FYIVBO~,)FORUAl - J-4NIVU4L - . RESEi1Il(~H' MEE1-1iVG ~ - , " . PRO G 'R A 1V1M E ,"j7-1 ~ July 'j 996 . The Nekkies near'V\lofc9ster '~-'~. '!!U..~~.:~N.~!"!It~:ne,A.~-- ~ .. ..; TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ -0 Page Organised °unaer the auspices of the, Foundation for- Research Develop(nent Programme 2 by Mrs Bettie de Beer AbstractsofaIlPresentations 7 , \ ° Inland Resources Programme Sustainable Environment . i °Tel : (012) 481-4034 Fax: (012) 481-4005 List of Participants 31 . E-mail:
[email protected] .. 2 , 3 WEDNESDAY, 17 JULY 1996 12:50-13:50 LUNCH 08:00-09:00 Registration Chairperson: Christo Marais Chairperson: Dave McDonald 13:50-14:50 Fynbos Forum Annual General Meeting 09:00-09: 10 Welcome: Christo Marais 14:50-15:10 TEA 09:10-09:30 Managing a community driven project -Fynbos Working Chairperson: Maryke Middelmann for Water Project: Ken Coetzee I Tany Marshall 15:10-15:30 An investigation into possible reasons for a decline in 09:30-09:50 Communication strategy for the trial phase of the bontebok numbers in the De Hoop Nature Reserve: Fynbos Water Conservation Project: Aletta Jordaan Ann Scott I Neil Fairall 09:50-10:10 Integrating biological control into the Fynbos Working for 15:30-15:50 Planning for coastal dune fynbos communities in Water Project: Mike Morris I TonyGordon response to development pressures: Gayin Hillstromm 10: 10-10:30 Analysis of the impacts of alien plants on water 15:50-16:10 Conservation of Fynbos legumes -Is it possible?: resources -progress and issues: Dave le Maitre I Annelise Schutte I Jan Vlok A Chapman I G Forsyth ID Versfeld 16: 10-16:30 .