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University of Montana Commencement Programs, 1898-2020 Office of the Registrar


University of Montana Commencement Program, 2002

University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Registrar

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Sa t u r d a y , m a y t h e Eig h t e e n t h T w o T h o u s a n d T w o Ad a m s C e n t e r m is s o u e a

The University of Montana 1 Head Marshal Stanley E. Jenne of Accounting and Finance


Paul E. Miller Maureen Cheney Cumow Professor of Sociology Professor of Foreign Languages & Literatures

Audrey L. Peterson Rustem S. Medora Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Professor of Pharmacy

The carillon concert has been made possible by the generous contributions from the Coffee Memorial Fund, Mrs. Hugh Galusha, Jr., William Gallagher, the First Bank Western Montana-Missoula, and other donations through the UM Foundation to restore the carillon.

The concerts before and after the exercises will be performed by Professor Nancy Cooper.

Sign Language Interpreters Denise May Beth Williams

1 ORDER OF EXERCISES *K* Professional Schools 9 :3 0 A.M. PROCESSIONAL Brass Ensemble Quintet A Quintet B Trumpet: Peter Haberman Parker Bixby Randy Zscheachner Jarom Hein Horn: Kelsey Walker Dan Lande Trombone: Derek Crosier Chad Reep Tuba: Karl Ortman Philip Johnstone Timpani: Dr. Robert Ledbetter Dr. Steve Bolstad Associate Professor of Music, Director

PROCESSION The Colors, Marshals, the Faculty, Candidates for Degrees, Members of the Governing Boards, Guests of Honor, Deans, Vice Presidents and the President

PRESENTATION OF COLORS National Anthem...... Pamela South . The Star Spangled Banner Oh, say, can you see by the dawn’s early light What so proudly we hailed at the ’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight O ’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, - Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

INVOCATION...... Father Jim Hogan, Christ The King Church W ELCO M E...... Dr. George M. Dennison - President PRESENTATION OF A LU M N I...... Mr. William Johnston - Director, The University o f Montana Alumni Association PRESENTATION OF HONORARY DEGREES...... Dr. George M. Dennison - President COMMENCEMENT A D D RESS...... General John T. “Jack” Chain PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES...... Dr. Lois Muir-Frovosi.and Vice President for Academic Affairs CONFERRING OF D EG REES...... Dr. George M. Dennison - President

SONG Montana, My Montana Our chosen state, all hail to thee, Montana, my Montana Thou has the portion with the free, Montana, my Montana! From shore to shore, from sea to sea Oh, may the name full honored be Symbol of strength and loyalty Montana, my Montana! BENEDICTION ...... Father Jim Hogan, Christ The King Church RECESSIONAL...... Brass Ensemble

The Audience is requested to remain standing while the procession passes.

2 ORDER OF EXERCISES -X* College of Arts and Sciences College of Technology 2 :0 0 EM . PROCESSIONAL Brass Ensemble Quintet A Quintet B Trumpet: Peter Haberman Parker Bixby Randy Zscheachner Jarom Hein Horn: Kelsey Walker Dan Lande Trombone: Derek Crosier Chad Reep Tuba: Karl Ortman Philip Johnstone Timpani: Dr. Robert Ledbetter Dr. Steve Bolstad Associate Professor of Music, Director

PROCESSION The Colors, Marshals, the Faculty, Candidates for Degrees, Members of the Governing Boards, Guests of Honor, Deans, Vice Presidents and the President

PRESENTATION OF COLORS National Anthem...... Brett Benge The Star Spangled Banner Oh, say, can you see by the dawn’s early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight O ’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave O ’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

INVOCATION...... Father Jim Hogan, Christ The King Church W ELCOM E...... Dr. George M. Dennison - President ALUMNI CHALLENGE...... Mr. William Johnston - Director, The University o f Montana Alumni Association COMMENCEMENT A D D RESS...... General John T. “Jack” Chain PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES...... Dr. Lois Muir - Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs CONFERRING OF D EG REES...... Dr. George M. Dennison — President SONG Montana, My Montana Our chosen state, all hail to thee, Montana, my Montana Thou has the portion with the free, Montana, my Montana! From shore to shore, from sea to sea Oh, may the name full honored be Symbol of strength and loyalty Montana, my Montana!

BENEDICTION ...... Father Jim Hogan, Christ The King Church

RECESSIONAL...... Brass Ensemble The Audience is requested to remain standing while the procession passes.

3 ^ 2001 Distinguished Alumni Awards f

Receiving Distinguished Alumni Awards this past fall at Homecoming were.

Roberta Carkeek Cheney, BA English ’32

Jeffrey G. Cole (posthumously), BA Journalism ’80

Sara S. Foland, MS Geology ’82

Margaret E. MacDonald, BA Journalism 7 4

Richard A Shadoan, MD, BA Business Administration ’53, BA Psychology ’54

Jean A. Tumage, J.D. ’51, Honorary Doctor of Legal Letters ’95

Charter Day Awards ^

Receiving awards at Charter Day 2002, were:

Ken Dial, The Dennison Faculty Award

Becky Hofstad, The George M. & Jane I. Dennison Award

William McBroom, Montana Faculty Service Award

Dave Forbes, Robert T. Pantzer Award

William A. Reynolds, Neil S. Bucklew Presidential Service Award

^ Most Inspirational Award

Jakki J. Mohr, Management/Marketing, has been named the most inspirational faculty member for the 2001-2002 year. The recipient was selected by a vote of seniors graduated in 2000-2001. Silent Sentinel, a student service organization, administers this award. A cash award is presented to the recipient by Silent Sentinel.

4 ^ Distinguished Scholar Award •£-

Ken Dial, Division of Biological Sciences, has been selected to receive the Distinguished Scholar Award. The recipient was selected by the Research and Creative Activities Committee. The University of Montana Foundation pre­ sents a cash award to the recipient.

Distinguished Teacher Award 4-

Sharon Barrett, Journalism, has been selected to receive the Distinguished Teacher Award. The recipient was selected by the Faculty Development Com­ mittee. The University of Montana Foundation presents a cash award to the recipient

^ Administrative Service Award 4-

Gerald Fetz, Davidson Honors College, has been selected to receive the Admin­ istrative Service Award. The recipient was chosen by The University of Mon­ tana Administrators for outstanding service to the University.

^ Outstanding Academic Advising Award

Erling Oetz, Mansfield Library, has been selected to receive the Outstanding Academic Advising Award by a committee of faculty and students represent­ ing academic advising at the University.

5 Academic Administrator Award f

Steven D. Sheriff, Geology, has been selected to receive the Academic Admin­ istrator Award. The recipient was chosen from nominations submitted by faculty and staff to recognize outstanding performance by an academic depart­ mental chair or program director.

Distinguished Service to Intemational Education Award

Stephen Siebert, Forestry, the recipient of this award, was chosen by the International Committee.

John Ruffatto Memorial Award ■£-

Michael P. Rivey, Pharmacy, was selected to receive this award. John Ruffatto and Bill Papesh created this award to recognize a UM professor who gains practical knowledge through involvement in business and then communicated this knowledge to The University of Montana students.

Outstanding Staff Awards -4 r

Candy Holt, University Center (Fall, 2001) and Chuck Harris, Sociology (Spring, 2002) were selected for this award by a Staff Senate committee from campus-wide nominations.

^ Outstanding Teamwork Award 4 r

Custodial Services received this award which recognizes an office, unit depart­ ment or group of staff members for working exceptionally well together to perform the assigned mission.

6 ^ Outstanding Service ^ r to the Campus Community Award

William Rodda, College of Technology, received this award which recognizes outstanding service to the campus community by an individual who serves campus employees.

^ Outstanding Service ^ to the Off-Campus Community Award

Mary Carroll, Career Services, received this award which recognizes outstand­ ing service to the off-campus community by an individual who works with businesses, organizations and the general public.

^ Outstanding Service to Students Award

Marylor Wilson, School of Law, received this award in recognition of out­ standing contributions by an individual who provides competent, courteous service to students.

Tom Boone Town and Gown Award ^

J. Martin Burke, School of Law, received this award which was established to recognize those faculty members who foster a deeper understanding between the University and Missoula through community involvement

Annual Diversity Award

G.G. Weix, Anthropology and Women’s Studies, has been selected to receive the Annual Diversity Award. Criteria for Selection of the recipient of this award included a commitment to increase diversity among employees and stu­ dents on the University campus.


The Honorary Degree, Doctor of Fine Arts, is being awarded to Pamela South in recognition of her outstanding contri­ bution to the world of music and opera in the United States and abroad.

8 he custom of wearing academic gowns, caps, and hoods dates back to about the twelfth century. In France, where the degree system probably had its inception, the Twearing of the cap and gown marked the formal admission of the licentate to the body of masters. During this period the dress of the friars and nuns became fixed, and, since the scholars were usually clerics, their robes differed little from those worn by other church orders. Gradually, special forms were set aside for the university bodies, and in modified style are the costumes worn today. Since academic custom in this matter had become somewhat confused, in 1895 a commission representative of the leading colleges met and prepared a code which has been adopted by over seven hundred institutions in the United States and Canada. A committee of the American Council on Education revised the code in 1932. Doctors wear the round, bell sleeve; the gown is faced down the front and barred on the sleeves with black velvet or velvet of color indicating the degree; the doctor’s hood is large. Masters wear the long closed sleeve, with a slit near the upper part of the arm; the master’s hood is of more moderate size. Bachelors wear the long, pointed sleeve. Hoods are lined with the colors of the institution granting the degree and are trimmed with velvet of the color distinctive of the major subject - for example, arts and letters, white; public administration, peacock blue; theology, scarlet; law, purple; philosophy, dark blue; science, golden yellow; fine arts, brown; medicine, green; music, pink; business administration, drab; physical education, sage green; engineering, orange; pharmacy, olive green; forestry, russet; library science, lemon; education, light blue; humanities, crimson; economics, copper; agriculture, maize; dentistry, lilac; oratory, silver gray; public health, salmon pink; veterinary science, gray. The Oxford or mortarboard cap, worn for each degree, is of black cloth with black tassel, except that the doctor’s cap may be of velvet with tassel of gold. Unless local custom decrees otherwise, tassels are worn over the left temple.

9 ------CLASS BANNERS ------

The class banners which are displayed above the stage are part of the University s history. From 1898 until 1970 a class banner or flag was designed and con­ structed every year by members of the graduating class. After 1970 the tradition was discontinued. A group of seniors restored that tradition in 1993. The class of 2002 banner is displayed along with the banners of the reunion alumni classes of 1942 and 1952. This year, students from the Davidson Honors College de­ signed the banner.

------< r HONOR CORDS 4 ------Some of the students graduating today are wearing honor cords. Those wearing silver cords will graduate with honors. Those wearing gold cords graduate with high honors. The students wearing red cords are members of the Mortar Board, a national senior honorary society. Those wearing purple cords are members of Rho Chi, the Pharmacy Honor Society. Those wearing green cords are members of the Order of Omega, a leadership honorary society for members of Greek organizations. Those wearing maroon cords are graduating as University Schol­ ars in-the Davidson Honors College. Those wearing gold and blue cords are members of Golden Key, a national honor society.

-4 - CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES ------Some of the students whose names appear in this program already have com­ pleted their degrees at the end of the past summer or autumn semesters. The other students are expected to receive their degrees and honors at the conclusion of this semester, provided they successfully meet all requirements.

-4 - HONORED ALUMNI ------

Graduates from the Class of 1942 and the Class of 1952 have joined us to participate in commencement and celebrate their 60th and 50th anniversaries. Members of the Class of 1942 are wearing silver robes and members of the Class of 1952 are wearing gold robes.

10 Faculty Retirees


The faculty members listed below have elected to retire after many years of service. A number will continue to teach on a part'time basis. The University of Montana thanks them for their outstanding service.

------** ------

David Alt ...... Faculty, Department of Geology

George C am p ...... Faculty, Department of Psychology

William Elison ...... Faculty, Mansfield Library

David Jackson ...... Faculty, Department of Forestry

Anita Jo Jakupcak ...... Faculty, Department of Education

Ian Lange ...... Faculty, Department of Geology

Rustem Medora ...... Faculty, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Harriet Ramsey ...... Faculty, Mansfield Library

Wes S h elto n ...... Faculty, Department of Communication Studies

Marilyn Taylor ...... Faculty, College of Technology

Karen Driessen...... Faculty, Mansfield Library

Nanette Loftsgaarden . . . Faculty, Department of Mathematics


College of Technology

The candidates will be presented by R. Paul Williamson Dean of the College of Technology

Certificate of Completion Medical Reception Barber-Styling 3 Daisy D. Galbreath 3 Kimberly M. Allen 3 Christine Hardamon 2 Alexis Lee Dutton Practical Nursing 2 Shelay Kristina Keith 2 Tammara Andrea Adkins 2 James E. Sausoman 2 Danette Renee Augustine With Honors 2 Misty Ann Berry 3 Misty Lynn Zawlocki 2 Gail Anne Block Building Maintenance 2 Carla J. Cattaneo 3 Andrew Robert Burke 3 Karen Suzanne Guse 3 Tim S.Ryerson 2 Lisa Marie Hiniker 3 Timothy H. Wilson 2 G. Mitchel Johnson Bookkeeping 2 Kimberly L. Johnston 2 Penny M. Poser 3 Loretta A. Mellot With High Honors Culinary Arts 2 Sheila M. Sargent 3 Diane T Aguilar 2 Kelley A. Schott 3 Brian M. Hall 2 Tina Marie Stamm 2 Michael A. Hriscisce With Honors 2 Amy Emily Johns 2 Lisa Marie Strong 3 Destiny Monet Johnson 2 Andrea Kae Warner 3 Ramona Fay Last Star Pharmacy Technology 3 Matt Lenz 2 Juli Ann Carpenter 3 Jory Mikael Mickelson 3 Carla Jean Fuquay 3 Naomi Alia Phillips 3 Robert Rowe 3 Ryan Jeffers Siess With Honors 3 Farrah Dawn Smith 3 Avery John Williams Recreational Power Equipment Heavy Equipment Operation 2 Samuel Boyd Caras 3 Michael Dale Cecrle 3 Pete Andrew Brown 3 Dan P Dubuque 3 Mitchel Wayne Johnson 3 Grant Christopher Simpson 3 Skyler J. Loch 3 Ryan J. Sloan 3 Dustin Ray Nelson 3 Andrew Richard Slonaker 3 Scott Thomas Stevens 3 Dennis Dean Smith 3 James Edward Turnbull 3 Branden O. Stokes 3 Steve Richard Wagenius 3 Joshua D. Stoner 3 Matt Wade Weatherman 3 Nicholas Joe VanSchoyck Sales and Marketing

1 Conferred Summer 2001 3 Brenda K. Indreland 2 Conferred Fall 2001 3 Kia K. Moua 3 Conferred Spring 2002 4 Summer 2002


Surgical Technology 2 Susan E. Cole-Rose 3 Liza J. Ash 3 Seth David Cole-Rose 3 Michelle E. Erickson 3 William Rush Corder 3 Deanna Law 2 James H. Delaney 3 Sarah Elizabeth McClain With Honors 3 Lane Casey Mitchell 2 Diana L. Denessen 3 Sara May Nelson With High Honors 3 Ray Robinson 2 Michael S. Eudaily 3 Merl S. Sage 3 John Joseph Ewan 3 Sabrina Lynn Smith 3 Nathan Daniel Fowlkes 3 Tanasha D. Young Bird 3 Robert M. Froese 3 Scott J. Frydenlund THE DEGREE OF Associate of Applied 3 Diane Marie Gillaspy Science 3 George David Gow Accounting Technology 3 Maureen E. Gurley 3 Jamie Amber Evans 3 Susan M. Hancock 3 Chad Elon Goodman 3 Matthew Howard Hunter 2 Angel Dawn Grove 3 Shane Alton Kolb With Honors 3 Ellen Lomega 3 John W. Hobson 3 Rod W. Meinholtz 3 Kerrilu Nicole Larsen 3 Barbara Kay Milligan With Honors 3 Julia Ruthanne Ostrenga 3 Tanya K McDermott 3 Charles Edward Ott 3 Loretta A. Mellott 3 Danette Lynn Paige 3 Jackie T.Wiest 3 Samuel L. Perkins 3 Robert L. Wikum 3 Curtis Lyle Phelps 2 Cheryl M. Yauger 3 Steffanie Ann Rowe 3 Ryan James Rowe Administrative Assisting 3 Mark Bradley Schaff 2 Elizabeth Valora Axtell 3 Bradie Kay Simons With Honors 3 Peggy Lynn Terry 3 Catherine Elizabeth Cline 3 Craig Michael Therrian 3 Vonna Earleen Gerber 3 John Jacob Thomas 2 Mamie L. Ingraham 3 William John Walton With High Honors 3 Wesley Kip West 3 Patricia Lois McConnell 3 Jennifer Lee Zak 3 Kristy Marie McGillvray 3 Rose Marie Simon Diesel Technology 3 Virginia Me-Lani Stafford 3 Benjamin Lewis Andrews 2 Karen Christine Thomas 3 Clinton Russell Boehm 2 Melanie Ann Wilson 3 Donald Lee Bunch 2 Matthew James Gooley Building Maintenance Engineering 3 Wesley Garin Hannon 3 Andrew Robert Burke 3 Graydon John Henrie 3 John Karagos 2 Miltiades Evangelos Itskos 3 Susan L. Lindon 2 Everett Erhart Lanz 3 Tim S Ryerson 3 Justin Karl Mantei 3 Timothy Hugh Wilson 3 Jonathan Adam Miller Computer Technology 3 James Tucker Peterson 2 Sara Elizabeth Bemdt 3 Jacqui Susan Robinson 2 Daniel D. Blomquist 3 Todd Daniel Runkle With High Honors 3 Rocky Dan Wagoner 3 Carrie Lindsay Boyd 3 Jason Kirk Wills 3 Patricia Murphy Burke


