CHURCH SERVICES With the easing of restrictions (at the time of writing!) our churches are opening up to more regular service patterns. However, there will still be restrictions on numbers; booking; wearing face masks, no singing etc for the time-being.

Holy Trinity Services will be 9.15am and 10.45am each week.* (we are hoping to be able to offer at least two services of Holy Communion each month at the 10.45am service—though this will not be choral communion until the whole congregation are able to sing ) St Elizabeth’s Services at 10.00am each week* and on the first Sunday of the month will be 8.45am BCP Holy Communion St Catherine’s Services at 10.30am each week Rivington Services at 10.45am each week* We are continuing to aim to offer at least two services of Holy Communion in each church during the month.

*As numbers are limited at Holy Trinity, St. Elizabeth’s and Rivington churches, please book your place in advance as follows: for Holy Trinity: please book on Eventbrite (if stuck email Marlene Pritchard or phone Susan Kerr on 01204 692760). For Rivington please phone 07710 563678 or 07751 348344. For St. Elizabeth’s please phone 01204 692265 (from the Monday before the Sunday) . Alive and Free is beginning on the first Sunday of the month at 7.00pm - at the moment the service will be happening at Holy Trinity - a temporary move until we can gather without the need for as much social distancing. Wednesday services at 9.30 am will alternate between Holy Trinity and St Elizabeth’s, no booking required Please check with a member of the team which church it will be the following Wednesday. For those unable to attend church an 11.30am Team Zoom Service each Sunday The Zoom code will be emailed to those on our weekly newsletter mailing lists. Or contact Michael or Nicola for the Zoom code. (contact details page 2) To ensure you have the correct up to date information please check with the weekly Team Newsletter or look at the A Church Near You website (see page 2) pages for details.

IN THIS ISSUE - Page 2: Contact details Page 3: Monthly Musing; Admissions to Communion Page 4: The Hiding Place; Chennai update; Welcome Luca Page 5: For our Youth and families Page 6: From the Registers; Forest Church; Meet Simon Page 7: A Star is Born!; FFF; Willow Project Page 8: Congratulations!; Kelvin Delivers!; Salt Page 9: BMRT Then and Now Page 10: Christian Aid Week; St Cath’s Centenary Page 11: Unity Walks Page 12: Food Hubs; Funnies/Wise Words; BtP details Page 13: Steve Jobs’ Last Words Page 14: Serenity; Extreme Prayer Page 15: Children’s Letters to God; Retirement Page 16: Cleaning by Numbers ;Maths If you have any concerns for yourself or anyone else please contact: Holy Trinity and Rivington: Nicola Butterworth on 07706 979393 St Catherine’s: Rev Michael Behrend on 01204 697162 St Elizabeth’s: Rev. Gill Smart on 01204 468271

Important Notice: To access our weekly Team Newsletter to find information on what is happening with our churches, online and Zoom services, our readings and the Collect, giving and fellowship opportunities, contact details etc go to www.achurchnearyou.com/16052 for Holy Trinity; 16053 for St Elizabeth’s; 16054 for St Catherine’s and 16056 for . CONTACT DETAILS Team Ministers: Revd Michael Behrend (Acting Team Rector), 01204 697162, [email protected] Revd Nicola Butterworth (Team Curate), 07706 979393, [email protected] Revd Nicola Gillard (Team Curate) 01204 227648 [email protected] Revd Peter Harley (Associate Minister), 01204 694611, [email protected] Revd Gill Smart (Associate Minister), 07967 585670, [email protected] Revd Caroline Tracey (Associate Minister), 01204 692303, [email protected] Kristen Allen (Team Youth Minister – maternity cover) 07503 168411 [email protected] Honorary Ministers: Revd Glenda Bush 01204 691539; Revd Brenda Craston 01204 699972 [email protected]; Revd David Griffiths 01204 469621 [email protected]; Revd Michael Williams 01204 667162 [email protected]; Revd Tony Woodward 07827 917209 [email protected] Prayer List Contacts: Our team churches want to keep our prayer lists up to date & available during this time of crisis, so please send prayer requests (having checked that those being prayed for are happy to have their names on these lists online, please!) to: Holy Trinity: Mike Foster ([email protected]) & Susan Kerr ([email protected]).; St. Catherine’s: Michael Behrend ([email protected]) & Ian Winnard ([email protected]); St. Elizabeth’s: Gill Smart ([email protected]) & Jill Harley ([email protected]); Rivington: Eunice Hawkins ([email protected]) & Vicky Holden ([email protected]) Churchwardens: Holy Trinity: Chris Knowles 07833 290498, [email protected]; Grenville Hartley 01204 279365, [email protected]; Margaret Broadfoot (Deputy), 01204 690283, [email protected]; St. Catherine’s: Ian Winnard (01204 694005, [email protected]; Kath Jackson 01204 770598, [email protected]; St Elizabeth’s: Graham Smith 01204 699875, [email protected]; Sharon Sharrocks 07854 130010 [email protected]; Rivington: Peter Holden 01257 482451, [email protected]; David Hawkins 07710 563678, [email protected]; Sandra Leatherbarrow (Deputy), 01204 843631, [email protected] For Baptisms: [email protected] For Weddings: [email protected]


