and Smith's (1958) equation is now most widely contradiction is partly due to the extreme variability used for calculating E; 130 is derived directly from in mean annual rainfall and seasonal rainfall pat­ continuously recorded storm data. Wischmeier and terns in given locations (Map 19); storm characteris­ Smith (1978) provided a detailed procedure to ac­ tics differ in different regions, as do other factors af­ complish such calculations in both English and fecting the erosion process. For example, it may be metric units. Due to the unavailability of con­ recalled that the semiarid tropics are more prone to tinuously recorded rainfall in many areas, these rainfall erosion than are the undisturbed humid authors tested various alternatives for estimating the tropics, as a result of the different qualities of vege­ Eho index (Wischmeier and Smith 1962). For the tative cover (chap. 2; Fig. 7). Futhermore, the sea­ mainland United States, the 2-yr probabilities of 6­ sonal distribution of annual rainfall differs widely hr rainfall (P) were best for making these estimates. from one place to another (Maps 20-23). As expect­ The relationship used was ed, the concentration of rainfall in short seasons en­ hances its effectiveness for inducing erosion. Al­ EI30 = 27.38p2.17 (2) though the parameter of rainfall most related to erosivity of rain eluded researchers for many years, Based on this index, an isoerodent map was pre­ it has now been established that the characteristics of pared for croplands of the United States east of the individual raindrops (number, size distribution, Rocky Mountains (Wischmeier and Smith 1965). and terminal velocity) are of primary consideration Ateshian (1974) added erosivity values for areas in quantifying rainfall erosivity. Many studies have west of the Rockies and proposed an analytical ap­ been made of raindrop size (Laws and Parsons proach to estimate the rainfall erosion index. The 1943; Hudson 1964b) and terminal velocity (Laws original isoerodent map was later expanded to cover 1941; Gunn and Kinzer 1949). Parameters directly the western states and modified for the Southeast related to these characteristics have been tested, where the original higher values were found to over­ with varying degrees of success. These included mo­ estimate soil loss (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). mentum (Rose 1960), kinetic energy (Mihara 1959) Rainfall index values on the recent map range from and intensity. Rose (1958) used simulated rainfall to < 20 to 550 units. For Hawaii, the product of 5 yr-2 study splash erosion of soils in Uganda. He found hr and 1 yr-6 hr rainfall was well correlated with momentum per unit area of raindrop to be most EI30 • However, the correlative data base for the closely correlated with soil loss. Hudson (1963) ac­ Hawaii study was so small (only 4 rainfall stations) cumulated considerable data in Rhodesia showing that further tests of its validity are required. Esti­ that median raindrop diameter increased up to an mated isoerodent maps for the islands are shown in intensity of 75 to 100 mm/hr but then decreased. Map 24. El-Swaify and Cooley (1980, 1981) report­ Kowal and Kassam (1976) reported that rainfall in­ ed erosivity index values ranging from 139 to 739 in tensities and median drop sizes are greater in north­ selected locations on Oahu and Hawaii, showing ern Nigeria than in temperate or subtropical cli­ clear voids in these maps. mates. Wischmeier and Smith (1958) found as a Several other attempts have been made to apply result of extensive statistical analysis that EI30, the the Eho index or indices closely correlated with it, product of the total energy of a rainstorm (E) and for mapping rainfall erosivity in the tropics: BoIs the storm's maximum intensity for a 30-minute (1978) prepared a map following a regression analy­ duration (ho), gave the best correlation with soil sis between daily rainfall and daily erosivity for 47 79 MEAN ANNUAL co RAINFALL VARIABILITY o THE FIGURES DENOTE PERCENTAGE DEPARTURES FROM NORMAL


[/>:/:/:::;:;:1'°-I ~ ~1~-20

t----_}~-30 ~30-40


Map 19. Mean annual rainfall variability for the world. See text for explanation. (Atkinson 1971) 110·

~ B3. williNAHA NEW DELHI JlCALCUTTA. Q 63 Jlil !.. 20' 1 '"'" ':....'/ (5 ~ 20'

BOMBAY j,:, 10· 1 TRUK PALAU PORT BLAIR . . 156 13B

MEN ADO ~~()(if'95 105 O' ~ - ~~~~ ~~;[oU '0' COCOS. 0 7B


Map 20. Mean monthly rainfall for selected stations in Asia/Australia. Numbers next to place names indicate mean annual rainfall in inches. (Atkinson 1971)

'0' 10'


10' [600400 mm 200 U SUCRE 20' . 20' 0 ZB

Map 21. Mean monthly rainfall for selected stations in the Americas. Numbers indicate mean annual rainfall in inches. (Atkinson 1971)

81 140·

I I I I I I 46. M MIDWAY l1h.dJ H DNOLULU Ulllli1lli • WAKE 22 - lO· lO· f- HILO luL.illlw 137• W • JOHNS TON


~3 '0· f- -~ - 10· PONA PE wiMAJURO 192• Uill ,:. lJFANNING 99• o· - NAURU lLL1lwwJ - o· 7~• CANTON ~ • MALDEN • ~ ~ 27 TULAGI FUNAFUTI • • 10· - 123 ~ - 10· API• A ~ 112 ~ UPAPEETE SUVA AITUTAKI 64• 117• • lO· f- l1lllliuuJ 78 - 20· NOUMEA

44• I I I I I I I I~O· 160· 170· 180· r70· I~O· 140·

Map 22. Mean monthly rainfall for selected stations in the Pacific and Africa. Numbers next to place names indi­ cate mean annual rainfall in inches. (Atkinson 1971)


93• GEORGETOWN \4,,~ •~ 13 L1lwlliw ~ HUTTS GATE ANTALAHA ;'2'" JAMESTOWN 20· ~ ~,U"(J

Map 23. Mean monthly rainfall for selected stations in Africa. Numbers indicate mean annual rainfall in inches. (Atkinson 1971)

82 Table 28. Interrelationships between raindrop size, storm kinetic energy, and intensity, as established by various workers Cllmate/Type of Intenslty range E versus I 0 versus I Location prec i pitat ion studied 50 (Units of E) (Units of 1) Reference -- Washington Temperate/ 0.03 to~2in/hr Laws and DC Predominantly Limited data 050=2.2310.182 (1 n) Parson frontal 2-4.6 in/hr -- hr (1943) 0.15-4.6 in/hr E = 916 + 331 10g I -- 10 Wischmeier Extrapo1ated to (~) (.!!!.) and Smith 10 in/hr ac 1n hr (1958) 127.51 Zimbabwe Subtropical/ 9 in/hr Peak 0 of - < 50 E = 758.52 I Convective Limited data Hudson 2.55 mmat I of 3 > 6.5 in/hr ergs x 10 ) (1965 ) 3-4 in/hr ( (.!.!!.)hr cm2 ~0.1to ~9.5in/hr E = 8.37 I- 45.9 Miami Temperate/ Limited data Kinnell FL Five types -- (ergs ) (mm) > 6 in/hr 2 hr (1973) cm sec South < 10 in/hr 0 =1.63+1.331 - E- 429.2 +2534.0 13- Carter Temperate 50 ' 122.51 + 78 I Central Limited data 0.33 12+0.021 3 ft ton in et al. USA > 5 in/hr acl"n hr (1974 ) Humid tropical/ Approximately 050 Range: Aina Western 1.5 to 4.5 mm -- Nigeria Convective 0.5 - 9.5 in/hr 0 Increases et a1. thunderstorms 50 with I -- -- (1977) Explanation of symbols: 050 is median volume drop diameter; E is kinetic energy per unit volume of rainfall; I is rainfall intensity. Units are reported as published by authors. ------\ ", \ \ ..,.'-- ..... ,'\ \ ,, \ \\ \ ,-_ .... :I\ I J I I J' 150 " ~/I/ / 125\ ...~,.,"" I'I

+"\ ~"({\ \ \ 150 \" I J I\ ,I I \\, I 190 , --'.... \ J I I : '\ II I 450 \1 ".j /'./ ~.,./ ... ,/ I I " ,- I,' ~/., ...... , I I ~ , / ,/ ,,/,,' ...---, ,,," / " 125/ /' / , / , ...... " !\/I I" \, ' .... _... " HAWAII


Map 24. Estimated average annual values ofthe rainfall erosion index in the major islands of Hawaii. (Wischmeier and Smith 1978) rainfall stations in Java and Madura, Indonesia cussed in chapter 6, this is one of the high-priority (Map 25); an erosivity map (Map 26) was prepared research areas for understanding the rainfall erosion for the Indian subcontinent (CSWCRTI 1977); process in the tropics.

Bhatia and Singh (1976) indicated that EI30 was best Approximating the EI30 index by well-correlated correlated with soil loss for India; and Roose (1977c) rainfall probability data may be equally criticized. used metric EI30 units to construct a rainfall erosivi­ In contrast to Wischmeier's procedure, many au­ ty map for West and Central Africa (Map 27). thors have sought a relationship between easily mea­

The utility of the EI30 as a rainfall erosion index sured rainfall parameters and a rainfall erosivity pa­ for the tropics has been critically analyzed by many rameter (Table 29). Good correlations between workers. One important basis for criticism is the re­ storm kinetic energy (E) and rainfall amount (A) quirement of elaborate long-term rainfall records, were reported by Charreau (1969), while relation­ which are not available in many developing coun­ ships between 130 and A were not well defined. A tries. Another is the fact that successful use of the relationship defining EI30 as a function of A and of

EI30 in certain temperate regions (such as its place of 130 (Delwaulle 1973) requires rarely accessible 130 origin) does not guarantee its success as an index of data. Roose (1977c) showed that a relationship be­ soil loss in regions with substantially different cli­ tween EI30 and A alone was valid within a precision mates, such as the tropics. The examples provided of 5 percent in the Niger, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, above, where the EI30 has been extended for use in Senegal, and Benin areas except where the ocea9 different geographical locations have, by and large, and mountains influence rainfall. This relationship not been justified by actual testing. As will be dis- was used to develop the EI30 map (Map 27). To bet-

84 ter describe the erosivity of tropical storms, Wilkin­ vegetative cover. Arnoldus (1977b) stated that poor son (1975) modified the kinetic energy times max­ correlations between EI30 and soil loss were found in imum 30-minute intensity index (EI30) for the soils Benin, west Africa. Stocking and Elwell (1973a) and vegetative conditions of Nigeria. In calculating found that E1 15 , where 115 is the maximum 15­ the erosion index, he did not begin the EI30 summa­ minute intensity, was best correlated with soil loss tion for a given storm until runoff occurred, there­ under limited cover in Zimbabwe. Elwell and Stock­ fore eliminating that portion of rainfall which was ing (1973a) had found that the total cumulative accepted by (infiltrated into) the soil. After testing momentum of the rain in all storms could be used several rainfall parameters in Nigeria against single interchangeably with energy without loss of accura­ storm soil loss from bare plots, Lal (1976c) found cy in the EI relationship. Upon reexamining their high correlations and insignificant differences be­ data, they found the kinetic energy (KE) for storms tween Hudson's KE > 1 (see next paragraph), with an intensity threshold of 4.3 mm/hr and above

E1 30, rainfall amount (A), maximum rainfall inten­ to be exponentially related to annual soil loss. Stock­ sity for a minimum duration of 7.5 minutes (1m), ing and Elwell (1976) produced a map of mean an­ AIm, and kinetic energy (E). Lal (1976c) also indi­ nual erosivity for Rhodesia using this parameter cated that EI30 may underestimate the kinetic ener­ (Map 28). gy of tropical storms and suggested that the use of For other soils, crop types, and crop stages, Elwell AIm instead may be more advantageous. He was and Stocking (1973a, b) found cumulative rainfall able to estimate this index linearly from rainfall momentum above intensities of 2.1 mm/hr to be a amounts (A) at Ibadan, Nigeria, so eliminating the better estimation parameter. A subsequent analysis need for recording rain gauges. However, such sim­ of these data on a daily basis yielded correlations plification cannot be extended to other tropical re­ between soil loss and the product of rainfall energy gions unless a similar correlation can be successfully and intensity (Stocking and Elwell 1973a). The in­ demonstrated. Furthermore, Lal emphasized the tensity duration that provided the best correlations temporary nature of the proposed AIm index be­ varied with the density of crop cover. They also cause it is not based on kinetic energy considerations combined soil loss data from grazing trials on a for tropical storms. Aina et al. (1977) discovered sandveld (Elwell and Stocking 1974) with the earlier that AImV, where V is the terminal velocity of the data and determined that rainfall quantity param­ median diameter raindrop, was best correlated with eters were useful for soil loss estimation (Elwell and soil loss, whereas Kowal and Kassam (1976) estab­ Stocking 1975). lished a relationship between E and A alone. Bailly A distinctly different approach to estimating rain­ et al. (1976)noted a good correlation between A and fall erosivity has been devised by Fournier (1960).

E1 30• He was also faced with a lack of recording rain­

Other significant modifications of EI30 have been gauge data in his attempts to relate suspended sedi­ provided by various authors. Hudson (1971) de­ ment loads in African rivers (integrated in a specific fined the KE > 1 as the sum of the kinetic energies degradation parameter in Tm/km2) to climatic in storms resulting from intensities greater than 1 parameters and topography (see later, this chapter, in/hr (25 mm/hr). He argued that such an index is and Fig. 8). He successfully correlated annual spe­ more adequate for describing rainfall erosion haz­ cific degradation to a rainfall distribution coefficient ards for tropical soils, which are generally character­ 2 C defined as ~ where p i~ mean rainfall for the ized by well-structured profiles and infiltration rates greater than 1 in/hr. It must be noted that Wisch­ wettest month of the year and P the mean annual meier's EI30 index also omitted those storms of rainfall. His equation for the' relationship between < 0.5 in (12.55 mm) which are separated by 6 hr or sediment yield (D) and the above coefficient is more even in the U.S. mainland (unless the maxi­ p2 mum 15 min intensity was> 0.95 in/hr). Langbein D = K 1 (---p-) - K 2 (3) and Schumm (1958) found that maximum sediment yield occurs in rivers when the annual effective with K 1 and K 2 being constants which he identified precipitation is between 10 and 14 inches (254-356 as important for the distinction between different mm). Annual rainfall less than 10 inches produced climatic types (such as semiarid versus humid). Soil little runoff. The paradoxical decrease of sediment erosion is predicted by this equation only insofar as for higher rainfalls is attributed to the increase of the suspended sediment· load of a river is related to a 85 577 1730 2883 4037 HiliRFf=::j1111 tmlll!1 11I1111111111111111 288 1154 2307 3460 4614 EI UNITS

Map 25. Isoerodent map ofJava and Madura. (BoIs 1978) soil loss for the whole catchment. Since the rate of tense in the tropics, that is, the energy load of an in­ the soil loss is not uniform throughout most water­ dividual storm is much greater than in temperate sheds, more information and new techniques are zones (Kowal and Kassam 1976). This is due to the needed to predict erosion on a surface area smaller larger size and greater number of drops falling per than the whole catchment. In any case, the tech­ unit of time. Table 30 shows some of the observed nique has been verified on watersheds with an area maxima on record for erosive rainstorms. Table 31 2 smaller than 2500 km • Arnoldus (1980) obtained shows comparative annual erosion index values for poor correlations between the EI30 and Fournier's the tropics and nontropics. Both tables show the ex­ indices. He proposed as a modification of the Four­ treme aggressivity of tropical rainfall, which is nier approach, the quantity generally explained by quantity, frequency, and intensity-drop-size characteristics. 12 Kowal and Kassam (1976) reported that about 60 ~ pi2/P percent of the drops in a typical storm at Samaru, 1 Nigeria were > 3 mm in diameter. In Zimbabwe Hudson (1963) found that drops increase in size to in which pi is monthly precipitation and P is annual an intensity of 63 mm/hr (2.5 in/hr) and then de­ precipitation. He obtained an improved correlation crease. Blanchard (1950, 1953) reported that Ha­ coefficient of0.83 between this index and Eho for 14 waiian raindrops rarely exceeded 2 mm diameter West African rain-gauge stations, and subsequently (but these were for orographic rains) and also that used this approximation ofthe R factor in the USLE drop sizes change with intensity in a pattern similar to construct an isoerodent map for Africa. to Hudson's. Lal (1976c) indicated that because of Erosive rainfall in the tropics differs from that in high rainfall intensities over short durations as well other regions mainly in intensity and frequency as increased raindrop impact by wind enhancement, characteristics. Rainstorms generally are more in- the erosivity index EI30 may underestimate the ki-

86 Scale: 1/1.000.000

netic energy of tropical storms. However, in view of storms are the most hazardous. Similarly, at the ex­ Hudson's peak drop size findings, older calculations periment station in Mazoe, Zimbabwe (Hudson may have overestimated storm energy, a problem 1971) it has been found in almost all seasons that which has been corrected by recent calculation over half the total amou~t oferosion occurred in the methods (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). In many one or two heaviest storms of the year. In one in­ areas ofthe tropics thunderstorms occur with sharp, stance three quarters of the yearly loss took place in high intensity rainfall peaks, such as in western 10 minutes. Farther north in Upper Volta it was Nigeria (Wilkinson 1975). In the Hawaiian Islands found that 88 percent ofthe annual erosion occurred thunderstorms are not as common. As for peak in­ in approximately 14 hours and 6 hours in 1956 and tensities, a short 4-second burst of 261 mm/hr has 1957 respectively (Fournier cited by Jackson 1978). been recorded on the eastern coast of the island of However, Roose (1977c) states that in the dry or Hawaii (Fullerton and Wilson 1974) with a specially humid tropics the level of erosion is not determined designed rainfall intensity gauge. In northern Nige­ by exceptional rain but by the sum of ten to twenty ria peak intensities of 120 to 160 mm/hr are not un­ ofthe most erosive rainstorms annually. common (Kowal and Kassam 1976); in Malaysia More recently in the United States, an effort has 200 mm/hr rainfalls are not unlikely. 2 been underway to separate the erosivity term into Erosive storms in the tropics may be infrequent in rainfall and runofferosivity components. The exten­ occurrence. Major soil losses in Colombia are due to sion of this idea to African conditions has not been only a few storms of high intensity (Suarez de Cas­ attempted. Extreme climatic variability and the tro 1950). The same situation prevails generally in wide range of rainfall intensities and durations in the Hawaiian Islands where a few so-called kona the tropics seem to lend themselves well to such a versatile erosivity assessment technique. However,

2. William Broughton, then of the University of Malaysia, Kuala such distinctions are less necessary in the tropics Lumpur. Personal communication, 6June 1978. than in temperate climates where water erosion

87 o 500km ,-'---'----1_.l.--...I.-.....J'

IO~o- Jol\o~. .-•I.;"., N. Lakhimpur -1181 /-.~

Mangalore - 1457 0° (:) " 0° ~ "'0o 0 ~ ,,<.oj0 o () o o 0 0 btJ 1I fJ


Map 26. Isoerodent map of India. (CSWCRTI 1977)

88 12° 8° 4° 20° 24° 18° 18°'

~ ~~, 14° 14°

~ ( \ \ I

I ~ ~ ...., 10 / 100 ..- ..- " \ \ \ eoo


6° 6°

400 300 I I 200 600 1000Km

Map 27. Isoerodent map of west and central Africa. (Roose 1977c)

Table 29. Summary of alternative estimates for the rainfall erosion index and its components

Cl imate Author's units Locat i on (Average annual precipitation) Relationship Qty Units Reference A 10m Sefa, Tropical EI 30 = 1.2A - 4 2 Charreau Senegal (13001010) E = 2.5A - 1 E Kq 101m (1969) EI 30 ton/ha A mm Allokoto, Dry Tropics EI = 0.0158A 1 - 1.2 130 mm/hr Delwaulle Niger (495 10m) 30 30 2 (1973) EI 30 ton/Km A cm Western Tropical E = (198+84 10910 1 )A+24 1 cm/hr Wil ki nson Nigeria (1500 10m) 30 30 (1975) E ton rn/ha Northern Tropical 3 A mm Kowal and Nigeria E = (41.1A - 120.0)x 10 2 Kassam (1100 10m) E ergs/cm (1976) Large area of Dry to Humld Troplcal Ram _ (ft 2 Roose West Africa Ram ton/Ac)x10 (1977~) (500-2100 10m) Ham - 0.50 Ham mm Humid Tropics A mm !:Sal I Iy Madagascar E = 2.325A - 3.945 E 2 et al. (1300 10m) ton m/Km (1976) Explanation of symbols: A is rainfall amount; Ham is average annual rainfall amount; E is kinetic energy of rainfall per unit area of ground surface; EI30 is rainfall erosivity index after Wischmeier and Smith (1958); 130 is maximum intensity of rainfall sustained for 30 minutes; Ram is total yearly average E130.

89 N

o 80 160km I I I

joules - mm/m2/hr

13000 11000 9000 7000 5000 3000

Map 28. Mean annual erosivity over Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). (Elwell and Stocking 1976) from runoff alone can be the major cause of soil mined by the R value and the units oftons/acre/Eho loss-during the portion of the year when snowmelt unit (Tm/ha/metric EI unit). As intended by the prevails. USLE, its experimental determination must be based on unit values for other factors in the equa­ Soil Erodibility and Rillability Characteristics tion. These are specified as follows: for R 100 EI30 The inherent susceptibility of a soil to erosion by units in ft-tons/acre/inch or 57.64 m-Tm/ha/cm; for water is collectively determined by its structural and L 72.6 ft or 22.1 m; for S a uniform slope of 9 per­ hydrological properties. Thus aggregate breakdown cent; for C a bare, fallow, -free, frequently and subsequent particle detachment from bare soil tilled condition for the two years preceding the initi­ by a given rainfall (or overland flow) depends on ag­ ation of measurement; and for P conventional row­ gregate stability and particle (or aggregate) size crop tillage up and down the slope. Experimental distribution characteristics. The likelihood of determinations under natural rainfall must also rep­ particle-transporting runoff occurring depends not resent a long term (preferably 20 yr, minimum 5 yr) only on rainfall characteristics but also on water mean value which encompasses a representative transmission and rillability properties of the soil, range of storm sizes, antecedent soil water contents, particularly infiltration rates at the prevailing and other random natural variations. antecedent water contents. In the USLE (Wisch­ Because of these rigorous requirements, with re­ meier and Smith 1978) this susceptibility is quan­ sulting time-consuming and expensive measure­ titatively defined by the erodibility (K) factor, which ments, experimental values for the "real" erodibili­ has a potential maximum numerical value deter- ty of soils in general and tropical soils in particular

90 Table 30. Selected data for high rainfall intensity rates in the tropics

Location I(mm/hr) Duration Date Pl ul11b Point, Jamaica 792 15 min 5/12/62 Monrovia, Liberia 478 15 min 8/01/74 Miami, 192 15 min Colombo, Sri Lanka 170 90 min 1907 Ibadan, Nigeria 162 15 min 6/16/72 Waialua, Hawaii 142 15 min 4/18/74 Belvouve, La Reunion 121 9 hr 2/28-29/64 Belvouve, La Reunion 112 12 hr 2/28-29/64 Belvouve, La Reunion 91 18.5 hr 2/28-29/64 Cilaos, La Reunion 78 24 hr* 3/15-16/52 Cilaos, La Reunion 52 2 days 3/15-17/52 Baguio, Philippines 49 24 hr 7/14/11 Source: Modified from Jackson 1978, Lal 1977d, and unpublished sources. *This storm produced the highest 24-hr rainfall on record (1869.9 mm or 73.6 in).

Table 31. Selected data for rainfall erosivity according to the EI30 index

Location Index Source S. Louisiana 600 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Mangalore, W. India 1457 CSWCRTI 1977 Conakry, Guinea 2000 Roose 1977c Douala, Cameroon 2000 Roose 1977C Laupahoehoe, HI 740 El-Swaify &Cooley 1980 Hilo, HI 780 El-Swaify (Unpublished) Campinas, Sao Paulo 690 Lombardi Neto 1977 Jakarta, Indonesia 2307 Bols 1978 are rare. Therefore, rainfall simulators have been that soils in the same order but studied at different used by various workers to develop such values locations display wide discrepancies. For example in more quickly (Meyer and McCune 1958). How­ both Hawaii and Puerto Rico (Dangler and El­ ever, because of the short-term nature of such mea­ Swaify 1976; Barnett et al. 1971) it was found that surements, certain precautions must be taken dur­ Ultisols were very erosion resistant as indicated by ing both the data collection and analysis phases to their low K values. In contrast, in Central America ensure that simulated erodibility values correspond and Venezuela (Popenoe 1976; PIa 1977) Ultisols as closely as possible to "real" values (Dangler and covered a wide range from' 'extremely low" to "ex­ EI-Swaify 1976). The data reported below (Tables tremely high erodibility." In the mainland United 32 to 37) include values obtained by both methods. States (Wischmeier and Smith 1978) this order also For comparative purposes, and because certain soils covered a wide range of resistance to erosion. More are common between temperate and tropical re­ agreement is found universally for strongly aggre­ gions, values for selected soils on the mainland gated Oxisols, the heavy clay Vertisols, and the United States are included. weakly aggregated Alfisols; these orders possess low, From the tables it is clear that erodibility values moderate, and high erodibilities, respectively. It is for tropical soils vary so widely that to describe them important to note here that one possible source of categorically as resistant to erosion is misleading. the observed discrepancies is the use by different Furthermore, it is evident from the wide spread of workers ofmany different soil classification systems. values within each order that soil orders, as a classi­ Therefore, a means of universal identification of fication level, may be useful for descriptive relative soils is needed to insure uniform understanding of assessments oferodibility class (e.g. Alfisols > Oxi­ soil erodibility trends. The family level of classifica­ sols) but are insufficient as a quantitative tool for tion in the U.S. Soil Taxonomy (SCS 1975b) is a estimating K value. Of particular interest is the fact likely tool for this purpose.