Electronics Technology Medical Office Technology 3 Michael Anthony Alger 3 Kathy Jewel Barnes 3 Rick Ernest Grimm 3 Kimberly R. Benefiel 3 Danniel J. Johnson 3 LaDawn G. Black 3 Mike B. Miller 3 Georgena Rae Compton 3 Kenneth Allen Shatto 3 Georgena Rae Compton 3 Jeff C. Ward 3 Linda Kaye Curtis 3 Marcus A. Willis 2 Barbara J. Erickson With High Honors Food Service Management 3 Kelsi R. Goodman 3 Diane Pauline Aguilar 3 Kimberley Kay Holcomb 3 Brian William Bergman 3 Alicia Danielle Kennedy 3 Benjamin Thomas Frank Darling 3 Diana Elizabeth Liedtka 3 Destiny Monet Johnson 3 Yolanda Mah 2 Kevin George Kaiserman 3 Wendy Lynne Massey 3 Matthew Lenz 3 Bonnie Lorraine Mickelson 3 Jory M. Mickelson 3 Erica Anne Mitchell 3 Naomi A. Phillips 3 Amanda Lynn Morin 2 Kristin A. Rawlings 3 Mary E. Nichols 3 Ryan Jeffers Siess 3 Karen Rae Ragan 3 Farrah Dawn Smith 3 Julie Shannon Raymond 2 Kris B. Vetter 3 Rebecca Leigh Rodgers 3 Avery John Williams 3 Pa Thao Human Services 3 Laurel K. Trader 3 Tryna M. Merriman 3 Laurel K. Trader 2 Barbara Jean Roddy 3 Toni Lea Trickey Legal Assisting M anagem ent 3 Raymond Wayne Aitken 3 Kenneth A. Beattie 3 Catherine Josephine Babbitt 3 Michael Richard Bonnes 3 Lise Ferland 3 David Richard Fortner 2 Brandy L. Fortier 3 Bethannie Leann Fulkerson With High Honors 2 Jacob John Hanson 2 Amy J. Haddick 3 Beverly June Hilmo With Honors 3 Levi Cody Lambert 3 Kelly Lynn Heldreth 3 Michael St. John Laughlin 3 Sarah Nichole Parker 3 Carrie Anne McEnroe 3 Darlene Nicole Pate 3 Loretta Ann Mellott 3 Pamela Kay Russell 3 Loretta Ann Mellott 3 Donald Eugene Slaughter 3 Kim Denise Morrow 3 Sonya D. Styler 3 Brian S Ridgway 3 Sheryl Jean Taylor 3 Brian Daniel Schwimmer 3 Kari Anne Walker 2 Sarah Jane Thornburg 3 Diane M. Youmans 3 Tonia R. Ward Legal Secretarial Technology 3 Neal A. Wood 2 Amanda Sue Ann St. Onge Microcomputing Technology With Honors 2 D. Craig Bowers Medical Laboratory Technology 2 James Peter Stanley With Honors 3 Emily SuzAnne Chesbro 3 Rudy J. Stulc 3 Julie Ann Gramm 2 Prairie S. Lee


Practical Nursing 2 Shirley R. Pollard 3 Tammara Andrea Adkins 3 Douglas A. Reinertson 3 Geri Michelle Boney 3 Linda S. Rosling 3 Raymond Ellsworth Cox 3 Whitney S. Weiler 3 Amber Nichole Davis 3 Beth Ann Winninghoff 3 Richard Allen Dugat Welding Technology 3 Brenda Lynn Holley 3 David Hunter Anderson 3 Liliya L. Kashirets 3 Earl Thomas Dreisbach 3 Alena Poepping 3 Melody Harvest-Rain Glasgow 4 Penny Marie Poser 3 Andrew Fredric Lunde 3 Angie Marie Rasmussen 3 Sheila M. Sargent THE DEGREE OF Associate of Arts 3 Mindy Patricia Walker 2 Cynthia Corrine Becker 3 Krissy L. Yerger 3 Polly Marie Butler Respiratory Care 2 Pamela Ann Holman 2 Hitomi Kudo 3 Jesse Richard Carter 3 Sarah Jaana Laut 3 Lynette M. Daniels 3 Austin O'Dea 3 Erica S. Haendel 3 William LeRoy O'Neill III 3 Jennifer Lynn Huber 3 Erika Genevieve Ringleb 3 Dustin Lawrence Hughes 3 Jonathan Christopher Smith 3 Alfred R. Jensen 2 Jason Michael Van Horn 3 Larry Rodgers King 3 Beverly A. Zygmond 3 Leo Christopher Martin


Baccalaureate Degrees

College of Arts and Sciences *x* The candidates will be presented by Thomas A. Storch Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Applied 3 Mark Keith Cockrell Science With Honors 2 Thomas Collingwood Applied Science 3 Daniel F. DiMezza 2 Travis Joseph Anderson 2 Ryan L. Esch 2 Benjamin Bahr Also with Major in Geology 2 Leeanne Betts 4 Erika Esch 3 Natasha Anne Cook 4 Tiffany Lynde Ferderer With Honors 2 Wade Foster 2 James E Cramer 3 Charles Evan Franklin With High Honors With a Minor in Philosophy 2 Breann Dawn Davis 3 Devin Fromm With Honors With High Honors 2 John Perry Detton 2 Casey R. Giddings 2 Thomas Franklin Fogarty 3 Alee M. Glass 3 Deana Lynne Hickman 3 Stephen Glover 3 Sherene L. C. Ricci 4 Heidi Ann Hill 3 Jacob Sticka 3 Jennifer Leigh Horton With honors With a Minor in Sociology 2 Kevin A. Welsch 2 Andre B. Jendresen With a Minor in Art History/Criticism 3 Benjamin A. Johnson THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Arts Also with Major in Psychology Anthropology 2 Lisa Marie Keibler 3 Jessica M. Kirby 3 Jason Morgan Altekruse With High Honors With High Honors With a Minor in Asian Studies With a Minor in Geology 3 Sarah Noreene Knapp 4 Kimberly Apryle 3 Ayako Koyama 3 Nora Dugan Bambrick With High Honors With Honors With a Minor in Chinese 3 James J. Bamt 3 Sierra Autum Mandelko 3 Kristin Lee Bowen 3 Dirk McKitterick Markle 3 Robert Bowles 2 Anita C. Moryc 3 Violet Elizabeth Broadbent With Honors 3 Kristina Lynn Brownlee University Scholar, Honors Prg With Honors 3 Sam Steven Nasset 2 Stephen A. Buchanan With Honors With a Minor in Philosophy 3 Brian W. Onstot 3 Kent Davis Cardwell With a Minor in Native American 3 Brian Corbett Carey Studies 3 Jennifer A. Childress 4 Glendee Ane Osborne 2 Brook Elizabeth Clark With Honors With Honors 3 Eric M. Peters With Honors 1 Conferred Summer 2001 2 Conferred Fall 2001 3 Conferred Spring 2002 4 Summer 2002 16 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ■H------2 Wesley Earl Prochniewski 2 Lindsay Leigh Effenberger With Honors 3 James N. Elder 3 Omar Dyon Ramierz With Honors 3 Marcus Carl Reddish University Scholar, Honors Prg With a Minor in Native American 4 Angella Marie Erickson Studies 2 Karen Estill 4 Erika Genevieve Ringleb 3 Meghan Elizabeth Ewing With Honors 3 Kelsey Annette Gardipee 2 Peter C. Robertson With Honors 3 Mary Kathryn Rountree 2 Eric Jeffrey Goldstein 3 Jason Alfred Kalani Scarth 3 Brendan J. Grimestad 3 Erin Christy Schmieder 3 Stephen M.Grum III 2 Jason Andrew Seagle 3 Heather Jean Hansen 3 Jessica L. Tilton With a Minor in Wildlife Biology 2 Michael Joseph Valenti 2 Erin Elizabeth Heydenreich With Honors 3 Erin Binkley Holm With a Minor in Native American With High Honors Studies 3 James Douglas Howell 3 Stavroula Theologov Vatoussi 3 Jonathan James Huie 3 Adam David Wanzzer University Scholar, Honors Prg 2 Brandi Leigh Weber With High Honors 3 Kristy Renae Werchek 3 Heather Inge Hulbert With Honors 3 Vincent M. Huntsberger University Scholar, Honors Prg With High Honors With a Minor in Asian Studies 3 Aimee L. Hurt 4 Angela Mae Whitaker With Honors 3 Emily Ann Wilkerson 3 Amber Joi Iverson With High Honors With Honors With a Minor in History 2 Sylvie I. Johnson 3 Stephen M. Yates With Honors 4 Javier Cristian Yoacham With a Minor in Wildlife Biology Biology 4 Danielle Marie Kassner 3 Alexander W. Kittrell 3 Sean Michael Beddow 3 Dax C. Kuehn 2 Daniel Erich Belz University Scholar, Honors Prg With High Honors 4 Andrew Pace Laramore 3 Eric K. Berger With Honors 3 Dorenda Kay Berry 3 Patrick James Lizon 3 Molly Billstein 3 Christiopher Jon Loraas With Honors 3 Maria Elizabeth Martin 3 Erin Regina Bohman With a Minor in Psychology With High Honors 2 Alice L. McCauley 3 Shannon Mary Brooke With High Honors With High Honors 3 Jennifer McDonald 2 Cynthia Lee Buckalew 3 Dianne Candace McFarley 3 Carla Rene Burgess With High Honors 2 Elise Mattea Carroll 2 Ryan Madison Mellem 4 Nina Caterinichio 3 Nicholas Lowell Minton 2 Jaimee Kristine Cornwell 3 Ryan M. Mulcahy 2 Janet A. Cortes 3 Amy Ann Newstrom 2 John R. Cox 3 Thuy Thi Nhu Nguyen 3 Ryan R Craw 3 Lynette A. Noble 2 Jay Michael Cummings With a Minor in Wildlife Biology With High Honors 3 Richard James Ochsner 2 Shianne Willow DeLong 3 Erica D. Olson With Honors 2 Randy James Palmer 17 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ------H 3 Kacie McKenna Pauli 2 Peter Matthew Chenoweth With High Honors 3 Rebecca P Collinson 3 Josh Pearson 3 Melissa A. Cross 3 Chris H. Platt 3 LaDessa Croucher With Honors With Honors 2 Matthew Carl Prischmann 2 Erin Marie DeGroot 2 Melissa A. Prow With Honors 3 Alexander Martin Rodriguez, Jr. 3 Angela B. Dorr With Honors With High Honors 3 James E. Rolle 2 Kimberly Kay Bale-Dwyer 3 Shannon N. Rozier 2 A. Christopher Edwards 2 Lindsey G. Saxon With Honors With a Minor in Environmental Studies 4 Tara M. Epperson 4 Amanda Deeann Scholz 2 Hiroko Eshima 4 Shiloh Nicole Small 3 Krista Michelle Fahlgren With a Minor in Native American Studies With Honors 2 Daniel Glenn Spencer 2 Thomas Laffey Faulhaber With High Honors 3 Eli Anthony Fisher 3 Carmel Lee Svendsen 3 Alison M. Fisker 3 Christina Brooke Terry With Honors 3 Christina Tesdal With a Minor in Spanish 3 Kyle L. Thompson 3 Karlie Jean Geiser 3 Mary Clare Thomson With Honors 3 Heather Noel Tone With Honors With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 3 Christine Aadel Walachuk 2 Cory James Giddings With High Honors 3 Pearlynn M. Gilleece 3 Cathryn Lynn Watt University Scholar, Honors Prg Also with Major in Microbiology With High Honors 4 Christine West Also with Major in Political Science 3 Kelly Dawn Wickens 3 Rebecca Ann Gray 3 Jaala M. Wickman 2 Mr. Brian Earl Gustin 2 Robert Franklyn Wilcox II 3 Jerome D. Hagen 4 Jason M. Woodbury 3 Heather Marie Harrison 3 Amanda Marie Yakos Also with Major in Sociology With High Honors 3 Kei Hasegawa 2 Jessica Suzanne Zerr 3 Christina Heiner Classics With a Minor in Native American Studies 3 Sean Walker McMullin 3 Joshua M. Heuring 3 Justin C. Ringsak 4 Heather Dawn Hill-Dyer With High Honors 3 Natalie A. Holzer University Scholar, Honors Prg With Honors 3 Wesley C. Samson 2 Katie Jackson With Honors With Honors 3 Barbara Jean Werner With a Minor in Human and Family Communication Studies Development 2 Kerri Ann Jobes 3 Lindsay Nicole Adams With Honors 3 Rieko Akiyoshi 3 Stephanie Johnson 3 Lindsey Lea Arndt 3 Nathan Jay Johnson 3 Jolene Marie Bach 3 Heather Kay Beitz With Honors With Honors 3 Heidi Marie Jury 4 Jeremy Bennett 4 Adria Ruth Kassion 4 Brittany Anne Bermes 3 Joshua David Lamka With a Minor in Art History/Criticism 2 J. Courtney Langley 4 Alison Lee Blair With Honors 3 Andrew D. Chapman 18 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES

2 Katie Melissa Laws Computer Science-Mathematical Science 3 Amaud Lechler 3 Robert John McCormick 3 Elizabeth Mae Leiber 3 Crystal B. Marquart Computer Science-Physics 4 Sarah Kejuen McKinney 3 Peter A. Gamer 3 Jan Meadows With a Minor in Mathematics 3 John Michael Meshad 3 John M. Singleton With a Minor in History Econom ics 3 Laura Ashley Morton 3 Heidi K. Baker 3 Candice Nelson With Honors 3 Jessica Leigh Nichols 2 Dalton Cooper Berry With High Honors 2 Ryan Darrell Hammon 3 Joshua L. Nielsen With Honors 4 Sarah Marie Ohmer Also with Major in Political Science 2 Krista J. Paulson 3 Louis A. Jarvis 4 Christopher W Peterson Also with Major in Geography With a Minor in Women's and Gender 3 J. Todd Mallon Studies 3 Alan B. Marcus 4 Matthew Dean Pickett 4 Joel Robert Maynes 3 Denise Rattray 2 Sean M. Murphy University Scholar, Honors Prg 2 Yoshifumi Nirasawa With a Minor in Psychology 4 Andrew Pryor 2 Erika Suzanne Rauthe 3 Christian Martin Ueland 3 Josh Richardson With Honors With a Minor in Sociology 2 Simon James Walbruch 3 Stevie Lee Roark 3 Cameron B. Yourkowski 3 Randon Jay Rocks With High Honors 3 Allyson Elizabeth Ruvolo Also with Major in Political Science 3 Nicholas William Sayen English With Honors 3 Nichol R. Scriber 2 Jessica Leah Alagna 2 Andrew Kenneth Sharpies 4 Elizabeth Albee 2 Samuel Tobias Steinmetz 3 Royce Aldridge Also with Major in Fine Arts 4 Margret Elizabeth Alley 3 Erik Strickland With Honors With a Minor in Political Science 3 Abigail Jane Athanas 3 Mary Elizabeth Swamer With Honors 2 Miki Takahashi 3 Kathryn Christine Ballou 3 Chizuru Tamura 3 Wendell Jed Berry 2 Tomomi Terada 3 Alissa Finn Bohling 3 Sabrina Trimpe With Honors With Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Annie Rose Ussin With a Minor in Spanish With Honors 3 Andrew R. Boland 4 Shauna L. Valdez 3 Jennifer R Boyer With a Minor in Political Science With a Minor in Spanish 3 Laura J. Valley 3 Thomas Gragg Campbell 2 Sonja M. Verlanic 3 Bridget J. Carson 3 Loralei Walker With Honors With High Honors 3 Monique R. Chatrisa 2 Melissa Rae Wipplinger With a Minor in Communication 3 Joseph A. Wollersheim Studies 4 Heather Ann Clader With a Minor in Political Science 3 Jesse T. Yarbrough 3 Gabrielle Ann Clow With High Honors 3 Tara Ann Condon With a Minor in History


