
HORTSCIENCE 26(2):177-180. 1991. Interrelations of Ammonium Toxicity and Action in Tomato Allen V. Barker and Kenneth A. Corey Department of Plant and Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 Additional index words. Lycopersicon esculentum, ethylene inhibitors Abstract. Inhibitors of ethylene synthesis and action were used to alleviate ammonium toxicity in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ‘Heinz 1350’) grown on ammonium- based nutrient solutions. Aminooxyacetic acid and Ag+ were effective in reducing am- monium toxicity, whereas Co+2 and salicylic acid were not. A hypothesis was developed to integrate ammonium accumulation and ethylene biosynthesis into a mechanism for expression of plant injury from environmental stresses.

Plants subjected to environmental stresses Cox and Seeley, 1980; Grannett, 1982 Howe often develop similar symptoms, regardless and Woltz, 1982; Staby et al., 1980). The of the source of stress (Jacobson and Hill, similarities in symptoms often make it dif- 1970; Treshow, 1970). Common expres- ficult to identify and monitor specific factors sions of plant responses to environmental causing injury because common physiolog- stresses are leaf chlorosis, necrosis, epi- ical or metabolic disorders in plants are in- nasty, and other foliar malformations (Bar- duced by various environmental stresses ker et al., 1989; Barker and Ready, 1989; (Ormrod and Adedipe, 1975; Reinert, 1975). Bradford and Dilley, 1978; Corey et al., 1987; An acceleration in ethylene evolution fol- lows or coincides with the development of Received for publication 16 Jan. 1990. The cost symptoms of environmental stress (Abeles, of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by 1973). The measurement of ethylene pro- the payment of page charges. Under postal regu- duction by stressed plants has been proposed lations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked as a bioassay for assessing a variety of advertisement solely to indicate this fact. stresses, such as air pollution, metal toxicity,

H ORTSCIENCE , VOL. 26(2), FEBRUARY 1991 177 Table 1. Appearance and ethylene evolution by tomato plants grown on nutrition or on am- into 1.5-liter, opaque, polyethylene vessels monium nutrition with inhibitors of ethylene evolution. and grown on nitrate-based nutrient solution (Hoagland’s No. 1) for 2 weeks. On 13 June 1988, the plants were started on ammonium treatments with µM silver nitrate, 10 µM nickel chloride, or 100 µM salicylic acid and with ammonium or nitrate nutrition without chemical additives. Plants received these treatments for 12 days. Silver improved plant growth on ammonium nutrition and re- zMean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test, P £ 0.05. stricted ethylene evolution (Table 1). These ySymptoms of NH toxicity were chlorosis, epinasty, and stunting. plants were equal in size and vigor to those 4 receiving nitrate nutrition. Plants receiving nickel were not distinguishable in appear- Table 2. Effects of cobalt and aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) on ethylene evolution by plants grown on ammonium nutrition. ance or in rates of ethylene evolution from those receiving ammonium nutrition alone. Treatment of plants with salicylic acid caused scorching of all foliage and did not restrict ethylene evolution or the development of ammonium toxicity symptoms relative to the ammonium-grown plants. Ethylene synthesis (Expt. 2). Tomato plants, 4 weeks old from seeding, were grown for z 2 weeks on nitrate-based nutrient solution, Symptoms of NH4 toxicity were chlorosis, epinasty, and stunting. Symptoms of Co toxicity were chlorosis and necrotic flecking of terminal leaves. as described for Expt. 1. On 28 June 1988, y Mean ±SD. inhibitors of ethylene synthesis (CoCl2, AOA) were added at variable concentrations to the

