September 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E865 Fairness Act. I had intended to vote ‘‘no’’ on ner at his family home and asked the female every respect, that they could have successful roll call vote 194, against the Motion to law students, including Ginsburg, ‘‘Why are careers and also could, if they chose, be de- Recommit. you at Harvard Law School, taking the place voted wives or mothers, thereby breaking bar- f of a man?’’ riers for generations of women to follow in her When her husband took a job in New York footsteps. IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE HONOR- City, Ruth Bader Ginsburg transferred to Co- In fact, many of Ginsburg’s opinions helped ABLE RUTH BADER GINSBURG, lumbia Law School and became the first solidify the constitutional protections she had THE ‘NOTORIOUS RBG,’ ASSO- woman to be on two major law reviews: Har- fought so hard to establish decades earlier. CIATE JUSTICE OF THE SU- vard Law Review and Columbia Law Review. While we commemorate Justice Ginsburg’s PREME COURT, FEMINIST ICON In 1959, she earned her law degree at Co- work for advancing the women’s movement AND TRAILBLAZER, INSPIRATION lumbia and tied for first in her class but de- both as a Justice and as a lawyer, all are in TO MILLIONS, TIRELESS CHAM- spite these enviable credentials and distin- her debt who cherish the progress made in PION FOR JUSTICE AND FIERCE guished record of excellence, no law firm in the areas of LGBTQ+ equality, immigration re- DEFENDER OF THE CONSTITU- New York City would hire as a lawyer because form, environmental justice, voting rights, pro- TION she was a woman.
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