Gratitude comes with a host of benefits. It improves your heart rhythm, reduces stress, and helps to heal physically and think more clearly under pressure. It floods your brain and body with endorphins that strengthen and rejuvenate you. And, like any muscle, the more you use it the stronger it grows! It doesn't have to be complicated, just take a walk and think about your blessings and it will set the tone for your day. The psalmist said ’Praise the Lord and do not forget all his kindnesses’ (Psalm 103:2). God’s blessings operate 24 hours a day , 365 days a year. Try this: when you sit down to eat, have everyone name something they are thankful for. There is always something—an elderly lady in a nursing home said ‘I thank you Lord for my two teeth, one upper and one lower. And I thank you that they meet!’. People who say thank you are measurably happier and less depressed. The CEO of Campbell’s Soups wrote over 16,000 thank you notes to his employees, and energised the entire company in the process. Go ahead, encourage friends, colleagues, co volunteers by letting them know you appreciate what they do. The Bible says ‘God’s people should be bighearted and courteous’. (Titus 3: 2 Message Bible) One author observes: ‘You have it in your power to increase the sum total of the world’s happiness by giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who’s lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you’ll forget the kind words you said today but the recipient may cherish them for a lifetime’. Pastor Jim Penner says “I’ll never forget as an eight year old sitting on the step when two men came to the house and handed my mother some papers, tears rolled down her cheeks and it didn’t take long for me to figure out what was happening. Money was tight, the bank hadn’t been paid and our car was being repossessed. But I also carry another image I cherish to this day and that is of my mother that same night on her knees and praying “Thank you, Thank you !” I asked myself what had she to be thankful for? No car, no money what’s going to happen to us? Her prayer continued “Thank you God for what you have provided and that we have something to eat tonight” and so she prayed on for at least 15 minutes, maybe more. Looking back I gained a lifetime of wisdom in those precious minutes, my mother taught me an attitude of gratefulness in the midst of adversity that I’ll never forget. In the years to come God rewarded my mother for her steadfast faith.” © UCB. UCB's Vision Statement: United Christian Broadcasters is a Christian media charity that exists to offer every person, in every place, every moment of the day, the opportunity to hear, watch or read the Word of God in a relevant and engaging way. Lily, Samuel and Star on their admission to Communion St Elizabeth’s April 2021

3 THE HIDING PLACE At the beginning of May Holy Trinity Church received a message via Facebook messenger from a lady called Eve who has kindly given us permission to share this story with you all. “Years and years ago I found a book on a train to Manchester - it came at a really pivotal time in my Christian faith and it was pre social media, so I read the book and then totally forgot about it. I’ve found the book again recently and discovered that your church is on Facebook! Anyway, here are two pictures of the book.”(Ed’s note: the inscription isn’t very clear but the book was presented to Edith Bentley on her confirmation at Holy Trinity Horwich on Sunday 20th May, the year date is very indistinct but the book was first published in November 1971 so it must be after that, and the book presented by the Reverend in Charge at St Bede’s Morris Green, Bolton.) Eve went on to say how the story told in the book had a huge impact on her life and faith story, even down to saying that for the first time she preached in her own church, she referenced Corrie Ten Boom in her sermon. I preached on forgiveness this morning and mentioned Corrie’s incredible story where she forgave the Nazi guard who captured her and her sister. Eve goes onto describe it as a great book and one which has definitely blessed her. What is equally incredible is that Eve also says her great grandparents were from Horwich and thinks her maternal great grandmother Alice Stokes may have attended Holy Trinity Church. If you’ve never read this book, then I can recommend it is well worth reading. Rev’d Nicola Butterworth, Team Curate: Horwich & Rivington United Benefice Contact: 07706979393

UPDATE FROM CHENNAI, INDIA Sam Aswin writes: Yes, it's really very sad and painful to see the things happening around us in India. Whatever flashed in the news is just a glimpse and the ground reality is so horrible. We are safe by our God's grace and I've been working from home for the last 1 year. All the churches are closed and we attend the service through online (YouTube) Tomorrow (2nd May) is a big day as the election results of 5 states of India (including my state - Tamil Nadu) will be out and we are praying that the secular party will be elected. Kindly uphold us and our country in the prayers as the situation is worse than last year. Trusting in the Lord's mercy and grace only. Sam Aswin Our thoughts and prayers are with Sam and his family and all the people of India in their unimaginable suffering with this terrible pandemic.