3 Sarah E. Conover 3 Mercedes Bianca Johnson With High Honors Also with Major in Spanish University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Patrick J. Jones 3 Elizabeth Adams Knight Currey 3 Brian Michael Keenan With Honors 3 Tyler Patrick Kimball 2 Alexis L. Dees 3 Rorry S. Kinnally 3 Kathryn Louise Fangsrud With Honors With Honors 3 Donald J. Kinney, Jr. University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Judith A. Kolenda With a Minor in Drama With Honors 4 Jennifer Kinsey Ferderer Also with Major in Russian With a Minor in Drama 3 Patrick Grant Lair 3 Eileen L. Flannigan With a Minor in Spanish With High Honors 3 Karen Christine Lecher With a Minor in Anthropology 3 Anna Laura Leinius 4 Jeannine Lea Flaten 2 David T. Lighthall With Honors With Honors 2 Matthew Eric Fox 3 Kenneth R. Lowery 3 Devin Gerard Fromm 3 Eric M. Lynn With Honors With Honors With a Minor in Classical Civilization 3 Shannon K. McElroy 2 Daniel C. Garber With Honors With Honors 2 Rebecca Lin Kimmel McGregor 3 Joyce M. Gibbs 3 Margaret Katherine McShane 3 Megan Marie Goetsch With High Honors 3 Jeremy Gottwig 2 Riley Bruce Meredith Also with Major in German With High Honors 3 Katherine Christine Green With a Minor in History 2 Amy Marie Griffin 2 Dawn M. Miller With Honors 3 J. Thomas Moore, IV University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Patrick Edward Moriarty With a Minor in Mathematics 2 Heather Marie Muller 2 Megan Lee Guenther Also with Major in German With Honors With a Minor in Philosophy 3 Elizabeth J. Guthrie 3 Colby Natale 3 Andrew Martin Hamer 2 John Raymond Niekrasz With a Minor in Spanish University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Joshua Branson Harteis With High Honors With Honors With a Minor in Spanish 3 Marianne Elizabeth Haugen 3 Joseph Adam Ocasek 3 Lindsay Meredith Hecht 3 Andrea A. Orizotto With a Minor in Dance 3 Elliott E. Packel 2 Ethan Isaiah Heck With Honors With a Minor in History University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Aaron M. Hellem With a Minor in Psychology 2 Heidi S. Herrmann 2 Mary K. Perkins With Honors 3 Eryn Skye Phelps With a Minor in German With Honors 2 Anne Trowbridge Hobbs University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Sarah J. Howell 4 Janice A. Polanchek With Honors With Honors With a Minor in Women's and Gender 3 Justin C. Ringsak Studies With Honors 2 Alison Caryl James University Scholar, Honors Prg With High Honors 3 John Daniel Rust 2 Michael David Sadler 20 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES

4 Jonah Sandford 4 Alexa Nicole Mudgett With Honors With a Minor in Anthropology 3 Alison Jo Schmidt 4 Casey N. Nolan 3 Trent J. Seals With Honors With a Minor in History 3 Christopher John Romankiewicz 3 Carl Thomas Sievers 2 Takeuchi Akihiro 3 Emilie Simpson 2 Mary Kathleen Woodin With High Honors 3 Tova Kate Woyciechowicz 3 Caitlin N. Singer With a Minor in Art Studio 3 Nadia Todd Sloat 3 Michael Kenji Yoshioka With a Minor in Native American Fren ch Studies 3 Alexandra Starr Ammons 3 William Sidney Smith With Honors 3 Rachel Naomi Smith 3 Breanna Skye Barger 3 Thomas J. Smithlin, Jr. University Scholar, Honors Prg With a Minor in Communication With High Honors Studies Also with Major in Political Science 4 Michael E. Spencer 3 Brenda Jeane Benjamin 3 Anna Maria Spong With Honors With Honors 3 Joshua Michael Blaylock 3 Darlene Ruth Stillman With High Honors With High Honors 3 Jenny Eichner With a Minor in Spanish With a Minor in Communication Studies 3 Anne Marie Stone 3 Mary Teresa Karson With Honors Also with Major in English University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Jeremie S. Marrow With a Minor in Wilderness Studies With Honors 4 Tracy Joy Struck 3 Christian Martin Ueland 3 Lea Marie Taddonio With Honors 3 Michele Marie Thomas 3 Andrew James VanEck 4 Kevin Douglas Trumpeter With Honors 3 Andrea Lynn Watts 3 Claire Hayden Vitucci 3 Katie Ann Weinner 3 Barbara Jean Werner 3 Andrea Lee Welch 3 Julie Elizabeth Williams G eography With Honors 3 Brandon Atkins 2 Rachel Corey Withrow With Honors With a Minor in German 3 Stephanie A. Berg 4 Carolina Antonia Wright With Honors 2 Anthony August Zuccarini, II 3 James Matthew Biondich Environmental Studies 2 Benjamin Boersema 2 Patrick Michael Bruse 3 Erin Charts Altemus With Honors With Honors 3 Denise Susan Dwyer With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 4 Andrew Forsythe 3 Dawn Cherie Beckner 4 Rick Graetz With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 3 Brian Hall 3 Moriah J. Bucy With Honors 3 Bonnie Jean Fouts-Owens 2 John W. Hefty Also with Major in Forestry 3 Curtis Morton Johnson 3 Alison Hanks W ith a Minor in Biology 3 Katherine M. Hausrath 3 Matthew King University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Jacob Alderfer Kropf With High Honors 3 James Michael Larson 3 Jessica Dawn McAleese 3 Mahlon Patrick Manson With High Honors 3 Jake Mikovitz 21 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ----- X ----- 3 Jessie Nunn 4 Janet Christine Eberle With High Honors With Honors 3 Akiko Okamura With a Minor in Biology With Honors 3 Robert Graydon-Carl Fettig Also with a Second Major in 3 Chadwick Michael Frey Anthropology With a Minor in Geography 3 Anders Christian Olson 2 Aaron T. A. Gingerelli 3 Robert David Stevens 3 Barrett Riley Gordon With High Honors 3 Ruth Guthrie 3 Jennifer M. Waddell 3 Holly Karra Harbin 3 Mace W. Wescott 3 Kelly Ruth Harp 3 Wesley C. Yarbrough 4 Cindy R. Harrison Germ an 3 Jean-Pierre Huguenin 3 Derek S. Ihnat 3 Mackenzie Arthur Aylesworth With a Minor in Political Science 3 Katherine M. Cogbum 3 Brent Robert Irish 3 Erin L. Daniel With Honors 2 Kathryn Ann Douglass 3 Colby T. Jackson With Honors 3 Brent Andrus Jenkins 3 Theodore Loosen 3 Ethan Jay Johnson 2 James Vincent McLellan With a Minor in Political Science History-Political Science 3 Elizabeth Mary Jones 2 Hannah M. Bjomson With High Honors With High Honors 3 Robert Charles Juneau With a Minor in Spanish 2 Rose Anne Krieg 3 Gregory E Hetrick With a Minor in Anthropology 3 Gwendolyn Autumn Umphrey 3 Tiffany A. Leifer H istory With a Minor in Art Studio 2 Timothy Charles Little 3 Royce Aldridge 3 Ana Victoria Lopez-Ringelski 2 Terri Elizabeth Campbell 4 E. A. Love With a Minor in Political Science 3 Larry B. Lucero 3 Randi A. Bagley 3 Myles Matthew Maloney 3 Rochelle Lynette Bamier With a Minor in Psychology With Honors 3 Jared I. Martin Also with Major in French 3 Melissa J. Bruninga Matteau 3 Danielle Jeanne Bird With Honors 3 Nathan George Bishop IV 4 Renee M. May 3 Joshua Michael Blaylock 2 Mike Skoge Mazurek With High Honors 3 Margaret Katherine McShane 3 Amanda Nicole Bruckner 3 Jeffrey M. Meese 3 Brendon M. Cechovic 3 Thomas M. Miller Also with Major in Political Science 3 Nathan Alan Noack 4 Lea Colvill 4 Erin Elizabeth Nugent With Honors With Honors With a Minor in Philosophy With a Minor in French 4 Christopher T. Connolly 3 Jessie Nunn 2 Sarah Victoria Comellier With High Honors 4 Hillary Bratches Cramer 3 James J. Redmond 3 Trevor Edward Croghan 3 John Newland Redwine 3 Anthony F. Davis 3 Gordon Clark Reynolds 4 Eric James DeGroat 3 Jason George Santa University Scholar, Honors Prg With High Honors With High Honors 3 Matthew Schroeder 3 David Christian Greg deRoulhac 4 David Michael Shaw With a Minor in Spanish

22 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ----- X ----- 2 Robert William Stack 3 Christine Andrea Groppi 2 Cody T Steele With Honors 4 Erin Colleen Sullivan Also with Major in French With Honors 3 Rebecca Rose Hicks With a Minor in Art History/Criticism 4 Anne S. Hoops 4 Stacie L. Svaldi 4 Ryan Carol Jensen With a Minor in Political Science 3 Alexandra Jones 3 Marc L. Taerea With Honors With Honors With a Minor in Art Studio 3 Ross Peter Titilah 4 Jakob Juntunen 3 Thomas Hardy Wagner With High Honors With Honors Also with Major in Spanish 3 Benjamin William Wagner 3 Philip Xavier Kaufmann 2 Shannon Wheeler With Honors With a Minor in Anthropology 4 Justin Louis Kinziger 2 Sallie Michelle Williamson With Honors 3 Timothy S. McGillicuddy Japanese 2 Veronica McNair 3 Andrea Lee Harsell 4 Jennifer Esther May 2 Megan Lynn Husby 3 Tiffany L. Melgard University Scholar, Honors Prg 2 Donald Dale Meyers With High Honors 2 Mary Frances Miester With a Minor in Political Science 4 Bree Olette Morrison 3 Nathan Jay Johnson With a Minor in History With Honors 4 James Daniel Nasset 4 Mara C. Sievers With a Minor in Anthropology With High Honors 3 Pamela Valentine Neher 2 Jeff Strieker University Scholar, Honors Prg With Honors Also with Major in Spanish Latin 4 Kelly Ann Pacheck

3 Lisa Marie Anderson 3 Kara Parris With High Honors 3 Holly Clair Praytor Also with Major in Classics 3 Robert Brooke Ramsburgh 3 Barbara J. Werner With a Minor in History With Honors 3 Jessica Marie Redding 2 John Redwine Liberal Studies 3 Willow Ringer 3 Karissa Mikel Anderson With a Minor in Spanish 2 Josh Beckner 3 Kristina Dian Ritchie 2 Sera Bonds 2 Robert V. Schuttler, III 3 Jamie Douglas Bradway 2 Daisuke Shimizu 3 Joseph Broach 2 Robert C. Smith With High Honors 3 Israel Tockman With a Minor in Spanish 3 Elisa M. Troisi 3 Todd Andrew Burbridge 3 Kathryn Tuchscherer 3 Mary Ellen Carter 3 Erica Maria Voss With High Honors 3 Lacey Bell Whittington 3 Pamela R Chute With Honors 2 Joseph R C. Corrado With a Minor in Spanish 3 Katherine Crawley 3 Kristin Zmuda 3 Tracy Marie Crone With a Minor in History 3 Andrea Jeanne Gaskill Mathematics 3 Heidi R. Goettel 3 James F. Brown With High Honors 3 Young-A Choi With Minors in Classical Civilization 3 Catherine L. DeGrandpre and Psychology With High Honors 23 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ----- X ----- 3 Amanda Jean Deisher 2 Tanner J. McFadden With High Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Andrew C. Fisher With High Honors With High Honors 2 Mariah Leigh Nelson 3 Jill Ann Gahlsdorf 4 Jorge Salgado Becher 3 John Nicholas Giovanini Also with Major in History With High Honors 3 Amy Kay Steiner 3 Isaac C. Grenfell Physics With Honors 3 Eric Scott Alman With a Minor in Economics With High Honors 3 Bethany Rose Johnson 3 Brent B. Buffington With Honors With Honors 3 Kelsey Keene With a Minor in Mathematics With High Honors 3 Christopher Allan Colpitts Also with Major in Economics With Honors 4 Thomas Lemer With a Minor in Mathematics With High Honors 3 Reuben C. Darlington With a Minor in Computer Science 3 Amanda Jean Deisher 3 Peter Jay McCauley With High Honors 3 Alice Rose Nelson 3 Matthew Fig With Honors With a Minor in Mathematics 3 Molly M. Schulte 3 Patrick Headspohl Martin With High Honors 3 Peter J. McCauley 3 Wesley Kane Tate With a Minor in Computer Science Also with Major in Psychology 3 Bryan Alexander Zeck 3 Jill Katherine Williams Political Science-History Native American Studies 3 Jamie Elaine Anderson 3 Jamie Lee Fariss 2 Rose Anne Krieg Political Science 3 Jeremy James MacDonald 2 C. Mark Aagenes With Honors 3 Erin Leigh Bowers 2 Donald Dale Meyers 3 Jaime Bjorn Burkhalter 3 L.G. Boss Racine Also with Major in History 3 Michael Turcotte 3 Jessica J. Cameron With a Minor in Psychology 4 Lea Nadine Colvill 3 Melanie Rae Wall With Honors With Honors 3 Jessica Marie Cooper Physics and Astronomy With High Honors 3 Shannon M. Dorvall 2 Bryce T. Jacobson 2 Sonia Hurlbut Gavin With Honors 3 Michael D. Haas Physics-Computer Science With a Minor in History 3 Jeremy Allen Sauer 4 Michael A. Harter With a Minor in Mathematics With a Minor in Psychology Philosophy 4 Marc Hatten 4 Steven Robert Brooks Hatten 3 Sara Courtney Belk 2 Kenneth Erich Keiper With Honors 2 Sanae Komatsu 3 Joshua Branson Harteis 3 Annie Probst Lamar With Honors With High Honors 3 Shiloh Hernandez With Minors in Communication Studies With Honors and History Also with Major in Spanish 2 Stephan Langley With a Minor in French With High Honors 3 John A. McCall 3 Marc B. Layne With a Minor in Physics 24 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES

3 Matthew Hayes Lindsay 3 Cristin Cae Bermingham 4 Alexander Lee Lux With a Minor in Biology 4 Stephanie Lyn Maney 3 Christopher E Birkle 4 Brendan DeForrest McQuillan 3 Abby R. Bisgard With Honors 3 Dale Vernon Black University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Melissa J. Blue With a Minor in Communication Studies With a Minor in Native American 4 Selena Miller Studies With Honors 3 Joanna M. Bowns With a Minor in Biology 3 Tonya Marie Bradley 4 Eriko Mori Also with Major in Sociology With Honors 3 Janelle Breault 4 Patrick J. Mullins With a Minor in Human and Family 3 Raurie O'Brien Development With Honors 3 Sean M. Brooks Also with Major in Spanish 2 Ragon Marie Brown 3 Sara Lynn Orbe 4 Kevin Carter Brown 3 Tricia Suzanne Patten With High Honors With Honors 3 Meredith McAfee Brownell University Scholar, Honors Prg With Honors 4 Angela M. Paulsen 2 Marlayna Rose Cafiffey With a Minor in Native American Studies 3 Amanda L. Callahan 2 Rory Kevin Pendergast 2 Delia C. Campfield 4 Justin J. Popnoe With High Honors 3 Kerri Beth Schneider 3 Carina Mikael Carlson With Honors With High Honors With a Minor in Spanish With a Minor in Human and Family 3 Matthew C. Slonaker Development With High Honors 3 Deldre E. Carr University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Jared C. Chamberlain Also with Major in Economics With Honors With a Minor in History 3 Jungwon Chang 3 James Howard Steele, Jr. 3 Jared Evan Choc 4 Tara Dempsey Steinke With a Minor in Computer Applications With High Honors 2 Daniel S. Conley 3 Joshua D. Taber 3 Benjamin C. Conlon 2 Matthew Craig Thuesen 3 Paul Cunningham With Honors 4 Megan Jo Daley 3 Joelyn Kelsey Voytoski 3 Anthony Francis Davis With a Minor in Communication Studies 3 Erik Andreas Dedekam 3 Michael Joseph Wheeler With Honors With a Minor in Native American Studies 4 Lindsey Takara Doe 3 Julie Elizabeth Williams With Honors With Honors 2 Tina M. Dolce With a Minor in History With Honors Psychology 4 Kathryn Heather Dudley 3 Casey Todd Eason 4 Sara Jane Askew 3 Katherine Jane Edson 4 Kelly Backhaus 3 Raelynn Marie Erbe 4 Elizabeth Jane Baiter With Honors 3 Veronica Ida Bastiaanse With a Minor in Spanish With High Honors 3 Jonah Folden Fast With a Minor in Communication Studies University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Meghan N. Berg With a Minor in Sociology With High Honors


