«Sexo, pájaros, vida, muerte»: razones por las que Shane MacGowan dice cosas importantes Shane MacGowan. Foto: Getty. Para acompañar la lectura del artículo, nuestra lista en Spotify: Enterrada bajo botellas de whisky, pintas de cerveza, la tradición musical de una pequeña isla atlántica, lecturas intempestivas de Joyce y O’Casey, y la furia de la generación posterior al punk, la voz de Shane MacGowan todavía inquieta, todavía conmueve. Todavía dice lo importante. El que fuera una vez armandanzas deThe Pogues, la auténtica insurgencia (ebria) de Irlanda, se explicaba en entrevista no hace mucho: sus canciones, como las canciones folk y como la vida en general, tratan de «temas recurrentes». En concreto, de «sexo, pájaros, vida, muerte, sexo, pájaros, vida, muerte». MacGowan, irlandés nacido en Londres,folkie pervertido por el punk, poeta rebelde y bebedor ilustrado, también ha contribuido a «crear una nueva expresión poética» dentro de una «gran tradición de la canción». En su caso, la canción de la tierra de William Butler Yeats y Brendan Behan. | 1 «Sexo, pájaros, vida, muerte»: razones por las que Shane MacGowan dice cosas importantes El año pasado Shane MacGowan recontruyó su dentadura. Desaparecía un icono, la boca desordenada de pirata que escupía letanías de amor y desesperación, historias de vencidos y peripecias al margen de la ley burguesa. Aquellos dientes se habían ido pudriendo a medida que avanzaba la década de los ochenta y The Pogues, segunda banda de MacGowan trasThe Nipple Erectors, hacían buena la máxima de su líder: «El alcohol es el camino a la sabiduría». Escritor beodo, el autor de «Fairytale in New York», tal vez su composición más radiada, afirmaba que sus canciones a menudo aparecían de la mano de Dioniso. Lo que, a todas luces, resulta admirable, dada la complejidad, riqueza y elaboración de su lírica. Tal vez su apología de la bebida y el exceso la compense con sus orígenes. «En términos irlandeses, no soy un gran bebedor», confesó a la revista Playboy en 2001. A casi dos décadas de The crock of gold, su segundo disco con The Popes —la banda que reclutó al ser expulsado de The Pogues en 1991 debido a su aficción a… sí, la botella—, MacGowan apenas graba ya temas propios. Pero continúa desfilando por los escenarios, apoyando causas perdidas, incluida la de cantar un himno para la selección irlandesa de fútbol basado en el «Je t’aime moi non plus», e insuflando otras vidas a un cancionero de rebelión, gracia y abrazos. Estas son nada más que cinco de las muchas razones que existen para escuchar atentamente lo que dice Shane MacGowan. Canciones sobre beber, disparar a los ingleses… y follar MacGowan es una consecuencia del pospunk. De cuando la negación inicial de los hijos de los Sex Pistols se metamorfoseó en apertura del campo de batalla. Y un mundo entero, deldub al rockabilly, del free jazz al funk, de la polirritmia del África occidental a la electrónica germana, desarticuló la férrea ley de los tres acordes de guitarra eléctrica. The Pogues interpretaron esta licencia como permiso para reutilizar la música tradicional irlandesa, acelerarla, subrayar lo que de «ron, sodomía y látigo» había en ella. «Yo toco música popular irlandesa. Es una tradición viva», comentaba MacGowan en 2003. De la que forman parte, según él, Planxty y Christy Moore, The Chieftains y Thin Lizzy, The Undertones y Van Morrison. «Hay algo en la música irlandesa», declaraba al semanario Melody Maker, «siempre grandes canciones, grandes melodías, y sus letras… Es energía cruda que te golpea en el corazón y en las entrañas y en el sentimiento. Cortocircuita tu intelecto. Es música emocional. Básicamente, tiene alma». The Pogues destilaron su visión del mundo en canciones que, como le gustaba presumir a su jefe, se afiliaban a esa tradición. «Si escuchas un disco deThe Dubliners