N~Rb,E~~~~~ the E~Rorea~ CQ~M~~Ir.Y, ~~DT~E 9
Commission .' .....,-; '.-'.'" """. :-.' -' ".~- .-, of the European Communities Direc,torat~':General for'in'6rlii~tion ,'", \ THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Of CHINA: INTRODUCTION - BACKGROUND 1 - J . l' . -.,:: , 'I '. C : '.~ ,-'-"". 2 ~~~p~~~~1~~;~~[~~N~rB,E~~~~~ THE E~ROrEA~ CQ~M~~Ir.Y, ~~D T~E THE TRADE AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ~~~Op'E~~ 3 COt+1UNiTY AND TH'['P['OPLEi'S"'REPUBLI'c'OF CHiNA" ," ", '-. ; l: ' :') .-' d'·t. ,;. ~ :;~ _'". ',':". PRO~OTION Of EXC~A~~,ES A~P CONTA~1S .. '. - .. ,',' :=. '. ' ...' '. , ''Training activities 4 (int;,erpreters~ statistica~ experts~ customs officisls - business' ril8~8g~ent'arid moa~r.niZa~~6r1) ." , ": ':; ..: ,Y\ "!" ,~"', c:: } ,'" ' .' '. '. " ' ;. ~ " Information snd study visits 5 .. "... ~~,:' ~ 'd~'- y' '. ", . :- NEW fORMS Of CONTACT BETWEEN THE pEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Of CHINA AND, 6 , THE' EUR~P~~'N. CO~UNrr.y.' ','" ' ," ",; THE TEXTILE AGREEMENJ BET,WEEN THE COMI':1U~nY AfliQ THE REPUBLIC 7 Of 'CHIN~ . , ,\ ' ,' !.;, " THE, GENERALISED. SYST,EM or PHEfER.~N~ES B TR,ADE pROMOJ IO~ E.Vt~~S 9 first EEC-China Business Week ~ ~~,' \.,,:~:~~ - . .:. ..' ,"-,-:.' ... :: Seminar on the re.f~~ ~f Cl:lin~' s foreign trade sYE!teni 9 Second EEC-China Business Week 9 .' i~' :,., !:'.: '.".- Sale of tec~nology seminar 10 - - . ~ .':. ;::; . Chin~8e, purchasing ~ission8 10 'Assessment of modernization needs 1.0 .. _'" ; . '. :~l<:; ~ Symposium of the European Committee on Cooperation of the Machine Tool 'Industries (CECIMO) in Beijing snd Shanghai 10 ! - -c" <... ~ .. -. .. ENERGY COOPERATION 11 ~GJ~~Jl~~~ A~D., TECH~OLOGICAL COOPERATION ~ ~~S,~A.~.Ylt 'A~P:: 9~VtLO~MEN:r ' 12 DATA-PROCESSING~ AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COOPERATION 13 : .....; ..... .. .. ...- '-. : ,.. : . - ..: . , _. ~G~.IFULT.l,I~~~ T:~.C,WHC~~, :~~~~~~~I!OJ~' 13 EXCHANGE~ Of VISITS 13 NOVEMBER:.-.
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