WELCOME LUCA! On Wednesday 12th May we were delighted to welcome Luca Kelly to St Catherine’s PCC. Luca, now 16, accepted our invitation to join us and becomes our youngest ever member. Readers may well remember Luca's prior contributions to the Magazine as a junior reporter and his recent excellent article about the plight of the Uyghur Muslims in China and his tribute to his mentor Judith Whalley. Luca has also offered to become St Catherine's representative on the Magazine Editorial Committee. (We are sure Judith will be dancing with glee in Heaven!). Lyn Mitchell

4 FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES Messy Church is a family event and we’d love you to join us! We normally meet in St Elizabeth’s but during Covid we have been online sharing crafts, puzzles, activities etc on a different theme each month. The June theme is Father’s Day and the Lord’s Prayer and we will go live on Saturday June19th at 4pm. All the crafts and activities from the past few months are already online for you to look at and have a go at on: https://www.facebook.com/horwichstlizzies

INSPIRE Inspire is a relatively new youth group for young people aged 10- 14, we play loads of fun games, do lots of creative activities and have some great discussions about Jesus, faith and the bible. We are meeting face to face starting on Tuesdays. 5:00 - 6:15pm at St Elizabeth's Church Hall. Please contact Kristen at [email protected] if you would like a consent form for your child! We can't wait to see you!

After over a year working with our young people online, we are now ready to finally meet face to face again! With the start of a new group ‘Inspire’ during lockdown and the pending re-launch of ‘Ignite’ we could really use your help! Don’t worry, you don’t need to have any prior experience of working with young people, if you can smile, encourage others and even be willing to share some experiences from your own faith journey then you are ready to go! You will need to be DBS checked prior to working with young people but we can sort that out relatively quickly. Inspire and Ignite are aimed at 10 -14 year olds. Inspire runs on Tuesday evenings and Ignite on Thursdays. I will be more than happy to give you more information about each of the groups and what the volunteering might entail. I believe investing in our young people is so important if we want to see God’s Kingdom expand in our world. You can be any age from 18-80 to invest in a young persons life, so please do get in touch with me, Kristen Allen (youth minister) if you think you could help. Feel free to email me on [email protected] or give me a call on 07503168411. Jesus just might be calling you to try something new within the life of our church, so don’t hesitate to get in touch!


And of course there is still CYFA (now meeting fortnightly in St Elizabeth’s 8pm 10th and 24th June!), Deeper and the Alive +Free Band! All for ages 14—18 years, meeting fortnightly. Interested in any of them? Then please get in touch with Kristen Allen (Team Youth Minister) at 07503 168411 or email: [email protected] Kristen would love to hear from you!

5 FROM THE REGISTERS Aa restrictions ease over the coming months there will be changes to the numbers of attendees at weddings and funerals. Please check with your church or in the press to ensure you have up to date information.

WEDDINGS We wish joy and happiness to: 8th May Jon Whiten and Ruth Galley

FUNERALS We offer love and sympathy to the relatives and friends of:

14th April Mildred (Millie) Greenhalgh

RIVINGTON FOREST CHURCH Forest Church isn’t just normal church happening outside, instead we want to join in with creation and worship God through this. Neither are we a fellowship group doing an outside activity, we aim to learn, worship, be creative and to pray as well.

Future dates: June 19th, July 17th, August 21st So, why not join us for an hour in the churchyard at Rivington Church? We’d love to see you there.

There’s no such thing as bad weather – just inappropriate clothing! For further details please contact Rev Nicola either on 07706 979393 or [email protected]