o de los Clancy Brothers», | 2 «Sexo, pájaros, vida, muerte»: razones por las que Shane MacGowan dice cosas importantes teorizaba, «las canciones que no van de beber o de dispararle a los británicos, van sobre follar». Ya Red roses for me (1984), el primero de sus discos y cuyo título homenajeaba al dramaturgo socialista irlandés Sean O’Casey, las contiene aproximadamente de los tres tipos: «Streams of whiskey», en la que saluda a otro de sus autores de cabecera, Brendan Behan; «Poor Paddy», el relato de un obrero explotado en Liverpool; y «Kitty», una melodía tradicional con letra reformada por MacGowan —así avanza la tradición musical; esta estrategia la usaría en más ocasiones, por caso en «The Broad Majestic Shannon»— y en la que amor y política, pasión y cárcel, se entrelazan. «Por supuesto, entonces había una guerra en Irlanda, como casi siempre», acertó a resumir una vez la historia de su país. Setecientos años de opresión y resistencia «The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn» abre Rum, Sodomy & the Lash, el segundo elepé de The Pogues y pieza de resistencia de su obra, producido por Elvis Costello en 1985. Por esa canción circula un personaje, uno de los muchos personajes que circulan por las canciones de MacGowan,Frank Ryan. En la erudita web The Parting Glass —la poesía anotada de la banda— explican quién era. Militante de ala izquierda de los republicanos irlandeses, compañero del legendario socialista James Connolly —uno de los dirigentes del Levantamiento de Pascua en 1916—, se enfrentó a los partidarios del Estado Libre y de la partición del norte durante la guerra civil irlandesa. En 1934 fundó el Congreso Republicano, una organización anticapitalista. Dos años después viajaba a España al mando de doscientos voluntarios de la isla dispuestos a defender la República contra Franco y el fascismo. «Frank Ryan te invitó a un whiskey en un burdel en Madrid / Y golpeaste a unos putos camisas negras que maldecían a todos los judíos (…) / Ahora cantarás una canción de libertad para negros y paquis y moros», dice «The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn». La épica de la liberación nacional irlandesa, su grandeza y su miseria, la resistencia a los setecientos años de opresión británica sobre la isla, recorre la discografía del grupo. Poética de marginales, piratas, amantes de la libertad y solidarios, la de The Pogues, especialmente en las canciones firmadas por MacGowan —una gran mayoría—, es también una narrativa. «Streets of sorrow/Birmingham Six», de su elepé de mayor repercusión —If I should fall from the grace of god (1988)—, por ejemplo, relata el arresto y tortura de seis hombres a manos de la policía británica. Acusados de pertenecer al IRA, pasaron dieciséis años en prisión y solo fueron liberados en 1991. En el nombre del padre. El tema, prohibido en la BBC —a lo que el mánager de la banda respondió | 3 «Sexo, pájaros, vida, muerte»: razones por las que Shane MacGowan dice cosas importantes así: «Estoy encantado de saber que somos una amenaza para el Estado»—, recuerda los talking blues del Bob Dylan imberbe. La CNN de los irlandeses: «Había seis hombres en Birmingham / En Guilford hay cuatro / Fueron detenidos y torturados / E incriminados por la ley / Y la suciedad ascendió / Pero ellos todavía están en prisión / Por ser irlandeses en el lugar equivocado / A la hora equivocada (…) / Maldición para los jueces, los polis y los carceleros / Que torturan inocentes, acusados en falso / Por el precio de un ascenso / Y de la justicia en venta / Pueden los juzgados ser sus jueces cuando se pudran en el infierno». La casa familiar de MacGowan, en Tipperary, Irlanda, fue refugio de los soldados del IRA durante la guerra anglo irlandesa conocida como The Black and Tan War, entre 1919 y 1921. Los consejos de Brendan Behan En los años