+ complete, ammonium-based nutrient solu- Table 3. Effects of 1 µM Ag and 10 µM aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) on growth, ethylene evolution, and ammonium accumulation in tomato subjected to nitrate or ammonium nutrition. tion (Table 2). Plants received these treat- ments for 8 days. This short treatment period was mandated by the rapid development of ammonium toxicity symptoms and by the necessity of measuring ethylene evolution before the ammonium-grown plants died. Cobalt had no effect in alleviating ammo- nium toxicity and was phytotoxic at 1000 µM. Cobalt also was ineffective in inhibiting ethylene evolution by ammonium-grown plants. However, 10 µM AOA improved the appearance of ammonium-grown plants. zMean separation within columns by Duncan’s multiple range test, P £ 0.05. Ethylene evolution by plants grown with 10 yVisual rating of foliage: 0 = no ammonium toxicity, 1 = incipient ammonium toxicity, 2 = am- µM AOA was inhibited relative to that of monium toxicity symptoms strongly expressed. ammonium-grown plants and was of the same xFresh-weight basis. magnitude as or lower than that of nitrate- grown plants. At 1 µM, AOA was ineffec- tive in alleviating ammonium toxicity and pathogenesis, and herbicide injury (Tingey, culture with modified Hoagland’s solution apparently did not inhibit ethylene evolution, 1980). Also, - ammonium accumulation in (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950). In the am- although the replicates varied widely in eth- leaves frequently accompanies the appear- monium-based solution, N was supplied as ylene evolution. Within 6 days, 100 µM AOA ance of symptoms of biotic and abiotic stresses (NH4)2SO4 and K and Ca were provided as killed the plants. (Lazcano-Ferrat and Lovatt, 1988; Lovre- CI- salts. Other salts were as prescribed by Cation interactions (Expt. 3). Tomato kovich et al., 1970; Puritch and Barker, Hoagland and Arnon (1950). In a series of plants, 5 weeks old from seeding, were grown 1967). experiments, inhibitors of ethylene synthesis on nitrate-based nutrient solution for 2 weeks, We propose that ammonium accumula- [aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) (Yang, 1985), as described for Expt. 1. Treatments then tion, ethylene evolution, and the appearance salicylic acid (Leslie and Romani, 1986), were applied on 26 July 1988 as follows: of symptoms of environmental stress are in- cobalt salts (Lau and Yang, 1976)] or eth- ammonium nutrition in a complete modified terconnected events. Environmental stress ylene action [silver salts (Beyer, 1976)] were Hoagland’s solution; ammonium nutrition in may induce hydrolysis of proteins and lead included in the solutions. Details of the in- a K-deficient modified Hoagland’s solution; to accumulation of ammonium in tissues. corporation of these materials into the nu- nitrate nutrition (Hoagland’s No. 1); and each Possibly, ammonium toxicity stimulates eth- trient solutions and other cultural methods of the preceding three solutions with silver ylene biosynthesis or, conversely, ethylene are presented with the results of each exper- nitrate at an initial concentration of O or 1 biosynthesis may stimulate ammonium ac- iment. All plants were grown in solution cul- µ M . cumulation,, and -these events then initiate ture in a greenhouse. All treatments were Plants were grown on these solutions for development of symptoms. According to this replicated (four or five times) in randomized 8 days. Plants grown on ammonium nutrition reasoning, factors or agents that detoxify complete blocks. Solutions were replaced with or without K+ were chlorotic and epi- ammonium or that prevent ethylene forma- weekly. Ethylene evolution was determined nastic. Plants grown with the ammonium- tion or its action should prevent ammonium (Corey et al., 1987) on all treatments when based solutions with Ag+ had no symptoms toxicity in plants. plants grown on ammonium nutrition were of ammonium toxicity and appeared normal We evaluated the effects of inhibiting the showing symptoms (chlorosis, epinasty, but in color, compared to the plants receiving synthesis or action of ethylene on plant growth no necrosis) of ammonium toxicity. nitrate nutrition. The Ag+ had no apparent and development by growing ‘Heinz 1350’ Ethylene action (Expt. 1). Tomato plants, toxic effects on the nitrate-grown plants. tomato on ammonium nutrition in solution 4 weeks old from seeding, were transplanted Ethylene evolution varied with source of N

178 H ORTSCIENCE, VOL. 26(2), FEBRUARY 1991 Fig. 2. Proposed mechanisms for expression of physiological disorders initiated by environ- mental stress and mediated by ammonium ac- cumulation and ethylene biosynthesis.