3 Elisha Fig 3 Adrienne R. Killeen With Honors 3 Bart Klika 2 Dennis Jay Filcher With Honors 3 Jennifer A. Fletcher 3 Shaun R. Klinger 3 Rebecca Lynn Folkerts With a Minor in Native American With Honors Studies 3 Holly Ann Forgey 3 Bethany Autumn Knapstad 3 Wanmdi Wi Jessi Fulgham 2 Elsie Lawson Knight 3 Courtenay Renae Goff 3 Christy Lynne Kollmar University Scholar, Honors Prg With High Honors With High Honors 2 William Andrew Konigsmark 4 Dawn D. Gordon 3 Christine May Kynett With Honors 3 Daniel J. Libby 3 Laurie Beth Gustafson With Honors With a Minor in Human and Family 4 Lori Ann Luoma Development With Honors 2 Mary Louise Hall 3 Jason John Matovich With High Honors Also with Major in Sociology 3 Julia Nichole Marie Hannon 4 Julia W. McCloy With High Honors With Honors Also with Major in Liberal Studies 4 Krista M. McCune With a Minor in Native American 3 Jenny Ann McNett Studies With a Minor in Sociology 3 Michelle (Chelly) Harada 2 Rylan Meyers With a Minor in Human and Family 3 Amy Lynn Midgett Development 3 Megan C. Mikelsons 3 Whitney Carrin Harrah With Honors Also with Major in Communication 4 Jenifer Lee Mintsiveris Studies 3 Megan R. Monroe 3 Kei Hasegawa With Honors 3 Christina Collier-Heck University Scholar, Honors Prg Also with Major in Communication With a Minor in Biology Studies 3 Aaron C. Morsette 3 Christina Hill With a Minor in Native American With High Honors Studies 3 Natalie Rae Hiller 2 Aya Murayama With Honors With Honors 3 Com F. Holm 3 Katherine E. Nutter-Upham With High Honors 3 Renee Suzaznne Orr 3 Mara Dawn Horn-Marine With Honors With a Minor in Human and Family 3 Elizabeth Anne Palmer Development With a Minor in Communication 4 Mary Christine House Studies 3 Brooke M. Howard 3 Nermi Lee Parrow 3 David R. Hurley With High Honors 3 Tamami Ichikawa 3 Alexis Jane Ranstrom 3 Jasmine Suzanne Johnson 3 David E Reardon With a Minor in Philosophy 3 Nicole Anna Rice 3 Lisa M. Johnston 3 Erin Jean Roach 3 Paula Jolene Jones With High Honors 4 Janell Kahmann With a Minor in English 3 Janice E. Kelley 3 Mette J. Romain With High Honors With High Honors 2 Erin Briana Kelly 3 Isaiah Eugene Sarault 3 Kimberly Dawn Kenner Also with Major in Sociology


3 Gabrielle Sather- Olson 3 Gerald L. Clevenger With Honors With Honors 3 Brennan Christine Shaw With a Minor in Media Arts With Honors 4 Jessica Ann Conrad 3 Tammy Annette Shearer 4 Sandy Dahl 2 Laura Elliot Shepherd 3 Carey M. Daly With High Honors 4 Daniel Jame DeCoite 3 Jason C. Simon 2 Kristi Ann DeTienne With High Honors 4 Heather J. Doran Also with Major in Communication 3 Stephanie L. Eads Studies 4 Samantha Jayne Epstein 2 Laura Renee Sobieck With Honors With Honors 2 Heidi Anne Glee University Scholar, Honors Prg With a Minor in Communication Studies 3 Shannon Marie Solan 3 Gerald Matthew Goodnough 3 Brooke Rose Spangler With Honors With Honors 3 Sandra J. Gunderson 4 Angela Renee Stratton With Honors With a Minor in Political Science 3 MacArthur Lee Haverfield 2 Brandie Lynn Terpe 4 Elaine Hawk 3 Charles John Thomas 2 Claire Malia Henry 2 Cory L. Thompson With High Honors 3 Tamar E. Tinkle With a Minor in French 2 Scott Lorren Ulrich 3 Neil Douglas Heyer 2 Christian Matthew Vetsch 2 Beverly Hixson Also with Major in Communication 4 Robert Henry Hodges Jr. Studies 3 William Michael Inman 4 Megan Teresa Volf 3 Sidney Lane Kaste 4 Kristen E. Ward 2 Tara Keegan With a Minor in Human and Family 2 Paul T. Kelly Development 3 Jennifer Lynne Kelly 3 Kyle J. Wies With a Minor in Psychology With a Minor in English 3 Jessyca J. Kindt 3 Katie M. Yonce 3 Kumiko Kudo Russian With Honors Also with Major in Anthropology 2 Jamey D. Daniel 2 Howard Allan Lewis With Honors 3 Joseph Corey Lidbury 4 Sallie Ellen Phipps 3 Suzanne Alea Lingle With a Minor in Anthropology With Honors 2 Jessica D. Schliebe 3 John D. Masters Sociology With Honors 2 Brooke Erin Baracker 4 Brian H. McClure With High Honors 3 Terry J. McDermott With a Minor in Native American Studies 3 Corey Lee Mertes 4 Ashley J. Barnes 3 Brad J. Minster 3 Tiffany Lauren Bell With Honors With a Minor in Psychology 3 Bryan Frederick Morges 3 Tonya H. Brueggeman With Honors 3 Casse R. Chaffey 3 Yusuke Motohashi 3 Shane Ray Christensen With Honors 3 Theresa G. Clark With a Minor in Asian Studies With Minors in Psychology and Human 3 Julie C. Mullette and Family Development With Honors With a Minor in Art Studio


2 Haruna Okami 4 Kimberly Anne Busby 2 Michael Cleveland Osborne With High Honors With Honors 4 Courtney Carl 3 Sarah Marie Pedersen 4 Erik Bjorn Carlson 3 Spencer Warren Perry 4 Traci Dawn Clark 3 Melissa Anne Pryor With High Honors With Honors 4 Maura Costea 3 Amy R. Rehbein 2 Mary Lynn Crawford 3 Kristin Lee Rinn 3 Jenny Ann Daniel 3 Jordi Roesti'Drew With Honors 2 Catherine Rudd-Brewer With a Minor in Women's and Gender With a Minor in Psychology Studies 3 Misty Lynn Salois 4 Danelle Danzer With a Minor in Native American With High Honors Studies With a Minor in Human and Family 3 Matthew Karl Schmidt Development 3 Anthony Selin 3 Meghann C. Dame 3 Ryan Slider 2 Christy Ellerbee 3 Todd A. Tackett 2 Sherry Fogerty 2 Brandie Lynn Terpe 3 Rebecca Lynn Folkerts 2 Lennie J. Thompson With Honors 3 Reno John Tibke 3 Teresa Joy Foster With Minors in Japanese and Asian With Honors Studies 3 Eran Elizabeth Fowler 3 Taylor Kinsey Tillman With Honors 3 Kristina K. Valtinson 2 James Michael Gilbey 4 Jessica Danielle Warren 2 Catherine Anne Glevanik With a Minor in Psychology With Honors 2 Kelly Lee Watson Also with Major in Psychology 3 Gena Dale Wesley 4 Dawn D. Gordon With Honors With Honors Also with Major in Psychology 3 Sandra Lynne Graves 3 John Leonard Wesley University Scholar, Honors Prg 4 Demetrious Williams With High Honors 3 Ryan Curtis Willmore 3 Carrie A. Hanson 2 Christine Winterrowd With High Honors 2 Shea Danielle Ziegler With Minors in Human and Family With a Minor in Psychology Development and Spanish Social Work 3 Karen Hayes 3 Winfrey R Amis With Honors 4 Jennifer Lynn Baker 3 Rachel Weintz Henderson 2 Corrina Brooke Batten With Honors 3 Brittney Rene Bennetts 3 Kaye Helen Hollingsworth With Honors With High Honors 4 Allison O'Hara Best 3 Yohance Ludwig Humphery 2 Christina M. Boysun 4 Yoshie Ichihara With Honors 3 Karlyn L. Jarosch With a Minor in Communication 2 Julie Caryl Kidd Studies With a Minor in Human and Family 4 Hilary J. Brunner-Murphy Development With High Honors 3 Masami Kitamura With a Minor in Psychology With High Honors 4 Joy Ruth Buckley 3 Christopher Todd LePiane With a Minor in Native American Studies 4 Coryne Legare 4 Leandra Ruth Lipson


3 Jessie Lea Lundberg 2 Amanda M. Hanson With High Honors With a Minor in Political Science 3 Melissa A. Mahoney 2 Alison Caryl James 3 Vincent Joseph Marquez With High Honors 3 Kay Louise McPherson 3 Erica Paige Larum With Honors With Honors 3 Christpher Shawndein Monatukwa 2 James Vincent McLellan 3 Lu Ann Nessan 3 Will Cary Seward 2 Margaret Louise Newman University Scholar, Honors Prg With Honors 4 Eloise Fidelia Shook 2 Sara Lynn Nicholson 2 Erin Renee Thompson 3 Leslie Sondra Oien With Honors 4 Kathleen Annette Olson 2 Gregory Unwin 4 Stephanie Outland With a Minor in English 3 Kathleen Elizabeth Parker 2 Valerie A. Vanderpool With a Minor in Political Science With Honors 2 Amanda Lee Perryman THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science 4 Jacquelyn L. Poe 3 Stacia Ann Rohrer Chem istry 4 Amanda Lee Rust 3 Chad Elliott Cochran 4 Sara Nicole Shipley With High Honors 4 Irma Skunk Cap 2 Emily Lynn Deer 4 Patricia Ann Spotted Wolf With Honors 3 Brandy Lee Tennison-Steiger 3 Ana Nicole Dupuis With Minors in Communication Studies 3 Robert Jason Kellahin and Human and Family 3 Mark Richard Mencel Development With Honors 2 Emily Mae vonCoelln 3 Chris H. Platt 4 Charity C. Warren 3 Kevin M. Rigby With Honors With Honors 3 Annie M. Waylett 3 Adrian Graham Stocks 2 Erin Ellis Wert Computer Science 3 Tahya L. Wolstein 3 Eric J. Barnes 3 Megan Nicole Woods 3 Graham T. Carter 3 Breezy N. Yasenak 3 Micheal A. Crawley Also with Major in Sociology 3 Jason Doremus 3 Jennifer L. Yoder 3 Casey L. Gersde 3 Hillary B. Young With High Honors Spanish With a Minor in Mathematics 2 Kristen L. Appelwick 3 Matthew J. Johnson 3 Ivan Argelio Campos With a Minor in Mathematics 3 Shila M. Chaffee 3 Rhonda Lee Koerber 3 Cara Jo Cocchiarella With Honors With Honors 3 Jamey L. Maxwell University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 William J. McCormick 2 Mary Lynn Crawford With Honors 3 Jessica Lynn Drew With Minors in Mathematics and Also with Major in Psychology Computer Science 3 Kathryn Louise Fangsrud 3 Logan Maxwell Modine With Honors With a Minor in Mathematics 3 Zulma Fernandez 3 Garrett R. Mozey 3 Marshall Grathwohl 3 Jeffrey T. Norman With Honors 3 Lindsay M. Ohman 3 Peter Talbot Hammett With a Minor in Mathematics 3 Ana Luisa Hammond

29 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES -----X ----- 3 David Michael Parfit Mathematical Science'Computer Science With Honors 2 Annemarie Louise Dahm With Minors in Mathematics and Music With Honors 3 Siddharth Raisoni University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Jason M. Rocheleau With a Minor in German 3 Emanueli Fiu Samuela With Honors THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in 2 Steven Leonard Stiff Medical Technology With Honors Medical Technology 3 Kay Marguerite Trimble 2 Krista Bree Birkelo 3 Tricia L. Ueland With Honors 3 Jonathan Paul Waddell 3 Amber Nicole Finley With Honors 3 Kristi Lynn Frank With a Minor in Mathematics With High Honors Geology 3 Tracey Lynn Hiebert 3 Taylor R. Anderson 2 Jennifer M. Larson 2 Shauna Aylward 2 Robert Franklyn Wilcox II With Honors THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in 3 David C. Beall Microbiology With Honors Microbiology University Scholar, Honors Prg With Minors in History and Spanish 2 Krista Bree Birkelo 4 Richard W. Bray With Honors 3 Danny J. Gallegos 3 Julie Ann Callison 3 Thomas Gerber 4 Alison Sims Campfield University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Kristi Lynn Frank With High Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg With a Minor in Wilderness Studies With High Honors 4 Thomas J. Gignoux With a Minor in Music 2 Heather Meagan Handschke 2 Jennifer Opal Harlow With a Minor in Geography 3 Maryann Hubbard 3 Andrew Mark Hennes With High Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg 2 Ayantu Berhanu Kura With High Honors 2 Jennifer M. Larson 2 Nathan Douglas Hyland 2 William G. Marchion 3 Tracy A. lob 2 Ryan Madison Mellem 2 Joshua M. Kamensky 2 Quinn Lee Nordwick 2 Martin Charles Larsen With High Honors 3 Layaka S. Mann 2 Wendy J. Buckalew 4 Jessica Rae Meyer With Honors With Honors 3 Nermi L. Parrow 2 John R Mocko With Honors 4 Micah O. Morris 3 Jed Wellington Seeley 3 Beau Jess Pallister 3 Daniel Joseph Shelby With Honors Also with Major in Medical Technology 3 Damon Pellicori 3 Nathaniel Elisher Stevens With Honors With Honors 3 Noel Samuel Philip 2 Colby D. Stoddard 2 James Kendall Ryley Also with Major in Medical Technology 3 Dean Snyder 2 Robert Franklyn Wilcox II 3 Thomas Hardy Wagner 2 Amanda Wilhelm With Honors 3 Zachary R. Wilson With High Honors Also with Major in Medical Technology

30 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES -----H ----- School of Business Administration ♦x* The candidates will be presented by Larry Gianchetta Dean of the School of Business Administration

THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in 3 Rachel Marie Boschee Business Administration With High Honors Business Administration 4 Jenny Lorene Boshaw 3 Alysia Elisabeth Boston 3 Suzette B. Ainsworth 2 Christopher Michael Bott 3 April Lee Albert 3 Becky Lynn Bowler 3 Nicholas Bryan Aldinger With High Honors 3 Mark A. Alexander 3 Justin Roy Bras 4 Shalaine Marie Allen With a Minor in Office Systems 4 Nicole Jaclyn Allie Management 3 Jackie Lynn Amescua 2 Clara Ann Brennan With a Minor in Sociology 3 Tara Lynn Brickey 3 Kyle H. Anderson With Honors 3 Bryan J. Anderson 2 A'Lisa A. Bronder 4 Kelsy Galadriel Anderson With High Honors With High Honors 3 Edward Joseph Brooke With a Minor in Economics 4 Carolyn R. Brooks 3 Megan Arnold 3 Bridgette Marie Brousseau With a Minor in Economics 2 John O. Brown, Jr. 3 Simon James Atheam 2 Austin Paul Bundy 3 David A. Auker 2 Jeffrey D. Burchett 3 Jolene Marie Bach With Honors 3 Il-Jea Baek 3 Skyler D. Burreson 3 Scott Brian Bailey 4 Sean Butler 2 Scarlett Esther Baird 3 Alexis Lesley Cabot 3 Janna Joy Bakker 3 Ryan Cameron Campbell With High Honors With High Honors 2 Christopher Ballentine 3 Joshua Edward Cantamessa 2 Jamie Nicole Banken With Honors 3 Zacharia S. Barnes 3 Tobin Joseph Capp 2 Joel Barranger 3 Jamie Richard Carden With High Honors 3 Brian A.Carey 3 Steve D. Barry 3 Nicholas J. Carlino 3 James Lewis Battmer 3 Alex Dale Carlson With Honors With Honors 3 David Arthur Beebe 3 Rachel Ann Carlyle With Honors With High Honors 4 John Preston Belknap 3 Neil D. Casella 2 Gregory R. Bell 3 Geoffrey Wayne Cathey 3 Kathryn Jean Bell With Minors in Political Science and University Scholar, Honors Prg Spanish With High Honors 3 Brad Aaron Caton 3 Jeremy Michael Bennett 3 Francis J. Cavuoto 3 Angela M. Bestgen 4 Charles Chew 3 Gary Wayne Bethea 3 Sienna Christine Ching 4 John Robert Blixt 3 Jill Nicole Chisolm 2 Daren Bloomgren 3 Lisa Christian 3 Gwendolyn Brooke Blume 3 Lisa Marie Chubb 2 Jessica Ann Bock 3 Todd L. Clevenger 2 Jacob T. Booher 2 Calvin N. Coleman