cincuenta, el escritor irlandés Brendan Behan pasaba temporadas en Francia. Uno de esos veranos más o menos salvajes decidió, junto a una cuadrilla de amigos, viajar en coche a España. Al llegar a la frontera iban ya medio borrachos. El guardia del puesto fronterizo, cuenta la anécdota relada en el documental Brendan Behan. The Roaring Boy, preguntó a Behan, el menos afectado por la ingesta alcóholica, si le podía explicar «la razón de la visita». Y este respondió: «Venimos al funeral del general Franco». «Pero el Generalísimo no ha muerto». «Ah, tiene usted razón. Esperaremos», replicó. No pasaron la aduana. En 1939, con apenas dieciséis años, Brendan Behan fue detenido por la policía británica acusado de pertenecer al IRA. De los tres años que pasó en el reformatorio nacióBorstal Boy, bildungsroman bukowskiana y antimperialista. Izquierdista insobornable, disidente casi profesional, preso de los ingleses otras dos veces, enConfesiones de un rebelde irlandés argumenta a favor de blasfemar contra su propia patria: «El deber primordial de un escritor es desacreditar a la madre patria, si no lo hace no es un escritor de verdad. En el nombre de Jesús, ¿cómo va un escritor a impugnar la patria de los demás si no arremete primero contra la suya propia?». Es este el Behan al que MacGowan escucha en «Streams of whiskey», de Red roses for me. «Y me voy, y me voy / De cualquier modo el viento debe estar soplando / Y me voy, y me voy, / A donde fluyan torrentes de whiskey», reza el estribillo de una composición que celebra así al autor de la obra de teatro El Rehén (1957): «Las palabras que dijo / Parecían la más sabia de las filosofías / Nunca una cosa húmeda llamada lágrima / Ha ganado nada / Cuando el mundo es demasiado oscuro / Y necesito una luz en mi interior / Entro en un bar / Y bebo quince pintas de | 4 «Sexo, pájaros, vida, muerte»: razones por las que Shane MacGowan dice cosas importantes cerveza». Pero Behan no solo comparece como personaje en las letras del grupo —también lo hace en «Thousands are sailing», de If I should…, escrita por el guitarrista de la banda Phil Chevron—.
The Pogues If I Should Fall from Grace with God Mp3, Flac, Wma
The Pogues If I Should Fall From Grace With God mp3, flac, wma DOWNLOAD LINKS (Clickable) Genre: Rock Album: If I Should Fall From Grace With God Country: Canada Released: 2004 Style: Alternative Rock, Folk Rock, Punk MP3 version RAR size: 1240 mb FLAC version RAR size: 1832 mb WMA version RAR size: 1740 mb Rating: 4.1 Votes: 303 Other Formats: VOC AC3 ASF AU TTA DXD DMF Tracklist Hide Credits 1 If I Should Fall From Grace With God 2:21 2 Turkish Song Of The Damned 3:27 3 Bottle Of Smoke 2:47 Fairytale Of New York 4 4:36 Vocals – Kirsty MacColl Metropolis 5 2:50 Written-By – The Pogues 6 Thousands Are Sailing 5:28 7 Fiesta 4:13 Medley: The Recruiting Sergeant / The Rocky Road To Dublin / The Galway Races 8 4:01 Arranged By – The PoguesWritten By – Traditional 9 Streets Of Sorrow / Birmingham Six 4:39 10 Lullaby Of London 3:31 11 Sit Down By The Fire 2:18 12 The Broad Majestic Shannon 2:52 Worms 13 1:05 Arranged By – Andrew Ranken, James FearnleyWritten By – Traditional 14 The Battle March (Medley) 4:10 The Irish Rover 15 4:07 Written-By – Joseph Crofts Mountain Dew 16 2:19 Arranged By – The Dubliners, The PoguesWritten By – Traditional 17 Shanne Bradley 3:41 18 Sketches Of Spain 2:14 South Australia 19 3:27 Arranged By – The PoguesWritten By – Traditional Credits Accordion, Piano, Mandolin, Dulcimer, Guitar, Cello, Percussion – James Fearnley Arranged By – Fiachra Trench, James Fearnley Artwork By [Cd Package Design] – Phil Smee Banjo [Tenor], Spoons, Mandolin – Ron Kavana Banjo, Performer [Mandola], Saxophone – Jem Finer Bass, Percussion,
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MP3: Girl Talk: Smash Your Head [Infinite Mixtape #22] Posted by Amy Phillips in Remix, Tour, Remix, Tour on Wed: 09-13-06: 09:00 AM CDT | Permalink
