
Passing on Family Memories Handout 2 - Family Chronology Activity

Sean Brotherson Family Specialist

What is a family chronology? What materials will you need? A family chronology is a list of historical events You may put together a family chronology using arranged in the sequence in which they copies of the chronology sheet provided as an occurred. A chronology is a very useful tool in example. You also may use 3-inch by 5-inch cards to passing on individual or family memories. It also can record your information and organize it. be a valuable part of a family . How do you record the Why should you create information and memories? a family chronology? Focus on developing a chronology that records Putting together a chronology is among the your personal and family life experiences through easiest ways to pass on family memories. It is a time from birth to the . Entries can be short good place to begin such a task. It is a simple and descriptions of three or four sentences. Record the straightforward process. It has a clear-cut beginning information as follows: — birth — and an obvious end — the present. Most • The – Write the date of a specifi c memory, people who wish to pass on memories probably or experience in the corner of a card or should begin by compiling a chronology. It is helpful chronology sheet. because: • The event – Write on each card or chronology entry • Compiling a chronology causes you to review the one single event or memory in your life that you main events in your life that you wish to pass on. wish to pass on – any experience that affected your • Associations are renewed and strengthened as life in a signifi cant or memorable way. others cooperate to help you create a chronology. Sample entries might look • A chronology will help you come to view your life in something like this: a clearer perspective. • A chronology will help you be more historically precise in passing on memories. September 1960 - I enrolled at Memorial • A chronology will help you be more focused as you consider passing on family memories. Elementary School and attended sixth grade. My class was team taught by Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Kazman and Mrs. Donovan.

March 1964 - I was elected as secretary of the 10th-grade class in high school. Fargo, North Dakota 58105 August 2007

NDSU is an equal opportunity institution. Entries for Family Chronology

Birth Date and Place A Summer Memory in Childhood

Date ______Date ______

Birth of Younger Sibling A Memorable Family Activity

Date ______Date ______

Birth of Younger Sibling A Memorable Family Vacation

Date ______Date ______

Important Religious Events in Childhood An Award or Achievement in Childhood

Date ______Date ______

Going to School for the First Time My Participation in Sports

Date ______Date ______

Memory of First Birthday Experience An Important School Experience

Date ______Date ______Completion of School A Meaningful Job Experience

Date ______Date ______

Going on My First Date A Meaningful Job Experience

Date ______Date ______

Courtship and Engagement Birth of My First Child

Date ______Date ______

My Wedding Birth of Another Child

Date ______Date ______

Honeymoon Memories Birth of Another Child

Date ______Date ______

First Home Other Signifi cant Events or Memories

Date ______Date ______