31 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ------»«------3 Jamie L. Collins 2 Traci Marie Fesolowitz 2 Thomas Ryan Connell 3 Sara E. Finzen With a Minor in Music 3 Casey Lynn Fischer 3 Casey Patrick Connors University Scholar, Honors Prg 2 Ethan A. Cornelius With High Honors With High Honors 3 Cynthia Jean Fjell 4 Gina Marie Cota With Honors 3 Jesse B. Cruson 2 Deanna Delta Fladstol 3 Kasie Jo Culver With High Honors 2 Robert Sean Curfman 3 Kristy L. Fleshman 3 Adrienne Elizabeth Dahlberg With High Honors 3 James Espy Dallner 3 Brent Rhys Flewelling With High Honors 3 Gregory Robert Fontana 3 Michael R. Davis 3 Heather Carleen Franich 3 David R. Dayton 3 Eric Allen Frazee 2 Ryan Daniel DeGroot 2 Spencer L. Frederick 3 Mike DeMott 2 Anthony Paul French 4 James DeWaters 3 Travis C. Frey With Honors 4 Mark A. Fricke 4 Elizabeth Caryl Delaney 4 Rachel M. Friesz Also with Major in Communication 3 Christina Marie Frisch Studies 3 Niki Froines 3 Melissa Sue Denman 2 Alysia Garrett 3 Kevin Raj S. Devadas 2 Kevin William Gasner 2 Jennifer La'Nor Dilbeck 2 Adam E Gatzemeier 3 Chelsea I. Dix 3 Ernest Ben Gawryluk 3 Heidi Christian Dodd 3 Linsey June Geurin 2 Nathan E Dolan Also with Major in French 4 Nicholas Dolezal 4 Kent R. Gillette 3 Emily K. Dorman 3 James Lenon Gladden 3 Jonathan Isaac Dorman 3 Chet Allen Hagen 4 Tyler Ryan Dotten With a Minor in Computer Applications With High Honors 4 Tiffany Amber Hagen 2 Kathryn Ann Douglass 2 Sarah Hagenson With Honors 3 Jordan Dion Hager 4 Devon Gene Downing 3 Tarik Haidar 3 Ben Drinkwalter 3 Robert F. Haidle 3 Darius T. Dugas Also with Major in Economics 3 Alex Andrew Duman 2 Brett J. Haker 3 Thomas Sean Dwyer 2 Luis M. Hall 3 Michael Charles Earabino 3 Glenda Marie Hall With a Minor in Japanese 3 Shanna Marie Hallas 3 Shannon Kay Earley With a Minor in Music 3 Tavis Lee Eggebraaten 4 Brandy A. Hamilton With Honors 3 Christopher Scott Hanchett 3 Jennifer L. Elich With a Minor in Economics With High Honors 3 Valrie Hansen 3 Peter Kane Mitchell Ellis 3 Aaron Paul Hansen 2 Francis D. Elverud With Honors 3 Becky S. Erickson 3 Tisha A. Harding 3 Jason Ryan Erickson With Honors With Honors 3 Ryan Joseph Haskins With a Minor in Political Science 3 Candra Lee Haven 4 Ross Wesley Erickson 3 Gabriel H. Hawman 3 Daniel E Falen 3 John C. Hazlett IV 2 Alyson Jane Farvolden 32 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES

3 Megan D. Heinert 4 Jocelyn I. Kidd 3 Lisa Marie Heinle 2 Scott Kimmet With High Honors With Honors 4 Karl Heinz Heller 3 Brian David Kincaid 3 Matthew William Henry With a Minor in Environmental Studies With Honors 3 Shana Michelle Kirkland 2 Dustin Duane Herbert With Honors 3 Justin Joel Hewitt 3 Benjamin T. Klotthor 3 Sean R. Hire 3 Phoebe Welch Knight 3 Lea Rae Hocker 4 Brett Alan Korpela 3 Lindsey Dawn Holst 3 Liberty Cheline Kortum With Honors 2 Bradley Kraft 3 Jennifer Martha Holton 3 Michelle L. Krieg With Honors With Honors With a Minor in German With a Minor in Communication Studies 3 Kerri Bernadette Houck 2 Janice K. Krueger 3 Karl D. Hummel 3 Theodore Mahlon Krueger With Honors 2 Kari Jo Krueger Also with Major in German 3 Kathryn M. Kubista 2 Shawn L. Hummer With High Honors 4 Richard Allen Humphrey 3 Stephen Eric Kucera, Jr. 3 Shane Andrew Hutcheson 3 Sam R Kuehn 3 Joshua M. Hyland With Honors With Honors 2 Hsin-yi Lai 3 Alisa Elaine Ibey 3 Nicholas Laramie 3 Stacey Ingham 2 Tracy Jo Largent 2 Matthew G. Inman 4 A. Nathan Larson With a Minor in Spanish 3 Erica Paige Larum 3 Jonathan Irey With Honors With Honors 3 Dan R. Leach 3 Tony J. Jablonski 3 Kyle Heath Leppert With High Honors 4 Naomi Lei Levelle 3 John Chase Janvrin 3 Jessica Lee Lewis 3 Yenta Bo Jaques 3 Thomas Justin Lindbloom With High Honors 4 Justin Richard Lodders 3 Martin Jeffers 3 John M. Lohman 3 Kirsten Anna Jensen 3 Jesse David Lohse 2 Kendra Jo Johnson With Honors With a Minor in Chinese 3 Kurt David Love 3 Kory E Johnson 3 Hang Ming Low 3 Paula Jolene Jones 2 Brandon V. Luckey 2 Takashi Kadohara With High Honors 3 Benjamin J. Kampf 2 Courtney H. Ludden 4 Amanda D. Kanduch With Honors 3 Daniel Chris Kaneff 4 Cory J. Lunde 4 Lindsey Anne Kehr With a Minor in German 2 Becky L. Keith 3 Kellie Jo Lynch 3 Cheryl Lee Keller 3 Amy M. Lyngstad 4 Clare M. Kelly With Honors With High Honors 2 James R. Mallory 3 Peter Edward Kelly With Honors 4 Jonathan Keranen 3 Erik Marchion 3 Geordy John Kerscher 2 James Markovich With Honors 2 Alexander N. Martin With a Minor in Computer Applications 3 Joshua Kalani Mason

33 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES -----X ----- 3 Samantha Masterson 3 Brian Wilford Oestrike 2 Lisa Marie Matz 2 Munetaka Okuda With a Minor in Psychology 3 Matthew Alton Olson 4 Daniel R. McClellan With a Minor in Japanese With Honors 3 Daniel L. Orizotti 3 Kathleen Ann McCracken With a Minor in Communication Studies 2 Nora McDougall 3 Jacob E. Otoupalik With High Honors 3 Brian Keith Padgett With a Minor in Computer Science 2 John Harvey Passuccio 3 Heather Aubri McDowell 3 Robert Thomas Peek 3 Kathryn E. McGinnis 2 Daniel E. Pehan With a Minor in German 3 Amber M. Pena 2 Michael J. McGowan With Honors With Honors 3 Brian Wayne Penny 3 Mark Andrew McLaughlin 3 Andrew Christopher Petersen 3 James Leo Mehrens 2 Joni Nicole Peterson 3 John Joseph Mercer 3 Lisa A. Petrescu With Honors With High Honors 3 Forest M. Mercill 3 Cassi Rose Pfister 3 Kirk A. Meyer 3 Hoa Thi Pham 3 Michelle T. Hislop 3 Timothy James Phelan 2 Melissa Milodragovich 3 Morrigan Belle Phillips With Honors 3 Margaret M. Pierose University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Kelly Elizabeth Pierron 3 Michael J. Miner 4 Carolyn M. Plumage 4 Masahiro Mizutani With a Minor in Native American Studies 2 David K. Mocko 3 Mary Poole 3 Michele Renee Montreuil 3 Jason D. Poser With Honors 2 Nike Antoinette Potter 2 Alethea Jeanette Morden With High Honors 3 Read Morse 4 Pamela Jean Potts 2 Neil Andrew Morton 3 Megan Powell 4 Christine Ann-Noelle Mott With High Honors 3 Rachel Ann Mower 3 Amy Lynn Purcell 3 Marshall Mikal Moy With a Minor in Communication Studies With a Minor in Computer Science 3 Justin E Quist 3 Kerry Ann Munro 2 John M. Radliff 3 Susan Lynn Murphy 3 Alexis Jane Ranstrom 3 Tresa M. Myers 3 Anita S. Rathe 4 Stephanie Jo Nelson With a Minor in Psychology 2 Shawna Rene Nemmers 3 Cory Raths 2 Jenne M. Neptune With Honors 3 Jason Voon Kain Ngoo With a Minor in Economics 2 Brendan Young Nicholas 4 Courtney J. Red 3 Christine Marie Niedge 3 Ashley Reimers With Honors 3 Laura Jill Repola 3 Jessica L. Nordwick With Honors 3 Robert Ryan Novak 3 Allison D. Reynolds 2 David Paul Nowacki 3 Sage M. Rice 3 Emmie A. Nygard 3 David J. Ricker University Scholar, Honors Prg 4 Kristine N. Ridlon 3 Shad Nyquest 3 Brandi R. Ries 3 Francine Elizabeth O'Boyle With Honors 2 Lynn Leigh O'Connor Also with Major in Psychology 2 Shannon G. O'Hare 3 David Ries With Honors 4 Nicole A. Rittierodt 3 Michael D. O'Keefe With Honors 3 Robert Lincoln O'Neil III 3 Waylon J. Robertus 3 Tyler John Oelkers 34 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ------X ------3 David A. Romenesko 3 Libby Erin Thome 3 Benjamin Woo Rosquist With Honors 3 Michael G. Ross 3 Scott Phillip Tom 2 Rikki Roullier 2 Denver Gene Toone 2 Ryan Parker Rowe 3 Paul Theodore Tousignant 3 Cameron Paul Rozell 3 Garth Dion Towne With Honors 4 Jeffrey Ernest Towner 3 Rolland Charles Rueb 4 Andrew Traum 3 Britney Rae Russell 2 Bonner Kalvan Tuinstra University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Tangee Rae Uriarte 3 Brad Matthew Ryan 3 Jennifer Laurie Vander Weide 2 M. Casey Ryan 2 Rita G. Vanorio 3 Ben Sather With Honors With Honors 3 Meghan Anna Velk 3 Heather Webster Sather 3 Shain Vernier With Honors 3 Chad Louis Villegas Also with Major in Fine Arts 3 Terry A. Vulles 3 Thad Schiele With High Honors 3 George R Schneider, Jr. 3 Nathan R. Walker 3 Jesse Jarvis Schott 3 Melanie R. Wall With a Minor in Drama With Honors 4 Michael Jack Schubarth Also with a Major in Native American 2 Darren James Schuldheiss Studies 3 Mario Schulzhe 3 Ashli Nicole Washburn With High Honors 2 J. Evan Waters With a Minor in Spanish 3 Shay Francaes Watkins 3 Nicole Schuppe With Honors 3 Jeffrey Karl Seidlitz 3 Jeri Sue Weaver With a Minor in Economics 3 Christopher R. Webb 2 Joshua L. Seitz With Honors 3 Daniel R Sepp 3 Carroll Anne Welllman 3 Brooke Seright With Honors 3 Lindsey E. Shoquist 2 Andrew Christopher Wells With Honors 3 Nicolas M. West 3 Laurie J. Simonson 2 Jennifer M. Wetzel With a Minor in Psychology With Honors 3 Cory D. Slocum 3 Jessica Lee Wilcomb 3 William Adrian Smith University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Tomislav Sokolic With High Honors 3 R Wyatt Starkel 3 Ryan J. Williams 2 Willy M. Steck With a Minor in History 2 Matthew Alan Steinau 3 Racquel Maria Williams 3 Robert Matteson Sternberg 3 Jeremy kent Williams With a Minor in Economics With a Minor in Japanese 3 Megan Lee Stohle 3 Corey A. Williamson With High Honors 2 Shane M. Wills 2 Aunisa Marjorie Stroklund 2 Peter John Wisniewski 3 Troy Robert Sturdevant 4 Mason John Witt 3 Mary Sucilsky 3 Robin Delane Wrage 3 Kate Mavoumeen Swanson 3 Christopher S. Wright 3 Todd Robert Swikart With a Minor in Drama 3 Robert J. Tabaracci 3 Kok Hau Yap 3 Michelle Nicole Tabbert 3 Aleksandra N. Yarmolich With Honors 2 Jeffrey R. Yost 3 John Patrick Tarpey 3 Bryan Kime Youngs 3 Travis Taruscio 3 Brian Michael Zekich 3 Brett Symington Taylor 3 Jin Zhou 3 John Andrew Tesdal 3 Jared A. Zimmer

35 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ------X ------School of Education

The candidates will be presented by Roberta D. Evans Interim Dean of the School of Education

THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Arts in 2 Sonja L. Drew Education With Honors Education 2 Karla J. Dreyer 3 Jennifer Dawn Eby 3 Erin Vanessa Adams 4 Rachal Alencia Edwards 2 Emily Christina Bailey 3 Jan Marie Enockson 3 Sara J. Ball-Vadeboncoeur 2 Rebecca Lee Espy With High Honors With Honors 3 Jennifer Jane Beck 3 Jesse Jon Evans 3 Megan Dawn Russoniello 3 John Patrick Fitzgerald 3 Jennifer Rebecca Betz 3 Allison Claire Fleisher 3 Karrie K. Bolivar 3 Bambi M. Ford 3 Michelle Makalena Meng With Honors 2 Erin Lee Boltin 3 Catherine Lee Gapp 3 Kari L. Boucher 2 Kaely D. Gilmore 3 Tammy Marie Breidenbach 3 Joy Christina Montalban Giovanini 2 Amy Heather Brekstad University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Ben Emery Brelje With High Honors 2 Brittainy Ann Brosovich 3 Cynthia Mae Green 3 Colleen M. Magee Buhler With a Minor in Spanish 2 Karen Carlson 2 Daniel Glenn Grey 4 Jessica Rae Chepil 3 Brianna Grieve-McSweeney 2 Pamela Rose Choc 2 Holly M. Hamill University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Heather Anne Harrington With High Honors With a Minor in Spanish With a Minor in Drama 2 Kimberly Ann Hart 2 Tina Marie Clark 3 John Cornelius Heaney With Honors 4 Samson John Heaton With a Minor in Native American 3 Kristen Ann Helmbrecht Studies 3 Melissa Ann Hogg 2 Kristal L. Crowley 3 Megan Kathleen Hopper University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 David Houck With High Honors With Honors 3 Marisa Louise Cunningham 3 Haydee Erin Huntley 2 Jacqueline N. Dantic 4 Genna M. Ibsen 3 Tanya Agnes Coleman Darnell 3 Yenta Bo Jaques With Honors With High Honors With a Minor in Spanish 4 Peter G. Darragh 3 Benjamin James Jaques 3 Matthew H. Johnson With High Honors With a Minor in Office Systems 3 Katherine C. Davies With High Honors Management 3 Brooke Lizabeth Davolos 2 Elizabeth Cummings Jones 2 Kelli Lynn Day University Scholar, Honors Prg With Honors With High Honors 3 Alura L. del Duca With a Minor in History With High Honors 2 Brittnie Abaigael Burke Keilman 3 Janalynn Kay Doten With High Honors With High Honors 3 Erin Louise Kelley