Pitchfork: News#38521#38521#38521#38521#38521 Page 3 of 17 Girl Talk is on the road right now, with shows scheduled all the way through December. [MORE...] MP3: Girl Talk: Smash Your Head [Infinite Mixtape #22] Posted by Amy Phillips in remix, tour, remix, tour on Wed: 09-13-06: 09:00 AM CDT | Permalink Mission of Burma Documentary Coming to DVD Legendary Boston post-punks and Pitchfork Music Festival alums Mission of Burma have already proven their resurrected greatness, and now they will share the intimate details of their Lazarus story with the world. On November 21, MVD Visual will release Not a Photograph, a 70-minute documentary DVD about the band's 2002 reunion and the obstacles they had to overcome to make it the success it was and still is. Not a Photograph was directed by David Kleiler, Jr. and Jeff Iwanicki, and, in addition to the recent performances, it includes archival footage from the band's original incarnation, including a performance by the Moving Parts, bassist Clint Conley's and guitarist Roger Miller's first band together. And don't forget-- as previously reported, Miller will share his next Mission of Burma tour diary exclusively with Pitchfork. The tour begins this Friday, September 15, at Seattle's Crocodile Cafe. [MORE...] MP3: Mission of Burma: 2wice Posted by Dave Maher in dvd on Wed: 09-13-06: 07:00 AM CDT | Permalink The Pogues Get Expanded Reissue Treatment When the Pogues finished playing, you howled out for more. And, saints be praised, Rhino Records answered. Now grab a pint or two and get ready to curl up all over again with the Celtic folk-punk band's first five albums, like you've never quite heard them before.
This dissertation has been 65-9757 microfilmed exactly as received SMITH, Bobby L ., 1930- SATIRE IN THE DRAMA OF SEAN O’CASEY. The University of Oklahoma, Ph. D ., 1965 Language and Literature, modern University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA GRADUATE COLLEGE SATIRE IN THE DRAMA OF SEAN O'CASEY A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE FACULTY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree o f DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY BOBBY L. SMITH Norman, Oklahoma 1965 SATIRE IN THE DRAMA OF SEAN O'CASEY APPROVED BY c y'i> r- -U)JiUfrwv lA-. DISSERTATION COMMITTEE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am especially indebted to Dr. A. J. Fritz for his professional aid and his personal encouragement during the several years since he first introduced me to the dramas of Sean O'Casey. In addition, I am grateful to him for directing this dissertation and for offering a recent seminar which concentrated on the development of modern Irish drama. I am also grateful to Dr. Calvin G. Thayer, Dr. Bruce I. Granger, and Dr. William H. Maehl, Jr., who courteously consented to serve as a reading committee and whose teaching and personal friendship have been invaluable through out my career as a graduate student. i i i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i i i C hapter I . INTRODUCTION....................................................................................... 1 I I . THE IRISH PLAYS .............................................................................. 13 The Shadow o f a Gunman ..................................................... I3 Kathleen Listens In ............................................................ 25 Juno and th e Pay cock .............. .. ............................... 31 Nannie's Night Out .............................................................. 40 The Plough and the Stars ................................................ I I I . TRANSITIONAL PERIOD ....................................................................