91 Table 32. Erod ibil ity of soils classified as Alfisols or Aridisols

Seri es or Ident ification* Type Locat ion K Value Source Dunkirk silty loam Geneva, NY 0.69 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Dayton Oregon 0.54 Roth et a1. 1974 St. Clair subsoi 1 Michigan 0.48 Roth et a1. 1974 Keene silty loam Zanesville, OH 0.48 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 McGary subsoil Indiana 0.36 Roth et a1. 1974 Kawaihae rocky silty loam Hawa i i 0.35 Dangler &E1-Swaify 1976 Rabat Morocco 0.35 Heusch 1970 Hagerstown silty clay loam Pennsylvania 0.31 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Putat Indonesia 0.26 Bo 1s 1978 Gampa1 a Ferruginous Upper Volta 0.25 Roose 1977b Saria Ferruginous Upper Volta 0.25 Roose 1977b Seta Ferruginous Senegal 0.25 Roose 1977b Punang Indones i a 0.14 Bo1s 1978 *Identification provided when series was not named.

Table 33. Erodibi 1ity of so i1 s c1ass if ied as Ox i so 1s

Series or Identification* Type Locat ion K Value Source Mo10kai silty c1 ay loam Hawa i i 0.22 Dangler &E1-Swaify 1976 Wahiawa silty c1 ay Hawaii 0.14 Dangler &E1-Swaify 1976 BOlJoke Ferra1itic Ivory Coast 0.12 Roose 1977b ApiopodolJme Ferra1itic Ivory Coast 0.10 Roose 1977b Agonkaney Ferra1itic Benin 0.10 Roose 1977b Korhogo Ferra1itic Ivory Coast 0.02 Roose 1977b Cata1ina- Ci a1 itos clay Puerto Rico 0.01 Barnett et a1. 1971 *Identification provided when series was not named.

92 Table 34. Erod ;b11 ity of soils classified as Inceptisols

Series or Ident ification* Type Location K Val ue Source Pakini silty loam Hawai i 0.55 Dangler &El-Swaify 1976 Naalehu silty clay loam Hawaii 0.21 Dangler &El-Swa ify 1976 Wai pahu silty cl ay Hawa i i 0.19 Dangler &El-Swaify1976 Kukaiau silty clay loam Hawaii 0.17 Dangler &El-Swaify 1976 Pandura loam Puerto Rico 0.11 Barnett et al. 1971 Hilo silty clay loam Hawaii 0.07 Dangler &El-Swaify 1976 Darmaga Indonesia 0.04 Bo 1s 1978 Juncos clay Puerto Rico 0.02 Barnett et al. 1971 *Identification provided when series was not named.

Table 35. Erodibility of soils classified as Mo11isols or Vertisols

Series or Ident ification* Type Locat ion K Value Source Mayberry subsoil Nebraska 0.67 Roth et al. 1974 Pawnee subsoil Nebraska 0.45 Roth et ~. 1974 Shelby loam Missouri 0.41 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Marshall silty loam Iowa 0.33 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Lualualei clay Hawa i i 0.30 Dangler &El-Swaify 1976 Austin clay Texas 0.29 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Jegu Java 0.20 Bols 1978 Portagev ille Missouri 0.05 Roth et al. 1974 *Identification prov ided when series was not named.

Table 36. Erodibility of so il s c1ass ifi ed as Ulti so 1s

Series or Ident ification* Type Location K Val ue Source Ceci 1 sandy clay loam Georgia, USA 0.36 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Tea unnamed Sri Lanka 0.31 La 1 1977d Ceci 1 sandy loam Georg i a, USA 0.23 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Waikane sandy clay Hawaii 0.09 Dangler &El-Swaify 1976 Freehold loamy sandy New Jersey 0.08 Wischmeier &Smith 1978 Humatas clay Puerto Rico 0.00 Barnett et al. 1971 *Identification provided when series was not named.

93 Table 37. Erodibility of soils with miscellaneous classifications

Series or Ident ification* Classification Location K Value Source Marl Clay mix Morocco 0.6 Heusch 1970 Marl Loose Morocco 0.5 Heusch 1970 Marl Cemented Morocco 0.4 HelJsch 1970 Marl Sandy Morocco 0.3 Heusch 1970 Schist Acid Morocco 0.2 HelJsch 1970 Sentolo Lithosol Indonesia 0.14 Bols 1978 Citaman Latosol Indonesia 0.10 Bols 1978 Pebbly Morocco 0.10 Heusch 1970 Limestone Sandstone mix Morocco 0.05 Heusch 1970 Darmaga Latosol Indonesia 0.03 Bols 1978 *Identification prov ided when series was not named.

The erodibility tables also show that surface and for very fine sand K = 0.44; ARS 1975a), equa­ subsurface soil horizons possess different susceptibil­ tions, and nomographs which were recommended ity to erosion. This is due to differences in the tex­ by the respective authors for estimating K values tural, mineralogical, and structural makeup of the whenever experimental values are not available various soil layers (Roth et al. 1974). Thus, differ­ (Figs. 21 and 22). These nomographs were put to ent K values are needed for estimating soil losses wide use in the United States and in many other, in­ from the same soil, depending on intended use. K cluding tropical, countries. Wilkinson (1975) and values of surface soils are required for croplands Roose (1977c) reported that soil erodibilities while values for subsurface soils are needed for esti­ estimated from soil properties as described by mating soil loss hazards associated with construction Wischmeier et al. (1971) were satisfactory for some activities. ferrallitic and ferruginous soils. Tables 38 and 39 A major criticism of available experimental K show other examples of such use in South America values for tropical soils stems from their being calcu­ and South Asia. Regardless of whether or not the lated according to the definition given earlier. Er­ absolute values are correct, relative trends again rors in calculation are likely if the base data for EI, confirm the extreme variability in erosion suscep­ L, and S factors are not applicable to the site under tibilities (0.06-0.48) among tropical soils. EI-Swaify investigation. Indeed, it has been suggested by some (1977) and EI-Swaify and Dangler (1977) criticized authors that the low K values attributed to highly the use of mainland U.S.-based nomographs to pre­ weathered tropical soils may not be strictly true, but dict the erodibility of tropical soils and provided rather a result of overestimated rainfall erosion in­ preliminary data supporting the need for different dices as calculated by Wischmeier and Smith's EI30 predictive parameters to estimate tropical soil erodi­ value (1978). This criticism does not apply to data bility. These criticisms are founded first on the lim­ collected uniformly under controlled simulated rain­ ited data base from which those nomographs were fall such as those published by the present authors developed, thus either necessitating excessive ex­ (Dangler and EI-Swaify 1976) and also given in trapolation of nomograph values or rendering them Tables 31-36. completely inapplicable for use in tropical soils. Sec­ The dependence of soil susceptibility to water ero­ ond, soil analysis procedures recommended for de­ sion on textural, structural, and hydrological prop­ veloping parameter values for use in the nomo­ erties has been established by several investigators graphs may not be appropriate to highly weathered outside the tropics (Wischmeier and Mannering soils. 1969; Wischmeier et al. 1971; Roth et al. 1974). The first criticism is clearly supported by the data These efforts culminated in the development of in Table 40, which shows that prevailing textural predictive approximations (e.g. for sand K = 0.05; classes, content of organic matter, and/or sesquiox- 94 0 /A .70 // / '" 1- Y.fy fin. \lfClnulClf 2- fin. \lfClnulClf ~/ ~, / 3- m.d Of COCl". \lfClnulof // / ~ / 10 / .60 4-bloclly. plo'Y. Of mClssiy. , V.I / %OM.7 / \~ ~ SOIL STRUCTURE ~ ~ ~~ Y 2/V<~ * 20 .50lll: V 80 / V// )/ l!> z ~~~ V/ ~ 0 ... "- // / /;: 30 70 / AO ~ V ,/ :I / y.l V/ )( , / 0 Q R~,', "~ "~)< a: /~ Q. ~40 ,"- / ./V ~''" .30~ , /0 (/) ," V /' ./-. ... -_... --- ...... _._-> ...... -. ------.-- _...../- L&J '\ v-- ~ ,I z ~ :-' " ~ ii: '/ ~' ~ ~ ~-' ,"-' .I /%,1 + ~, ...~, ~ I~ // '/ . // ~60 A -'/ ' *" .10 / "j V .60 V en 40 ..•...._>- ' " ~, ~,1 t- ~ 'Z~'" ~', 1', V / ,I Z ...... "-.. ~ / "I'~//V \ // ~70 b6 0 .50 V a:: \ \ \ , 1&.1a. ~/ ~\ ~ ~;ffl ~ PERCENT SAND ,\ 1·~~ / PERMEABILITY 80 :':( ~.40 I~ / (O.10-2.0mm) I' , ...... 20 t- 15 u , "- <{ lJ.. /J ~%~ -._-.~-_. . __ .. :.i% 90 K',' '10 >-.30 ...... t- R-5O~ ~ '" m ~7 • 6- Y.fY slow /~I/% 5- slow 100 8.20 4- slow '0 mod. PROCEDURE: '\Itth .pproprtlte d.U, enter sc.le .t left .nd proceed to points representing a:: W 3- mod.fo'. the soll's I Sind (0.10-2.0 ...1. I org.nlc Mltter. structure. And pe_.blllty, !!'. th.t se

0 V

Figure 21. Wischmeier's nomograph for soil erodibility estimation. (Wischmeier et al. 1971)

ides of and aluminum generally fall outside the agement. These include organic matter content, ranges covered by either nomograph. The second tilth and aggregation properties, and the distribu­ criticism is justified, particularly for oxidic soils, by tion of soluble and exchangeable ions (Singer et al. the findings listed in Table 41. This table shows that 1981). A major benefit of well-conceived predictive the predicted erodibility value is clearly dependent equations, therefore, is to make possible the periodic on the methodology used to determine the particle adjustment of a K value whenever appreciable size distribution in soil. It is well known that deter­ changes in soil properties take place. Just as for in­ mination oftropical soil properties, particularly par­ itial determination of erodibility, repeated ex­ ticle size and aggregate stability characteristics, is perimental determinations to detect these changes method-sensitive (EI-Swaify and Lim 1977). Prelim­ would be time consuming and probably prohibitive inary indications are that prediction of the erodibili­ in cost. ty of tropical soils requires parameters different Aside from the investigations summarized above, from those that have been used successfully to pre­ soil susceptibility to erosion has been reported by dict the erodibility of temperate soils (EI-Swaify and most authors only descriptively, or by numerical Dangler 1977; Table 42). ranks at best. These are based partly on the quan­ Although erodibility is presumed to be a constant, titative findings discussed above and partly on inherent characteristic of the soil (Wischmeier et al. general observations by soil scientists and conserva­ 1971), this clearly is not the case. While certain soil tionists, including the observation that poorly ag­ characteristics that determine erodibility remain rel­ gregated very fine sands and silts as well as easily atively unchanged (e.g. particle size distribution dispersible silts and clays are highly erodible. In and mineralogical composition), others can undergo contrast, well-aggregated soils in which surface soil drastic change either naturally or because of man- aggregates do not segregate from the underlying soil

95 I I I I I, , I , , PERCENT (Fe203+AI203)/, ° PERCENT Si0 / O. 4 2 I ,~ 0.5 V 0.3 V/ ~, / 1- / ' , ,~ /,~/ 0.2 V/ ~, ~' / / , 0.1- ' ,, -~ , , 2 / , , // , , ~ ~ / , / / '/ ° E ' , E , / V,. ," V/ , ~ / , .' / 3- / '/, V b 0 ~ , I ,1 , N , / , V, , // ~ 0 / ~ , / ~ / , , " V . , .... ., ...... ••• 'O ...... '/ 0 10 / , / ... , / .. 0 , , 4 , ~7"::," ~ , , ~., ~ ...... ' / / / V 20 ~ , 0 :,... , V V~ ,, z ~~~ <{ K / / /' '/,,' ~V V) 30 , ~ ~~~ ... .:'~ VI , ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ , / V' ...... '~ ~ • :... r--...,...... _ 60_ ... ~ , ;> 40 '/ 'X~..:"~ ...... """'~50 ~j Y , ~' ~~ "," + ~ , , , ... ~r.....: ...... 4030_ , V I-- 50 ," .:.~ ill'" , --I , V "'"~~- .... 20 , V) / "--:::.:: 10_15 ~ V 60 ...... 5 ,,' I-- " / : Z w / ° V u 70 a::: / PERCENT SAND ±J- w (0.1 - 2 mm) a... 80 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 90 SOil ERODIBILITY FACTOR, K 100 o 1000 2000 3000 4000 FACTOR M

Figure 22. Roth, Nelson, and Romkens' (1974) nomograph for soil erodibility estimation.

mass (as do the irreversibly dried aggregates in selected forest soils. In contrast, structural charac­ Hawaii's Typic Hydrandepts) are less subject to teristics, as reflected by soil contents ofaggregates in detachment and rillability. Based on many observa­ different size classes or by combinations between tions, Middleton's (1930) dispersion ratio (the ratio these and other characteristics, were well related to between water-dispersed < 50llm particles and the splash losses. total silt plus clay content of a soil sample) received Rose (1960, 1961), studying splash erosion of wide use for ranking soil susceptibility to erosion. some East African soils, discovered an indication Bonnet and Lugo-Lopez (1950) evaluated "erosive­ that aggregate breakdown under artificial rainfall ness" of Puerto Rican soils on the basis of Middle­ was a factor contributing to soil loss due to splash. ton's criteria. Later Lugo-Lopez (1969) attempted He suggested that his detachment technique might, to simplify the laboratory measurement of erodibili­ after further refinement, provide a sensitive and ty by using the percentage of silt and clay in aggre­ simple means of assessing natural differences in soil gates. Yamamoto and Anderson (1973) found that structure that influence detachment and erodibility. suspension percentage (the numerator in Middle­ Pereira (1956), also working with East African soils, ton's dispersion ratio) was by itself the poorest of 13 looked for a simple test that would define the struc­ erodibility indices in explaining splash losses from tural condition of a soil. He sought to combine in

96 Table 38. Nomograph-predicted erodibility values for some Brazil soils

Range of K values, by horizon

Soil Identification A B C *Podzo1ico Verme1ho 0.49-0.57 0.42-0.57 0.54-0.62 (Amare10 var. Lavas) Serie Artemis 0.30-0.43 0.20-0.28 0.32 *Podzo1ico Verme1ho 0.16-0.38 0.16-0.40 0.43-0.59 (Amare10--0rto) Serie Godinhos 0.30-0.37 0.14-0.22 0.29 *Podzo1ico Verme1ho 0.28-0.36 0.11-0.17 0.15-0.22 (Amare10 var. Piracicaba) Serie Quebra Dente 0.22-0.26 0.25-0.27 0.30 Serie Pau D'A1ho 0.25 0.15 0.57 Serie Bairrinho 0.18-0.24 0.20-0.23 0.27 Serie Lageadinho 0.24 0.49 Serie Pompeia 0.20-0.22 0.18-0.28 0.42 Serie Tres Municipios 0.17 0.17 0.18 Serie Guamium 0.06-0.16 0.07-0.14 0.17 -0.21 Serie Luiz De Quieroz 0.11-0.13 0.11-0.16 0.25 Serie Paredao Verme1ho 0.10-0.12 0.11-0.12 0.10 Serie Monte 01impo 0.09 0.15 Serie Tanquinho 0.06-0.07 0.06-0.09 Seri e Iracema 0.06 0.07-0.09 Sources: *Freire and Pessotti 1974; others from Freire and Pessotti 1976.

Table 39. Nomograph-predicted erod'ibility values for some Sri Lanka sons

Soil Identification Classification K val ue Katunayake Sandy regoso1 0.48 Battica10a Nonca 1cic brown 0.35 Kankesanturai Red-yellow 1atosol 0.33 Mannar Red-yellow 1atoso1 0.33 Anuradhapura Reddish-brown earth 0.27 Hambantota Reddish-brown earth 0.27 Badu11a Red-yellow podzo1ic 0.22 Ratnapura Red-yellow podzo1ic 0.22 Katugastota Reddish-brown 1atoso1ic 0.17 Source: Joshua 1977.

97 Table 40. Comparison of range of properties used to develop existing nomographs with those encountered in selected Hawaii soils

Range encountered to develop to develop Selected Nomograph Nomograph Hawaii Soil property and units 1 2 so i 1s

Silt + very fine sand 13.9-82.3 32.2-59.1 10.0-56.8 (0.002-0.1 mm) % Sand (0.1 mm-2 mm) % 1.4-81. 7 0.59-40.9 1. 56-38.4

Clay « 2~m) % 4.2-44.5 2.6-66.5 19.6-88.8 Organic matter, % 0.9-5.5 0.59-2.12 1.10-18.8 Soil structure class (1-4) 1-4 4 1-3 Soil permeability class (1-6) 1-6 6 1-5

Extractable Fe + Al not given 0.97-3.76 3.62-34.3 (Sesquioxides) %

Extractable Si, % not given 0.12-0.32 0.0062 x 10-3_ 0.245 x 10-3 Sources Wischmeier Roth et ale El-Swaify and Dangler et al. 1971 1974 1977

Table 41. Comparison of nomograph-predicted and experimental erod i bi 1ity values for Hawaii soils

Predicted K value based on Experimental So i 1 Apparent texture H20 di spers ion NaOH di spers ion K Kawaihae 0.25 0.22 0.24 0.35 H"ilo 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.07 Kukaiau 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.17 Naalehu 0.17 0.19 0.11 0.21 Pakini 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.55 Waipahu 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.19 Mo lokai 0.15 0.09 0.08 0.22 Wahiawa 0.07 0.19 0.05 0.14 Waikane 0.15 0.27 0.05 0.09 Lualualei 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.30

98 Table 42. Regression equations obtained at the 5th step of stepwise regression analysis for soil properties (excluding mineralogy) and erodibility of Hawaii soils under different antecedent moisture conditions

Equation No. Equation

1 Kclry 0.01250 + 0.01100 LT250~ + 0.00018 MH 0.01722 SUS - 0.31106 ~ - 0.03681 pH 2 Kwet 0.18946 + 0.00145 BS + 0.00036 MH + 0.00668 BO - 2.64084 MWD - 0.05927 pH 3 Kweighted 0.03970 + 0.00311 LT250~ + 0.00043 MH + 0.00185 BS - 0.00258 SI - 0.00823 ~>100 -- Source: E1-Swaify and Dangler 1977. Legend: Kdry Erodibility under dry antecedent moisture conditions. Kwet Erodibility under wet antecedent moisture conditions. KWeighted Mean weighted value for Kdry and Kwet as explained by Dangler and E1-Swaify (1976). LT250~ Unstable aggregates (%). ~pH pHKC1 - pHH20' BS Base saturation. MWD Mean weighted aggregate diameter, mm/25.4. SI Silt-sized particles (%). MH Sand >100~m(%) [silt-sized particles (%) + very fine sand (%)]. SA>100 Sand >10~m (%). SUS Suspension percentage (%). BD Bulk density. one measurement of infiltration the effects ofperme­ particle size distribution and aggregate stability. As ability of the soil and surface sealing resulting from yet no relationship between these soil properties and aggregate breakdown under raindrop impact. Perei­ erosion indices has been developed. Soils on sloping ra was forced to conclude that while his test added to lands in Taiwan were classified in five categories of the information on infiltration, no single test was increasing relative erodibility and mapped accord­ available to assess soil structural condition as it ingly by the Joint Commission on Rural Recon­ relates to erosion. The potential of this property as struction QCRR-MARDB 1977; Map 29). It is not an index of erodibility is still unclear. Cormory and clear how these categories may relate quantitatively Masson (1964) noted that relative erodibilities of to the K factor ofthe USLE. some Tunisian soils ranged from 1-12, and ar­ An alternative system for estimating soil loss in ranged their values to straddle K values of 0.1-0.5 Zimbabwe has been devised by Elwell (1977), based in the quantitative system of the USLE. They ten­ on a different quantitative definition of soil erod­ tatively assigned K values of 0.05 for Rendzinas ibility. This effort was made to reduce the need for with soft crust to 0.61 for calcareous brown soils on expensive and time-consuming field plot studies eroded marls. Fournier (1967) listed several factors for the determination of individual values of dif­ likely to play a role in a comprehensive index of ferent erosion factors. In devising the "simplified" erodibility. These are particle size distribution, soil loss estimation model for southern Africa chemical composition as it affects flocculation and (SLEMSA), Elwell (1977, 1981) retained the "unit dispersion, organic and argillaceous colloids that plot" concept of the USLE but included only three may contribute to cementation of larger particles, causative parameters oferosion: cohesion and stability of soil aggregates, and the permeability of the subsoil. Fournier also presented Z = KCX (4) data from Senegal to illustrate deterioration of struc­ ture and reduction of permeability with continued where: Z = predicted mean annual soil loss, (Tm/ intense cultivation. He utilized Henin's "instability ha/yr); index" which is based on dispersed and aggregated K = mean annual soil loss (Tm/ha/yr) from


~ ~t!!!!!t!tltt!f

Map 29. Relative erodibility of Taiwan slopeland soils. Classes 1-5 are in increasing order of erodibility. aCRR-MARDB 1977)

100 Table 43. Soil erodibility values (F) used in the SLEMSA Model

Soil texture So il type Bas ic index Light sands 4 loamy sands sandy loams

Med i um sandy clay loam 5 clay loam sandy clay Heavy clay 6 heavy clay Notes: Subtract the following from the basic index: 1 for light textured soils consisting mainly of sands or silts. 1 for restricted vertical permeability within 1 m of the surface, or for severe soil crusting. 1 for ridging up and down the slope. 1 for deterioration in soil structure due to excessive soil loss in the previous year (>20t/ha) or for poor management. 0.5 for slight to moderate surface crusting or for soil losses of 10-20 t/ha in the previous year. Add the following: 2 for deep (>2m) well-drained, light-textured sands. 1 for tillage techniques which encourage maximum retention of water on the soil surface e.g. ridging on contour. 1 for tillage techniques which encourage high surface infiltration and maximum water storage in the profile e.g. ripping, wheel track planting. 1 for the first season of no tillage. 2 for subsequent seasons of no tillage. Source: Elwell 1977.

a standard field plot 30 m x 10m at a 4.5 percent slope for a soil of known Landscape and Topography erodibility under bare fallow; It is evident in observing most forms of rainfall ero­ C the ratio of soil lost from a cropped plot sion, particularly massive gullies, ravines, and land­ to that lost from bare fallow; and slides, that, other conditions being equal, hilly and X the ratio of soil lost from a plot of mountainous regions are especially subject to soil length L and slope S, to that lost from erosion. On the other hand, completely level areas the standard plot. are less subject to soil erosion than to drainage prob­ lems. Generally, however, the major cultivated In this case, the K factor incorporates both the lands of the world are between these extremes of kinetic energy of rainfall and soil erodibility and steep slopes and level land. It has long been ob­ should not be confused with the K factor in the served that higher erosional hazards are always as­ USLE. Rather, erodibility (F) is treated as a sub­ sociated with steeper slopes. Erosion workers and component ofK and the authors defined a soil erodi­ conservationists have also determined that, al­ bility index by basic soil type. The core values for though effects on runoff are inconclusive, soil loss the index ranged from 4 to 6 but were adjusted de­ per unit area is higher for longer than for shorter pending on permeability, structure, and conserva­ slopes ofequal steepness. Slope steepness in percent tion practices (Table 43). Figure 23 provides an (s) and length in meters or feet ( A) are quantitative­ example of these relationships. The X factor in ly incorporated in the USLE by the dimensionless SLEMSA is the same as the LS factor of the USLE factors Sand L respectively. Remember that all pa­ (see next section). rameters, when used within the USLE formulation,

101 300 E :::> c c 0 ...... 250 0 J: ......