MEET SIMON! ‘For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29.11). Now there ’s a verse to hold onto when God asks you to move ministry, family and home during a global pandemic, even as I hope it will be an encouragement for you as we continue to live through these strange and unsettling times of change! Following a lengthy recruitment and discernment process, Bishop David has asked me to become full-time Area Dean of the new Deanery of Bolton, and I am excited and also naturally nervous about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, but encouraged by the prayers and words of welcome I have already received from people across the new Deanery. I am 46 and married to Liz, a Primary deputy head, with two sons, one at university, the other coming into his GCSE year at Canon Slade. I have been a priest in Bury for the last ten years, and Area Dean there for the last five, and before that served my curacy in Salford. In what feels like a previous life, I worked in educational publishing for eight years in the Lake District, before going to train for ministry in Durham. I love walking, the arts, reading and when permitted travel – as well as meeting new people and seeking to share the love of God with those around me as best I can. I have seen in my own parish how this time of Covid has inspired many new ways of serving God and loving our neighbours, but also how costly it has been for many of us. I hope to listen and support, pray and encourage and learn from the people of the Deanery, even as we seek God’s vision for the future together and work to make it a reality. I look forward to coming to services, PCC meetings and any other permitted occasions you will have me! Please pray for the family and for me as we move, and for the plans God has for our Deanery as we face the future together, holding onto these words of Jesus. ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love one another.’ Every blessing in Christ, Simon 6 ‘A Star is Born’! Many of you know of my love of Bolton Wanderers and some of you may have seen me on BBC 1’s Morning Live recently discussing my team. About 2 years ago I had a tour of the stadium after which I enrolled in the Bolton Community Hub which was set up for like-minded older people to meet and socialise, playing games, quizzes etc. and met a couple of times a week. Since lockdown we have been ‘zooming’ quite regularly and yours truly has been calling the Bingo numbers every Thursday afternoon. The BBC had heard how several clubs like ours – Everton, Leicester, Derby among others have set up similar projects and wanted further details. I was volunteered to have a chat with them and following the chat they suggested filming at the stadium. Carl, who runs the Community Hub, agreed that he and I could be filmed walking into the stadium and talking about how good it was to be back in the Stadium since watching a boring goalless draw to Accrington Stanley on our way to being relegated. Luckily the tide has turned and following our 3-minute chat Bolton have now been promoted back to League One and we can hopefully watch them in the flesh in August with a smile on our faces. Brian Nicholson (pictured above proudly wearing the BWFC away shirt!) Hi everyone, The latest BWFC Family, Faith, Football YouTube Live event led by BWFC club chaplain, Phil Mason, is available to view now by searching ‘BWFC FFF’ on You Tube. It has the theme of ‘Football Mentality’ focusing on ‘mental health and well-being’ and is packed with all the usual features, such as messages from Phil Mason, Mark Cowling and others, Ben’s Locker Room and an ‘End of season goals quiz’ as well as an interview with Bolton player, Harry Brockbank. It lasts just over half an hour so make yourself a brew, grab a few biscuits, sit back and enjoy the show. Best regards, Keith Armstrong, BCCC

WILLOW PROJECT No gardening experience needed just a willingness to have a go - the 'Grow to Give’ in support of the Willow mini fundraising/ Community project is selling monthly seed packs of 5 different varieties of cut flower seeds each month for £2.50 (including a £1 donation to Willow) however, the costs may increase slightly depending on the seeds. The seeds will be suitable to sow in that particular month. The idea is that people will sow and grow them at home with the aim of giving away their blooms in jam jars/ bouquets to people in their local community to make them smile and feel appreciated and loved. Double giving to both Willow and our local communities. . I have set up an online grow to give gardening group on Facebook for anyone who uses social media (search for Willow supporters online gardening community). I am posting videos on how to sow, inspiration for recycling items as pots and trays ,plus people are sharing photos of their successes/fails and their ideas for recycling with members from all around the country. It’s a lovely way to feel connected with others, take time, nurture and practice mindfulness in nature. Whilst giving it is also great for mental health, self-care, building community and our general health and wellbeing. This week it has linked in really well with mental health awareness week whose focus was on nature and how this helps us to feel more positive especially living through the times we are doing. Anyway, I have attached the info. If anyone is interested in ordering a pack for June or would like more information they can email [email protected]



.Happy belated birthday for May to Kath Worthington

And Happy birthday to Nicola Butterworth on 1st June!