Rock, Pop, and Jazz Titles Spring 2020 {IPG} That Thin, Wild Mercury Sound Dylan, Nashville, and the Making of Blonde on Blonde Daryl Sanders Summary That Thin, Wild Mercury Sound is the definitive treatment of Bob Dylan’s magnum opus, Blonde on Blonde , not only providing the most extensive account of the sessions that produced the trailblazing album, but also setting the record straight on much of the misinformation that has surrounded the story of how the masterpiece came to be made. Including many new details and eyewitness accounts never before published, as well as keen insight into the Nashville cats who helped Dylan reach rare artistic heights, it explores the lasting impact of rock’s first double album. Based on exhaustive research and in-depth interviews with the producer, the session musicians, studio personnel, management personnel, and others, Daryl Sanders Chicago Review Press chronicles the road that took Dylan from New York to Nashville in search of “that thin, wild mercury sound.” 9781641602730 As Dylan told Playboy in 1978, the closest he ever came to capturing that sound was during the Blonde on Pub Date: 5/5/20 On Sale Date: 5/5/20 Blonde sessions, where the voice of a generation was backed by musicians of the highest order. $18.99 USD Discount Code: LON Contributor Bio Trade Paperback Daryl Sanders is a music journalist who has worked for music publications covering Nashville since 1976, 256 Pages including Hank , the Metro, Bone and the Nashville Musician . He has written about music for the Tennessean , 15 B&W Photos Insert Nashville Scene , City Paper (Nashville), and the East Nashvillian .
“Whiskey in the Jar”: History and Transformation of a Classic Irish Song Masters Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of
“Whiskey in the Jar”: History and Transformation of a Classic Irish Song Masters Thesis Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Dana DeVlieger, B.A., M.A. Graduate Program in Music The Ohio State University 2016 Thesis Committee: Graeme M. Boone, Advisor Johanna Devaney Anna Gawboy Copyright by Dana Lauren DeVlieger 2016 Abstract “Whiskey in the Jar” is a traditional Irish song that is performed by musicians from many different musical genres. However, because there are influential recordings of the song performed in different styles, from folk to punk to metal, one begins to wonder what the role of the song’s Irish heritage is and whether or not it retains a sense of Irish identity in different iterations. The current project examines a corpus of 398 recordings of “Whiskey in the Jar” by artists from all over the world. By analyzing acoustic markers of Irishness, for example an Irish accent, as well as markers of other musical traditions, this study aims explores the different ways that the song has been performed and discusses the possible presence of an “Irish feel” on recordings that do not sound overtly Irish. ii Dedication Dedicated to my grandfather, Edward Blake, for instilling in our family a love of Irish music and a pride in our heritage iii Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor, Graeme Boone, for showing great and enthusiasm for this project and for offering advice and support throughout the process. I would also like to thank Johanna Devaney and Anna Gawboy for their valuable insight and ideas for future directions and ways to improve.
LES MONDES CELTES sélection de la Bibliothèque de Toulouse dans le cadre du festival Rio Loco 2016 Introduction 7 sommaire Qu’est-ce que les mondes celtiques ? 8 Racines et patrimoine 10 Bretagne 66 Musique ! 10 • Musique ! 66 Cultures vivantes 13 • Cultures vivantes 74 • Civilisations celtes 13 • Littératures et récits de voyage 75 • Religions 16 • Arts et cinéma 80 • Traditions et symboles 17 • Jeune public : 81 Littératures et récits de voyages 19 contes et découvertes • Récits de voyages 23 Europe et ailleurs 84 Arts et cinéma 24 Europe 84 Jeune public : 26 Espagne : Asturies et Galice 84 contes et découvertes Asturies 84 Royaume-Uni 30 • Musique ! 84 Écosse 30 Galice 85 • Musique ! 30 • Musique ! 85 • Cultures vivantes 36 • Cinéma 86 • Littératures et récits de voyage 37 Italie : Vallée d’Aoste 87 • Arts et cinéma 39 • Musique ! 87 • Jeune public : 40 Ailleurs en Europe 87 contes et découvertes • Musique ! 87 Île de Man 41 • Cultures vivantes 88 • Musique ! 41 • Jeune public : 89 • Cultures vivantes 41 contes et découvertes Pays de Galles 42 Ailleurs 89 • Musique ! 42 • Musique ! 89 • Cultures vivantes 44 • Littératures 92 • Littératures 44 Cornouailles 45 ZOOM SUR… • Musique ! 45 La cornemuse 11 • Jeune public : 47 Les langues celtiques 13 contes et découvertes Jean Markale 18 Irlande 48 La Légende arthurienne 19 • Musique ! 48 Ken Loach 63 • Cultures vivantes 57 Lexique 93 • Littératures et récits de voyage 58 Remerciements 99 • Arts et cinéma 61 • Jeune public : 63 contes et découvertes Introduction 7 sommaire Qu’est-ce que les
