Ocm17240080-1914.Pdf (11.36Mb)
Public Document No. 94 REPORT Directors of the Port of Boston Year ending November 30, 1914. BOSTON: WEIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 32 DERNE STREET. 1915. Approved by The State Board op Publication. CONTENTS. Report. Sximmary of Report and Recommendations, 7 Introduction, . 16 Cost of Commonwealth Pier No. 5, . 20 Income of Commonwealth Pier No. 5, . 25 Duty of the Future, ...... 27 Commonwealth Pier No. 6 (Fish Pier) and Proposed Market in South Boston 37 Dry Dock, ........ 39 Commonwealth Pier No. 1, East Boston (Eastern Railroad Pier), 42 Port of Boston, Dredging, ..... 43 Land Holdings under Control of Directors, 46 Wharf and Pier Frontage of Boston Harbor, below Bridges 50 Rivers, Estuaries and Tidal Inlets of Boston Harbor, 53 Switching Charges, .... 54 Boston as a Transfer Port, 56 Boston's Handicap in the Differential Rate, 56 Belt Lines, ...... 57 Pier Rentals in Boston and Other Cities, . 59 Publicity Bureau, ..... 64 Public Hearings, ..... 65 Erie Canal, ...... 66 Panama Canal, ..... 66 Anchorage Basin, . 68 Wrecks and Obstnictions, 68 Importing and Exporting Commission Houses, 70 Mystic River Channel, near Maiden Bridge, 71 New Steamship Lines at Boston, 72 Taxation of Water-front Property, . 82 Appendix. Report of the Clerk of Board, ........ 87 Licenses granted during the Year, ....... Miscellaneous Permits, . 90 Agreement — Directors of the Port of Boston with Boston Fish Market Cor- poration relative to Breakwater, Commonwealth Pier No. 6, 92 Agreement — Directors of the Port of Boston with Boston & Albany Railroad relative to lightering Grain, ....... 95 Agreement — Directors of the Port of Boston with Boston & Maine Railroad relative to lightering Grain, ......
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