~ 200 '3- 0 0 u.. 150 ~ 0 co E 100 0 ...... VI VI 0 .....J 50

0 c./')

Rainfall Energy (E) x 10 3 joules/m2/annum

Figure 23. Relationships between K, E, and soil erodibility F. (Elwell 1977) are intended for predicting losses from rill and inter­ In the tropics several authors have confirmed the rill erosion only. influence of steepness of slope on soil loss (Hudson The exponential dependence of soil loss on slope andJackson 1959; Fournier 1967; Roose 1975a; Lal steepness (or gradient) is generally accepted and has 1976d). Here also, as expected, soil loss generally in­ been verified by most workers (Zingg 1940; Mus­ creased exponentially with slope gradient (Roose grave 1947; Wischmeier and Smith 1965; Hudson 1977c). However, among the few exceptions, Lal 1971). In certain cases the dependence of soil loss on (1976b) and other workers reported that the slope gradient was shown to take a pure power form: presence of crop and mulch cover caused inconsis­ tent relationships between soil loss and slope gradi­ E = cs a (5) ent. Roose (1977c) demonstrated the sensitivity of soil loss to even very small variations (0.25-0.5%) in which E is soil loss, s is slope gradient, and c as in slope steepness. Fournier (1967) earlier reported well as the exponent a are empirical constants. The similar data with soil losses at Sefa, Senegal, in­ value of a varied from 0.4 to 2.0 depending on the creasing from 305-698 to 433-1420 Tm/km2 when experimental conditions used by the different work­ the slope of cropped land increased from 1.0 to 1.5 ers. In other cases a quadratic form was obtained: percent. The dependence of soil loss on slope was greater for sorghum than for groundnuts or rice. E = a + bs + cs 2 (6) Figures 24 and 25 demonstrate the effects of slope on erosional losses from representative residual and in which aJ bJ and c are empirical constants. Wisch­ volcanic ash soils, respectively, in Hawaii under wet meier and Smith (1965, 1978) using the latter form, antecedent conditions. It is interesting to note that calculated the.dimensionless S factor for the USLE soil erosion in both groups displays a linear depen­ as dence on slope gradient. Slope length (A) effects on soil loss are less well 0.43 + 0.30s + 0.043s2 defined. However, general agreement exists among S (7) 6.613 workers that, although runoff volume per unit area may be less for long slopes than for short, the greater in which the figure 6.613 is the value of the numera­ total volume of runoff running down long slopes in­ tor for a standard soil plot (s = 9 % ). duces greater soil losses per unit area from the

102 0.60 0.60 oM-SHORT e o KU eM-LONG [] H !::J. WH-SHORT !::J. K 0.50 & WH-LONG 0.50 eN [] WP & WK-SHORT x P ·WP&WK-LONG 0 <> LL- SHORT 0 I 040 ~ 0.40 ...... +LL-LONG ~E e ~E 0 li. ~ ~ /1),. x 8'" 030 0 8'" 0.30 0 0 V") V") 0 V") V") 0 0 ---I • ---I X == 020 == 0.20 r=0.965 (1%) 0 0 V") V")

0 e 0.10 0.10

~[] []

00 5 10 15 00 5 10 15 SLOPE % SLOPE %

Figure 24. Relation between slope gradient and soil loss under 125 Figure 25. Relation between slope gradient and soil loss from 11 m mm of simulated rainfall for residual soils on Oahu, Hawaii. Long long plots under 125 mm of simulated rainfall for volcanic ash soils and short refer to 24 and 11 m plots, respectively. Storms conducted on the island of Hawaii. Storms conducted at wet antecedent con­ at wet antecedent condition. (Dangler et al. 1976) ditions. Ku = Kukaiau series; H = Hilo series; K = Kawaihae series; N = Naalehu series; P = Pakini series. (Dangler et al. 1976)

longer than from the shorter slopes. It is further shown for residual Oahu soils, Hawaii, are calculat­ generally agreed that the dependence of soil loss (E) ed at 0.67, 0.76, and 1.1 for slopes of 4, 9, and 15 on slope length is in the form percent, respectively. This would indicate that the contribution of slope length (reflected in the effec­ E = bAm (8) tiveness of overland flow) to erosional losses from these tropical soils exceeds that which may be esti­ in which band m are empirical constants. Values mated from the exponents used on the U.S. main­ for the exponent m have been reported by several land (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). Based on his workers to range from 0.5 to 0.9, depending on the equation, Wischmeier's L, a dimensionless factor prevailing slope (Smith and Wischmeier 1957). The for the USLE, has been calculated as equation developed by those authors utilizes the ex­ ponent of 0.5 for slopes of 5 percent or steeper and L (9) has generally been accepted as satisfactory even in the tropics (Hudson 1971; Roose 1977c; Elwell 1977). For slopes of 3 percent or less the exponent where A = slope length in meters, 22.13 m (72.6 becomes 0.3, and for 4 percent slopes it is 0.4 ft) is the length for standard plots for which L = 1, (Wischmeier and Smith 1958). Work in the tropics and m is the exponent explained above. (Hudson 1957; Dangler et al. 1976) indicates that In practice the values for the length and slope fac­ the exponent may have a different value from that tors are generally determined as a combined topo­ used in temperate zones. Based on the data present­ graphic factor, LS from either tables or graphs ed in Figure 24, m values within the range of data (Wischmeier and Smith 1965, 1978). Table 44

103 Table 44. Table for calculation of LS values as recommended by Wischmeier and Smith (1978)

Slope Slope length in meters (percent) 7.62 15.24 22.9 30.5 45.7 61.0 91.4 122 152 183 244 305 0.5 .065 .080 .091 .099 .112 .122 .138 .150 .160 .169 .185 .197 1 .085 .105 .119 .129 .146 .159 .180 .196 .210 .222 .242 .258 2 .133 .163 .185 .201 .227 .248 .280 .305 .326 .344 .376 .402 3 .190 .233 .264 .287 .325 .354 .400 .437 .466 .492 .536 .573 4 .230 .303 .357 .400 .471 .528 .621 .697 .762 .820 .920 1.01 5 .268 .379 .464 .536 .656 .758 .928 1.07 1.20 1.31 1.52 1.69 6 .336 .476 .583 .673 .824 .952 1.17 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.90 2.13 8 .496 .701 .859 .992 1.21 1.40 1.72 1.98 2.22 2.43 2.81 3.14 0""""'" ~ 10 .685 .968 1.19 1.37 1.68 1.94 2.37 2.74 3.06 3.36 3.87 4.33

12 .903 1.28 1.56 1.80 2.21 2.55 3.13 3.61 4.04 4.42 5.11 5.71 14 1.15 1.62 1.99 2.30 2.81 3.25 3.98 4.59 5.13 5.62 6.49 7.26 16 1.42 2.01 2.46 2.84 3.48 4.01 4.92 5.68 6.35 6.95 8.03 8.98

18 1. 72 2.43 2.97 3.43 4.21 4.86 5.95 6.87 7.68 8.41 9.71 10.9 20 2.04 2.88 3.53 4.08 5.00 5.77 7.07 8.16 9.12 10.0 11.5 12.9 25 2.95 4.17 5.10 5.89 7.22 8.33 10.2 11.8 13.2 14.4 16.7 18.6

30 3.98 5.62 6.89 7.95 9.74 11.2 13.8 15.9 17.8 19.5 22.5 25.2 40 6.33 8.95 11.0 12.7 15.5 17.9 21.9 25.3 28.3 31.0 50 8.91 12.6 15.4 17.8 21.8 25.2 30.9 60 11.6 16.4 20.0 23.1 28.4 shows the latest recommendations for calculation of in which H is the average height of surface relief in a the combined LS factor. It is based on the formula: catchment, in meters, and S the projected area of the catchment in square kilometers (see chap. 2). He 2 LS = (_A_)m (0.43 + 0.30s + 0.043s ) (10) ~2 22.13 6.613 considered the term to be an expression ofmas­ siveness of the landscape and found that oe was a in which all the terms have been explained above. necessary modifying mathematical parameter in his Although Table 44 shows data for slopes ranging analysis of correlation between specific degradation from 0.5 to 60 percent and lengths from 7.62 to 305 (based on river sediment loads for catchments m, it is important to indicate that data for slopes less > 2000 km2) and the climatic coefficient e (dis­ than 3 percent, greater than 18 percent, and longer cussed earlier). He found a need for distinguishing than 122 m represent extrapolations beyond the between regions of "slightly accentuated relief" range of research data that the authors had at their (Oe < 6) and those with "accentuated relief" disposal. Therefore, the applicability of the data to (Oe > 6). Again, no evidence has been found in the tropics must be particularly questioned where the literature of the applicability of Fournier's longer or steeper slopes are cultivated, as they often topographic coefficients for predicting site-specific are under high population pressure in developing soil losses in the tropics. tropical countries. Even within the range ofresearch As will be discussed in chapter 5, the relationships data available, verification on tropical soils is lack­ between soil loss and runoffand topographic param­ ing. The data in Table 44 are also intended for use eters provide the quantitative basis for selecting and on simple uniform slopes. To handle the real situa­ designing erosion control practices. Unfortunately, tion of irregular slopes, Foster and Wischmeier most design criteria that have originated in the (1974) devised a refinement of the topographic fac­ United States are applied in tropical countries with tor as follows: little testing to seek improved alternatives.

n j~ 1 (Sj~1.5 - Sj~_11.5) Crop Cover and Residue Management LS (11 ) Ae (72.6)0.5 Long years of experience have shown that other fac­ tors being constant, rainfall erosion from vegetated in which soils is determined by crop types, planting density, canopy characteristics, growth habits and quality of ~ distance from top of slope to lower end stand, combination with other crops in space (inter­ of any segmentJ in units of 3.28 meters cropping) or time (rotation), contribution and man­ (10ft); agement of ground-covering residue, and the ~-l slope length above segmentJ in units of achieved growth stage development by the time 3.28 meters; (erosive) rainfall arrives. Hudson (1957) conclusive­ Ae overall length of slope in units of 3.28 ly demonstrated the role of crop or other low grow­ meters; ing vegetative canopy as a rainfall interceptor that Sj value of slope factor, S for segment )~. dissipates the kinetic energy of raindrops, thus and depleting the raindrop of its soil-detaching power. S (0.043s2 + 0.30s + 0.43/6.613 where s The presence of healthy vegetation also causes in­ is the slope steepness in percent. creased infiltration, reduced runoff, increased soil moisture losses due to transpiration, binding of soil This equation may apply to irregular slopes by by roots, increased soil organic matter (which can breaking them up into a series ofsegments each with act as both a cover and an aggregate binder), and uniform regular slope but having different gradients the slowing or obstruction of overland flow (Fig. and probably different lengths. 13). Fournier (1967) provided an extensive account An alternative topographic parameter, which was of the recognized role ofvegetative cover in soil ero­ discussed earlier, is the "orographic coefficient" sion and conservation in Africa and Madagascar. (Oe), defined by Fournier (1962) as Hudson and Jackson (1959) noted an inverse rela­ tionship between productivity of maize and soil loss H2 (Fig. 32). Krantz et al. (1978) demonstrated that oe =­ (12) S fallow watersheds on Vertisols encountered far more

105 Soil loss 10 T/ha/mm @ 0.08 --T ~ ~ 20 0 0.07 <.J I t/ Fallow ).. 30 I -.J I ....llJ I 0.06 § I c 40 MAINLY SEMI-ARID ZONE RIVERS I cllJ 0.05 I '<:{ RAINFALL < 6'35 mm ANNUALLY 5(] I BW 4C .... I ~ BW 1 1: 0.04 II ::t (.) I .... ------t- (3 0.03 "I. ~ I 0 RIVERS IN AREAS UAVING ANNUAL .~' llJ ~ 0.02 ~~ ;! RAINFALL OF 635mm AND OVER , ~ ~4 llJ U 0.01 ac ~~ llJ ~

0 23456 0 5 10 15 2520 30 35 40 THOUSANDS OF TONS / KM 2/YEAR

Figure 26. Comparative soil erosion from cropped and fallow Verti­ Figure 27. Relationship between catchment vegetation and soil ero­ sols during the rainy season. (Krantz et at. 1978) sion in selected rivers ofAfrica and Asia. (Balek 1977) soil losses than cropped watersheds in the semiarid needed are calendar dates coinciding with each of tropics (Fig. 26). Rimwanich3 reported that soil loss these periods and distribution curves for rainfall from a fallow soil on a 7 percent slope in northeast erosivity (EI values) during the year. Wischmeier Thailand amounted to 48 Tm/ha/yr compared with and Smith (1978) provided the data required for only 0.075 Tm/ha/yr under grass cover. Additional such calculations in many states. Unfortunately, evidence for the importance of vegetative cover has hardly any of the required experiment~ data or been provided by Temple (1972) and Balek (1977) computational components listed above have been (see Tables 45, 46, Fig. 27). Dunne, Dietrich and determined for the tropics. Sample data for Hawaii Brunengo (1978) illustrated the effect of soil ex­ are shown in Table 47, and estimated loss ratios for posure by grazing on erosion rates in semiarid selected tropical crops are provided in Table 48. Kenya, and concluded that erosion rates accelerated The usefulness of these data will be limited to quali­ dramatically as ground cover decreased between 20 tative evaluation of crop cover effectiveness, as the and 30 percent. dates associated with various agronomic practices Because of all the factors controlling crop cover ef­ and rainfall erosivity distributions within the year fectiveness, a quantitative assessment of crop effects are required for cultivated locations in order to cal­ on soil erosion losses-the C factor-can become culate the mean annual values of C. Such distribu­ quite involved. For application in the USLE the C tions are scarce for tropical regions. factor is defined as a dimensionless "ratio between Among other attempts to identify a C factor for soil loss from land cropped under specified condi­ cultivated crops in the tropics were those by Lal tions and corresponding loss from clean-tilled, con­ (1976d; Table 49) and Roose (1977c; Table 50). tinuous fallow" (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). Its Both were developed in West Africa, the first on magnitude may be derived experimentally from re­ Alfisols and the second on both Alfisols and Oxisols. search plots designed to measure soil loss under the Elwell and Stocking (1974) analyzed soil loss data conditions required. Otherwise, to calculate its an­ from grazing trials by Barnes and Franklin (1970) nual numerical value, cropstage periods must be de­ and developed a relationship between exposed soil fined and their duration as well as cover effective­ and soil loss. A mean seasonal rating for exposed ness (expressed as a soil loss ratio) estimated. Also soil was evaluated by using an idealized exposed soil versus time model. Elwell and Stocking (1976) then 3. S. Rimwanich, Land Development Department, Bangkok, Thai­ considered the time distributions of crop cover and land. Personal communication, 1978. rainfall throughout the season, and developed a per-

106 Table 45. Runoff and soil erosion from various crops on identical plots at Mpwapwa, Tanzania

Cult ivated plot + narrow Plot Cultivated grass belts cultivated Grass Ra infall plot across slope 50% grass plot Year (mm) a b a b a b a b 1946/47 780 9.0 18.5 3.9 3.8 1.2 0.6 1947/48 530 16.4- 14.3 10.4 2.1 3.4 0.3 1948/49 650 21.8 44.1 19.2 1.8 7.3 0.5 1949/50 580 12.8 8.3 13.1 0.6 4.7 0.2 1950/51 670 26.7 65.3 19.1 7.7 15.4 2.2 5.3 0.9 1951/52 860 28.9 86.4 10.0 30.3 9.0 1.8 6.5 0.7 1952/53 410 13.3 6.2 11.8 3.0 6.9 0.9 3.9 0.3 1953/54 520 25.5 48.8 21.2 37.2 14.3 3.4 7.2 0.4 Average 690 19.3 36.5 15.5 19.6 11.6 2.1 4.9 0.5 Average* 36.9 20.2 2.2 0.5 Source: Temple 1972a. a = runoff as percentage of annual total; b = soil loss in m3/ha (1.4 Tm/ha). *Inc1uding soil washed to the bottom of the plot but prevented by the tank lip from entering the tank: for grass plot none.

Table 46. Runoff, so i1 erosion, and sediment concentration relationships at the Mpwapwa erosion plots, Tanzania

Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Bare: Bare: Bulrush Bare: Bare: f1 at ridge mi llet or flat Decid. Season uncult . cult. cult. sorghum Grass cult. ungr. Thicket Percentage runoff of total precipitation* 1933/34 52.9 34.8 25.2 29.1 2.8 33.3 ? ? 1934/35 47.8 28.2 20.8 22.9 0.9 27.1 0.5 0.4 Average 50.4 31. 5 23.0 26.0 1.9 30.2 0.5 0.4 Soil erosion in m3/ha 1933/34 97.0 80.4 20.9t 66.5 0 37.5 ? ? 1934/35 98.7 90.0 44.7 37.5 0 25.0 0 0 Average 97.8 85.2 43.3+ 52.0 0 31.3 0 0 Total sediment concentration in runoff in mg/1 1933/34 42,205 53,180 53,280 37,515 25,745 1934/35 56,275 86,805 73,935 52,285 30,235 Average 49,240 69,993 63,608 44,900 27,990 Source: Temple 1972a. *Rainfa11 1933/34, 675 mm; 1934/35, 564 mm. tQuantity relates to less than half the 1933/34 rainy season, before which ridges on contour and no soil loss. Average determined by doubling 1933/34 value and probably an underestimation.

107 Table 47. Sample data for estimated cropping­ residue management as a component of the overall management (C) factors in sugarcane and pineapple fields on Maui, Hawaii crop-management scheme often represents a realis­ tic means of soil erosion control that is perhaps the Average annual C val ue most amenable to the needs of the tropical small farmer. Crop and plant ing Lahaina & schedule Wailuku Pauwela Land Management and Support Practices Sugarcane, irrigated Even in ancient times, farmers discovered that shap­ Spring planted 0.13 0.18 ing their lands in certain ways, such as contour Ratoon 0.11 0.14 planting and terracing (chap. 5), was necessary for Summer pl anted 0.15 0.17 sustained agricultural production. More recently, it has been realized that crop canopy and residue man­ Ratoon 0.11 0.14 agement and subsequent reduction of the C factors, Fall planted 0.27 0.27 are alone insufficient for controlling runoff and ero­ Ratoon 0.21 0.21 sion on sloping lands. Thus, many forms of land Wi nter pl anted 0.29 0.24 shaping and preparation prior to planting have Ratoon 0.18 0.18 emerged in support of cropping factors. These will Pineapple* be discussed in more detail in chapter 5. For the Spring pl anted 0.17 0.19 present, it is important to indicate that the quan­ Surrmer planted 0.29 0.18 titative index for judging the effectiveness of such supporting practices is the P factor of the USLE. Fall pl anted 0.31 0.31 The conventional basis established by Wischmeier planted 0.20 0.24 and Smith (1978) is tillage up and down the slope­ Source: Brooks 1977. presumed to induce the most soil loss among alter­ *Factors listed include ratoon crop which native practices-and is therefore assigned the max­ consumes 12 months of the 30-month crop cycle. imum numerical P value of 1.0. Values based on U.S. data were assigned to the P factor by Wisch­ cent cover-soil loss relationship. This approach was meier and Smith (1978) for contouring, contour proposed as an alternative to the USLE cropping­ strip-cropping, and contour terracing at slope steep­ management factor which requires extensive test­ nesses ranging up to 25 percent (Tables 54, 55, 56). ing. The same authors attempted to separate crop No similar data are available for tropical regions. management treatments that affect physical soil Perhaps more important, no such data have been properties from those directly related to crop canopy determined anywhere for lands with slopes steeper characteristics. Their classification of different crop than 25 percent, although these are often used by canopy types is shown in Table 51 . subsistence farmers in hilly tropical regions with In addition to plant canopy, plant residues, as rapidly increasing population density. protective cover, are also a major component of C­ factor calculations (Fig. 28). Alone, residues may also be an effective mulch against erosion (Table LAND-USE PATTERNS AND FARMING 52). In early studies in tropical Africa, Hudson SYSTEMS (1957) noted the usefulness of mulch in erosion con­ trol, especially in the early part of the season before The parameters outlined in the previous section the crop has become established. Roose (1975b) contribute physically to soil erosional losses associat­ found a few centimeters of straw mulch to be effec­ ed with rainfall and runoff. However, manifestation tive and later (1977c) classified mulching as an ero­ of several of these factors is extremely dependent on sion control practice accounted for by a P (rather the manner in which they are incorporated into ex­ than C) factor (see Table 53). Lal (1976b) found isting land use patterns and farming systems. In similar results when he evaluated a range of mulch particular, it is vital that any use of quantitative rates on different slopes. His reported relationship causative parameters to design control measures between mulch rate and a soil loss mulch factor was (chap. 5) be done with full awareness of these pat­ the same as that proposed earlier by Wischmeier terns and systems to insure compatibility and some (1973; Fig. 29). It is relevant to indicate here that measure of success. The diversity of farming sys- 108 Table 48. Cropstage periods, durations, and estimated soil-loss ratios for selected tropical crops

Crop Stage-description Durat ion Soil-loss ratio

Yams 1. Land preparation to planting 2 mo .70-.60 2. Planting to close in 4-5 mo .60-.50 3. Close in to full cover 2-3 mo .50-.40 4. Full cover to harvest 4-5 mo .40- .20 5. Harvest to land preparation 2-3 yr .20-.10

Miscellaneous vegetab les 1. Land preparation to planting 1 mo .70-.60 2. Planting to full growth 3 mo .60-.40 3. Full growth to harvest 1 mo .40-.10 4. Harvest to land preparation 1-3 mo .20-.10

Pi geon peas 1. Land preparation to planting a) Minimum tillage 2 wk .40-.30 b) Complete plowing 1 mo .80-.70 2. Planting to 2-3 months a) Minimum tillage 1-2 mo .30-.20 b) Complete plowing 2-3 mo .70-.60 3. 2-3 months to harvest a) Minimum tillage 1-2 mo .20 b) Complete plowing 2-3 mo 4. Harvest to land preparation 1-6 mo .20

Coffee grown 1. Land preparation to planting 1 mo .40-.30 2. Planting to 2 months 2 mo .30-.10 3. 2 months to first harvest 21 mo .10-.05 4. First to second harvest 12 mo .05

Shade grown 1. Land preparat ion (hoei ng, shade control) 1-2 mo .30-.20 2. Planting to 2 months 2 mo .20-.10 3. 2 months to first harvest 21 mo .10-.05 4. First to second harvest 12 rno .05

Pastures Nonirrigated 1. Land preparation to planting a) MinimwTI tillage 1 wk .40-.30 b) Plowing and sprigging 2 mo .70-.60 c) Furrowing and sprigging 1 wk .50- .40 2. Planting to close in a) Minimum tillage 2 mo .40-.20 b) Plowing and sprigging 2 mo .60-.20 3. Close in to grazing or cutting 2 mo .20-.05 4. Grazing or cutting to full cover 1-2 mo .05-.01

Pastures Irrigated 1. Land preparation to planting 2-4 wk .80-.70 2. Planting to close in 2-3 mo .70-.20 3. Close in to begin first grazing 2-3 mo .20-.05 4. Begin to end first grazing 2-4 wk .05-.01


109 Table 48. (Continued)

Crop Stage-description Durat ion Soil-loss rat io Plantains 1. Brushing, plowing to planting 1 mo .70-.60 2. Planting to establishment 5-6 mo .60-.30 3. Establishment to first harvest 7-8 mo .30-.20 4. First harvest to finish harvest 2 mo .20-.10 5. Establishment to second harvest 7 mo .10-.05 6. Second harvest to finish harvest 2 mo .05 7. Finish harvest to rebrushing and plowing 2-3 yr .05 Source: G. Martens, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Personal communication, 1979.

