Euclidean Geometry
EuclideanGeometry Thc subjectrnatrer of thrs boot rs non-Eucldcr onem-usl know wna, Euc,idean Beonre,r), . 1i,,.;liJlil.lJ,llil;li::;i::,T::.: mofe.dimculrtask it ,nirhr rniria,)"i].;llil'Jll r,, r:,",.;, ."1 .*r,'",r,,"i"t";: ;;,;;;":;;;:,., producethe vaflou! cunEnlr] ," accepreddesc prions.sirtch areari basedon rhcrerarnerr ofDavid Hitberr recenrwort o86: 1e.'.r).Nee,ess ro s;). fu*. g_.,.",r,,,. ;;; ;;;,;;;:;;;1";'i::,,"", to bedeficient and op r for yer orherchar.acter.rzatrons ,e.,r l| new oI rhesccons ions,the rcaders ura\ no,be \umri .ed , , nd,,r,.Ju,r.. n., .hJ,en,,,e\.,r_ . ::l',.."".,' ".,..,";'',_.:; rroridi,rg^l^ rheor s'i,h:r shofthisror).orrhesubjec, ,".,",0"ou",.i.ii;:i',",Jft ili:.ll''''t, -o - Ill Anlntroduction to EuclideanGeomerrv Geomctrfin rhesense ol mensurrrionof ti!ui de\eroped bI malr)cuhurer and datesback to mrr"""i,'"i ii"',i;",ii " T ip"lll"**'rl *,"''r,,"*l ;:;;;; ;i""iil:;:;"11.:;:nil j;J,i,iJT, Ii,i.J,li.: :i:I,l.rreason,was-creared by rheG.eeks. Hrsrrlrrlrns ::ii"Jll: asr.erhar rh€ orisn of gcomerr)."" t". ,.,"J i".* ,,, tlrehres of Thatesol Milerus Ncirher or.r,i. r*.;;;-;::;#;T,:i:::il'ii:i,lirhe.\ i':filiijlli:'J:Jjli,J,il: eclips€-*npr,,r,,""u,,of 585Bc. jr is believcdthar hc ln.eddunnr rhc;jrrh cenru,-;it ;,i,,ili;."il;, probablyt'om forrotrel in m.uv orher ".." 'Lrd counrries.rnttcenrurres 1, r, fr ,,,,rr. ,t,"i r," ,- ro a:uti.e |harborh ioundhis conr : burior\ useluta|d cared . p,",o.]. ,r,.",-i,,"". ,n" lutureby ilcorTrorarngthem ".,g1 rnroi(s cd!carionorsj.sren s;me rrrccreete orihi o"r *r-,'..^-e boththe denrocraLjctbrm of governmenr and$e idcaof r trratht r,I .r p."., ,, to..e\e.) ciLizenrhar he " slr(jutdbe abte ro argn.borl cogurr4 ura perurLsiverr.or,;"" "",;,,p*"r,.
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