EASY UPPER BRIDGEBRIDGE 09–10/2010 04/2010 | | EXTRA EXTRA ARTICLES ARTICLES TRAVELFOOD / MUSIC ENGLISH INTERMEDIATE Monuments, Monsters & Music Shane MacGowan singing – or shouting – A trip to his heart out in Moscow Moscow to see the Pogues In August 2010, the famous English-Irish folk-punk band, the Pogues, played their very first gig in eastern Europe. The chance to see my favourite band play live and visit Moscow at the same time seemed irresistible. Just when I was planning my trip, a disastrous heat wave hit Russia; the country battled with countless fires, and people were escaping from Moscow shrouded2 in thick, unbreathable smog. Keeping my eyes on the unchanging weather forecast, I wondered if the gig would be cancelled and the whole adventure would turn into a fiasco. But then, just a few days before my departure, the tropical heat gave way to cold and wet. So I set out to enjoy a bit of late autumn in the middle of summer. When it was not raining, it was at least dark grey with icy wind, but despite that, I headed out to explore the must-sees of the Red Square and Kremlin. I had been looking forward to the vast expense of the famous square, but the space was totally messed up3 with bleachers4 and fences5. The reason? An upcoming international festival of military bands. The only thing sweetening it up was a photo of a Scottish piper6 on one of the promo posters – a guy in kilt on the background of Lenin’s mausoleum is not a sight you see every day.
{PDF EPUB} Pogue Mahone Kiss My Arse the Story of the Pogues by Carol Clerk Pogue Mahone Kiss My Arse: the Story of the Pogues by Carol Clerk
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Pogue Mahone Kiss My Arse The Story of the Pogues by Carol Clerk Pogue Mahone Kiss My Arse: The Story of the Pogues by Carol Clerk. The Introduction is available here. Enjoy. Carol Clerk, former News Editor of Melody Maker , has turned her attention to The Pogues. She’s interviewed Shane MacGowan, Spider Stacy, Jem Finer, Philip Chevron, Darryl Hunt, Andrew Ranken, James Fearnley, Terry Woods, and various colleagues, friends and fans. This intimate look behind the music describes their arguments, drunken spats, love affairs, the marriage of Cait and Elvis Costello, the death of Kirsty MacColl, the illnesses, the drugs, the sackings, the legal actions and through it all their passion for music. The book was released in the United Kingdom in October, 2006. ISBN 1.84609.008.3. Published by Omnibus Press. Pogue Mahone Kiss My Arse: The Story of the Pogues by Carol Clerk. He looks up from the dinner he’s been picking at, drops his knife with an enormous clang, and stares an unblinking, pale-blue stare that’s accusing, terrifying. Shane MacGowan has forgotten all about our appointment, the one we arranged in a phone call two days ago. He has forgotten everything he’s been told by various other Pogues who for weeks, helpfully, have been suggesting to him that he might co-operate with this biography. Certainly, he has forgotten the trail of false starts and aborted interviews that have littered the way to our meeting here this evening. The instructions had been vague enough to be worrying: “I’ll be in The Boogaloo on Thursday night.” “Somewhere between nine o’clock and midnight.” The Boogaloo, described by GQ magazine as “the sweetest little juke-joint in all the world”, is a pub and a venue for live music and literary celebration, high up in north London on the Archway Road.
VENTURING IN THE SLIPSTREAM THE PLACES OF VAN MORRISON’S SONGWRITING Geoff Munns BA, MLitt, MEd (hons), PhD (University of New England) A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Western Sydney University, October 2019. Statement of Authentication The work presented in this thesis is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, original except as acknowledged in the text. I hereby declare that I have not submitted this material, either in full or in part, for a degree at this or any other institution. .............................................................. Geoff Munns ii Abstract This thesis explores the use of place in Van Morrison’s songwriting. The central argument is that he employs place in many of his songs at lyrical and musical levels, and that this use of place as a poetic and aural device both defines and distinguishes his work. This argument is widely supported by Van Morrison scholars and critics. The main research question is: What are the ways that Van Morrison employs the concept of place to explore the wider themes of his writing across his career from 1965 onwards? This question was reached from a critical analysis of Van Morrison’s songs and recordings. A position was taken up in the study that the songwriter’s lyrics might be closely read and appreciated as song texts, and this reading could offer important insights into the scope of his life and work as a songwriter. The analysis is best described as an analytical and interpretive approach, involving a simultaneous reading and listening to each song and examining them as speech acts.