KELVIN DELIVERS! If you remember, earlier this year we featured our congratulations to Jan O’Brien who had, not one, but two awards at the SheInspire virtual event., Volunteer of the Year and Woman of the Year for her wonderful work with MacMillan. Kelvin Fletcher of Emmerdale and Strictly Come Dancing presented the awards virtually but then did it in person as Jan tells us below: Kelvin came to deliver all of the SheInspires winners awards on Tuesday 20th April. We were all given a two-hour approximate window as to when he would arrive. Unfortunately he was soon behind schedule due to traffic delays (travelling all over the NW from central Manchester to Burnley, Bolton, , Morecambe, Lancaster and Chester!) and his desire to chat with all the winners. He arrived at our house around 4pm accompanied by a film crew and official photographer. He was delighted to be able to present me with two awards and for me to be the only recipient of two! He said it was important for him to give his time to meet with the winners and spend some time with us especially after the year we have had. He said it had felt odd and impersonal to present the awards virtually and whilst he had read all our back stories he wanted to meet the real people behind their stories and demonstrate how much they are valued and appreciated. I have attached (for you to watch although it's a YouTube link which is open to anyone) the montage video which SheInspires collated and published online. The awards look like Oscars and are really heavy. Kelvin had to hold one for the photos with me! https://youtu.be/rTIX0WqqLpk He was so interested in everything I had done and what I had been through. We chatted for a while in the front garden. He is keen to support me in any possible future events by attending and showing further appreciation. After he left our house he recorded an incredibly touching and personal message for me in the car which is so very special. I was an emotional wreck! Here it is... https://www.instagram.com/reel/CN5LSfBpg0H/?igshid=secegcgpymyh It was a huge privilege to be honoured and presented with two awards (Volunteer of the Year 2020 and NW Woman of the Year 2020) by Kelvin. It turned what was a bit of a damp squib with the virtual presentations in December into a very special, unique and memorable occasion. It's certainly not every day a Strictly champion knocks on your door to present you with two beautiful trophies! SALT Salt has many uses apart from savouring our food! In fact there are over 100 different uses, some of them bizarre, for example, “ Pest removal – Keep raccoons out of your garbage by sprinkling salt around your trash cans (they don’t like the taste of salt).“ In Roman times salt was hard to come by and therefore valuable. It was used as a trading commodity and payment of wages, soldiers would be given a handful of salt each day and that is where the word salary comes from. Over the next few months we’ll feature different uses for salt but this month we’ll start with gardening: Fertilise tomato plants, roses and house plants with Epsom salt (1 tablespoon for each foot tall). Fertilise your lawn with Epsom salt by mixing 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Use salt water as a weed killer in places you don’t want any plants to grow. 8 HOW BOLTON MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAM HAS CHANGED OVER THE YEARS Gill Leigh (pictured left with some of her BMRT colleagues), Chairman of Bolton Mountain Rescue, writes: I joined the Team in 1985 as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, for the volunteering section, as a relatively inexperienced 17 years old. A number of years later and I find myself as Chair of the organisation with perhaps a quite a bit more experience under my belt. Back in the 1980’s the Team was based at New Overdale. There was a garage for one of our two land rovers and a very awkward store room up a very twisting narrow staircase where we stored much of our equipment. For every training exercise and every call out we had to load the vehicles from scratch. Nowadays we have a fleet of 5 vehicles – 4 land rovers and a control vehicle from which exercises can be run with the aid of computers. There was a lack of instant technology back then so call outs happened by a cascade system of phone calls. Everyone knew who they needed to phone and if there was no response they would continue down the list until the next in line could pass the message on. Now we all have mobile phones so messages can be relayed simultaneously to everyone. In the 1980’s there was no Team uniform, other than an optional woollen jumper. All personal equipment needed to be provided by each member. As a student this was quite a struggle at times – I remember asking for a good pair of winter boots, ice axe, crampons and climbing harness when I turned 21! Due to some generous donations over the years and some sponsorship, team members are now provided with waterproofs, a warm winter jacket, windproof, shell jacket and base layers. This gives a corporate look to the team and ensures all members are easily identified by members of the public. We also had fewer call outs – a busy year would see around 6 – 8 in the 1980s. These days we average 100 call outs a year. Incidents have not changed much – we still search, help injured walkers, horse riders and hang gliders as well as supporting the fire brigade for moorland fires; but good working relationships built over years with the emergency services have enabled a raised awareness, prompting call outs for difficult to reach casualties and a recognition of local knowledge of the surrounding area. We now also use inflatable boats to help search our water ways and support the fire brigade during floods. Even though we were less busy with call outs back in the day, we still trained on a weekly basis to keep skills up to date. This is the case even now. Because there were fewer call outs we usually went away on a monthly basis for weekend trips to further develop skills in hillcraft and train with other teams. The busyness due to increased call outs and other administrative tasks has made this more difficult to maintain these days but members still go out individually or in small groups to enjoy the outdoors, keep fitness up and practise essential skills. I left the team for a while when my children were small but returned around 2009. The kit was shinier, the vehicles newer, the uniform smarter and some faces were different. However, what hadn’t changed was the camaraderie, the enthusiasm and the commitment to support those in the community who need a helping hand in a time of need. In essence, not much has changed at all.

‘A leaking May and a warm June, brings on Harvest very soon’ Scottish proverb ‘June, damp and warm, does a farmer no harm.’ ‘A good rain in June sets all in tune’

9 Children at Holy Trinity recognising God's love of creation through craft as we consider the impact of climate change during Christian Aid week.

