Eek's Television
EEK'S C[ 'LETE TELEVISION THE t_,,,,,-j Editorials The Showcase Nothincj But The Truth z:: Editor Speaks :..::?'..:..:./ Short Sto•y Complete .:.. The BowlincjWorld TV Shows This Week The Sportscene Cartoons Gov. Robert B. Meyner. reelected to a second term. NOVEMBER 10, 1957 VOL. XXIX, No. 44 .: --:" "' ' ...... '-.. "x••.•::'2,•.•,t:•;......:..'. ...:•: . ... •?e{;'...;.--':•-:::":. ß ' ."--:.::.:':?.!:::i.x:'.•:-:.--:---..:,':•.ek'•"'•.•.•:• "•i•'•....•*e•.-. --'.:.&....,.• .•,:.. - -+...,<, .... >... ß ß .-•..9.•.:--:'-:'-•:-,%-:'•:•.•.-.•::%.-:.:-: ' •-.'x.:e ß":-:. "-?.. ß -"•..'.-:+::-•.•:.'-:'-.•'.-. '-'-'..:-"--.-'..:.:-..-:•-:-'.:'-: ' :-:-.'-:.e.:'.¾-•-.::-•x.^.-:--::..,..-•.::•...¾:::':::.:':'. ,' ' '..•.•i':,•o•.:•.'...%..'•..'::'.•¾•-'..e .':..". ...... ::-':•.:.:::'.:':::x'-;::• .............. :':!:'l:':; ?'l+...•+x• ' ill. i...•.:':?:,i.-'-2{•,•:. •,• -•. -'--?!:.-"-•i'.. ::•:::!:'•':.•:..:::•'11•l'&•.11,•'i..•..•..• ..,•::• • .•......e:....:•.•;---:.....:.•;.;...;.........;.•.:.x..---.:.?!'::i'.:-i::..>•-•-.•e!:•;•..'.'!:::i::•:P- -• ........ ........ ..•2,.' -** .::::2 .-.s,,,. '.;'.qe:•!•:•.::•S%:i:•'. AT YOUR SERVICE... :'..%', PUT 'EMUP, YOUPHONY! -- London,Eng. -- Onthe Right 'l{ere:•making hostile gesfures, is "ApricotRoyal", a Mousehound :0f .parestindigo blood, and on the Left is "DoorstopQueen", who All the Time ! ha.•.i..noblood of anycolor, but serves as a doorstop- in pottery, ,.Tliiglittle set-totook place at the openingof the AnnualSiamese --•at'C-lub Showin London. Whenyou want a dependablefuel [or cooking,for
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