Table 49. Soil loss coefficients for maize and cowpeas under different treatments on Alfisols

Ma i ze-ma i ze (conventional Maize-maize Cowpeas-maize Slope Bare plowing, (convent ion a1 Maize-cowpeas (conventional (%) fallow mulched) plowing) (no tillage) plowing) First season 1 1.0 0.0 0.20 0.0 0.06 5 1.0 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.06 10 1.0 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.04 15 1.0 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.04 Second season 1 1.0 0.0 0.11 0.0 0.19 5 1.0 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.08 10 1.0 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.06 15 1.0 0.01 0.16 0.03 0.39 Source: La1 1976d. terns and land uses in the tropics is great and would rain water that flows over the area. Erosion is gener­ be difficult to discuss fully here. Instead, a brief ally limited in extent although losses of suspended outline of major patterns that emerge from a survey fine day may occur. Shifting cultivation is practiced ofthe literature is presented. on land incapable of being flooded for paddy. Ini­ tially, 'Clearings are made in the jungle around a Agricultural Cropping Systems village. The farmer cuts trees into poles during the Numerous classifications of agricultural systems dry season and places them in piles, along with have been proposed for the tropics, for example, by underbrush. Whereas the larger poles may be sold Tempany and Grist (1958), and Ruthenberg (1971). for fuel, the rest are burned. Crops are planted in One of the simplest (Ochse et al. 1961) refers to small areas for one, two, or three years. The opera­ three general systems of agriculture, other than live­ tion is conducted essentially at the family subsis­ stock farming, practiced in the tropics and subtrop­ tence level. From the erosion standpoint, the most ics: paddy (padi) or lowland rice; shifting cultiva­ critical stage is during the onset of the rainy season tion; and intensive cultivation. Paddy culture is when the soil surface is essentially bare during the practiced in flat areas within the lowland tropics and first year immediately after planting. Another prob­ requires excess water. Fields are farmed year after lem is the common invasion by Imperata cylindrica, year under careful management in which fertility is cogon, and its subsequent takeover after forest clear­ restored by the addition of organic matter and the ing. This grass is so dense that it cannot be removed

110 Table 50. Estimated value of the C factor in West Africa

Annual average Pract ice C factor Bare so i1 1 Forest or dense shrub, high mulch crops 0.001 Savannah, prairie in good condition 0.01 Over-grazed savannah or prairie 0.1 Crop cover of slow development or late planting (first year) 0.3-0.8 Crop cover of rapid development or early planting (first year) 0.01-0.1 Crop cover of slow development or late planting (second year) 0.01-0.1 Corn, sorghum, millet (as a function of yield) 0.4-0.9 Rice (intensive fertilization) 0.1-0.2 Cotton, tobacco (second cycle) 0.5-0.7 Peanuts (as a function of yield and date of planting) 0.4-0.8 First year cassava and (as a function of date of planting) 0.2-0.8 Palm tree, coffee, cocoa with crop cover 0.1-0.3 Pineapple on contour (as a function of slope) (burned residue) 0.2-0.5 (buried residue) 0.1-0.3 (surface residue) 0.01 Pineapple and tied-ridging (slope 7%) 0.1 Source: Roose 1977c. by hand tools and may spread to form a savannah In the south of Brazil where few people live and (Ochse et al. 1961). Intensive agriculture may be land is abundant, land is farmed for one or two practiced on small holdings or on large plantations. years and then left idle. Maize is planted up and Crops raised by monocropping include bananas, down steep slopes, yet in the first year erosion is not citrus, pineapple, coffee, cocoa, tea, rubber, spices, reported to be a serious problem despite the heavy copra, , sugarcane, fibers, and others rain period. This may be due to the vigorous crop (Ochse et aI. 1961). growth in the presence of initially adequate fertility A more extensive classification of agricultural sys­ and good soil structure. However, during the sec­ tems in the tropics (Whittlesey 1936, cited by Tem­ ond year the fertility declines and soil structure pany and Grist 1958) includes livestock. This seven­ changes so that runoff and erosion become signifi­ category system is presented briefly as follows: cant. This phenomenon is also true of the tea estates a. Nomadic herding is found largely in arid in Brazil, which are planted on even gentler slopes regions. than maize (Thomas 1967). This situation suggests b. Livestock ranching involves maintenance of that the initially good structure of the soils is so pastures and improvement of the breeding fragile that soil aggregates break down easily even stock. after short periods of cultivation. Mixed farming in­ c. Shifting cultivation is found most generally on volving both cattle and crops is apparently success­ the poorer upland soils ofthe tropics. ful in a few tropical areas. The Teso district of d. Rudimentary sedentary tillage is found on the Uganda and northern Nigeria are examples of such more fertile soils ofthe uplands. successes (Thomas 1967). However grazing alone or e. Intensive subsistence tillage exists predomi­ in mixed farming is associated with many serious nantly in rice culture. erosion problems, particularly in semiarid regions. f. Intensive subsistence tillage without rice oc­ The foremost erosion problem in Gwalior (Ma­ curs on fertile soils with less rainfall than rice dhya Pradesh), India is from livestock. Since cows demands. are sacred, they are not killed and during the dry g. Commercial plantation crop tillage is generally season the problems of feeding become so severe restricted to monoculture ofrubber, sugar, tea, that weeds and grass sod are cut from roadsides and coffee, bananas, and so on. wasteland to feed the animals (Pendleton 1940).

111 Table 51. Classification of crops based on similarities in soil protective characteristics

Description Examples A. Row crops 1. tall, upright crops generally annuals: maize, sorghum, grown on unridged lands sunflowers; perennials: napier fodder, sugarcane 2. leguminous, annuals; short, beans: soya, velvet, jack, bunch, and procumbent varieties dolichos, and French; groundnuts; cowpeas 3. tall, upright crops grown on tobacco varieties, ridged lands group 1 crops on ridges 4. woody, bushy row crops with individual cotton varieties growth and development B. Broadcast crops 1. tall, upright crops broadcast see A1 for fodder 2. short, leguminous crops broadcast for see A2 for fodder and 3. medium height plants for fodder, sunn hemp, green manure and weed fallow weed fallow C. Orchards/plantations 1. individual trees and bushes coffee, citrus, planted on a regular pattern deciduous 2. hedged crops tea 3. thick stands of natural and exotic forestry trees with little to no grass cover D. 1. stoloniferous grasses planted in rows star, Kikuyu, from runners; permanent pastures torpedo 2. seed established grasses usually love grass, Sabi panicum, broadcast; bunch varieties Katambora Rhodes, G1 ant Rhodes 3. species composition closely related natural veld grasses, to the natural regions soil types usually mixed species and condition of the veld predominantly bunch grasses, both annual and perenn i al Source: Elwell and Stocking 1976.

112 1.0 - 1.0 1\,-- :\ \ \ .9 .9 1\ \ \ \ .8 \\ .8 ~ \ ~ 40" 1\ \ .7 \ \\ - - .7 r(AN~PY- 20" \ \ \.. '--f-- \ CANOPY \\ \ n ~ .6 \ 1\ % \ 4( \ \ \. a: \ ,\.,.. \. ~ :(0 \. en \. ~ \. , ~ .5 '\ '" '\. ...J 20 I\. 40 , \ \. ",", g.4~ \.. '" '" " "- "'""-to 0.... '" ...... 40 , ...... '" ...... ',..>"" -- - ~ -'-~'" '" ...... ~ K.- ...... 3 "- .3 '" ...... ~ ...... j"...... ~ "" iE-- , "+- ...... :-...... l'..... r..... l'..... 0.... '" ...... "-...... 100 ...... ~ ~"- r-... 80 ...... ~ ...... 2 .::: .2 ...... " ...... r---...... 1"--... -...... : ...::::: ~ ~ I r-f-. f-...... ~ - ...... -,-- ...... :::: ~~ - r- ~O :-- :----:: ~~ -- i r- - - ::::: .1 r-- .1 ~ ---- ~I--I-- ~~ I, r=::: ~~~ -- - I I N "I 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 % COVER BY MULCH % COVER BY MULCH

Figure 28. Combined mulch and canopy effects when average fall distance of drops from canopy to the ground is about (A) 1 m; (B) 0.5 m. (Wischmeier and Smith 1978)

Terraced farming has been tried in Africa, but means that the soil is fairly well protected from the generally has failed because the terraces have bro­ erosive action of rainfall. The main difficulty with ken down. This system seems to work well only in the system is that burgeoning populations have con­ densely populated areas such as those in Asia where tinually caused the fallow period to become short­ sufficient labor is available to maintain and repair ened below the period necessary for restoring the terraces. Similarly, Thomas (1967) observed that soil to its former productivity level. Various ratios only in the densely populated areas of Africa and have been recommended for crop:fallow periods, Asia will people make the effort to spread manure such as 1: 5 in Venezuela. In other sections of Latin on crops. America there is still much experimentation to find Shifting cultivation is an important aspect oftrop­ a proper ratio (Watters 1971). Whether shifting cul­ ical agriculture and has a profound effect upon the tivation degrades the soil or not is a controversial land (Nye and Greenland 1960; Watters 1971). question. Aside from the hazards associated with the About 30 percent (36 million km2) ofthe world's ex­ areas cleared intentionally for cultivation, uncon­ ploitable soils" involving 200 to 250 million people, trolled burning.offorests has been cited as a cause of were reported as farmed in this manner (Hauck serious erosion (LaI1974). Thomas (1967) provided 1974; Lal 1974). It is known variously as slash and an interesting description of African farms under burn, kaingin, bush fallowing, milpa, ladang, patch, shifting cultivation; To the European or North agricultura nomada, swidden, and other terms. A gen­ American, accustomed to neat and orderly fields of eral definition of shifting cultivation is "any system crops, such a farm presents a bizarre appearance in under which food is produced for less than ten years the forest. There is a great diversity of crops such as from one area ofland, after which that area is aban­ coffee, cocoa, banana, , and yams or ifthe soil is doned temporarily and another piece of land culti­ poor cassava and sweet potatoes. Helter-skelter as vated. The houses ofthe cultivators mayor may not this system appears, it is a wise one as regards be abandoned when the land itself is abandoned; erosion-protection for each crop is gathered when usually they are not. " Abandoned land is recultivat­ ready. Thus enough cover is left to protect the soil ed after the fertility of the land is judged to be re­ from the drying effects of the sun and the erosive stored (Greenland 1974). In shifting cultivation a power of rain. Additional evidence exists to support variety of crops are planted in the land area cleared shifting cultivation although many regard it as a by the cultivator. Sometimes as many as twenty spe­ primitive and inefficient system (FAG 1957). Inter­ cies are planted at the same time, which generally estingly, it appears that no general intensive method

113 Table 52. So i 1 loss ratios (percent) for final cropstage (harvest to plowing) when stalks are chopped and distributed without soil tillage

Corn or sorghum Soybeans Mulch Ti 11 ed Ti 11 ed No-till in Grai n cover* seedbedt No-t ill seedbedt corn residue* stubble§ 20 48 34 60 42 48 30 37 26 46 32 37 40 30 21 38 26 30 50 22 15 28 19 22 60 17 12 21 16 17 70 12 8 15 10 12 80 7 5 9 6 7 90 4 3 4 95 3 2 3 Source: Wischmeier and Smith 1978. * Percentage of a field surface directly covered by pieces of residue mulch; t This column applies for all systems other than no-till; * Cover after bean harvest may include an appreciable number of stalks carried over from the prior corn crop; § For grain with meadow seeding, include meadow growth in percent cover and limit grain period 4 to 2 months. Thereafter, classify as established meadow.

Table 53. P factor for conservation practices in West Africa

Conservation practices P factor Tied-ridging 0.20-0.10 Antierosive buffer strips from 2 to 4 m width 0.30-0.10 Straw mulch 0.01 Curasol mulch (60 g/1/m2) 0.50-0.20 2-3 years of temporary grassland 0.5-0.1 Reinforced ridges of earth or low dry stone walls 0.1 Source: Roose, 1977c. of mechanical agriculture has been found in the ents by rainwater. Nutrients supplied by decompos­ tropics to supplant the old style requiring only a dig­ ing plant remains lead to a brief fertility increase in ging stick and fire (Seavoy 1975). Belgian agrono­ the first year or two, after which a downward trend mists attempted to establish continual agricultural ensues due to leaching and removal of nutrients by production in the Congo (now Zaire) to replace crops. Allan (1965) illustrated such a trend. As the shifting cultivation. The system failed (Eckholm structure of the soil further deteriorates and weak­ 1976). ened crops provide less vegetal cover each year, the Changes in soil productivity associated with land danger of soil loss increases. The period of cultiva­ use after clearing have been evident but not well in­ tion may range from one to a dozen or more years. vestigated. Soil structure deterioration begins as When yields fall below the minimum level required soon as the cycle ofshifting agriculture begins. First, for subsistence, the land is returned to fallow and is grass, bush, and forest trees are removed from the allowed to replenish its fertility under bush or forest land to be cultivated. Mechanical removal and re­ vegetation. As the pressure on the food supply in­ moval by burning of organic material from the soil creases the level of subsistence return drops; that is, surface sets the stage for soil structure deterioration lower yields are acceptable and cultivation periods and leaching of (originally recyclable) plant nutri- lengthen. An example from the Tiv area in Nigeria

114 1.0 fallow periods and the impacts on productivity loss due to this reduction are not known even approx­ imately. An American official with USAID has, as 08 , quoted from Eckholm (1976), "suggested that crop \ yields are declining 'in wide areas of Volta, the

\ Guinea Coast, Zambia, Malawi, and Madagas­ \ a:: car' ." Eckholm continued with the observation that 0 0.6 , ~ , u , per capita food production in Africa has declined ~ , x over the last twenty years. U ...J " The reason for yield declines under shifting culti­ :::> 0.4 " :E " vation are not entirely clear. An analysis of the "" properties of some Zambian soils led Ballantyne ~ (1958), reported by Allan (1965), to conclude that 02 "'" ~ loss of soil structure accounted for grain yield i'.... declines under shifting agriculture. Lal (1976c) has ...... ~ shown that soils commonly used in shifting agricul­ o o 20 40 60 80 100 ture suffer reduced infiltration, change in surface texture from finer to coarser, and reduced moisture­ % OF SURFACE COVERED BY MULCH retention capacity with consecutive cropping. He Figure 29. Effect of plant residue mulch on soil loss. Mulch factor is hypothesized that soil erosion is the cause of these the ratio of encountered soil loss to corresponding loss without deteriorating characteristics. Reduced soil fertility is mulch. (Wischmeier 1973) a generally accepted reason for yield declines and was illustrated by Ofori (1974). Hudson and Jack­ illustrates this problem. In this region, covering ap­ son (1959) have shown a direct relationship between proximately 26,000 km2 and supporting a popula­ soil loss and crop production (Fig. 19). See chapter 3 tion of 900,000 people, some of the more heavily for additional information on erosion-productivity populated areas (with more than 154.4 persons per relationships. km2) are showing a reduction in the fallow period (Vermeer 1970). Lands once fallowed for ten years Wild Lands now rest for only two. Declining yields have led to a Forests, grazing areas, and other uncultivated longer "hungry season" at the end of the crop year lands, which often are in steep terrain, are termed and a movement away from yam production (yams "wild lands." When these are situated at the upper require relatively more fertile soil· for success) toward small grain production. Each year, more Table 54. P values and slope-length limits for land goes out of production as fertility declines and contouring erosion strips the soil and exposes underlying rock. A major change in land use patterns in the tropics Land slope Max imum length* is that already, in places, the fallow periods of the (%) P value (ft) shifting cultivation cycle have been abandoned alto­ 1 to 2 0.60 400 gether. This is happening at a time when the re­ source and technological inputs required to sustain 3 to 5 .50 300 agricultural production on cleared lands are ill 6 to 8 .50 200 defined. Continuous cultivation on moderately slop­ ing land of an agricultural experiment station at 9 to 12 .60 120 Serere, Teso district, Uganda led to such intense 13 to 16 .70 80 erosion that in ten years the land had to be aban­ doned. Nearby soils of a similar erosion-resistant 17 to 20 .80 60 nature, suitable for permanent or semipermanent 21 to 25 .90 50 cultivation, showed only "a relatively small drop in soil productivity over twenty years" when two years Source: Wischmeier and Smith 1978. *These values may be increased by 25 percent if of natural fallow followed three cropping years residue cover after planting will regularly (Allan 1965). The acreage affected by reduced exceed 50 percent.

115 Table 55. P values, maximum strip widths, and slope-length limits for contour strip-cropping

Land slope P values Strip width§ Maximum length (%) A* st C:t: (ft) (ft) 1 to 2 0.30 0.45 0.60 130 800 3 to 5 .25 .38 .50 100 600 6 to 8 .25 .38 .50 100 400 9 to 12 .30 .45 .60 80 240 13 to 16 .35 .52 .70 80 160 17 to 20 .40 .60 .80 60 120 21 to 25 .45 .68 .90 50 100 Source: Wischmeier and Smith 1978. * For 4-year rotation of row crop, small grain with meadow seeding, and 2 years of meadow. A second row crop can replace the small grain if meadow is established in it. t For 4-year rotation of 2 years row crop, winter grain with meadow seeding, and I-year meadow. * For alternate strips of row crop and small grain. § Adjust strip-width limit, generally downward, to accommodate widths of farm equipment.

Table 56. P values for contour-farmed terraced fie1ds*

Farm planning Computing sediment yie1d* Steep backslope Land slope Contour Strip-crop Graded channel underground (%) factort factor sod outlets outlets 1 to 2 0.60 0.30 0.12 0.05 3 to 8 .50 .25 .10 .05 9 to 12 .60 .30 .12 .05 13 to 16 .70 .35 .14 .05 17 to 20 .80 .40 .16 .06 21 to 25 .90 .45 .18 .06 Source: Wischmeier and Smith 1978. *Slope length is the horizontal terrace interval. The listed values are for contour farming. No additional contouring factor is used in the computation. tThese values may be used for control of interterrace erosion within specified soil-loss tolerances. *These values include entrapment efficiency of the catchment (see chap. 2A) and are used for control of offsite sediment within limits and for estimating the field's contribution to watershed sediment yield.

116 parts of river basins they will greatly affect water of runoff, thus allowing good water infiltration dur­ flow in the lower parts of the streams and rivers ing longer contact with the soil. The surface of un­ (Kunkle and Harcharik 1977). The highly beneficial disturbed forest soils is characterized by a thick, effects of forests on controlling runoff are well docu­ organic-matter layer with considerable biotic activi­ mented (Bennett 1939; Kohnke and Bertrand 1959; ty (Bates 1960). The organic matter fraction of soils Ahmad and Breckner 1974; Patric and Brink 1977). has been correlated with aggregate stability (Baver For example, in a comparative watershed study in 1968; Greenland 1971). Thus, a long-term benefit Kenya, in which 76 mm of rain fell in 30 min at a of rich forest litter is that it favors aggregate stabili­ maximum short-duration intensity of 254 mm/hr, it ty, a factor which earlier was shown to be strongly was found that a 32 ha housing development pro­ correlated with soil erodibility (El-Swaify and Dan­ duced a flow of 2.15 m 3/sec through a flume in­ gler 1977). stalled in a grassed waterway. The peak rate At least half of the wood cut in the world each through a similar installation in the adjacent forest year is burned for fuel. Eckholm (1976) referred to watershed of similar area was only 0.056 m 3/sec, this as "the other energy crisis." It is becoming in­ almost forty times lower (Pereira 1973). Infiltration creasingly difficult for people in India, Africa, Asia, rates are significantly higher in forests than in com­ and Latin America to obtain wood for fuel. For ex­ parable agricultural or pastoral areas. In a Russian ample, in Ougadougou, UpperVolta, 20 to 30 per­ study, hardwood forests were found to have roughly cent of a laborer's income is spent on firewood. A six to twenty times higher infiltration rates than circle of 70 kilometer radius from Ougadougou has ploughed land (Molchanov 1963, cited by Kunkle been denuded of trees by the the inhabitants of this and Harcharik 1977). In a tropical environment, a city-and the circle is expanding (Eckholm 1976). Hawaiian study of forestland versus adjacent agri­ The greatest scarcity of wood exists on the Indian cultural land (pineapple, sugarcane) or pasture subcontinent, where, as an alternative, many rural showed that 14 of 15 sites had much higher infiltra­ inhabitants use handmolded dung patties for fuel. tion rates in the forest plots (1.2 to 500 times) than This practice is rapidly spreading and subsequent their counterparts under agriculture or pasture loss of the major source of organic fertilizer is (Wood 1977). The same author reported that forest­ assured. Consequently the impoverished soils are ed soils had greater porosities and less erodible ag­ further degraded (Eckholm 1976). gregates than the non-forest-covered soils. In Nige­ In the Philippines, at the peak of the dry season, ria, even in secondary forest (bush fallow), much vast areas of pasture are burned by ranchers in an higher infiltration capacities (horizontal plus ver­ attempt to eliminate the unpalatable (to cattle) old tical infiltration) were found when compared to such cogon (Imperata cylindrica) and to provide young land after a year in crops. This was attributed, at growth for forage. When the rainy season com­ least in part, to horizontal channels formed by the mences, surface cover is scanty and erosion is thus activity of ants and earthworms in the surface hori­ enhanced. Furthermore, burning actually favors the zons of the forest soils, which disappeared after cul­ establishment of Imperata cylindrica over other forage tivation (Wilkinson and Aina 1976). grasses. In the Ilocos region of the Philippines there The valuable contribution of forest litter has also is an unusual demand for fuel to cure tobacco. Tree been realized by conservationists (Bennett 1939). cutting is intensive, so that in this mountainous Most importantly the twigs, mold , stems, and region erosion is accelerated (Weidelt 1975). bark fragments that comprise the litter act as a bar­ Shifting cultivation is one of the main sources of rier to protect the pores and channels into which deforestation in Thailand, resulting in increasing rainfall may infiltrate (Lowdermilk 1936, cited by soil erosion (de Boer 1977). In Sabah, logging roads Bennett 1939). In the presence of such protection, are established with a minimum of earthwork and destructive effects ofraindrop impact and formation slope gradients are disregarded; gradients of nearly of soil surface seals are unlikely. Secondarily, this 30 degrees are not uncommon. There is no attention ground cover serves as a sponge or blotter that ab­ to drainage by use of culverts or keeping the water sorbs and holds rainfall. However, this function is on the inside ofthe road. Thus, erosion goes on dur­ not considered as important as the safeguarding of ing logging as well as for years afterwards. Ulti­ soil pores against sealing and thus maintaining high mately, whole sections of roads slip and lead to for­ infiltration rates and reducing runoff. Litter also mation of gullies (Burgess 1971). With the land rush contributes to slowing down the surface movement on in Sabah there is growing concern that the forest 117 will disappear as seems to be the fate of the lowland found that installation of paved streets, parking lots, Dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia (Chim and buildings by no means reduced sedimentation and Soon 1973). proportionately. Increased runoff was considered to cause greater erosive power on the channel system Construction Activities (Guy 1974). Poorly planned construction, whether for homes, Ateshian (1974) found that an average of 31.3 factories, roads, or shopping centers, may cause percent ofthe total annual sediment from roadbanks serious erosion problems. The major difficulty re­ was produced by the largest storm. However, for sults from the removal of the vegetative cover and highway design work it has been pointed out that topsoil, which impairs infiltration and favors runoff more reliable estimates of sediment yield may be from rainstorms. For example, the construction of made on a yearly or monthly basis than from indi­ homes on what had been farmland in Kensington, vidual storms (Diseker and Sheridan 1971). MD resulted in 168 Tm/ha (75.6 tons/acre) soil loss An additional study of river sediments on the per year (Guy 1965). A 2.65 km(1.65 mile) long Coastal Plain and Piedmont areas of Maryland logging road caused an increase of 250 times the (Wolman and Schick 1967) indicated that sediment sediment in runoff during the first storm following concentrations from construction areas ranged from construction, in comparison to an adjacent water­ 3000 to over 150,000 ppm; in agricultural catch­ shed (Fredericksen 1965). In Tama New Town, ments the highest concentration of suspended sedi­ which is a very large housing subdivision near ments was only 2000 ppm. In terms of annual loss Tokyo, (1200 mm annual rainfall) 15.4 mm/yr of this represents a maximum of approximately 500 soil were lost from loam and sand layers. After com­ Tm/ha/yr from construction sites. Road cuts in pletion of pavements, drainage ditches, and the es­ Georgia (Wolman and Schick 1967) produced com';' tablishment ofcover, the sediment yield approached parable losses of roughly 180 to 490 Tm/ha/yr and zero (Kinoshita and Yamazaki 1975). A compara­ surface losses of 3 to 6 cm from the road cuts in less tive study in the metropolitan area of Washington, than one year. DC in the United States showed that soil losses from No quantitative information on the contribution construction sites'varied from 100-500 Tm/ha/yr in of construction activities was available for develop­ contrast to soil losses of 3-7 Tm/ha/yr from noncon­ ing tropical countries. However, the data presented struction areas (Chen 1974). Similarly, sediment above would indicate inevitable serious losses of loads in a stream from an area undergoing urban­ soils during such activities whenever protective ization near Ottawa, Canada were 3 to 5 times as precautions are not followed. The extent and du­ great as those from a neighboring rural area (War­ ration of disturbance associated with a specific nock and Lagoke 1974). Sediment yield was 91 construction activity will determine whether the Tm/ha during construction of an office complex magnitudes and impacts of resulting losses are as over a two year period in Reston; VA. An adjacent important as those affecting farms and wild lands. forested area yielded negligible sediment. It was also


