Professor Marcelle Machluf is Dean of the Technion Faculty of and Food Engineering and works closely with the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute. She was the deputy executive vice president for research for the Pre-Clinical Research Authority, a member of the Affiliate Engineering Faculty of the new Technion Integrated Cancer Center.

Working at the cutting edge of cancer research, Prof. Machluf is developing a targeted drug delivery system using Nano-Ghosts to home in on tumors, unleashing its therapeutic load at the cancer site. Other research interests include developing scaffolding for tissue engineering of the pancreas heart and blood vessels; and developing carriers for cell delivery with applications for treatment such as diabetes. She also has a laboratory in Nanyung Technological University of Singapore, where she is working on a leading tissue regenerative project.

Israel’s Ministry of Science and Technology recently named her one of the nation’s “60 most impactful scientists” for her work in advanced cancer therapies and drug delivery. Lady Globes magazine also selected her as the Woman of the Year for 2018. She also had the privilege to light the torch in a special ceremony for ’s 70th Independent Day.

Born in Morocco, Prof. Machluf immigrated as a child to Israel with her family in 1964. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a master’s degree in biomedical engineering from Ben-Gurion University of the , and her doctorate — also from Ben-Gurion — in the field of biotechnology engineering. She completed a five-year post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School under the supervision of distinguished scholar Prof. Anthony Atalla, before joining the Technion in 2001.

Prof. Machluf has authored book chapters and more than 80 peer-reviewed journal papers, which have appeared in leading journals including Nature Biotechnology, Nano Letters and Blood, and have been cited more than 2,800 times. She has six national patents and two approved international patents in the fields of drug delivery and tissue engineering. Prof. Machluf is on the editorial board of several journals including Scientific Report and Tissue Engineering. She is the recipient of many honors including the Alon Award for excellence in science, the Gutwirth Award for achievements in , the Hershel Rich Technion Innovation Award and the Juludan Research Prize for outstanding research. She holds the Cathedra of Benno Gitter & Ilana Ben Ami Chair in Biotechnology.