NCPHRF - CURRENT FLEET ROSTER This Roster represents the information on file for boats with a current NCPHRF certificate. If the boat you are looking for is not listed, their certificate is either not current or not yet updated to the list. You can contact the YRA office to verify a boat not found on this list at
[email protected] or via phone at 415.771.9500. This list is updated monthly. As of: 8/28/2018 Foretriangle: Main: Symmetric Spin. Asymmetric Spin. Hull Displacement/Keel EnginelProp Modifications Boat Model Rating I ISP P MGU Yes/No Yes/No ASF LOA Ttl Disp. Traps/H. Strps Max Headsail IB or OB (Type) J JSP E MGM Boat Name Sail # Built SL SPL SLU ASA LWL Ballast moveable blst Prop Type DW Rating Mast Material PY SSMG SSA SLE Sprit Lngth Max Beam MSA Ballast Mat. Keel Type # of blades Disp/WL Ratio Rig Type EY SSF ASMG Fixed or _o Max Draft 42.1 41.5 5.5 25 34.5 (mtg 2/18/10, -3 sec/mi for headsail 007 J 105 ODR w/ 5'BS112 78 1995 40.6 No Yes IB 100 7750 No larger than 100%) 13.5 19.07 14.5 9.4 48.8 862 29.5 595 3400 1 FOLD ALUMN 0 38.7 5 11 358 Lead FIXED 2 137 FS 0 23.3 6.5 1FA J 70 ODR534 114 2014 26.77 30.15 26.16 4.71 No Yes 18.7 22.75 100 1750 0 OB 7.68 13.5 9.44 6.93 35.43 491 20.47 611 630 1 None CARBON 28.87 5.1 7.38 164 Lead MVBL 93 FS 18.24 0 4.92 35 40.25 5.34 33.16 (+3 sec/mi credit for 125% or Abba-Zaba Tartan 108112 129 1979 35 Yes No IB 125 6700 0 smaller headsail) 12 13.75 8.86 35 12 27 628 3340 1 FOLD ALUMN 0 21.6 630 0 9.25 331 Lead FIXED 2 155 FS 0 21.6 5.83 Abigail Morgan Express 27 ODR18394 129 1985 28.5 28.5