From the discussion of the causative factors of soil Asia; shortened fallow periods in shifting cultivation erosion in chapter 4, it is evident that several factors render that practice little more than intensive agri­ are subject to manipulation, a fact which provides culture without the inputs required for sustained the basis for erosion control. Among the parameters productivity; emigration is followed by resettlement of the USLE, controllable parameters include pri­ on fragile soil systems which require careful man­ marily C (crop management), P (support practices), agement to support agricultural crops, as appears to and LS (topography). While the soil susceptibility be evident in Amazonia and Indonesia; throughout parameter (K) is generally presumed constant and the tropics wholesale destruction of woody plants to inherent to the soil, it too can be changed by any obtain firewood leads to removal of cover. Thelist means that alter soil structure. Such alteration is goes on. All result in ever-increasing soil losses. commonly achieved by tillage and amendment man­ The first step in a conservation plan should be an agement practices such as in the reclamation of inventory and classification of lands for their best sodie soils. possible use. Such a plan should recognize the limi­ Absolute prevention ofsoil erosion is unattainable tations and constraints that may have to be consid­ and often unnecessary; therefore a realistic goal is to ered to use a particular land·area wisely. The land keep soil losses within "tolerable" limits as defined capability concept was first developed in the United in chapter 1. Ifthis can be achieved throughout the States (SCS 1948; Klingebiel and Montgomery tropics, a major step will have been taken toward al­ 1961), but physical and socioeconomic conditions leviating critical world food shortages and reducing are so different in the tropics that the U.S. classifica­ the frequently calamitous effects oferosion discussed tion is not relevant-either to most lesser developed in chapter 3. countries (LDCs), or to excessively steep slopes Conservation has come to mean the wise use of anywhere. Erosion risk assessment should be recog­ resources. Given that, according to a widely used es­ nized as an integral part ofland classification (Blair­ timate, a foot of soil generally requires more than a Rains 1981, Douglas 1981, Bennema and De Mees­ thousand years to form, limiting soil losses is man­ ter 1981). "Sheng's scheme of land capability datory if future human generations are to survive. classification for Jamaica" (Sheng and Stennett We must learn to blend our land use more harmoni­ 1975) serves as a model for developing countries, ously with the environment, as the recent concern especially those with predominantly hilly land (see with ecology has taught us. We are rapidly running Table 57). Preparation of such a classification is a out of new locations of arable land. With the human first step. If land use is planned so as to conform population expected to double by the early part of either to this classification or a similar one, many the twenty-first century, we must conserve (wisely erosion problems could be avoided at the outset and use) existing soil resources and limit the exponential later minimized. In the words of the proverb, "An population growth. While the latter problem must ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. " The be solved by other disciplines, dwindling soil re­ basic principles of erosion control involve the sources and soil productivity are our problem. Herd dissipation of raindrop impact which limits soil sizes exceed the carrying capacity of the land in detachment and favors water infiltration, and reduc­ many developing nations; vast tracts of timber are tion of runoff volume and velocity which diminish clear-cut and logging roads are built without regard sediment transport. Much ofthis can be achieved on to ecological consequences, especially in Southeast cultivated lands by enhancing the concepts of good 119 Table 57. Sheng's scheme of land capability classification for Jamaica --a treatment-oriented scheme especially for hilly watersheds

Slope 1. Gently 2. Moderately 3. Strongly 4. Very 5. Steep 6. Very Sloping sloping sloping strongly Steep Soi 1 sloping depth 30°

F Deep (D) C1 C2 C3 C4 FT > 90 cm

Moderately deep (MD) C C C 50-90 cm 1 2 3 1/V F Shallow (S) 20-50 cm C1 / IY PF F Very shallow P P P FF (VS) <20 cm 1/ Source: Sheng and Stennett 1975. 1. Symbols for most intensive tillage or uses: C Cultivable land 1, up to r slope, requiring no, or few, intensive conserva- 1 tion measures, e.g. contour cultivation, strip cropping, vegetative barri~r, rock barrier, and in larger farms, broadbase terraces. Cultivable land 2, on slopes betwe~n 7° and 15°, with moderately deep soils needing more intensive conservation e.g. bench terracing, hexagon, miniconvertib1e terracing for the convenience of four wheel tractor farming. The conservation treatments can be done by medium sized machines such as Bulldozer D5 or D6. Cultivable land 3, on slopes from 15° to 20°, needing bench terracing, hexagon, and miniconvertib1e terracing on deep soil and hillside ditching, individual basin on less deep soil. MeChanization is limited to small tractor or walking tractor because of the steepness of the slope. Terracing can be done by a smaller tractor with 8 ft wide blade. Cultivable land 4, on slopes of 20° to 25°; all the necessary treatments are likely to be done by manual labor. Cultivation is to be practiced by walking tractor and hand labor. p Pasture, improved and managed. Where slope approaches 25° and when the land is too wet, zero grazing should be practiced. Rotational grazing is recommended for all kinds of slopes. FT Food trees or fruit trees. On slopes of 25° to 30°, orchard terracing is the main treatment supplemented with contour planting, diversion ditching, and mulching. Because of steepness of slopes, interspaces should be kept in permanent grass cover. F Forest land, slopes over 30°, or over 25° where the soil is too shallow for any of the above soil conservation treatments.


120 Table 57. (Continued)

2. Any land which is too wet, occasionally flooded, or too stony, which prevents tillage and treatment, should be classified as: (a) Below 25° -- Pasture (b) Above 25° -- Forest 3. Gully dissected lands which prevent normal tillage activities--Forest. 4. Mapping Symbols: might be labeled as: Most intensive use soil-slope-depth

exampl e: 32 - 2 - D means: Cultivable land 2 wirefence clay loam - 7° to 15° - 36 in Or, it could be simply labeled as C2. land husbandry which favor high productivity as the barriers made across the slope by the ridges. Un­ well (Shaxon 1981). When supported by a realistic doubtedly other erosion control procedures exist land capability classification, implementation of that are as yet generally unknown outside the coun­ these concepts can provide a safeguard against try or area in which they are practiced. Such tech­ severe soil erosion. niques represent a potentially valuable conservation There are many ways to classify erosion control resource and when recognized should be made more practices but for our purposes the primary break­ universally available. Sophisticated terracing sys­ down will be into traditional for the localized methods tems have been built by early civilizations in many employed largely in the LDCs and developed to indi­ countries (e.g. in South America and the Philip­ cate more universal practices. pines); many are still in use today.


Some successful forms of erosion control are unique A number of erosion control practices are used to certain areas. For example the "lock and spill" throughout the world in developed countries and in­ technique is traditional in Sri Lanka. In this method creasingly in LDCs (Fig. 30). a fairly deep runoff storage ditch is constructed at Vegetative measures (such as mulching, use of the base of the field, with a berm placed downslope cover crops, strip-cropping, and the like) all favor of the ditch. Runoff is stored in the basin and even­ maintenance of good rainfall infiltration into soil, tually evaporates or infiltrates into the soil. On whereas heavier mechanical operations (including pineapple plantations in Hawaii it is customary to land-shaping, construction of waterways, contour position and secure large plastic sheets on small falls bunds, terraces, or ridges) are based on reducing in the waterways to prevent undercutting and down­ topographic hazards and safe removal of runoff. cutting-a practice that works quite well as long as Both have feasibility limits. Very often, application the gradient is not excessive. A seemingly clever of both kinds of measures is necessary for a sound erosion control practice in Ecuador has been report­ conservation program (Lal1977b and 1981). In the ed verbally by Dr. D. Plucknett of the World Bank following pages various erosion control measures staff: Two bunds are constructed up and down will be discussed in broad terms. Specifications and slope. The area between is shaped into small ridges detailed design criteria may be obtained from perti­ that wind in a serpentine manner down the hillside. nent technical sources such as the Soil Conservation Runoff water is thus confined laterally by the bunds Service (1975a), publications of the Food and and progresses relatively slowly downslope behind Agricultural Organization of the United Nations,




Ridging Minimum and tillage ridge tying and no-till

Figure 30. Flow chart of selected soil erosion practices for water-induced soil erosion. other engineering manuals (Hudson 1975; Beasley in reforestation or afforestation programs intended 1972), the Manual of Reforestation and Erosion primarily to curtail or correct erosion problems. Control for the Philippines (Weidelt 1975), and/or from experienced field conservationists. The prob­ EXAMPLE 1-INDIA: Afforestation of a badly erod­ lems and practice of soil conservation were the sub­ ed and gullied 272 ha area at Rehmankhera has ject ofa recent conference and subsequent published been reported aalote and Malik 1974). Initially, proceedings (ICSC 1981). fencing was installed to keep livestock out. Then soil trenches 180 by 60 by 45 cm deep were dug, in Vegetative Control Methods which seeds of Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Acacia Vegetation is the key to the prevention of soil ero­ catechu, Ailanthus excelsa, and Albizia lebbek were sown. sion (see chapters 2 and 4). Ifall soils were perpetu­ Nursery transplants supplemented the seeding. The ally covered with mature forests or grass sward, ac­ project was started in 1951-1952 and reforestation celerated erosion would not be a problem. However, was completed in 1964. Today complete cover exists at least for brief periods of time, farming, logging, and the soil is well protected. fires, mining, and construction activities expose the soil, which then becomes vulnerable to erosive rain­ EXAMPLE 2- MALAGASY REPUBLIC: Retimbering fall and runoff. In Table 58 are listed all the plant degraded lands is ongoing in the Malagasy Republic species discussed in this chapter as well as others, (Madagascar). Various Eucalyptus species are fa­ that have been found useful for erosion control. vored and 130,000 ha of high land have been plant­ ed with these fast growing trees. Pine plantations Noncultivated Lands have been established on 16,000 ha, three quarters Forest Land. Several attributes of natural forest of which are located in the Matsiatra Valley. In ad­ vegetation are responsible for the effectiveness of dition 4000 ha of land around Lake Alaotra have forests in protecting the soil against erosion. In the been sown from the air with Mimosa spp., Dinga­ humid tropics these include the appreciable soil pro­ dingana (scientific name unavailable), and others to tection by the canopy and undergrowth, little soil protect the watersheds (Le Bourdiec 1972). exposure due to abundant litter and minimum dis­ turbance, beneficial soil binding by highly pro­ EXAMPLE 3-THE PHILIPPINES: Different objec­ liferated roots and decomposed organic matter, and tives may have governed the planting of forests in the frequently significant activity associated with the the Philippines. Only eight species of sawtimber are presence ofearthworms or other soil fauna. Coupled recommended, as too many species were presumed with the high evapotranspiration demand of forest to cause marketing problems. The eight are large­ vegetation, these attributes can minimize soil leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), teak (Tectona detachment and maximize infiltration rates thus grandis), benguet pine (Pinus insularis), narra (Ptero­ providing restricted runoff and erosion (e.g. Lal carpus indicus), prickly narra (Pterocarpus vidalianus), 1980, Sanchez 1976). melina (Grnelina arborea), kariskis (Albizia falcataria), Verduzco (1960) recommended that each country and bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta). Four of these keep at least 25 percent of its land area in forests. species-benguet pine, melina, kariskis, and bagras This general statement was prompted by the occur­ -are also recommended for pulpwood plantings. rence of floods, , dust storms, erosion, and Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) is the commonest fuel­ sudden temperature changes in Mexico following wood in plantations, although kakawati (Gliricidia the destruction of forests in that country. In light of sepium) and Cassia siamea are also planted for this the Mexican experience, it is unfortunate that her­ purpose (Weidelt 1975). bicides were used to defoliate and thus destroy large areas ofjungle in South Vietnam (Maher 1972). In­ EXAMPLE 4-BoLIVIA: In South America, Chase terestingly, however, Budowski (1956) claimed that (1976) has suggested that algaroba (Prosopsis spp.), there is no evidence to uphold the belief that a soil carob (Ceratonia siliqua) and honey locust (Gleditsia may become too poor to support forest regrowth in triacanthos) be used for forest farming in Bolivia. All tropical regions. bear pods that contain 16-21 percent protein and The illustrations that follow show how some de­ the meal is an excellent food source for cattle and veloping countries have incorporated suitable for human consumption as well. Their es-

124 Table 58. Selected vegetation useful for erosion control*

Acacia catechu -- Acacia, Catechu, Calopogonium caeruleum --Calopogontum, --- Cutch tree, Khair jicuma Acacia decurrens ---Black, silver, or Calopogoniummucunoides .:.-Calopo, --- green wattle Calopogonium, Katj ang asoe Acacia mangium -- N.A.t Cassia hookeriana -- Shower tree Acacia nilotica -- Acacia, gumarabic, babul, ;suntwood Cassia siamea -- Kassod tree

Acacia tortil is --Gurrmt,:",akazie Cenchrus ciliaris -- Sandbur Acioa barteri --N.A. Cenchrus sitigerus -- Sandbur Aeschynomene i nd ica -- Joint vetch Centrosema pubescens -- Peaflower Agavecantal a -- Maguey Ceratontasil igua -- Carob Ailanthus excelsa -- Ailanthus Chloris barbata-- Chloris A1bizia>falcatari a -- Kari sk is Chloris bournei -- Chloris

A"lbizia lebbek-- Woman's tongue Chloris ~ -- Rhodesgrass --- tree, Lebbek tree, Siris tree Coffea spp. -- Coffee Alnus maritima Japanese alder Crotolaria spp. -- Crotolaria Alternanthera brasiliana -- Racaba Cymbopogon coloratus -- N.A. Alysicarpus rugosus -- Alyce clover Cynodon dactylon -- Bermuda grass Arachis hypogaea -- Groundnut, peanut Cynodon plectostachyum -- Stargrass Arundinella nepalensis -- N.A. Dactylis glomerata -- Cocksfoot, orchard grass Astragalus garbancillo -- Milkvetch Dalbergia sissoo -- Sissoo Avena sativa -- Oats Datura alba -- Trumpet tree Axonopus compressus -- Carpet grass Dendrocalamus strictus -- Male bamboo, Bambusa spinosa -- Bamboo, Kawayan Calcutta bamboo, bans, Bambusa vulgaris -- Bamboo, Kawayan- etc. Kil i ng Desmodium diffusum -- Desmodium, tick Bothriochloa intermedia --Australian clover, beggar bluestem weed decumbens N.A. Desmodium intortum -- Desmodium, tick clover, beggar Bromus spp. -- Brame grass weed Broussonetia papyrifera -- Paper Desmodium uncinatum -- Spanish clover mulberry Dichanthium annulatum -- N.A. Cajanus cajan -- Arhar, , ------Congo pea, etc. Digitaria decumbens -- Pangola grass Calamagrostis spp. -- Reed grass Dolichos -- Hyacinth bean, 1ab 1ab Calliandra callothyrsus -- N.A. Calligonum spp. -- Cal ligon (Continued)

125 Table 58. (Continued)

Eragrostis curvula -- Weeping love Nauclea spp. -- Sarcocephal us, fathead grass tree, West African boxwood, bengal Erigeron mucronatum -- Australian perampocan daisy Neomarica northiana -- Apostle plant Eucalyptus deglupta -- Bagras Panicum maximum -- Guinea grass Eucalyptus spp. -- Eucalyptus Panicum turgidum -- Panicum Ficus nota -- Tibig Paspalum notatum -- Bahia grass Gleditsia triacanthos -- Honey locust Pennisetum clandestinum Kikuyu grass Gliricidia sepium -- Madre de cacao, kakawat i , Pennisetum pedicellatum Pennisetum Nicaraguan cocoa shade Pennisetum polystachyon -- Thin Napier grass Gmelina arborea -- Melina Pennisetum purpureum -- Elephant grass, Glysine Max -- Soybean Napier grass Halaxylon persicum -- N.A. Phalaris tuberosa -- Large canary grass Helianthus tuberosus -- Mexican sunflower, Phaseolus mungo -- Urd, black gram girasole, Jerusalem Phaseolus radiatus -- Moong, , artichoke green gram Homonoia riparia -- Dumanay Pinus caribaea -- Cuban pine, Carib pine, slash pine Indigofera endecaphylla -- Creeping indigo Pinus insularis -- Benguet pine Lagerstroemea subcostata -- N.A. Pinus palustris -- Longleaf pine Lantana camara -- Yellow sage Pinus patula -- Tropical pine, Mexican ------yellow pine Lasiurus sindicus N.A. Pinus rigida -- Pitch pine Lespedeza cuneata Lespedeza Pinus taeda -- Loblolly pine Leucaena leucocephala -- Uaxin, koa hao 1e, i pil­ Pithecolobium dulce -- Kamachile, ipil, lamtoro ------manella, , Lolium perenne-- Perennial ryegrass opi uma Lupinus spp. -- Lupin Populus balsamifera -- Cottonwood Macroptillium atropurpureum -- Siratro Prosopsis juliflora -- Common mesquite, algaroba Mallotus japonicus -- N.A. Pterocarpus indicus Narra, padauk, Medicago sativa -- Lucerne, alfalfa Burmese rosewood Mimosa spp. -- Mimosa Pterocarpus vidalianus -- Prickly Mucuna cochinchinensis Vel vet bean narra Mucuna nigricans -- Lipai Pueraria javanica -- Kudzu Musa sapientum -- Banana -- Tropical kudzu

(Continued) 126 Table 58. (Continued)

Pueraria thunbergiana -- Kudzu Swietenia macrophylla -- Large leaf mahogany, Rhynchosia minima -- N.A. Honduras mahogany Robinia pseudoacacia -- Black locust Tamarix aphylla -- Tamarisk Salix spp. -- Willow Tecomella undulata -- Marwak teak Sansevieria guineensis -- Sword plant, African Tectona grandis -- Teak bows tri ng hern p Tephrosia candida -- White tephrosia Sansevieria zeylanica -- Ceylon bowstring Teramnus labialis -- N.A.

Schizostachyum lumampao -- Boho Thea sinensis -- Tea Sesbania grandiflora -- Agati, bacule, Trifolium pratense -- Red clover turi, etc. Trifolium repens -- White clover Setaria splendida -- Bristle grass Tripsacum laxum -- Guatemala gamagrass, Sorghum spp. -- Sorghum ------yerba Guatemala Stizolobium deerangiana -- Velvet bean Triticum aestivum -- Wheat (Mucuna deerangiana) Urochloa Mosambicensis -- Buffel grass Stylosanthes gracilis -- Stylosanthes Wedelia spp. -- Wedelia Stylosanthes guayanensis Stylosanthes, Brazilian Zea mays -- Corn, maize lucerne Stylosanthes humilis -- Stylosanthes

Source: Bunting and Milsum 1928; FAD 1977b; NAS 1979; RRIM 1977; Shankarnarayan and Magoon 1974; Weidelt 1975; and others.- *Many species are of greatest value when planted in combination with other species. tN.A. - not available. tablishment was encouraged since all are legumes floodwaters. The living fences also serve to trap silt (thus able to fix nitrogen), drought resistant, and from the floodwaters on adjacent fields (Nabhan and able to fruit for a hundred years. Sheridan 1977).

EXAMPLE 5-CARIBBEAN ISLANDS AND MEXICO: The role of Leucaena leucocephala in the tropics is Development of plantation forestry is a major thrust rapidly expanding (NAS 1977). Beside its wide­ in the government of]amaica's watershed program. spread use for firewood it has value as a windbreak, The favored species is Pinus caribaea (Carib pine), as a firebreak, for charcoal manufacture, for forage, which is being used to restore eroded uplands and to as a fertilizer source, for wood and pulp-and the ensure regular stream flow (Sheng and Stennett apparent ability to compete successfully with cogon 1975). For Trinidad and Tobago, measures recom­ (Imperata cylindrica). For example, on the island of mended to curtail the erosion caused by burning Flores in Indonesia, where it is termed lomtoro, and shifting cultivation have been to establish such 10,000 ha of volcanic slopes in danger of erosion crops as limes and tonka beans at the 500 to 800 ft have been planted with Leucaena and 20,000 ha levels and to allow areas above 800 ft to revert to more were planned over the next four years (Metz­ natural forest (Hardy 1942). Living fence rows ner 1976). Leucaena is also being considered in the (primarily willows, and cottonwoods) protect the dry monsoonal areas of the Northern Territory of land in Rio San Miguel, Mexico from eroding Australia (Walter 1971). Other rapidly growing

127 leguminous tropical trees have great value. Albizia out satisfactorily it is imperative thatherd sizes be falcataria (called a miracle tree because of its excep­ reduced. Young calves can be sent to fattening areas tionally rapid growth), Sesbaniagrandijlora(forage, to reduce the load on thelcind.· Sale of one animal fuelwood, paper pulp, etc.), Calliandra callothyrsus enables pastoralists to feed their families on grain for (fuelwood, firebreaks, eradication of Imperata six months. Semple (1971) observed, however, that grass) and Acacia mangium .(exceptional p~rformance destocking is not easily done because of the cultural on poor sites) are among those advocated· (NAS and so~ial values placed tlpon large herds, regard­ 1979). less of the physical condition of the animals. This To optimize land cultivation while at the same latter observation was supported by Hudson (1981). time preserving the valuable role of treesiil hilly Semple'suggested that legumes be fostered by de­ areas, agri-silviculture(the taungya system) is being ferred grazing periods and by a seeding program us­ used by forestry departments in somedevel()ping ing Stylosanthesspp.and Desmodiumspp. Planned and countries. In one form, the forest is felled .and prescribed burning was also recommended to con­ cleared by a group of farmers who then plant crops vert worthless brushland to grassland and wooded in the area. Trees are planted among the crops by savannahs. forestry department personnel and the seedlings are Stocking rates must be realistically determined tended by the farmers, along with their crops, for with view of both animal requirements and land approximately two years. Subsequently, shade from capability for producing the specific pasture under the trees is enough to prevent further crop growth consideration (Blandford 1981 and Blair-Rains and the farmers are assigned new locations nearby 1981). Therefore, no universal formula can be given in the forest. However, the farmers return to the old for conservation-minded use of grazing land. Har­ location to tend the tree crop until it can survive rington and Pratchett (1974), for example, suggest­ without care (Tempany and Grist 1958). Seventy­ ed specific stocking rates for Ankole, Uganda, at ap­ nine woody species and 42 agricultural crops have proximately 1. 1 ha per adult animal. This rate been listed as used in this system in the tropics' applies to rangeland largely under Brachiaria decum­ (King, cited by Roche 1974). For example, taro, bens with unpalatable Cymbopogon afronardus removed , cassava, maize, and upland rice are (Harrington and Pratchett 1974). suggested as agricultural crops to be grown in the Philippines under the taungya system; however Wasteland. On eroded slopes and gullies various banana, plantain, cassava, maize, sugarcane, rice, forms of vegetative controls may be employed. The tobacco, and yams are not tolerated by forestry of­ straightforward technique of planting trees, shrubs, ficials in some countries. and grasses, usually in mixtures, is one approach This is only one example of successful utilization when the terrain is not too steep. However, as steep­ of forest land with apparently minimal degradation. ness increases it may be necessary to use more radi­ Similar precautions are needed whenever distur­ cal measures such as biological engineering (Figs. bances to natural forest are brought about by other 31, 32). Examples of this are the various 'forms of activities such as logging and mining. brush matting or brush cover techniques. In one method sprouting or unsprouted pegs are driven in Grazing Land. A problem of great concern in de­ along the contour to about 20 cm deep. Sprouting veloping countries is the management of livestock. brushwood is spread over the slope, butt (thicker) The destruction of grassland by overgrazing in ends downslope, leaving no uncovered areas. The North Africa for example is estimated to be 100,000 pegs are then connected with wire and driven fur­ ha a year (Le Houerou, cited by Semple 1971). ther into the ground, pressing the brushwood firmly Other examples of destructive grazing in semiarid to the ground. A modification of brush matting is regions have been reviewed in chapter 2. Brown for the brushwood to be placed on small platforms or (1971) speculated that cultivation can support three benches on the slope with the wood covered by soil times the present 50 million pastoralists in Africa from the adjacent uphill bench. Fertilizer is mixed and suggested that these pastoralists be converted to in as well (Weidelt 1975). According to Weidelt the cultivators in areas of more than 250 mm annual brush matting method, in one of its many forms, is rainfall or where irrigation can be made available. probably the most stable of all live structures and is He indicated that if such a plan cannot be worked recommended for steep slopes, unstable soils, and

128 Figure 31. The brush matting technique. S = soil; B = brushwood; Figure 32. The wattling and staking technique. a. Cross section; b. P = peg. (Weidelt 1975) side view. (Weidelt 1975) high intensity rainfall areas such as the typhoon belt in the Philippines. Cultivated Lands Another form ofbiological engineering is the wat­ Erosion control on croplands needs special em­ tling and staking method (Sheng 1977b; Weidelt phasis as these are the lands with the most potential 1975). It is used, for example, on road-fill banks and for alleviating food scarcities in developing coun­ slopes in jamaica and the Philippines. The tech­ tries. The effects of cover and agricultural manage­ nique used in the Philippines requires shallow ment have been discussed in chapter 4 under the C trenches with stakes driven into the trenches about and P factors. Although these effects are closely in­ 50 to 70 cm apart. Wattling consists of straight rods terrelated and difficult to evaluate independently from such plants as Leucaena or sunflower inter­ (Wischmeier and Smith 1978), implementation of woven between the stakes with the butt ends of the sound practices is a powerful tool for minimizing ac­ rods bent into or covered with soil. As practiced in celerated soil erosion. jamaica, this method is more like the brush matting technique. In either case, however, grasses or trees Use of Cover Crops. At the risk of being repetitious may be planted in the bare areas between the wat­ it is emphasized again that maintaining adequate tles. cover is probably the best means of minimizing or Hydroseeding or hydromulching is another form preventing soil erosion. For example, at Dehra of vegetative control that has gained considerable Dun, , Patnaik (1975) found specific popularity in the past decade. A slurry or suspen­ losses of 42 Tm/ha under 1250 mm of natural rain­ sion is prepared of seeds and/or stolons of grasses, fall Oune to October) on bare fallow soil with 9 per­ plus a mulch or binder, fertilizer, and water. Ap­ cent slope. Under the same conditions, natural grass plication of the suspension on bare slopes can be cover reduced soil losses to 1 Tm/ha. In addition to done from back sprayers or tank trucks. Weidelt protecting against erosion, cover crops smother (1975) has reported that even inaccessible areas in weeds and may be incorporated into the soil as japan have been hydroseeded successfully from heli­ green manure (Constantinesco 1976). Their impor­ copters. In any case a grass cover is provided to tance increases when the primary crop is slow grow­ slopes both quickly and conveniently. This tech­ ing or planted at low density. The effectiveness of nique is widely used for stabilizing road cuts in the cover crops depends on such factors as density of United States, Europe, and Australia. foliage; root growth characteristics; water retention,