36 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ----- H ----- 3 Angela Nichole Kilgore 2 Emily A. Trey 3 Kylynn J. King 3 Jennifer W. Tucker 2 Kevin Nicholas Kranjcec 2 Alanna M. Vaneps 2 Lisa Lorang With Honors With Honors 3 Jessica Lamb Villano 3 Landon-Michael James Lundy With a Minor in Spanish 3 Jeremy James MacDonald 3 Melissa R. Wardell With Honors 2 David Andrew Westenberg 3 Sibley A. Malee-Ligas 4 Amy Lynn Whalen With Honors 2 Patricia Leigh Wilson 3 Martha Jill Mason With High Honors 3 Dorothy Louise McDermott 3 Amy Michelle Wold 3 Megan Nicole Mock 3 Stephie Jeanne Wurscher With Honors With Honors 3 David Eric Monnig THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in With Honors Health and Human Performance 2 Tata Sheehan Moore 2 Glenn Arthur Nelson Health & Human Performance 3 Melissa J. Messmer 3 Samantha Lynn Adams With Honors 3 Whitney Sarah Ahlstrand 4 Devon Leanne O'Neil With Honors 3 Valerie J. Pateman 3 Jennifer Ann Bailey With Honors With Honors 3 Laura Teresa Phoenix 3 Jamie Barkell 3 Megan Theresa Pitton With High Honors With High Honors 2 Paul Orion Blastic 3 Susan Marie Pleta 4 Leilani Wamer-Bolenbaugh With Honors 2 Kathleen Megan Beers-Brady 3 Terry L. Pohland 3 Lisa D. Brager With High Honors 3 Justin Lee Brannon 3 Mollyanne Rigsby 3 Shannon M. Brooke With Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg 2 Christina M. Russell With High Honors With High Honors With a Minor in History With a Minor in Psychology 3 Spring Anthony Brown 3 Justin E Scanson 3 Rachel A.Carter 3 Jodi Marie Schlimgen With High Honors With Honors 3 Darren Chapman 2 Kathryn Jean Schmasow With Honors 3 LeEllen Rae Schuppe 3 Jeremy Kent Collins 2 Angela K. Seidling 3 Tyson Maitland Culver 2 Jeannette Marie Slattery 3 Maggie D. Farrell With a Minor in Native American 4 Jodi M. Ferris Studies 4 Justin David Fisher 3 Dana Marie Dembach With Honors With High Honors 3 Jason William Francis 3 Christina Kasey Sparks 3 Keri Anne Goepfert 2 Marcy Lee Sullivan 2 Heather Jean Gordon 3 Anna Marie Swisher 3 Masami Hamamura 2 Mary Catherine Szomjassy 3 Sara (Sasha) C. Hanning 3 Justin R. Taylor 3 Jason W. Hedahl 4 Julie L. Thomas With a Minor in Biology 3 Cori Linn Thompson 2 Stephanie R. Heppner 2 Elisabeth Lynn Traum 2 Tegan Ann Hill With High Honors 3 Shawn Michael Johnson

37 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ------X ----- 4 Eric Kruger 3 Colleen Ryan 3 Katie Joann Krupicka 3 Molly Rebecca Sanders 3 Sze Ngar Michelle Lai 2 Kevin Santamaria 4 Cheryl Ellen Larson 3 Mary Louise Schnieders 2 Kimberly Merie LeBrun With Honors 3 Corrine Longin 2 Kelly Sedgwick 4 David Wayne Love 3 Tyler C. Seppanen 3 Nathan O. Lowry With Honors 3 Erin Maureen McMahon 4 Casey James Sheldon With High Honors 4 Elisa Therese Scherb 2 Katherine Koch McMillan 3 Daniel Courtney Short 2 Keri Ann McWilliams With Honors With a Minor in Biology 3 Andrea Joan Smith 3 Leah J. Meier 2 Chris A. Spoja 3 Kara Brooke Miller 3 Elizabeth Erin Still 3 Amber O'Dell With a Minor in Psychology With Honors 3 Eric Alouis Strubeck 3 Kevin Ryan Pancich 3 Stephanie S. Sybrant With High Honors 3 Aika Yoshida 3 Julie M. Pearson With High Honors 3 Kelly Rae Rice With Honors With a Minor in Psychology

School of Fine Arts

The candidates will be presented by Shirley E. Howell Dean of the School of Fine Arts

THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Arts 3 Bernard LecLerc, Jr. A rt 3 Matthew J. Mikulla 4 Yvonne Gisele Millman 3 Ana Barajas Hammond 2 Jamie R. Howard 3 Amy Therese O'Herron With High Honors Also with Major in Psychology 3 Lukas Allan Ramsey 2 Angela Nichole Kilgore 2 Blythe Rebecca Thomas With a Minor in Media Arts 3 Heather Deane Quidley 3 Amber J. Stenerson With a Minor in Psychology Fine A rts 2 Travis Wayne Stevens 3 Catherine Anne Armstrong Soule With a Minor in Media Arts 2 Eden G. Atwood 2 Jennifer Lynn Stone 4 Valerie Neville Bloodsworth 3 Benjamin A. Strum 3 Ryan Cameron Campbell 2 Heidi Tannheimer With High Honors 3 Alison Starila Thome 3 Rachael Elizabeth Cornett With Honors 3 Ryan Keith Fuller 3 Allison L. Williams 3 Joseph E. Goodwin With Honors With Honors 3 Derryl Williams 3 Anthony Luke Hammond 3 Leslie Rebecca Yates With Honors 4 Mandi Vian Zeiler University Scholar, Honors Prg With Honors 3 Dax C. Kuehn With a Minor in Media Arts 3 Jayson A. Lawfer

38 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ------THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Fine Arts 3 Brian Kakas A rt With Honors 3 Ondine Carole Kohn 3 Bryn Nell Asselstine-Serai With High Honors With a Minor in Native American Studies 3 Jennifer Ann Leutzinger 3 Betsy Lynn Brinks With High Honors 3 Judy Kay Cooper 3 Jacob D. Marcinek With High Honors With Honors 2 Christopher A. Fritsch 3 Kelly Colleen McCool 3 Michelle D. Krause With High Honors With Honors 3 Timon Meyer Fine A rts With Honors 3 Holly Emerita Andres 3 Andrea Tuley Miller With High Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Erik Marius Askevold 3 Norel Christine Miller With Honors 3 Ellen Newell 2 Eric L. Barsness With High Honors 4 Nicolaus A. Bopp 3 Sarah C. Phillipps 3 Matthew Stephen Brown 3 Craig Edward Pilling 3 Laramie D. Carlsen 3 R. Lucas Quisenberry With Honors 4 Courtney L. Read 3 Elizabeth Libby Catron 3 Sasha Nicole Rieker With Honors With High Honors 3 Casey M. Coughlin 3 Aaron Anthony Roos 3 Kara Janell Cruson 3 Audrey C. Rosulek 2 Jay M. Cummings With High Honors With High Honors 3 LeAnne N. Sasser 3 Victor Martin Daniel With Honors With High Honors 3 Trena Jo Shima 4 Kimberly Marie Day With High Honors 3 Aimee Kim Decker 2 Steven (Sky) Edward Stanton, Jr. With High Honors 3 Jolene A. Suckow 3 Julie Frances Easton With High Honors 3 Mikhael Farah 3 Angela Christine Susag 2 Natalie Gearhart 3 Christine A. Sutton 3 Brooke Marie Gherardini With Honors 3 Christopher Cole Gomey 3 Will J. Sutton 2 Andrew J. Greenfield 3 Nicole Jacqueline Tannheimer 3 Marianne Elizabeth Haugen 4 Aaron Thomas 4 Mark C. Heimer 3 Jessica Lee Tilton 2 Jeselle M. Hicks 3 Claire Hayden Vitucci 3 Susan K. Hodgin With High Honors With Honors 3 Ana Vlahovich 3 Nici Holt 3 Franklin Dean White With Honors 3 Echo Dawn Widhalm With a Minor in Women's and Gender With Honors Studies 3 Cherlyn G. Wilcox 3 Dustin M. Hoon 2 Nichole M. Woods 3 Chun-hui Huang With Honors With a Minor in Japanese 3 Erin E. Zacharias 4 Autumn Marijka Hunter 3 Adam Phillip Jochim With Honors With Minors in Gerinatrand Anthropology

39 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ----- H ----- THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Music 4 Christopher Evan Porter Composition With Honors 3 Carrie Ann Wright 3 Brett Matthew Benge With High Honors THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Music 4 Peter A. McKenzie Education With Honors M usic Performance 3 Ryan Kenneth Beck 3 Sean V. Barker 2 Traci Danielle Dean With High Honors 2 Mandra Marie Ladwig 3 Brett Matthew Benge With Honors With High Honors 2 Ellen Margaret Moe 3 Amy Beth Chisholm With High Honors With High Honors 3 Linda Weeks Roose 3 David Matthew Frahm 2 Jennifer C. Rygg With Honors With High Honors 2 Megan Lee Guenther 2 Kandace Janelle Young University Scholar, Honors Prg With High Honors

School of Forestry

The candidates will be presented by Perry J. Brown Dean of the School of Forestry

THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in 3 William A. Phillips Forestry 3 Sean Spencer Pierce Forestry 3 Francis Mason Preston 3 Brian W. Russell 3 James Barnett 3 Timothy M. Baynon 4 Matthew William Schutty 4 Kyle S. Shannon 3 Jakob Marcus Besmer 2 Tobin D. Smail 3 Frederick Edward Bicha 3 Charles T. Camel 3 Justina M. Toth 2 Matthew Jason Cole 2 Simon James Walbruch 3 Jeremy Scott Collyard 2 Cynthia Lynn Wilson 3 Thomas James Elliott THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in With Honors Recreation Management 2 Paul Walker Fortin Recreation Management 3 Aaron Zachary Fox 3 Samuel Darren Grimm 3 Samuel Gardner Barkley With High Honors 3 Jesse David Barnes 2 Kirk Hall With Honors With Honors 3 Gina Blahnik 3 Lloyd Marvin Hetrick 3 Tucker Brown 3 Ryan R Hughes 2 Courtney C. Clark 3 Cody R. Hutchinson 3 Brad R. Colin With Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg 2 Seth Harris Isaac Kahn With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 3 James Mack Kolesar 3 Melissa Ann Condos 3 Christopher James Kuennen With High Honors 3 Anita D. Long 2 Robert F. DiMartile 2 Scott Kenneth Minnie 4 Katharine Feichtinger With High Honors 2 Nancy L. Frey 3 Jeffrey Matthew Nissen 2 Katherine A. Frie 2 Paul W Galvin 40 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES

4 Christopher R. Gibisch 2 Brian Huntington 3 Gregory J. Giske With a Minor in Wildlife Biology 3 Nicholas J. Glidden 4 Karl T. Jones With High Honors With a Minor in Wilderness Studies With a Minor in Wildlife Biology 3 Gerik Kransky 4 Russell Hellem 2 Donald Arthur Lange With Honors With Minors in Native American 3 Natalie Rae Hiller Studies and Wilderness Studies With Honors 2 Virginia Davett Mena Limpy 4 Michael Hopper 4 Jeffrey David Lukas 3 Jeffrey J. Klin 3 Karri Lee Meador 2 Alisa J. Mathews 3 Amanda Marie Milbum With a Minor in Wildlife Biology With High Honors 2 Sean D. McCarthy 3 Anna Elizabeth Moody 4 Jessica Lynn Moats 3 Cory D. Noordermeer With High Honors 3 Nicole Marie Olmstead With a Minor in Wildlife Biology 3 Erin M. Paddock 4 Robert Daniel Nelson With Honors 2 Rebecca Ann Onuparik 3 Katie Parsanko 4 Tipton Power With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 4 Brent Richard Robbins 2 Suzanne Pattinson 4 Warren Alfred Roberts, III 3 Samantha Kathryn Preston 2 Sean Patrick Ryan With a Minor in English 3 Erika Scheuring 2 Kevin J. Rocek 4 Zachary T. Staszak With a Minor in Geography 4 Brian William Sundeen 2 Ronald A. Rygwalski With Honors 2 Rachel A. Schmidt 3 Jessica Lorraine Weinert 3 Patrick R. Schon 2 Jessica Marie Wiles 2 Jacob R. Snodgrass With High Honors 3 Megan L. Strom With Honors THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in 4 Jamie Lynn Tripp Resource Conservation 2 Matthew Timothy Ugaldea Resource Conservation 4 Crystal S. Vancho 3 Roham Abtahi 4 Kristi Joy Veneziano 3 Cory N. Anderson 3 Seth E. Warren With Honors 3 Sherri Welch 3 Amber Catherine Averbeck 2 Joseph Allan Winkelman With Honors 3 Heidi Marie Zeltinger 3 Andrew M. Bidwell 4 Edwin M. Zinader 4 David Anthony Boger THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in 3 Flora Hoag Brain Wildlife Biology With High Honors Wildlife Biology 3 Michael Heyward Epting Budds With Honors 3 Michelle L. Baker With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 3 Erica Elizabeth Barr 3 Ryan Hunter Burnett University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Zachary Seyffer Dorman With High Honors 3 Gregory Scott Famham 3 Mark James Bohnemann 3 J. Hunter Gilham 3 Jeanne Bradley 3 Lori Hanson 3 Liam Scott Burke 4 Linsey Anne Hayes 4 Shannon Kathryn Burke With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 4 Jessica Rae Christensen 4 Devan Amber Hintz With a Minor in Biology 3 Coral Jean Huber 3 Bethanne R. Clark

41 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ______3 Shawn Michael Cleveland 3 Clayton S. Miller With a Minor in Biology 2 Jeremy M. Moran 3 Robert Domenech With High Honors 3 Melia Janelle Everts With a Minor in Spanish With High Honors 2 Dylan T. Mrkich With a Minor in Biology 3 Lukas Neraas 2 Lindsay Marie Harman 4 Ayako Nishitani With a Minor in Wilderness Studies 3 Kimberly Dawn Oldehoeft 3 Daniel E. Haskell 4 Rachael Marie Powell With a Minor in Biology With Honors 3 Otto S. High With Minors in Biology and Spanish 3 Erin Leah Hill 3 Melissa Anne Robinson With Honors With High Honors 4 Akira Imazu 4 Nathan Alan Schwab With Honors 3 Erinn Colleen Shirley 3 Casey B. Jensen 3 Kate Helene Soetaert 3 Alexandra Kavicky With Honors 3 Amy Lynn Krause 3 Gabriel Mark Saint-Pierre 3 Ryan Kreiner 4 Adam St. Saviour 4 Nicholas G. Kunz 3 Andrew Van Eck 2 Michael Maraghy With High Honors With a Minor in Wilderness Studies Also with Major in Biology 3 Aaron Eugene Martin 2 Johann A. Walker With Honors With Honors 3 Lauren Lee Martin 3 Tzeidle N. Wasserman 3 Jay Martini 4 Nicholas R Weber 3 Jessica Meredith 3 Linette Marie Whitney With Honors 2 Kendra L. Womack With a "Minor in Mathematics With High Honors 2 Matthew C. Metz 3 Scott David Yeats Also with Major in Environmental Studies

School of Journalism -x - The candidates will be presented by Jerry E. Brown Dean of the School of Journalism

THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Arts in 3 Suzanne Marie Colonna Journalism 4 Shannon Comes At Night Journalism 2 Jennifer Crabtree 2 Thomas A. Barrett 2 Jamey Dianne Daniel 4 Leilah Anne Beatty With Honors With a Minor in History 2 Sam William DeWitt 3 Kendall C. Beaudry 3 Katherine Domgard Also with Major in Political Science With a Minor in History 3 Summer Rose Beeks 3 Zachary James Dundas With Honors With Honors Also with Major in Spanish 2 Susan D. Ellison With a Minor in Anthropology With Honors 3 Jason D. Begay 4 Jennifer Gibson 2 Damaris Beltran 3 Mathew Robert Gouras 3 Brenna English Chapman 3 Carl-Johann K. A. Hennell