Memories of St Catherine’s centenary August 1988

Photos courtesy of Rob Ronson, son of the late Bob and Barbara Ronson. Showing Team Vicar David Griffiths and parishioners Irene Bloor and Joan Halliwell entertaining the Mayor of Horwich, Bob Ronson, and his Mayoress - his sister -in-law Dorothy. Rev. David Griffiths writes: Although the centenary of the laying of the foundation stone of St Catherine’s was in October 1997 the actual centenary of the founding of the church went back to the ‘Beatrice Street Mission’ in 1888. It was established in the corn-loft above a bakery. The mission church had seating, choir stalls and a harmonium. Created in response to the opening of the Loco Works in 1886, it was a ‘fresh expression’ of church for the different world that was emerging in Horwich. The inaugural service was held on 5th August 1888 attended by 34 communicants. Edmund Oldfield was appointed as Curate-in-charge on that day. His stipend was made up of £70 per annum from the Diocese, with the remainder coming from the collections given at the new evening services at Horwich Parish from November 1887, which were made possible by the installation of gas lighting. St Catherine’s Bazaars were started to raise funds for the new church building ,with the foundation stone for the new church being laid 9 years later. Annual bazaars became a regular feature and so in 1988 the church held a special centenary bazaar, complete with parishioners in Victorian dress. The energy, effort and prayer of St Catherine’s people continues still, 133 years later. Thus it remains a worshipping, growing and transforming Christian presence at the heart of the community in a changing and very different world. 10 BOLTON UNITY ALLIANCE WALKS Bolton Christian Community Cohesion are now part of a ‘Unity Alliance’ group along with 5 other groups in Bolton – Bolton Wanderers Community Trust, Bolton Interfaith Council, Bolton Hindu Forum, Bolton Council of Mosques and Bolton Solidarity Community Association. Over the next 2 years we will be working closely together to organise events and initiatives that will bring together people from different backgrounds within the Bolton Community with the aim of creating friendships and breaking down barriers. For our first project we will be working alongside Bolton Hindu Forum to organise a series of 10 walks around the Bolton area at 2pm on Thursday afternoons, starting on 24th June at Queen’s Park (please see the full schedule of walks below – please note that the walks aren’t on 10 consecutive Thursdays , there are a few breaks in between). For this first set of 10 walks we are hoping to bring together 12 people in the 55+ age bracket – 6 people who are practising Christians and 6 from the Hindu community (the same 12 people each week). All the walks would be fairly gentle walks of about 3 miles (taking approx. 1hr 30 mins) although some include fairly steep inclines and slightly rough terrain. Each walk will start with an icebreaker before we set off and a light-hearted quiz/game/activity during the walk and include a bit of litter picking on the way. All participants would need to: i) be available for most of the 10 dates in the table below on Thursday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm. ii) be able to make their own way to the start of each walk and home again. iii) be fit enough to be able to walk approx. 3 miles on fairly gentle routes but with some steepish inclines and slightly rough terrain. iv) bring their own refreshments. v) be appropriately dressed for the weather conditions. vi) observe any social distancing procedures that are in place at the time of the walk (ie keeping a sensible distance apart whilst walking and talking, wearing a face mask if we go inside any buildings during the walk, regularly using hand sanitiser etc.) If you would like to take part in this first ‘Walk and Talk’ initiative, or you know of anyone in your church/family/social circle who would like to take part, please contact me, Keith Armstrong , as soon as possible by replying to this email [email protected] or calling me on 07500 928573 to book a place (there is no charge for the events). Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and, once the places are filled, names will be added to a waiting list for future ‘Walk and Talk’ events (as Covid 19 restrictions ease we hope to involve larger groups of people in future ‘blocks’ of walks - this first block of 10 walks would be a ‘trial run’ really for future blocks of the same 10 walks with other groups of people over the next 2 years). 1. Thurs 24th June Queen’s Park Queen’s Park Café near car park on Spa Road, Bolton, BL1 4SL Ice cream from café, feeding ducks. 2 Thurs 1st July Last Drop Village to Turton Towers and back, Last Drop Village Car Park, Hospital Rd, Bromley Cross, Bolton, BL7 9PZ Visit Turton Tower, Refreshments at Turton Tower café. 3 Thurs 8th July Barn through Terraced Gardens to Pike & back, car park, Rivington Lane, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 7SB Follow terraced gardens trail. 4 Thurs 15th July Clifton Country Park, Clifton Country Park Car park, Clifton House Rd, Clifton, Salford, M27 6NG Use country park trail packs. 5 Thurs 22nd July Reservoir Anglezarke Car Park, Moor Rd, Nr Chorley, PR6 9DQ Scavenger hunt 6 Thurs 12th Aug Walker Fold to Winter Hill Mast, Walker Fold Car Park, Walker Fold Rd, Smithills, Bolton, BL1 7PT Birdwatching. 7 Thurs 19th Aug Moses Gate Country Park, Moses Gate Visitor Centre Car Park, Hall Lane, Farnworth, BL4 7QS Herbs trail/ minibeast safari. 8 Thurs 26th Aug Smithills Hall to Horrocks Fold & Barrow Bridge and back, Smithills Hall Country Park Car Park, off Smithills Dean Rd, Bolton, BL1 7NP Visit Smithills Hall, Ice cream shop on route. 9 Thurs 16th Sept Darwen Tower, Ryal Fold Car Park, Tockholes Rd, Ryal Fold, Darwen, BB3 0PA Refreshments at Ryal Fold Cafe .