129 depletion, and penetration; soil fertility; and so on RS, Brazil that soybeans (Glysine max) gave better (Sharma et al. 1976). Some examples follow to illus­ protective cover than wheat (Triticum aestivum) (Eltz trate the use of cover crops for erosion control in et al. 1977). various tropical countries. In rubber and oil palm plantations of Sumatra Multiple Cropping. Multiple cropping is an agro­ and Java, Calapaganium mucunaides has been used for nomic practice that is both highly productive and over fifty years as protective cover on newly planted soil conserving. Whether it takes the form of se­ plantations (Milsum and Curtler 1925). Other quential cropping that limits the bare fallow time legumes used are Centrasema pubescens and Pueraria between crops, or inter-row cropping that limits the phasealaides. Cover plants have been classified into spatial extent of bare soil within a field, the result is two groups.·One includes the low-growing type suit­ the same. At any given time, cover absorbs the able for direct control of splash and sheet wash such forces of raindrop impact and slows down runoff. as Calapaganium mucunaides, Centrasema pubescens, In­ For example, an erosion-vulnerable period of three digafera endecaphylla, and Pueraria phasealaides, to name to five years exists in tea plantations from the time of a few. The other group is composed of erect­ felling and clearing the old trees until the newly growing types that are more suitable for green planted trees develop a complete canopy. During manures, including Tephrasia candida and Cratalaria this period mulching or inter-row planting of oats is anagyraides (Bunting and Milsum 1928). Mucuna recommended in East Africa (Othieno 1975). A cachinchinensis has great promise according to ongo­ beneficial form of cover/mixed cropping used in the ing experiments in Malaysia. 1 It grows faster and coffee-growing areas of East Africa is to grow more vigorously than conventional covers bananas and coffee together. The banana plants such as Calapaganium mucunaides, Calapaganium caeru­ provide shade to the coffee and the fallen leaves of leum, Centrasema pubescens, and Pueraria phasealaides. the former serve as an anti-erosion mulch (Constan­ However, Mucuna fades out in 8 to 10 months so tinesco 1976). Studies in Kanpur, India (Sharma et that it is necessary simultaneously to plant Pueraria al.)976) indicated that a pure crop ofurd (Phasealus phasealaides or Calapaganium caeruleum in addition, to munga) and a mixture of arhar (Cajanus cajan) and take over when Mucuna withers and dies (RRIM groundnut (Arachis hypagaea) were most effective for 1977). The free rooting perennial herb, Alternanthera controlling splash erosion among the crops studied, brasiliana, which is propagated by cuttings, is highly which also included maize, sorghum, guar, and soy­ recommended as a ground cover on the edges of beans. Soybeans controlled sheet erosion well in large terraces of oil palm plantings in Malaysia orange groves in Minas Gerais, Brazil; however, (Duckett and Tan 1974). Newly planted stands of rubber trees are vulnerable to soil loss until the can­ 0py closes after five years of growth. A comparative Table 59. Comparison of effect of vegetative covers in reducing erosion in study of several forms ofcover vegetation, including Malaysia over a 20-month period legumes and a grass, was made on an immature stand of rubber trees in Malaysia (see Table 59). Soil deposited The amount of soil deposited on the terraces from on terraces the inter-rows, which had various covers, was used Cover spp. (cm) as an indication of the efficiency of each cover prac­ Calopogonium 5.64 tice for erosion control. It is noted that Calapaganium was twice as efficient in preventing soil loss as Puera­ Pueraria 11.07 ria, and over three times as effective as bare soil. In Verma's (1968) assessment of the value of the pro­ Crotolaria 15.69 tective canopy provided by several common Indian Tephrosia 14.02 legumes, moong (Phasealus radiatus) provided good early cover and protected the soil from the high-in­ Grasses 12.67 tensityJuly rains. Similarly, it was found in Guaiba Bare 19.04

1. William Broughton, then of the University of Malaysia, Kuala Source: RRIM 1977. Lumpur. Personal communication, 6 June 1978. Rainfall data were not reported.

130 tree growth and fruit yield decreased because of the tinesco 1976). Figure 33 illustrates some ofthe alter­ competition (Pacheco et al. 1975). natives ofstrip-cropping. Among the important practices recommended in Crop rotation, as a form of multiple cropping, is the Philippines is that citrus orchards should be in­ an established method of maintaining soil fertility terplanted with cover crops. For example, in the and reducing erosion. A grass or grass/legume mix­ provinces of Batangas and Camarines Sur, citrus ture (ground cover) alternated in time between an groves are planted to the legumes, Calopogonium annual crop such as maize will provide the soil with caeruleum, and Puerariajavanica (tropical kudzu). Ipil­ excellent cover as well as fertility when the residues ipil and Madre de cacao are also used as cover crops are plowed under. Apart from the protection pro­ in Batangas. When the plants are about a meter vided by the ground cover, the annualcrop will pro­ high they are cut back to about 80 cm and the trim­ vide a denser, more thrifty stand by restoring fertili­ mings are allowed to fall to the ground, thus supply­ ty to the soil. It will thus increase soil coverage, ing nutrients and reducing soil loss (Hernan­ thereby limiting erosion. dez n.d.). Shifting cultivation is the earliest and simplest Strip-cropping is a means of "dividing land into form of rotation used by humans (see chap. 4). A alternate strips of close growing, erosion resistant "short" period of cultivation is followed by a plants such as grass, grassllegume mixtures, small "long" period of fallow. As fallow periods become grains, or natural vegetation with strips of wider shortened, it has been suggested that use of special­ spaced crops such as maize, , cotton and ized crops between annual crops will prevent soil root crops" (Constantinesco 1976). Almost invaria­ deterioration. "Experiments in Africa using star- bly the practice is done across the slope, that is, on the contour. An indication of the success ofthe tech­ nique may be obtained from Table 60 in which soil b losses are compared between cotton and cotton planted in strips with soybeans and soybeans/stub­ a :>.:.\.:.::<:.:..<:..:.: :.:< .. :::: :.;.:.::: ..:<:.:-. ::'-:. :..-:.-:.:':::::>.:./ ble. Soil losses were always greater for cotton alone and the effectiveness of strip-cropping in reducing b soil loss increased with greater slopes. This form of a :.: ::.>: :.::.:.:.::.:::.,.' :..:: :: :.,. :: :.:.'; ":' :. :: :::,:.. ·9 multiple cropping may be applied in several ways. b For example, rotational field strip-cropping is used successfully with alternate arable strips and grass­ o~·:·':··.·:·::·::··:'··:··:·::.··::::.·::.··:···.::·:-z:;J5 land. Fertility status is favorably maintained as well b when the arable crop is rotated with the grass. Buf­ 0'-====::;:·::;:·'.J::';:::;:.'.:='.~..=.'.=::::;::'.::;..=.:;:::;.":;:'::;".;:;.'.=:::;:::'.·z·.;:;...::::;:.. ::::.. ::::;:..:::::::.:;::::::;:::::::::::;::=~::::.::.::'.':;::.·z·":::".:J.: fer strip-cropping is another form in which perma­ Figure 33. Generalized diagram of strip cropping. a = grass or nent strips of grass, rarely more than 1.2 to 3 m grassllegume; b = maize, sorghum, cotton, or root crops. (Modified wide, are left between cultivated areas (Constan- from Constantinesco 1976)

Table 60. Seasonal soil loss from Cecil clay loam (Alabama) planted to cotton and to cotton strip-cropped with soybeans

Soil loss (Tm/ha) Slope (%) Rainfall (cm) Cropping System 5 10 15 20 (cotton alone Early sunmer 35.43 7.82 15.85 57.37 53.04 (cotton, soybean strips 6.18 8.43 12.72 16.21 Late summer &fall 21.64 !cattan alone 2.78 3.16 13.56 16.55 cotton, soybean-stubble strips 2.35 2.47 3.77 4.41 Entire growing season lcattan alone 10.59 19.00 70.91 69.59 57.07 cotton, soybean strips 8.53 10.90 16.83 20.63 Source: Modified from Bennett 1939: 349.

131 grass (Cynodon plectostachyum), elephant grass has been said that if all maize grown in Africa were (Pennisetum purpureum) and weeping lovegrass produced at an average yield of 5 tons/ha rather (Eragrostis curvula) in rotation with maize, tobacco, than about 1 ton/ha as at present, then half the ero­ and forage crops suggest that the residual benefit of sion problems of the continent would disappear the grass ley is best in the first year" (Constan­ (Hudson 1971). tinesco 1976); by the third year, when the grass is plowed· in, there are no benefits. Rotations planned Mu'/ching. Mulching is an important erosion con­ for erosion control. should be short, with quick trol technique, especially on cultivated lands and changes from cash to forage crop and back again. construction sites. Mulch is a natural or artificial For example the best alternative rotations for grow­ layer of plant residue or other material, such as ing tobacco .in Zimbabwe are one year of weeping sand, gravel,or paper, covering the soil surface lovegrass followed by.two years of tobacco or two (SCSA 1976). The mulch· material takes many years of grass and four years oftobacco. Both have forms-from unused plant remains, wood shavings, the samecrop-'to-grassratio but soilloss averaged 12 and jute netting to bitumen, plastics, and chemical Tm/ha/yr in the· first ... rotation· and 14.75 Tm/ha/yr sprays. Its greatest protective value is manifested during the longer rotation (Hudson 1971). when theJand would otherwise be left bare, that is, after harvesting, before planting, and during early High Density Planting. Avery effective way to im­ .stagesofcrop growth. prove the.coveris to increase the density ofthe Frequently. used natural in the humid planted crop. For example, Hudson (1971) has tropics are sugarcane bagasse, banana leaves,. coco­ shown that maize grown in Central Africa at 25,000 nut fronds, and straw ·from·grain ·crops.Mulches plants/ha (0 .4m apart in 1 m rows) lost 12.3 Tm/lla absorb the direct impact of raindrops and thereby of soil inoneyear.Wherithe plant population was minimize soil detachment by rain,drop splash. In ad­ increased to 37,000/ha (0.27 m apart in 1 m rows) dition runoff is slowed down and losses are reduced annual soil loss was only 0.7 Tm/ha (Table 61 y. Of because the infiltration rate ofthe soil is maintained course, with the increased plant density, necessary at its maximum level (Lal1975).Some workers sug­ adjustments in management, such as fertilizer addi­ gested that mulching enhances the activity of tions, are required. There .is also a density limit earthworms in soils. Table 62 shows the effect of above which competition between plants limits pro­ mulching· on earthworm populations in Nigeria. duction severely. Overall, implementation of good Earthworms improve soil permeability and allow agronomicpractices will reducesoil losses and must high infiltration rates to be maintained. be considered as an integral component ofthe strate­ The benefits of mulching for reducing soil losses gy for effective soil conservation (Shaxson 1981). It are well established and were discussed in chapter 4.

Table 61. The effect of crop management on soil and water losses from maize in Zimbabwe

Plot A Plot B Medium production level High production level Plant population 2S,000 plants/ha 37,000 p1ants/ha Rainfall 1130 mm 1130 mm

Fertilizer application N 20kg/ha; P20S SOkg/ha N 100kg/ha; P20S 80kg/ha Cro~ residues Removed Plowed in Crop yield 5 ton/ha 10 ton/ha Runoff 2S0 mm 20 rrm Soil loss 12.3 ton/ha 0.7 ton/ha Source: Modified from Hudson 1971: 199.

132 Some evidence that confirms these benefits exists in couraged (Constantinesco 1976). Other frequently the tropics. At Apiodoume, Ivory Coast, West encountered problems are the excessive rates of Africa, two plots were observed by Roose (1975b); residue in certain regions and the one was a natural rainforest, the other a banana tendency to enhance the proliferation of pathogens planting that was mulched with straw from Guate­ in others (Hatch 1981). mala grass (Tripsacum laxum) at 20 Tm/ha. Measured soil loss, at 0.1 Tmlhalyr, was essentially Construction Sites the same under both conditions. Another example of Construction sites, including highways and urban the value of mulching in preventing soil loss is evi­ developments, are particularly prone to heavy soil dent from Table 63, where unmulched plots always losses unless great care is taken. In most countries lost more sediment than their mulched counter­ official soil conservation agencies have been estab­ parts. lished to help the developer and homeowner as well Although mulch material may be transported as the farmer. Direct consultation is usually avail­ from one site and applied elsewhere this is an expen­ able to the builder, in addition to written informa­ sive and time-consuming process. Such a procedure tion such as leaflets and bulletins on minimizing soil may be used in labor-intensive situations, but agri­ loss. For example, the following recommendations culturally it is generally easier to grow a live source were made for construction activities in Hawaii, and of mulch in which the desired crop is planted in generally apply elsewhere (SCS 1971). strips opened by tillage or use of herbicides. Ex­ 1. Preparation of a ground plan for the outside is periments with Stylosanthes gracilis and maize in as necessary as a floor plan for the inside. Nigeria (Lal 1975) showed that this combination is 2. Buildings should be planned to conform to nat­ effective for erosion control, but that the former ag­ ural topography in order to minimize grading. gressively competes with the latter for available 3. Disturb only the construction area. Do not water. Perennial crops in Uganda, such as bananas clear an extended area unless construction will and coffee, are generally mulched, and banana start immediately on the whole area. mulch is used on coffee plantations in Tanzania 4. Protect trees and shrubs that are to be re­ (Ahn 1977). tained. Mulch farming is not equally successful when 5. Stockpile and save topsoil for final grading of used under different climatic zones or farming the lawn area. systems (Lal 1981). A problem with mulch farming 6. Protect the bare soil during construction. is that it is difficult to prepare the seedbed for the a. Complete driveways, grading, and sodding following crop with mulch on the ground. Herbicide as quickly as possible. management will allow such a preparation to take b. Protect bare areas, such as stockpiles, with place under cultivation with reduced tillage. Disc mulch. Sugarcane bagasse spread 2 inches harrowing will incorporate some of the mulch with deep and secured with fiber netting is ex­ the soil, but in many developing countries where cellent. animal-drawn machinery is used, the technique is unpopular with farmers, although it should be en- Table 63. Effect of mulching in Nigeria on sediment density in runoff water Table 62. Effect of mulching on earthworm casts under maize in maize in Nigeria Slope Sediment density (gil) Equivalent weight of casts (%) Unmulched Mulched Treatment Worm casts/m2 (tons/ha) 1 0.28 0.00 Mulched 568 127 5 9.76 0.36 Inter-row 264 59 mulch 10 7.00 0.45 Unmulched 56 13 15 5.75 0.08 Source: Modified from Lal 1975. Source: Lal 1975.

133 c. If stockpiles or rough-graded areas are to be West (Moldenhauer and Foster 1981; Meyer 1981; exposed for several months, seed with rye­ Chisci 1981) and have been tried in some develop­ grass as temporary cover and irrigate if nec­ ing countries in the tropics (Hurni 1981; Barber et essary for establishment. al. 1981; Bonsu 1981). Most generally these tech­ 7. Control runoff water with temporary diver­ niques involve soil and land manipulation,either sions and silt traps. manually or by machinery, and sometimes the use 8. Finally, remove all debris and grade to provide ofvarious fabricated structures. adequate drainage. Then prepare the seedbed, fertilize, and establish permanent vegetation. Conservation Tillage When seeded, erodible areas should be Minimum Tillage. For many years the conven­ mulched. tional tillage operations used in intensive agriculture Cover plants recommended (SCS 1976) for use on in developed countries have been plowing, discing, construction sites in Hawaii are Bahia grass, Ber­ planting, and cultivating. More recently, in re­ muda grass, Buffelgrass, pangola grass, Kikuyu sponse to environmental pressures and oil short­ grass, oats, ryegrass, Lippia, Waipahu fig and ages, the concept of minimum tillage has evolved; Wedelia. Most of these probably thrive throughout this does not define a specific system of tillage, but the tropics. The mulching materials recommended refers to any system of tillage with fewer operations by the SCS (1976) for Hawaii are sugarcane ba­ than the conventional one (Wittmus et al. 1973). gasse, pineapple trash, sawdust, and planar shav­ The most radical is the no-tillage (no-till) system, in ings. On steep slopes or under strong wind condi­ which the only soil manipulation is to open a trench tions, these must be anchored with asphalt spray or or slot in the sod of the existing vegetation. The jute netting. Use of hydroseeding is common on trench must be wide enough to receive the seeds or steep slopes of both building sites and road banks. roots of the transplant and to provide seed or root European countries are rapidly accepting soil condi­ coverage. Weeds are controlled by herbicides, crop tioners to stabilize slopes (De Boodt 1975), but rotation, and/or plant competition (Young 1973). Roose (1975b) in the same publication, stated that The ultimate in row crop production in the United straw « 10 Tm/ha) will protect roadbanks effective­ States is continuous no-till corn culture with three ly against erosion. In Malaysia, Soong and Yeoh tons ofresidue on the surface. This practice is nearly (1975) found that latex-oil emulsions sprayed on as effective as permanent grass for water or wind highly erodible exposed soil surfaces reduced soil erosion control (Wittmus et al. 1973). Minimum losses by 80 to 87 percent during the monsoon sea­ tillage may approximate rather closely the condi­ son, compared with untreated soil. Latex oil is a by­ tions found in several traditional tropical cropping product of the rubber industry. Incorporation of systems such as shifting cultivation and rudimentary grass seeds (Axonopus compressus) with the emulsion sedentary tillage. caused a reduction of 93 percent in soil losses in Recent data from Brazil compared conventional comparison with the untreated soil surface. and no-till cultivation on three successive corn crops on two soils (Benatti et al. 1977). On the Latosol Mechanical Control Methods Roxo soil, erosional losses were 20 percent lower Above certain limits-particularly those related to from the no-till than the conventional plot; on the topography-the vegetative or biological methods of podzolized Lins and Marilia plots, no-till controlled erosion control discussed earlier may not be effective 63 percent of soil losses compared to conventional on their own. Although it is difficult to generalize tillage. The corn grain production was similar or about the slope limits for vegetative control meth­ smaller in the no-till than the conventional systems ods, Sheng (1979) has stated that grass barrier plots (Benatti et al. 1977). In Nigeria, Lal (1976a) on 17 0 slopes in El Salvador were ineffective (pro­ reported negligible soil losses from no-till culture of ducing a soil loss of 124 Tm/ha) as was the case in soybeans, and attributed this to improved soil water Taiwan on 18 0 slopes. It is important to recognize storage and infiltration. that the limits that necessitate supplementary me­ chanical control measures are generally dictated by Contour Tillage and Ridging. Performing tillage prevailing slope and land use. The·remainder ofthis operations and planting crops on the contour (across chapter will describe the so-called mechanical tech­ slope) rather than up and down slope often results in niques of control, most of which originated in the reduced soil loss. The practice was proven most use- 134 ful on slopes of 3-7 percent in the United States are useful only on gentle slopes. However, with in­ (Wischmeier and Smith 1965, 1978). An effective creasing population pressures in developing coun­ variation of this method is contour ridging (listing) tries (see chap. 2), farms established on slopes of in which ridges and furrows are formed by listers 20°-25° (36-47 %) or more are not uncommon. To (ridgers) and then maize, for example, is planted in our knowledge, the extreme is found in Guatemala the furrows. Another modification is contour strip­ where the native Indians have been forced to farm cropping, a practice in which strips of sod are alter­ lands with slopes as steep as 65 ° (214 %) (Nadel nated with strips of row crops or small grain planted 1976). Under such conditions it is imperative to on the contour (Wischmeier and Smith 1965, 1978). reduce runoffvolume and velocity by decreasing the This is also more effective than contouring alone. length of slope and reducing the gradient in portions Two cautions should be noted: In the absence of ofthe slope. drainage provisions, if rainfall exceeds the retention or acceptance capacity of the soil, breakover of Terracing ridges may occur, and subsequent scouring may Soil conservation terraces are artificial earth em­ create greater erosion damage than that incurred bankments constructed across slope at regular verti­ from up-and-down-slope tillage and planting prac­ cal intervals down the slope. They cut sloping land tices. Likewise, establishment of grass strips as little into narrow steps or platforms that effectively re­ as 5 percent off the contour can result in very high duce the slope length and gradient within the culti­ soil losses. In the extreme, a fivefold acceleration of vated portion (Constantinesco 1976). Runoff that soil loss was observed from parallel-to-slope ridges collects on the terraces may be conserved (e. g. in when compared with non-ridged land in Africa semiarid regions) or disposed of through drainage (Kowal 1970). In summary, contouring and ridging into artificial waterways. Following the classifica­ should be used only on gentle slopes, should provide tion of Sheng (1977a), six major types of terraces for drainage of excessive overland flow, and, when will be described (Fig. 34). applied as the sole conservation measure, the con­ tour rows should be laid out with precision and Bench Terraces. Bench terraces are level or slightly deliberately maintained to avoid breakover. Cor­ sloping steps or platforms that run across the slope. rectly done, contour strip-cropping and contour The steps are supported by steep risers of earth pro­ ridging are more effective than contouring alone. tected by grass, or the risers may be constructed of Several other agronomic methods are used on rock walls. The terraces may be level, outward gently sloping land. One is basin listing or tied ridg­ sloped, or inward sloped, the latter being preferred ing (Constantinesco 1976), a technique that estab­ for the higher rainfall areas of the humid tropics. lishes a large number of small basins in a cultivated Level benches provided with enclosing dikes are field by creating numerous small dams in the fur­ particularly suited to paddy culture, while outward rows with a tying mechanism or shovel. Water sloped benches are appropriate to semiarid regions ponded within the basins will ultimately percolate with low rainfall intensity. into the soil provided the soil is permeable. Contour Sheng (Sheng and Stennett 1975) believes that bunding is another practice similar to tied ridging in bench terracing is particularly suitable for countries that it is intended to be both soil conserving and having steep slopes, dense populations, food short­ water conserving. Used mostly in India, bunds are ages, high unemployment, and high rainfall intensi­ wide channels oflevel to low gradient, with the ends ty causing severe erosion. At Dehra Dun, India, turned upward (Hudson 1975). However, Krantz et Patnaik (1975) illustrated the efficacy of bench ter­ al. (1978) criticized the use of bunds as being inef­ racing over contouring on steeper slopes (25 % in fective for erosion and runoff control in the semiarid this case). Potatoes planted on the contour lost 15 tropics. Considerable water and sediment move­ Tm of soil/ha; soil losses were reduced to 1 Tm/ha ment can take place between consecutive bunds re­ on 3 m wide bench terraces with a 2.5 percent in­ sulting in irregular crop performance for various ward slope. Both sites received 1295 mm of rain. locations in the field. Also the bunds are susceptible Engineering specifications are covered by Sheng to frequent breakover as excess water concentrates (Sheng and Stennett 1975) and construction of ter­ at the lower end of the field. This causes more races requires design and maintenance; they are not serious erosion than in the absence ofbunds. merely randomly placed steps on hillsides. A max­ The mechanical control practices discussed so far imum slope of 30° (58 %) is the practical limit for 135 CROSS SECTIONAL VIEWS OF SIX MAJOR LAND TREATMENTS



3·4m or 11ft terrace FRUIT or FOOD TREES:------~ ( planted on individual: 1/: basins with mUlching) m ,-fIT1!.A ROOT CROPS JplJlt ______~ (with continuous mounds);f;/ ~ '" or VEGETABL.ES ~"' 2. HILLSIDE OITCHES Grass or Orignal ground PINEAPPLE cove~c:~ I: surface (with contour close planting and mulching) I I ---_<..~~ )Lr mulching, ~ m7ft 'basin !..1· 8 m.. '(6ft)' Ditch 3. INDIVIDUAL BASINS 6. HEXAGONS BANANA (with cover crops and UNIT HEXAGON hillside ditches) ......