3 Kurt T. High 4 James W. Schroeder With Honors 3 Jennifer Lynn Servo 3 Carissa Marie Hill With a Minor in Communication With High Honors Studies 3 Kodi Catania Hirst 3 Samantha Newkirk Sharp 3 Leigh Shelle Hunt With Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg University Scholar, Honors Prg With High Honors 2 Heather Jo Sowers With a Minor in Spanish 3 Peter Glenn Soyer 4 Benjamin Kaplan 2 Theodore J. Sullivan With High Honors Also with Major in Sociology 2 Christopher S. Lawrence 3 Scott Allen Thompson 4 Mogomotsi Winger Lepotoski With a Minor in English 3 Eric M. Lynn 3 Travis G. Watkins With Honors With a Minor in Political Science With a Minor in History 2 LeiLani N. Welch 3 Peter J. McKinney With a Minor in Communication With High Honors Studies With a Minor in Media Arts 2 Tracy K. Whitehair 3 Trisha Diane Miller With High Honors With a Minor in Communication With a Minor in English Studies 3 Carol S. Wolfe 3 Jack Jared Miller 3 Kay E. Woods 3 Danelle L. Miller 2 Anthony August Zuccarini With Honors Also with Major in English 4 Kevin S. Mitchell THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Arts in 4 Adrianne Mittelstaedt Radio-Television 3 Eileen Cecelia O'Malley Radio-Television 2 Lauren Jae Old Horn With Honors 4 Josh Ryan Carstens Also with a Major in Native American With a Minor in Media Arts Studies 4 Kevin Joseph Cashell 3 Laura Anne Parvey 4 Peter B. Flintoft With Honors With a Minor in History With a Minor in Media Arts 3 Katrin Joya Frye 3 Holly Marie Pickett With Honors With High Honors University Scholar, Honors Prg Also with Major in History With a Minor in History With a Minor in German 2 Amanda Marie Halverson 2 Lemuel Nahum Price 3 Jasper James Hiatt 4 Paul Norman Queneau With a Minor in Media Arts 2 Michael David Quinn, Jr. 3 Joshua C. Jaeger 2 Jeremy Daniel Redfem With Honors With a Minor in Political Science With a Minor in History 3 Arianna Jaye Robinson 2 Andrew Thomas Johnson University Scholar, Honors Prg 3 Amanda Gayle Lodmell With High Honors 2 Toni Lynn With a Minor in History 4 Natalya Marie McLees 3 George C. Rogers 2 Bill Owens 3 Christopher John Romankiewicz 3 Nathan Tyson Peterson 4 Jennifer Marie Ruddy With Honors Also with Major in French With a Minor in Women's and Gender Studies

43 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES ------* 4 ------School of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences

The candidates will be presented by David Forbes Dean of the School of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences

THE DEGREE OF Bachelor of Science in 2 Gregory Daniel Arnold Pharm acy With High Honors Pharm acy 2 Kevin Warren Cady 3 Margo L. Allen With Honors 4 Rosa Marie Connelly Bennett 2 Jill C. Cassaday 2 Waylon C. Brown 2 Carla R. Cruz 3 Sean Cooper 3 Jody Lynne Duff 3 Elizabeth Dodge With High Honors With Honors 3 Jolie M. Duffalo 4 Jamie Jo Dunn 2 Anthony Fabian 3 Todd M. Erickson 3 Heidi L. Schlotterbeck-Galyardt 3 Erin M. Grammar 3 Shayla Rae Goldenberg 3 Terrence William Greene With Honors With Honors 3 Tim John Grekul 3 Timothy Jackson 2 Jami Housman 3 Jay S. Johnson 2 Justin Madden 3 Wendy Klemm With High Honors 4 Judd A. Knudsen 2 Jess Allan Mangold With Honors 3 Scott A. May 3 Candace Lein Ziegler 2 Jasmine L. Meuchel With Honors 2 David Mountan 4 Amber Olivia Lienemann 2 Belinda Jo Munday With High Honors 3 Kathryn R. Nagel 4 Lori A. Luoma 4 Steven L. Nicholson With Honors 2 Ann Marie Oberlander 4 Kari Lynn Meine With High Honors 3 Brandee Myers 3 Jennifer Farrington Osbum 3 Andrew Norbeck 2 Tavis J. Osier 4 Julianna M. Osborne 2 Luke B. Ostby With Honors 2 Keith L. Persicke 2 Keith L. Persicke 2 Julie Ann Petre 2 Kelly Leann Peterson With High Honors With Honors 3 Ronald J. Picchioni 4 Amy Jo Ryan 2 Dominique D. Preputin With Honors With Honors 2 Lindy Scofield 3 Danielle A. Rogers 3 Nicolle Sereday With Honors 3 Matthew Thomas Sexton 3 Bemadeane B. Roth With Honors 3 Gudren Andrea Schroeder 4 Paula Kay Shaffer 2 Dawn Rachelle Sievers With Honors 3 Damion J. Tang 4 Brady Ted Smith 2 Jill L. Tex 3 Vince L. Stone 3 Jennifer Tresler 3 Zachary Tester With High Honors 4 Lisa J. Thoroughman 2 Carol Rose Vondall With Honors 3 Jennifer Marie Walker 3 Edwin Quillin Webster, Jr. 3 Paul W. Wallace With a Minor in Economics 2 Amie Jan Welbom THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Pharmacy With High Honors Pharm acy 2 Danielle Lynn Wham With Honors 3 Randal Adair 2 Scott Andrew Williams 2 Herbert Evan Sven Anderson

44 Candidates for Degrees

GRADUATE DEGREES ♦ X * The candidates will be presented by David A. Strobel Dean of the Graduate School

THE DEGREE OF Master of 3 Marshall T. Knick Accountancy 3 Joel Patrick Kola 3 Marcus Edward Kosena A ccounting 4 Jonas B. LaRance 3 Anne Marie Blair 3 Kathie Donahue Lincoln 4 Jennifer Lea Deppmeier 2 Sandra Faye Loendorf 4 Latosha M. Dickinson 2 Amy Elizabeth Luck 2 Michael John Firebaugh 3 Anthony L. McMullan 3 LisaAnn R. Fleming 3 Anne K.Z. Milkovich 3 Darla J. Frank 3 E David Miller 2 Brent David Krueger 3 James Jay Miller 3 Clemance Roy Lockman 3 Betsy J. Milyard 3 Miranda Ming 2 Kevin J. Miner 2 Brian W. Murphy 3 Chris S. Monatukwa 3 Rachel Quintin Naney 3 Nami Okubo 3 Lyndee A. Prill 2 Shawn E. Olson-Crawford 4 Betsy K. Rodriguez 3 Daryl Scott Paulson 3 Joshua R. Schroeder 4 Teri Lynn Pence 3 Dono M. Shimer 3 Wendy S. Sears 3 Kristen M. Sohlberg 2 Samantha Ann Sproson 3 Darcy Dee Solomon 2 Steven J. Todd 4 Shanna Marie Stevenson 2 Alexander Trock 2 Jeannine K. Stipe 2 Heidi J. Uselmann 3 Steven Eric Terou 3 Jessica J. Walrath 3 Lisa Alette Thompson 4 Nathan D. Wilkinson 3 Nathan D. Wilkinson THE DEGREE OF Master of Education THE DEGREE OF Master of Business Curriculum & Instruction Administration 3 Karla J. Ahlbom Business Administration 4 Jamison M. Baker 3 Deborah Anderson-Ouellette 4 Tyler Perry Cobb III 2 Jonas Kjell Bark 3 Terri A. Daily 3 Thomas J. Bick 3 Gwyn Townsend Daniels 3 Sara E. Chamberlin 2 Sara Christine Goodwin 3 Nilanjan Chatterjee 2 Brook Irwin 3 ChristofFer J. Colberg 3 James J. Konen 2 John M. Cummings 3 Cindra R. Lord-Powers 3 Anne Delaney 3 Joanie M. Lyons 3 Joseph Michael Easton 3 Con L. MacMillan 3 Gregory G. Galbreth 4 Tracy Lee Momberg 3 Mary Beth Gregory 4 Jessica Ann Nelson 2 Jacob Kenneth Hachmeister 4 Louise A. Rhode 3 Robin R. Hodgson 4 Darci Gillen Riley 3 Sheila Faye Hoffland 4 Mae Roosa 3 Gary James Hood 2 Matthew Brady Roscoe 3 Anne Elizabeth Iverson 3 Patricia Murphy Sayler 2 Ross Johnson

45 GRADUATE DEGREES ■H------4 Kurtis Edward Shepherd 3 Benjamin Isaac Bloch 3 Linda Arm Skinner 3 Robert D. Buchko 3 Teresa Smith 3 Martin Bennett Cockroft II 4 Angel Soto 3 Michael J. Davis 4 Alexandra K. Startin 3 Kurt Cole Eidsvig 3 Shani M. Thompson-Bailey 3 Megan M. Gannon 3 Amie Thurber 3 Joshua D. Hanson 4 Jayleen L. Wangle 3 Susan Mary Kramer 2 Maria Leigh Young 3 Katharine Dillard Mitchell Counselor Education 3 Corey R. Palmer 2 Colleen Moran Brien 3 Natalie M. Peeterse 2 Virginia D. Gilman 3 Christopher Fielding Porter 3 April A. Schottelkorb 3 Horatio Robert Potter 3 Laura L. Scholes Education Leadership 2 Catherine M. Theis 2 Andrew E Carlson Fine A rts 4 Nancy J. Coleman 4 Stephan W. Connole 3 Anthony Joseph Accetturo 4 Katherine Elizabeth Craig 3 Benjamin Isaac Bloch 3 Craig Cummings 2 John Barton Gallagher 3 Michael E. Cutler 3 Falena Ann Greer 3 Margo M. Duneman 3 Brian A. Hapcic 2 Dan English 4 Kelly E. Hart 2 Kenneth R. Foss 3 Carmen Malsch 3 Michael Dean Hart 3 Nicole I.A. Mrazek 2 Lauri Ingebrigtson-Brown 2 Caroline Marie Peters 3 Luann Rae Jablonski 3 Pamela Richey 3 Christopher J. Jacaruso 3 Gregory David Twigg 2 Frank Edward Jobe 3 Michael James Verdon 2 Susan Standa Johnson 3 Genevieve M. Whitaker 3 Timothy Eugene Johnson 3 Kaya R. Wielopolski Awarded Posthumously 3 Adele Wilson-Hamaker 3 Thomas Christopher King THE DEGREE OF Master of 3 James Kenneth LeClair Interdisciplinary Studies 2 Corbett Douglas Mann Interdisciplinary Studies 3 Keith James Miller 4 Marian D. Pauli 2 Bodhipaksa 4 Michael Lee Perry 3 Paula Diaz Melendez 3 Kenneth James Poepping 3 Kim Dalene Harding 2 Elaine Ida Pugh 4 Johannes Mutorwa 4 Loyd D. Rennaker THE DEGREE OF Master of Music 2 Rik E. Rewerts M usic 3 David Harold Rott 4 Darcy Schindler 3 Peter J. Haberman 3 Christina Marie Stevens 3 Carla Kaye Mar 3 Kevin David Sukut THE DEGREE OF Master of Public 3 Tiffany Tate Administration 2 John R. Thies Public Administration 2 John David Thompson Jr. 3 Gregory L. Upham 2 Sean D. Edgar 3 Jennifer Williams 3 Monique F. Fortmann 2 Rebecca Haddad THE DEGREE OF Master of Fine Arts 3 David A. Hawkins Creative Writing 2 Jenny R. Hemmingson 3 Sara Elizabeth Agne 4 Daniel Norman Ladd 3 Steinur C. Bell 46 GRADUATE DEGREES ----- H ----- 3 James Wesley McCormick 4 David S. Morris 3 Carolyn Rae Sauro 3 Frederick T. Offenkrantz 3 M. Joseph Weber 3 Mary Anne Peine 2 Margaret Walker Yuhas 3 Beth Anne Peluso 3 Katherine A. Romano THE DEGREE OF Master of Science 3 Richarda Ruffle 3 Michael Sanctuary 2 Amy Elizabeth Osborne 3 Heather Sarantis 3 Susan Scallia Chem istry 4 Erin K. Sexton 4 Melanie Bengtson 3 Melissa Ann Sladek 3 David Lawrence Tooke 2 Amy Dryer Stix 3 Jeffrey Adam Trautmann 3 Tiffany Leone Trent Computer Science 3 Alissa Turtle taub 3 Clair W. Cabal 3 Pamela Ann Uihlein 4 Jennifer R. Parham 3 Clara Sophia Weygandt 4 Scott W. Schield 3 Elizabeth Bradshaw White 4 Lee Stuart Slater Forestry 3 Michael David Sweet 3 Stephen R. Brown Jr. 3 Jing Tao 2 Amy Catherine Chadwick 4 Thai Doan Giap 4 Treg Andrew Christopher 3 Joseph Dwain Zeiler 4 Kirk Matthew Farris 3 Jie Zhang 3 Donald James Helmbrecht Environmental Studies 3 Kenneth D. Homik 3 Anne Blanche Adams 3 Eva Coyne Karau 2 Mattie Allen 2 Alisa Renae Keyser 4 Natasha Ann Beilis 3 Andrew F. Kies 3 Daniel E Berger 3 Michael A. Krebs 3 Meagan Nicole Boltwood 3 Kerry Lee Metlen 2 Elizabeth Ann Burke 3 Robert George Moler 4 Brooke L. Buttgen 3 Maria Newcomb 3 Sydney Forman Cook 3 Cynthia Lynn Snyder 4 Amy Kinza Cusic 3 Timothy E Spoelma 3 John M. DeArment 3 Jennifer L. Taylor 3 Kristi Joy Denney 3 Dustin Kenneth Walters 3 John M. Ericson III 3 Dale G. Woitas 4 Patrick Paul Fleming Geology 2 David Scott Freiberg 3 Brian R. Boer 2 Amy Inman Frykman 3 Jeffrey A. Brooks, Jr. 3 Gregroy J. Grallo 3 John T. Corkery 3 Robert C. Grillo 3 Molly M. Johnson 3 Craig A. Haskell 3 Melanie Rebecca Kay 4 Mark Heitchue 3 Natalie Jean Morrow 3 William H. Homestead 3 Benjamin J. Swanson 3 Gary Graham Hughes 3 Andrew O. Vrie 3 Barbara Ann Kearley Health & Human Performance 4 Jim Kipp 3 James E. Lainsbury 3 Debby M. Anderson 3 Joseph C. Lemer 2 Kristin Helen Bourret 3 Thomas E. Lipko 3 Ryan Kathleen Campbell 2 Kimberly Anna Marshall 4 Karen Marlene Elliott 3 Deborah A. McArthur 2 Kent Chantz Hansen 4 Nathan A. McKeen 3 Lori Stephanie Looper 4 Anna Darst McNairy 3 Brian Francis McKeman

47 GRADUATE DEGREES ------X ------3 Andrew Dustin Miller 4 Kimberly Lynn Brown 3 Erin Kate Riley 3 Robert Nisbet Giordano 3 Chad Spangler 2 Sarah Kruger 3 Melanie Swain Wildlife Biology 3 Leah Paige Versteegen 3 Ryan Leith Benson Microbiology 3 Gordon H. Dicus 3 Christian Frazar 3 Tabitha Ann Graves 3 Leoned G. Gines 3 Jennifer L. Jolivette 2 Griselda Yolanda Hernandez 3 Tammy L. Mildenstein 3 Stephen Two Wolves 4 Melvin E Nenneman Organismal Biology & Ecology 3 Chad Vernon Olson 3 Siew Te Wong 3 Lindsay R Anderson 3 Gary Bruce Camefix THE DEGREE OF Master of Arts 2 Charles Eldermire Anthropology 3 Nathaniel Patterson Hitt 3 Zachary T. Androus 3 Gregory David Peters 3 William Francis Arnold 3 Christopher Neal Templeton 3 Dalit Ucitel 4 Matthew C. Bagen 3 Dawn M. White 2 Alvin Jerome Claravall Banguilan 3 Megan A.H. Bateman Pharm acy 3 Danielle N. Beaudry 2 Kristen Reed 2 Janis Thompson Bouma 3 Harish V. Thiagaraj 3 Melisse Raye Pollard Bums Physical Therapy 2 Christopher Michael Casserino 4 Desiree Dutton Aarrestad 3 Benjamin Scott Daniel 4 Jennifer M. Anderson 3 Jamie Lynn Elser 4 Amy Lynn Atwood 2 James Rodgers Free, Jr. 4 Brett Joseph Bama 2 Nathan B. Goodale 4 Misty Dawn Williams 3 J. Chad Jones 4 Heather M. Cardoza 3 Linda Matt Juneau 4 Derek Clewley 3 Justin Bob Lee . 4 Adam Mylo Cope 3 Angela D. Edwards 4 Mark Edward Feasline 3 Kelly Pinkerton McDonald 4 William C. Glass 3 Johanna Medlin 4 Timothy R.R Gordon 2 Garren J. Meyer 4 Jeffrey S. Gordon 4 Trinity D. Schlegel 4 Molly Anne Hannan 3 John Corbett Sharpe 4 Timothy Jon Huber 3 Patricia Doni Smith 4 David B. Kempfert 3 Mary Catherine Snider 4 TyK. Kimball Communication Studies 4 Darcy K. MacDonald 3 Danielle M. De La Mare 4 Stephen M. McCarthy 3 Mary Patricia Dutton 4 Troy M. McDonough 3 Bryan Alan Hansen 4 Timothy J. Messer 3 Daniel James Lair 4 Danielle R. Mollett 3 Shaun Martinz 4 Lance Steven Reesor 4 Jennifer Moffat 4 Tracey Lyn Rinaldi 3 Kelly Nicole Shackmann 4 Jamie G. Rubel 3 Mari Yoshimura 4 Tucker Schonberg 3 Ira George Young 4 Sarah Lisbeth Tonna Counselor Education 4 Kelsi Ranae Karlin Wilson 3 Timothy S. Ballard Resource Conservation 3 Brad T Boylan 3 Vincent A. Archer 3 Michael T. Hudson 2 Crystal I. Biber 3 Dara Kim Newman