11 HORWICH MINI FOOD BANK and URBAN OUTREACH Horwich Cllr Peter Wright is running a mini food bank . Whether you know of anyone in need of a food parcel, or you are willing to donate to this cause, your help would be greatly appreciated. Any items donated can be left with Christine at New Chapel Lane Post Office. Peter's contact: 07824 528502. Tinned and dried foods, cakes, biscuits, etc are welcome. Peter sends his sincere thanks to all of you who have so generously donated either financially or with goods. There are also still fortnightly collections for Urban Outreach during Covid-19 but you can also use the Grub Tubs in our churches again These fortnightly collections are arranged by the Team Churches and are at St Elizabeth’s on alternate Mondays. For dates please refer to the Team newsletter or check with a member of the church team. As Mother Teresa said “ If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one”.

Always Remember This: You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing. THE SENILITY PRAYER : Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Meaning of words: RETIRED (re-tired) (adj.): I was tired yesterday and I’m tired again today! SARCHASM: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who doesn't get it. [Anon] SHIN: Device for finding furniture in the dark. [Palo Alto]

Right— Only in America!!

BELOW THE PIKE BELOW THE PIKE is published by the Team Council of the Anglican Churches of Horwich and Rivington. Its aim is to link the Team Churches with each other and the wider community of Horwich. The contents are not exclusively religious, but encompass any matters of Christian or local concern. Anyone who would lik e to make such a contribution, through the Editorial Team is most welcome (details below). Please be aware that the articles printed do not necessarily reflect the thoughts of the Editor or Editorial Team whoare: Editor - Margaret Broadfoot 690283 or email: [email protected] Michael Behrend (Acting Team Rector) 01204 697162; Nicola Butterworth (Team Curate) 07706 979393; Shirley Sharples 01204 696925; Gloria Long 01204 692035; David Griffiths 469621; Pam Knowles 667363; Luca Kelly - welcome on board Luca who will be representing St Catherine’s.

With many thanks to The Print Quarter for their excellent service & the quality and printing of this magazine

12 STEVE JOBS’ LAST WORDS Regarded by some as a hero and by others a villain and then there are those sitting on the fence, as a billionaire with a fortune of circa $ 7 billion, Steve Jobs (56) died on October 5, 2011 from pancreatic cancer, and here are some of his last words which tell you a lot about how he felt about his wealth and success as his life drew to a close … © Banksy “In other eyes my life is the essence of success, but apart from work I have little joy. And at the end of the day, wealth is just a fact of the life I'm used to." “The moment I lay on the bed, sick and remember all my life, I realize that all my appreciation and wealth I have is meaningless in the face of impending death. You can hire someone to drive for you, make money for you - but you can't hire someone to carry the disease for you. You can find material things, but there is one thing you can't find when it's lost - LIFE ". “Treat yourself well and appreciate others. As we age, we are smarter and slowly realize that the watch whether it is worth 30 € or 300 € - both show the same time. Whether we carry a handbag worth 45 € or 450 € - the amount of money in the wallet is the same. Whether we drive a car worth €150,000 or a car worth €30,000-road and distance are the same, we reach the same destination. If we drink a bottle of wine worth 300 € or 10 €, the 'Rausch' is the same afterwards. And if the house we live in has 300 square meters or 3000 square feet - loneliness is the same." “Your true inner happiness does not stem from the material things of this world. Whether you fly First Class or Economy Class - when the plane crashes, you crash with it." “Five tips from me: 1) Don't raise your children to be rich. Teach them to be happy. When they grow up at some point, they will realize the value of things, not the price. 2) Eat your food as medicine, otherwise you will have to eat your medicine as food. 3) Those who love you will never leave you, even if they have 100 reasons to give up, they will always find a reason to persevere. 4) There is a big difference between being human and humane. 5) If you want to go fast - go alone. But if you want to go far - go together!” “And finally, the six best doctors in the world: 1. Sunlight 2. Silence 3. Movement 4. Healthy food 5. Confidence 6. Friends. Keep them in all stages of life and enjoy a healthy life.” “What phase of life we are in now, over time, we will face the day the curtain comes down. Cherish your family, your spouse, your friends... and treat them well”.