I I I ~ 105m

I.. ORCHARD TERRACES TERRACE /-tv~ grass cover ."lr---~ CITRUS (with grass on \ sloping lands) ALTERNATIVE

GROUp OF" HEXAGONS I I ~-Basin r(7(t)~ 2.1m

Figure 34. Major types ofterraces. (Sheng 1977a)

136 bench terracing for cultivation; inJamaica it is 25°. Hexagons. The "hexagon" method, designed for Limits are also placed on the length of the benches large or medium sized commercial orchards on slop­ (100 m in Jamaica for example; Sheng and Stennett ing land, originated inJapan. As noted in Figure 33 1975); otherwise the velocity of runoff will be too the hexagon is formed by a farm branch road that great. Bench widths vary from 2.4 to 5.2 m for encloses the orchard. Operation routes of four­ handmade benches and 3.4 to 6.4 m for those made wheeled tractors meet the farm branch road at an with machinery. obtuse angle.

Hillside Ditches. Hillside ditches are used to break In order to design terraces in the field, many a long slope into a number of short slopes so that farmers and conservationists in the United States runoff will be safely drained without causing erosion and elsewhere use a terrace-spacing formula (SCS (Sheng and Stennett 1975). The most useful ditch is 1975a) unless local conditions dictate other dimen­ essentially a narrow reverse sloped bench. Only in­ sions (Fig. 35). The formula for vertical spacing is: terspaces between ditches are cropped, so that con­ touring, mulching, or some other conservation VI=XS+Y (13) treatment must be applied to prevent soil loss to the ditches. In both Taiwan and Jamaica, pineapples where VI = vertical interval in feet; X = a vari­ are successfully raised with this cultural system. able from 0.4 to 0.8 that is dependent on rainfall in­ tensity. (The Gulf States in the United States are as­ signed a value of 0.4, while drier states of the north Individual Basins. Small round benches ofapproxi­ central region, Northwest, and West have a value of mately 1.5 m diameter are constructed for individu­ 0.8); S = land slope in ftf100 ft; Y =. a variable al plants such as bananas or citrus. By themselves from 1.0 to 4.0. (Soils with below average water in­ these basins are not enough to control erosion and take rates and cropping systems providing little hillside ditches are also installed, with cover crops cover have a value of 1.0, while 4.0 is assigned between the basins and ditches. Individual basins of where tillage systems leave considerable cover). this sort have been used as well for direct seeding of For maximum horizontal interval the formula is: forest tree species on steep slopes. This is an impor­ tant conservation technique where land is dissected, where soil depth varies from deep to shallow, or HI = (XS + Y) ( 1~O) (14) where rocks and stones are present in large quantity (Sheng and Stennett 1975). where HI = horizontal interval in feet; and the re­ maining terms are defined as before. It is important Orchard Terraces. These are essentially bench ter­ to note that both formulas 13 and 14 require site­ races constructed for fruit or food trees on steep specific values that are often not verified before use, slopes (25° to 30°). An inclination distance of 6.1 m with subsequent over- or under-designing of ter­ is recommended for most orchard terraces and the races. space between the benches should be kept in perma­ The universal soil loss equation lends itself to nent grass (Sheng and Stennett 1975).

Miniconvertible Terraces. Miniconvertible terraces have 3.4 m wide bench terraces interspersed with 1.5 to 2.1 m basins. Fruit or food trees are grown in r the basins and vegetables or yams on the terraces, with grass or cover crops in between. This conserva­ tion practice provides greater flexibility than the other terrace procedures. If more intensive agricul­ ture is desired, the slope can be converted solely to bench terraces. If less intensive agriculture is de­ sired, then all the terraces can be planted to fruit or Figure 35. Horizontal and vertical interval measurements for spac­ food trees (Sheng and Stennett 1975). ing terraces. (Beasley 1972)

137 evaluating the horizontal interval of a terrace if the Diversions. A diversion is an individually designed Land S factors are available. graded channel with supporting ridge on the lower side, and is constructed across slope (SCS 1975a). 100 SL ]2 Variously called storm water drains, diversion HI - (15) - [ 0.76 + 0.53s + 0.076s2 ditches, or diversion terraces (Hudson 1971), they are the first line ofdefense for protection ofthe culti­ where s = land siope In percent, and SL = vated area where there is danger from extraneous E/KRCP, where E = allowable soil loss in runoff from pastures or timberland above the culti­ tons/acre/yr, and K, R, C, and P are defined as in vated land (Constantinesco 1976). chapter 4. The major uses for diversions are to reroute water However, this formula is not widely used outside around gully heads, to protect lower terraces by the United States because quantitative values for the diverting water from the upper terraces, to break up factors ofthe equation are not generally available. A water concentrations on long gentle slopes, to re­ report of a recent application in east Africa was pro­ duce the length of slopes in conjunction with other vided by Hurni (1981). conservation measures, to collect water for water harvesting systems, and so on. Cross sections of Waterways diversions may be either parabolic, trapezoidal, or Although the various contouring and terracing V -shaped. The success or failure of a properly de­ techniques already described are used to reduce the signed or constructed diversion is dependent on the velocity of flow and thus the scouring effect of run­ outlet and on proper maintenance. Repair of dam­ off, excess water must be disposed of in definite aged grassy areas in the sod and elimination of channels, or artificially constructed waterways (Fig. weeds are essential. 36). Specifications and design criteria are provided in the Engineering Field Manual (SCS 1975a), Channel Terraces. These channels are located across Hudson (1975), Beasley (1972), and other agricul­ the slope so as to further interrupt the flow of water tural engineering books. Waterways take many dif­ across the cropland. According to Hudson (1971) ferent forms, some ofwhich are explained below. they are termed ridges or bunds in Commonwealth countries. They may be slightly graded or, in semi­ arid areas, built perfectly on the contour to absorb available water. Generally their shape is trapezoidal or V-shaped in cross-section. For most soils, water flow velocity in the channel should not exceed 0.61 m/sec if the channel is cultivated; 1.1 m/sec if not cultivated (Beasley 1972). Broad-based terraces SECTION of (broad-based contour ridges) up to 15 m wide, in storm woter drain which row crops can be grown, are found in Zim­ babwe and South Africa. The narrow-based contour ridges with steep-sided banks are up to 4 m wide and cannot be crossed by tractors; they are often found on tobacco fields in Africa (Hudson 1971).

SECTION of Grassed Waterways. Grassed waterways are con­ channel terrace structed waterways shaped to desired dimensions and vegetated for safe disposal ofrunoff from a field, diversion, terrace, or other structure (SCS 1975a). When used as an outlet for terraces they are often called "terrace outlets" (Beasley 1972). Grassed waterways should be constructed in ad­ SECTION of vance of other channels that discharge into them. grass waterway Three shapes (parabolic, trapezoidal, V -shaped) are Figure 36. Major kinds ofwaterways. (Hudson 1971) used but the parabolic cross-section is most satisfac-

138 tory. The location of the grassed waterway should The Soil Conservation Service (1975a) states that conform to the flow pattern of the area and ideally many structures are composed ofthe following com­ may be located in a naturally vegetated draw. Of­ ponents: tentimes gullies may be shaped into grassed water­ an earth embankment that directs water through ways with bulldozer work followed by the planting the spillway; of grass. Generally the flow velocity in the channel a spillway inlet that is a box, a weir (dam) in a will vary from 0.91 to 2.13 m/sec depending on the wall, or a culvert; soil type and vegetation present. In India it has been a spillway conduit that is an enclosed box, pipe, recommended (Shankarnarayan and Magoon 1974) or open channel; that Cynodon plectostachyus, Urochloa mosambicensis, and a spillway outlet that is an apron with or Dichanthium annulatum, and Cynodon dactylon may be without an energy dissipator or a cantilevered used in waterways. Further to the north in Nepal it outlet. was found that thin Napier grass (Pennisetum poly­ stachyon) had a greater basal area coverage, had a Earth Embankments. These are used for ponds, irri­ higher yield, and retained more silt than two other gation reservoirs, and grade stabilization structures. grasses tested for waterway stabilization (Sachdeve As the basis for a silt-trap dam, such embankments et al. 1976). have widespread use to reduce the sediment load of The selection of grasses for planting in waterways downstream water supplies. For example, urban de­ must be made with view oftheir adaptability to pre­ velopment often requires an embankment during vailing soils and the region's environmental condi­ construction, for collecting sediment from the site. tions. Maintenance requires that damage to the sod Obviously preliminary survey work is needed to be repaired quickly and a dense grass sward must be build a functional embankment. The nature of the maintained by occasional fertilization if necessary. soil as well as certain geological data must be The waterway definitely should not be used as a gathered if an impounding structure is desired. (For footpath for animals or humans and care must be example, soils composed largely of shrink-swell taken to prevent damage to the sod when moving clays might be unsuitable.) The presence of pockets machinery across it (Constantinesco 1976). of permeable materials, an extreme case being lava tubes in Hawaii, is necessary preconstruction infor­ Structures mation. The installation of mechanical structures for ero­ sion control should be considered a last resort. They Spillway inlets, conduits, and outlets. Water im­ are difficult and often expensive to construct and de­ pounded by an embankment enters the spillway mand expertise in design. As pointed out by Hud­ through a box, a weir in a wall, or a culvert-type son (1975) "Everything is against their being suc­ entrance. In certain structures a conduit (pipe or cessful. They will be built in adverse conditions, in rectangular channel) carries water through the poor unstable soils, in remote inaccessible areas structure. At the outlet, safe disposal ofwater is nec­ where maintenance will be poor, and then they will essary and is accomplished by a stilling basin (the be expected to withstand the onslaught of torrential apron of the structure) or strategically placed blocks floods and to last forever. " However, where vegeta­ which serve as energy dissipators. tive measures alone or in combination with the land­ Figure 37 illustrates several forms of concrete or shaping methods already described will not handle metal structures that may be used; however a great the water concentrations involved, structures may number of designs have been employed. Obviously be used if economical. A structure is defined as a none of the foregoing structures should be installed designed device, constructed or manufactured, that without consulting a knowledgeable engineer. Fig­ is used in soil and water conservation to retain, ure 38 gives a general rule-of-thumb chart to deter­ regulate, or control water flow (SCS 1975a). They mine the required spillway type. are used specifically for grade and gully control, Various natural or synthetic materials are used to water storage, water retention (flood prevention), construct check dams that slow the course of water sediment storage, surface-water inlets, water-level in a gully. A rock-fill dam (Fig. 39) anchored by control, irrigation, drainage, and shoreline and wire netting is one possibility. Another is the use of streambank protection. wire netting secured by posts. Brush or straw is

139 Concrete block

Prefabricated metal


Figure 37. Various kinds of spillways: A. Two drop spillways; B. A monolithic drop inlet spillway; C. A chute spillway. (SCS 1975a)

140 c

placed on the upstream side of the netting, which ly, we accept the classification ofSheng and Stennett slows runoff and builds up sediment upstream of the (1975) that small gullies are less than 0.9 m deep, dam. Brushwood dams (Fig. 40a) in which branches medium gullies are 0.9 to 4.6 m deep, and large are tightly packed together horizontally and secured gullies areover 4.6 m deep. The simple procedure of across the gully by vertical stakes or by tying with fencing the gully from cattle, followed by revegeta­ wire, are also utilized. A more substantial structure tion, may be effective on small and perhaps medium may be constructed with two rows of vertical posts gullies (Constantinesco 1976). Normally, more ef­ driven into the channel floor and logs packed in be­ fort is required for larger gullies. tween (Fig. 40b). If there is considerable flow the Generally a diversion (storm-water drain) around dam should have a rectangular notch, which must the head of the gully is a first step to control runoff be wide enough to pass the full flood of water, with­ (Bennett 1939; Constantinesco 1976). The diversion out restriction, otherwise scouring of the banks will normally is located above the gully head at a dis­ take place. Finally, used or discarded bricks may be tance of 3 to 4 times the depth of the gully. A safe used to build a weir. Since such a structure lacks grade in the diversion is 0.45 to 0.90 m per 100 m "weep holes," it lacks tensile strength and should be (USDA 1973). A general rule of thumb in India is buttressed. More complete discussions of these tem­ that a gully with a waterway slope up to 19 percent porary structures may be found in Hudson (1971) and a small drainage area can be controlled by level­ and Weidelt (1975). ing the slopes and vegetating the gully (Singh 1974). Although the final objective is revegetation of any Gully Control and Stabilizing Slopes gully, mehanical structures may be mandatory for Hudson (1971) said "In gully control a bag offertil­ stabilizing head cuts of large gullies and ravines izer is more effective than a bag of cement. " How­ (Heede 1977). In the Philippines these may be brush ever, it is not always possible to check downcutting cover, riprap interplanted with cuttings, pole struc­ and head cutting, the main subprocessecs of gully tures, solid structures of gabions, or occasionally formation, by vegetative measures alone. Tentative- grass sods (Weidelt 1975). Although temporary

141 DISCHARGE - ft 3/sec 10 25 50 100 150 200 400



~ w w 12 u..

0 16


50 .~. ,

:;:... ".:,'.: .'1,' :.:. Note: Chart shows most economical structure as related to discharge and controlled head providing site conditions are adequate.

Figure 38. Guide to structure selection. (SCS 1975a)

Figure 39. A rock-fill check dam. (Heede 1977)

142 infiltration, and preventing surface water accumula­ tions. True control is then accomplished by revege­ tating the problem site and proper management thereafter (Stocking 1976). II II 11 II u u Grassed waterways may be constructed from ex­ II • isting gullies ifthe necessary machinery is available. LI Small and medium-sized gullies may be reshaped A Elevation Section with a bulldozer. The channel cross-section should be broad and flat and, after the proper form is achieved, should be seeded with native grasses. Usually the soil in the bed of a reworked gully is poor so that oftentimes sacks Uute, paper, etc.) of good soil are laid in shallow trenches in the floor of the channel. Then the bags are slit and the grass seedlings are planted through the slit. This reduces B chances for washing away the soil and seedlings Figure 40. Temporary dam structures: A. Brushwood dam; B. before the grass is established (Hudson 1975). The Timber and log dam. (Hudson 1975) depth of flow should be 0.15 to 0.45 m to keep the flow velocity between 0.91 and 1.82 m/second. The structures are not recommended in the United gradient should not exceed 10 percent (10m drop/ States (USDA 1973), in the labor intensive societies 100 m length). Ponds may be located at the ends of of many developing countries such structures seem the grassed waterways that serve as water-storage quite justified. Most favored plants for gully control areas for livestock, fish farming, or recreation are those of great density, low height, with suffi­ (USDA 1973). ciently strong vegetative portions to remain erect As one example in the tropics, the general prin­ under intense rainfall impact or overland flow, and ciples as stated above have been used to renovate the with deep dense root systems (Heede 1977). Tall spectacular lavakas in various places on Madagascar. grasses are not generally recommended for gully sta­ Diversion ditches were provided above the lavaka bilization as they lie flat under flow impact and may head and the slopes ofthe walls were reduced to pre­ substantially increase flow velocities. vent collapse. This was followed by installing log It has been concluded that afforestation alone will fascines, stone gabions, or holding plant dikes in not reclaim gullies in western and central India. The position with wire netting; revegetating with problem must be solved on the individual water­ grasses, such as elephant grass, bushes (Mimosa) or sheds where peripheral bunds and drop structures at trees (Eucalyptus spp.); and raising the base level by gully heads can arrest gully progress. In the eastern means ofdikes across the outlet (Le Bourdiec 1972). red soil region of India earthen check dams are be­ ing used. Paddy benches are developed below the storage dams (Das 1977). Only porous check dams Control in Lumbering and Land Clearing (those with "weep holes") are recommended for Logging operations may cause major erosional wild lands and elsewhere in the United States, as problems, especially in the humid tropics where they require less anchoring than the nonporous there is accelerated lumbering activity and the rain­ types. Oftentimes loose-rock check dams (Fig. 39) fall is particularly aggressive. Tree felling itself can be constructed from available rock in the area, causes only minor erosional disturbance. Tractor using rock alone or with wire mesh, gabions, fenc­ skid trails (snig tracks) and logging roads are most ing, and so on (Heede 1977). vulnerable to erosion. Studies in northern Queens­ Use of flexible stone-filled bolsters has been rec­ land indicate that in group selection tractor logging ommended for trapping silt and reclaiming gullies in a rainforest, 18-21 percent of the area is covered in Zimbabwe (Stocking 1976). Intensive methods of with skid trails, of which 70 percent are bare soil correcting existing tunnels in Australia involve (Gilmour 1977). To keep soil loss to a minimum mechanical and vegetative methods. Initially, con­ Gilmour proposed the following guidelines: tour plowing or ripping is employed, with the three­ 1. Keep all roads, skid trails, and log ramps as far fold purpose of breaking up crusts, aiding water from streams as possible. 143 2. Use a logging archin'tractor skidding rather Hedges of sword plant (Sansevieria guineensis) and thandraggil1g the logs. Ceylon bowstring hemp (s. Zeylanica) were recom­ 3; Keep the, grades for roads and trails as low as mended for planting on contour as sediment traps. possible. Carpet grass (Axonopus compressus)) Australian daisy 4. Ensure adequate drainage ofroads and trails. (Erigeron mucronatum) and Indigofera endecaphylla were 5. Practice uphill logging wherever possible. advocated for bank stabilization. 6. Upon completion of logging, before the rainy Another problem of irregular occurrence in asso­ season, inspect potential problem areas on ciation with logging or clearing is landslides or mass roads, and seed or hydromulch where neces­ wasting. This is the dominant form of soil loss on sary. steep-sloped watersheds where shallow slides (debris Valuable suggestions made by Megahan (1977) avalanches) are most likely to be initiated by logging for forest road construction in the United States are or destruction of forest cover. Roads cause slides also applicable to the tropics. Such obvious but fre­ more frequently than the actual timber harvest al­ quently ignored suggestions as keeping logging though clearcutting reduces slope strength more roads as narrow as possible, locating roads away than any other logging system. Clearcutting is not from high erosion hazard sites, and taking advan­ recommended in steep terrain (Hattinger 1976; tage ofridge tops, natural benches, and lower gradi­ Rice 1977). Similarly the effect of fires on slopes in ents for locating roads exemplify the recommenda­ the long term is to increase the risk of slides (Rice tions Megahan made. 1977). A number of suggestions made for land clearing Torrent flow is another feature of forests that can in Surinam (Van der Weert 1974) should apply cause severe problems, especially to forest roads. quite generally throughout the tropics. For example Roads built parallel to the channel of a torrent, or a there is generally an inverse logarithmic relationship road cutting across such a channel, may be severely between the force necessary for compaction and soil damaged. In the first instance bank erosion is the water content. Since compaction reduces infiltration main threat to the road; in the second, the culvert, of water, all clearing and windrowing should be bridge, or paved ford may be damaged, especially if done during the dry season, and burning should debris blockage occurs (Hattinger 1976). Protection precede windrowing. To keep the number of pas­ ofchannel banks is recommended by riprap (rocks); sages of vehicles as low as possible, distances be­ sills and check dams for channel-bed and bank pro­ tween windrows should be twice the future plant tection; groynes to divert flowing water; and line interrow distance rather than the 40 to 50 meter ditches, check dams, and the like for flood dis­ spacing normally used. Van der Weert suggested charge. To protect bridges, culverts, or fords that a bulldozer with a K. C. Stinger blade for cut., against bed erosion and against blocking, sills and ting down trees should be used rather than a bull­ check dams are used (Hattinger 1976). dozer alone, as the latter causes considerable soil For stabilizing slopes and road cuts in developing disturbance when uprooting the trees. Finally, countries, retaining walls of riprap (rocks) are com­ stump clearing should be carried out only when monly used. Interplanting ofthe riprap with vegeta­ stumps greatly impede access to the area. tion may be employed as well (Weidelt 1975). Row planting of teak in Trinidad (Bell 1973) has Where stronger structures are needed, gabions are caused serious soil losses. Control measures recom­ used at the bottom of a slope; these are prefabricat­ mended are group planting of teak with shrub ed, heavy, galvanized wire baskets filled with rocks. growth established between groups; use of unplant­ Weidelt (1975) stresses that the first line of gabions ed strips by gardeners for one year followed by es­ should always be inclined toward the slope. An in­ tablishment of shrub growth; and control of burn­ genious' and at the same time economical, use can ing. Bell even went so far as to suggest elimination be made of worn-out automobile tires to construct of teak altogether as a wood crop in Trinidad if all retaining walls or to place them flat on the slopes else fails. (Fig. 41). Where possible, vegetation is interplanted Erosion control on tea estates in Sri Lanka in the inner circle of soil defined by the tire (Weidelt (Lester-Smith 1938) was advocated as a combina­ 1975). tion of mechanical and vegetative procedures.

144 Gradient max. 1:0.6 I I / / I I I

A Cross section Front view

Cross section

Front view


c wall; B. Low barrier; C. Cover. Figure 41. Use of worn tires for stabilizing slopes: A. Retaining (Weidelt 1975)


In the previous chapters we have pointed out the means of doing this would be to form a collaborative serious magnitude of rainfall erosion in the tropics, research and information network-or networks­ with examples of its overwhelmingly detrimental that would assist member countries to characterize impact, primary causes, and oftechnology available relevant aspects of the problem, assess available for its control. In each of these areas many gaps base-line data, identify research priorities, and ex­ have been identified that must be filled if soil losses change transferable technology. A proposal to form and numerous associated adverse effects are to be a "Collaborative Network on Soil Erosion and Con­ prevented or reduced to tolerable rates. To solve the servation in the Tropics" (CONSECT) is advanced problem, the major needs that emerge are to pro­ in the next section. vide information in sufficient depth and clarity to It is imperative that concern be stimulated, and stimulate the concern of policymakers; to provide a serious efforts initiated, not only in those countries framework for the collaborative collection of vital where erosion and associated problems have already quantitative data on all aspects of erosion; and to progressed to an alarming extent, but also in others provide the means for transferring available tech­ where the problem can (fortunately) still be prevent­ nology to different tropical regions. There is great ed from causing extensive damage (chap. 2). Hu­ need to extend effective conservation advisory ser­ man populations in the tropics are expanding at vices to the farm level, and to provide relevant train­ alarming rates and continued indiscriminate exploi­ ing to conservation research and extension staff in tation ofland can easily produce further irreversible developing tropical countries. damage to soil, water, and forest resources.


This state-of-the-art report is an attempt to focus on Quantitative Assessment ofErosion Extent, all aspects of rainfall erosion in the tropics. It is the Tolerance Limits, and Causative Parameters newest, but undoubtedly not the last, in a series of within Collaborating Countries documents, conference proceedings, and other na­ Understanding the existent erosion trends in a given tional and international efforts that treat the alarm­ country or region is important not only for identify­ ing proportions of the global erosion problem (see ing critical problem areas but also for revealing chaps 1 and 2). Initiative should be taken by leading qualitative interrelationships among soil losses, international agencies· and organizations to insure adverse effects on productivity, and the relative im­ systematic and timely delivery of these documents, portance of prevailing causes and land-use patterns. or selections and syntheses from them, to assist Proposed components of a research program for researchers, directors, and planning agencies to pro­ quantitative assessment of these interrelationships vide more effective support to policymakers in de­ are listed below. More detailed discussions and rele­ veloping tropical countries. Effective means ofdeliv­ vant citations from the literature are included in ering this information (such as regular workshops, chapters 2 and 4. seminars, written releases, and so on) should be identified. Information should be disseminated in a Survey ofExisting Soil Erosion thorough and regular manner. A concentrated effort Small-scale surveys, perhaps using remote­ should be made to help policymakers implement ef­ sensing techniques, will provide initial information fective conservation and land-use policies. One on the distribution of critical erosion areas. Ulti-

146 mately, however, specific measurements of soil tioh and mapping. For this purpose, surface and losses, with runoff from specific selected sites, will subsurface horizons need to be distinguished to be needed to determine whether erosion rates exceed allow for alternative land uses that may necessitate "tolerable" limits for these areas. Such monitoring different magnitudes of soil exposure. Data should can be effectively integrated with determining be collected simultaneously under simulated and causes. natural rainfall, the first to generate rapid estimates and the second to refine such estimates if needed. Tolerance Limits and Rehabilitation Requirements The dependence of soil erodibility on structural, hy­ Judgment of the severity of erosional losses from drologic, and mineralogical properties should be soils must take into consideration original soil prop­ quantitatively determined to allow available experi­ erties and the various detrimental impacts oferosion mental values to be extended to soils of unknown (Young 1980; Mannering 1981; McCormack and erodibility and, equally important, to estimate Young 1981; chaps 1 and 3). Of particular impor­ changes in erodibility that occur with time and alter­ tance to farmers in developing countries are quanti­ native uses. tative changes in soil productivity under major crops as a result of eroding surface soil layers that Topographic factors are richest in nutrients and physically most favor­ The quantitative effects of slope length and gradi­ able for root proliferation. Such data are also needed ent on runoff and erosional losses are quite obscure to determine the rehabilitation requirements of for tropical soils. Yet these parameters are of eroded lands in order to restore their capacity to primary importance not only for accurate assess­ support alternative food crops or other desired vege­ ment of erosion hazard, but also for deciding ero­ tation. sion control requirements and methods. In particu­ lar, data are needed for slopes ofless than 3 percent Rainfall Erosivity or more than 18 percent gradient (very common in The aggressivity of rainfall, or its inherent ability hilly tropical regions under intensive cultivation) to induce soil loss, has not been defined for the dif­ and more than 120 m length. Even in the United ferent climatic regimes within the tropics. Indeed, it States, tabulated data outside these ranges represent may be safely stated that the data necessary to quan­ extrapolations from experimental data. tify the role of this primary causative parameter are scarce. The individual or combined roles of kinetic Crop Cover and Residue Management energy and intensity of rainfall need to be verified. The quality of crop canopy and its protective ef­ Monitoring rainfall for these parameters with statis­ fects against rainfall erosion during various stages of tical reliability requires long periods (20 years is growth and particularly at various times of the year often stated as a minimum) and a number of loca­ (in locations where precipitation is seasonal) need to tions, determined by rainfall variability. To avoid be assessed for the common crops and the different the large ·expenses and delays associated with such .cultivars grown in the tropics. The timing of differ­ full monitoring, simpler indices for quantifying ent cultivation operations, particularly harvesting of rainfall erosivity need to be tested or developed for underground portions (e.g. in yams) is critical for wider application in the tropics. Components of reducing or increasing erosion hazard. The effects of erosivity, namely the direct impact of rainfall and multiple cropping (with time and space) and ofstub­ the detaching power of overland flow (runoff) need ble management should be quantified, in both the to be separated and quantified. Annual erosivity short and the long term. Evaluations of growth re­ maps and seasonal distributions of erosive rainfall quirements and of the effectiveness of specialty cov­ should be constructed for representative locations er crops under different climatic and management within each country. regimes are needed. Of particular importance is the direct utility (aside from protecting the soil surface) Soil Erodibility of such crops to the farmer, a factor that may add to The inherent susceptibilities of different tropical incentives for soil conservation. For instance, fast­ soils cannot be fully assessed from available data; in­ growing woody plants may have a secondary appli­ stead, they should be determined experimentally for cation as fuel, whereas more effective but nonpal­ representative families or other levels of soil tax­ atable herbaceous ground covers will not have a onomy, as may be required for reliable categoriza- secondary appeal as animal food.