restricting ammonium accumulation but not in limiting ethylene evolution. Although eth- ylene production was not restricted in the Ag+-treated plants in one experiment, am- monium toxicity symptoms were not ex- pressed. In another experiment, AOA limited ammonium accumulation but did not inhibit ethylene evolution relative to the control on ammonium nutrition. The AOA-treated plants in this case had incipient ammonium toxicity symptoms. Perhaps, Ag+ or AOA were not maintained at sufficient levels in the plants to be effective inhibitors. Cobalt and sali- cylic acid were ineffective in restricting eth- ylene evolution or in improving plant Fig. 1. Ethylene evolution by tomato plants grown on ammonium nutrition, on ammonium nutrition appearance. Toxicity symptoms induced by without potassium in the nutrient solution, on nitrate nutrition, and with each nutritional regime Co+2 or salicylic acid indicated that these + having an initial application of Ag at 0 ( o) or 1 µM(n). agents were entering the plant; however, they were ineffective in restricting ethylene syn- and with adequacy of K+, but Ag+ had no 500-ml vessels (l-pint Mason jars) that were thesis or reducing ammonium toxicity. effect on ethylene evolution, except in the fitted with rubber septa. Ethylene accumu- Ethylene evolution by environmentally K-deficient treatment (Fig. 1). lation in the vessels was measured after 2 h stressed plants appears to be a universal In the ammonium-based solution; in which [Corey et al., 1987). The excised shoots were characteristic (Tingey, 1980), and ammo- K and Ca were provided as Cl- salts, Cl- extracted by grinding in a solution of 1 M nium accumulation in stressed plants is a + precipitation reduced Ag concentration to a KCl and 0.02 M CuSO4 and washing by vac- common occurrence (Lazcano-Ferrat and potential 0.01 µM. This precipitation oc- uum filtration. Ammonium-N was deter- Lovatt, 1988; Lovrekovich et al., 1970; Pur- curred in Expts. 1 and 3. We noted in pre- mined by steam distillation (Barker and Volk, itch and Barker, 1967). Ammonium nutri- liminary studies that even with the reduction 1964). Plants grown on ammonium nutrition tion of plants induces ethylene evolution in concentration of Ag+ by precipitation, with no inhibitors accumulated more than 10 solution and ammonium accumulation. Be- sufficient Ag+ remained in solution to alle- times as much ammonium-N as those grown cause of the predominance of cation absorp- viate ammonium toxicity. Also, in the same on nitrate nutrition. Plants receiving am- tion from ammonium-based nutrient solutions, preliminary studies, we noted that adding Ag+ monium nutrition with the inhibitors present the growth medium becomes strongly aci- at 10 µM to nitrate-based solutions caused accumulated less than half the ammonium- dified, reaching a pH as low as 2.8 (Maynard virtually immediate wilting of the plants. This N of those on ammonium nutrition alone, but and Barker, 1969). Buffering of growth me- action was readily reversible with the addi- 4-fold or 5-fold more than that in the nitrate- dia against acidification prevents ammonium tion of Cl- to lower the concentration of Ag+ grown plants (Table 3). These accumulations accumulation in shoots, the resulting am- to 0.01 µM. of ammonium-N were in phytotoxic ranges monium toxicity, and the evolution of stress source and inhibitors (Expt. 4). (Barker et al., 1966b; Maynard and Barker, ethylene by ammonium-grown plants (Bar- Tomato plants, 6 weeks old from seeding, 1969). Silver inhibited the production of eth- ker et al., 1966a, 1966b; Corey and Barker, were grown on nitrate-based nutrient solu- ylene by ammonium-grown plants (Table 3). 1989; Maynard and Barker, 1969). These tion for 1 week, as described in Expt. 1. This result is probably due to the effect of responses suggest that ammonium accumu- Treatments were applied to provide nitrate Ag+ in inhibiting the action of ethylene and lation, ethylene synthesis, and plant injury and ammonium nutrition with Ag+ or AOA inhibiting the autocatalytic effect of ethylene from stresses are correlated events. A hy- added at 1 or 10 µM, respectively. After 8 on ethylene biosynthesis (Yang, 1985). The pothesis of an interrelationship among en- days of treatment (22-30 May 1989), plants effects of AOA are not clear. Apparently, vironmental stress, ammonium accumulation, showed an array of responses to the treat- toxicity was incipient in the ammonium-grown ethylene evolution, and expression of stress ments (Table 3). Plants receiving nitrate nu- plants receiving AOA, as manifested by their symptoms is proposed (Fig. 2). Accord- trition alone were larger than those in the slight chlorosis, moderate ammonium accu- ingly, environmental stress brings about an other treatments. Plants receiving ammo- mulation, and high ethylene evolution. accumulation of ammonium in cells; this event nium nutrition alone showed foliar symp- Environmental stress, such as that induced then initiates or stimulates ethylene biosyn- toms of ammonium toxicity. Plants receiving by ammonium toxicity, promotes ammo- thesis, which brings about the development Ag+ and ammonium nutrition had no am- nium accumulation and ethylene evolution of toxicity symptoms. Accumulation of am- monium toxicity symptoms, whereas plants (Corey and Barker, 1989; Maynard and Bar- monium in cells may alter protein structure receiving AOA and ammonium nutrition had ker, 1969; Puritch and Barker, 1967). If either and subject the proteins to catabolism (Bar- some mottling of foliage, an apparent toxic of these phenomena is prevented, plant growth ker, 1968). In plants expressing symptoms response to the ammonium. Each of the in- may be normal. In the present study, chem- of ammonium toxicity, 60% of the accu- hibitors restricted plant growth relative to that ical inhibition of ethylene synthesis or action mulating ammonium under this stress is de- occurring in their absence. prevented expression of ammonium toxicity rived from internal sources and only 40% For determinations of ethylene and am- symptoms on plants receiving all of their N from the external solution (Barker et al., monium, portions of shoots were excised from from NH4 salts. 1966a). It is possible that ethylene biosyn- the tip to include the first two fully expanded For plants receiving ammonium nutrition, thesis precedes ammonium accumulation. leaves. These shoot portions were sealed in the inhibitors were consistently effective in Also, other events may stimulate ethylene

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