©Steve Jobs' last words —. He died a billionaire at 56yrs of… | by Vikas Jangir

A smile is a wrinkle that shouldn’t be removed—Anon Happiness consists in not having many things but needing few—Anon A peaceable man does more good than a learned one—Thomas a Kempis

13 SERENITY  Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, 'How old was your husband?' '98,' she replied, 'Two years older than me'. 'So you're 96,' the undertaker commented. She responded, 'Hardly worth going home, is it?  Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: 'And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?' the reporter asked. She simply replied, 'No peer pressure.'  The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs  I've sure gotten old! I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have poor circulation; hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But, thank goodness, I still have my driver's license.  I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotard on, the class was over.  An elderly woman decided to prepare her will and told her preacher she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart?' the preacher exclaimed. 'Why Wal-Mart?' 'Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week'  My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.  Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out.


Dear God, when you made the first man did he work as good as we do now? Tom Dear God, please make it that dogs live as long as people. Nancy Dear God, Mrs Coe got a new refrigerator. We got the box it came in for a club house. So that’s where I’ll be if you are looking for me. Marvin Dear God, I read your book and I like it. Where do you get your ideas from? John P Dear God, if it is in the Bible it is true isn't it? Like in the encyclopedia. Gene age 9 Desr God, if we had fur like animals we wouldn’t have to wear clothes. Did you ever think of that? Wally W. Dear God, if you don’t want people to say bad words, why did you invent them? Eugene Dear God, if we live after we die why do we have to die then? Ron Dear God, we read Thos. Edison made light. I thought you did that. Donna Dear God, do you hear us pray to you? It must drive you carzy. Charles ©Children’s Letters to God compiled by Eric Marshall & Stuart Hample

RETIREMENT !!! Question: How many days in a week? Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday

Question: When is a retiree's bedtime? Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.

Question: How many retirees to change a light bulb? Answer: Only one, but it might take all day.

Question: What's the biggest gripe of retirees? Answer: There is not enough time to get everything done.

Question: Why don't retirees mind being called Seniors? Answer: The term comes with a 10% discount.

Question: Among retirees what is considered formal attire? Answer: Tied shoes.

Question: Why do retirees count pennies? Answer: They are the only ones who have the time.

Question: What is the common term for a senior who still works and refuses to retire? Answer: Nuts

Question: Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage? Answer: They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there. Or move back in there . . .

Question: What's the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree? Answer: If you cut classes, no one calls your parents.

15 CLEANING BY NUMBERS 6 kg is the maximum weight most washing machines can take says one laundry expert. Overload and the cleaning process isn’t as effective plus items come out more creased. 25,127 is the average number of microbes on your telephone! Wipe it down with anti-bacterial once a week. 365 times a year is how often you should wash your dishcloth. I.e. every day—you use it to wipe up germs and food etc which linger and breed in the cloth. Hanging it outside in the open air helps or a rinse in a mild solution of bleach. 30 minutes is how long you should leave carpet shampoo on spot marks. Rub it in leave it and when dry vacuum it. 4 is the maximum number of days you should use a towel before changing it, especially if used by more than one person, as in the dishcloth warning, moist environments are breeding grounds for germs. 15ml of fabric softener mixed with 50ml of water will shift any singed hair or styling product gunge from hair straighteners and curlers making them more efficient. Unplug the item, dip some cotton wool or a bud in the solution and use it to wipe off the gunge. Dry thoroughly before use. 60⁰ is the temperature you should wash your sheets at. This will kill germs, dust mites and any skin cells etc that you have shed at night. Every 2 months check your smoke alarm and give it a wipe to clear any accumulation of dust that would prevent it working. Gently boil 150ml of white vinegar mixed with water in your kettle to remove lime deposits. 52 times a year is how often you should vacuum to remove grime and dust from your carpets which could become airborne otherwise. And on that subject—only 85% of dirt is removed by vacuuming so once a year give your carpets a shampoo or deep clean for the remaining 15%! (Extracts ©Prima magazine)

EXERCISE YOUR BRAIN! Maths have shaped the world and is much more than just being about numbers! Phones, computers, transport for example, are all based on mathematical calculations used in algorithms or engineering and even your house is designed through the principles of geometry! So never say maths is a boring subject! Have a go at this — Pick any number, then, if it’s an odd number multiply by 3, if it’s an even number divide it by 2. Keep repeating this process and you’ll eventually get to 1. This has beaten mathematicians who have tried it millions of times and still it comes out at 1! Goldbach’s Conjecture: “Is every even number greater than 2 the sum of two primes?” E.g. 3 +11 = 14; 5 + 7=12 and so on and despite multiple attempts by mathematicians it always comes out that way. However it is deemed that once you get into very large numbers it might be a different story—so if you want to disprove this conjecture have a go! (with thanks to Bolton College)