147 own needs) and to their engaging in effective and ac­ LandManagement and Supporting Practices tive research to collect their own data. A thorough The benefits of tillage and the merits of alterna­ survey ofpublished literature and other available in­ tive land-shaping and tillage operations remain un­ formation on research methodology should be made resolved for tropical conditions. Whatever support­ and assessed by members of the proposed ing practices have been used to manipulate overland CONSECT in joint regional and global workshops, flow have usually been designed indiscriminately ac­ with cooperators representing appropriate institu­ cording to formulae developed outside the tropics. tions. Recommended (unifying) standardized proce­ Quantitative data are needed to relate the effects of dures for erosion research in developing tropical alternative tillage and land-shaping practices to ero­ countries could be selected and published. Concur­ sional losses from different soils under different rent evaluations of these methods would preferably rainfall patterns. be made at selected institutions-to establish cor­ relations between data collected by new and long­ Meeting these research needs will provide an in­ standing methods, and also to insure an institution's valuable tool for accurate prediction of erosion ability to act as a clearinghouse for collected data if hazards and control alternatives. However, it is ap­ needed. Concurrent evaluations would also be nec­ parent that meeting these needs for the multitude of essary to test the transferability of available U.S. climatic patterns, soils, land-use patterns, and socio­ technology, as discussed below. economic conditions in the tropics would require massive efforts. As indicated above, the needed re­ Testing the Potential for Transfer search could be conducted jointly by a network of of U.S. Technology collaborating institutions~inthe United States and The current U.S. technology for prediction and con­ developing countries ofthe tropics-in collaboration trol of rainfall erosion is largely based on the use of with a coordinating body. Such a network, tenta­ the universal soil loss equation (USLE). As dis­ tively named CONSECT, could encourage the cussed in chapter 4, the equation is universal only in compilation of all existing relevant data; formulate that it identifies all the parameters that contribute standardized methodology for collecting needed new collectively to erosional processes. In this respect, data; facilitate data processing and exchange among the experience of the United States and elsewhere members; minimize duplication of research; and should, in principle, be transferable. However, em­ contribute greatly to meeting the requirements on pirically derived quantitative values for individual training and advisory services discussed below. parameters in the USLE as they now exist, are As a starting point in developing the proposed restricted in validity to the mainland United States network, an assessment must be undertaken by in­ and can be extrapolated for use in the tropics only terested member institutions of alternative research after experimental confirmation or modification. methods currently available for quantitative mea­ Such confirmation or modification should receive a surement of soil erosion causes and control effective­ high research priority since the benefits from ness. This proposal is detailed in the next section. building upon American experiences would be im­ mense, particularly for early diagnosis of problem Alternative Research Methodologies areas and prescription of appropriate control mea­ Methods for soil erosion research used most fre­ sures. quently in the United States and developed coun­ Furthermore, while the major requirements for tries in general, tend to be suitable only for locations the transfer oftechnology pertain to the formulation where personnel with high levels of training are of the quantitative causative parameters described standard or made available (such as certain interna­ above and in chapter 4, the application of required tional research institutes). Where such personnel are conservation practices depends very much on the unavailable, these methods are too complex and re­ state of awareness of the farmer and other socioeco­ quire too high a level of financial investment to be nomic, cultural, and political conditions in a given directly usable by interested workers in less devel­ country (Dudal 1981; Heusch 1981 ; Hudson 1981; oped countries. This is a significant barrier to full Stocking 1981; Wiggins 1981). Again, the proposed appreciation by those workers ofresearch results ob­ network (CONSECT), with U.S. institutions as col­ tained elsewhere (whether or not applicable to their laborators, can playa vital role, as consultations

148 and exchange of information on local experiences with implementation and advisory services would be Degree Training ofConservation Officers ofmutual benefit. Ultimately, however, it will be up The number of research officers in soil conservation to the implementing (watchdog) agency within each in the tropics is far below what is needed to carry out country to package and disseminate transferable effectively the research and extension functions technology as appropriate for local consumption. outlined above. Both undergraduate (for extension­ directed personnel) and graduate (for research­ directed personnel) degree training are required. A number of U.S. institutions and several in other EXTENSION, ADVISORY, AND tropical areas (e.g. India, Malaysia, and Taiwan) INFORMATION DELIVERY SERVICES can be utilized for this purpose, although some enhancement of specialized capabilities may be re­ Implementing the technology designed for conserva­ quired. This training, particularly at the graduate tion-effective land use under local conditions will be level, should be conducted at academic institutions possible only if locally formulated or modified tech­ where research programs in erosion and conserva­ nological packages are delivered to farmers in a tion are sufficiently viable to accommodate thesis manner compatible with their own conditions and and dissertation research. Curriculum offerings including sufficient incentives to insure cooperation must be strong enough to provide the required back­ (Shaxson 1981b). In many countries, the mech­ ground. Advisory and extension services must be anism is usually a soil conservation service (or present to complete the institutional component. authority or commission) controlled by central or Furthermore, the local climate, soils, and vegetation regional governments. In the United States, client should provide a reasonable representation of tropi­ participation is facilitated by a network of Soil and cal conditions. Water Conservation Districts each of which repre­ sents a number of local farmers within a limited Non-degree Retraining of Research Officers area. Districts capitalize on available incentive pro­ Certificate or diploma courses should be offered to grams and thus work closely with officers of the Soil conservation officers now engaged in erosion and Conservation Service, USDA. The utility of a simi­ conservation research in order to facilitate retrain­ lar system, or of alternative models, for disseminat­ ing which may be in-country, in-region, or at coop­ ing information and providing conservation advi­ erating U.S. institutions. Existing institutions in sory services in developing tropical countries should developing countries may serve as regional centers be explored by the proposed CONSECT. Prepara­ (e.g. in India, Malaysia, and Taiwan). The purpose tion of special publications required by extension ofthis training would be to offer refresher courses on conservation officers in the field should also be em­ design and data processing, to demonstrate tech­ phasized. These officers should be trained (see be­ niques, to provide opportunities for exchanging ex­ low) to utilize such publications to advise farmers periences, and to engage trainees in active, ongoing and prepare displays, thereby insuring continued research projects on the various aspects of erosion and regular communication of the conservation and conservation. The duration of such training message to the farmer. would probably be one year or less.

Non-degree Training ofExtension Officers TRAINING NEEDS Certificate and diploma course programs are also needed for currently active extension officers, again Lack of trained research and extension personnel in with the objective of refreshing and updating skills. soil and water conservation is a major constraint Emphasis here should be placed not only on the that limits the ability of many tropical countries to technical aspects oferosion and conservation trends, meet the above-stated requirements. Aside from but also on the effective display and delivery of in­ regular conferences and workshops that will accom­ formation vital to the farmer. Alternative means of modate the activities of representatives to the pro­ stimulating farmer participation in conservation posed coordinating body (CONSECT), two addi­ activities should also be included in extension tional major vehicles are needed. training.


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Accelerated erosion, 1, 16,40-41,44,124 policies, in Taiwan, 41-44 and agricultural practices, 20, 29, 35, 52, 54, 57 practices, 39, 52, 134-135 and changes in soil productivity, 60 Construction and construction activities, 45 activities, 45,118,124,144 and forest clearing, 20, 35, 49, 54, 117 sites, 45, 133-134 Advisory services, 146-149. See also Land development centers Continental erosion rates, 13-14 Aerial photography, 10, 12, 17, 27. See also Remote sensing Contour tillage, 38,108,134-135,143, Afforestation. See Reforestation Cover crops, 121, 129-132 Agricultural systems, Whittlesey's classification, 111 Cover plants, 134 A horizon, 29, 50 Crop cover. See also Land management; Monocropping; Alfisols, 29, 61,63, 106 Multiple cropping; Plantations erodibility of, 32, 53, 91 and residue management, 105-108 Andropogon virginicus, 45 and soil conservation, 147 Arid tropics, 12 and soil losses, 21-22, 38, 40, 50, 56, 57, 58, 85, 102, Aswan High Dam, 25, 68, 72 106-108 Crop densities, 132 Basins, 135, 137 Crop diversity, 32, 113 Bench terraces, 135-137 Cropping management factor (USLE), 76, 106-108 B horizon, 8, 29, 50 Cropping systems, 17,35,52,63 Biological engineering, 128-129 Crop rotation, 105, 131, 134 Bolsters, flexible, 143 Crop selection, 39 Brush matting, 128-129 Crop yields, 50,60,64-66 Bunds, 121, 135, 143 Burning, 32,44,49, 127, 144 Damage from flooding, 60, 69-72 as agricultural practice, 20, 29, 56, 124 Dams, 139-141, 143, 144 compared to bulldozer clearing, 51 Deforestation, 27, 57, 58-59, 72. See also Denudation; Forest and degradation ofwatersheds, 39 removal and Imperata cylindrica, 37, 117 Degradation, 14,39,56 controlled, 128, 144 Denudation, 13-14, 21, 106-108. See also Vegetation removal and deterioration ofsoil structure, 114 Detachment, 3, 60-61,75,90,119,124 uncontrolled, 52, 113 Developing countries, 13, 148-149 reforestation programs in, 124-127 Cattle, 17,23,45,50,141. See also Livestock; Overgrazing; Diversions, 138, 141, 143 Overstocking Drainage density, 37 and tsetse fly, 29 Drakensberg Mts, 70 Cattle ranching, 55 Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Economic impact oferosion, 6,8,70,114 Institute, Dehra Dun, 35 Egypt, "gift ofthe Nile," 25, 69 Channel erosion. See Gully erosion; Rill erosion EIindex,79,84,85,90 Clean cultivation, 51, 52, 57 Embankments, 139 Cogon. See Imperata cylindrica Entisols, 53 Collaborative Network on Soil Erosion and Conservation in the Environmental changes, 3, 6, 54-55, 60 Tropics (CONSECT), 146, 148,149 Erodibility, 14, 19, 63, 147. See also EI index Conservation factor, 76,90,91,94,95,99,101 activities, farmer participation in, 59, 149 nomographs,94-95 advisory services, 35, 44, 146 Erosion control measures, 108-109, 119-145 measures, need for, 21, 29-31, 35, 57,63 Erosion control practice factor, 76

169 Erosion potential Hydromulching, 129, 144 assessment of, 10, 12-13,51,119 Hydroseeding, 129, 134 ofvarious soil classes, 32 in Zimbabwe, 19 Illegal occupation ofland, 38-39 Erosivity maps, 79-85 Imperatacylindrica, 37, 110-111, 117, 127, 128 Extension services, 146-149 Inceptisols, 53 Infiltration Fallow periods and erosivity index, 85 abandonment of, 115 and raindrop impact, 99,119 and fertility decline, 113-115 rates, 71-72, 75,85,90,117,118,124,132 and nutrient losses, 63 and vegetation, 19 shortened, 119, 131-132 Intensive cultivation, 110-111 FAO, 13, 14,32 Intercropping, 105 Farming and vegetative cover, 20,124 International Crops Research Institute for the Semiarid Trop- Fertility ics (ICRISAT), 37,66-68 and crop yields, 60 Interrill erosion, 3,10,102. See also Sheet erosion decline, 52,66, 111, 114-115 Ipil-ipil. See Leucaena leucocephala and soil productivity, 59, 61 Isoerodent maps, 79 Fire. See Burning Flood damage, 70-71, 72 Kinetic energy Forest removal. See also Deforestation; Denudation and particle detachment, 75 acceleration of, 40-41 ofraindrops, 79, 105 control of, 37 and rainfall erosivity, 84,147 effects of, 25-27, 32, 35, 39,53,54,75,124 ofstorms, 84,85-86 and flood hazards, 71 illegal, 37 Land capability, 119 Forest litter, 117 Land clearing. See Forest removal; Vegetation removal Forests, 58, 117, 124. See also Forest removal; Reforestation; Land development centers, 40 Vegetation Land management, 14,54,59,63,123-132,148 Fournier's index oferosion hazard, 14,20,29,51,99,105 practices, 27,32,38,39, 75 Fuelwood, 117, 119 Land shaping, 21-22,66,121,148 Landslides Gabions, 141, 143, 144 in Africa, 23, 70 Geological erosion, 1, 51 in Asia, 32, 40 Grass cover, 55, 143. See also Vegetation in Caribbean, 56, 57 Grasses. See also Andropogon virginicus; Imperata cylindrica; in Latin America, 49, 54, 72 Panicum maximum and logging, 144 for waterway stabilization, 139 Land-use planning, 9, 59 Green manure, 129, 130 Lavakas, 20, 143 Gully erosion Leaching, 1, 114 in Africa, 17, 20, 23, 24, 27-29 Leucaena leucocephala, 124, 127, 129, 131 in Asia, 35, 117 Livestock, 50, 51, 53, 111, 119, 128. See also Cattle; Over- in Australia, 44 grazing; Overstocking in Caribbean, 56, 57,58 Living fences, 127 control of, 139, 141-143 "Lock and spill" technique, 121 defined, 3 Logging in Guadalcanal, 45 control oferosion associated with, 143, 144 identification of, 10 ecological consequences of, 119, 124, 128 and soil productivity, 69 erosion caused by, 39, 40: 44 in South America, 51,52 and gully formation, 117 subsurface. See Piping; Tunnel erosion and landslides, 144 and thin A and B horizons, 50 and USLE, 76 Maps, scale of, 12, 13 and watershed soil loss, 31 Ma Sae Integrated Watershed and Forest Land Use Project (Thailand), 39 Henin's "instability index," 99 Measurement techniques, 9 Human activities, 12-13, 19. See also Construction activities; Methods for assessing erosion, 12 Logging; Mining; Roads Middleton's dispersion ratio, 96 Humid tropics, 12 Minimum tillage, 134 Hydrology and devegetation, 69-70 Mining, 39, 54, 124, 128

170 Model for soil loss calculation, 17 and soil exhaustion, 55 Monocropping, 57, 111 and tsetse fly, 29 Mudflows, 23 Prerill erosion. See Interrill erosion Mulching, 108, 121, 129, 130, 132-133 Property damage, 70-72, 73 on construction sites, 134 Puddle erosion, 3 and soil losses, 32, 56, 102 Multiple cropping, 130-132 Quantification oferosion impact, 60 Musgrave equation, 76 Quarrying, 71. See also Mining

Raindrops Nile R., sediment deposits of, 6, 14,25,69 characteristics of, 79, 86-87 Nomographs, 94-95 impact of, 53, 119 No-till system, 134 terminal velocity of, 79, 85 Nutrient losses, 63 Raindrop splash, 3, 130, 132 Rainfall acceptance, 61. See also Infiltration Old cogon. See Imperata cylindrica Rainfall erosivity, 14, 16, 76-90, 147 Organic matter, 51, 117 equations, 85-86 Overgrazing. See also Cattle; Livestock; Overstocking; Vege­ factor in USLE, 76 tation values, 106 in Africa, 21, 24 Rainfall intensity, 85-87,147 in Australia, 44 Rainfall simulation, 12,56,63,79,91,147 and flood damage, 71 Rainfall variability, 79 and gully formation, 17 Reconnaissance surveys, 10, 12, 22 in Latin America, 50, 51,52,53,54 Reforestation, 45, 124-127,143 and livestock management, 128 need for, 35, 38, 58-59 in Pacific, 44,45 Remote sensing, 146 and vegetative cover, 106 Reservoirs, 21, 22, 72-74. See also Aswan High Dam; Siltation Overland flow, 3, 75. See also Interrill erosion Revegetation, 35-37,53, 141-143. See also Reforestation Overstocking, 52, 53 Ridging, 121, 134-135, 138. See also Terraces Oxidic soils, 74 Rillability, 90 Oxisols, 6, 8, 56, 61-63, 106 Rill erosion, 3, 10, 102 erodibility of, 13,21,29,32,91 occurrence of, 20, 23, 29, 44 and use ofUSLE, 76 Paddy farming, 110 River basins, 13-14, 15. See also Watersheds Panicum maximum, 53 River sediment loads, 32, 40, 44, 49 Particle size distribution, 95, 99 Roadbanks, 134 Pedestal erosion, 3 Roads Percoline drainage. See Piping and accelerated erosion, 40-41, 44 Pinnacle erosion, 3 construction of, 58, 118 Piping, 3. See also Tunnel erosion erosion of, 53 Plantations, 32, 44, 52, 54, 56, 111, 130. See also Monocropping and landslides, 44, 144 Plant nutrients, 29 logging, 117-118, 143-144 Plants for erosion control, 143, 144. See also Crop cover; and sedimentation, 72 Grasses Roots, 53, 63, 66, 68 Plastic sheets, 121 Runoff, 66-67, 71,108,118,119,130 Population densities in Asia, 31-32 Satellite imagery, 10, 12 as cause oferosion, 56, 75 Scouring, 31, 39,72-73 and erosion hazard, 19 Sediment and gully formation, 17 delivery ratios, 6, 10, 14, 37 and migration, 45-49, 51, 52, 58 deposition, 3, 6, 25,31,38,68-69 in northeast Brazil, 52 loads, 24, 27,35,85-86,119 Population pressures removal, 13-14,32,37, 118 aggravating erosion problems, 14 Sedimentation, 6, 23, 71 and agricultural practices, 27, 32, 37, 51, 54, 55 Semiarid tropics, 12 and critical watersheds, 40 Sheet erosion and cultivation of steeper slopes, 105, 108, 135 in Africa, 20, 23, 24, 29,31 and deforestation, 58-59 in Australia, 44 and need for soil conservation, 119 in Caribbean, 56, 57 and shortening of fallow periods, 113 crops to control, 130

171 as result ofburning, 49 vation; Shifting cultivation and sedentary agriculture, 51 Surface flow. See Interrill erosion and soil productivity, 69 Surface sealing, 61,70. See also Infiltration in Sri Lanka, 32 Swiddening. See Shifting cultivation and use ofUSLE, 76 Sheng's land capability classification, 119 Terrace outlets. See Waterways, grassed Shifting cultivation, 110-113 Terraces, 40,75,108,113,121,135-138 and deforestation, 117 spacing formulae for, 137-138 and deleterious grasses, 37, 110-111 types of, 38, 108, 135, 137, 138, 143 erosion control measures used with, 21, 75, 113, 127 Thai-Australia Land Development Project, 39 under forest cover, 55 Tires, as retaining walls, 144 and intensive cultivation, 54, 59, 119 Topography, 14, 59, 60, 75, 147. See also Slope factor; Slopes as method ofcrop rotation, 131-132 Topsoil removal, 38, 53,118 and population pressures, 54 Transportation ofparticles, 3, 75 and soil depletion, 44, 52, 58, 115 Tsetse fly, 29 on steep slopes, 34-35, 39, 53 Tunnel erosion, 27,39, 143. See also Piping Siltation, 27, 60, 74. See also Sedimentation Sleeping sickness, 29 Ultisols, 8, 32, 91 Slope factor in USLE, 76 Uluguru Mts (Tanzania), 22, 23,66, 70, 72 Slopes United Nations Environmental Programme, 13, 14,21 control oferosion on, 38, 44, 58, 65, 128, 141-143, 144 United Nations Conference on Human Environment, 13 erosion hazard on, 37-38, 55, 101-105 United States Soil Taxonomy, 6, 91 soil loss from, 19,56,58,75,76-77,105 Universal soil loss equation, 27, 76-77,99, 119, 148 steep, cultivation of, 39,40,53, 135 C factor in, 106-108 Slumping, 56, 57 and EI index, 86 Socioeconomic factors, 59, 75 K factor in, 90 Soil Conservation Service, USDA, 149 L, S factors in, 101-105 Soil exhaustion, 55 P factor in, 108 Soilfauna, 117, 124, 132 and terracing, 137-138 Soilformation, 3, 21, 119 Soil horizons, 3, 29, 60, 61, 94,117,147. See also A horizon; B Vegetation. See also Forests; Grasses; Plants horizon and erosion hazard, 12-13,24,37 Soil hydrology, 90, 94 and particle migration, 75 Soil loss. See also Universal soil loss equation protected by tsetse fly, 29 and crop cultivation practices, 21-22, 45, 52,64-66 removal, 29, 35, 114, 118, 144 (see also Deforestation; factors controlling, 14 Denudation; Forest removal) measurement of, 17, 21, 23, 27, 41, 50 and soil loss, 14, 16,38,56, 105-106 and particle migration, 19 Vertical erosion, 3 and sediment delivery, 10 Vertisols, 13,27,67-68,91,105-106 Soil Loss Estimation Model for Southern Africa (SLEMSA), Visible degradation, 37 77,99-101. See also Universal soil loss equation Soil management, 119 Water-holding capacities, 61 Soil orders, 6, 91. See also names ofindividual orders Water holes, 50 Soil productivity, 3, 6, 37, 60-69,147 Watersheds, 22, 40, 41,86, 105-106. See also River basins Soil renewal, 3-6, 60. See also Soil formation Waterways, 72-74,121,138 Soil structure, 60, 68-69, 90, 94, 96-99 grassed, 138-139, 143 changes in, 53, 61, 111; 113 Wattling and staking, 129 Spillways, 139 Weathering, 8, 12. See also Rainfall erosivity; Storms Storms, 70, 79,87 Wild lands, 115-118 Strip-cropping, 121, 131 Wind erosion, 1, 12 Structures, mechanical, 139-143 Subsistence agriculture, 51, 54, 55. See also Intensive culti- Zimbabwe, erosion studies in, 17


Samir A. EI-Swaify Edgar W. Dangler Samir A. EI-Swaify is Professor and Soil Scientist, Edgar W. Dangler is Assistant Soil Scientist, De­ Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, College partment of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Uni­ University of Hawaii. He received his B.Sci. in versity of Hawaii. He received his B.S. in Wildlife General Agriculture from the faculty ofAgriculture, Conservation from the University of Maine (1942) Alexandria, Egypt in 1957, and his Ph.D. in Soil and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Univer­ Science from the University of California at Davis sity of Hawaii (1965; 1973). His research has in­ in 1964. After one year as a post-doctoral fellow at volved conservation both with the Department of the University of California, Riverside, he joined Inland Fisheries and Game, Augusta, Maine and the University of Hawaii faculty in 1965 and has the University of Hawaii where more recently he been there since, currently as Professor of Soil Sci­ has done varied research on rainfall simulation, ence. His teaching and research have emphasized sediment loss, and watershedstudies. soil and water conservation and management with primary thrusts in land degradation mechanisms c. A. Armstrong and rehabilitation techniques, erosion causative parameters and impacts, and water quality for irri­ C. A. Armstrong was a Research Associate with the gation. He has travelled widely in tropical countries University of Hawaii's Erosion Project in 1978. He and published numerous scientific papers and book obtained his M.S. degree in Agricultural Engineer­ contributions on the above subjects, as well as this ing from the University of Illinois in 1979 and has book. He was organizer of the second International spent considerable time in Swaziland, Lesotho, and Conference on Soil Erosion and Conservation in the Kenya in various advisory roles for agricultural de­ tropics held in Honolulu, Hawaii inJanuary 1983. velopment.