England 2 Colombia 0 Electric Rentbook Issue 5 - September 2000 Winners 2 Discs I (each) 8 Ashville Terrace, Cross Hills, Keigh/ey, West Yorkshire, 8020 7LQ. Email: e/ectric.rentbook@talk2l .com Electric Rentman: Graham Scaife Contributors: Thomas Ovens Richard Ellis Ross McMichael Printers: Dixon Target, 21-25 Main Street, Cross Hills, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 STX. ongratulations to Steve Jones of Camborne in CCornwall and Jonathan Oak/ey from St. Acknowledgements: Neots in Cambridgeshire. Thank you to the following good They were the lucky winners of our competition to win a signed promo copy of England 2 Colombia O. people: Highly collectable, due to the fact that it isn't going Kirsty MacColI without whom to be released commercially. this fanzine would definitely not Thank you to all the people who entered the be possible. competition, once again a terrific response, and Lisa-Jane Musselbrook at Major don't despair if you weren't a winner this time Minor Management, for her because coming up in future issues of Electric Rentbook we'll have more chances to win Kirsty continued support and help above goodies. and beyond the call of duty. Pete Glenister for taking time out The answers to the questions are as follows:- to answer my questions . I. Kirsty's first single, which was successfully covered by Tracey Ullman was They Don't Know. Teletext on Channel 4 for the 2. A New England was a cover of Billy Bragg's reviews of all issues of ER thus far. song. David Hyde for continued use of 3.
Key - $ = US Number One (1959-date), ✮ UK Million Seller, ➜ Still in Top 75 at this time. A line in red 12 Dec 98 Take Me There (Blackstreet & Mya featuring Mase & Blinky Blink) 7 9 indicates a Number 1, a line in blue indicate a Top 10 hit. 10 Jul 99 Get Ready 32 4 20 Nov 04 Welcome Back/Breathe Stretch Shake 29 2 MARXMAN Total Hits : 8 Total Weeks : 45 Anglo-Irish male rap/vocal/DJ group - Stephen Brown, Hollis Byrne, Oisin Lunny and DJ K One 06 Mar 93 All About Eve 28 4 MASH American male session vocal group - John Bahler, Tom Bahler, Ian Freebairn-Smith and Ron Hicklin 01 May 93 Ship Ahoy 64 1 10 May 80 Theme From M*A*S*H (Suicide Is Painless) 1 12 Total Hits : 2 Total Weeks : 5 Total Hits : 1 Total Weeks : 12 MARY JANE GIRLS American female vocal group, protégées of Rick James, made up of Cheryl Ann Bailey, Candice Ghant, MASH! Joanne McDuffie, Yvette Marine & Kimberley Wuletich although McDuffie was the only singer who Anglo-American male/female vocal group appeared on the records 21 May 94 U Don't Have To Say U Love Me 37 2 21 May 83 Candy Man 60 4 04 Feb 95 Let's Spend The Night Together 66 1 25 Jun 83 All Night Long 13 9 Total Hits : 2 Total Weeks : 3 08 Oct 83 Boys 74 1 18 Feb 95 All Night Long (Remix) 51 1 MASON Dutch male DJ/producer Iason Chronis, born 17/1/80 Total Hits : 4 Total Weeks : 15 27 Jan 07 Perfect (Exceeder) (Mason vs Princess Superstar) 3 16 MARY MARY Total Hits : 1 Total Weeks : 16 American female vocal duo - sisters Erica (born 29/4/72) & Trecina (born 1/5/74) Atkins-Campbell 10 Jun 00 Shackles (Praise You)