SOCIAL MEDIA in the LIBRARY in the Library Series TABLE of CONTENTS
A Routledge FreeBook SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE LIBRARY In the Library Series TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 • INTRODUCTION 05 • NETWORKS OF KNOWLEDGE CREATION AND DISSEMINATION 18 • SCHOLARLY NETWORKS OR, SCHOLARS IN NETWORKS? 25 • ACADEMIA GOES SOCIAL MEDIA, MOOC, SPOC, SMOC, AND SSOC 39 • INTEGRATING COMMUNITY AND RELATIONSHIP BUILDING INTO UNIVERSITIES’ SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING (CASE STUDY) 57 • DEVELOPING SOCIAL MEDIA TO ENGAGE AND CONNECT (CASE STUDY) 67 • LIBRARIANS AS ADVOCATES OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR RESEARCHERS (CASE STUDY) INTRODUCTION Using social media effectively enables libraries to connect with users in a space that they already occupy, while bringing added value to existing activities. This FreeBook thus provides library practitioners and students of Library and Information Science (LIS) with suggestions on how librarians, and academics, can use social media to improve audience engagement, create a community of users, and enhance the libraries profile – all of which is in light of Social Media in the Library. This FreeBook features contributions from experts in their field, including: George Veletsianos, Canada Research Chair of Innovative Learning and Technology and Associate Professor at Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He has been developing and researching digital learning environments since 2004. Bikramjit Rishi, an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India. Subir Bandyopadhyay, a Professor of Marketing at the School of Business & Economics, Indiana University Northwest, USA. Helen Fallon, Deputy University Librarian at Maynooth University, Ireland. She has published extensively and has presented workshops on academic writing in Ireland, the UK, the USA and Malaysia. Graham Walton, Honorary Research Fellow in the Centre for Information Management at Loughborough University, UK, where he was Assistant Director (Academic and User Services) in the University Library until July 2016.
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