No 77 November 2011 SPOONING OUT THE HALL DEVELOPING LEADERS RECIPE FOR SUCCESS 8 On the Cover Warden Andrew McGowan is a leader with remarkable intellect and humanity. Read about his recipe for success on page 8. Cover photo: Andrew pictured at home by Adrian Vittorio. Contents 6 Northern Territory trip 10 Developing Leaders 11 Student of the Year 12 iPad Project Want to receive Trinity Today 15 Musical Review electronically? Send us an email at 18 Teachabout
[email protected] 4 7 19 Sustainable Campuses 21 Theological Scholars Trinity Today is produced by a carbon- 23 MCD becomes University neutral process using vegetable- 24 Alumni and Friends Events based inks, and world’s best practice ISO14001:2004 environment management 26 Alumni News Systems. 27 Obituaries planitgreen 13 17 Trinity’s Sustainability Projects Editors: Nicole Crook, Penny Appleby, dee Jenkins, Brenda holt Graphic Designer: Dee Jenkins TRINITY TODAY welcomeS yOur commeNts and correSpondence on tOpics of inteReSt tO the wIder Trinity community. email
[email protected] or write tO the edItor, TRINITY TODAY, Trinity COlleGe, ROyAl Parade ParkvIlle. Vic 3052. TRINIty AIms TO Offer studeNts A WOrld-class COllegIate educatION Founded in 1872 as the first college of the University of Melbourne, Trinity’s main programs include: Trinity College is a unique tertiary institution that provides a diverse • The Residential College for undergraduate and postgraduate students of range of rigorous academic programs for some 1500 talented the University of Melbourne, both resident and non-resident students from across Australia and around the world. • Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS), a special one-year course which prepares able overseas students for undergraduate entry to the Trinity College actively contributes to the life of the wider University and University of Melbourne and other leading Australian universities its main campus is set within the University grounds.