3.6 Biological Resources
3. Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures 3.6 Biological Resources 3.6.1 Approach to Analysis This section describes the existing biological resources in and near WTTIP project sites and evaluates project-related impacts on those resources. Information used in the preparation of this section was obtained from the following resources: Reconnaissance-level surveys Records from the California Natural Diversity Database (CDFG, 2005) Biological literature of the region (EBMUD, 1994; CDFG, 2003; Hickman, 1993; Zeiner et al., 1990; Stebbins, 1985) Special-status species information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS, 2005a) Occurrence records on file at the University of California Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (UCBMVZ, 2005) Vegetation and wildlife species occurrence information from EBMUD biologists (EBMUD, 2005; Skahill, 2005; Hartwell, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c; Lake, 2003; Loughman, 2002; Beeman, 2001; Swaim, 2000; Dunne, 1994) Vegetation types and wildlife habitats were characterized on the basis of both records and field observations. ESA conducted surveys of project sites on October 12, 13, and 20 and November 3 and 8, 2005 to gather information on plant communities, wildlife habitats, and habitat use on and surrounding each site. All areas evaluated at a project-level were inspected for biological and wetland resources during the field visits. A general tree assessment was completed to estimate the number of protected trees that would be affected in accordance with each city’s or county’s tree ordinance. 3.6.2 Setting Regional Setting The WTTIP project sites are located in the Oakland-Berkeley Hills and in the western Contra Costa County cities of Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette, and Walnut Creek in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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