Washington University Law Review Volume 59 Issue 1 January 1981 The Solicitor General and His Client Wade H. McCree Jr. United States Solicitor General Follow this and additional works at: https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/law_lawreview Recommended Citation Wade H. McCree Jr., The Solicitor General and His Client, 59 WASH. U. L. Q. 337 (1981). Available at: https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/law_lawreview/vol59/iss1/20 This Tyrell Williams Memorial Lecture is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School at Washington University Open Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Washington University Law Review by an authorized administrator of Washington University Open Scholarship. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. THE TYRRELL WILLIAMS MEMORIAL LECTURE Tyrrell Williams served as an outstanding member of the Washington University School of Law faculty from 1913 to 1946. The family and friends of Tyrrell Williams established a lecture series in his honor in 1948. The Lectureship hasprovidedprominentjudges,legal scholars, and practitionerswith an opportunity to explore issues of the greatest sign~fi- cance to the legal community. The Honorable Wade H. McCree, Jr., distinguishedjurist andpublic servant, delivered the Tyrrell Williams Memorial Lecture on March 18, 1981, on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri THE SOLICITOR GENERAL AND HIS CLIENT WADE H. McCREE, JR.* I. INTRODUCTION It is a great pleasure to be with you today at Washington University, and to participate in this distinguished lecture series. As Mr. Donohue has explained to me, one of the purposes of the Tyrrell Williams lec- tures is to explore the process by which our legal system converts its general goals-such as preserving public order and promoting the wel- fare of the people-into concrete reality.