48 GRADUATE DEGREES X ------2 Sidney Lee Shaw 3 Jennifer Wicks 2 Mika Watanabe-Taylor 3 Casey Susan Wilson 3 Erica A. Zins H istory Econom ics 4 Jerritt James Frank 3 Jon Aliri 3 Dana Green 3 Christopher Chance 2 Patricia Anne Hixson 2 Jon Allen Chesbro 3 Melanie J. Kloetzel 3 Robert B. Ferguson 3 Scott Meredith 4 Kendal H. Ferguson 3 Andrew J. T. Meskil 3 Brenda J. Moor English 3 Oliver Lee Pflug 3 Jason Barton 3 Gloria Genivea Phillip 2 Matthew R. Burkhart 3 Todd Michael Ramsted 3 Joseph M. Campana 3 Erica Lindsay Stukel 3 Shayne Confer 2 John R. Van Slyke 3 Renee C. Driessen 4 Julie Ann Wright 3 Beth Alicia Fialko 4 Mark J. Graham Journalism 3 Joshua D. Hanson 3 Kelly Kathleen Altshuler 3 Janaira Paige Johnson 2 Kerry Anderson 3 David James Kerber 3 Michael Brooks Crocker 2 Elitsa Ivanova Pojarska 3 Eva Phyllis Dunn-Froebig 3 Jeff Ringelski 3 John W. Hafrier 3 Christine Marie Solomon 3 Paula Susanne Hopkins 3 Randi Lynn Tanglen 3 Brian B. Hurlbut 4 Leah Ann Van Galder 2 Jeremy J. Lurgio 4 Presley Alexandria Vischniac 2 Michelle Bailey McConnaha 3 Carey Randolph Voeller 3 Erik David Mickelson 3 Oona Alexandra Palmer Fine A rts 3 Faith Mishenah Price 4 Timothy Paul Aston 3 Anne Sundberg Siess 3 Christine Noel Avery 3 Michael Alwyn Sprague 3 Elizabeth Harris Downs 3 Ronald H. Tschida 3 Yi-Hsin Lu 4 Bonnie Rochetto Linguistics 2 Shannon T. Bischoff Foreign Languages & Literature 3 Melissa J. Bitz 2 Linda Carol Bailey 3 Chad Thomas Brady 4 Charles Patrick Byrne 3 Rodney D. Gottula 3 Marion Giebel 3 Natalia I. Kalachev 4 Cynthia Anne Green 3 Sharon K. Livny 3 Hassiba Maidi-Boualamallah 3 Julie Pilling 3 Jake Paisain 3 Yukari Ryu 3 Awa Coumba Sarr 3 Kalina Slavova Stoyanova 3 Emily Patricia Sepp Mathematics Geography 3 John C. Gee III 3 Raymond C. Backstrom 3 Scott O'Neil Jones 4 Brian Wesley Collins 3 John W. McGowan 3 Bonnie C. Gee 3 Loreen N. McRae 3 Jerome Mark Grebenc 2 Kristina R Pierce 4 Willard A. Gustafson Philosophy 3 Kevin Hyde 3 Jed Domingo Little 3 Jake Camp 2 Brian M. Walker 3 David H. Gordon

49 GRADUATE DEGREES ------v*------3 Debra A. Gorman-Badar Sociology 2 Robert Paul Hansen 3 Patricia Grace Blandford 3 Michael Monahan 3 Charity L. Buck 4 Jonathan Matthew Morgan 3 Justin Tyler Denney 4 Nathan D. Reiff 3 Matthew D. Fisher 4 Dan E. Sieckman 3 Angela D. Hultz 3 Colin Michael Stephens 3 Raedene Seavy Leiby 2 John Winthrop Truslow III 3 Rebecca A. Markussen 4 Suzanne Wasilczuk School Psychology Political Science 4 Stephanie Bryan 4 Barbara Aislinn Barrett 4 Amber Hinther 3 Andrew L. Campbell 3 Stephen Walters 2 David-Boris Da Cunha Corral 4 Dana Blythe Weinstein 3 R. Aubrey Davis III 3 Kjersten Sonja Forseth THE DEGREE OF Education Specialist 3 Jocelyn Lee Gebhart School Psychology 3 Susan M. Jurdi 2 Amy Marie Burton 3 Katherine C. Weber 3 Richard Nealis Cota Psychology 3 Dennis Gall 3 Annjeanette Elise Belcourt-Dittloff 2 Deborah Susan Kroll 3 Ellen Mahoney Crouse 3 Lori Diane Lucero 3 Melody L. Huskey 2 Elizabeth Keeley Munro 2 Jennifer Dina Gottlieb 3 George Christopher Nadasi 2 Erica L. Shertzer 3 Meghan M. Scrimgeour

50 Advanced Professional Degrees

School of Law

The candidates wiU be presented by E. Edwin Eck Dean of the School o f L aw

THE DEGREE OF Juris Doctor 3 Kurt Kauffman Law 3 Joel Garrett Kenny 3 Russell Edward LaFontaine 3 Rebecca Lee Baxter 3 Heather Anna Laird 3 Eldena Nicole Bear Don't Walk 3 Michael Mahan Lawlor 3 Michael E. Begley 3 Kelly J. Lawson 3 James Martin Bekier 3 Kevin Adam Loberg 3 Derek Russell Bell 3 William Emmett McCarthy 3 Jane Berger 3 Alan F. McCormick 3 Stefanie Boster 3 James Wesley McCormick 3 Brian Christopher Bramblett 3 Peter Buckley McGuire 3 Cameron O. Carter 3 Penny Lee Merreot 3 Scott H. Clement 3 Peter William Mickelson 3 Travis Andrew Cushman 3 Teresa Marie Molitor 3 Daniel James Matt-Decker 3 Michael D. Montgomery 2 Jolie Marie Dirrigle 3 Meghan Elizabeth Morris 3 Mark Andrew Epperson 3 Joseph Richard Nevin II 3 Erin Meeks Erickson 3 Kelton D. Olney 3 Martin J. Eveland 3 Jeffry L. Olson 3 Renn Anders Fairchild 3 Reid Justin Perkins 3 Kevin Dean Feeback 3 Bryan L. Quick 3 James G. Gabriels 3 Amy Lynn Randall 3 Diane Elyse Garrett 3 Sarah Jane Rhoades 3 Andrew A. George 3 Ingrid A. Rosenquist 3 Janet Christoffersen 3 Chantel Marie Schimming 3 Tanya T. Graham 3 Kevin M. Sheahan 3 Jodie R. Greear 3 Matthew Francis Shimanek 3 Alanah Noel Griffith 3 Charles David Short 3 Shannon Grover 3 Matthew Michael Stevenson 3 Lucy Wynne Hansen 3 Anastasia M. Theis 3 Don Edwin Harris 3 Randall J. Thom 3 Alexander Maurice Hart 3 Ronald A. Thuesen 3 Christopher Dale Helmer 3 John Matthew Wagner 3 Audrey Lynn Hulsey 3 Brenda Lee Wahler 3 Taudd A. Hume 3 Vincent Joseph Wegher 3 Julie Ann Johnson 3 Timothy K. Wenz 3 Martin W. Judnich 3 Brent L. Whiting 3 Jennifer Collins Kaleczyc 3 Kyle S. Karinen

51 Doctoral Degrees

THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Education THE DEGREE OF Curriculum & Instruction Biochemistry/Microbiology 3 Kathy B. Grant 2 Patrick Noel Ball Dissertation: Montana's Preservice Dissertation: Subsurface microbiology: Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers Viral transport studies and the microbial for Family Engagement. ecology of landfill environments. 4 Mark R Johnson 4 Sherry Coleman Dissertation: A Historical Study of Dissertation: The Invasion-Associated Lowell Elementary School3 Richard Locus B (IalB) Protein of Bartonella Thomas Rushton 3 James D. Driver 3 Howard A. Schmid Dissertation: The Antibacterial Immune Dissertation: Building Supportive Response to Escherichia Coli in the Flea Community Organizations for Native Xenopsylla Cheopis. Youth: A Case Study of a Facilities- 3 Michael Allen Gilbert based Youth Organization in Indian Dissertation: Epidemiology and Host- Country. Parasite Interactions Between Counselor Education Myxobolus cerebralis, the Causative Agent of Salmonid Whirling Desease, 3 Charles Gary Palmer and its Oligochaete Host, Tubifex Dissertation: Student-athletes' tubifex. Experience of Living with Attention 3 William E Kovacik Jr. Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Dissertation: Analysis of Bacterial Phenomenological Analysis. Transport and Survival in the Education Leadership Subsurface. 3 Dalton Leonard Anderson 2 Douglas C. Marchion 3 Glen A. Johnson Chem istry Dissertation: At Risk Students' 4 Md. Joynal Abedin Perceptions of Their School Experience. 3 Frances L. O'Reilly Dissertation: Synthesis and Reactivity of Benzoheterocycle Electron Deficient Dissertation: The Effectiveness of Triosmium Clusters. Catholic College and University 3 Isaac T. Bertschi Student Discipline/Judicial Processses as Dissertation: Spectroscopic Measured by the Recidivism Rate 3 Robertus Antonius Pastoor Measurements of Trace Gas Emissions from Globally Significant Biomass Fires. Dissertation: Contemplatives in Action: 4 Robert J. Fischer Five Jesuit Formed Catholic College, University, and Seminary Presidents. Dissertation: Polyamine-silica composite 2 Andrea April Palen Vernon materials for extracting metal ions from aqueons solutions with emphasis on Dissertation: Community Perspectives in Higher Education Service Learning selectively extracting copper (11) in the and Volunteerism. presence of iron (111). 2 Sherri Ann Mason 3 Wayne Milford Youngward Dissertation: Procedures of Power and Dissertation: Modeling the Impact of School Restructuring: A the Direct Emission of Oxygenated Phenomenological Study. Organic Species on Biomass Combustion Smoke-Plume Photochemistry

52 GRADUATE DEGREES ------»<------4 Troy M. Voelker Mathematics Dissertation: I. Synthesis of Alpha- 3 Gregory O. Cripe Amino Phosphonothioic Acids Dissertation: The effects of information (APTA's) and their Utility as E C- in stochastic fishery model Chiral Amino Acid Analogs. II. 3 Supawan Lertskrai Iterative Synthesis of Cross-Conjugated Dissertation: Asymptotic Analysis of a Polyacetylene Oligomers. Fast Reaction Outside a Solid Sphere in 2 Anthony John Ward a Creeping Flow. Dissertation: Chemical Mass Balance 3 Huai Qing Sheng (CMB) Source Apportionment and Dissertation: Estimation in Generalized Organic Speciation of PM2.5 in Linear Models and Time Series Models Missoula, Montana Including the 2000 with Nonparametric Correlation Wildfire Season Coefficients Forestry Organismal Biology & Ecology 3 Brian Scott Glaspell 3 Dayna Baumeister Dissertation: Minding the Meaning of Dissertation: Effects of Pinus flexilis on Wilderness: Investigating the the dynamics and structure of plant Dialectical Tensions Inherent in communities on the Northern Rocky Visitors' Experience Narratives. Mountain Front 3 James A. Harding 2 John K. McKay Dissertation: Narratives on Nature, Dissertation: Ecological Genetics of Beauty, and Public Land: An Elusive Local Adaptation: climatic races in Search for Environmental Ethics Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabis 3 John Gant Massey fecunda. Dissertation: Landscape Level to 3 October Seastone Moynahan Elemental Scale: Trace Elements and Dissertation: Mycorrhizal Function in Plants in the Upper Clark Fork River Mine Revegetation as Affected by National Priority List Site Fungal Source, Plant Species, and 3 Philip Morgan Abiotic Stress. Dissertation: Estimates of Nonpoint 3 Beth A. Newingham Source Pollution to Watersheds in Belize Dissertation: Effects of Insect Herbivory Using the Agnps Model. and Defoliation on Centaurea Species: 2 Jason E. B. Mouw roles of competition, allelopathy and Dissertation: Floodplain Plant Diversity mycorrhizae. and Conservation in Regional and Local 3 Karen Christine Short Contexts. Dissertation: The Effects of Prescribed 2 Robert S. Potts, Jr. Surface Fires on Vegetation, Dissertation: The Nature of Social Arthropods, and and Breeding Birds in Assessment in an Era of Collaborative Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests. Natural Resouce Managment 3 Craig E Stafford 3 James Plummer Riddering Dissertation: Lake Food Webs: 3 Carl A. Seielstad Biological and Chemical Perspectives. 3 Fazli Subhan 3 Barbara Elaine Stranger 3 Mark E. Vander Meer Dissertation: Molecular population 3 Victoria Lynn Yazzie genetics of Arabidopsis species. 4 Laurie Yung Pharmacol/Pharmaceutical Scien Individual Interdisciplinary 3 Celine Ann Wishcamper 2 Ann Freeman Cook Dissertation: THE ROLE OF SHP-1 IN Dissertation: A Rural Perspective on CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA Modem Bioethics

53 GRADUATE DEGREES ------H ----- Psychology 4 Laura A. Taylor 3 Darren Calhoun Dissertation: The Relationship Between 3 Jody Lynn Hagen Shame and Leave Taking Behavior, 3 Bridget Mary Hegeman Duration of Violent Relationship, Social Dissertation: Functioning in Support-Seeking, Attributions, Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Emotional Abuse, Sexual Assault, and Disorder: Quality of Life, Sympton PTSD Symtoms in Battered Women. Presentation, Language Production, and 4 Heather Nicole Paluso Neurocognitive Abilities. 3 Susan S. Roberts 2 Teresa Kamman Dissertation: The Effects of Parental Dissertation: Infant Learning in the Divorce on Relationship Optimism and Context of Early Social Interaction: Attachment Style in Young Adulthood. Contrast Effects in Infant Eye Gaze 4 Brenda K. Roche Duration as an Indicator of Maternal 3 Alan Laramie Shields Availability and Contingency Dissertation: Reliability Generalization 4 Kristin A. Kirlin of Three Alcohol Use Screening Dissertation: Inattentive and Impulsive Measures: The Audit, The Mast and the Profiles of the CPT-II and Their Cage. Relationship with DSM-IV ADHD 4 Jennifer A. Simon-Thomas Subtypes. Dissertation: The Use O f A Prospective 4 Katherine L. Lynch Longitudinal Study To Predict Adaptive Dissertation: Children Exposed to Outcome In A Middle School Domestic Violence: Resiliency and the Population Mother-Child Relationship. 3 Linda EagleHeart Thomas 3 David W. Mac Vicar Dissertation: Comparisons of Maternal Dissertation: Self-Reported Physical Eye-gaze Deprivation: Responses of Activity and Intention to Exercise as Three Month Old Infants to Three Predictors of Health Outcome In Native Episodes of Maternal Unavailabilty. American Populations Across Montana. 3 Lori L Martin 4 Molly Caroline Millwood Dissertation: Emphathic Understanding and Attachement Processes in Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Their Partners.


- x - Commissions, Second Lieutenants United States Army

' The following students will be commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army May 18, 2002

, David C. Beall Dale V. Black Gerald M. Goodnough* Brent R. Irish Jacob E. Otoupalik George E Schneider, Jr.

The following students will graduate at the end of Summer 2002 and will be commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the United States Army August 3, 2002

Duane A. Montoya Julie M. Stock

The following A R O T C cadets will receive a commission upon completion of the National Leadership Training Camp at Fort Lewis, W A on the dates specified:

Kevin A. Loberg, July 21, 2002 (UM Law School) Stephen M. Yates, August 5, 2002

*Cadet Goodnough will receive a commission as a Distinguished Military Graduate.

55 The main ceremony will last approximately one hour, and all students will immediately proceed to their individual ceremonies for distribution of diplomas. The individual ceremonies will be held in the following locations:

SCHOOL or PROGRAM LOCATION School of Business Administration Adams Center © School of Education University Theatre o School of Forestry Adams Center, West Gymnasium © School of Fine Arts Montana Theatre © School of Journalism Music Recital Hall © School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences University Center Ballroom © College of Technology, Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Applied Sciences Adams Center College of Arts and Sciences © Anthropology Performing Arts/Montana Theatre © Biological Sciences Adams Center, West Gymnasium Chemistry Chem/Pharm 109

56 G






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School of Law Music

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